[Q] Interactive Book features - Other Tools & General Discussion

Im new here. Im no develper.
Im writing a book and I would like to release it in digital, to be read in tablets.
The point is that I want it to be a interactive book. So it will not only be text.
I have some ideas in mind that I would like to know if it is possible, here it goes:
1 - Animated GIFs among the text.
2 - Button lins in some words. For example, you click the name of a charcater written in the text and then a pop up shows up with his photo.
3 - Interactive images. Think about a landscape where you could click the elements to show up information about them. Like when you click a cow it shows info about the animal.
4 - Sounds to be played when you click a button among the text.
5 - Music that plays while you are reading and changes depending on the page you are.
It must be after all a book, same format as a book, but with these features.
Now, it is possible? How difficult it would be to make this? Would be necessary advanced knowledge in programming? Any suggestions?
There is already any app platform that allows me doind that? What devices could fit such a thing? Tablets in general? Do you think it would be a worthy project? Viable?
Sorry if I sound too lay but Im a writter not a programmer.


Settlers of Catan

Hey there,
There is a Settlers of Catan game for the iPhone. I'm wondering if anyone knew of that game being ported to Android any time soon? All I can find for Android is the 'Better Settlers' which helps with setting up the board.
Thanks in advance for any info!
shameless "bump!"
I would guess there would be copyright issues or some such :S
well you could try developing your own game..
I'd like to see settlers of catan on this platform too!
Me too, if someone is interested in doing the gameplay, maybe graphics, or whatever else. I would be happy to do the development.
Doesn't neccessarily have to be clone as such, it can have similar gameplay. Try playing something like Travian, it's similar but not exact.
It's a game I'd love to have on my phone . . . don't know it well enough to have a go at dev, but I'd be happy to alpha/beta/gamma test if someone gave it a crack . . .
there was a flash game i found a while ago - never got it working on my mogul though. Also I could help with graphics if a new game was designed
I'd love a SoC game for my Evo. Any new info on this?
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk + Swype
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
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mesasone said:
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Agreed. This would be an awesome
Multi-player app especially if you could save and resume a game. You'd almost have to have one person host the game so the data is all housed on one SD card.
Other thoughts are the ability to change the rules before starting, built in chat and or push to talk functionality, bartering alerts, next turn alerts, review of score and previous actions, the list goes on.
If someone is serious about developing this then I am totally willing to help think it through and create graphics. Send me a PM.
Sent from my HTC Vogue FroYo using XDA App
Settlers of Catan Android game in the works
I've been having a dabble with android development and have been working on a Settlers of Catan game as it is such a great game and it's a good way to learn android dev.
I'm ready to admit that someone might beat me to it, whether by making the iphone version available to android or whatever, but still if anyone is interested in a) helping out on the project b) doing some testing or c) pimping the game, let me know! You can contact me on cettlersofsatan at gmail dot com.
It's currently in SVN online in a single user repository. But I would happily move it to Google Code or something if others were interested.
I'm as eager as everyone else to see this project pull through. And stone do NOT lose faith. It is always better to have an option then only one option for a game/app.
I have assembled a list of people who expressed interest in helping:
stoneskin - work in progress
niknah - dev
Willuknight - graphics
ii Candor ii - graphics/thinktank
DJGibbon - test
You guys should really get together especially with stone and get cracking! Heard some good ideas and plenty of offers to help. The XDA community NEEDS A SETTLERS!
Thanks guys!
I'd love to help too. I don't think can commit the time to help with development though. Real life is just too hectic lately. However, I'd love to help testing.
If the time opens up, I'm interested in helping with development.
As to graphics, just no skills to bring to the table. Although, I did have a thought last night on this subject. The game might be more playable with simpler graphics. Instead of trying to have an understandable picture of sheep/ore/... on the hexes, just use colors. Light green for wool/sheep, dark green or brown for lumber, goldenrod/yellow for wheat, dark grey for ore and dark red for brick.
Work in progress!
Gino, Latenk, thanks for the feedback. Here's the deal.
I agree, simple graphics to start with, I've uploaded a screenshot, but before anyone analyses it too much , let me state what I want from the project initially.
1) The basic game (i.e. no expansions) in full.
2) Multi-player (up to 4 initially) or single-player (with AI) on one phone.
3) Basic graphics, but a clean separation in implementation so that the graphics, special effects, zoom, board rotation, whatever the monkey-magic one wants, can be added ON TOP OF the rest of the app.
4) Game is free (shouldn't be any copyright issues right?) and would be great if it could get onto Android Market or equivalent.
5) Open source?
I hate graphics, hate the tweaking, fiddling, pixel-adjusting and so on, so I've knocked up the simplest GUI imaginable. I've slapped on a handful of buttons which as you can see, have rubbish little text labels - RD = Roll Dice (in one of the screenshots it's displaying the number rolled), BR/BS/BC are build road/settlement/city, MR = Move Robber, C=Cancel, D=Done, X=exit.
In these shots I'm not even playing a game, I'm in a test mode where I'm just free-building. My colour is white. So a hex-side is painted white for a road, the small circles are settlements, the large circle is a city. The large red circle is me selecting a vertices. As you can see, the current player (Bob) has no resources (free-building) but resources are laid out with shoddy little cards.
So the graphics are v. poor. But I'm not too concerned right about it right now.
Where have I got to?
I've got the basic 'model' in place. That is the game model that maintains hexes, vertices, hex-sides and their roads/settlements/cities.
I haven't even touched on AI, ports, trading.
I'm trying to build the app cleanly, so the views have no concrete knowledge of the game model, and any calls to it are interfaced out.
But this is my first Android app, so I'm learning from scratch, possibly comitting all sorts of Android crimes.
I'm a full-time .Net developer, so I'm kinda fitting this in around job/family and so on, so progress is slow.
Here are my thoughts. I'll aim to get this to a clean/stable state within the next week or so, then if others want to get involved in dev I'll create a Google Code project (or equivalent) and sort it out from there.
I'm currently building against 1.6 because I have an X10 mini. It would be great to support up to the latest API versions.
Ok, uploading the images now. Graphics ARE AWFUL but I'm focussing on the game at the moment.
By the way, if anyone knows what licensing/copyright issues there are with something like this please let me know. I've currently called the project 'Cettlers of Satan' 'cos that made me smile. If rights issues meant it can't go through market places then so be it, but would be great if someone could research this.
Haha, you know that is a basic layout but gets the job done! What you could do is have the game map be at least twice as large as say the resolution of a N1 screen. Enable finger scrolling and/or pinch to zoom (comlpex perhaps but a thought) and let people move around the game map as needed. That'd allow for better graphics, larger maps, and a larger feel to the game. The HUD could possibly go up either side of the game map. In fact I'd say make landscape mode MANDATORY so you have the extra real estate.
Check this out: http://games.asobrain.com/
That is what I envision this game like. That game is everything this game COULD be and he even found ways around copyright. Check that game out, play a round or two and it will give you plenty to think about/use as inspiration. Obviously no need to copy, but you can use it for ideas.
Lastly, the previous statement someone made about notifications is pure gold. Allow people to play their turns then pass to the next with a notification appearing. Great ideas.
I've been there before, but a while ago and he's closed all unactive accounts and stopped registration unfortunately.
If you are a member maybe you could upload a couple of screenshots or explain to me how the GUI works in more detail.
I love the idea of finger scrolling/pinch/zoom etc. I'm gonna give some of that a go tomorrow. But like I say, what I'm initially trying to achieve is
in a clean separation. So any visual representation would be possible. I'll try and knock out some basic zoom/finger scroll effects just to convince myself that my rudimentary framework will hold together.
Thanks for the quick feedback mate.
This shows the basic layout, how it all works, the HUD and such. Again this would have to be adjusted for the handheld, but in general it looks and works great!
In the top left is a pane for the players in the game. It shows Player Name, Player Color, a count of the cards in the players hand, any held and/or played D cards. This pane can be hidden if the player wishes.
The pane on the bottom left shows all things the plyer can buy and what it takes for the player to buy them. (in the android version I imagine this being a tab you can bring up to buy/see what you need and have.
Below that pane is Played Cards, and Table cards which speak for themselves.
Of course along the bottom you see your hand.
On the bottom right you have 3 buttons, claim victory, trade, and end turn.
And of course you see the dice.
Top right is the chat box.
All of this again is simply for inspiration and not for copying. This gives you a great idea of a fleshed out game and how it could look on a handset.
This is a trade window.
Two things of note here. First notice the top left. WHen a player gets cards on a roll, they show up face up for a brief moment. GREAT idea if possible to implement something similar.
Secondly, bottom right is what appears to be a chart. That shows how many times a number has been rolled. This is more advanced than what we'd need, but an interesting idea and prob easy to implement.
Now on this one a couple things to point out. Look at how they do cities and roads. Similar to what you've suggested. I was thinking maybe circles with symbols on the top (kind of like tokens or markers). Of course maybe more intricate and detailed models could be added later.
Also, that speech bubble that popped up shows where the person played their road or city or settlement. This is ESSENTIAL in some form or another on this game. Plan to include SOMETHING like it.
And lastly, this picture shows what it looks like when a person trades succesfully. Again not necessary but certainly handy.
I must repeat again that I DO NOT CONDONE OUTRIGHT PLAGIARISM with anything Asobrain has done. This is purely for inspiration and research. This should give you PLENTY of ideas!
I've got tons!
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
GinoAMelone said:
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
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1. Agreed, the desert should be a tan, and wheat clearly a gold.
2. Also agree. It cannot even closely resemble Settlers. We can worry about the name when we have a game worth naming (I was thinking something like Travista, or something resembling travelers).
3. That is why it'd also be prudent to include a pinch to zoom or zoom controls. Let the player get in close if they wish, or let them sit way back and view it all from a distance.
4. Agreed. Simple yet elegant/complex in its design is what I'd like to see. Again give the player the option of getting as complicated as they wish. This can be easily accomplished with tabs that the player can pull out as needed. The only thing that should remain on the screen is the players hand, and a few essential buttons. Look at a game called PocketEmpires, use that idea for assembling tabs. I do feel that certain tabs should be entirely devoted to one type of action (like a building tab).
5. Once you have a basic game framework laid, you can work on making it work across the board and with all devices. The dev should focus on getting it to work native first, then move onward. As for a p2p network GREAT IDEA! If there is a way we can link this either by device or via a server that'd be the best way. Allow players to run through an entire game, or let players take their turns and move on to another player (IE pass it back and forth via notifications, similar to how Scrabble works on the iPhone).
I only wish I knew any code/dev tools to help with. All these ideas and nothing to do about it!

[Q] Awesome Apps/Widgets ideas!!!

I'm new here and I see a very smart guys around...I would like you to challange to give me some new, fresh ideas of apps/widgets. Doesn't matter how strage, crazy or funny is!
Can you do this?
Best regards
1) A srollable widget in witch you can place icons or other widgets so it acts like an app drawer
2) An app that can control an other android device like a remote control (already there for pc's). For axample: you can control your tablet that is connected to a tv.
As you said idea may sound crazy so would be great if you develop an app that cover the naked bodies when a porn website is opened on your device.
MrAsk said:
As you said idea may sound crazy so would be great if you develop an app that cover the naked bodies when a porn website is opened on your device.
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MrAsk said:
As you said idea may sound crazy so would be great if you develop an app that cover the naked bodies when a porn website is opened on your device.
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I don't think that would be possible with an application.
I think thats more of something that would need to be developed by the website owners.
Lukehluke said:
I don't think that would be possible with an application.
I think thats more of something that would need to be developed by the website owners.
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You obviously know nothing of image recognition. That's actually quite a simple task, for a seasoned developer, using existing (and publicly available) libraries.
Maybe not actual clothing, but it could certainly cover nudity.
make a widget 1x1, 2x1, 4x1 size (or any suitable) that shows missed call count, unread sms and emails
should display something like:
(in 1 row) 2 calls, 1 sms, 2 emails
(in a column)
2 calls
1 sms
2 emails
instead of text, put small icons
then ability to hide if count is zero or change color if number is greater than zero.
don't forget to have ability to choose email inbox (if many are used)
for 2x1 widget, add ability to have battery percentage display and next alarm (this can easily fit if icons for missed, unread "stuff" is used)
The idea is to have a small, yet very informative widget that packs only important information: missed call, unread sms and email, battery level, next alarm. and ability to configure each information (color, position, icon, ability to hide)
I'm sure if this is implemented (or at least 50%), people will like it!
Nothing crazy but just a music control widget (► Play ▌▌ Pause ■ Stop) for google listen and maybe a universal control for whatever is playing at the moment.
Great!!! Keep it up!!!
Thank you guys!!! Very nice.
You are creative minds, more ideas, please, come on!!!
I would like to develop a very good application, original, useful and funny and can offer a prize (like money) for the best idea.
I think I can set up a "Top 20" Ideas and to the first 3 some to offer prizes.
What do you think?
Best regards
chvvkumar said:
Nothing crazy but just a music control widget (► Play ▌▌ Pause ■ Stop) for google listen and maybe a universal control for whatever is playing at the moment.
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What do you mean google listen? Can more detailed explain?
Beast regards
Kikvorsman said:
1) A srollable widget in witch you can place icons or other widgets so it acts like an app drawer
2) An app that can control an other android device like a remote control (already there for pc's). For axample: you can control your tablet that is connected to a tv.
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1. Do you mean a launcher? There are some very good launchers (LauncherPro).
2. Like an Android Remote Control (something like VNC or Remote Desktop)?
Beast regards
I have one, and that, is to create music controls from the notification bar. Not sure if it involves a widget ;/ but would be great if someone could make it possible.
From a device that's quite unique. The backflip.
Doesn't simi folder widget already cover 1?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Augmented reality?
What about augmented reality? Some ideas? What is your opinion about it?
Something using sensors, camera, gps?
No offense - if some people know more than others, it doesn't mean they have got a license to degrade others. Come on add some wit and real fun in your lives too. He said go crazy and give ideas, every body participated just like I did. At least my words made some of you smile and I believe what I wanted, I got.
I just wrote to make such application in fun; but since now top 3 ideas gonna have some prize too, so I'm gonna think deeply after my Monday's exam Chill folks.
MrAsk said:
No offense - if some people know more than others, it doesn't mean they have got a license to degrade others. Come on add some wit and real fun in your lives too. He said go crazy and give ideas, every body participated just like I did. At least my words made some of you smile and I believe what I wanted, I got.
I just wrote to make such application in fun; but since now top 3 ideas gonna have some prize too, so I'm gonna think deeply after my Monday's exam Chill folks.
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Very good!!! Do it!!! And thank you!
Best regard
I'm looking for a app that fixes Parse Issues! Sometimes when I'm "Trying" to Install Certain Apps I've Downloaded I Can't... Because I get that Stupid "Parse Message"!
Sent from my Hero using XDA App
[Q] about Gun bros
I am motorola milestone user and I use CM7 11-02-18 's ROM. I have problem with GUN BROS game I can not play it.I can open the game but when the game try loading to begin it crash to desktop .Someone help me please.i like this game.
thank you
Please please please please please make a Google Talk widget! Tons of people want this but it seems like no one is up for making a widget.
A good widget would maybe being able to view your messages or quickly reply to messages using the widget without launching gTalk itself.
Going further, maybe a better gTalk client in itself that allows for popup windows and quick replies. There are tons of apps/widgets like this for SMS, just wish gTalk got some love as it is used fairly widely.
I'd say it would be a surefire way to rake in some dough as there is absolutely no competition on the market. There is only client available is the official gTalk client (not counting multi-protocol IM clients) and only 1 gTalk widget on the market (status changer).
How about the ability to take a picture of documents with your camera and be able to use the data in excel. Sort of a text to column app using your camera. $$$

[app requests]

I've seen a few App Requests posted as threads here, and I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread dedicated to act as a catchall for App Requests. I gather that we have Dev Dudes from major tech corps roaming around these halls, so why not have a list of apps we want as consumers easily available to them!
I'll kick things off with these requests:
-A good, integrated guitar/bass tuner with metronome and practice timer(s)
-Adobe Camera RAW interface
-Adobe Bridge for tablets
-VLC Player for tablets
-DJ mixing software that can use headphone output and HDMI [audio] separately for cue/mix output
Feel free to point us to apps that fill requests as they are developed or if they have existed before the request
Way to develop/compile your own android programs.... (or at least just do the developping/autocomplete, etc would be AWESOME!) and well. an app that could launch a ubuntu distro
sackofnoise said:
Way to develop/compile your own android programs.... (or at least just do the developping/autocomplete, etc would be AWESOME!) and well. an app that could launch a ubuntu distro
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Check this out: http://appinventor.googlelabs.com/about/
I'd like an app that you can instantly take a snapshot of the screen or take a camera snapshot and start to annotate on it right away, e.g you were browsing and came across something of interest and you want to add your own comments and underline or mark a specific area.
I know this can be done using repligo or ezpdf however it will involve a few steps to achieve using the Asus's in built snapshot feature and then converting the document to pdf in order to annotate but I want something instant without having to convert the file first, similar to htc flyers note taking app.
Can't you do this with Evernote? I just downloaded this last night but it seems really slick.
HasC said:
I'd like an app that you can instantly take a snapshot of the screen or take a camera snapshot and start to annotate on it right away, e.g you were browsing and came across something of interest and you want to add your own comments and underline or mark a specific area.
I know this can be done using repligo or ezpdf however it will involve a few steps to achieve using the Asus's in built snapshot feature and then converting the document to pdf in order to annotate but I want something instant without having to convert the file first, similar to htc flyers note taking app.
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I want a great football (soccer that is!) game! Fifa 12 or something! or Sometihng like Sensible Soccer, I tried tiny football but its not that great.
npompei said:
Can't you do this with Evernote? I just downloaded this last night but it seems really slick.
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Unfortunately, you cannot annotate using evernote although it is fantastic for taking notes, i use it at work at meetings. I want to be able to take a snapshot of the meeting agenda which is usually printed and then start to add notes against agenda items.
I'm just going to make a list of the things I think will make this brilliant - I'm a very small time developer, and don't have the skills to do these, unfortunately:
Something similar to Microsoft Onenote - Drawing/notes/annotations all in one
"Phone Sync" where you pick up your tablet, and it also becomes your phone for SMS, MMS, Calls, and you can share clipboards between the two - This would be brilliant!
Decent Twitter and Facebook widgets
Modified Launcher with resizable widgets, folders - ideally, LauncherPro optimised for Honeycomb.
I'd like to see the Monkey Island games and some of the old Cinemaware titles such as Defender Of The Crown on Android.
TonyHarrison said:
I'd like to see the Monkey Island games and some of the old Cinemaware titles such as Defender Of The Crown on Android.
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You can play the monkey island games nicely using ScummVM.
I designed an Android app for tablet which I think would be pretty easy to make, UI, name, logo and all, but... I'm not a programmer. Also I believe this will be an app which would be handy for a lot of people.
Since I designed, thought of and branded the app I really don't just want to give the idea away to anyone, but if any app developer is interested feel free to contact me and I could explain the concept to them.
PS: I don't want a share of the profits or to get paid for it or anything like that, all I would want is to find a developer who could do justice to not only the concept but also to the design since there are so many well functioning but terrible looking android apps.
Excellent posts!
Thanks for the interest and the activity on the thread!
I'm watching a thread where a couple Asus dev dudes have actually weighed in on an issue users are having, so I'm gonna see if I can't point them to this one so we'll have some ears that can make a difference. Hopefully some [all?] of the ideas here will filter thru and become reality!
Kudos to everyone!
I'd like an app that can sync via bluetooth (not via the web/cloud), incoming sms messages/caller id/missed call info, from an android phone directly to the transformer with notifications.
I know there are lots which do it via the web, but this isn't an option for me (pre-pay sim not contract).
Another idea for an app, don't know if possible to implement or not. When browsing google search results it would be nice to have an app that lets you see how many kilobytes or megabytes a website requires you to download, before you accessed the page. So that mobile users can see how much data is required and can manage their free allowance better, or not be charged a fortune.
A media player app that can
1. have gesture controls like moboplayer
2. have good codec support like moboplayer
3. can stream from server
4. and can hide the honeycomb taskbar!!!!
Settlers of Catan map generator
Would be cool to see a Settlers of Catan map generator with support for Seafarers, Cities and Knights, Harbours and a roll counter.
did it ever occur to anyone that now that there is a keyboard and mouse capabilities that someone should port an fps to the transformer?
I would love an app/widget that monitored the battery of both the Transformer and the keyboard dock. It's almost impossible to tell how much juice is left in the keyboard. If someone knows of an app/widget or a built-in way to do that, please let me know.
Edit: I would also love to see a folder app that integrates data from the Market, so if I download a game, it automatically adds it to the Games folder, etc.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Eye-Fi for Android
I'd like to see a version of the EyeFi manager/control center for Android
still hunting for the torrent app to work with private torrents
alternate keyboard
since the dock is still in short supply it would be nice to have the ability to use my android phone as a keyboard/trackpad for my transformer through bluetooth or something. the entire screen could be a landscape keyboard that you could swipe down to access trackpad.

Drawing app comparison chart

[edit] posted a link to the correct version of the drive doc.
Started a document to list out all the drawing apps on android and list out what they can and cant do. Would like help in filling it out as I dont own all of them and havent found all the functions on those that I do own yet.
My aim is to have a comprehensive list of all the apps and functions to be able to identify what the most appropriate suite of apps for my specific work flow
was going to use google drive but it turns out it is a bit rubbish though and i cant even format the headers to be vertical. went with my office.com instead. that cant do verticle text either. can anyone suggest a tool that I can share this file with that will allow me to put it in a readable and usable format?
Pretty disheartened with this. Had a fair amount of requests to edit which meant I linked the wrong file (will fix that tonight, cant do that at work). Had a busy weekend with movies and meals, a whole day in london etc... so hadnt had a chance to fix the link.
Given how poor google docs is, i may put up a template for people to fill out and then post pictures of the excel version of the sheet as it is in a far friendlier format.
want to help but hate using drive?... fill in the blanks... thanks
App name
Max resolution
Import jpg
import png
import psd
import vector
export jpeg
export png
export psd
customise brushes
tuxture brushes
new brushes
Bucket fill
Max Layers
Colour Layer
Overlay Layer
Mask / Clipping
Name Layer
Rect Select
Free Select
Auto Select
Anti aliased (filters)
blend / smudge tool
dodge/ burn
grid overlay
drawing guides (radial, angle, grid)
presure sensitivity
Palm rejection
additional notes
hertsjoatmon said:
Pretty disheartened with this. Had a fair amount of requests to edit which meant I linked the wrong file (will fix that tonight, cant do that at work). Had a busy weekend with movies and meals, a whole day in london etc... so hadnt had a chance to fix the link.
Given how poor google docs is, i may put up a template for people to fill out and then post pictures of the excel version of the sheet as it is in a far friendlier format.
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This is a very helpful post! THanks!!!
Yeah, sorry I haven't contributed yet... real life has been really demanding. Are you still visiting the forums? Only app ive really gotten my teeth sunk into is Clover Paint... it's brilliant.
---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------
hertsjoatmon said:
[edit] posted a link to the correct version of the drive doc.
Started a document to list out all the drawing apps on android and list out what they can and cant do. Would like help in filling it out as I dont own all of them and havent found all the functions on those that I do own yet.
My aim is to have a comprehensive list of all the apps and functions to be able to identify what the most appropriate suite of apps for my specific work flow
was going to use google drive but it turns out it is a bit rubbish though and i cant even format the headers to be vertical. went with my office.com instead. that cant do verticle text either. can anyone suggest a tool that I can share this file with that will allow me to put it in a readable and usable format?
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S Note is cool apps
Built-in on the GALAXY Note 8.0
If you like the idea of photo editing on your phone, you might well take to sketching on it too.
It's a good thing that Samsung includes not only an S Pen with the Note 8.0, but also a fantastic note-taking and sketching app, S Note.
S Note is, on one level, a quick way to get all your creative juices flowing on your tablet, but on another, a potential library of notes, recipes, mind-maps, journal entries and lots more.
For a quick note, simply double-tap the screen with the S Pen while holding down the button on its side. This will produce a popup window you can doodle in.
When you want to create a more complete notebook entry, open up the full S Note app. Samsung offers plenty of templates for notebooks, from handy graph paper through to easy-on-the-eye recycled paper.
You can also choose from a plethora of pens, highlighters and a host of smart options to make your S Note experience just like working in a real book.
FaeMinx said:
Yeah, sorry I haven't contributed yet... real life has been really demanding. Are you still visiting the forums? Only app ive really gotten my teeth sunk into is Clover Paint... it's brilliant.
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Not been on the forums and not been on my tablet much. Got a iPhone in December and have been playing with that lot. The honey period is over though and I have the urge to sketch again. Did a few quick things last night, but nothing I'm happy with.
My note seemed laggy to me as well, it may be because I was using a 2000 X 2000 canvas though. Stretching the limits of the processor and RAM. Will stick to 1400 x 1400 sizes in future.
Anyway, welcome back. Hope all is well.
I think this is a great idea. I just got my Note and I've been comparing some drawing programs. I've added some feedback to the Excell spreadsheet(the Drive link looked empty). Info on Artflow, Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop Touch & Infinite Painter. :laugh:

[Q] Looking for an animation app - talking characters

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could recommend good animation apps, or apps that simply allow me to make
pictures "talk". I've used some apps that kind of achieve this (Chatterpix on iOS, iFunface on Android), but they've
fallen short in some aspects.
I'd like to have an app, that allows me to make pictures talk. For example, if I draw a picture with three characters,
I would simply want to add moving mouths to characters. So, a picture should have several talking characters, who could
talk with each other, interact, and I could choose in which order the recorded lines are spoken by the characters.
The next requirement would be, that I could add several images with other moving characters as frames, so I could combine several of these talking pictures into a story in a video format, prererrably exportable as a movie file for further editing.
I would love to know if anyone knows any apps (for Android, but I also have iOS devices) that allows people to "animate" images like this?
What I don't want, is an app that just lets people upload single images to social media, or add silly accessories on images to jazz them up. This seems to be the most common "talking picture"-app. I'm having hard time discovering any proper animation tools that would do the trick.

