[Q] Is it possible to root OPO without wiping data? - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
Is there a way to Root OPO without wiping its data? I have been using for 1 week now, many stuff and datas inside, kinda lost, not sure how to backup so many stuff..
Thanks lot guys

Try this, should do it without wiping:

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[Q] Keeping musics/photos whilst changing custom roms

How do i do it? Sorry I'm a big time newbie with this
You do not have to do anything.
While switching roms, you only wipe your data/cache/davik
Your music/photos will be in your SD
So it will still be available after changing roms.
okay thanks. im guessing it saves my apps and stuff too?
No you have to back them up using a backup program unless you are just updating a rom like the nightlies...then everything should stay...if a brand new rom only photos/downloads/videos etc stay
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium App
something like titanium backup?
Yes. Titanium or My Backup
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

[Q] How 2 wipe without loosing Apps [Nexus S I9023]

Hey, since a few weeks i have the Nexus S and looking for a solution thats makes flashing roms easier. i´m coming from the Acer Liquid and allways had an ext partition and the Darktremors Script for a2sd. For the Nexus S that seems imposible because theres no SD. I love trieing new Roms, but i allways have to do a full wipe and after flashing i have to download and install all apps again.
Is there a way where i can wipe and still keep my apps? TitaniumBackup is ok for backup but restoring sucks, i still have to press ok/yes for every app, i just want that the apps are there.
What do you mean u have have to press yes OK to restore a single app? Have you used the batch restore?
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
Of course ive used the batch. But when i have 24 Apps to restore, i have to press 24 times on install and on finish. Thats what i mean with yes/ok.
I just want to wipe-flash-reboot and still have my apps there. Like i had on the liquid with an ext partition.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App
Buy the Pro version of Titanium for pressing the button just once
Ok, the pro version can do so. But no credit card no buying in market.
I think a2sd is one of the most important function when you flash a lot of Roms. That there is no way to get it on the nexus is disappointing.
How do other do that, when there flash a lot?
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App
Get my backup root on the market. It's free for root users and there are only a couple of clicks.
But nothing beats the Titanium backup pro version
MarS82 said:
Ok, the pro version can do so. But no credit card no buying in market.
I think a2sd is one of the most important function when you flash a lot of Roms. That there is no way to get it on the nexus is disappointing.
How do other do that, when there flash a lot?
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
eh not really disappointing, if your flashing different roms that need full wiping you might need to take a step back and just live with your phone
MarS82 said:
Ok, the pro version can do so. But no credit card no buying in market.
I think a2sd is one of the most important function when you flash a lot of Roms. That there is no way to get it on the nexus is disappointing.
How do other do that, when there flash a lot?
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You now have the option to have it billed to your Sprint account

restore backup data on different roms

Hi, I'm new to all this, just recently rooted my phone.
Just wanted to know if I can use the data I backed up in one particular rom and then restore it on a different one if I decided to change it.
P.s thanks to all the developers for the great job their doing.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using xda premium
if you mean apps then yes of course you can
Make sure not to restore data from system apps or you could get problems and FCs.

How do you Update a Rom without losing data?

Hey all, I figure this has been asked MANY times before, so i'm sorry for asking, but Is there a way to update a ROM without losing data? I know I can just use My Backup Pro to save everything and then restore. But is there a way to just flash the update over the current rom and not have to use My Backup Pro? Reason being My backup Pro takes FOREVER to restore everything. Particularly SMS.
I'm running DragunKorr's Paranoid Android v20, and want to update to v22.
Sorry again.
Please no discussion of DK or his ROM'S.
And as a rule of thumb if flashing with the same base, you can just directly flash over it
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app
We can't even discuss his roms? That seems a little extreme to me. :-\ but okay, sorry. Won't talk about him again. And thanks for the answer to my question.
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app

[Q] Losing mind. Evo 4g 2.3.5, 2.18, rooted but s-on. MAC only, no vm/linux/Windows.

I've been working on rooting my phone 4 a couple of days, thought I had accomplished all I needed and then realized that I was still s-off. my ultimate goal is to downgrade to froyo and then upgrade with unrEVOked to Jellybean. The biggest problem I have is that my windows pc is flipping out on me and all I have is a mac. I also have a newborn and can't even begin to try and figure out vmware or dualbooting or anything. My wife's already having a hard time with me trying 2 finish rooting my droid. I've spent hours reading everything I can (still very much a noob, don't understand terminal, c prompt, or flashing) and have probably been just really lucky getting to where I'm at. Other posts I've read are wither windows only, s-on, or not 2.3.5. Help, I'm desperate!! I really don't want 2 have 2 pay the guy on FB either. Any help at all is greatly appreciated since I know how valuable time is 4 everyone.
Thanks in advance!
And also, somehow I messed up the ability to use my Ian connection on my phone...
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
Ian = usb...
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
Why do you want to lose S-Off? You should probably wait for some time until you can donate some time to this, distractions can be extremely annoying on OSes like Android.
Mostly because I've been having issues with a couple of apps not being able to work because of s-on. Maybe you're right though, I need to take some time with it. Got my Windows back up but it still doesn't help since my usb connection with my phone's not working. Tried multiple cables, renamed usb slot, downloaded most recent drivers, but nada.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
I just tried to load a cyanogen mod and got a bootloop... Still think I've messed something up. Yay for Titanium Backup.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
Anyone have any ideas? I'm about to factory reset and try again if there's no other way. Thinking it might be a good idea since my usb is crapped out.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
If your USB slot(on the phone) is broken,you're pretty much screwed. Try posting in the evo 4g forums,they might help. And I don't understand what you mean by loading a cyanogenmod. Do you mean from the recovery?
Finally got everything working. My usb's data connection was hosed, different one worked. Windows is back up. Successful root to 2.3.7. Now to upgrade. Is there a way to get to ICS or jellybean from here?
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