[Q] Can i change android Midi Soundfont bank? - General Questions and Answers

i searched anywhere my phone midi sound bank islame with alot of echo..
i made midi ringtones so i want better midi bank
thanks for anwers
p.s my phone is sony xperia live


Poly phonic Ring Tones on Pocket PC.

Salam & Hello to every one,
:idea: Any Friend no that which software or through which metod we used poly phonic ring tones in pocket pc this help is for every one.
I also read that PDA 2k has bulit in software to use poly phonic midi in PDA 2k & Imate Jam has built in or not I don't no. Please don't ask convert the ring tone from midi to pocket pc format.
I want to use direct poly ring tones midi because they small in size like 3 or 4k but after converstion they are increased tooooo much . :?:
afaik All Himalaya / Blue Angel & Magician devices are capable of playing Midi files as ringtone. The possibilites are limited by whats in the midi file.
Personally I prefer wav or wma 'ringtones', they sound 'real'.

PPC as MIDI device (MIDI to USB Cable)

after playing aroung with my HTC touch for a while as a Musician I found it rather useful e.g. to tune, as metronome, while what I really like would be to use it as a simple MIDI sequencer being able to playback (and maybe record) from my keyboards.
Now after extensive research, I found that there was a solution years ago for the IPaq bus no discussion going on over the last four years.
But given that today there are dozens of MIDI to USB solutions available I was asking myself how difficult it would be to make such a cable which would really be a great deal for making this possible.
My results so far:
There was an adaptor Serial-MIDI for PPC (http://home.datacomm.ch/walter.schurter/Bilder/PocketPC_MIDI_Adapter.jpg)
The MPORT Solution for IPAQ seem to not exist anymore (http://www.han-d-solutions.com/mport.htm) (Description see here: http://www.worldofppc.com/HWTests/mporte.htm)
So maybe a new attempt might be feasible these days? Or anyone had some success looking for MIDI on a PDA?
Not for external MIDI, but the Griff sequencer is a portable virtual studio for Pocket Windows devices.
Has virtual instruments and effects, and got a good review in Sound on Sound some years back.
More info, here
Yeah, that sounds nice indeed, even though not exactly what I want, It would really be convenient to just connect it to a midi keyboard and really have a on the go music making solution, but it seems too much to ask for!
rock on johannes
I reckon your idea would require USB host functionality in your PPC, which it probably lacks.

[Q]Streaming my music over internet (Orb, Simplify media)

I'm searching a program to stream my music from my computer trough the internet. I know there was Simplify Media which was probably the best software ever to do that (they were bought by google) and also ORB but they don't have a gingerbread compatible app.
So do you guys know another solution?

[Q] FM transmitter on Xperia C

Hello everyone,
I know that my Xperia C has a built in FM transmitter that allows me to stream music to my car stereo.
anybody has a clue how to activate, or where to find this tansmitter?? I searched a lot in the settings but coudln't find any option to activate the FM transmitter!!
@malybru please move this to xperia C Q&A
I don't know if we do
But if so
I hope we know how to use it because it's so useful

Stream YouTube Music on Adroid using AudioCast M5

AudioCast M5 is positioend as the replacement for portable steramers now when Gooble no longer produces the Chromecast Audio. It seems like a functioanl and robust unit but for some reasons it only supports YouTube Music if you run iOS! A lot of other services are supported by it on Android such as Spotify, Tidal etc.
The reason for the need is that I do listen a lot to YouTube Music and I want to steam it to my old HiFi since the sound is much better than most moderna equipment that stream via Bluetooth, both Cromecast Audio and Audiocast has a line out with 3.5mm plug so you can play on your HiFi even if it is a few years old.
Can someone help me to get around this?
It is really sad that Chromecast Audio is no longer around since it was cheap and worked great but I presume Google decided it was no longer a lucrative product
Go to https://audiocast.io for information about the M5
Any update from anyone? Strange that noone has reacted. Now I'm also (via another channel) ensuring the Swedish national television and radio support it so it will be even more versatile. Expect that (SVT/SVR) support to be out in a month

