[REQUEST] Radio Image from Snapshot M8 - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there, I found that the radio from cm11.0-bacon-snapshot-m8 is the best and problemless so far.
But the pure CM experience it's not my likely, i like some of the features/colors/themes from 11S.
I wonder is there anyone can extra the radio and make it as a flashable zip. so everyone can benefits from it.
Basically what i'm doing is so far to combine this 2 rooms
- Flash CM11S stock rom. (this one with the radio that couldn't work on my country (Malaysia)
- Make a Nandroid backup.
- Flash CM11-snapshot-m8 (this would replace the radio of the CM11s)
- then use nandroid to restore CM11S. (restoring won't replace the radio).
It's very tedious progress. If anyone could extra the radio from snapshot-m8 would be PERFECT.
I'm not a very experience and professional people to do these. so could anyone help me .. please ?

reinerlee said:
Hi there, I found that the radio from cm11.0-bacon-snapshot-m8 is the best and problemless so far.
But the pure CM experience it's not my likely, i like some of the features/colors/themes from 11S.
I wonder is there anyone can extra the radio and make it as a flashable zip. so everyone can benefits from it.
Basically what i'm doing is so far to combine this 2 rooms
- Flash CM11S stock rom. (this one with the radio that couldn't work on my country (Malaysia)
- Make a Nandroid backup.
- Flash CM11-snapshot-m8 (this would replace the radio of the CM11s)
- then use nandroid to restore CM11S. (restoring won't replace the radio).
It's very tedious progress. If anyone could extra the radio from snapshot-m8 would be PERFECT.
I'm not a very experience and professional people to do these. so could anyone help me .. please ?
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Ar you sure you flashed a radio. All you have to do is look at the zip file and you can check to see if a radio.img is in it. Most roms do not come with a radio every time you flash it... Check again - I just got my OnePlus but I have been doing this for a while

playya said:
Ar you sure you flashed a radio. All you have to do is look at the zip file and you can check to see if a radio.img is in it. Most roms do not come with a radio every time you flash it... Check again - I just got my OnePlus but I have been doing this for a while
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Not exactly the radio.img, but nvm. i've already found out the file that needed to be flash. which is the NON-HLOS.bin

Can you help me out too, I'm getting a very bad signal in Malaysia with Paranoid Android. Cell standby ends up killing my battery too much. I'm looking for a better radio which is flashable via twrp or any other method.


[Q] Low signals with Sense 3.5 Roms...

I am having Serious Low signals with Sense 3.5 Roms... It's better with Sense 3.0..
I have tested almost all Roms of this Sensation Forum and my observation is the same ...
What's the reason?...
My Radio was the same latest 10.58 in all Roms i tried... Tried matching RIL but didn't work in Sense 3.5 Roms...
Any suggestions? Should i downgrade radio?
jjdoctor said:
I am having Serious Low signals with Sense 3.5 Roms... It's better with Sense 3.0..
I have tested almost all Roms of this Sensation Forum and my observation is the same ...
What's the reason?...
My Radio was the same latest 10.58 in all Roms i tried... Tried matching RIL but didn't work in Sense 3.5 Roms...
Any suggestions? Should i downgrade radio?
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The best radio its the one that works.
Never mind all the suggestions that say you must have this or that radio with this or that ROM.
The one that actually works with your phone in your area is the best one for you.
It is a good thing that you have tried all different roms.
Now try the different radios, and stick with the one that works.
Nothing happens downgrading Radios?
The method of copying to Sdcard Root directory and checking md5 before flashing is safe?
jjdoctor said:
Nothing happens downgrading Radios?
The method of copying to Sdcard Root directory and checking md5 before flashing is safe?
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If you downgrade your radio,and you get better signals,then, there is no problem.
I prefer to use the adb method.
I hear of fewer problems with adb.
The sd card root method,however, is easier to install.
The choice is yours.
i know the build.prop file contains settings for the network, i also had the same problem and check the build.prop and it said i was using the 10.58 ril and i didn't realize but when you flash the ril file in recovery that the system has to be mounted.
mkinney88 said:
i know the build.prop file contains settings for the network, i also had the same problem and check the build.prop and it said i was using the 10.58 ril and i didn't realize but when you flash the ril file in recovery that the system has to be mounted.
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Pardon... I didn't get what u meant... You shared same problem as mine so i would request you to repeat what you said in more simple way which is easy to understand..
I would be curious to hear which radio is best for keeping the data connection as fast and responsive as possible when we have less than a full rack of bars.
I have T-Mobile USA and had some issues with the 10.58 Radio. I downgraded back to the stock 10.56 Radio and it seems to be a lot better - I am running the 4.1.8 ARHD with Sense 3.5.
Download the Radio 10.56.9035.00U_10.14.9035.01 and install via ADB
- adb reboot bootloader
- fastboot flash radio radio.img
- fastboot reboot
Then download the RIL HTC-RIL 2.2.0169HMQ and flash via recovery.
Hopefully this works for you as well as it did for me!
Spartacus1021 said:
I have T-Mobile USA and had some issues with the 10.58 Radio. I downgraded back to the stock 10.56 Radio and it seems to be a lot better
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What sort of issues did you have with the 10.58 radio?
@ jjdoctor, if your using a custom rom some roms are set up for EU..ect check the build.prop which is under system/build.prop (must be root) there are settings that are related to the network. take a build.prop from a stock rom and compare, also remember when you flash the ril in recovery you must mount the system first then flash the ril file. then flash your radio. there is no specific radio for a rom, dev's just say that cause they have a certain ril file install already for it. So just pick the radio that was from your stock ruu, which you can extract, get the ril file that is related to that radio, boot into recovery, mount the system, flash the ril, reboot into bootloader flash your radio and you should be set.
tk_xda said:
What sort of issues did you have with the 10.58 radio?
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For me, I seemed to have a dropped signal, poor reception (on phone calls sounded like people were far away), signal would go in and out constantly - quickly would refresh but when you are a heavy user and signal goes in and out and interrupts what youre doing its very frustrating haha. Also, data speeds weren't as great. I am thinking of doing a speedtest result with 10.56 and 10.58 for everyone - but I really think it'd just apply to where I am (Colorado/New Mexico).

T-Mobile sensation awful call quality

Hey guys, I just flashed the latest version or ARHD v3.6.9 and I have latest bricked kernel.
I'm still getting awful call quality when I'm taking to someone on the phone. Like static and strange background noise to a point where I can't hear the other person at all. Tried using the suggested radio then rolling back to 10.56 radio and still have problems. Could it possibly be because the person I was calling was on at&t? Any suggestions?
Running on a T-Mobile sensation with latest 3.6.9 and bricked kernel.
Anyon have suggestions?
seanyuan62 said:
Hey guys, I just flashed the latest version or ARHD v3.6.9 and I have latest bricked kernel.
I'm still getting awful call quality when I'm taking to someone on the phone. Like static and strange background noise to a point where I can't hear the other person at all. Tried using the suggested radio then rolling back to 10.56 radio and still have problems. Could it possibly be because the person I was calling was on at&t? Any suggestions?
Running on a T-Mobile sensation with latest 3.6.9 and bricked kernel.
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How are your phone calls with other people (besides the one on AT&T)?
About radios, I am curious, where did you see the info on the suggested radio for T-Mobile? How did you flash your radio? Does a NANDROID backup save the radio also?
tk_xda said:
How are your phone calls with other people (besides the one on AT&T)?
About radios, I am curious, where did you see the info on the suggested radio for T-Mobile? How did you flash your radio? Does a NANDROID backup save the radio also?
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It is under install instructions on the ROM thread. They suggest a 1.58. You can flash your radio by outing the .zip file on the root of your sdcard. When you boot into hotboot it automatically installs the package for you. No, a nandroid does not back up a radio, but it does not need to be backed up as it is separate from the android system. You keep the same radio even if you flash different ROM's.
seanyuan62 said:
It is under install instructions on the ROM thread. They suggest a 1.58. You can flash your radio by outing the .zip file on the root of your sdcard. When you boot into hotboot it automatically installs the package for you. No, a nandroid does not back up a radio, but it does not need to be backed up as it is separate from the android system. You keep the same radio even if you flash different ROM's.
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How do I back up the radio I have?
Are you talking about these threads?
Where did you see the actual recommendation for T-Mobile (which page)?
Are you making any progress on your call quality issues?
has it been doing this with teh insertcoin rom that i've flashed?
is your ril matched to the radio you're using? i haven't had these issues when I was using this phone.
tk_xda said:
How do I back up the radio I have?
Are you talking about these threads?
Where did you see the actual recommendation for T-Mobile (which page)?
Are you making any progress on your call quality issues?
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Like I said you don't need to back up your radio it stays from ROM to ROM underneath the system. No progress yet...
Anyone have more suggestions? In on IC now with 10.56 radio
seanyuan62 said:
Anyone have more suggestions? In on IC now with 10.56 radio
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yes. respond to my text or pm, please.
if you have have 10.56 radio make sure you also use the RIL 169, that's what i use and I'm tmoUSA as well w/ no problems
you can check the RIL you have by dl Terminal Emulator thru the market and then typing
getprop "gsm.version.ril-impl"
so 10.56 matches with ril .169!!!
KingP1n said:
if you have have 10.56 radio make sure you also use the RIL 169, that's what i use and I'm tmoUSA as well w/ no problems
you can check the RIL you have by dl Terminal Emulator thru the market and then typing
getprop "gsm.version.ril-impl"
so 10.56 matches with ril .169!!!
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Thank you. What ROM are you using? Because I just looked at the ril thread and apparently the 10.56/.169 radio/ril is for android 2.3.4 but I'm on IC which is 2.3.5. Does that matter because many have suggested to roll back or flash different radios..
9035.01 was the radio that was on it at all times (i've never flashed a different one). 169 is the matching ril. was it messing up when you first got it?
I'm using elegancia 2.3.5 Rom and using 10.56/ril 169.... I don't think it matters on the rom but folks do recommend u keep the same radio/ril u had originally...
Hope this helps

general radio confusion

Can someone help me out. I can't find a straight forward answer for this. If I were to flash a new rom, would I need a radio? I know the radio deals with GPS and data and everything but that's about as much as I know. The reason I adk is I just installed a rom by mod and i flashed t after wiping a close to stock just debloated ics. My wifi is very weak, and my speed results are at an all time low. Like my download speed is 2mb and it used to hang around eight. Websites don't load terribly slow but not as zippy as they used to. My GPS takes a little messing with before it c ition. I'm on whatever kernel came with the rom cause I'm completely lost on kernels and undervolting and overclocking and everything. I'd love to to fix my battery life cause that's complete shot too but..my bad I got off topic. Do I need to flash an radio on top of the rom? Would I need to do this every time I flashed a new one or updated? And which one would I flash? Sorry for the obnoxiously long post but any help is appreciated.
If you're on at&t , the latest radio is UCLF6 .. Search for it in dev section and flash it in ODIN or CWM if you're not already on it (or flash it anyway)... Another note is preferably to use the ROM with the radio that was released with it on leaked or official builds ...
Most custom roms are radio free or at least they should ... Leaving radio choice on user ...Radio files are not topics of customaiztion..
mahanddeem said:
If you're on at&t , the latest radio is UCLF6 .. Search for it in dev section and flash it in ODIN or CWM if you're not already on it (or flash it anyway)... Another note is preferably to use the ROM with the radio that was released with it on leaked or official builds ...
Most custom roms are radio free or at least they should ... Leaving radio choice on user ...Radio files are not topics of customaiztion..
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You're a life saver. So most roms come without radios and leave it up to you? And if I happen to be on uclf6 and I flash it anyway it won't hurt? I was wondering about that too forgot to ask. Sorry if im just tired and misreading but your last lines confused me a bit, you said that roms should be radio free but then said they're not topics of customization..?
See : if a custom ROM has radio baked with it you'll see it inside the zip for this ROM and the forum thread should mention it in the instructions...And if this is not the case your old radio will stay untouched...And yes to the other question, flashing the radio again would not hurt but I personally don't like messing with radio if not needed...And again personally I like using the latest stiff and in this case use UCLF6 although some might say try different radios until you find the one performing the best for you...
Thanks again, flashed uclf6 radio, learned I didn't need to but hey. Off to attempt different radio/kernel combos

[Q] Anyone succeed with GPS with custom rom

Hi all,
Did anyone able to use gps with custom rom ( I would say CM base). I research and try everything that's I could find here but not success.
Every time I do clean wipe everything including a internal storage. So that will nothing left behind.
I know that stock is work fine with gps. some said that install and replace stock but I have no idea that what file will left in our device when we delete all.
Always had the same problem when running Paranoid Android (not tried other ROMs). Had to return to stock, where GPS runs fine. Would also love to kknow how people have got it functioning.
I am trying too. I modified gps.conf files, tried some workarounds mentioned in cm11 thread like restoring GPS Status backup from stock with titanium so far with no success. Some people say that it works but it doesn't on mine whatever I do.
I run on CM and I don't have any problem. Everything works fine with gps and I didn't use any fix or something similar.
I'm on CM 11-20140627 and I have 1032 phone.
Interesting, why does it work on some while it doesn't on others? Maybe some variants are having problems...
I have xt1033 asia version.
spajdo said:
I run on CM and I don't have any problem. Everything works fine with gps and I didn't use any fix or something similar.
I'm on CM 11-20140627 and I have 1032 phone.
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Which recovery did you use?
As I wonder is about library missing or some partition need from stock ?
I've also been using the micro gapps package, would this matter?
I had problems with Paranoid Android and GPS too... If anyone know something about that, please comment!
TMaxtor said:
I had problems with Paranoid Android and GPS too... If anyone know something about that, please comment!
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Hey i found a solution, you have do this flash following in this order.
- flash stock 4.4.4 (depend on your current)
- flash cm
- flash gapp
I try this twice and work like a charm.
Sent from my Moto G using XDA Free mobile app
thestory101 said:
Hey i found a solution, you have do this flash following in this order.
- flash stock 4.4.4 (depend on your current)
- flash cm
- flash gapp
I try this twice and work like a charm.
Sent from my Moto G using XDA Free mobile app
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I am having he same problem on XT1032 running Carbon ROM. GPS worked fine on stock, no signal with Carbon.
I found many answers saying to flash stock and then reflash custom ROM. I will try it, but I wonder, how does this help? Isn't the phone restoring the whole system? Do I have to keep the gps.conf from stock?
I've read in some CM thread on here you need to flash stock ROM then enable GPS and get a lock. Once you've done that then flash your custom rom. Sounds STUPID and dosent make sense I know, but a lot of people say this is how they got it to work.
EDIT: I can confirm. I've just flashed stock 4.4.4 and played around with google maps. Flashed CM11 nightly and my GPS is now working ok
am05 said:
I've read in some CM thread on here you need to flash stock ROM then enable GPS and get a lock. Once you've done that then flash your custom rom. Sounds STUPID and dosent make sense I know, but a lot of people say this is how they got it to work.
EDIT: I can confirm. I've just flashed stock 4.4.4 and played around with google maps. Flashed CM11 nightly and my GPS is now working ok
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Did you wipe anything, like Dalvik, Cache and Data, or you just flashed it over?
am05 said:
I've read in some CM thread on here you need to flash stock ROM then enable GPS and get a lock. Once you've done that then flash your custom rom. Sounds STUPID and dosent make sense I know, but a lot of people say this is how they got it to work.
EDIT: I can confirm. I've just flashed stock 4.4.4 and played around with google maps. Flashed CM11 nightly and my GPS is now working ok
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Sorry people, I was so happy to have my phone back working, I forgot to write it back here.
Yes it worked indeed, all I did was flashing back the stock, going outside to have a gps lock with gmaps, then re-flashing back the Carbon. I also kept a copy of the gps.conf, but I never needed it, the GPS got a fix quickly. Working fine so far, it only takes some tens of seconds to fix, from time to time.
I can't remember if I also did all the wiping, I think I didn't, but I made so many trials in a couple days, I am not sure.
Thanks a lot guys!
am05 said:
I've read in some CM thread on here you need to flash stock ROM then enable GPS and get a lock. Once you've done that then flash your custom rom. Sounds STUPID and dosent make sense I know, but a lot of people say this is how they got it to work.
EDIT: I can confirm. I've just flashed stock 4.4.4 and played around with google maps. Flashed CM11 nightly and my GPS is now working ok
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Yes, this worked for me too on PA.
I couldn't even see a single sat (it wasn't just a lock problem). No matter with gps patch, gpx fix app, or gps.conf I used.
What I did?: Back to stock, lock GPS, flash again the custom ROM (but don't wipe /system!).
Good luck on that guys, it should work for you too.
thestory101 said:
Hi all,
Did anyone able to use gps with custom rom ( I would say CM base). I research and try everything that's I could find here but not success.
Every time I do clean wipe everything including a internal storage. So that will nothing left behind.
I know that stock is work fine with gps. some said that install and replace stock but I have no idea that what file will left in our device when we delete all.
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GPS works fine on this unofficial CM11 rom for me. Stable daily driver rom for me, YMMV.
General advice is to:
- make sure you get a GPS lock on stock rom first
- flash CM11 (or other custom rom)
There may not be a file left on the device. it may just be that stock contains the code to initialize the GPS functionality on the SoC or chipset firmware. Whatever, it works...

[Q] Process for restoring stock ROM

What is the process for restoring the stock ROM? I did a backup of my ROM using CWM before installing Cyanogen. Everything is running fine (with Cyanogen), but now that I've seen how easy it is to install custom ROMs, now I want to bounce around and compare different things. To restore my stock ROM, is it literally just a simple case of doing a wipe/factory-reset, using CWM to restore, and then rebooting? That's it?
Or is there more to it?
Hawkser said:
What is the process for restoring the stock ROM? I did a backup of my ROM using CWM before installing Cyanogen. Everything is running fine (with Cyanogen), but now that I've seen how easy it is to install custom ROMs, now I want to bounce around and compare different things. To restore my stock ROM, is it literally just a simple case of doing a wipe/factory-reset, using CWM to restore, and then rebooting? That's it?
Or is there more to it?
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That will restore the stock rom.
But NOT recovery and other extra partitions e.g. radio
The official way to set your phone back to full stock is to run a RUU (Rom Update Utility)
Ah. Ok. Thanks. I'm not familiar with running the RUU process. I'll search the threads and read up on it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Hawkser said:
Ah. Ok. Thanks. I'm not familiar with running the RUU process. I'll search the threads and read up on it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
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RUUs for the most models can be found HERE
The RUUs are self-explanatory
The RUU must match your "MID" (model ID) + "CID" (carrier ID)
If your phone is "S-ON" you can only use RUUs that are the same date or newer than the firmware actually installed on your phone.
If your phone is "S-OFF" you can flash any RUU / RADIO / HBOOT version you like as long its compatible with your device
+ if you phone is "S-OFF" you can change the phone's CID. E.g. for flashing a unbranded firmware on a phone that was sold as a carrier branded device
Before I run a RUU and go back to stock... it occured to me that when I put CM 10.2 on this phone, all I did was unlock the phone, install CWM, and then install the -ville zip file for CM10. That's it. Are there other steps that I should have taken? Should I have flashed the radio? I'm on T-Mobile, and I didn't install (or even see) a T-Mobile-specific version of CM10 to install on the HTC One S. The whole issue that I'm having is that I can't seem to maintain a steady data connection. My connection keeps changing modes, and disconnecting me every time it does. I'd hate to give up CM10, if it is just a simple case of needing to flash the radio or something. Or do I need to change/update the APN for T-Mobile?
Hawkser said:
Before I run a RUU and go back to stock... it occured to me that when I put CM 10.2 on this phone, all I did was unlock the phone, install CWM, and then install the -ville zip file for CM10. That's it. Are there other steps that I should have taken? Should I have flashed the radio? I'm on T-Mobile, and I didn't install (or even see) a T-Mobile-specific version of CM10 to install on the HTC One S. The whole issue that I'm having is that I can't seem to maintain a steady data connection. My connection keeps changing modes, and disconnecting me every time it does. I'd hate to give up CM10, if it is just a simple case of needing to flash the radio or something. Or do I need to change/update the APN for T-Mobile?
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Flashing another radio version may help or may not help. I'm not on T-Mobile, so I have no experience which radio offers the best reception. Have you tried another rom yet to check if you get a more constant data connection?

