hello to all member of a forum you would bricker his OnePlus recovery solution?
the phone will not turn.
Another question how to backup the efs folder? thank you to all
jejemc said:
hello to all member of a forum you would bricker his OnePlus recovery solution?
the phone will not turn.
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We'll need a bit more information. What exactly happened (read: what did you do) before it stopped responding?
General approach
a) press power button for 30 seconds straight
b) plug it into wall charger and wait ~30min
c) unplug and press power button for 30 seconds again
d) press vol-down, keep it pressed, and press power. It should enter fastboot mode
If you managed (d) successfully your phone can be fixed.
jejemc said:
Another question how to backup the efs folder? thank you to all
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I am assuming you are coming from Samsung. It does not seem as if the OPO has anything resembling an EFS folder so no need to back it up.
At least that seemed to be the general consensus when I asked a similar question a while back on their forum.
d4fseeker said:
We'll need a bit more information. What exactly happened (read: what did you do) before it stopped responding?
General approach
a) press power button for 30 seconds straight
b) plug it into wall charger and wait ~30min
c) unplug and press power button for 30 seconds again
d) press vol-down, keep it pressed, and press power. It should enter fastboot mode
If you managed (d) successfully your phone can be fixed.
I am assuming you are coming from Samsung. It does not seem as if the OPO has anything resembling an EFS folder so no need to back it up.
At least that seemed to be the general consensus when I asked a similar question a while back on their forum.
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Thank you to you for your answers I transmit to the person concerned I expected his return
it is noted for efs and yes I have samsung
d4fseeker said:
We'll need a bit more information. What exactly happened (read: what did you do) before it stopped responding?
General approach
a) press power button for 30 seconds straight
b) plug it into wall charger and wait ~30min
c) unplug and press power button for 30 seconds again
d) press vol-down, keep it pressed, and press power. It should enter fastboot mode
If you managed (d) successfully your phone can be fixed.
I am assuming you are coming from Samsung. It does not seem as if the OPO has anything resembling an EFS folder so no need to back it up.
At least that seemed to be the general consensus when I asked a similar question a while back on their forum.
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Hello made by the person wanted to update to version XPNPH25R and the phone has not been planted and on again.
He try your trick but nothing works and I think it well bricker
opo does have an efs partition.
also stock cm11s has a quick boot feature. let the phone run empty. then charge it for a cpl of hours. then boot it up and try to either enter fastboot or recovery and check if those partitions still are bootable. if not it seems the partitiontables are busted. if you can not get to either its rma time
Sent from my LG-V500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
So, I was trying to flash my NS back to stock from TWRP becuase my power button's broke and I'm sending it in.
Anyways, TWRP crashed during flashing (wow....recovery crashing NOT good), and I cant boot the phone except by plugging it in from being off. However, when I hold vol up and get to bootloader by doing that, the bootloader is completely unresponsive to vol presses, and my comp doesnt see the device.
This is NOT good. But I'm clueless as to how to fix something like a bootloader issue. Anyone?
I would try odin. Search around the Samsung webiste they should have an exe which flashes the phone back to factory default. I've seen one posted around here but it depends which version of the phone you have.
Odin requires very careful use. DO NOT CLEAR YOUR EFS!
It may be your only option though.
If you can jimmy your power button and get into the normal bootloader then follow these steps:
1) install Ubuntu
2) install Android sdk for gb or ics whichever you are using
3) install fastboot (download it from cyanogenmod wiki and copy it to Ubuntu's sbin folder)
4) in bootloader menu, connect USB, then in Ubuntu terminal type fastboot reboot recovery (may be reboot-recovery, can't remember)
You should be able to use your phones capacitive buttons to navigate the menu and install a stock ROM
Sent from above
Yeah. Totally forgot you can do that. Try what he said.
Problem is, fastboot doesn't work. The bootloader is completely unresponsive.
It's like it launches into a crash. I can see the options, but the vol buttons dont do anything. However, those buttons work, otherwise I wouldnt be able to even get THAT far.
I'm trying to get the power button to register a press (it randomly does, but Ive had hours of no luck).
Any other ideas? Why would the bootloader launch into a crash. I wonder if it's because the phone is being turned on via power cable instead of the pwr button, but that seems unlikely.
On a side note, I have my efs backup from when I was using 2.3.7, so I've got it handy if I can ODIN the thing, but I dont know crap about odin.
Read his response again. I don't think you understood what he said. You can initiate those commands through your PC instead of pushing the buttons.
obsanity said:
Read his response again. I don't think you understood what he said. You can initiate those commands through your PC instead of pushing the buttons.
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Sorry, I should have elaborated more.
I have tried on both my PC and Mac (via terminal app) to see the device under 'fastboot devices' command. No devices show up, so it's not even seeing the thing. Neither computer sees the device as being hooked up, as far as I can tell.
It'll boot into the unresponsive bootloader when I plug the cable in and hold vol up. At that point, nothing else happens. Doesnt show up on fastboot, etc.
sounds like your power button went. thats the #1 complaint i read about the power button going, the unresponsive volume buttons. my power button is gone to(will register a response every once in a while, on its own. my volume buttons dont register either when in the bootloader. but, i can get them to register. what i do is take the battery cover of, and gently flick the phone with my fingers right near the power button, but on the back of the phone. most the time, the power button will register that i pressed reboot bootloader, but, sometimes it allows me to select up or down with the volume keys. if it reboots bootloader, i just try again. ive got it down to an art since im in the bootloader often, it takes me about 20 seconds to get the volume keys going up or down. at first it would take me 3-5 minutes. i hope that helps.
simms22 said:
sounds like your power button went. thats the #1 complaint i read about the power button going, the unresponsive volume buttons. my power button is gone to(will register a response every once in a while, on its own. my volume buttons dont register either when in the bootloader. but, i can get them to register. what i do is take the battery cover of, and gently flick the phone with my fingers right near the power button, but on the back of the phone. most the time, the power button will register that i pressed reboot bootloader, but, sometimes it allows me to select up or down with the volume keys. if it reboots bootloader, i just try again. ive got it down to an art since im in the bootloader often, it takes me about 20 seconds to get the volume keys going up or down. at first it would take me 3-5 minutes. i hope that helps.
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LOL simms thanks. I had a feeling you might chime in here since I had msg'd you earlier about my pwr button going out.
The thing that sucks is that I was just restoring it to stock in TWRP and it just locked up for some reason. I knew as soon as it happened that I was in trouble. I'll keep messing with it and see if I can get it to register 'Reboot Bootloader'.
I was actually wondering about that earlier. I figured that if the vol keys didnt work, then the pwr button wouldnt either in this situation. I know mine randomly registers presses, but now it's being a *****.
We'll see......
try going into the bootloader and give it a few smack on the back, see if thatll register and "press" reboot bootloader(since its the first option). the first time i went into the boatloader after my power button went, i thought that i was **** out of luck too. but, it turned out fairly very manageable with some practice. i usually flick it very lightly to get the volume buttons to move up and down, to hard and reboot boorloader registers.
Hello peeps from XDA...
As it's obvious this is a Skyrocket S2, it's not mine it's from a friend....
My friend had ICS and rooted his phone in that version, it's his first time having an android ( he moved from apple ) and it seamed like samsung released JB for his phone ( he had the stock rom ) and he updated, after the update his phone would reboot and stay vibrating...but the problemed seamed to stop.
today he got a txt and his phone rebooted showed samsung logo and then rebooted again and stayed on vibrating every 2 seconds...
i have a factory cable on hand but it doesn't get the device on download mode it only vibrates every 2 seconds and it doesn't turn on the screen, it does the same with the battery placed on the device...
when the battery is placed without the factory cable, it load the first samsung logo, then the second ( samsung logo shinning) and reboots to start vibrating every 2 damn seconds ( it's very annoying ) also i think that apart from vibrating it makes a sound too...
it's not a sticky power button, i removed the back of the housing and connected the phone and the problem persisted.
i'm not very sure what it has, after the JB update and the first problem i showed him how to place the device in recovery mode and the device was able to enter to recovery mode but today after that txt ( whatsapp ) it's dead :/...no idea how his device got like this ? maybe after the update ?
so, can anybody tell me what can i do if i can't get to the download mode and neither the recovery mode, i'm thinking about buying a USB Jig for it since my factory cable is for a kindle fire, but i test it on a samsung galaxy Xcover and it was able to put the device on download mode i'm not sure if the config is not working for this one...
any help is welcomed and thank you all.
Stuck power button. Jig won't do anything.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Pulling the back cover off and powering the phone doesn't rule out a sticky power button, which it still sounds like is the issue.
From the stickies:
31) Q. will a usb jig unbrick my skyrocket
A. no, only jtag repair will fix a hardbricked phone that has no signs of life, look HERE in the info section for a company
no signs of life(nsol)=hardbricked
32) Q. why does my phone not start and just bootloops and/or vibrates every couple of seconds
A. could be a "sticky power button", read the next question and the info section in the 1Stop Sticky
33) Q. how do i test for a stuck "sticky" power button
A. TEST: NO CABLE PLUGGED IN: Remove then reinsert the battery and if the phone turns on by itself and then takes approx 10 sec's to turn off and then starts vibrating every couple of seconds then its for sure a power button problem, its stuck, goto the link in the previous answer for a possible fix.
The key thing you need to establish is if reinserting the battery restarts the phone w/out u touching the power button, if so then the button is stuck
34) Q. how do I replace the power button
A. If you have determined that's its a stuck power button read post #16 PROCEDURE ON REPLACING POWER BUTTON, on that thread there are pictures b4 that post
ctalcant said:
Pulling the back cover off and powering the phone doesn't rule out a sticky power button, which it still sounds like is the issue.
From the stickies:
31) Q. will a usb jig unbrick my skyrocket
A. no, only jtag repair will fix a hardbricked phone that has no signs of life, look HERE in the info section for a company
no signs of life(nsol)=hardbricked
32) Q. why does my phone not start and just bootloops and/or vibrates every couple of seconds
A. could be a "sticky power button", read the next question and the info section in the 1Stop Sticky
33) Q. how do i test for a stuck "sticky" power button
A. TEST: NO CABLE PLUGGED IN: Remove then reinsert the battery and if the phone turns on by itself and then takes approx 10 sec's to turn off and then starts vibrating every couple of seconds then its for sure a power button problem, its stuck, goto the link in the previous answer for a possible fix.
The key thing you need to establish is if reinserting the battery restarts the phone w/out u touching the power button, if so then the button is stuck
34) Q. how do I replace the power button
A. If you have determined that's its a stuck power button read post #16 PROCEDURE ON REPLACING POWER BUTTON, on that thread there are pictures b4 that post
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I'm able to do clicks with the power button it's not stucked, it just keep on doing the same thing. and comment 16 doesn't talk about replacing the power button
JoshRose007 said:
I'm able to do clicks with the power button it's not stucked, it just keep on doing the same thing. and comment 16 doesn't talk about replacing the power button
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Yes, it's stuck. You'll eventually figure that out.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Listen to xcrazydx because he's right.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
That link should take you directly to the post that outlines replacing a sticky power button.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
My power button is acting as if it is pressed when it isn't. Sometimes for long enough that it shuts off. It locks and unlocks the screen by itself and turns off and turns on by itself. I have the phone opened up now and have confirmed that it is something going on inside the actual lock button mechanism and was wondering if any of you had suggestions to get it working again.
3thanol said:
My power button is acting as if it is pressed when it isn't. Sometimes for long enough that it shuts off. It locks and unlocks the screen by itself and turns off and turns on by itself. I have the phone opened up now and have confirmed that it is something going on inside the actual lock button mechanism and was wondering if any of you had suggestions to get it working again.
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Did you even search?? Common problem with these phones. Check out the stickies for for all the info you need.
32) Q. why does my phone not start and just bootloops and/or vibrates every couple of seconds
A. could be a "sticky power button", read the next question and the info section in the 1STOP STICKY
33) Q. how do i test for a stuck "sticky" power button
A. TEST: NO CABLE PLUGGED IN: Remove then reinsert the battery and if the phone turns on by itself and then takes approx 10 sec's to turn off and then starts vibrating every couple of seconds then its for sure a power button problem, its stuck, goto the link in the previous answer for a possible fix.
The key thing you need to establish is if reinserting the battery restarts the phone w/out u touching the power button, if so then the button is stuck
34) Q. how do I replace the power button
A. If you have determined that's its a stuck power button read post #16 PROCEDURE ON REPLACING POWER BUTTON, on that thread there are pictures b4 that post
This actually doesn't help me. It is not physically stuck, but the problem SEEMS to lie where the power button connects to the motherboard.
3thanol said:
This actually doesn't help me. It is not physically stuck, but the problem SEEMS to lie where the power button connects to the motherboard.
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If that doesn't help you send it in for repair.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
toyes said:
34) Q. how do I replace the power button
A. If you have determined that's its a stuck power button read post #16 PROCEDURE ON REPLACING POWER BUTTON, on that thread there are pictures b4 that post
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This is the most important part of @toyes' response, where your problem is concerned.
3thanol said:
This actually doesn't help me. It is not physically stuck, but the problem SEEMS to lie where the power button connects to the motherboard.
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Ah I'm almost two years late to respond but if there is anyone who should stumble upon this post in the future, dumb luck seemed to have fixed it. I dropped my phone at some point and the problem never occurred again. Thanks to all who provided assistance.
Ok. I am writing here since it was suggested. I am having a major issue and unsure how to fix it. The following is the issue and steps taken thus far with no resolve. Hopefully someone else has an answer to assist me. I really need this phone to work as it is my lifeline.
Star is I have all updated firmware, rom, and even updated xtended settings. I have today also installed the viper sound for the first time. I will say I have settings changed throughout with all the variations. Xtended settings, nusense toolbox, vipersound, normal settings, and Xposed framework.
What is happening is the phone needed a reboot. It shows the splashscreen and then shuts off. It will not fully boot. I have tried to hold the power vol/up buttons together and quickly vol/down. But that does not work. Now I have also tried adb and attempted to find the device but with no power seemingly it is not able to work.
Anyone have suggestions I might try? Please advise.I have even attempted adb but the pc does not see the device since it never gets fully turned on. It is a splashscreen and then dead. Really wish there was a way to get it to just turn on for access somehow. Anyone have a suggestion?
Have you tried holding the power button and up button till you get into fastboot?
wileout said:
Have you tried holding the power button and up button till you get into fastboot?
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I have actually held the button where it will only show the splashscreen and then show a bit of the TWRP recovery screen. However I cannot pick anything from the menu before it goes to the battery icon showing it is simply charging. I really have no clue what is needed to be done now. I am surprised it has let me get that far without just turning off again. But this was done by holding the volume button up and down and power button all at the same time.
Do you have any other suggestions since it is not being seen by adb on the pc?
crazysane said:
I have actually held the button where it will only show the splashscreen and then show a bit of the TWRP recovery screen. However I cannot pick anything from the menu before it goes to the battery icon showing it is simply charging. I really have no clue what is needed to be done now. I am surprised it has let me get that far without just turning off again. But this was done by holding the volume button up and down and power button all at the same time.
Do you have any other suggestions since it is not being seen by adb on the pc?
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It should let you get into the bootloader if it gets you to the splashscreen @Tigerstown any ideas?
crazysane said:
I have actually held the button where it will only show the splashscreen and then show a bit of the TWRP recovery screen. However I cannot pick anything from the menu before it goes to the battery icon showing it is simply charging. I really have no clue what is needed to be done now. I am surprised it has let me get that far without just turning off again. But this was done by holding the volume button up and down and power button all at the same time.
Do you have any other suggestions since it is not being seen by adb on the pc?
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Unplug your phone. Then hold power and volume up for 30 seconds. Plugged in you are hitting the twrp bug.
Edit... After unplugging wait 20 seconds before attempting to boot it.
dottat said:
Unplug your phone. Then hold power and volume up for 30 seconds. Plugged in you are hitting the twrp bug.
Edit... After unplugging wait 20 seconds before attempting to boot it.
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Thanks dottat i didnt even think of telling him unplug it
Hello helpful people.
I own a Oneplus 8T device Indian variant, which I have been using since last 14 months. It was working fine so far, however today I was downloading a movie from UC browser and as I was out of my home I kept my phone in charge with different charger. Later after about 20 minutes I checked my phone when suddenly it showed 'Qualcomm crash dump mode - dead' something like this. I worried little and googled and found that pressing 3 buttons together can lead it to something in different mode or safe mode something like that. I instantly tried and it might switched off my phone or let it die, no buttons are working as I tried different combinations. I watched numerous videos available and surfed too many blogs, sites, posts regarding this issue. But in my case, I can't get into fastboot mode or edl mode. I desperately need your help, please.
good morning friend, the solution is easy, the problem is that it will erase all your data, holding down the volume and lock buttons works, just keep it that way until I turned off, I had a similar experience wanting to exit ColorOs I recommend that you have the MSM tool ready to restore your device, I remind you if you must keep the buttons pressed for one hour, do it.
xf.w08 said:
good morning friend, the solution is easy, the problem is that it will erase all your data, holding down the volume and lock buttons works, just keep it that way until I turned off, I had a similar experience wanting to exit ColorOs I recommend that you have the MSM tool ready to restore your device, I remind you if you must keep the buttons pressed for one hour, do it.
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thanks for your attention. i appreciate it. but pressing 2 buttons for an hour doesn't feel easy task. i don't think that i can press them for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. anyways thanks.
arodhan said:
thanks for your attention. i appreciate it. but pressing 2 buttons for an hour doesn't feel easy task. i don't think that i can press them for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. anyways thanks.
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Try just Power+Vol Up.
That's worked for me and only takes a few seconds.
Then, when it starts to reboot hold Vol Up+Vol Down and you should end up in Bootloader.
tried power + volume up key for 2 minutes. no response yet.
BillGoss said:
Try just Power+Vol Up.
That's worked for me and only takes a few seconds.
Then, when it starts to reboot hold Vol Up+Vol Down and you should end up in Bootloader.
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arodhan said:
tried power + volume up key for 2 minutes. no response yet.
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Then try Power+Vol Up+Vol Down
BillGoss said:
Then try Power+Vol Up+Vol Down
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tried power + volume up & down for above 1 minute. also tried volume up & down only. but no response yet.
arodhan said:
tried power + volume up & down for above 1 minute. also tried volume up & down only. but no response yet.
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Have you used the MSM tool before? If so, try holding Vol Up+Vol Down and connecting to PC with MSM running.
BillGoss said:
Have you used the MSM tool before? If so, try holding Vol Up+Vol Down and connecting to PC with MSM running.
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i tried to flash older version but msm tool does not detect my phone. i have already installed latest drivers in pc. i know the msm tool process which i found at this forum and also in youtube. everything i found in internet, i have tried already. posting this help post is my last second last option before sending it to op service center.
arodhan said:
i tried to flash older version but msm tool does not detect my phone. i have already installed latest drivers in pc. i know the msm tool process which i found at this forum and also in youtube. everything i found in internet, i have tried already. posting this help post is my last second last option before sending it to op service center.
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The only other thing I can think of is to let the phone shut down as the battery runs low. Then charge it up sufficiently to boot into bootloader.
BillGoss said:
The only other thing I can think of is to let the phone shut down as the battery runs low. Then charge it up sufficiently to boot into bootloader.
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today I have shown the phone to a local mender, when he said that the phone is taking charge and it was at 96% today morning. charging is not an issue right now.
i think this issue is beyond my hand and i must send my phone to customer service center. anyways thank you beautiful and helpful people around here for your valuable suggestions and advice.