every time i reboot my oneplus one and open the Outlook app, i have to reenter my email address and password. this didn't happen to me on my nexus 4. i'm rooted and running xnph25r. is this happening to anybody else?
[skip this and go to post 2]
My Gmail wasn't syncing properly, so I did "clear data" for gmail and gmail storage. It runs through the Google Account Setup wizard when I start it back up, asks me for my username and password etc, but when I hit "sign in" it simply times out with a connection error. The EVDO icon doesn't illuminate to indicate that the phone is actually attempting to connect to anything.
I'm running MoDaCo's ROM.
What am I doing wrong? Does anyone have any other ideas?
Well i restored a Nandroid backup from before I erased the data. So now I just have a Gmail problem.
I'm getting mail, but it seems nothing I do on my phone is getting back to the server. I can't send messages. Messages I delete stay in my inbox on gmail.com.
Any ideas?
I just hit the same problem. I was trying out the modaco rom and I decided to restore my nandroid backup from before the rom and go back to the "stock" format. Ever since then things I delete/read on the phone do not get updated in gmail. I also can't send from the phone, no error message, just sticks on "Sending...".
Let me know if you have come up with a solution for this.
I spoke too soon! I went in and cleared the cache on gmail this did not fix it. I then rebooted the phone and all is well again (at least for now). Maybe I just had not rebooted once I did the restore?
I fixed mine by changing my gmail password on the server. The phone asked me for updated login info and it worked after that.
I actually changed my password on the server, waited for the phone to ask for new login info, then changed it back on the server and gave the phone my old password again.
Please help! A while ago, i was synchronizing my gmail when wp7 asked me to ipdate and reinput my password. But each time i type in the right password, it says that the password is incorrect! Tried deleteting the account on my phone and putting it back again, still the same. On the browser and also on the desktop, i can log on normally using the same password. Please help
That sounds really strange. I've never had any issues with my gmail accounts.
It sounds like a typo, but since you've tried it several times that may not be the case.
Are you sure you didn't mistype the email address instead of the password?
I know that with the software keyboard, I sometimes hit the key next to the one I want to hit. But I'm sure you already tried typing the password slowly and looking at each letter as you type it.
Yes i'm 100% sure i got them all correct. Tried changing and rechanging the password but still nothing. Also, i tried on my wife's iphone, and it worked perfectly. On the wp7, nothing
Is your Server listed as m.google.com?
Also, did you make sure to check "Server requires encrypted (SSL) connection?
Yes and yes, m.google.com and SSL is checked. Even tried turning my phone off but still nothing
Are you actually using a @gmail.com account, or a corporate account through Google?
i'm using a .gmail.com account. it was working before, but now, nada.
Sounds like a bug.
I heard of someone who experienced something similar. They were able to solve it by connecting to a WiFi network and then setting up their gmail account.
I'm not sure why that solved it for them, but maybe it could help you too.
And it just did. I was connected to 3G when it happened. Connected to my home wifi and it finally accepted my password. Again, i connected to 3G just to confirm it and well ut works now. Thanks for all the help guys. Will drop the wp7 guys an email about this
I just ran into the same issue.
I had changed my gmail password via web interface. then the phone asked for the new password but wouldn't accept it.
I ended up deleting the account on the phone, changing the password at gmail (again) to something different, then readded the account to the phone. In that time period though, I logged onto wifi in order to sync faster.
Would have been nice to have seen this thread earlier...
Gmail on Android persistence challenge credentials bug fix
I found this to be a bug with Gmail account log in failures on Andriod when using 2-step verification. It persistently challenges you for credentials although you have successfully logged into your Google account on another machine via a web browser.
This is the fix I found:
Step 1:
Log into your gmail account on another machine using a web browser.
Go to account settings > 2-step verification > authorising sites > application specific password
Step 2:
generate a password called gmail -android but do not click done.
Step 3:
go to device enter your gmail - andriod application specific password and you will get challenged a further 2-3 times enter the same password (you may have to also enter the CAPTCHA (a security image with distorted letters)).
Step 4:
When you are no longer challenged, try to sync with gmail if you do not get a sign-in error on your device then this has worked and be sure to click done in your your google account settings via your browser on the other machine you used.
Hope this helps to those of you who are suffering from this infuriating Google 2-step verification bug.
I had countless issues with my Gmail account on WM6.x - same as you describe. Would not accept my credentials.
The steps described above solved it for me (having to reset using that captcha thing) but it would keep on re-occuring. Not seen it so far in WP7 though. *touch wood*
I really need some input and if anyone knows what could be the cause of the issue I am having with my sync email just stops syncing.
I have had this problem in cm7 all nightly builds up to #55 and just stayed with rc1. After 8 plus hours the pop emails just stops syncing. Restarting the app does not help. Airplane mode did no good. A reboot is the only thing that fixes it and emails flood every time after a reboot.
At one point it got fixed and had over 160 hours of up time with emails syncing fine. I deleted internal and external. Cleared data, cache, and dalvk at least six times. Fixed permissions after Tom flash. Installed the March Google's signed apps. When I did that was the only time email syncs worked.
I touched the build.prop file to get the Netflix app and then it just acted up again.
I really need some guidance as to why the email app just stalls. It acts like it is syncing a d top acts like its syncing but cycles forever.
Any input is appreciated. I might go to another rom but I really like cm7
The first 2 days I had my Nexus 5 Gmail would push mail perfectly. However, now I am not receiving any new mail even though I always have a full data connection. Auto sync is turned on, label notifications are turned on.
Anyone know why mail is no longer being pushed to me? I already tried deleting the app cache and data but that didn't work either.
Bump, issue still persists
After resetting my Nexus 5 to factory last night my gmail push notifications aren't working either
I tried what you did, no luck. Factory reset again, no change. Added alternate gmail accounts and push works for none of them. Setup phone with a gmail account that's never had an android phone associated with it, no push either
Hangouts push works fine on the other hand
Has anyone come up with a solution? I only receive gmail if I click on the app and manually swip down to refresh.
are you using greenify to greenify gmail by chance?
about a week or two ago, I had this issue (where gmail wasn't pushing new emails and I had to go in to the app to manually refresh). The problem lasted for 2-3 days, and then it started working again. I assume that the problem was on Google's end, as I didn't change any settings.
Hi guys,
I have problem with my Yahoo mail. I'm using imap settings and sync shedule, but my phone doesnt want to sync automaticly.
I've set days , period and symc time and nothing happend. Every time i have to enter settings again to press save and everything goes well until phone get off. When it power up stops to sync again.
Anyone with the same problem and solution?