Tw launcher - Galaxy Grand 2 Themes and Apps

i want to enable scrolling of wallpaper in samsung galaxy grand 2 kikate how to enable it plz help


How to chnage animation galaxy tab

How to add our own custom animation to samsung galaxy tab P1000

[Q] Touchwiz and modded reboot menu galaxy s3

Does anyone have an idea where I can find information to help add a recovery menu option to the touchwiz power menu on Samsung galaxy s3?

[Completed] [Q] How to add rotation to galaxy s5 launcher

Hi. I need some help. I would like to add launcher rotation to galaxy s5 stock launcher (g900f). Currently I am running Phoenix Rom ( Great rom, by the way). I have tried lots of modded touchwiz launchers but none of them has that feature. Please help.
please post the Request in Galaxy S 5 General so that the right experts may be of help.

[Q] Themes on default samsung TW 4.4.2

hello, i am using samsung galaxy note 2 N7100, i have a query, is there any possible means of changing themes on stock TW launcher? and where to get the themes

Galaxy tab 4 UI style for Galaxy tab 2???

Hey guys
Does anybody know how to theme this tablet look like a Galaxy tab 4 UI?
My tablet is already rooted with CWM installed..
How to do this??
Are you looking for this?

