[Q] Dev help!! Kyocera Hydro Life Metro PCS - Miscellaneous Android Development

Sorry poll should read samsung galaxy light not simple. Can't edit the poll.
I have a Kyocera Hydro Life off of Metro PCS network. I have found rooting guides but nothing on ROM or kernel development. I know this is not a high end phone but for the cost it is pretty nice. Since this phone ships with a jelly bean build and likely no updates the developer community could fill in a serious gap left by the manufacturer and Metro PCS. I know the locked boot loader is a problem but surely it can be overcome. Development on this phone could really make an inexpensive model like this shine. Sure it is easy to make a top of the line phone run great but to make a truly affordable phone with good hardware is not. Please help those like myself that simply can't afford anything else but still desire decent hardware and software. Any help on developing a custom recovery, kernel and ROM on the Kyocera Hydro Life on Metro PCS network would be highly appreciated. Thanks Rob!
Specs are snapdragon 200 1.2 GHz processor quad core. Adreno 305 graphics. 1.5 GB ram. 8 GB ROM. Micro SD expansion, qHD 4.5 inch screen. High capacity removable LI ion battery, mil spec and water resistant spec as well. Cost varies depending on if you buy a locked model and sales. I paid $29.99 plus tax and no other fees other than first month service. I think about $32 for the phone and I bought a case for $5 so for $37 I have a fairly responsive yet completely crippled phone. My hope in this thread is to raise interest in these budget smart phones because they really offer tremendous value for anyone even as a back up phone. Developer support would truly unlock the potential in these budget phones which is good for everyone!!

Kyocera Hydro Life Android Devolopment????
I am hoping that someone can either help point me in the right direction or maybe just keep posting until I get a response? Not really sure how to help facilitate the start of Android Development on the Kyocera Hydro Life. I would as a sub note also like to see maybe a forum dedicated to budget smartphones. I think with the cost of components going down we are finally getting to a point where a mid to budget smartphone does not have to be a terrible experience. With the realization that these phones work well and the low cost I believe they will become more popular. Before models like this the rom space was too limited, the ram was too limited and the mostly dual core processors were too weak. Now with this model costing $29-$49 through a carrier and $125 outright you get specs decent enough to have a good experience and do not need to finance a phone!! I think this is just the start so XDA might as well have a forum dedicated to budget smartphones but for now would be really happy with this Kyocera Hydro Life. Any help on how to get this started??
Thanks Rob

Think someone figured out how to get it to lollipop
Because I'm a new user on this forum I cant post so if someone can pm me I'll give you the link an let you Post it
It's for the hydro life. So ya someone pm me.


Would you take ~$100 to trade in Captivate?

Assuming you're a current Captivate owner as most of us are in this forum. And you were fed up with lack of firmware updates, non-functional GPS, quirky third party ROMs (though, THANK YOU for making life with my Captivate tolerable!) and were interested in a Motorola Atrix...
Would you take ~$100 for a Captivate as a trade-in towards the Atrix? If not, what would you do with it?
LOL no...
Maybe in a year or two I would take $100, but I would be using the money for a good phone, not that Atrix or whatever...thing looks designed to make money off of add-ons...for example look at the console market...remember the 32X? add-on. remember the Sega CD? Add-on. Did not work so well in the console market, splitting up the demographic is never a good thing. And it wont work here either.
90% of the captivates listed on Craigslist in my area are 250$, if I needed to get rid of mine I'd put it up for 200 and I'm certain it would be gone in a day.
Well i guess there's a few factors involved in that decision. What did you pay for it? Are you happy with the captivate? How badly do you want an atrix? Do you care if you loose money? In the end it's your decision and most people have already made up their mind even before asking these type of questions.
Me? I'm only out of pocket $50 with the captivate. But i'm happy with it now that I'm on a great rom, so i see no difference in the latest and greatest device. It's a never ending cycle that will make you broke!
Samsung may have terrible support for their phones, but due to this phone being the first solid android on AT&T, it has fantastic support from the dev community.
Motorola has a long history of locking their phones down, and making it near impossible to switch the kernal. Samsung may be lazy, but Moto hates its customers actively.
I will never own another moto phone.
OK, good points. I guess it's a very low amount of money at this point to consider as a trade-in. I'm definitely going to be losing money, the question is how much and the trade-in would have softened the blow a bit. I guess I could resell but I hate dealing with things like eBay and Craig's.
Regarding phone mods - Well, they're great but what I really want is simply a phone that works. I don't want to have to flash a phone to get a marginally better GPS or an Android release that isn't two steps behind. I think Motorola does have a better track record in supporting their front lines phones.
Yeah, the Atrix is an accessory platform. Though it's neat I can't really understand the utility of the laptop dock. Text messaging with a real keyboard is nice though. One of things I miss about not having a Nokia with their PC software.
There are several wifi/usb apps that let you use your pc keyboard to type on an Android phone. You don't need anything from the manufacturer.
gibson3659 said:
There are several wifi/usb apps that let you use your pc keyboard to type on an Android phone. You don't need anything from the manufacturer.
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I completely overlooked this. I just paired my PS3 Bluetooth keyboard with my phone and it works great - even with mouse. Not exactly portable but if I want/need to use it I can. Great option.
Hell No
There is no way I would accept 100$ for this amazing piece of hardware... unless that hundred dollars was taken off the 200$ price of the atrix and I was able to purchase it without waiting the 13 remaining months I have on my contract and now early termination fees.
If you are selling your captivate for a 100$ though, I'd be happy to buy it from you
The only thing the Atrix has over the SGS is the dual core proc, which it can't even use running Froyo. I don't even know that Gingerbread enables dual core, you may have to wait until honeycomb to get the full power out of the phone. Top that off with the locked bootloader and support that rivals samsung in ineptitude, and I think I'll pass. By the time my contract is up with AT&T they'll have quad-core phones out anyway, and with lagfix, CM7, and overclocking I think we'll find the Captivate to be a powerhouse well into the future.
After coming from an Iphone 3G where I had to jailbreak to receive any kind of functionality I would not take $100 for the phone. The sheer openess to mod the phone to how it fits me and not how Stevie thinks it should fit makes it worth far more than $100
I sold my wife's captivate the other day on ebay for $330...
To chorus in... no. I would not take a $100 trade in for an Atrix... unless included in that deal someone was taking over my AT&T contract and I was going to a better carrier.
i will bid 110 on the phone i like it better then any phone out there because i can do stuff with the phone with this site dev . you know the grass is always greener on the other side
I have a better offer. How about I pay you $125 for your Captivate+shipping and we call it a day? =D
I see Captivate's selling for at least $200, so if your goal to sell and buy an Atrix I would highly recommend you sell it yourself through ebay, craigs, friends, etc before you take the lazy way out and lose $100 bucks for convienence.
Yeah, gonna have to say no.. Bought this thing off contract cause my iphone sucked so hard. Now if I could give them my cappy and $100 for an Atrix I'm all in!
I sold mine for 200. I could have gotten more, but I was happy with the deal.
Like most everyone else, NO I would not give up my Captivate for $100. After I flashed it with an awesome ROM (Paragon) it runs the way I suspect Samsung dreamed it might. I now get great battery life and a working GPS. The Captivate also enjoys great support here on XDA.
Not really worried about firmware updates..as the devs here on xda make the roms better then any!!!...plus i love the cappy screen...maybe a nexus s but think i will hold out on the atrix as i jumped on the android bandwagon for att when the backflip came out....since att finnaly got a android but really not impressed with motoblur as it took them for ever to get 2.1
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I'll agree with the others. I wouldn't take $250 for my Captivate.
Matter of fact, if you're as anal retentive as I am , and have the box and everything it came with, and took SUPER GOOD care of it, you could probably get around $325-350 on fleaBay - check the completed auctions!
That's if you want to maximize the $$ you get out of it.

Xiaomi phone can't be legit

So, as someone living and working in China, I've been super excited following up on the Xiaomi Phone. When they released the price as 2000 RMB (about $310 USD), I knew it had to be fake, or there was some serious funny business. The numbers just don't add up.
Engadget recently had a review of the Xiaomi phone and had it benchmarking near the Galaxy S 2 in several tests, so I think it makes sense to compare these two:
SGS 2 Advantages: Super AMOLED screen; 4.3 inch screen (vs 4 inch); forward facing camera; 1080p video recording (vs 720p); onboard storage (16 GB vs 4 GB); slightly smaller footprint.
Xiaomi Advantages: Price; processor speed (1.5 Ghz vs 1.2); battery (1930 mAh vs 1650); GLONASS and GPS tracking; highly customizable UI out of the box.
In China, the SGS2 retails for about 4300 RMB (about $670 USD). So how does a phone which is in the SGS2's ballpark retail for less than half the price?
It gets even more peculiar. Here are some questions Xiaomi hasn't cleared up(or at least I haven't seen their responses yet):
1) Xiaomi uses a Qualcomm processor and a LCD screen from Sharp (Japanese import). So they can't be using local parts to save costs, how are they able to offer the phone at only $310?
2) Local competitors like Huawei and ZTE who have much more experience in manufacturing (and much more leverage with suppliers) have yet to produce a phone remotely like this. Also, their closest local competition in terms of specs is something like the Huawei Honor, a single core phone that retails for about $400. Yet Xiaomi, which has never produced hardware before is getting better deals than these guys on components? Samsung also does component development in-house, but Xiaomi is getting better pricing than Samsung?
3) Xiaomi was originally a software developer. How did they pull a piece of impressive hardware like this out of nowhere?
4) Why retail for $310? They could sell it for $500 and it would still be way cheaper than an SGS2. Hell, I paid more than 2000 RMB for the crappy 2 year old Nokia I'm still using over here.
My Chinese is OK so I've been trying to read more on the Xiaomi forums, but I haven't really gotten any new information, other than there's something like 300,000 preorders already. I figure there's got to be some serious funny business going on. Probably:
a) ridiculous free loans and/or development assistance from the government to built up national prestige; or
b) copying another phone's internals verbatim; or
c) fake components of some kind
It looked really smooth in the Engadget video, so I'm inclined to be believe it's option A. Good for consumers I guess, but probably lousy if you're a Chinese taxpayer. Any ideas on why the price is so low?
Smaller companies tend to do these kind of things.
However I'm interested as well.
I believe that it's one part 'a' and another that generally huawei and zte have primarily been marketed for export (to SE Asia, India, EU) but the government is really trying to subsidize local start ups to fight imports (like HTC, Sony, etc...) and get Chinese to spend their money on Chinese things. But if a Chinese phone were 3000 RMB and a Korean or Japanese phone was also 3000 RMB, no one would get the Chinese phone for obvious reasons.
so basically you just made up a thread without any evidence and full of speculation accusing Xiaomi not being legit.
india are making ARM Cortex 9 phones with 4 GB for only $35
if they can do it, so can china
Mmmhmm .
I don't why people have so much comments , no offence though .
Forever living in my Galaxy Ace using XDA App
I support you , and do your know meizu'M9 or MX?
it is good for everyone. thank you!
AllGamer said:
india are making ARM Cortex 9 phones with 4 GB for only $35
if they can do it, so can china
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cdesai said:
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yes, there is a post with the pictures and spec here in the forum
aprox 5 days old
it's made for the india school system
Hi it's my first post and I have no exact figures to support this other than a simple comparison to another industry.
I remember hearing from someone that the mark up on mobile phones (this was a while ago) was a few hundred percent. Remember that it doesn't cost 800 dollars to make a phone and the people that usually make it in third world manufacturing companies or places with poor working conditions only get paid a few dollars an hour to make your 800 dollar phones.
My comparison industry is optometry. The following information comes from someone I know who is an optometrist:
"Frames like Gucci and Prada cost $3 per frame to make. In the stores you pay $500 dollars to buy them. That is an insane mark up. However they can't retail it cheaper because of an agreement in place to prevent the devaluation of the brand."
I am sure the same thing happens in the cell phone industry.
Just thought that this might put the legitimacy of the phone in perspective.
Thanks for your time.
andao79 said:
So, as someone living and working in China, I've been super excited following up on the Xiaomi Phone. When they released the price as 2000 RMB (about $310 USD), I knew it had to be fake, or there was some serious funny business. The numbers just don't add up.
Engadget recently had a review of the Xiaomi phone and had it benchmarking near the Galaxy S 2 in several tests, so I think it makes sense to compare these two:
SGS 2 Advantages: Super AMOLED screen; 4.3 inch screen (vs 4 inch); forward facing camera; 1080p video recording (vs 720p); onboard storage (16 GB vs 4 GB); slightly smaller footprint.
Xiaomi Advantages: Price; processor speed (1.5 Ghz vs 1.2); battery (1930 mAh vs 1650); GLONASS and GPS tracking; highly customizable UI out of the box.
In China, the SGS2 retails for about 4300 RMB (about $670 USD). So how does a phone which is in the SGS2's ballpark retail for less than half the price?
It gets even more peculiar. Here are some questions Xiaomi hasn't cleared up(or at least I haven't seen their responses yet):
1) Xiaomi uses a Qualcomm processor and a LCD screen from Sharp (Japanese import). So they can't be using local parts to save costs, how are they able to offer the phone at only $310?
2) Local competitors like Huawei and ZTE who have much more experience in manufacturing (and much more leverage with suppliers) have yet to produce a phone remotely like this. Also, their closest local competition in terms of specs is something like the Huawei Honor, a single core phone that retails for about $400. Yet Xiaomi, which has never produced hardware before is getting better deals than these guys on components? Samsung also does component development in-house, but Xiaomi is getting better pricing than Samsung?
3) Xiaomi was originally a software developer. How did they pull a piece of impressive hardware like this out of nowhere?
4) Why retail for $310? They could sell it for $500 and it would still be way cheaper than an SGS2. Hell, I paid more than 2000 RMB for the crappy 2 year old Nokia I'm still using over here.
My Chinese is OK so I've been trying to read more on the Xiaomi forums, but I haven't really gotten any new information, other than there's something like 300,000 preorders already. I figure there's got to be some serious funny business going on. Probably:
a) ridiculous free loans and/or development assistance from the government to built up national prestige; or
b) copying another phone's internals verbatim; or
c) fake components of some kind
It looked really smooth in the Engadget video, so I'm inclined to be believe it's option A. Good for consumers I guess, but probably lousy if you're a Chinese taxpayer. Any ideas on why the price is so low?
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I'd get the M9 or M9x ( or something.. Quad Core? HELLOOOOO )
I don't see why someone would get a device ONLY for Miui, most phones out there have a build of MIUI.
You really think that $600 phone costs $600 to make?
The markup on electrical goods from brand names can be over 200%
My point is not really related to the idea of a markup, I KNOW all cell phones have a dramatic markup, and I read not long ago an iPhone 4 costs about $180 to make, while they retail for something like $600 out of contract.
I'm more interested in a) How did this company come out of nowhere with this sort of hardware? and b) They don't NEED to sell it for 2000 RMB for it to be a hit. They could have sold it for $400-450 and it would have still been a hell of a lot cheaper than a Galaxy S 2.
That, coupled with the fact that the big guns in China (Meizu, Huawei, ZTE) are not even in the same ballpark with specs or price, is really weird.
If i can demo one and it works well, i'll definitely pick one up, but there must be some serious funny business behind the scenes.
Why must there be funny business?
Well, you can build a cheap phone if you want.
The question is: can you sell it cheap?
Operating costs, brand advertisement etc. They have no problem there, they just build a phone having no ad space on western media.They can do it, they are smart enough.Plus: we enthusiasts are their advertisement plan, we buy it for cheap, all our friends will buy it.
It's a win win scenario.My 2 eurocents.
andao79 said:
My point is not really related to the idea of a markup, I KNOW all cell phones have a dramatic markup, and I read not long ago an iPhone 4 costs about $180 to make, while they retail for something like $600 out of contract.
I'm more interested in a) How did this company come out of nowhere with this sort of hardware? and b) They don't NEED to sell it for 2000 RMB for it to be a hit. They could have sold it for $400-450 and it would have still been a hell of a lot cheaper than a Galaxy S 2.
That, coupled with the fact that the big guns in China (Meizu, Huawei, ZTE) are not even in the same ballpark with specs or price, is really weird.
If i can demo one and it works well, i'll definitely pick one up, but there must be some serious funny business behind the scenes.
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The issue is risk. Do you risk spending $300 on a new unknown brand or do you spend $450 on a noname brand when you can get a well known brand for $600?
There is obviously going to be a greater curve of buyers the lower the price you go and finding the balance is where your marketers need mettle. I think the current price is going to be very good to get users into buying the phone. Obviously, if they can become the new HTC, their markup is going to increase hugely.
My concern is going to be: at ~$300, what is the customer service going to be like? HTC's is mediocre here in the UK, but if Vodafone, Orange et al resell this phone, it's going to be VERY attractive to us as the carriers are held responsible until end of warranty.
russ18uk said:
The issue is risk. Do you risk spending $300 on a new unknown brand or do you spend $450 on a noname brand when you can get a well known brand for $600?
There is obviously going to be a greater curve of buyers the lower the price you go and finding the balance is where your marketers need mettle. I think the current price is going to be very good to get users into buying the phone. Obviously, if they can become the new HTC, their markup is going to increase hugely.
My concern is going to be: at ~$300, what is the customer service going to be like? HTC's is mediocre here in the UK, but if Vodafone, Orange et al resell this phone, it's going to be VERY attractive to us as the carriers are held responsible until end of warranty.
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Just to clarify, the retailer is responsible until you have had a reasonable amount of use out of it irrespective of warranty
The law doesn't care about warranties, they're in the best case an agreement that the device will be repaired without the need to take legal action, and in the worst case used to illegally convince consumers they have no rights.
Take my Sensation, afaik it has a 12month warranty.
Say the screen dies after 18 months, I'll be demanding O2 repair or replace it otherwise I'll be contacting trading standards as being a phone provided on a 24 month contract I should be able to expect it to last at least 24 months and more especially considering the price when new.
I love being a consumer in the UK
Xiaomo said:
I support you , and do your know meizu'M9 or MX?
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yes~ Meizu much better than xiaomi
kerwin_pig said:
yes~ Meizu much better than xiaomi
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Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

[Q] Looking for an unlocked Phone

Hi All,
I am planning to buy a smartphone in couple of weeks and requires your help in making the decision. Below are my requirements
1) Should be under 400$ (US dollars)
2) Screen size should be > 4 inches
3) Mobile OS should be Android or Mango (Windows phone). More inclined towards Android
4) Looking for dual core processor as Android runs best on Dual core in my opinion
5) Phone should be unlocked
I liked Galaxy nexus but do you guys think its really worth 440$ (including taxes and shipping)?
Updated the poll section with my short listed phones
Ever considered unlocking a phone yourself? Not that hard to do. Guarantee may fly away though.
alexander.rangelov said:
Ever considered unlocking a phone yourself? Not that hard to do. Guarantee may fly away though.
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Thanks for your reply, I dont mind loosing warranty but i dont see much price difference between network unlocked phones and network locked phones. If you do , could you please post a link or guide me . Thanks
Please suggest
Unlocked Phone might seem expensive at the front but you are not tie to 2 yrs contract with network assuming that you are in USA. You can find alternative data and phone plan much cheaper. Good luck
BUMP ...Please help . I need to decide in couple of days.
HTC One S - should be able to get international version unlocked for around that price. 4'3 inch screen, good battery life, really thin phone and fast read a review on it. This phone is newer and built on better technology than nexus, it has sense UI if that's your style. I used it and it felt really nice to hold aluminum casing. built solid.
HTC one S is 100$ more than Nexus which is 500$ .I already stretched my budget from 250$ to 400$ .

Looking for a new phone and plan.

So I'm in the process of buying a new phone. I personally don't have a lot of money to spend so the $200 price point is one I'm trying to hit, but I'm not opposed to spending $300 for a vastly superior phone. I would like the phone to be on the smaller side of things, don't approach the phablet territory (~6 or greater inches). I'm not a big phone spec guy, I don't care to have the fastest processor or huge amounts of ram seeing as the most taxing thing I do on my phone is play Clash of Clans. I don't care to have a high resolution screen at all, 720p would be fine. I would like it to have good wifi support and be able to get 4G LTE, now the last and most important part is it NEEDS to have a all day in to tomorrow type battery.
1. Cheap
2. Big battery
3. LTE support
4. Good wifi support
Here are a few phones I'm looking at
Moto X,G,E Nexus 5???, BlackBerry Z10.
I'm really just looking for suggestions here because all of those phones seem to be besides what I'm looking for, let me know if there are any phones that I'm missing.
Xiaomi Mi3
ZTE Grand Memo 2 LTE
iNew V3
Huawei Ascend P7
Just a few phones around that price range that have better specs.
Moto G is a great phone though I must say.
Sent from S3 Mini
Using XDA App
I could hook up with Boost through my account and you and I would get some saving from doing that but I am new to forums and dont want anyone complaining if its against some policy I not aware of. As a side note I been using them for 3 years and they been good to me and I gotten my bill with them by getting discounts every 6 month I paid on time some my monthy bill is $15- a month cheaper than when I started. You can PM if needed. I am now paying $40 a month using a Galaxy S3 and it getting LTE service where I live. I get 2.5 gb of data month before throttled. I never gone other the limit so dont know how fast it is when throttled.

Help me find the fastest phone new for under $300 gsm or cdma

Hey all. After about 8 month with the ZTE Boost Max (Iconic) I'm ready for something faster. Dual Core, 1 GB ram just isn't doing for me at all. I'm currently on Boost and my service here is horrible. I moved 2 weeks after buying this phone and was just gonna wait it out til now. So I'm looking for something $300 or less new. Maybe the Zenfone 2 seems to be a beast especially at $199 to $299. I've looked at some new options from ZTE but seem priced pretty high. I prefer a 6 inch phone but no less than 5.5. I'm on a 5.6 inch phone now. So don't really wanna go smaller but bigger is a possibility. I thought the MX4 was cheaper but it seems pricey like flagship phones. I've been out of the phone world the last 4 or 5 months due to a new 50inch tv, ps4, new dell laptop
I've been doing research in google but so many threads refer to the flagship phones and aren't really talking much in terms of price or budget.
My suggestion is to search before posting....there is a thread in place for your topic.

