Porting Android to GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows. - Android General

I have been thinking about Firefox OS. Why anyone would buy a Firefox phone, if the platform (Apps store and apps) are implemented in the Firefox web browser for Android? What actually IS the Firefox platform - A so called 'Operating System' or the special gecko runtime? I think it's the gecko runtime.
Android is the same (yet dissimilar). Is Android an OS? or is it just a sophisticated Java runtime enviroment? I think, it's mostly that sophisticate Java enviroment.
Java's purpose was to create a platform that abstracted out across most other platforms (the UNIX's, Macintosh and Windows). It gave developers freedom, it gave businesses more flexible architecture, and it gave the FOSS community a powerful way to touch and intergrate free software onto multiple platforms at once. Android is implemented some what ontop of Java. (This makes sense, as almost all non-smartphones used Java Micro edition, I believe.)
But if everything Java, works multiplatform, why can't Android too?
I do know of course there are dependancies in the Java underworld within Android itself (camera, sensors libraries and etc...) Again, doesn't Java abstract that all out?


[Q] The android can run java applet

hello everybody,
there's a way to a android device run a java applet in a web browser or by other ways?
There are a few offline converters that help run selective JVM content on DVM ( android's VM called Dalvik).
But there isn't any end user friendly/on-the-fly one to run java applets on android browser.
Unless implemented and ported native_ly, it would end up being a extra shim on top of DVM, slowing down any app/applet that runs on top of it. It is very unlikely that google promotes this. Competition has pushed them to rush for adobe flash support but that might be the limit.
On the other hand, people have managed to run DVM on other platforms. It has indeed been running from day zero on development emulator on PCs and MACs.

[Q] How to create homebrew app with native code which run in emulator.

Hi Guys,
I would like to create simple app with NATIVE code which run in emulator.
It is not possible to use solution in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1299134&highlight=developer+guide because it's use some ARM code.
Do you have any idea how make things work?
Thank you,
You actually could (msotly) use that guide, but you would need to recompile the ARM portion for x86. My guess as to the best way to do this would be to use the "Platform Builder" for CE6 or CE7, instead of using the WinMo 6.5 platform as your target. WinMo only shipped on ARM devices, so far as I know, but the underlying OS, Windows CE, is very portable and the tools for it support building on a wide variety of architectures. WP7 is built on a version of CE somewhere between CE6 and CE7.
Otherwise, the stuff about using ATL, making a COM library, using ComBridge from the WP7 app, etc. all still applies.
That all said... why would you want to do this? Do you not have an actual phone to test on? Porting between ARM and x86 isn't *that* hard, but you shouldn't just assume that it'll work in all cases, so it makes a lot more sense, if you're building native code, to build and test for the same architecture you're planning to release on.
Additionally, the emulator may be missing some of the libraries that are present on the phone.
Thanks a lot. I will try it.
This is very beginning of my school project. I want only demonstrate that is possible to run some native code on WP7. Next phase of project will be on real device which I don't have right now..
Well, good luck, but I'd tend to say you're setting yourself up for a risk of failure. I don't know what it will take to use the CE Platform Builder for something like this; I have it installed but have never tried using it.
There may also be a way to compile for x86 using the WinMo build tools; I think some of the old "emulators" for WinMo were also x86 virtual machines (much like the WP7 emulator is). I never tried, though.
Risk of failure? I don't see how. The hardest part of this is finding a way to get his .exe on the emulator device and unlocking it. If he isn't using ARM ASM in his project, "porting" to x86 (or any other processor WinCE supports) should be trivial as long as a sufficiently complete SDK is available. The main issue with x86 on newer Pocket PC-like targets is that there are no Pocket PC SDKs targeting it newer than the Pocket PC 2003 one. If you want to use newer WM5 only features like GPSAPI, you'd probably need to use a CE 6.0 SDK instead.
If he doesn't want to do real time debugging, any of the Windows CE development tools or even 3rd party tools like Bloodshed DevC++, CE gcc/MinGW or FreePascal should all suffice. Windows CE is a very backward compatible OS so even an application targeting the CE 2.11 platform/SDK should still run on WP7 when you are careful to use supported APIs.
If you don't want to install Platform Builder and generate your own custom OS to base an SDK on, there are plenty of SDKs to choose from. Of course, some are worse than others. If you are using the CE 4.2 or 5.0 STANDARD_SDKs, you might become a bit frustrated when you realize they are missing many basic things like the Windows CE SIP APIs. (something that has been available for CE since 1.01 in 1997). But if you don't care about using the latest native CE kernel features and still want to use a newer IDE like VS2005/VS2008, the CE 5.0 STANDARD_SDK should be enough if you are careful. Though, I usually install things like eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 and 4.0 along with all the Pocket PC and Handheld PC SDKs just in case I need a header or lib file that one or the other is missing.
The following MS SDKs can target x86:
Pocket PC 2002
Smartphone 2002
Handheld PC 2000
Pocket PC 2003
Smartphone 2003
Another useful x86 SDK I've found is the one for the Allegro CE/DOS Field PC:
Here are some download links to many of the CE SDKs and compilers that were released over the years:
Here are some links to download some of the tools I've mentioned:
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/search.aspx?q=embedded visual tools
You will need SP4 for eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 if you wish to use newer SDKs with it.
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/search.aspx?q=pocket pc sdk
Ummm... maybe you missed the part where this is WP7 forum, and the OP is trying to run native code on the WP7 emulator... I can tell from your post that you're not terribly familiar with WP7 development, so here's a few salient points:
Compiling to a .exe is a waste of time. WP7 won't run foreign EXEs, at all, unless you make some pretty low-level changes that aren't possible on the emulator (see "full-unlock" custom ROMs). You have to write a managed app (which compiles to a DLL hosted inside a low-privilege EXE that's built into the system) and a COM library and use the InteropServices ComBridge API. So far we haven't even gotten P/Invoke to work.
WP7, especially Mango, uses a limited set of native APIs and the APIs have changed somewhat in the last decade or so. They aren't supposed to be available to third-party devs at all, so any backward compatibility is basically a convenient accident. Targeting Smartphone 2003 *might* work, but then, it might not. Even a number of WinMo 6.5 APIs aren't available or don't work.
Since it appears that the OP is just going for a demo project, he or she probably is a lot less interested in getting the most powerful APIs, and is probably hoping for something closer to invoking a MessageBox from native code.
All that said, however, it's true that there are WinCE SDKs which can build native x86 code. I'd tend to suggest using the CE6 or CE7 Platform Builders, since they're the most recent (WP7 is somewhere between the two), but there are other options. You probably want to follow the guide as much as possible, including things like using ATL, as it makes writing a COM library a lot easier and that's the best way we currently know for executing native code in WP7.

Thoughts on Qt 5.1

Qt 5.1 is scheduled to come out soon with fully integrated android and iOS support. Has anyone worked with Qt/Necessitas for android development. I really want to pick up a C++ cross platform tootkit over the summer and Qt seems like the best option. I am fluent in Java but figure if I can get results that are just as good as the default SDK using Qt that I might persue it further.
I have released two 2D games for Android using Qt/Necessitas. Those were made for Symbian and Meego originally, so using Necessitas to port them to Android was quite ease. I really like using Qt C++ / QML (compared to "standard "C++). But I cannot recommend Qt to every job. For instance 3D game development is much easier using full-blown game engine, such as Unity.
Qt 5 apps can also be run on natively Ubuntu Touch with little to no modification
RC is now availible: http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/...m_campaign=qt-5-1-release-candidate-available
What about speed? How close it is to a native app???
Lyonsbane said:
What about speed? How close it is to a native app???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What do you mean by "native app"? Qt apps on android are in fact NDK apps, so they work as fast as any Android app implemented in native code. I personally use Qt 5.2 for Android, works like a charm.
Features of Qt 5.1
Qt 5.1 is mend for the static Qt builds. Apart from this the Perl dependency is also removed in the Qt 5.1. Online installer packages are available for Qt 5.1. It has improved c++11 code editing feature. There are few new modules like quick layouts, sensors, quick dialogs etc in Qt 5.1.

[Q] App for running eclipse on Andorid

Hi all,
Just inquiring if there is any app I could install on my android tab
and be able to do some java programming, like running Luna Eclipse
which does so well on windows.
@faeiz747, despite its Linux roots, Android is far from capable of running Eclipse IDE as is. Not only is the hardware inadequate for supporting such a large application, but Android lacks a full Java SE JVM (Dalvik is a subset) and SWT (Eclipse UI framework) implementation for native Android UI controls does not exist. On Linux, SWT implementations exist only for GTK and Motif.
You may be interested in Project Orion, which is an effort at eclipse.org to create Eclipse-like experience in the browser. I understand that people have been able to use Orion from a mobile browser on devices such as the one on the iPad.

Intel MOE - Android Java runnining on iOS

Intel lets developers reuse Android Java code on iOS — Yes, you read that right the first time. And the iOS Java apps running on iPhones have native Xcode UIs.
To the astonishment of everyone seeing Multi-OS Engine for the first time, iOS apps can be developed on Windows using Android Studio and debugged on Windows using a USB tethered iPhone or the iOS emulator Intel built for Android Studio.
Intel is courting developers with previews.

