The company I work for pushes a policy to your phone if you connect to the Exchange server that requires a password to be set. I'm not too upset about that, but this screen isn't very Fuze like if you know what I mean.
Is there a way to skin the screen where you enter your pin to unlock the phone? I have searched a lot and come up empty making me think this is not possible. I don't think I'll be using S2U2 because it is a battery eater. I just want to change the screen... maybe black background with cool looking buttons and green key highlights.
Answer to my own question... sort of...
Well, one way to solve this dilemma is to remove the policy via a registry edit. Even better, the following URL contains both the associated registry entries and a little free utility to remove and/or modify them. Posted here to help others.
Now with Android 2.1 it now makes me use a password word. Is there a way to bypass this as it is annoying, or maybe use a pattern instead?
With 1.5 i didn't have to use a password, but with 2.1 now i do.
This works
just thought i would update with my latest info. So here is the scoop. You can disable the exchange password lock and have it survive reboot/and mail checks. To do this follow these steps:
[APP] LockPicker - disable Exchange lock screen [30-03-2010]
Hi all,
Just whipped an app together that disables the Exchange lock screen as soon as the server has enforced its policy by using a background service and an observer on the system setting. This requires no polling, scripting, etc. and survives reboots/enforcements
If you want to use the pattern lock follow the next steps if not just skip the next steps., First set the lock pattern before you setup your exchange server, Then after you set your pattern lock setup your exchange and it will ask you to set your password after complete download Lockpicker in the market and install & run. Iit will bypass the Password lock and the pattern will now work.
Originally Posted by klaus27
Ok, my app is ready. I have sent it to tamburylar for testing.
Version 1.0 is ready for testing. Working with HTC Sense. Waiting for reply for Milestone support. HERE
HTC Sense or Motorola Droid with Exchange and password policy? Get rid of it:
networx2002 said:
Now with Android 2.1 it now makes me use a password word. Is there a way to bypass this as it is annoying, or maybe use a pattern instead?
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Not sure what you're trying to say here...
I'm using Exchange through my work, and the process is exactly the same as it has been on 1.5. Can you clarify your issue? Thanks!
networx2002 said:
Now with Android 2.1 it now makes me use a password word. Is there a way to bypass this as it is annoying, or maybe use a pattern instead?
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This has to do with the exchange active sync policies your IT dept has implemented. I believe you can remove that option from EAS on the exchange server.
As a workaround, you can use touchdown for your exchange needs as it doesnt lock down your phone but just your exchange email.
swornenemy said:
This has to do with the exchange active sync policies your IT dept has implemented. I believe you can remove that option from EAS on the exchange server.
As a workaround, you can use touchdown for your exchange needs as it doesnt lock down your phone but just your exchange email.
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With 1.5 i didnt have to use a password, but with 2.1 now i do.
networx2002 said:
With 1.5 i didnt have to use a password, but with 2.1 now i do.
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Yeah android 2.1 is more EAS compliant and can actually do remote wipes if you ever lose your phone which is nice. I did this on my hero and it wacked everything off and would only boot into recovery. Thank god for nandroid.
Be advised that if you enter your password wrong 10 times, (provided that you are still using the built in android exchange support) it will format your phone as well.
I've got it backup, Just hate to have to unlock it all the time.
Wish they would let you use a pattern
networx2002 said:
I've got it backup, Just hate to have to unlock it all the time.
Wish they would let you use a pattern
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I am in the same position as you. Delete your exchange account and use touchdown for your exchange mail. This way it doesnt require you to use a pin to use your phone except when accessing your exchange mail through touchdown
swornenemy said:
I am in the same position as you. Delete your exchange account and use touchdown for your exchange mail. This way it doesnt require you to use a pin to use your phone except when accessing your exchange mail through touchdown
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i have never been able to get touchdown to work for me
Just thought I'd join this thread, as I was shocked to find the exchange password on 2.1 too. Personally I love the idea of password and secure wipe, but the problem is the keypad is so difficult to type passwords on it takes me forever to login. I prefer just using the sliding password. And lets face it if someone wants into your password protected phone all they need is a USB cable, laptop, and SDK and they can bypass it.
To this end I've been playing with a way to bypass the password and I have been somewhat successful. I am VERY new to this stuff I've been basically teaching myself as I go, so if there are any experts around with an interest please feel free to take this knowledge and run with it.
** DISCLAIMER ** I've no idea what this will do to your phone or your email so make sure you backup, i've had no problems with any of these settings and I've always been able to just delete the exchange account and readd it when there was a problem. That being said.. you've been warned, Backup. Also bypassing your companies pointless security measures may be dangerous and cause for termination.
To get started you'll need the SDK and working ADB. It appears all the exchange info is stored in a database file that you can read/edit with sqlite3. Here is what I've found so far:
adb shell (probably need root, not sure)
cd /data/data/
sqlite3 settings.db
Optional sqlite3 settings to make reading easier:
.headers on
.mode column all
.width 2 40
There are two tables of interest here:
select * from secure;
select * from system;
The following update commands are what I used:
update secure set value=0 where name='DevicePasswordEnabled';
** This command will turn off the DevicePasswordEnabled and let you use a slide unlock pattern, but the password is still set from before.
update system set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockexchange.enable';
** This command is the magic, I found out by watching logcat that when you unlock your phone it does an IF check on this variable and if it's set then it requires you to enter a password. Once this is set to 0 it skips the password and will ask for your slide unlock pattern instead. If you don't have an unlock pattern it will just jump to your home screen.
update secure set value=0 where name='MaxInactivityTimeDeviceLock';
** This one isn't too critical but I found it and thought I would share it. It basically removes the Exchange requirement for a idle timeout.. mine was set to 30 mins which was perfectly reasonable, but I removed it anyway.
Now once you run these update commands the changes are "done" no need to reboot or do anything special (don't even need to quit sqlite3) if you try to unlock your phone it might ask for a password the first time but enter it and lock the phone again. When you try to unlock it now the password has been removed. WOOOT!!
Now if you recall at the begining I mentioned that I've been "somewhat" successful, this fix appears to work perfectly and survives Mail client refreshes and reboots. BUT to my dismay every morning when I wake up and unlock my phone I'm presented with the same "You must enable security settings" msg from exchange. When you click OK it resets all the changes we made and we are back to square one and have to unlock it again.
I am guessing there is some type of refresh of the Exchange provisioning. I've not found how to disable this as of yet. I'm presently playing with the files located in /data/data/ it appears to store all the provisioning data in a file called eas_provision.prefs. I've just tried to change the two changes we made in this file in the hopes that perhaps it looks here to compare against the database settings and if it finds a difference it refresh, but I have my doubts.
Unfortunately I cannot test this until morning as I've found no way to replicate whatever causes the exchange security check.
My guess however is that the mail client itself is re-requesting the security settings.. if thats the case we'd have to either "decompile the mail cient" which I don't have the expertise to do. Another option might be to try using an older mail client (assuming this is where the check is).
I hope this helps some folks out there, please share comments and questions hopefully we can find a good solution. Remember my objective isn't to bypass the security completely but utilize the slide unlock which I feel is just as secure as the password (thought I am not certain if the wipe will happen with the slide unlock).
Good Luck
My employer is one of the paranoid companies that require the full password, so I'm also pretty interested in the answer. Changing values in the database show promise, but we'll need to see how this impacts what data is sent back to Exchange. For example, if I change the value to not requiring a lockscreen password, does Exchange know? If so, I get in trouble with Exchange admins, and they probably wipe my phone at their will. Ultimately, the device sends data back to Exchange, and the real solution is to find where the connection between Exchange and the lock screen is, and cut the cord.
For what it's worth, on the Pre this was handled in the lockscreen app and not anywhere near Exchange. The result was bypassing the lockscreen app altogether (return true; - elegant, right?), but that wouldn't meet the needs here of still having something. Once I get it reflashed with Damage's ROM tonight, I'll be playing with this.
And for the record - I'm also not trying to work around security policies enacted by my employer. This is purely for research and educational purposes.
say I wanted to go the other way, my Exchange server doesn't require a password but I want to use a pass... will following inverse instructions enable the policy?
networx2002 said:
Now with Android 2.1 it now makes me use a password word. Is there a way to bypass this as it is annoying, or maybe use a pattern instead?
With 1.5 i didn't have to use a password, but with 2.1 now i do.
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My company has the security enforced on our Exchange server. Keyguard Disabler (look it up in Market) will do this, but it also disables the slide-to-unlock. You can toggle it on and off as you need it.
Ill have to try it.
Installed Keyguard Disabler from the market and it works great. Well worth the buck 50. Buggy when set to auto start on boot so I just put in the password once at boot and run the app. Completely bypassed the lock enforced by my exchange server.
Hell, I just logged into my Exchange server and disabled the pin requirement.....
tamburylar said:
Now if you recall at the begining I mentioned that I've been "somewhat" successful, this fix appears to work perfectly and survives Mail client refreshes and reboots. BUT to my dismay every morning when I wake up and unlock my phone I'm presented with the same "You must enable security settings" msg from exchange. When you click OK it resets all the changes we made and we are back to square one and have to unlock it again.
I am guessing there is some type of refresh of the Exchange provisioning. I've not found how to disable this as of yet. I'm presently playing with the files located in /data/data/ it appears to store all the provisioning data in a file called eas_provision.prefs. I've just tried to change the two changes we made in this file in the hopes that perhaps it looks here to compare against the database settings and if it finds a difference it refresh, but I have my doubts.
Unfortunately I cannot test this until morning as I've found no way to replicate whatever causes the exchange security check.
My guess however is that the mail client itself is re-requesting the security settings.. if thats the case we'd have to either "decompile the mail cient" which I don't have the expertise to do. Another option might be to try using an older mail client (assuming this is where the check is).
I hope this helps some folks out there, please share comments and questions hopefully we can find a good solution. Remember my objective isn't to bypass the security completely but utilize the slide unlock which I feel is just as secure as the password (thought I am not certain if the wipe will happen with the slide unlock).
Good Luck
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I remember from the windows mobile days that most exchange servers automatically refresh the policies each night just after midnight. I used to have a program that ran every so many minutes that looked for that policy to be set and would unset it again. Maybe we can get a DEV here to write us a program that runs in the background on android that will chech and apply your changes above at some periodic amount of time. I would donate for it.
kranz68osu said:
I remember from the windows mobile days that most exchange servers automatically refresh the policies each night just after midnight. I used to have a program that ran every so many minutes that looked for that policy to be set and would unset it again. Maybe we can get a DEV here to write us a program that runs in the background on android that will chech and apply your changes above at some periodic amount of time. I would donate for it.
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That would be nice
magic answer to fixing this password stuff
i had the same problem with my work email server, i tried touchdown, didnt like. here's th eanswer people, download lockbot, the free version , from the market. use it, and if your like me, you will have no problem.
damn it feels good to finally help and not be helped by these forums. lol. hope i tworks. post back
ukcatsfan said:
i had the same problem with my work email server, i tried touchdown, didnt like. here's th eanswer people, download lockbot, the free version , from the market. use it, and if your like me, you will have no problem.
damn it feels good to finally help and not be helped by these forums. lol. hope i tworks. post back
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Downloading now
It works. Thanks
one happy hero user
I'm not sure how many people here use Google's 2-step authentication android app, but if you do: How do you go about setting up the Google Authenticator App after you flash a new rom?
What I end up having to do is disable 2-step authentication in my Google Account settings, then re-enable it to be able to get a new QR code that i can setup the App with.
It seems like there should be an easier way. If anyone knows of one, let me know please.
I've tried Titanium Back without success.
I have always had to disable and re-enable it like you said. If there's a better way, I don't know what it is. The good news is it always seems to give you the same backup codes, but more often than not it messes up all of your application-specific passwords.
I realize this is a very old and dead thread... but I figured it was worth sharing the info I've found.
If you have a rooted device, launch adb shell, and then do a "cat /data/data/"
It's ugly, mainly because it's a sqlite DB that you're catting to the shell lol. If you want could always pull it off and open it in a sqlite reader app of your choice. Anyway.... the info you're looking for is near the bottom. It dumps it out in the following fashion. Note, there's no spaces in between your account and the initialization serial key.
[email protected]thisisnttherealkey
I entered that on my new device and voila, synced perfectly. Verified by looking at the codes on 2 phones side by side.
snowmanwithahat said:
I realize this is a very old and dead thread... but I figured it was worth sharing the info I've found.
If you have a rooted device, launch adb shell, and then do a "cat /data/data/"
It's ugly, mainly because it's a sqlite DB that you're catting to the shell lol. If you want could always pull it off and open it in a sqlite reader app of your choice. Anyway.... the info you're looking for is near the bottom. It dumps it out in the following fashion. Note, there's no spaces in between your account and the initialization serial key.
[email protected]thisisnttherealkey
I entered that on my new device and voila, synced perfectly. Verified by looking at the codes on 2 phones side by side.
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Hello everyone.
I use Google Authentication for almost every available site and all my custom made web apps.
Is there an app or an easy way to backup up and restore Google authenticaton on NON rooted Nexus 4 ?
Okay, so i was wondering for a while why we need to remember strong passwords!?
I mean a long time ago i learned that a password has to be as cryptic (and unrememberable) as possible to increase security. A not so long time ago i learned that passwords dont have to be cryptic, but should be as long as possible.
For me, long passwords are okay if im in front of my computer, but since i have to enter them on my phone or tablet it gets really troublesome and annoying to enter long passwords.
So my idea was that it would be much nice if servers (or whoever demands passwords) would do more to prevent password attacks. For example, if your account has entered a wrong password for example 10 times than lock it for 5 Minutes. If there are 10 more attempts lock it for another hour. If there are 10 more failed attempts shut it down for a day.
By that approach you only get 30 attempts in one day. Even an ridiculously easy password would be enough to withstand password breakers.
So why isnt this done more often? Why do i need a strong password?
Another possibilty would be just to shutdown any account with more than 50 attempts and you need to reset your password.
So am i missing something?
Check out "KeePass" and other password storage systems.
I use KeePass and KeePass Droid and sync between devices. The database file is encrypted and unlocked with a master password - one that while long, is easy to remember - the passwords for individual accounts are random strings.
One disadvantage I can think of as to locking down accounts with incorrect guesses is that it would give people who want to annoy/troll/et cetera a way to lock people out and have them keep resetting their password - or, if you suggest locking the account down - lock the real user out indefinitely by continuing to spam passwords they know are wrong. This kind of assault could continue even after the password has been reset - rendering the account unusable.
Lutziver said:
Okay, so i was wondering for a while why we need to remember strong passwords!?
I mean a long time ago i learned that a password has to be as cryptic (and unrememberable) as possible to increase security. A not so long time ago i learned that passwords dont have to be cryptic, but should be as long as possible.
For me, long passwords are okay if im in front of my computer, but since i have to enter them on my phone or tablet it gets really troublesome and annoying to enter long passwords.
So my idea was that it would be much nice if servers (or whoever demands passwords) would do more to prevent password attacks. For example, if your account has entered a wrong password for example 10 times than lock it for 5 Minutes. If there are 10 more attempts lock it for another hour. If there are 10 more failed attempts shut it down for a day.
By that approach you only get 30 attempts in one day. Even an ridiculously easy password would be enough to withstand password breakers.
So why isnt this done more often? Why do i need a strong password?
Another possibilty would be just to shutdown any account with more than 50 attempts and you need to reset your password.
So am i missing something?
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Passwords are normally not stored on a webserver, just a password hash, which is a code made form your password for example the md5 hash could be used.
So when you create an account the hash is stored (so the webserver never knows your password) and then when you come to login you enter your password, the hash is created and check agaisnt the stored hash.
Passwords are hacked by someone gaining access to the password database then downloading its contents, from there own machine they can then run a brute force attack moving through possible passwords, generating there hash and checking against the hashs downloaded.
They will normally start by using some form of dedicatory of known used passwords (things like 1234, qwerty etc etc) and then go into generating random strings until the right one is found.
professional hackers will use hardware like this to brute force which is able to work through billions of hashs a second.
Thus the longer and more random your password strength the better but then again if the attacker wanted to and had enough time they will get your password.
The only thing webservers can do is try and keep databases secure enough that an attack to grab the data isnt possible, but we all known this often is not the case
Pennycake said:
Check out "KeePass" and other password storage systems.
I use KeePass and KeePass Droid and sync between devices. The database file is encrypted and unlocked with a master password - one that while long, is easy to remember - the passwords for individual accounts are random strings.
One disadvantage I can think of as to locking down accounts with incorrect guesses is that it would give people who want to annoy/troll/et cetera a way to lock people out and have them keep resetting their password - or, if you suggest locking the account down - lock the real user out indefinitely by continuing to spam passwords they know are wrong. This kind of assault could continue even after the password has been reset - rendering the account unusable.
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I would also recommend taking a look at LastPass, along these lines. A long master password and individual passwords is really rather safe.
Funny thing, after setting up KeePass, I had a few accounts compromised - the ones I forgot I had and didn't switch over. The its a good thing I did switch over, or something important could have been gotten into.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Also I would like to suggest Dashlane for password security. It's the only form of password management software I've ever used but I've been very happy with it. It's definitely worth checking out
In terms of password security, the most important factor is the length of the password: with each character added, the time taken to brute force the password increases dramatically, following a power law model.
That said, you also want your password to not be easily guessable: so don't use something that relates to personal information about you, or about what the password is for (i.e. don't make your XDA password 'xda-developers').
This XKCD is relevant, in case someone in the universe hasn't seen it already...
Password storage programs like KeePass are a great way of solving the security vs. memorability problem: your passwords can be as long and random as you want, you only need a strong master password to be secure.
Not even passwords, we need strong security. Check out these thread:
[Suggestions & Discussions] Why mobile security matters
Sent from my GT-I9103 using xda premium
With iOS I used 1password to generate 20 character passwords so I don't remember any of my passwords since it's kept in the app. Hopefully they update the Android version soon.
Sent from my Nexus 4
Another one for Keepass here. The array of devices it is available for is impressive. I am trying to convince everyone I know to use some sort of password management since more and more of our lives are on the net now, particulary bank and government accounts.
You don't need a really strong password if you're protecting your device from people who don't know you (not your friends, or your kids). If you're only worried about your device getting stolen by someone you don't know (who doesn't know you) you can make your password easy to remember and enter by making it your first born child's name or pet's name, or first born child's birth date. But if you're trying to protect the device from your kids (or other people who know you), you better make it something a little harder for them to guess.
Lutziver said:
Okay, so i was wondering for a while why we need to remember strong passwords!?
I mean a long time ago i learned that a password has to be as cryptic (and unrememberable) as possible to increase security. A not so long time ago i learned that passwords dont have to be cryptic, but should be as long as possible.
For me, long passwords are okay if im in front of my computer, but since i have to enter them on my phone or tablet it gets really troublesome and annoying to enter long passwords.
So my idea was that it would be much nice if servers (or whoever demands passwords) would do more to prevent password attacks. For example, if your account has entered a wrong password for example 10 times than lock it for 5 Minutes. If there are 10 more attempts lock it for another hour. If there are 10 more failed attempts shut it down for a day.
By that approach you only get 30 attempts in one day. Even an ridiculously easy password would be enough to withstand password breakers.
So why isnt this done more often? Why do i need a strong password?
Another possibilty would be just to shutdown any account with more than 50 attempts and you need to reset your password.
So am i missing something?
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No u r write but thn it is easy for our frnds r closed ones to know our pswds
Sent from my Micromax A50 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 08:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------
Sry its right nt write
Sent from my Micromax A50 using xda developers app
I would be very careful about using "apps" to manage stored passwords. Hopefully the database is encrypted. (There is e.g. a bitcoin wallet app that doen't encrypt stored data!) It is sometimes trivial to decompile the app to get the java sources with the decryption algorithm. If it was a native app, decompilation would be harder.
You have to assume the attacker can get the db and the algorithm, and therefore only has to guess the key. Therefore, the password you choose must be as difficult to guess as possible. (This goes double for people using software they can't build themselves, such as linux distros and roms. There is a reason Debian devs cryptographically sign their contributions (packages) which are then built and distributed by other machines; it is near impossible to inject malware, in such a way that others can't discover who did it.)
The real problem is that malware on e.g. a desktop os can install keyloggers and grab the contents of copy/paste buffers. So the mechanism to move the password from the db to the app that needs it must also be secure. Passwords must be salted, and correct algorithms chosen for each part of the software (E.g. MD5, mentioned above, is considered insufficient for password hashes and most other uses, and should not be used).
A lot of people think that encrypting things or hashing them multiple times or with 2 or 3 different algorithms will improve security; this can actually decrease the amount of work for an attacker, so must not be done.
Ask yourself if the developer of such an app is aware of these issues, and also of the specific API and other features of Android that provide (some) security in the face of an attack. Ask yourself if such a developer would be compensated more by writing such an app, or by doing other work.
Then make your decision about how much you can trust the app that you have.
Sent from my SGH-I317M using xda app-developers app
Just have a long passward or any cryptic 1,
Remember on your web and use a masterpassward in firefox if shared system,
And just save it in an app called msecure in android just sync with Dropbox and tjen when ever you need to enter a password just copy from msecure and paste it where you want.
----------------Read If You Have Time----------------
Send From My Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100,
HIT thanks if I did Helped you.
LIFE! It's what you make out of it!
rselthn slight
KeePass or 1Password instantly springs to mind as others have already mentioned.
One way to keep secure passwords easy to remember is by taking the websitename, domain, or some other criteria (5th word on the homepage) and applying a couple of rules on that. E.g. take the word phonetically in reverse order, shift all vowels one place in the alphabet, append an exclamation mark, prepend a fixed number (e.g. 5), and add the length as a number to the end. XDA would become exdeeaa -> aaeedxe -> bbffdxf ->5bbffdxf! ->5bbffdxf!9 ... still quite difficult to guess, but easy to remember, because you just have to remember the rules.
Obviously those rules aren't the actual rules I use, but I do use something like this...
i'm looking for a specific type of app that i cant find anywhere in the playstore and i did my fair share of testing. This app would enable the lock screen to recognize two pins. One would be the normal pin you enter when you want to unlock the phone and the secondary pin when entered would trigger a series of security protocols like wipe all data on the phone ,erase all contacts and sms apps etc. Is there such an app? If not,then this would make a great idea for an app. I know i'd pay for it. Thanks in advance.
There are no such apps right now .
But you may try something like android device manager or mcAffee which provides online accessibility to your device for wiping data,fact. reset etcetera .
Or , instead of writing/requesting here , you may contact your favorite lock screen app developer and simply request to then to implement your idea on it . They will add it without any doubt
Sent from my GT-S7562 using XDA Forums PRO
bg1129 said:
i'm looking for a specific type of app that i cant find anywhere in the playstore and i did my fair share of testing. This app would enable the lock screen to recognize two pins. One would be the normal pin you enter when you want to unlock the phone and the secondary pin when entered would trigger a series of security protocols like wipe all data on the phone ,erase all contacts and sms apps etc. Is there such an app? If not,then this would make a great idea for an app. I know i'd pay for it. Thanks in advance.
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There's not an exact match to your requirements always but still on the half way down there are some apps which you may try & deal accordingly.
I would recommend you to use
1. Smart Applock
2. Theftie
3. Cm Applock.
Out of these you may select the one you feel comfortable with.
Hope you find this useful...
ayushbpl10 said:
There's not an exact match to your requirements always but still on the half way down there are some apps which you may try & deal accordingly.
I would recommend you to use
1. Smart Applock
2. Theftie
3. Cm Applock.
Out of these you may select the one you feel comfortable with.
Hope you find this useful...
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OP posted a SINGLE requirement, and none of the apps you listed can fulfil that requirement.
snapper.fishes said:
OP posted a SINGLE requirement, and none of the apps you listed can fulfil that requirement.
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Have you tried Smart Applock...
Then look for a feature of lock screen setting which allow you to have 2 passwords for the lockscreen & also has the feature of siren when password feeded wrong & mailing an image as well as video of the person trying to gain unauthorized access to your device. Also it provide wipe & lock feature.
Talking about other apps they also function the same but don't have a feature of multiple password.
I hope next time you try the apps first & then post such a reply....
Moreover I strictly mentioned that the exact requirements are not be found with these apps & user must look accordingly as per the available features.
ayushbpl10 said:
Have you tried Smart Applock...
Then look for a feature of lock screen setting which allow you to have 2 passwords for the lockscreen & also has the feature of siren when password feeded wrong & mailing an image as well as video of the person trying to gain unauthorized access to your device. Also it provide wipe & lock feature.
Talking about other apps they also function the same but don't have a feature of multiple password.
I hope next time you try the apps first & then post such a reply....
Moreover I strictly mentioned that the exact requirements are not be found with these apps & user must look accordingly as per the available features.
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Ok. By now i understand there is no such app so let me tell you why all of the above do not work for me.
We all store more and more sensitive info on our phones,we make payments with the phone we have banking apps installed ,private emails and so on.All the above apps are great apps if your phone is stolen,but full of can take out the sim card and that's it.What do you do if someone forces you to enter the pin and then disappear with the phone wallet etc?in the time it takes you to go home and remote wipe the phone they already have everything that was on the phone. All those apps are useless and full of flaws in cases like this.