GT-S6310N bricked during root? - Samsung Galaxy Young S6310

I was following the instructions at rootmyandroid dot org/how-to-root-unroot-samsung-galaxy-young.html (sorry the forum won't allow me to post a direct link) to root my GT-S6310N, specifically the part after "rooting the GT-S6310N". The rest of the article talks about just S6310 without the "N", so I thought that'd be the instructions I should follow. Above it it also says "Only For Samsung Galaxy Young S6301 Owners", so it might have been the wrong process after all..?
Regardless, as per the instructions, I installed Odin 3.07, booted into Download Mode, ran Odin, and it reported a success (see attached screenshot). The device then booted as normal on its own, and when done, I did a normal shutdown, and booted into Recovery Mode. At this point I realized I don't have a microSD card in the device for the "" file, so I selected "reboot" and the device again booted normally.
At this point I opened up the plastic back cover of the phone, and to my dismay, the battery fell out. I didn't think anything of it, and proceeded to look for a microSD card I could use. I didn't in fact find one, so I thought I'd boot the device up and figure out something else. But after carefully placing the battery and back cover back on, the device won't power up anymore. It won't vibrate, the display doesn't come on, nothing. If I plug it into a power outlet it doesn't show any signs of life. None of the Download/Recovery mode key combos work, either. Odin doesn't react to the device being plugged in in any way.
I guess I'm already willing to accept I managed to brick the device, but since I've successfully rooted 3 or 4 ones before, I'd like to at least understand what I did wrong. I've been under the impression that while many things can (and will) go wrong during rooting/CWM installation, most situations are recoverable (I've gotten devices e.g. stuck to a boot loop before).
At first I was convinced there must have been some physical damage done to the phone/battery when I opened the back cover, but after a careful inspection I can't see anything wrong with it. I've tried putting it back together at least 5 times. Also it should be noted that the battery fell out onto a soft couch, so I'm pretty sure it's not damaged in any way.
Any pointers welcome as to what went wrong and/or something I could still try. :/


[Q] I've bricked, I've searched, please be nice.

I have been on these forums long enough that if you violate protocol you get spanked but please resist if you can. I am out of ideas, I have the flu, I have a sick phone, I think this is the correct forum, I hope I have dotted all my I’s and crossed all my T’s. I have searched this forum and I have searched using Google.
Folks, I know there are dozens and dozens of "help me I've bricked my phone" threads. I have read and read and read but I can't seem to drill down to the exact issue I'm having. I used AIO Captivate Toolbox to attempt to install ROM on my newly updated to the official Froyo 2.2 Captivate. Having never seen the process before, but having been ROMing phones for several years it looked like it went ok. There was a progress bar on the phone as the file was downloaded, the phone restarted, and the screen displayed a gray battery alternating with a circular progress animation. Reading all the advice out there, and based on previous experience, I waited. And I waited some more. I went to watch a couple of TV shows and 90 minutes later it was doing the same thing. I pulled the USB, no affect; really nothing left I did a battery pull. When I returned the battery to the phone it went into a loop displaying the AT&T logo following by a black screen. Then I spent a few hours, seriously, trying to get the phone into the Download mode following what I read in the forums. I was unable to do the three button process so I cannibalized my Kindle USB to get a connector to make a jig. I had the resistors I needed to get the 301K I needed, soldered it all together and was able to get the phone in Download Mode. When I plug and unplug the phone I hear Windows make the sound it makes when it finds a USB device. I tried to use Odin to restore to factory, it said it was successful, the phone restarted, back to the gray battery and the spinning progress bar. Now when I run Odin, plug in the phone Odin doesn’t see the phone even though Windows does. Please, how can I get a working ROM on my phone?
U gotta give us the exact steps u took.
Number the steps u took
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Have you tried one of the One click stock odins? Try that and see what happens
It might help you to note that that battery+spinner screen is what happens when you plug in the cable with the phone completely off - it's supposed to do that. This allows you to charge the battery with the phone off. You should be able to just press power and boot.
The boot might fail, but that battery screen alone isn't an indicator of any problem, it's just what's supposed to happen when your phone is off and plugged in.
This is assuming I'm reading your post correctly, of course.
I've had trouble getting Odin to work before, but never had it claim success and then be unable to boot (I've recovered from a complete soft brick twice now, yay DIY experimenting).
I just did a workstation restart, battery pull in the phone, put it back in Download mode with the jig, executed Odin, connected the phone and Windows sees it as a Samsung Composite USB device, hit start on Odin3, Odin returns this message and here it sits:
<ID:0/005> Added!!
<ID:0/005> Odin v.3 engine (ID:5)..
<ID:0/005> File analysis..
Put your phone in download mode after connecting to USB and it should work
smokestack76 said:
Have you tried one of the One click stock odins? Try that and see what happens
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I know there are more than one version of Odin, do I need to look for a specific one? Obviously I need one for the Captivate.
Burstaholic said:
It might help you to note that that battery+spinner screen is what happens when you plug in the cable with the phone completely off - it's supposed to do that. This allows you to charge the battery with the phone off. You should be able to just press power and boot.
The boot might fail, but that battery screen alone isn't an indicator of any problem, it's just what's supposed to happen when your phone is off and plugged in.
This is assuming I'm reading your post correctly, of course.
I've had trouble getting Odin to work before, but never had it claim success and then be unable to boot (I've recovered from a complete soft brick twice now, yay DIY experimenting).
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When I first read this my jaw dropped. I was trying to remember if I tried powering on. Well Odin completed a moment ago and when I powered up it went back to the looping between AT&T and a black screen. If only were that simple.
when Odin fails you, you are doomed!
I'm kidding... but really... good luck
Look in the development section for an Odin 1 click, this will flash you back to stock... open Odin on your comp first...then plug in your usb and goto download mode, for me I have to take my battery out, plug in usb, hold both volume keys and insert battery while holding them...and then it goes to download mode and Odin sees it, its the only way I can get it to flash successfully, ...
As long as you can get into download mode, its not bricked... just finding the right combo can sometimes be tricky
I'm trying to be nice, what you need to do is figure out if odin 1 click will work. Without that it will be very hard to recover.
I (we) fixed it! The link below had the combination of files and steps to make this bad boy boot up.
Thanks to all of you for any contribution. What pointed me the right direction was drilling down and searching for specific versions of Odin rather than "unbrick" my phone. It was that search that led to this link. Several folks above mentioned Odin, thank you.
What I didn't say in my original post, because I didn't want to sound any more pathetic than I already did was, I worked on this issue from noon yesterday until 2:00AM this morning. I was back up at 5:30 and worked on it pretty much continuously until now. I really do have the flu and I feel like crap, but the good feeling that comes with not having a bricked phone has been restored. I *know* you all understand. I am crawling back in bed where I should have been all along.
Thanks again!

[Q] Bricked phone, DEAD PHONE!

I tried to root my phone using ODIN. I did everything as described and left it alone while ODIN was doing it's thing. At the end the phone was supposed to reboot and then voila but when I got back to the phone the screen was black and did not restart. ODIN was showing "PASS" so I thought everything went good. I tried to restart it manually but could not do it. None of the button combinations work- power itself, power+Volume Up+Home button or any other combination. Plugged in to wall charger does not show anything on the screen, like it's not charging. I took the battery out, plugged it in to the charger and the red light that shows that is being charged came on. Tried to turn it on, nothing. Tried the button combinations again- nothing. Put the battery back in the light disappeared. Took the battery out again- the light came back on. Still nothing on the screen. The phone is in coma. Is there anything that could be done te revive my phone or I should throw it away? What are the resolutions? Free or paid does not matter. Give me something and I will decide what to do afterwords. Thanks
Was the phone fully charged when you were flashing it with Odin? It's an odd coincidence that it would die at that time.
However, I have a friend whose S3 similarly died overnight sitting on the nightstand. Same exact symptoms and he even tried a new, spare battery with no joy.
Need more info to know for sure what may be wrong with your phone. A link to the guide you followed would be good. In the meantime, you can try what the OP in this thread did:
landshark68 said:
Need more info to know for sure what may be wrong with your phone. A link to the guide you followed would be good. In the meantime, you can try what the OP in this thread did:
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Thank you, I'll give it a shot and let you know. That's a job hopefully for the next weekend cause I'm not home right know.
What root method did you do?
It's always a very tense moment for me whenever I use ODIN. It's not that hard to brick your phone with it so I'm always on the edge of my seat. Still, if you have everything set up properly it should never be an issue. Since ODIN actually said "pass" then I'm thinking either:
a) You flashed the file onto the wrong partition
b) You flashed a file meant for a different phone
I'm leaning toward b since I'm assuming you read directions carefully and only flashed to the PDA portion. Do you have a link to the website or forum topic from which you got the root instructions? The behavior you're describing is very similar to what happens when people flash a file meant for the International version of the S3.
ericss81 said:
I tried to root my phone using ODIN. I did everything as described and left it alone while ODIN was doing it's thing. At the end the phone was supposed to reboot and then voila but when I got back to the phone the screen was black and did not restart. ODIN was showing "PASS" so I thought everything went good. I tried to restart it manually but could not do it. None of the button combinations work- power itself, power+Volume Up+Home button or any other combination. Plugged in to wall charger does not show anything on the screen, like it's not charging. I took the battery out, plugged it in to the charger and the red light that shows that is being charged came on. Tried to turn it on, nothing. Tried the button combinations again- nothing. Put the battery back in the light disappeared. Took the battery out again- the light came back on. Still nothing on the screen. The phone is in coma. Is there anything that could be done te revive my phone or I should throw it away? What are the resolutions? Free or paid does not matter. Give me something and I will decide what to do afterwords. Thanks
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Moderator Edit, discussion that intimates fraud is not condoned or allowed here. If you bricked your device, research or learn how to fix it in lieu of fraudulent activities. Be adult about your situation and take responsibility for your actions.

Is My VZW S3 Dead? (Symptoms in Text)

About three days ago, in the middle of the day, I tried to unlock my Verizon S3 using the power button, but it remained on a black screen. I pulled the battery, replaced it, and tried again. It came on.
Over the next day, it performed this behavior three more times; this time, however, the "black screen, unresponsive" happened while I was using the device (e.g., reading reddit in Reddit Sync when the screen darkens and the device becomes unresponsive and silent). The first two times, a battery pull let me restart the device.
The third time, however, nothing would restart the S3. A different, fully charged (and tested working) S3 battery would not start it. Plugging it into multiple chargers and multiple computers--both with and without a battery--would not start it. Plugging it into a PC fails to install drivers, and the S3 is identified as a "QHSUSB_DLOAD" device by Windows.
Plugging it in sans battery will sometimes briefly illuminate the red charging light, but it eventually turns off on its own, or goes off if I hold the Power button or put a battery in. I cannot access Recovery or Download Mode using the standard button combinations; there is no vibration, no flash on the screen, no change on the LED, and no sound. No input I give the phone appears to have any effect at all.
The phone was running an unlocked, rooted version of 4.1.2, but had no other modifications, and had not had any major system changes in the months prior to this starting. I haven't recently messed with the bootloader, taken the 4.3 update, unrooted, rerooted, or anything else aside from letting apps update naturally and using the phone as always (reading reddit, using Hangouts to chat, listening to music with PowerAmp).
I read about the "Sudden Death Syndrome," but that supposedly applies only to International S3s. I read about hardbricking via screwing up your bootloader or triggering the eFUSE protections, but since I wasn't messing around with any of that for months now and also since I did not take the 4.3 update, I suspect it wasn't the cause.
Reps at the store weren't able to resuscitate the device, but told me I was ineligible for warranty service (I have extended) due to a hairline fracture on the case an inch below the power button (this crack has been there for months).
The device hasn't suffered any water damage or recent drops and was otherwise fully functional before the first blackscreen a few days back. I can't afford an Insurance swap right now, so self-repair is my only hope of having a working phone before my next paycheck hits in a few weeks
Armando Penblade said:
About three days ago, in the middle of the day, I tried to unlock my Verizon S3 using the power button, but it remained on a black screen. I pulled the battery, replaced it, and tried again. It came on.
Over the next day, it performed this behavior three more times; this time, however, the "black screen, unresponsive" happened while I was using the device (e.g., reading reddit in Reddit Sync when the screen darkens and the device becomes unresponsive and silent). The first two times, a battery pull let me restart the device.
The third time, however, nothing would restart the S3. A different, fully charged (and tested working) S3 battery would not start it. Plugging it into multiple chargers and multiple computers--both with and without a battery--would not start it. Plugging it into a PC fails to install drivers, and the S3 is identified as a "QHSUSB_DLOAD" device by Windows.
Plugging it in sans battery will sometimes briefly illuminate the red charging light, but it eventually turns off on its own, or goes off if I hold the Power button or put a battery in. I cannot access Recovery or Download Mode using the standard button combinations; there is no vibration, no flash on the screen, no change on the LED, and no sound. No input I give the phone appears to have any effect at all.
The phone was running an unlocked, rooted version of 4.1.2, but had no other modifications, and had not had any major system changes in the months prior to this starting. I haven't recently messed with the bootloader, taken the 4.3 update, unrooted, rerooted, or anything else aside from letting apps update naturally and using the phone as always (reading reddit, using Hangouts to chat, listening to music with PowerAmp).
I read about the "Sudden Death Syndrome," but that supposedly applies only to International S3s. I read about hardbricking via screwing up your bootloader or triggering the eFUSE protections, but since I wasn't messing around with any of that for months now and also since I did not take the 4.3 update, I suspect it wasn't the cause.
Reps at the store weren't able to resuscitate the device, but told me I was ineligible for warranty service (I have extended) due to a hairline fracture on the case an inch below the power button (this crack has been there for months).
The device hasn't suffered any water damage or recent drops and was otherwise fully functional before the first blackscreen a few days back. I can't afford an Insurance swap right now, so self-repair is my only hope of having a working phone before my next paycheck hits in a few weeks
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Quite a story, somehow you hard bricked it, This happens sometimes and I can't really explain why, but here's your fix:
Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and use the 4.1 debrick image in the thread, you should be able to get it working again without a jtag repair.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
Quite a story, somehow you hard bricked it, This happens sometimes and I can't really explain why, but here's your fix:
Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and use the 4.1 debrick image in the thread, you should be able to get it working again without a jtag repair.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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This doesn't seem to have any effect on the proceedings.
I created the recovery IMG SD Card, but after putting it into the S3, pressing the power button on the phone (or plugging it into a PC) still has zero effect. It's like it's not even trying to boot and failing (or failing over to SD Card). Basically, pressing the power button/plugging in has zero effect at all, not just an unsuccessful effect.
Armando Penblade said:
This doesn't seem to have any effect on the proceedings.
I created the recovery IMG SD Card, but after putting it into the S3, pressing the power button on the phone (or plugging it into a PC) still has zero effect. It's like it's not even trying to boot and failing (or failing over to SD Card). Basically, pressing the power button/plugging in has zero effect at all, not just an unsuccessful effect.
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But that's what it's supposed to look like when it's hard bricked, keep trying to write it then boot with it. Eventually it's going to work, unless you somehow fried your motherboard.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Is it possible that writing to the SD card via another smartphone (my old Droid 1) would cause the write operation to fail? I don't have any other method of getting the PC to communicate with a microSD card except via cellphones, since I don't have a USB adapter or even a microSD to SD adapter.
Edit: The D1/PC do recognize that something has happened to the SD card after Win32diskimager is done with it, because the D1 reports that it's now a "blank SD card (unsupported file system)" and Windows can't properly mount it anymore in that state. So, W32DI is definitely doing something to it. Tried 3 times now; is there some upper bound on how many to go for before assuming the motherboard died?
Armando Penblade said:
Is it possible that writing to the SD card via another smartphone (my old Droid 1) would cause the write operation to fail? I don't have any other method of getting the PC to communicate with a microSD card except via cellphones, since I don't have a USB adapter or even a microSD to SD adapter.
Edit: The D1/PC do recognize that something has happened to the SD card after Win32diskimager is done with it, because the D1 reports that it's now a "blank SD card (unsupported file system)" and Windows can't properly mount it anymore in that state. So, W32DI is definitely doing something to it. Tried 3 times now; is there some upper bound on how many to go for before assuming the motherboard died?
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Not really, if you're getting that error message I'm assuming this should work. At the very least you could get a jtag repair and that'll definitely fix it. You could always try the other debrick file available from that thread also.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

[Completed] Help with Hannspree 1281 unresponsive

If it ain't broke...see if it'll go faster. That's what I tried, BUT ended up
If it ain't broke...fix it 'til it is!
Android 4.2.2
It's rooted with Vroot, has SuperSU and Titanium Backup Pro, shows rooted.
Had ADB working, tablet taking commands.
I first tried to put in CWM recovery for the HSG1279, supposed to be the same tablet, just bigger screen. I don't even know now whether THAT'S true or not.
Started in recovery mode, but was just stock, so I tried arctools to put in a generic Rockchip CWM That's when things started going sideways. The install hung (imagine that!). The arctools had a forced restart of some kind, so I used that. When I got back to my home screen (whew!), I used Titanium backup to see what recovery mode looked like. The tablet went dark, and would not power on. I did the paper clip trick, which got it started, but did NOT wipe anything out, so not a hard reset. Any time after that when I tried to restart in recovery mode, the hard shutdown with the clip was required. Yesterday afternoon, I went off to work for about 3 hours, leaving the tablet on, but in standby. When I came back, the tablet was dark and no amount of paper clipping would help. It would not recognize a charge. Not being one to duck a fight, I opened the case and unsoldered the black (-) wire at the PC board. The battery measured some voltage, but I didn't notice how much, about 1/4 on the 25v. scale. I soldered it back on, put it back together without any further incident. It sill does just what it was doing...nothing. I have noticed that when it's plugged into my PC's USB port, and I reset with the clip, Unknown Device shows up in my PC's Devices And Printers list. When I unplug the cable, I get the stock Windows "be-boop" USB removal sound. When I plug it back in, I get a short "boo-boo-boop" sound. That's where it is now. Anyone have any ideas on getting it going again? For me, no more trying files that aren't made specifically for this oddball tablet. This has been a fairly expensive lesson in that.
Thanks for any help.
Honestly, I think you've made a mess for yourself. Lol
And flashing things made for anything but your specific device is a bad idea. Almost always it will lead to big trouble.
And the hardware tinkering is high risk too.
Anyway, we are entitled to do what we please with our devices, so not judging. Just advice.
There is nothing useful on XDA for your device that I can find, so you would need to ask for help... But you may have passed that point already....
>Android Development and Hacking>Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting.
Good luck!
Any use posting this to the General Discussion?

Will not finish booting up (pretty sure its NOT the pwr button)

ok so im working on a nexus 5. i was already all too aware of the potential power button issue so that was the 1st thing i checked out, ive cleaned it twice now and made dbl damn sure i can feel it both click in and click out when being pressed.
on top of that i can boot into twrp both temp boot and flashing recovery for it. it does not cut off when in twrp (as i imagine it would if it were the power button being stuck)
previously i could not boot into twrp or flash anything at all so i ordered and installed a breand new battery.. now i can flash twrp via fastboot (progress right?)
however when it is powered off, on teh charger it shows the battery full with lightening bolt, then that fades and is replaced with a hollow battery being filled, then goes black and starts over... leading me to believe its not taking any charge in..
ive tried stock 7.1.1, stock 7.0.1, stock 6.0.1, cyanogenmod 14 and even ran the NRT by Wugs... i have wiped everything, i formatted data and made sure the partition was correct pre-flashing by running NRT to return stock values n such, i have also tried different approachs to flashing. fastboot flash system, adb sideload, twrp install zip and NRT...
with my small (yet excessive) experience so far with android im led to believe this is being caused by some sort of conflict inside the system memory, it almost has a rythym to when it cuts off, like when it hits block such n such it goes "OUCH DAMMIT" and retreats for safety (powering off)
you'll have to forgive me for starting a new thread, the only info i can find pertains to the power button which i am fairly confident it is NOT, and after hours of searching tonight alone im really not for diffing thru every thread, i did however do a quick search prior to posting....
Where did you get the battery? Tried different USB cables and chargers? The phone boots and runs properly on stock?
I had a similar problem. I talked to LG customer support and they were aware of this issue and suggested that the whole logic board needs to be replaced. Apparently this is common with LG devices.
A workaround that worked for me is to turn off the phone for 1 day (let it cool down), clean flash whatever rom you like, then flash ElementalX kernel with the CPU under-clocked to minimum.
I have tried various ports and cords, battery from a top seller on ebay (checked reviews prior) and I cannot boot into stock Android either... During my extensive tweaking of the device last night I relocked the bootloader while returning to complete stock... After doing such I later tried some thing I saw suggested on the forums, removal of the power button.. so I desoldered it.. didn't change anything so it's def not the button... However now I cannot click the screen to confirm unlocking the BL again so I'm close to boned as far as flashing options ATM... Lol fail...
If it is a motherboard problem, and it sounds like it is, the cheapest solution may be to buy a used Nexus 5 with smashed screen and working motherboard. Swapping the motherboards is quite simple.
That's probably gonna happen, I don't see many other viable options .... It's not my phone so imma be putting money into someone else's to save face. U don't get a broke device back from me
Thanks guys

