[Q] Can I toggle my phones APN via PC - Other Tools & General Discussion

I connect my phone to my PC via USB to use as a router, I have created a macro on my PC and at the end i have to make it pause before it can repeat so i can toggle the APN on my phone to change the IP address. If there's anyway I can toggle my phones APN via computer it would make things 100 times easier as i could set the macro to do it. Is there any possible way I could do this? like send a message to my phone through the USB cable to switch APN off and back on... I don't really have a clue how this could be done, I just need to know if its possible before I look further into it or if there's something already what can do this.
Phone model: Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I8190N
OS: Android 4.1.2


Always on ICS?

Ok, so I've googled and come up with nada. There is a string for "disabledonboot" under HKLM/Comm/connectionsharing. By default its set to 0. I tried enabling it but didnt get the result that I wanted. I'm trying to find a way to automatically have the palm act as an ICS device everytime I plug it into the PC. I have the USB side of activesync disabled (I'm on exchange, and rarely sync via cable). When I plug the device in now, it gives the laptop a local IP on the palm, but it doesnt enable the ICS connection until I manually go in and activate it, then it reissues an IP to the phone with the enabled connection. Anyone ever gotten it to work without all the steps / just plug and play?

[Q] How to get Kies over Wifi to sync with laptop?

I have the Samsung Kies application installed on my Win7 x64 laptop. Using USB works fine, but Ive been trying to get the WiFi sync option working and I can never get the Laptop running Kies to see any of my 3 Samsung Galaxy S2s (two skyrockets and one T989).
I followed the guide to make sure I setup network discovery, enabled the right services, etc.
However what do I have to do on the phone to make it "activate" or anything to show up on the laptop? What am I missing?
Again this is Kies over Wifi, Im not talking about using Kies Air application on the phone and going to the URL the phone shows, that works just fine.
I saw a few guides searching on Google, but problem is they all seem to show this option of "Kies via Wifi" under the Network/Wireless menu, I have nothing like thatin all 3 of my phones which are 2.3.6, or 4.0.3 or even the 4.0.4.
You dont need to run a program on your PC. Turn on your wifi on your phone and run kies air. When it starts it will give you the IP address of your phone. Open up your browser on your computer and type "IPADDRESS:8080"
8080 stands for the port number. or it may be 80 but im sure its 8080.
Theres a program on the market that does the exact same thing. WiFi explorer im thinking is the name.
Ends said:
You dont need to run a program on your PC. Turn on your wifi on your phone and run kies air. When it starts it will give you the IP address of your phone. Open up your browser on your computer and type "IPADDRESS:8080"
8080 stands for the port number. or it may be 80 but im sure its 8080.
Theres a program on the market that does the exact same thing. WiFi explorer im thinking is the name.
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Yea Im familiar with that, my 2nd to last paragraph mentioned that I have no problem with Kies Air.
But I was just trying to figure out how to get Kies to sync via Wifi as it claims it can directly with the phone. But i can never get it to work. Thats what Im talking about. Kies Air is different and like I said works fine, but Im talking about the Desktop thick client application that is called Kies and supposedly connects via wifi to the phone and allows it to sync wirelessly like the iPhones can now do.
Forgot to mention that your computer and your phone MUST be connected to the same network. You can even activate wifi tether on your phone and connect that way.
I have the same problem. Want to use wi-fi connection to sync my Samsung Galaxy Y Duos via Kies via Wi-Fi automatically. The problem is that I can't connect my phone to Kies via Wi-Fi. Via USB it works fine, but I want it via Wi-Fi.
It looks like my Win 7 haven't accepted the driver for the phone form Kies at a time of Kies installation.
Have any one solved this issue?

Question - Can i toggle my phones APN via PC?

I connect my phone to my PC via USB to use as a router, I have created a macro on my PC and at the end i have to make it pause before it can repeat so i can toggle the APN on my phone to change the IP address. If there's anyway I can toggle my phones APN via computer it would make things 100 times easier as i could set the macro to do it. Is there any possible way I could do this? like send a message to my phone through the USB cable to switch APN off and back on... I don't really have a clue how this could be done, I just need to know if its possible before I look further into it or if there's something already what can do this.
Phone model: Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I8190N
OS: Android 4.1.2

sprint s5 ... cant access files on PC---help

I have a note 2 I currently use- when I plug the usb in - in windows 7 I get the option to view files etc....
I just bought a used sprint galaxy s5 from my ol ladys sister who had it hooked up at one of those corner wireless shops.
I want to root it but read to make sure your pc recognizes it first- which it does not.
Ive downloaded the latest usb drivers for the phone.
Ive enabled debugging mode.
Ive used the original supplied cord and also tried my note 2 cord.
When I plug it in it recognizes it and detects drivers but the phone does not show up under my computer and I dont get the window popup asking if I want to view files etc.
Getting really frustrated.
Any ideas?
deezdrama said:
I have a note 2 I currently use- when I plug the usb in - in windows 7 I get the option to view files etc....
I just bought a used sprint galaxy s5 from my ol ladys sister who had it hooked up at one of those corner wireless shops.
I want to root it but read to make sure your pc recognizes it first- which it does not.
Ive downloaded the latest usb drivers for the phone.
Ive enabled debugging mode.
Ive used the original supplied cord and also tried my note 2 cord.
When I plug it in it recognizes it and detects drivers but the phone does not show up under my computer and I dont get the window popup asking if I want to view files etc.
Getting really frustrated.
Any ideas?
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When I plug the s5 into my pc and pull down the notification bar ...it doesnt even show usb connected.
I cant find any usb options other than usb debugging.
I just went through all this same crap with a galaxy mega a buddy had.
I just dont get why there is no "usb connected as" notification and why this is so complicated to connect to pc when my note connects fine
Bad cable? Maybe Bad Drivers? Where did you download them from? Windows is going to try to recognize it as a media device. Ill give you a couple tips
Just because the "popup window" doesnt popup, you probably just have auto play set to recognize it a certain way.
Just copy and paste this into your explorer window:
%windir%\system32\control.exe /name Microsoft.AutoPlay
and then reset it for your phone.
1. Make sure the cable is actually connecting, like charging the phone, consistantly, not on and off. If it is, then you know thats good, if not, switch the usb drive you have the cable plugged into. USB Ports actually on the motherboard are the ones Ive always had luck with never disconnecting.
2. If you want to root your phone, and you want the adb drivers, Windows wont find those for you.
Thanks for the reply.
I downloaded the drivers straight from the windows usb driver dowload page for my phone from samsung.
Ive uninstalled reboot,installed rebooted.
Ive set usb debugging off/on.
Tried dialling *#0808# which ive read is the code to enable usb but it doest work it just calls the #.
Tried all my moyherboard usb ports
Tried different cable
The original cable charges fine.
This sg5 NEVER has a usb icon when connected to usb... i find that odd.
A samsung mega a buddy had which was also previously hooked up at the same wireless shop that this s5 was..... also has the same exact issue.... no usb icon and not recognised as media by windows and no way to change usb settings.
Its like that wireless shop disabled usb on there phones for some reason.
I had the phone 2 weeks and cant do anything with it untill I can root it.
My note 2 works fine , i get usb icon in notification area,i can switch to media device from there.
On the sg5 theres no usb icon even though it connects fine to the pc as installer
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Maybe Im misunderstanding you, but when I have my phone plugged into my pc there is no usb icon, its just connected as a media device and shows its charging. Both screenshots are of my phone while its plugged into my computer
When you plug it into your computer can you access the files on the phone through your windows explorer, like in the first screenshot?
Thanks for replying and the screenshots.
When my phone is plugged into the computer it shows the charging status but no "connected as media device" it doesnt show a connected as anything so nothing to touch for options.
The phone does not show up under windows explorer in my computer.
Ive been using galaxy phones since the original galaxy and never had issues like this.
I just dont get it
I'm similar issues...my phone will just time out in the middle of transfers or won't see the phone at all
Both of your issues sound like driver issues. Heres the link from Samsung for Windows for the S5
To make this issue stranger....
My neighbor came over to borrow juice for her ecig. I noticed she has an s5.
I ask if i can connect it to my computer and as soon as I plug it in with my s5 cable...bam ...connected as media device , touch for usb options.
And my computer brought up the screen to view files.
So i now know its not my pc,drivers, or cables.
I did however notice when I plugged my s5 in.... in the notification area where it would say touch for usb options.
It says "system update"
But i have no sim or service on the phone so it doesnt update.
Could the system update be needed for the usb to work?
How would i even update system ?its nolonger on sprint. I wouldnt want any more over the air updates anyway as im wanted to root so i can save a straight talk apn and probablly flash a custom rom
Yea... this is nuts.
This sprint s5 i got looks and performs like a brand new phone.
But cannot for the life of me get "connected as ......" to show when a usb is plugged in. When i search settings for "pc connection" , "media" , mtp" , usb" etc.....
Theres nothing I can find to enable how to connect when usb is connected.
I dont even know who or where to ask anymore.
Bought this phone weeks ago and cant do anything with it.
My neighbors s5 connects to my pc no problems. So does my note 2.
I just dont know anymore what else to do
i dont see where not having a sim would matter. does the usb port on your phone seem loose or anything? do you have access to another pc to try connecting to that?
ultimately you can get around most things that require needing a usb connection. theres even a wireless adb.
i doubt this will work either, but have you tried seeing if odin will recognize the phone in download mode? (power off the phone and press the power+home+volume down buttons)
also what version of android is on the phone now? if its still on 4.4.2 or 4.4.4 then you might want to look into towelroot, but i think i remember reading thats not working with 5.0
as for rooting, you could try looking for a flashable update.zip , put it on a external sd card, put that in your phone and boot into recovery (power off the phone and press the power+home+volume up buttons) and flash it, then find a custom recovery like clockworkmod or philz touch or something
all in all im 99% sure theres a way to root the phone without having to do anything on a pc, its just a matter of finding a way to do it, and the before choosing a method to tell you to try, i need to know the android version. also im just assuming the model number is SM-G900P, is that right?
Go into your settings and tell me the
Software Version
Model Number
Android Version
and the Baseband Version
once factory reset...usb works fine.
Im now rooted and flashed MOAR
thanks for all who tried to help
Glad you got it figured out

Urgent: need backup of A8 2018 with broken/black screen for upcoming court case.

I'm helping a friend who needs backup of her broken phone for an upcoming court case.
I need to extract all photos (camera, snapchat etc) and text messages (sms/mms).
The phone seems to be working other than the screen and touch controls.
Replacing/repairing the screen isn't an option as we both have minimal funds, and my friend has a new phone already)
i have "access" to the phone, but neither USB Debughing nor MTP is enabled so i cannot access any files.
I'm able to unlock it with a keyboard connected (i hear the little unlock click after entering the pin, and the "turn off screen" click when i press the power button.) But i have to navigate blindly, and any guide i find seems arbitrary how to get to settings, it says to press win+n (same as pulling down the quick settings menu from home) and press tab an arbitrary number of times to get to the settings gear in the corner. i tried doing this on my own working note 10 plus with the external keyboard, but i see it scrolls through every notification, so unless you know the number of notifications, hitting the gear is just pure luck.
I have also tried hooking up a usb-c to hdmi dongle (which works and starts dex on my n10+) but it says no signal on the A80, so external monitor seems out of the question.
Is there a consistent way to enter settings, or any way to enable the following settings:
* enable voice assistant (accessibility settings so i can hear where i am and navigate using voice/sound)
* enable USB MTP (or similar so i atleast can access files from a computer)
* enable USB debugging (to use ADB to screenmirror and/or etc)
* alternatively clear notifications so entering settings should become consistant with number of keypresses
I have tried some apps like dr fone but it doesnt support backup from this model, and any other settings wants to wipe the phone.
I have tried holding both volume buttons to enable google voice assist, but also unsure if this ever worked
The phone is not on wifi and i am not 100% sure if wifi is enabled at the moment, nor if it has the current wifi password my friend uses, but i can try do do things from there if internet access will help.
I dont think google now nor bixby (if this phone has that) is enabled as i dont get any reply or voice ding while pressing the win key (home button normally on working android)
I think i can enter recovery and download modes, i got COM5 on odin, but I'm unsure if i ever get into recovery menu.. but even then, is there any custom recovery firmware that will enable usb mtp access at all for this device?
Also, I'm not able to have a computer connected at the same time as a keyboard as I'm using a wired keyboard with OTG adapter.
* A80 with broken unresponsive screen.
* Have access blindly through otg keyboard
* Need to enable mtp and/or usb debug (alt. Voice assist)
* Need consistent way to access settings
Both MUST be done using only wired otg keyboard.
* Hdmi out (no signal)
* computer recovery software (no dice)
* having computer and keyboard connected simultaneously (keyboard works, pc doesnt recognize, could be dongle)
Hope someone can help me (us) fast.
enter adb
almeria53 said:
enter adb
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please read the post.
Changis said:
* A80 with broken unresponsive screen.
* Have access blindly through otg keyboard
* Need to enable mtp and/or usb debug (alt. Voice assist)
* Need consistent way to access settings
Both MUST be done using only wired otg keyboard.
* Hdmi out (no signal)
* computer recovery software (no dice)
* having computer and keyboard connected simultaneously (keyboard works, pc doesnt recognize, could be dongle)
Hope someone can help me (us) fast.
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have you been able to verify that the MTP device actually works with other phones?
those things can be picky
youdoofus said:
have you been able to verify that the MTP device actually works with other phones?
those things can be picky
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USB MTP is just file tranfer?
F.ex. if i use smartswitch on pc, it first tells me to unlock the phone, if i unlock the phone with the otg keyboard and reconnect it it says i cannot tranfer files because MTP is not enabled in settings.
Changis said:
USB MTP is just file tranfer?
F.ex. if i use smartswitch on pc, it first tells me to unlock the phone, if i unlock the phone with the otg keyboard and reconnect it it says i cannot tranfer files because MTP is not enabled in settings.
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sorry man, i meant MHL adapter.
As far as i found out, A8 does not support MHL/HDMI out..
guess ill spend the weekend to try to get voice assist working by blind trail and error :/
If anyone could provide screenshots of the settings menu and/or recovery menu (and if its possible to enter without touching the screen, and if so how) that would be greatly appreciated.
The phone should be mostly completely stock set up, but home icons might have moved and menu icons might not be in the same place, but i think the pull down menu should be the same as any stock setup, so a screenshot of that would be nice too
As far as Android goes, by unlocking the phone and plugging it into a computer then you should be able to view the files on the phone from the PC like any USB drive. What you can also do is use Samsung Smart Switch and do a backup of the phone on a PC as this will be able to pull all text messages, photos, etc into a backup folder. Then you can restore any part of that backup on another Samsung phone, including messages.
There may be a few things that will not transfer over. As far as viewing the photos and other files, you can navigate to the backup folder on the PC and check everything there. This is all provided that the phone actually works and is unlocked.
Havok_2k said:
As far as Android goes, by unlocking the phone and plugging it into a computer then you should be able to view the files on the phone from the PC like any USB drive. What you can also do is use Samsung Smart Switch and do a backup of the phone on a PC as this will be able to pull all text messages, photos, etc into a backup folder. Then you can restore any part of that backup on another Samsung phone, including messages.
There may be a few things that will not transfer over. As far as viewing the photos and other files, you can navigate to the backup folder on the PC and check everything there. This is all provided that the phone actually works and is unlocked.
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As stated in my original post, usb-MTP (file transfer) is not enabled by default, and my friend never connected the phone to a computer, so i have to enable it to be able to access anything.
The phone connects and seems to work fine except the display, smart switch says to enable mtp pn the phone to transfer files after i unlock it, so my problem is activating talkback so i have aural navigation help so i can turn on usb/mtp for file transfer(and hopefully adb) or to turn on usb directly, but i think talckback is the highest priority as it will help me navigate the phone and be sure of where i am, an accidental keypress on can ruin a long sequence and i would have to start again from scratch as i cannot know if im in the same location.
Any update on this? I have exactly the same problem and no solution so far...

