I was getting awful battery drain whilst screen was off, realised that whilst wifi is on, the tablet never ever deep sleeps. literally 0 seconds. of course with it turned off it does deep sleep. and within 8 hours 0% of battery is lost.
Is there a way to fix this issue?
Secondly, on wakelock detector, nothing is detected under kernel wakelocks. how come? it;s been more than 20 hours and still nothing.
any help would be great.
Which ROM? Stock? Custom? Version? Have you checked in settings > WiFi > Advanced Settings > Scanning always available is disabled?
albertorodast2007 said:
Which ROM? Stock? Custom? Version? Have you checked in settings > WiFi > Advanced Settings > Scanning always available is disabled?
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stock rooted, yes i have disabled advanced settings. I've read quite a few threads already on here. and have disabled some some services. but to no help. only thing is to apply Never in keeping wifi on when screen is off. I can do that. but I'd love to fix this issue.
I have trouble downloading large files using this ROM since when my screen turns off, WIFI is also disabled. How can I change it. I've been looking in the settings but to no avail.
Edit: Found it...you have to click menu when in the WIFI Settings, then choose advanced.
Edit2: Wifi is disabled when screen is turn off even if the Wifi sleep policy is changed to Never.
Any ideas?
then that is some kind of bug. because setting wifi sleep policy to never should behave as such.
related note, setting wifi sleep to never greatly increases batteyr life, as said thru the forums, because back on 3g the data kills your battery much faster. so allowing wifi to stay on makes a huge improvement on battery.
for example if you leave wifi on overnight, you might lose 5% total. but if it switches back to 3g overnight, you might lose 20%.
is this bug confirmed?
me too have same problem with SuperAosp (i will test with other rom....)
Hi guy, my wifi won't turn off when my Xoom is on sleep. I have set the settings of 'keep wifi on during sleep' both to 'NEVER' and 'ONLY WHEN PLUGGED' but nothing happens. Wifi stays on and keeps draining my battery life. I am running rooted with the latest version of nightly 62 and I've been having this issue since 55. I have reinstalled, flashed, factory reset, wiped my Xoom.
Is anyone else having this issue? What should I do?
From my experience, wifi stays on for a little while longer after device sleeps. However, some apps in background may trigger wifi back on again. So I turn off wifi when i go to bed. Actually i notice wifi itself will not drain much battery, 1-2% for 10hr. It's the host apps sucking the juice.
I am not an expert though.
OK i've also checked it out and as you said wifi turns off after some time. My main problem now is that my battery life won't last more than 3-4 hours on wifi.
I have posted my battery stats with use of web browsing and watching pictures on gallery...
jimgeroul said:
My main problem now is that my battery life won't last more than 3-4 hours on wifi.
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What do you mean "no more than 3-4 hours"? In your battery chart, you can get more than that even starting from 75% battery.
What I wanted to say is that I think my battery won't last more than 4 hours with wifi on and some serious usage.. from my stats as I can see I've been using it 5 hours but I only had screen on and browsing the web. I think there will be a huge difference if I am watching a movie or playing a game.. I don't have the time to check it now but I will post my results in some days..
According to my previous battery graph do you see any problem or something less from what your Xoom battery holds? Does this battery drain seems normal to you?
jimgeroul said:
Hi guy, my wifi won't turn off when my Xoom is on sleep. I have set the settings of 'keep wifi on during sleep' both to 'NEVER' and 'ONLY WHEN PLUGGED' but nothing happens. Wifi stays on and keeps draining my battery life. I am running rooted with the latest version of nightly 62 and I've been having this issue since 55. I have reinstalled, flashed, factory reset, wiped my Xoom.
Is anyone else having this issue? What should I do?
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I think you'll find it will stay on for about 15 minutes. There is some setting in a system database (using a sqlite editor) that can be changed to bring this down. I doubt Wifi is what's draining your battery. Are you synching email via activesync or running other stuff in the background?
I am only using my yahoo mail from the EMail app. I don't know if it uses activesync. I have set it to check emails every 30minutes.
wifi not turning off
Edit: I found the wifi sleep option in ICS. Google sure did a great job of hiding it. See attached picture for anyone else having wifi staying on during sleep issues.
So there are three options
Keep WiFi on during sleep
1) Always
2) Only when plugged in
3) Never
What option to set if i want Wifi to turn of after some time of when phone sleeps. Previously i had set the option to 15 minutes but that option is not available in ICS and i m having a hard time understanding how these options work on my sensation.
Can anyone explain what each of these options do ?
lazers378 said:
So there are three options
Keep WiFi on during sleep
1) Always
2) Only when plugged in
3) Never
What option to set if i want Wifi to turn of after some time of when phone sleeps. Previously i had set the option to 15 minutes but that option is not available in ICS and i m having a hard time understanding how these options work on my sensation.
Can anyone explain what each of these options do ?
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My guess:
1) Always: WIFI always on no matter awake or asleep
2) Only when plugged in: WIFI always on only when plugged to power
3) Never: WIFI will be off if asleep (my current setting)
That was it
invidious07 said:
Edit: I found the wifi sleep option in ICS. Google sure did a great job of hiding it. See attached picture for anyone else having wifi staying on during sleep issues.
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Thanks, I had not seen the option to turn wifi off during sleep.
Bear in mind that (irritatingly) applications can seemingly change this setting.
cspiby said:
Bear in mind that (irritatingly) applications can seemingly change this setting.
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For an app to change wifi sleep policy, it needs the WRITE_SETTINGS permission.
Hi everyone
I just flashed Android Revolution ICS Rom and I'm quite happy with that so far ! The only thing I cannot find is how to automatically disable the wifi antenna when the screen goes off...
Any help would be much appreciated
You can try in wifi setting and set wifi sleep policy to "screen off" out you can get Auto Airport Mode by Dan
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
baseballfanz said:
You can try in wifi setting and set wifi sleep policy to "screen off" out you can get Auto Airport Mode by Dan
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
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It was there in HC but can't find it in ICS...
salv-ice said:
It was there in HC but can't find it in ICS...
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Well I just took a look. Guess they changed it a round a little
In Settings under the WiFi, click on More and there's an "Airplane Mode" try that.
Or try Auto Airplane Mode (this is what I use and it work great)
hit menu (3 dots in top right) when you are in the wifi menu hit andvanced then hit "Keep wifi on during sleep" and change to only when plugged in or never
mrevankyle said:
hit menu (3 dots in top right) when you are in the wifi menu hit andvanced then hit "Keep wifi on during sleep" and change to only when plugged in or never
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Wow... wouldn't have found it by myself
Thanks a lot !
I'm noticing the native setting for disableing wifi when sleeping is working poorly. It takes a while to turn it off and then when it restarts the service does not seminar to be able to obtain the IP address and I have to manually turn wifi off and then on again for it to obtain an address. Very strange because the auto airplane app has no such issues.
I have just found out that:
(under GB) "Advanced > Wifi Sleep Policy > when screen turns off"
is NOT the same as
(under ICS) "Advanced > Keep Wi-fi on during sleep > never (increase data usage)"
It is supposedly to be the same thing but it is not.
As osho741 observed, it takes a very long time to turn off and most of the time it just does not.
I think this is one of ICS bug.
a1adin said:
I have just found out that:
(under GB) "Advanced > Wifi Sleep Policy > when screen turns off"
is NOT the same as
(under ICS) "Advanced > Keep Wi-fi on during sleep > never (increase data usage)"
It is supposedly to be the same thing but it is not.
As osho741 observed, it takes a very long time to turn off and most of the time it just does not.
I think this is one of ICS bug.
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It does turn off fine here after around 10 minutes but it takes at least 30 seconds to activate and connect.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
Is there any specific reason youd want to turn off the wifi during sleep? In my experience it doesnt drain enough battery to bother turning it off.
In my case with wifi on and a few apps running that uses wifi all the time, the tablet drains around 15-20% over 12h while sleeping.
That gives at least 2.5 days batterylife if you keep it sleeping... I cant imagine you would have to have it turned on (sleeping) longer than that. In that case you could just shut it down completely when youre not using it
you should give juice defender a try. it revolves around battery optimization, but it isn't a task killer, it just lets you make whatever setting you want concerning turning off services like wifi, bluetooth, etc.. its highly customizable, so you can set it to turn the wifi off entirely while its asleep, or to keep it off, while turning on in whatever time increment you set, long enough.
i have mine set so that the wifi turns off and stays off entirely when its in sleep mode, but if i have a online radio app like pandora or 8tracks running, then they override the sleep settings, and keep the wifi on when the screen is off.or, when i use certain apps that don't need internet to run, like kindle or certain games, the wifi automatically turns off and remains off until i close the apps.
i really like it and i think its made a huge difference in battery. Before if used it, my transformer would drain 15-20% percent overnight with the wifi left on. now, it drains maybe 2-4%.
Turning off wifi during sleep makes a huge difference.
It really saves a lot of battery for me.
And juice defender, while it might help, but on my phone, it causes a lot of wakelocks.
You can check this with bbs.
Hi. I would like to discuss regarding my Z5 dual battery life. I am a regular user. I already removed Facebook. All apps are greenified, no sync settings, just FB messenger and Viber. I never leave my bluetooth open, or location, nfc.
I noticed my phone doesnt sleep, it's always awake. Android System consumes most of the battery. With just 2-3 hrs screen time. Can someone give me an idea or solution to this?
I am on stock, rooted, locked bootloader Marshmallow. With Xperia X system UI. I already miss my Z2 amazing battery life.
Wi-Fi is always on, what setting is it on in the Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep?
Keep awake 15h 03m 36s (with only ~2h or screen on time) = Something is preventing your phone from going into deep sleep.
I've had a similar problem in the past and, in my case, the culprit was "Google Backup & restore" under "Backup & reset" in Settings. I disabled it, rebooter and re-enabled it. Problem gone.
It could be totally different in your case (I don't know what you're using) but if you're rooted, I'd suggest you to install BetterBatteryStats to determine what is keeping your device awake
burnthepriest said:
Wi-Fi is always on, what setting is it on in the Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep?
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Yes I keep wifi on during sleep, but i never had this kind of drain in my previous Z2. I recently got this Z5, like 3 weeks ago. Im starting to miss Stamina Modr, that was way better than doze.
Phazonclash said:
Keep awake 15h 03m 36s (with only ~2h or screen on time) = Something is preventing your phone from going into deep sleep.
I've had a similar problem in the past and, in my case, the culprit was "Google Backup & restore" under "Backup & reset" in Settings. I disabled it, rebooter and re-enabled it. Problem gone.
It could be totally different in your case (I don't know what you're using) but if you're rooted, I'd suggest you to install BetterBatteryStats to determine what is keeping your device awake
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I just did install but i couldnt understand how to do it. Anway will try to disable the google backup and auto restore and see. Which part in the BEtterbatterystats should i look at?
Pretty sure the AI is powering off my phone when it sits in idle for more than 3hrs... ...which is super odd..
Only happens in the evenings though... super strange...anyone else having an issue like this? If i turn on Airplane mode it does not happen
The only time I can go without using my phone for three hours is during sleep time. When I wake up the next morning my phone is still on. How's the battery life when you turn it back on?
Seems like you have scheduled/off feature turned on. Go to Settings> More Settings > Task Timer> Scheduled On/Off and check if you have anything active there.
Xumit said:
Seems like you have scheduled/off feature turned on. Go to Settings> More Settings > Task Timer> Scheduled On/Off and check if you have anything active there.
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