Rooted, bootloader unlocked, Cwm recovery. After ota phone gets hard bricked. No fastboot, no recovery. On pc recognized as Qhsusb_bulk. Solutions?
borce_razor said:
Rooted, bootloader unlocked, Cwm recovery. After ota phone gets hard bricked. No fastboot, no recovery. On pc recognized as Qhsusb_bulk. Solutions?
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try to claim warranty (they say rooting doesn't void your warranty)
dansou901 said:
try to claim warranty (they say rooting doesn't void your warranty)
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They will very probably claim that you caused this defect and thus it's not covered by warranty. It has happened to a forum member over at their own forum and he was asked to pay for a replacement logic board. We learn that
a) OnePlus literally only says that your warranty is not automatically voided by rooting. Not that errors caused by rooting would be covered
b) the device has zero antibrick methods in form of factory cables or usb jigs
c) they replace logic boards instead of reflashing them with a NAND programmer
Concerning (c): some local repair shops have the required device and can do it for a fee. It seems some NAND programmers already officially support OPO.
I am curious. How OTA hard-brick your device?
soralz said:
I am curious. How OTA hard-brick your device?
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Probably OTA without stock recovery.
donalgodon said:
Probably OTA without stock recovery.
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I think that shouldn't brick the phone anyway. I can OTA updates using PhilZ Touch, BusyBox and rooted. Plus You can select whether update the recovery or not under Development settings.
soralz said:
I think that shouldn't brick the phone anyway. I can OTA updates using PhilZ Touch, BusyBox and rooted. Plus You can select whether update the recovery or not under Development settings.
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I agree, it should not, and maybe it didn't cause it, but something did. I sure would like to know what did. Bad flash? Bad donwload? Bad cable? Bad port? Bad luck?
Who knows?
Note, phone is not mine. Support asks $300+ just for the main board when it's simple jtag job or even better providing the necessary unbrick tools.
We tried this method but but so far nothing.
Every OTA seems to re-flash the radio, bootchain etc... If that part of the flash failed then it makes sense it would brick.
To me seems a problem with cwm recovery, all user using twrp or philz reported that works like a charm... Sorry for you..
Inviato dal mio One utilizzando Tapatalk
I'm having same issue with latest twrp installed. :/
The update cyanogen recovery option must have been on which must be causing the issue
please help. Do RMA repair motherboard? is a way to repair this phone? can lock the bootloader and clean templar flag through fastboot??
Link 2 and 3 don't work.
Please write full description of problem here. Do not link to external sources as we probably wont read them
I see from link 1 you're using Wugfresh to flash stock. Most of us discourage use of toolkits, particularly when flashign stock is so easy.
Please click the link in my signature and read 2 threads. The adb and fastboot thread and the return to stock thread.
If you get the same error doing things properly, your NAND is fried and needs to be sent for repair. That is usually what "write failure" means. However since you are using toolkit, I cannot say that the error is genuine or not... So please use fastboot to flash stock
tuningsea said:
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Unfortunately, it looks like the emmc is toast. You'll need to send it in for repairs. Contact Google if you've bought from the playstore. Bought from a retailer? Contact LG.
Good Luck!
I bought the LG. If I have unlocked bootloader + root means that for the repairs I have to pay?
Did you flash something recently? Because EMMC failure can be if you flash something not for your device (e.g kernel,rom and etc) or did got wet or fallen down? Or it's just happened out of sudden?
It happened suddenly, even I do not know how. I used a flashlight for 30 minutes the phone is restarted and died. I can enter fastboot mode only
tuningsea said:
I bought the LG. If I have unlocked bootloader + root means that for the repairs I have to pay?
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If your warranty falls under LG, you might need to pay up since the bootloader is unlocked. Try to lock the bootloader and reset the tamper flag if you can.
Follow the last part of this tutorial:
"fastboot boot path / to / TWRP.img" and stands on the logo teamwin. nothing can be done
Motherboard die? whether it is for sure the motherboard?
tuningsea said:
Motherboard die? whether it is for sure the motherboard?
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You cannot write the bootloader, which means teh device (NAND Chip) that you are writing to is likely failed. This is in turn attached to the motherboard, so yes - probably needs a new Motherboard. Probably.
tuningsea said:
It happened suddenly, even I do not know how. I used a flashlight for 30 minutes the phone is restarted and died. I can enter fastboot mode only
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How hot was the phone when it happened? I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the phones overheating (for some reason, like too high thermal throttling - remember the Xbox RROD)?
Look at my thread
AndreIrawan97 said:
Look at my thread
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I do not think you have read THIS thread.
Hi Guys,
Really need your help!
So, my Nexus wouldn't start up (got caught in bootloop), so i cleared cache - still wouldn't work. So then i did factory reset - still wouldn't work. Finally, I unlocked the bootloader and re-flashed the stock android (as per htt ps://
Still didn't fix the problem so now i called google and they agreed to replace it on warranty (pending inspection)
The issue is that the tamper flag is now marked as True.
1) If this is a hardware issue, will the tamper flag stop me getting warranty?
2) Is there a way to remove the tamper flag given that i cant turn the phone on? All of the solutions Ive seen involve running scripts off the internal storage of the phone (which I can't access since I can't boot)
Any help/advice/experience you could give me would be greatly appreciated
Wait. You unlocked your device and now want to try and cover that up? Here you go:
theesotericone said:
Wait. You unlocked your device and now want to try and cover that up? Here you go:
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I have seen that guide but as mentioned above, the problem with it is that I need to access the internal storage of the phone (which I cannot do) to untick the tamper flag.
Any thoughts on another way to do it?
novic3 said:
I have seen that guide but as mentioned above, the problem with it is that I need to access the internal storage of the phone (which I cannot do) to untick the tamper flag.
Any thoughts on another way to do it?
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Since you said you wiped cache I assumed that you had access to recovery and bootloader. So from recovery:
adb push "bootunlock".zip /sdcard/
Then proceed with the booting into twrp and flashing it. Honestly though, Google doesn't care if you unlocked and rooted. I sent a phone back with a custom ROM still on it and they honored warranty.
theesotericone said:
Since you said you wiped cache I assumed that you had access to recovery and bootloader. So from recovery:
adb push "bootunlock".zip /sdcard/
Then proceed with the booting into twrp and flashing it. Honestly though, Google doesn't care if you unlocked and rooted. I sent a phone back with a custom ROM still on it and they honored warranty.
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Okay, great - I won't bother de-tampering it then!
So they treat software and hardware warranty independently?
novic3 said:
Okay, great - I won't bother de-tampering it then!
So they treat software and hardware warranty independently?
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They did in my case and in many others here. I wouldn't worry about it to much.
theesotericone said:
They did in my case and in many others here. I wouldn't worry about it to much.
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Hey, so pushing the file doesn't work if your phone isn't on (my phone can't boot)
Any suggestions?
I tried
adb push /sdcard/
adb push /data/local/
Getting "error: device not found" Use this, if you need to make a warranty return
JonesL said: Use this, if you need to make a warranty return
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This method still requires me to push a file onto the sdcard of the phone....which I cannot do (at least without your help)
I have no problems flashing the firmware, I just need to reset the tamper flag which I cant do without pushing a file onto the phone which i really need help doing please?
As a friendly reminder to those unfamiliar with unlocking/re-locking their bootloaders;
Unless your on 100% stock, and planning on reselling your phone, don't re-lock the bootloader.
For some reason re-locking the bootloader while you have a custom ROM installed will cause the phone not to boot (in a way, soft bricking it.)
And, leave "OEM unlocking" in the "Developer Options" CHECKED, once that is unchecked you cannot unlock the phone once a soft brick happens.
The official advice from Essential about re-locking your phone is ONLY for the official firmware. Pretend they never said that on their site, it has caused more trouble then necessary. It's even dangerous to re-lock while running the Oreo beta.
Concerning un-bricking the device, at the moment there is no known way.
And it will be this way until someone figures out a way to exploit the bootloader or reverse engineer it.
So please don't flood this thread with asking for help to un-brick your device, I nor anyone else can help you on that at this given time, all I'm doing is trying to is prevent that happening.
So, safe unlocking! And happy holidays!
1) According to some reports, when you lock your bootloader it will also automatically untoggle the "OEM Unlocking" option.
2) It appears when re-locking the phone on a non-stock ROM some partitions are becoming corrupt, and resulting in the "red boot warning" screen. Under most circumstances you can fix that screen, but not while the bootloader is locked (since you need the fastboot flash command.)
3) When the partitions become corrupt you cannot boot into any mode, including the stock recovery. This is why Essential's suggestions are pointless at this stage of the brick.
Should be pinned and in the OP of every mod thread
Sent from my PH-1 using XDA Labs
avd said:
Should be pinned and in the OP of every mod thread
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totally agree, i made this "trick" with one of my first android phone and it never happen me again. But new user who would flash Los or other rom should be aware of this issue, specially when jtag is not an option. As far we'll make some powerfull 500$ brick :crying:. it's our duty to make people aware of this. @invisiblek you guy made an incredible work and so fast but like he said i think you should warn people of the risk in the OP
avd said:
Should be pinned and in the OP of every mod thread
Sent from my PH-1 using XDA Labs
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I wouldn't even know how to go about to ask to pin this.
But besides this I'm also thinking about making a thread for new users regarding common issues when installing roms at our current stage.
I'm firejackal on discord, I'm just trying to reduce the amount of people asking the same questions on there and to prevent bricked units.
Ellises said:
I wouldn't even know how to go about to ask to pin this.
But besides this I'm also thinking about making a thread for new users regarding common issues when installing roms at our current stage.
I'm firejackal on discord, I'm just trying to reduce the amount of people asking the same questions on there and to prevent bricked units.
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It's very easy to ask for a thread to get stuck to the top.
Just use the report post button, and ask, whether or not becomes a sticky is up to the Mods.
How to Report a Post.
Sent from my XT1254 using XDA Labs
Wish I saw this earlier, my phone is already bricked few weeks ago after re-lock the boot loader. When I ask Essential support for help, they said this in the email:
"Hi Eric,
I can appreciate your concern if the device is not able to be used.
I am sorry though, we are not able to provide support for ADB or issues that you will run into with sideloading builds. We have no remote tools that will recover the device.
Although I haven't run into that same error, you might still be able to re-flash the Oreo/production build again using ADB.
I would recommend following the Oreo Beta sideload instructions available on that will walk you through the process of getting the device recognized and communicating with ADB. There are also instructions for re-flashing the current build available here. If you are still running into issues, I would recommend visiting online forums like XDA for assistance from other developers for that issue that you are noticing.
Thank you for your understanding.
Essential Customer Experience Team"
That sounds like a generic reply since it's not mentioning anything about the brick.
But I have a question regarding this; when you use the locked bootloader to boot into the stock recovery to try to sideload an official signed image, what does it do? Does it give an error, or is not able to connect to the computer?
ericzhf said:
Wish I saw this earlier, my phone is already bricked few weeks ago after re-lock the boot loader. When I ask Essential support for help, they said this in the email:
"Hi Eric,
I can appreciate your concern if the device is not able to be used.
I am sorry though, we are not able to provide support for ADB or issues that you will run into with sideloading builds. We have no remote tools that will recover the device.
Although I haven't run into that same error, you might still be able to re-flash the Oreo/production build again using ADB.
I would recommend following the Oreo Beta sideload instructions available on that will walk you through the process of getting the device recognized and communicating with ADB. There are also instructions for re-flashing the current build available here. If you are still running into issues, I would recommend visiting online forums like XDA for assistance from other developers for that issue that you are noticing.
Thank you for your understanding.
Essential Customer Experience Team"
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Ellises said:
That sounds like a generic reply since it's not mentioning anything about the brick.
But I have a question regarding this; when you use the locked bootloader to boot into the stock recovery to try to sideload an official signed image, what does it do? Does it give an error, or is not able to connect to the computer?
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I'm not able to boot in to stock recovery any more, it gives this error when I try recovery "Your device is corrupted. It can't be trusted and will not boot". I think that was because I rooted and installed TWRY before.
Now with locked bootloader, I can't get in to recovery and I can't flash TWRY either. I can't unlock bootloader too because I'm not able to boot so not able to enable USB-DEBUG and OEM-UNLOCK.
I tried pretty much everything and no luck at this point, I don't know what else I can do.
ericzhf said:
I'm not able to boot in to stock recovery any more, it gives this error when I try recovery "Your device is corrupted. It can't be trusted and will not boot". I think that was because I rooted and installed TWRY before.
Now with locked bootloader, I can't get in to recovery and I can't flash TWRY either. I can't unlock bootloader too because I'm not able to boot so not able to enable USB-DEBUG and OEM-UNLOCK.
I tried pretty much everything and no luck at this point, I don't know what else I can do.
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You have bricked your phone.
Locking the bootloader with non-factory ROM causes secure boot to fail.
An unlocked bootloader doesn't care about secure boot.
If the ROM images is not signed there isn't a problem unless you have a locked bootloader.
The one thing I don't understand is why relook the BL anyway?
You have TWRP installed so you already can't take an OTA.
tech_head said:
You have bricked your phone.
Locking the bootloader with non-factory ROM causes secure boot to fail.
An unlocked bootloader doesn't care about secure boot.
If the ROM images is not signed there isn't a problem unless you have a locked bootloader.
The one thing I don't understand is why relook the BL anyway?
You have TWRP installed so you already can't take an OTA.
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I bought the phone for about 2 weeks, then there was a promotion that buy phone give camera 360 for free with Sprint, so I was thinking about return this and buy again to get the free stuff. To return it I have to get it back to stock, so I factory reset my phone and try to re-lock boot loader without thinking. Turns out I didn't get the free camera and bricked my phone too, perfect example of "NOTHING IS FREE":good:
ericzhf said:
I bought the phone for about 2 weeks, then there was a promotion that buy phone give camera 360 for free with Sprint, so I was thinking about return this and buy again to get the free stuff. To return it I have to get it back to stock, so I factory reset my phone and try to re-lock boot loader without thinking. Turns out I didn't get the free camera and bricked my phone too, perfect example of "NOTHING IS FREE":good:
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FDR is not "back to stock".
You must to a full flash to get back to stock.
I updated the top post with some additional information.
Also, if anyone is to contact Essential I wouldn't recommend mentioning that you tried to install custom ROMs, that's just walking into a mess like if you mentioned that to any other phone company.
I would instead say that you tried to install [their] oreo beta, went to re-lock the phone and your presented with a corruption message and unable to do anything including their instructions. Because installing their oreo beta does not void your warranty.
Ellises said:
I updated the top post with some additional information.
Also, if anyone is to contact Essential I wouldn't recommend mentioning that you tried to install custom ROMs, that's just walking into a mess like if you mentioned that to any other phone company.
I would instead say that you tried to install [their] oreo beta, went to re-lock the phone and your presented with a corruption message and unable to do anything including their instructions. Because installing their oreo beta does not void your warranty.
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Well, to install their Oreo beta builds you don't need to unlock the bootloader.
It's an adb side load through stock recovery
I could also mention on their stock build page it wants you to unlock the bootloader to manually update through the bootloader. But on the oreo beta page it mentions nothing about having to be unlocked, or locked to do it via the stock recovery. So the average user could presume they need to be unlocked.
NaterTots said:
Well, to install their Oreo beta builds you don't need to unlock the bootloader.
It's an adb side load through stock recovery
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Am I'm safe to re-lock if I'm on stock rooted 7.1.1 NMK24B? I have a dead pixel and I need to send it back.
WiddleyScudds said:
Am I'm safe to re-lock if I'm on stock rooted 7.1.1 NMK24B? I have a dead pixel and I need to send it back.
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WiddleyScudds said:
Am I'm safe to re-lock if I'm on stock rooted 7.1.1 NMK24B? I have a dead pixel and I need to send it back.
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If you are rooted, you are not stock.
The boot image is modified.
Locking will brick the phone.
You must be completely stock!! No root. Nothing.
Obamaloominaty said:
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tech_head said:
If you are rooted, you are not stock.
The boot image is modified.
Locking will brick the phone.
You must be completely stock!! No root. Nothing.
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Thanks for clearing that up. If I have any more questions before returning to stock, I will ask here first.
WiddleyScudds said:
Thanks for clearing that up. If I have any more questions before returning to stock, I will ask here first.
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Was not trying to be harsh but it can't be stressed enough that you must be completely stock to lock the boot loader and not have issues.
I wouldn't lock the BL on a side loaded beta.
Only lock if you have done a complete flash of stock, released firmware, immediately after the install.
I might be sounding like an alarmist but I don't want anyone to brick their phone.
tech_head said:
Was not trying to be harsh but it can't be stressed enough that you must be completely stock to lock the boot loader and not have issues.
I wouldn't lock the BL on a side loaded beta.
Only lock if you have done a complete flash of stock, released firmware, immediately after the install.
I might be sounding like an alarmist but I don't want anyone to brick their phone.
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I just got an ota notification for OPM1. 180104.092. think I'll be safe I I take it, then factory reset and then lock? Because I can't seem to locate stock NMK24B to flash. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough .
Hi all,
I have an OG Verizon Pixel that's now stuck at the bootloader. I haven't done any unlocking or ROM modifications. It was stock 8.1 and it broke pretty close to the January update.
Recovery mode says "Failed to boot to recovery mode".
Starting from the bootloader just loads back into it, but the screen gets off-centered (I can attach pics if it helps).
When the phone was working, I'd never done any of the in-OS tools to start the bootloader unlocking process. I'm not really sure what I should be trying, but nothing I have tried from fastboot seems to work because it's locked. I feel if I could reimage it all, maybe it would work again, but it doesn't look like I have that kind of access.
Verizon's only option was $150 to replace it out of warranty (and then only provided a 90-day warranty). I declined that and got a Pixel 2, but now I have the old phone. Is there anything I can do with it? Or is it just junk?
TromboneKenny said:
Hi all,
I have an OG Verizon Pixel that's now stuck at the bootloader. I haven't done any unlocking or ROM modifications. It was stock 8.1 and it broke pretty close to the January update.
Recovery mode says "Failed to boot to recovery mode".
Starting from the bootloader just loads back into it, but the screen gets off-centered (I can attach pics if it helps).
When the phone was working, I'd never done any of the in-OS tools to start the bootloader unlocking process. I'm not really sure what I should be trying, but nothing I have tried from fastboot seems to work because it's locked. I feel if I could reimage it all, maybe it would work again, but it doesn't look like I have that kind of access.
Verizon's only option was $150 to replace it out of warranty (and then only provided a 90-day warranty). I declined that and got a Pixel 2, but now I have the old phone. Is there anything I can do with it? Or is it just junk?
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Try reflashing the same factory image ur on
If the bootloader isn't unlocked it is probably bricked. With an unlocked bootloader you could reflash a factory image and get it working but you cant do that with a locked bootloader.
shagbag913 said:
If the bootloader isn't unlocked it is probably bricked. With an unlocked bootloader you could reflash a factory image and get it working but you cant do that with a locked bootloader.
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I could be wrong but I think u might be able to sideload like an Oreo preview build without bl unlock, idr though but yeah tl:;dw: your device is likely as bricked as a house so you should attempt to request and RMA
KittyRgnarok said:
I could be wrong but I think u might be able to sideload like an Oreo preview build without bl unlock, idr though but yeah tl:;dw: your device is likely as bricked as a house so you should attempt to request and RMA
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You can sideload ota updates in the stock recovery, but I'm pretty sure that's it. He could try sideloading this months update and see. I could be wrong
shagbag913 said:
You can sideload ota updates in the stock recovery, but I'm pretty sure that's it. He could try sideloading this months update and see. I could be wrong
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Yeah that's what I'm thinking. OP test this and if anything breaks report back
That's pretty odd that it would just break like that. If he hasn't messed with anything software related it could be a hardware issue
shagbag913 said:
You can sideload ota updates in the stock recovery, but I'm pretty sure that's it. He could try sideloading this months update and see. I could be wrong
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I can't even get into recovery mode. It errors (see OP for the message). Would it be different if I initiated recovery mode from fastboot or adb?
TromboneKenny said:
I can't even get into recovery mode. It errors (see OP for the message). Would it be different if I initiated recovery mode from fastboot or adb?
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I don't think it would be different. This sounds like a hardware issue, not software.
Hello everyone, I desperately need assistance because I think I may have soft bricked my work provided SM-A536B/DS.
What I tried to do initially is to install TWRP so I unlocked the bootloader successfully. Then, I saw different posts here on XDA where people have successfully installed cust ROMs so i tried to do that. This is when the problems started...
Right now my phone is bricked, I assume it is a soft brick because I can still get it to download mode. I did some research prior writing here, and everyone is mentioning to flash the stock ROM. That does not work.
Right now, the phone has bootloader unlocked: (Screen1)
It is asking me to lock it, so that means it's already unlocked.
Tried to access TWRP but I cannot since I get this screen when I do vol up + power: (Screen 2)
My phone was bought in Europe. I am not entirely sure whick ROM is the right one. Is there a way to check which is the right one to download? There are multiple ROMs I can download for Europe: (Screen3)
My country is not in the list so i downloaded the 2 generic for Europe. I put my phone in download mode: (Screen4)
However Odin fails everytime, no matter what files I add: (Screen5), (Screen6)
Since TWRP is not working, I locked the bootloader again to see if I could get Samsung bootloader to show up. I think i might have deleted it somehow, because I get the same thing as before when i do vol up + power. And as you can see, the bootloader is not locked: (Screen7)
I am now stuck and screwed, because this is my work phone. Any help is greatly appreciated.
psorincatalin87 said:
Hello everyone, I desperately need assistance because I think I may have soft bricked my work provided SM-A536B/DS.
What I tried to do initially is to install TWRP so I unlocked the bootloader successfully. Then, I saw different posts here on XDA where people have successfully installed cust ROMs so i tried to do that. This is when the problems started...
Right now my phone is bricked, I assume it is a soft brick because I can still get it to download mode. I did some research prior writing here, and everyone is mentioning to flash the stock ROM. That does not work.
Right now, the phone has bootloader unlocked: (Screen1)
It is asking me to lock it, so that means it's already unlocked.
Tried to access TWRP but I cannot since I get this screen when I do vol up + power: (Screen 2)
My phone was bought in Europe. I am not entirely sure whick ROM is the right one. Is there a way to check which is the right one to download? There are multiple ROMs I can download for Europe: (Screen3)
My country is not in the list so i downloaded the 2 generic for Europe. I put my phone in download mode: (Screen4)
However Odin fails everytime, no matter what files I add: (Screen5), (Screen6)
Since TWRP is not working, I locked the bootloader again to see if I could get Samsung bootloader to show up. I think i might have deleted it somehow, because I get the same thing as before when i do vol up + power. And as you can see, the bootloader is not locked: (Screen7)
I am now stuck and screwed, because this is my work phone. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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This is why it's a bad idea to screw with work provided devices. You don't own the phone, and you will be held financially responsible for it if it's damaged or broken.
You're trying to flash the wrong firmware. You have G925F selected; your device is an A536B. The latest firmware for your device is A536BXXU4BVL2. Use Frija to download the latest firmware.
Since this is a work owned device, the only advice I will offer is this: Return the phone to stock with the correct software, re-lock the bootloader, and do not attempt to modify it as it is most likely in violation of your company's technology acceptable use policy.
V0latyle said:
This is why it's a bad idea to screw with work provided devices. You don't own the phone, and you will be held financially responsible for it if it's damaged or broken.
You're trying to flash the wrong firmware. You have G925F selected; your device is an A536B. The latest firmware for your device is A536BXXU4BVL2. Use Frija to download the latest firmware.
Since this is a work owned device, the only advice I will offer is this: Return the phone to stock with the correct software, re-lock the bootloader, and do not attempt to modify it as it is most likely in violation of your company's technology acceptable use policy.
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Yes, this is what I am trying to do, to return to stock ROM. I downloaded A536BXXU4BVL2 for my phone, not G925F (this is what Odin uses as an example).
psorincatalin87 said:
Yes, this is what I am trying to do, to return to stock ROM. I downloaded A536BXXU4BVL2 for my phone, not G925F (this is what Odin uses as an example).
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What version of Odin are you using?
Your bootloader is still unlocked, correct?
If you're unable to reflash the OEM firmware in Odin, I don't think there's anything else that can be done.
To be completely honest with you, I'm not sure trying to help you is worth the effort, because you did something you shouldn't be doing anyway, and any consequences you may face are entirely of your own doing.
V0latyle said:
What version of Odin are you using?
Your bootloader is still unlocked, correct?
If you're unable to reflash the OEM firmware in Odin, I don't think there's anything else that can be done.
To be completely honest with you, I'm not sure trying to help you is worth the effort, because you did something you shouldn't be doing anyway, and any consequences you may face are entirely of your own doing.
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Yes, i know I did something bad and I learned my lesson.
I'm using Odin 3.14 and indeed, bootloader is still unlocked. I really appreciate the help!
psorincatalin87 said:
Yes, i know I did something bad and I learned my lesson.
I'm using Odin 3.14 and indeed, bootloader is still unlocked. I really appreciate the help!
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I downloaded the firmware with Frija and I get the same issue with Odin.
psorincatalin87 said:
I downloaded the firmware with Frija and I get the same issue with Odin.
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What options do you have checked in Odin?
V0latyle said:
What options do you have checked in Odin?
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I haven't touched any of the options, everything is on default.
While reading this post something popped in my head.
I dont have this phone, but a Xiaomi Mi8.
When I want to adb push or sideload stuff into phone while it is in recovery or download mode, certain usb ports will work and others wont. And there is not a clear error when it's plugged to non-working usb port, just fails in the middle of a transfer with a generic error message.
Maybe totally irrelevant, just wanted to share.
nsfnd said:
While reading this post something popped in my head.
I dont have this phone, but a Xiaomi Mi8.
When I want to adb push or sideload stuff into phone while it is in recovery or download mode, certain usb ports will work and others wont. And there is not a clear error when it's plugged to non-working usb port, just fails in the middle of a transfer with a generic error message.
Maybe totally irrelevant, just wanted to share.
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OH.MY.GOD! Thank you very much, man! I love you! I could kiss you right now, stranger!
Haha I'm glad it worked.
Hope you get better luck on your future rom adventures.
nsfnd said:
Haha I'm glad it worked.
Hope you get better luck on your future rom adventures.
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Nah, this is my last one.
psorincatalin87 said:
Nah, this is my last one.
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don't be that way lol, it's fun, just do it on hardware you own. get a cheap phone off ebay to play with