Hi Y'all, Just bricked hard bricked my captivate, so its off to become unbrickable, so it got me thinking, who here would put in some cash to buy a cappy and get it unbrickabled for a Dev to port windows phone to the cappy? Maybe try and get featured on the XDA home page.
Anyhoo just an idea
Windows Phone 7 is closed source. The reason why it's good is also the reason you won't get it.
Also you can get a Samsung Focus (Captivate running WP7) off contract for under $250.
Sent from my SGH-I897
You can also get a copy of it for like $75, to develop with
b-eock said:
You can also get a copy of it for like $75, to develop with
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How does one do that?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
MikeyMike01 said:
Windows Phone 7 is closed source. The reason why it's good is also the reason you won't get it.
Also you can get a Samsung Focus (Captivate running WP7) off contract for under $250.
Sent from my SGH-I897
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I believe Focus already got Mango update if you are in Canada.
It's hard but i hope
HD2 devs are success to port WP7 to it and i think Cappy dev can too
Go ahead!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
bdeals said:
I believe Focus already got Mango update if you are in Canada.
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Focus got Mango long ago. At least the v1.3 did, which luckily I have. I switch between it and my Captivate so neither if them get to old to quick.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
I think WP on Captivate is impossible, due to it Chipset and GPU.
I personally think porting win mobile would be a complete loss for the captivate. i thought the whole idea of the android operating system is about freedon and doesnt win mobile pratically take that from you? please dont flame i have never used windows mobile except on my old pantech duo and my old blackjack.
Yeah but all porting it would do is it would give is options, its not like we would be stuck with it.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
There are launchers that you can use that would replicate the Windows7 feel on the Captivate.
One that comes to mind is Launcher7
jonnyg1097 said:
There are launchers that you can use that would replicate the Windows7 feel on the Captivate.
One that comes to mind is Launcher7
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This is better option then porting the whole OS, as WP still lacks many features and apps.....I am using Lumia 900 and I am returning it soon...Tiles concept is good but it needs to develop more...
viny2cool said:
This is better option then porting the whole OS, as WP still lacks many features and apps.....I am using Lumia 900 and I am returning it soon...Tiles concept is good but it needs to develop more...
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Agreed. I had the LG Quantum WP7 and I loved it for about a month or so before I sold it on Amazon. WP7 is an awesome concept. It would be AWESOMER if Microsoft would release its sources (that's a laugh, right?)
ANYWHO.... if you want a WP7-like experience, I suggest going with Launcher 7 (DONATE version) or Metro UI (it's "ehh" IMHO)
Hello i was Wondering if Any one are Gonna adapt the Ubuntu Phone Os to Our beloved LG O3D when it gets out?
Jeez, it was publicly announced just a couple of days ago.
No way you will ever have 3D capabilities on that ROM, by the way.
Only for Quad-core processors, read carefully...
Quads are recommended for full desktop experience only. Minimum is singlecore with 512 ram. Generally everything that runs android will run ubuntu phone too.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
omgomg said:
Jeez, it was publicly announced just a couple of days ago.
No way you will ever have 3D capabilities on that ROM, by the way.
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i Never Asked for 3D capabilities :laugh:
i only wanna se if any one are gonna port over Ubuntu for our LG P920 or if i should buy an Ubuntu Phone
sioxz said:
i Never Asked for 3D capabilities :laugh:
i only wanna se if any one are gonna port over Ubuntu for our LG P920 or if i should buy an Ubuntu Phone
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Never , ever buy an operating system that is in it's infancy considering it's rivals' revenue.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
boltthrower56 said:
Never , ever buy an operating system that is in it's infancy considering it's rivals' revenue.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
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my Reasons for wanting ubuntu phone is becuse i think that it can be the next big thing besides Android (a worthy opponent)
and the Dock system is Really usefull i think(for as far as i have seen)
I think you missed the Announcement. The Pilot Device where it would be Firstly Implement is at Galaxy Nexus (Only) at late February this year. Quadcores are not a must.
Info - Here
Hands On Video - Here
Made me stop buying N4 for mean time.
sioxz said:
Hello i was Wondering if Any one are Gonna adapt the Ubuntu Phone Os to Our beloved LG O3D when it gets out?
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And yeah, your were still too early on this. We barely got 4.0.4 and now here you want a port of a Pre-released OS. Also 3D functions is still shady or might really not have.
Vlad Slavov said:
Responding to the call for smaller flagship-caliber smartphones, HTC is today introducing the One mini, a 4.3-inch version of its leading Android handset, the One. The physical design and onboard software remain unchanged, however HTC is aiming to price the One mini "two price points below the HTC One" and making a few downgrades en route to that goal.
Among the tradeoffs you'll have to make with the One mini is a step down to a 1.4GHz dual-core processor (Snapdragon 400), 1GB of RAM, 16GB of non-expandable storage, and the loss of NFC and optical image stabilization for the camera. The One's IR blaster is also gone, however none of these alterations amount to a materially different user experience when the One mini is in your hands. HTC has cut corners, but done so intelligently enough to deliver "exactly the same experience" as on the company's current Android flagship. The premise is that the compromises are only technical, not practical.
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Hopefully this means we get Sense 5 updates ported from the One Mini in a relatively short timeframe!
We're getting Sense 5 official sometime this year anyway.
Plus we have MagioRom now.
Plus that looks like it might be a hard phone to port from. Different chipset, smaller display, lack of nfc.
Sent from my Evita
Has HTC said 2013 for Sense 5 on our device? I haven't read anything to corroborate that, but maybe I missed the press release or something.
The One has a different chipset, too, but Sense 5 made its way to us from it. The smaller display on the Mini is the same resolution as the One X, which would make getting visual resources easier (none of the resizing issues), I think.
Check out this thread.
Sent from my Evita
timmaaa said:
Check out this thread.
Sent from my Evita
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Very helpful, thank you
That sounds like a flagship device from two years ago
A new mid-tier device to sell :good:
Already have it, good device... Love the size and screen quality. Only lacking is the Ir for the TV.
Sent from my HTC One mini using Tapatalk 2
hope i can convince my wife to buy that instead of iphone 5s
99piotrek said:
hope i can convince my wife to buy that instead of iphone 5s
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Preordered the mini yesterday )
My dad's got the HTC ONE M7, he's happy with it. Hate the lack of no TV App (ir) but I think I'll get over it.
I don't even know when I will get the phone, I preordered yesterday..
EDIT: I called them, they say i got to wait three more weeks. Ouch.
Busted. said:
Preordered the mini yesterday )
My dad's got the HTC ONE M7, he's happy with it. Hate the lack of no TV App (ir) but I think I'll get over it.
I don't even know when I will get the phone, I preordered yesterday..
EDIT: I called them, they say i got to wait three more weeks. Ouch.
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If we can't get our hands on one before then, maybe you could provide Team MagioRom with a system dump from the phone. It'll help towards development.
Sent from my Evita
timmaaa said:
If we can't get our hands on one before then, maybe you could provide Team MagioRom with a system dump from the phone. It'll help towards development.
Sent from my Evita
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For sure Im going to help you and all other developers ! Could you pm me and tell me what I need to do to help you ?
Some customers said I will get it in a week, some others said 3 weeks... sucks. But anyway, I'll have to wait.
Busted. said:
For sure Im going to help you and all other developers ! Could you pm me and tell me what I need to do to help you ?
Some customers said I will get it in a week, some others said 3 weeks... sucks. But anyway, I'll have to wait.
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Thanks it'd be greatly appreciated! I'll send you a PM.
Sent from my Evita
Once upon a time I asked if Sense 6 porting was possible, and was overall greeted with a big "no". Now, given that it was totally possible what with ports via Liberty, do any developers think a Vanilla Lollipop port may be possible for our hardware in the near future?
Thanks and cheers.
Sent from my HTC One XL using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I asked once that question a few months ago and someone told me it should be possible but I can't find the post anymore. Anyway if you want an early taste :
I haven't tried yet but it seems pretty cool.
Yeah I'm about to get the nexus 5 soon myself, then the nexus 6 hopefully soon after
Sent from my HTC One XL using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Craigslist man, I stumble on deals all the time people selling their n5's for around a hundred because their LCD is out, which is like a $20 fix
Sent from my HTC One XL using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
CyanJustice said:
Once upon a time I asked if Sense 6 porting was possible, and was overall greeted with a big "no". Now, given that it was totally possible what with ports via Liberty, do any developers think a Vanilla Lollipop port may be possible for our hardware in the near future?
Thanks and cheers.
Sent from my HTC One XL using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Well I would have to say its definitely possible, considering that google is also updating the nexus 4 to L. From what I've read its supposed to run well on older devices. And the x isn't exactly weak in the hardware dept. I miss mine
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Scozzar said:
I don't think it's a matter of if and when at this point. It's a matter of WHO wants to spend hours (or days...or weeks) porting a ROM that has L to a device that has maybe 20 or so active users.
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That's too bad...I can't switch phone for another year :/ not that I don't like my one xl
Would be awesome if it gets ported I love my htcox
I wish I was a more seasoned dev so I could port it for you guys. When Paranoid Android does their rendition of L our device will hopefully still be supported by the PA maintainer here (he said he'd still support the device after he upgraded) so that'll be you guys' best bet. That will probably be a while though so I'd just get comfy on KitKat until then.
Scozzar said:
I considered the N5 for a while, but the only thing holding me back is the price. My parents won't pay 300 for a phone, which I understand, so I have to pay for it myself. The problem with that is I get paid every other week, and it's not a whole lot ($150 every two weeks. It's an on-campus job). I could save 2 entire paychecks and buy one, OR I could get a similar experience with the Moto X which is 50 which is something I could pay for. Every flagship phone has there pros and cons.
Another issue I am having is the development. I've been flashing since 2012 and I really like the flexibility it brings. Moving to a new device, M8, Galaxy S5, Moto X etc, the development is definitely not as strong. I despise Touchwiz, and the plastic construction Samsung uses. The M8 is really, REALLY nice, but AT&T charges 200 for it which is a ripoff since Verizon has the M8 for 30 dollars (i know what I said). The Moto X is my favorite because the bang for your buck (and near STOCK ANDROID ), but the battery, I've heard, isn't the greatest, along with the camera, and no external sd or removable battery. It's like the HOXL right now, but if I'm upgrading, I want more features.
TL;DR: If I had the money, I would buy the N5 in a heartbeat, but there is more to it than just buying a phone...
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I thought about getting the M8 when it was $389 for a refurb unlocked. I was one click away but decided not to. I like the Moto X's design better & a couple issues with the Moto X should be resolved with L. Already at their Google+ community people are reporting up to 6 hours on screen time which is pretty damn good and will get better with L. The camera can also take some gorgeous shots -- if you're in a well lit area. The camera is inconsistent but hopefully Google's new camera APIs will alleviate some of that too.
I'm a college kid like you so I know exactly what empty pockets feels like. If I were you I'd save up and buy it outright refurbished if you're dead set on the M8...
You guys need to buy the OnePlus One, awesome phone. Specs are killer, dudes are getting 8 hours screen on time, plus all the other goodies.
Transmitted via Bacon
I'm checking this thread daily, I'm hoping it makes it to our devices.
would it help if we made a bounty ? I dont mind putting in my share to get Lollipop and it's battery enhancing goodness to our phones.
Have fun with your m8 man you'll be missed here...
Here's hoping for an upgrade to Lollipop in CM or PA. I love my Evita.
xam247 said:
Here's hoping for an upgrade to Lollipop in CM or PA. I love my Evita.
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That would be a dream but I guess we'll have to wait and see. I love mine too
its gonna come for sure eventually..... plus its not that big deal to alwys hv newer android asap..... one x still is a beautiful device fr me
Yeah it's still a good phone, always has been for me. Buuuut it's days inevitably numbered. I'll probably have a N5 here in a week, and I don't even know what I'm gonna do with my One X. Probably donate it to a developer. If anyone here is interested in that and will actually put it to use for development, let me know.
Sent from my HTC One XL using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
in case anyone's interested, we have started a Lollipop bounty thread here -
good luck with this ! I'm trying to sell my one x on craigslist.....
it was actually easier for me to sell an original 120gb xbox 360 hard drive !
ok so now we have root, and custom recovery, who has a build environment already active and wants to start porting?
Xiaomi Redmi Note2 has Helio X10, ans AOSP ported already...
Im setting up a linux VM as we speak, but I dont have much experience compiling ...
Anyone with helpful hints/pointers/suggestions?
tbirdguy said:
ok so now we have root, and custom recovery, who has a build environment already active and wants to start porting?
Xiaomi Redmi Note2 has Helio X10, ans AOSP ported already...
Im setting up a linux VM as we speak, but I dont have much experience compiling ...
Anyone with helpful hints/pointers/suggestions?
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yeah would be nice to see a cm13 rom available for our phone
I could try do something these xmas holidays
Sent from Nexus 5
Nothing at all going on with this phone yet? I really wanted buy it but I'm really leary about it if there's no xda progress, since I move playing around with roms and tweaking them. Or is the stock rom actually decent?
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
tbkrazeey said:
Nothing at all going on with this phone yet? I really wanted buy it but I'm really leary about it if there's no xda progress, since I move playing around with roms and tweaking them. Or is the stock rom actually decent?
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
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You'll want to wait. Unfortunately. BLU has been very reticent about uploading source, which is about the only thing at the moment that's going to expedite development efforts. We were lucky to get root and Xposed, but I don't have tons of confidence we'll be seeing roms anytime soon.
I mean that with the utmost respect to the devs currently working on this device, but I'm sure you'd concur it's tedious work.
TheLastCanadian said:
You'll want to wait. Unfortunately. BLU has been very reticent about uploading source, which is about the only thing at the moment that's going to expedite development efforts. We were lucky to get root and Xposed, but I don't have tons of confidence we'll be seeing roms anytime soon.
I mean that with the utmost respect to the devs currently working on this device, but I'm sure you'd concur it's tedious work.
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Ah that sucks... But yea I understand it's tedious work, though it doesn't sound like blu is going to make anything easy for their devices so I'll have to get that in mind.
Thanks for the reply.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
tbkrazeey said:
Ah that sucks... But yea I understand it's tedious work, though it doesn't sound like blu is going to make anything easy for their devices so I'll have to get that in mind.
Thanks for the reply.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
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Yea, I would think being BLU's flagship (and the fact they do have a dedicated system for distributing source) they'll eventually do it, but I dislike the lack of transparency when they technically needed to have that done from day 1.
I'm frequently tempted to sell my BLU and invest in a Nexus, but I don't like Huawei and I don't want to keep answering "What's a BLU?"
TheLastCanadian said:
Yea, I would think being BLU's flagship (and the fact they do have a dedicated system for distributing source) they'll eventually do it, but I dislike the lack of transparency when they technically needed to have that done from day 1.
I'm frequently tempted to sell my BLU and invest in a Nexus, but I don't like Huawei and I don't want to keep answering "What's a BLU?"
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It's kinda hard to match the pure xl hardware to price ratio, and that's what I was looking at. Usually a $500 phone is out of my reach but it's getting kinda hard to resist since there's not so many affordable mid/high range reliable phones out here anymore. I mean I don't have nothing against my alcatel idol 3, I like it, it's just Im not exactly in love with it... And the only reason I got it is because I couldn't afford the pure xl and it was a "I need a phone quick" kinda thing.
Buying phones is always a struggle for me.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
tbkrazeey said:
It's kinda hard to match the pure xl hardware to price ratio, and that's what I was looking at. Usually a $500 phone is out of my reach but it's getting kinda hard to resist since there's not so many affordable mid/high range reliable phones out here anymore. I mean I don't have nothing against my alcatel idol 3, I like it, it's just Im not exactly in love with it... And the only reason I got it is because I couldn't afford the pure xl and it was a "I need a phone quick" kinda thing.
Buying phones is always a struggle for me.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
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The Pure XL is ballin' specs wise, and it should get support at some point. However, MediaTek is notorious for being anti-GPL.
If you're looking for a decent cost and good phone, many of my coworkers have a OnePlus One, and all things considered I still think it's one of the best buys on the market.
TheLastCanadian said:
The Pure XL is ballin' specs wise, and it should get support at some point. However, MediaTek is notorious for being anti-GPL.
If you're looking for a decent cost and good phone, many of my coworkers have a OnePlus One, and all things considered I still think it's one of the best buys on the market.
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Actually I was looking pretty hard at oneplus one also, and I seen oneplus two and almost felt and emotional attachment because they showed it off nicely on their website... But I seen some pretty sad reviews on the two. The alcatel idol 4 is announced and I'm looking forward to seeing that price come out.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
tbkrazeey said:
Actually I was looking pretty hard at oneplus one also, and I seen oneplus two and almost felt and emotional attachment because they showed it off nicely on their website... But I seen some pretty sad reviews on the two. The alcatel idol 4 is announced and I'm looking forward to seeing that price come out.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH 6045I using XDA Labs
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I moved to the Pure XL from a OnePlus One. Didn't consider the OnePlus 2 because it's the same size as the One - and the specs didn't change enough to justify moving to the 2. I like the Pure XLs larger size. Would be nice if Blu would at least upgrade to Android 6.
looking for stock recovery? stock Image?
Any chance the rom could be run in an VM till it is booting .I have the Allview's version of the phone , nice hardware and piece of s**it os. I Managed to optimize a bit the os but that's it.It's my main phone and killing it daily not quite a good idea )
I'm inviting all the developers from this community to my new organization: !!!
My intention is to make working custom ROM. If you are interested send me priv message, please.
I will also create a new thread explaining everything.
Thank you!