My girlfriends Nexus 5 is having an issue.
The 5.0.1 update notification has started continuously flashing up and flickering in the status bar. It won't go away and the phone starts to get pretty hot pretty quickly.
When you pull the status bar down to few notifications it stops momentarily but will resume flickering in a couple minutes.
It's currently running 4.4.4 rooted via towelroot and has been running fine like that for several months.
Ideally she would like to banish the update notification forever and keep running 4.4.4.
Does anyone have an idea how to accomplish this?
Updating to Lollipop is an option but will be a last resort.
While on the Home screen of the Relay, I got a notification from Facebook. I pressed the Notification which would normally launch Facebook and where that post/comment which notified me was and as it opens, my whole phone screen turns blue. The color of the blue seems like the blue you would get when you have the "Blue Screen of Death" on Windows. I waited to see if it'll go away but after 5 minutes of still the in the blue screen, I took out the battery and put it back in. My phone started up normally and it said "My T-Mobile Account stopped working" so I just pressed ok. I wonder though what caused that to happen or if it will happen again.
Phone Information:
- Samsung Galaxy S Relay
- T-Mobile
-Running 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) Stock ROM
-Clockworkmod Recovery
I'm planning on unrooting now because I'm kind of scared of what other problems my Relay might soon experience.
Every time i turn on my Relay it says, "Unfortunately, T-Mobile My Account has stopped working." Its getting annoying.
Ok, so I just factory reset my phone and the error message isn't popping up anymore. My phone is still rooted and I'm not experiencing any problems so far. It's probably because of an application I had or something. Hopefully no other problems will persist.
Chrizuki said:
The color of the blue seems like the blue you would get when you have the "Blue Screen of Death" on Windows. I waited to see if it'll go away but after 5 minutes of still the in the blue screen, I took out the battery and put it back in.
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I had this same problem from time to time after the update to 4.1.2 Jelly Bean (not rooted). After suffering with it for a little while, I did a factory reset on the phone and haven't had the problem since.
My notification bar is randomly poppinig up and freezing the phone. Also, time and date settings just come up randomly. You can turn off screen and back on and it unfreezes. Any ideas WTH is causing this? Stock 4.4 Maxx. Same issue with multiple launchers so I don't think that's it. Any help would be appreciated
swigginpig said:
My notification bar is randomly poppinig up and freezing the phone. Also, time and date settings just come up randomly. You can turn off screen and back on and it unfreezes. Any ideas WTH is causing this? Stock 4.4 Maxx. Same issue with multiple launchers so I don't think that's it. Any help would be appreciated
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if you are rooted try installing systemui.apk from someone else or download it from my rom on original development or if you are not rooted, reinstall the firmware again via FXZ.
Anyone else been getting delayed Whatsapp notifications since the last couple of updates?
I'm running WhatsApp 2.11.362 on my LG G3 running 10j firmware (4.4.2).
Quite often I've opened my QuickCircle case and suddenly the notifications come through - when I look at the message time it is minutes earlier though.
I've turned off wifi optimization and I've installed push notification fix (root) to no effect.
WastedJoker said:
Anyone else been getting delayed Whatsapp notifications since the last couple of updates?
I'm running WhatsApp 2.11.362 on my LG G3 running 10j firmware (4.4.2).
Quite often I've opened my QuickCircle case and suddenly the notifications come through - when I look at the message time it is minutes earlier though.
I've turned off wifi optimization and I've installed push notification fix (root) to no effect.
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All people around are suffering form this .. i guess thats servers probs
Wrong forum
Nexus 5 is unlocked/rooted. Did a full factory reset when I installed L.
Will randomly go to phone and it is off/unresponsive off screen (need to hold power button to reboot it)
Have occasionally seen the notification icon flashing with the screen off but also unresponsive otherwise (asked for friend to call, but would not ring)
Have also seen it randomly reboot.
Seems to be happening at least every hour or so...quite maddening now.
Would love any help! thx.
Same Problem..Motherboard Issue
Hey..i was facing the same issues after update..Showed it to Service Center...Service center guy told that Update has screwed my Motherboard..If your are in warranty just take back it to service center guy..
I'm on stock LRX21O, flashed from img, unrooted, third attempt, and the thing is still crashing and freezing all over the place. I'm starting to think LRX21O is a dud, plain and simple.
FINALLy found a fix. Switched over to Franco Kernel -- having NO problems anymore!
Now on Franco Kernel + Cataclysm + greenify -- getting full day batter life with no reboots anymore!
edit: here's the kernel
so i have this extremely annoying bug on the opo. when i take the phone away from my ear and try to hang up... 80% of the time the notification shade drops down and i then have to swipe it up in order to hang up the phone. sometimes i have to swipe up a couple of times because it gets confused and lags. anyone know of a fix for this?
i am running the cm12 dailies. i was running euphoria. and before that i was stock. it has happened over and over on all of them.