I've had the great misfortune of bricking my phone within the first few hours of owning it. I should have known something was up, it wouldn't reboot when I changed the language to English, and I'd have to hard reset it (delete everything) and then let it load in Chinese again. Well, in an attempt to fix what I thought was a rom issue, I went through the song and dance of trying to root my phone.
I'm still not fully clear on how to do it, as it seems there's more to it than just what the tutorials say.
Anyway, like the title of this thread says, there's a pretty good way to figure out if your phone is really bricked, no need to ask or wonder anymore.
If your phone only boots to the htc magic screen (and then stops), and is unable to load bootloader, fastboot, usb connections, or anything else, it's bricked. 100%. You have to take it back. Don't bother searching the forums for the answer, I've wasted hours going through every related thread and trying every possible solution. Without the ability to access the fastboot screen, you're out of possibilities. Untill someone comes out with an unbricker which goes deeper than fastboot, there is absolutely no way to fix it.
A semi brick is much better on the other hand. There are plenty of ways to fix your phone, provided you're only semi bricked. I would define semi bricked as being able to enter fastboot, but being unable to boot the phone as normal. This can happen with a bad flash, or a mis step during a tutorial. I'm not exactly sure how easy it is to change a semi brick to a full brick, but my full bricking happened after semi bricking it while loading a new rom on it.
So. to summarize, if your phone WON'T go into the boot menu by pressing vol-down+power, you're in need of a new phone.
If you can still get into the boot menu, and access your phone through usb, you're ok, just get help (via a tutorial) before going any further, unless you're completely certain of what to do next.
Tis a shame to send a device, which is physically undamaged, to the digital graveyard. But such is life.
on a side note, before my phone reset itself into it's endless loop of unloading, I noticed the screen flash an image of a box with what looked like a red arrow coming out of it. It was right in the center of the screen. This was in the recovery-RAv1.0H.img menu. What's that all about?
Did you try other key combinations such as Home+Power, or Back+Power?
I'm sorry but I think you're misunderstanding it all a little bit...
Caid444 said:
I've had the great misfortune of bricking my phone within the first few hours of owning it. I should have known something was up, it wouldn't reboot when I changed the language to English, and I'd have to hard reset it (delete everything) and then let it load in Chinese again. Well, in an attempt to fix what I thought was a rom issue, I went through the song and dance of trying to root my phone.
I'm still not fully clear on how to do it, as it seems there's more to it than just what the tutorials say.
Anyway, like the title of this thread says, there's a pretty good way to figure out if your phone is really bricked, no need to ask or wonder anymore.
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It's easy if you follow the guides... I did it in two different phones with no problem at all in any of them... Anyway, let's stay on topìc
Caid444 said:
If your phone only boots to the htc magic screen (and then stops), and is unable to load bootloader, fastboot, usb connections, or anything else, it's bricked. 100%. You have to take it back. Don't bother searching the forums for the answer, I've wasted hours going through every related thread and trying every possible solution. Without the ability to access the fastboot screen, you're out of possibilities. Untill someone comes out with an unbricker which goes deeper than fastboot, there is absolutely no way to fix it.
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Wrong. If your phone boots to the HTC Magic screen, the bootloader is doing it's job. The bootloader just takes you there. The linux kernel and ramdisk takes you to the boot animation, and there is where android really starts.
If your phone shows the first htc logo, or the Vodafone branded screen, you can start in bootloader mode. To make that you just have to remove the battery, put it back, and press and hold BACK + END KEY. From that, you can fastboot.
Also, and unless you destroyed the recovery partition, you can also boot in recovery mode, by pressing END KEY while holding HOME (no need to keep them both hold, just home button)
Caid444 said:
A semi brick is much better on the other hand. There are plenty of ways to fix your phone, provided you're only semi bricked. I would define semi bricked as being able to enter fastboot, but being unable to boot the phone as normal. This can happen with a bad flash, or a mis step during a tutorial. I'm not exactly sure how easy it is to change a semi brick to a full brick, but my full bricking happened after semi bricking it while loading a new rom on it.
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I would call a semi brick this:
Your phone goes into an endless loop while booting.
Your phone gets stucked on the first boot logo.
You can't get access to the recovery partition.
Your phone boots all the way but then gets stucked.
Your phone gone bad during a software update.
That, all, can be solved by reflashing the affected region. There are tutorials for everything but if you need I can write some hints on each case (I suffered them all ).
Caid444 said:
So. to summarize, if your phone WON'T go into the boot menu by pressing vol-down+power, you're in need of a new phone.
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Actually, VOLDOWN+POWER starts in Hboot mode. From there you can go back to fastboot mode, but hboot is used to make a software upgrade using complete images or running htc diagnostic images (SAPPDIAG.IMG, SAPP*.IMG /NBH).
Caid444 said:
If you can still get into the boot menu, and access your phone through usb, you're ok, just get help (via a tutorial) before going any further, unless you're completely certain of what to do next.
Tis a shame to send a device, which is physically undamaged, to the digital graveyard. But such is life.
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If you can't get USB working on fastboot mode, or on recovery mode, your phone has probably a hardware fault. It happened with some of the first revisions of the Vodafone branded magic, don't know about htc branded ones though..
NOTE: Not talking about missing drivers, if you don't have drivers, that's another problem, but the computer should at least detect the device. Also, if your phone is off, and you connect the charger (or usb) and the orange led lights up, the bootloader should be ok.
Caid444 said:
on a side note, before my phone reset itself into it's endless loop of unloading, I noticed the screen flash an image of a box with what looked like a red arrow coming out of it. It was right in the center of the screen. This was in the recovery-RAv1.0H.img menu. What's that all about?
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That's the recovery mode. With that you can unbrick your phone
Also, as another hint, if you're new to linux OSes, you might want to take a look at some manual on terminal commands. If your main software is bricked, it's possible that your SDCard doesn't get mounted on recovery mode, depending on wich recovery image you're running. Provided you have an on the sdcard you need to run, you might have to mount it manually.
To do that, you have to start the phone in recovery mode, and run an "adb shell" on the PC.
When you have a shell opened, you'll have to mount the sdcard manually:
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
Then, on the phone you can use the option to run sdcard to restart the software upgrade procedure.
Before I reply, I'd just like to say thank you very much for your extremely in depth reply.
biktor_gj said:
I'm sorry but I think you're misunderstanding it all a little bit...
It's easy if you follow the guides... I did it in two different phones with no problem at all in any of them... Anyway, let's stay on topìc
Wrong. If your phone boots to the HTC Magic screen, the bootloader is doing it's job. The bootloader just takes you there. The linux kernel and ramdisk takes you to the boot animation, and there is where android really starts.
If your phone shows the first htc logo, or the Vodafone branded screen, you can start in bootloader mode. To make that you just have to remove the battery, put it back, and press and hold BACK + END KEY. From that, you can fastboot.
Also, and unless you destroyed the recovery partition, you can also boot in recovery mode, by pressing END KEY while holding HOME (no need to keep them both hold, just home button)
I would call a semi brick this:
Your phone goes into an endless loop while booting.
Your phone gets stucked on the first boot logo.
You can't get access to the recovery partition.
Your phone boots all the way but then gets stucked.
Your phone gone bad during a software update.
That, all, can be solved by reflashing the affected region. There are tutorials for everything but if you need I can write some hints on each case (I suffered them all ).
Actually, VOLDOWN+POWER starts in Hboot mode. From there you can go back to fastboot mode, but hboot is used to make a software upgrade using complete images or running htc diagnostic images (SAPPDIAG.IMG, SAPP*.IMG /NBH).
If you can't get USB working on fastboot mode, or on recovery mode, your phone has probably a hardware fault. It happened with some of the first revisions of the Vodafone branded magic, don't know about htc branded ones though..
NOTE: Not talking about missing drivers, if you don't have drivers, that's another problem, but the computer should at least detect the device. Also, if your phone is off, and you connect the charger (or usb) and the orange led lights up, the bootloader should be ok.
That's the recovery mode. With that you can unbrick your phone
Also, as another hint, if you're new to linux OSes, you might want to take a look at some manual on terminal commands. If your main software is bricked, it's possible that your SDCard doesn't get mounted on recovery mode, depending on wich recovery image you're running. Provided you have an on the sdcard you need to run, you might have to mount it manually.
To do that, you have to start the phone in recovery mode, and run an "adb shell" on the PC.
When you have a shell opened, you'll have to mount the sdcard manually:
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
Then, on the phone you can use the option to run sdcard to restart the software upgrade procedure.
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To the first answer.
It's not THAT easy, the guides are kinda (you should already know what you're doing at this point) in nature. It's confusing for newcomers, as we've no idea what to expect, that and there are a multitude of variations. More specification as to which guide works with which model, and which updates would be nice.
As for the second part, I could not get the phone working with any button variation pressed. I'm sorry I was not more clear in my description, to begin with. I could press (and hold) any button (or buttons) + power (end key) and the phone would just vibrate (briefly) and then display the original screen "htc magic"(endlessly). The orange light does come on when plugged into the usb or computer, but only while it is off, as soon as the device turns on, the light turns off.
Another thing of note is that, after bricking it, I had to remove the battery to turn it off (every time if it was on), and if I put the battery back in while it's plugged into the usb port of the computer, the phone would turn back on without pressing any buttons. It's also completely unresponsive or detectable by my computer after bricking it. The only other thing I can get it to do is make the orange light blue by holding the action button and turning on the device. That way the light on top of the device is blue when it turns on. Still unresponsive at that point.
This is my first android device, but not my first htc device (I've had MANY MANY different ones.) so I'm a bit familiar with trying different combinations to get a response.
I am not the first person who's had this happen, unfortunately. There have been a couple others, who've described the exact same encounter. Perhaps it's a mistake that I made, and perhaps they also made it themselves. I would like to figure out how it's happening, though, and perhaps write a tutorial for people like us unlucky few.
Again, a really big thanks. I've sent my phone back and am getting a new one soon. I much appreciate your reply, however, as it's probably the most understanding and considerate reply I've seen on these forums.
One more quick question out of curiosity, when you press and hold back and press end to turn on the device (it still goes to the htc magic screen) SHOULD it go to a different screen, other than the "htc magic" screen? Or is that a process that runs without some sort of visual notification on the device itself?
The usb was completely unresponsive after this happened, but in the event that bootloader may have been running, (only possible if it runs without any visual notification on the device itself), I'll go pick up the device and see if my usb drivers on my computer just became unresponsive after being accessed too many times. Sometimes windows does that, right? Perhaps a reboot would have allowed fastboot and the drivers to connect again, if the device was trying to talk to the computer, but I just didn't know on account of not having any notification.
So, again, should pressing back and power bring me to a different screen? or would it also look like it was hanging on htc magic screen?
p.s. Sorry for the confusing wording, I'm tired and trying very hard to be as specific as possible.
back+end/power should lead you to the fastboot screen right after it shows the HTC Magic screen or whatever splash screen you have installed.
Home+end/power should lead you to the recovery screen.
ok, it was bricked. Thanks for the answer.
Caid444 said:
Before I reply, I'd just like to say thank you very much for your extremely in depth reply.
To the first answer.
It's not THAT easy, the guides are kinda (you should already know what you're doing at this point) in nature. It's confusing for newcomers, as we've no idea what to expect, that and there are a multitude of variations. More specification as to which guide works with which model, and which updates would be nice.
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No problem, we all should be here to learn, and to help (except for the trolls)
This is the guide I followed for both Vodafone branded Magics:
Maybe not for now, but for the next magic you get it may come handy
Caid444 said:
As for the second part, I could not get the phone working with any button variation pressed. I'm sorry I was not more clear in my description, to begin with. I could press (and hold) any button (or buttons) + power (end key) and the phone would just vibrate (briefly) and then display the original screen "htc magic"(endlessly). The orange light does come on when plugged into the usb or computer, but only while it is off, as soon as the device turns on, the light turns off.
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When the phone is off with the charger connected and you press the power button, the light goes off, as for the others, you really should be able to enter the SPL if it could the magic bootlogo and vibrated upon boot...
Maybe you didn't try enough or maybe your bootloader behaved differently than mine... I should be more clear anyway, to get to the bootloader, the best way to make it go to the bootloader is press and hold back key, then while holding it, hold the power button too. It should take about a second or two before showing the three skater droids.
Caid444 said:
Another thing of note is that, after bricking it, I had to remove the battery to turn it off (every time if it was on), and if I put the battery back in while it's plugged into the usb port of the computer, the phone would turn back on without pressing any buttons. It's also completely unresponsive or detectable by my computer after bricking it. The only other thing I can get it to do is make the orange light blue by holding the action button and turning on the device. That way the light on top of the device is blue when it turns on. Still unresponsive at that point.
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When you put the battery while USB or charger is connected, the phone boots up, that's the normal behaviour. About the blue led, that's the Radio bootloader. That's quite dangerous to play with, but it gives a lot of other functions. Another sign that your phone wasn't completely dead Even if you wipe the SPL (the three skater droids), you may be able to boot into the Radio bootloader and write or boot another one to fix it. But that's waaaay harder
Caid444 said:
This is my first android device, but not my first htc device (I've had MANY MANY different ones.) so I'm a bit familiar with trying different combinations to get a response.
I am not the first person who's had this happen, unfortunately. There have been a couple others, who've described the exact same encounter. Perhaps it's a mistake that I made, and perhaps they also made it themselves. I would like to figure out how it's happening, though, and perhaps write a tutorial for people like us unlucky few.
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I guess the first advice when you start tricking with a phone is be careful with what you're doing. That's the good thing of fastboot.
When booting on fastboot mode, you can pick, for example a recovery image, and boot it without overwriting the original rom:
fastboot boot [recovery_image]
Then, when you see it's working, you can flash it:
fastboot flash recovery [recovery_image]
fastboot flash boot [boot_image]
fastboot flash system [system_image]
fastboot flash data [data_image]
You can't do that with the system.img since it's too big, but you can do it also with a boot.img
About the key combinations on the phone, it goes like this:
BACK + END KEY -> Fastboot mode (you shouldn't see the boot logo)
VOLDOWN + END KEY -> Hboot mode (you shouldn't see the boot logo)
ACTION (trackball center) + END KEY -> Radio Bootloader (you shouldn't see the boot logo)
HOME + END KEY -> Recovery mode (you should see the boot logo, then get the recovery menu)
SEND + MENU + END -> Reboot the phone (while the phone is on)
Maybe there are more (android has kind of 'safe mode' but I don't know it it goes there automatically if there's a problem or if it has to be called manually)
Anyway, I hope these things will be useful for the next phone, and for anybody who's a bit lost on this
Let us know where you live , so maybe one can help you , I live in Sweden and will be glad to help you if you are near ;-)
Hey! Thanks again for all the help, and the offer to come help. Unfortunately, I'm in China. Coming here from Sweden (although it's a single large landmass) would take quite a bit of time
I appreciate all the support, though. Very cool community we're building here for the magic.
htc semi-brick?
Hi to all. I'm in the same condition described in this tread; after installing SPL i get the htc block in Vodafone brand red screen.
None keys combination bring me to the boot menù. Only Action(trackball) + power have effect, but with a black screen...
Any suggest?
What do you do if you can boot into fastboot but can't flash anything because absolutely everything gives the error "FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)"?
I have a card reader and have tried just about every, every boot.img, every recovery.img i could find. I can't even boot a recovery img because the screen just hangs at the HTC Magic logo.
I don't know what kind of warranty i have on this thing, but i might take it in tomorrow and see if i can get it replaced. I've only had it for just under two weeks.
Newbie need help
ok so i can still go to recovery mode but everytime i reboot my phone the mytouch 3g logo never goes away im new to Android but not htc can somebody plz help me out.
gruppler said:
What do you do if you can boot into fastboot but can't flash anything because absolutely everything gives the error "FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)"?
I have a card reader and have tried just about every, every boot.img, every recovery.img i could find. I can't even boot a recovery img because the screen just hangs at the HTC Magic logo.
I don't know what kind of warranty i have on this thing, but i might take it in tomorrow and see if i can get it replaced. I've only had it for just under two weeks.
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Instead of flashing something, you boot a recovery image, and then, from there, you flash whatever you need (using adb & flash_image for example)
PS: Be a little patient, if fastboot is letting you boot a recovery image, the recovery needs to boot, and that takes a little while, and while it's booting, you see the bootlogo until the menu appears. Also, you can try running adb shell after boot process started to try to get an error message (or at least to know if the thing is booting in some way)
I couldn't boot any recovery images. I had tried a few different Hero ROMs but decided i wanted to use Cupcake again because i have a 32B board and it just doesn't have enough RAM, though Swapper makes it usable at least. I don't know what exactly i did, but i've learned a lot from my mistakes. Everything i tried failed the signature check because the hboot version didn't match. If i could just flash the 1.33.2005 hboot again, i would have been in business, but no matter which recovery image i tried, it just sat there doing nothing. And believe me, i waited.
Fortunately, T-Mobile gave me a new device after i took it in and played dumb. And I just rooted it =]
Caid444 said:
ok, it was bricked. Thanks for the answer.
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Why not flashing it with an RUU from HTC. Not sure that would work but it is worth trying.
Hi there, people!
First of all, thanks because while I was reading ur posts I realized that my phone had been bricked, 100 %
I tried official ROM upgrade to Android 1.6 using the folowing steps
1. Copied radio zip to my sd card by renaming it in
2. Recovery screen was started by pressing HOME+END key
3.Applied, process was going on: Opening package, verifing package, installing radio...and message about success was shown and phone restarted
4. Phone stucked on HTC Magic logo screen...15 minutes
5. I removed a battery, put it back and tried to reach recovery or boot mode again
6.Unsuccessfully! Phone vibrates and turns on...but always stucks on the HTC Magic screen
7. USB does not recognize my phone is connected (I tried any adb and fastboot commands)
8. So, I just pray to give me a new phone if my warranty will be accepted
iivanovic said:
Hi there, people!
First of all, thanks because while I was reading ur posts I realized that my phone had been bricked, 100 %
I tried official ROM upgrade to Android 1.6 using the folowing steps
1. Copied radio zip to my sd card by renaming it in
2. Recovery screen was started by pressing HOME+END key
3.Applied, process was going on: Opening package, verifing package, installing radio...and message about success was shown and phone restarted
4. Phone stucked on HTC Magic logo screen...15 minutes
5. I removed a battery, put it back and tried to reach recovery or boot mode again
6.Unsuccessfully! Phone vibrates and turns on...but always stucks on the HTC Magic screen
7. USB does not recognize my phone is connected (I tried any adb and fastboot commands)
8. So, I just pray to give me a new phone if my warranty will be accepted
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I have the same problem. I get up hboot and fast boot menus can not get it in recovery. try to add in sappimg but no luck
I'm having the exact same problem...
Any solution yet?
Hello! I can assure you that your phone is not fully bricked! Awhile ago I flashed a new radio only to discover that I hadn't done my research and was a complete and total idiot. I flashed the 1.76.xxxx on a 32B. It didn't like it. I got a quick HTC logo that disappeared then the phone never responded again. When I say never responded it was dead. no combination of buttons would get any response. If you can get into fastboot you have options. All that's necessary is to make sure you have the appropriate sappimg file. Try the Unlockr's gold card method file. He has a .zip file that may work for you. Just make sure that you find an image that is compatible with your board (32A or 32B). Hope this helps!
Test methods need to unbrick my magic, so far I've tried one that I have not worked. If someone want to try things that I communicate them and I try.
After an upgrade of radio has been fried. I can not get into recovery, or fastboot. Even so I try to send commands and the command window stays and even restart <waiting for device> clicking to enter recovery fastboot or does nothing.
Excuse the translation but my English is very bad and I use the google translator
edugg said:
Test methods need to unbrick my magic, so far I've tried one that I have not worked. If someone want to try things that I communicate them and I try.
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wow so much information don't know where to start!!!
hard to say..someone managed to the the phone to respond to fastboot/adb by starting up ADB..
wait for the waiting for device msg, then connect the phone to usb and turn it on.
if all method fails, bring it back to claim for warranty.
edugg said:
Test methods need to unbrick my magic, so far I've tried one that I have not worked. If someone want to try things that I communicate them and I try.
After an upgrade of radio has been fried. I can not get into recovery, or fastboot. Even so I try to send commands and the command window stays and even restart <waiting for device> clicking to enter recovery fastboot or does nothing.
Excuse the translation but my English is very bad and I use the google translator
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What OS are you using on your computer?
zeroplace said:
What OS are you using on your computer?
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I tested with Windows 7, Vista and XP and the same.
You know any way to flash as factory?
Will it actually turn on or does it just flash a red led when you press power?
bonesy said:
Will it actually turn on or does it just flash a red led when you press power?
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Starts, appears the splash but only gets to that point
In that case it isnt bricked its just stuck...Bricked is when it wont turn on at all
Do you have a nandroid backup?
Have you taken the battery out and the power lead so it has no power?
i have had this problem
If you have a backup get it ready, Once you have let the phone power down totally (battery out and no lead) hold back and press power (keep holding back) this should get you into fastboot.if it doesnt unplug the lead and try again.
If thats successful.... using your nandroid files
fastboot erase system -w
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash userdata data.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Sorry if you cant get this to work i have to go out and wont be back to check till tomorrow so just giving you all the info
bonesy said:
In that case it isnt bricked its just stuck...Bricked is when it wont turn on at all
Do you have a nandroid backup?
Have you taken the battery out and the power lead so it has no power?
i have had this problem
If you have a backup get it ready, Once you have let the phone power down totally (battery out and no lead) hold back and press power (keep holding back) this should get you into fastboot.if it doesnt unplug the lead and try again.
If thats successful.... using your nandroid files
fastboot erase system -w
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash userdata data.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Sorry if you cant get this to work i have to go out and wont be back to check till tomorrow so just giving you all the info
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I have tried many times to do this and nothing ever stays <waiting for device> and does nothing
Phone is not bricked, so this shouldnt be a problem.
If you cant get into fastboot with current setups, then use another recovery image and a custom rom.
(all that stuff is on SD-card.. its not that hard)
Update SDK.
daihiep said:
Phone is not bricked, so this shouldnt be a problem.
If you cant get into fastboot with current setups, then use another recovery image and a custom rom.
(all that stuff is on SD-card.. its not that hard)
Update SDK.
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Great! And how should the recovery image and custom rom be put into the Magic? Sledgehammer?
The problem that almost everyone seems to not understand is that it's impossible to access fastboot, adb or any other (known) means.
The magic will hang at the first splashscreen no matter which buttons are pushed during power up. If the track ball is pressed during power on, the led lights up blue (still hanging at first splash). All other combos of buttons during power on makes no difference at all.
I have tried keeping fastboot waiting while power cycling the device (as explained in another thread), but there are no reaction. I have tried in xp, vista and linux.
I have also tried with a gold card, but since the phone seems unable to get any further than the first splash, this will not work.
So unless someone has a _NEW_ method to actually enter fastboot/ADB mode, these devices are BRICKED!
People have been discussing what the criteria for calling a phone a brick, but as far as I have care my Magic can only function as a paper weight and can therefore be called bricked.
I have the same problem , the fastboot can not acces, i stay at the vodafone logo.
Any ideas?
frankiboy1 said:
Great! And how should the recovery image and custom rom be put into the Magic? Sledgehammer?
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take out the sd card, put it in a usb adaptor and copy them over.
Also search for a thread "how i unbricked my phone"
frankiboy1 said:
Great! And how should the recovery image and custom rom be put into the Magic? Sledgehammer?
The problem that almost everyone seems to not understand is that it's impossible to access fastboot, adb or any other (known) means.
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Think before answering.
Btw, question answered by htcmagic.
daihiep said:
Think before answering.
Btw, question answered by htcmagic.
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I repeat: The problem that almost everyone seems to not understand is that it's impossible to access fastboot, adb or any other (known) means.
Having a recovery image and a custom rom on the SD card is useless if you are not able to get the phone accessing those files.
I have tried the "how I unbricked my phone" method (like I wrote in my first post) without any success. If you read the whole "how I unbricked my phone" thread you can see that there are several guys that did not have success with this method.
I have done a lot of thinking.... and searching...
Thanks try there
Wrong HBOOT = real brick
With a wrong HBOOT (what happend to me), the phone is a real brick...
And they refused to repair it... I bought a new phone. But I keep the old one in case someone break his screen. Then I can get the mobo.
just curious.
superkikim said:
With a wrong HBOOT (what happend to me), the phone is a real brick...
And they refused to repair it... I bought a new phone. But I keep the old one in case someone break his screen. Then I can get the mobo.
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How did you brick it?
Btw, have you tried to run any RUU update?
At least singapore one.
I have a Mate 7 L-09 and I am in the same situation of Sassan_Payehdar described in the his thread
Hi everyone,
I have a Huawei Mate 7 LT-09 16 gig, and I recently did these works:
1. The installed rom was android 6 B513.
2. I read a post in this forum (that is closed now) and updated it to B553 KingVIP Chinese through restoring nandroid TWRP backup.
3. After install I saw lots of bugs, so I wipe all partitions through advanced wipe in TWRP.
4. Then install marshmallow stock recovery using mobopx tool.
after that nothing works.
The USB drive just show hisuite CD-Rom and device not recognize for ADB Options in windows 7,8,8.1 and 10.
There is no recovery,
There is no option using combinations of the buttons vol+,Vol- and power.
I tried installing stock ROM through .app file and dload folder and still nothing works.
I tried Jtag and after lots of work, fastboot screen appears and reinstalling all versions of different recoveries and looks like the software is installing nowhere in neverland!, there is nothing!
I take my device to a technician and he said there is maybe no way to re-run the device. I really need help.
Apologize for poor English and thanks in advance help.
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No bootloader, no recovery, no option using combinations of the buttons vol+,Vol- and power, no recognition by ADB on PC only huawei logo.
He tried Jtag to appear fastboot, but I never read anything about Jtag. Where can I find it and how to use it?
Sorry for my English.
Can somebody help me?
Thank you so much!!
What happens when you enable your phone (after shutdown) with pressing power + volume up?
Also, what happens when you do the same but with power + volume down?
I would say that if it loads the logo you should be able to enter fastboot/recovery.
Focus on this first and what is your experience with using custom roms to give us an idea of what could be overlooked etc.
If you can load to fastboot and/or recovery let us know and we start from there.
Mother_Teresa said:
What happens when you enable your phone (after shutdown) with pressing power + volume up?
Also, what happens when you do the same but with power + volume down?
I would say that if it loads the logo you should be able to enter fastboot/recovery.
Focus on this first and what is your experience with using custom roms to give us an idea of what could be overlooked etc.
If you can load to fastboot and/or recovery let us know and we start from there.
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Thank you very much for the answer......
I can' t swich off the phone. When I press power off button it reboot and after a few seconds appears huawei logo and then nothing more happens.
When I try to press VOL- and power or VOL+ and power or any other combination of buttons it happens the same think written above: the phone reboot and after a few seconds appears huawei logo and stop.
I brought the phone to the huawei customer center and they told me it need to change motherboard to fix it but it is out of production. I brought it to two famous Chinese stores to fix phones here in Milano, but they couldn't do anything (so they said).
I would just like to retrieve the use of the phone. I saved all the data.
Thanks again for the help.
verdiverdi said:
Thank you very much for the answer......
I can' t swich off the phone. When I press power off button it reboot and after a few seconds appears huawei logo and then nothing more happens.
When I try to press VOL- and power or VOL+ and power or any other combination of buttons it happens the same think written above: the phone reboot and after a few seconds appears huawei logo and stop.
I brought the phone to the huawei customer center and they told me it need to change motherboard to fix it but it is out of production. I brought it to two famous Chinese stores to fix phones here in Milano, but they couldn't do anything (so they said).
I would just like to retrieve the use of the phone. I saved all the data.
Thanks again for the help.
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Not being able to to overcome the logo boot is unknown to me. Maybe the phone should still be able to be flashed!
I lack the knowledge, but to help out I share a link to someone having a similar issue. I will share the link at the end of this post.
If you are unable to connect to your phone and/or make it enter fastboot or recovery I have no idea if that means your phone is bricked.
For now, make sure you understand how to flash,boot,reset etc your phone, only to be sure you have tried all approaches.
Let us know if you did not succeed also so others can learn from this thread in the future
similar topic link ->
Mother_Teresa said:
Not being able to to overcome the logo boot is unknown to me. Maybe the phone should still be able to be flashed!
I lack the knowledge, but to help out I share a link to someone having a similar issue. I will share the link at the end of this post.
If you are unable to connect to your phone and/or make it enter fastboot or recovery I have no idea if that means your phone is bricked.
For now, make sure you understand how to flash,boot,reset etc your phone, only to be sure you have tried all approaches.
Let us know if you did not succeed also so others can learn from this thread in the future
similar topic link ->
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that's unbelievable I was be able to access in fastboot&rescue mode....
I connected the device to my pc but ADB doesn't recognized it.
Now how can I do?
Many thanks
I have same problem as u before, i managed to go to fastboot and then i installed a recovery but the probleme, i bring it into a repair store and the dude literally broke my sd card slot so now I'm really upset.
After that i wanted to make a restore to proposed backups in the firmware forum but nothing happend
Foxar26 said:
I have same problem as u before, i managed to go to fastboot and then i installed a recovery but the probleme, i bring it into a repair store and the dude literally broke my sd card slot so now I'm really upset.
After that i wanted to make a restore to proposed backups in the firmware forum but nothing happend
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now I am in this situation: I was able to install TWRP recovery for Marshmallow 3.0.2-0 Mate 7 by Mobopx v.2.1.
I chose this recovery beecause my last firmware was EMUI 4.0 (Marshmallow).
After I tried to apply this method:, but it didn't work. After flashing I power on the phone and it try to boot (some times the animation start too for a bit) but then nothing. The phone reboot in recovery mode (this is a change compared to before).
Somebody has some ideas??
verdiverdi said:
now I am in this situation: I was able to install TWRP recovery for Marshmallow 3.0.2-0 Mate 7 by Mobopx v.2.1.
I chose this recovery beecause my last firmware was EMUI 4.0 (Marshmallow).
After I tried to apply this method:, but it didn't work. After flashing I power on the phone and it try to boot (some times the animation start too for a bit) but then nothing. The phone reboot in recovery mode (this is a change compared to before).
Somebody has some ideas??
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I solved my problem!!!!!
I flashed a TWRP backup get from this forum and now my phone is working.
Thank you to everybody...
I'm very happy for u, can u give me which one you choose for the backup
Foxar26 said:
I'm very happy for u, can u give me which one you choose for the backup
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Go here
and choose the appropriate TWRP backp. Flash it by TWRP recovery. It were very simple!!!.
Obviously you have have a working TWRP recovery.....
Hi everyone,
I'm having an issue with my 7 pro (1911). This is my 1st Oneplus as I used a Mi 5 before, the flash procedure was much easier without this A/B mess.
So I somehow messed up a new install of pixel experience with blu_spark kernel and twrp and found myself with the qualcomm crash error. Trying to get back into fastboot with the button combination (was able to save it once in it) the phone restarts and got stuck in edl mode. I noticed it's recognized as 9008 in the PC so I said okey this is nothing I'll just use the MSMTool to get it back on again.
Went through the xda Mega thead procedure, had no problem getting the phone to connect to the tool, however, first unexpected thing I encounter is the fact it stops with a SHA256 doesn't match error, and fails to send op2.img. I verified the ops file to make sure it has no errors and it was good. I then checked "disable sha256" box and it goes normally with the flash this time. Except in the end instead of restarting into the system it restarts into edl mode again and if the cable is still attached starts flashing again. This loop keeps going on forever.
I checked everywhere the only other thing I found that hints at a possible solution was doing an SMT download (based on this thread from OP6). Having an EFS backup already in one of my TWRP backups I went ahead with the procedure. Everything goes normally with the sha256 box disabled. it takes longer than upgrade mode (it flashes also to b slot), it finishes fine till the end. I disconnect the phone to boot it but it's still stuck in EDL mode!!! pressing any combination of button only keeps restarting the phone in EDL; when connected to the pc you see it going off then on in device manager.
The only idea I have left is waiting for battery to die, which could take forever and I have no idea if that'll work
Things I tried/used :
Qualcomm drivers are the latest from microsoft server v2.1.2.2. Tried some other ones but no change.
Pressing any combination of buttons (up + down + power, up + power, down + power) for multiple minutes doesn't change anything (it only hurts your fingers lol)
Before the issue the phone was at around 40%, I don't think the problem was battery charge, but I still tried connecting to official charger for some time but no boot.
I tried using multiple cables, ports (usb 3 and 2 from front of pc), tried on a laptop with both usb 2 and 3, all give me the same results, sha256 fails, without the check it flashes but no boot or response.
I redownloaded the MSMTool multiple times from both the Mega thread and newer one with oos 10 images, even the chinese image, all of them give the exact same issue. The only one that didn't work was the TMobile image, saying it's the wrong image (tried it just to be sure my phone wasn't originally a TMO converted, as it's 2nd hand).
Tried starting a normal flash in MSMTool and leaving it on that loop (flash, finish, restart again in EDL, flash...) all night but still found it flashing in the morning, never booted to system.
I found some people in the forums having the same symptomes (but quite rare compared to others), only 2 said they found a solution:
OP7P (this guy fixed the issue by charging his phone)
OP6T (this guy discharged his phone completely then connected it and it booted)
I'm making this thread maybe someone who had the same issue can show me how he solved it, or if not and my last resort works (complete battery discharge) hopefully stays as a helpful history to someone else.
Hi again,
Updating my thread with what I could do lately:
I opened the phone up, anxious to try disconnecting the battery and seeing if it makes any difference. To my surprise that also did no change at all.
After some time working with NerdgOd56 from the Reddit Discord we tried many things, among them reading back the memory using MSM Tool. There was also a python script that enabled reading a provision xml file that's used by the tool to flash everything. This file mentions where in the OPS file each image is. So after some fiddeling with the OPS using a hex editor, I found that there are quite some differences with the images I read from the phone, this hints at a possible flash memory corruption. Though this needs to be confirmed by someone who has a clean phone, whether the images are supposed to be exactly the same or probably they're encrypted when transfered to the phone.
So right now I'm starting a search for a motherboard locally, hoping to find something.
Thanks to all the guys from discord who gave their time to my cause NerdgOd56, DarkPhoenix and the others on the OP7 channel.
Hi again,
Updating my thread with what I could do lately:
I opened the phone up, anxious to try disconnecting the battery and seeing if it makes any difference. To my surprise that also did no change at all.
After some time working with NerdgOd56 from the Reddit Discord we tried many things, among them reading back the memory using MSM Tool. There was also a python script that enabled reading a provision xml file that's used by the tool to flash everything. This file mentions where in the OPS file each image is. So after some fiddeling with the OPS using a hex editor, I found that there are quite some differences with the images I read from the phone, this hints at a possible flash memory corruption. Though this needs to be confirmed by someone who has a clean phone, whether the images are supposed to be exactly the same or probably they're encrypted when transfered to the phone.
So right now I'm starting a search for a motherboard locally, hoping to find something.
Thanks to all the guys from discord who gave their time to my cause NerdgOd56, DarkPhoenix and the others on the OP7 channel.
EDIT: Sorry for the accidental double post
Charnet3D said:
Hi again,
Updating my thread with what I could do lately:
I opened the phone up, anxious to try disconnecting the battery and seeing if it makes any difference. To my surprise that also did no change at all.
After some time working with NerdgOd56 from the Reddit Discord we tried many things, among them reading back the memory using MSM Tool. There was also a python script that enabled reading a provision xml file that's used by the tool to flash everything. This file mentions where in the OPS file each image is. So after some fiddeling with the OPS using a hex editor, I found that there are quite some differences with the images I read from the phone, this hints at a possible flash memory corruption. Though this needs to be confirmed by someone who has a clean phone, whether the images are supposed to be exactly the same or probably they're encrypted when transfered to the phone.
So right now I'm starting a search for a motherboard locally, hoping to find something.
Thanks to all the guys from discord who gave their time to my cause NerdgOd56, DarkPhoenix and the others on the OP7 channel.
EDIT: Sorry for the accidental double post
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Did you say you was able to get to fastboot mode if so jus boot twrp image then flash twrp from the xda. Then do a full wipe then download download a ota zip from xda and flash it. That's how I got out of edl mode.
i also have an OP6T
used MsmDownloadTool V4.0_factory_mcl_op1_patched
phone was stock.
Proceeded to flash custom rom etc.
Now since then i decided i wanted stock again to try new custom rom etc. and,
i booted twrp and just wiped everything like a mad man.
i have had this happen before.
Currently, it will and can boot into any mode such as fastboot recovery(TWRP) edl and device state/secureboot are both unlocked/enabled
After you do that let it sit for a bit and its dead. take off the bands and let it sit for another half a day and redo the bands to make sure its been reset and is indeed complete dead. repeat, whatever.
when its surely dead and been reset, THE ONLY thing you can try is
plug it in and almost at the same time (not simultaneously, but sequentially)
YOU NEED TO HOLD VOLUME UP+DOWN at the same time RIGHT AFTER YOU PLUG IT IN LITTERALLY. And, it should display the 1plus logo briefly and boot into fastboot mode.(i had to do this after wiping rom etc via twrp an became stuck in edl mode)
from there i booted twrp
(was my reccovery still)
mind that i wiped everything like a mad man and i lost my ADB AND FASTBOOT AND AS WELL AS MY EDL MODE PRIVILEGES(2 PCs, a couple cables tried and the phone is still not being recognized in any of the mentioned modes ), and after doing what i mention if you can get into fastboot mode you may be in luck, however if you can get back into any other mode.(Or fastboot flash a stock rom, adb sideload etc)
im still here waiting my usb otg type c because the usb wont recognize with the adapter to micro usb. Now ive never had a usb otg type c adapter before, but i know i could never get the micro usb (universal) to adapt my otg with a, "type C" type adapter and see the storage device(usb) being recognized by android. So i will reply when it arrives and i can attempt to flash stock again via otg twrp with oos zip. (THIS HAS TO BE AN A10 ISSUE WITH TWRP BEING FAIRLY RECENT IN RELEASES AND CAUSING IT TO NOT BE RECOGNIZED AFTER PERFORMING A, "FULL WIPE")
hopefully the otg for usb c is going to be recognized by twrp still.
if all else fails and your still under contract warranty, just light the **** on fire and run it over and pay the $40 deductable and take it as a $40 lesson and have them send you a new one(or upgrade depending on eligibility etc.)
---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------
billyt1 said:
Did you say you was able to get to fastboot mode if so jus boot twrp image then flash twrp from the xda. Then do a full wipe then download download a ota zip from xda and flash it. That's how I got out of edl mode.
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im using a tmoblie variant with msm from above
---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------
billyt1 said:
Did you say you was able to get to fastboot mode if so jus boot twrp image then flash twrp from the xda. Then do a full wipe then download download a ota zip from xda and flash it. That's how I got out of edl mode.
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No still stuck in EDL mode.
Johndoesmoked said:
After you do that let it sit for a bit and its dead. take off the bands and let it sit for another half a day and redo the bands to make sure its been reset and is indeed complete dead. repeat, whatever.
when its surely dead and been reset, THE ONLY thing you can try is
plug it in and almost at the same time (not simultaneously, but sequentially)
YOU NEED TO HOLD VOLUME UP+DOWN at the same time RIGHT AFTER YOU PLUG IT IN LITTERALLY. And, it should display the 1plus logo briefly and boot into fastboot mode.(i had to do this after wiping rom etc via twrp an became stuck in edl mode)
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I don't know if you saw my last comment but I had even opened the phone up to disconnect the battery ribbon, hoping that would get it out of EDL but it didn't. However I didn't do the trick with the buttons when connecting it, I'll try this after disconnecting the battery. Also if that didn't work I'll leave it on rubber bands like you said, nothing to lose anyway. Thanks for the tips. I'll let you know what's up.
How did you know when the phone was dead while on rubber bands, do you verify if it still gets detected on the PC ?
Yeah i had did the rubberbands for a lil more than couple days and like i said i let it sit for about a day without the bands on after i had a good 20+ hours with em on then reapplied bands for about 20 phone was completely discharged during that process( OP6T).
Upon doing this i lost access to my recovery img.
Phone only boots fastboot (even if i choose recovery, it was previously working)
So now i still cant recognize in fastboot or edl.
GOT my OTG type c and put oos on usb, but as i said now my twrp isnt booting, so i shouldnt have depleted the battery as now i have no possible recovery access modes . Aside from that, im trying to figure out more info on the device and will reply in a day with what i may come to find out.
My phone did get detected because it started up as soon as i plugged into pc.
battery seems un-accessible but may have to take this apart.
I am figuring this out and i will get back to you. I need more tech assistance from a friend in the repair industry to disassemble without destroying it tomorrow or sometime friday.
This is going to have to be some sort of an intricate process to diagnose this supposed "HARD BRICK"
:Have to correct myself
talked to my brody at tmobile to see wassup with the warrenty etc.
basically its not covered under warrenty when you mess with software, blah blah i figured anyway, and he basically advises (OR more so "i didnt tell you anything like that!"- laughing) to literally run it over with your car or just smash the screen, and file the claim without issue...
BUT THE ISSUE IS ITS GONN COST YOU $99 to get a new OP6T via Assurant
your device might be the same, or even more costly,
i would prefer to avoid all costs, spending more money, not trying to..
Charnet3D said:
Hi again,
Updating my thread with what I could do lately:
I opened the phone up, anxious to try disconnecting the battery and seeing if it makes any difference. To my surprise that also did no change at all.
After some time working with NerdgOd56 from the Reddit Discord we tried many things, among them reading back the memory using MSM Tool. There was also a python script that enabled reading a provision xml file that's used by the tool to flash everything. This file mentions where in the OPS file each image is. So after some fiddeling with the OPS using a hex editor, I found that there are quite some differences with the images I read from the phone, this hints at a possible flash memory corruption. Though this needs to be confirmed by someone who has a clean phone, whether the images are supposed to be exactly the same or probably they're encrypted when transfered to the phone.
So right now I'm starting a search for a motherboard locally, hoping to find something.
Thanks to all the guys from discord who gave their time to my cause NerdgOd56, DarkPhoenix and the others on the OP7 channel.
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I wonder if you've managed to solve your problem. I have the same error SHA256 on Oneplus 7 Pro
Lefren said:
I wonder if you've managed to solve your problem. I have the same error SHA256 on Oneplus 7 Pro
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facing same issue with oneplus 7 pro 1910, tf is wrong with this cursed series lol
thedeadfish59 said:
facing same issue with oneplus 7 pro 1910, tf is wrong with this cursed series lol
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Yeah so sad, probably the internal memory has a slight % chance it gets corrupted or something...
Since my story in the OP I bought a used 1913 that's a bit cheaper coz of external scratches and took its motherboard for my cleaner original phone. It's been working like a charm since.
hi everyone last night i plug my phone for charging after a while i came back and see crash dump mode i switch off the and try to unbrick via msm tool 1st attempt everything fine auto reboot after progress complete it stuck in oneplus logo after that i tried to redo all thing now i faced this error on MSM TOOL PLEASE HELP ME I CHANGED THE CABLE USB PORTS DRIVER REINSTALL BUT STUCK AT THIS POINT. when i uncheck sha256 downloading start but it does not stop again and phone did not auto reboot help please
Hi all,
Im in a desperate and urgent need of help.
My Mrs pixel 7 pro is stuck in a boot loop that restarts 5 seconds after the google writing appears when starting. I wasn't home when it happened but she doesnt really make sure her phone has some battery before turning it on, as soon as she sees 2% she starts it, so im guessing maybe she bricked it while the phone was trying to apply an update when turning it on as she said that the external battery didnt have any juice left inside.
I know i can wipe the phone from recovery mode and make it into a factory reset phone. The issue here is we have over 6000 photos and videos of our son in that phone that she hasnt copied to the external hard drive i gave her for months due to her not liking that her little laptop is slow.
I tried recovery mode Reboot, i tried going into safe mode (no luck as it will go straight into fastboot mode). She doesnt care about a lot of things and obviously she never unlocked the developer setting or bootloader so device state is also locked.
I am begging you, anything any info or advice on how i can get those pictures out of the phone. Is there any way i can flash the stock firmware just to make the phone start and copy them after?
Any possibility or chance or retrieval?
I am willing to pay anyone that can guide me in the right direction as there are over 6 months worth of photos and memories.
Thanks in advance and may the luck be on my side.
andyysk said:
Hi all,
Im in a desperate and urgent need of help.
My Mrs pixel 7 pro is stuck in a boot loop that restarts 5 seconds after the google writing appears when starting. I wasn't home when it happened but she doesnt really make sure her phone has some battery before turning it on, as soon as she sees 2% she starts it, so im guessing maybe she bricked it while the phone was trying to apply an update when turning it on as she said that the external battery didnt have any juice left inside.
I know i can wipe the phone from recovery mode and make it into a factory reset phone. The issue here is we have over 6000 photos and videos of our son in that phone that she hasnt copied to the external hard drive i gave her for months due to her not liking that her little laptop is slow.
I tried recovery mode Reboot, i tried going into safe mode (no luck as it will go straight into fastboot mode). She doesnt care about a lot of things and obviously she never unlocked the developer setting or bootloader so device state is also locked.
I am begging you, anything any info or advice on how i can get those pictures out of the phone. Is there any way i can flash the stock firmware just to make the phone start and copy them after?
Any possibility or chance or retrieval?
I am willing to pay anyone that can guide me in the right direction as there are over 6 months worth of photos and memories.
Thanks in advance and may the luck be on my side.
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If you can enter recovery mode try to sideload the same exact ota package of the rom she's running, maybe that can help. Good luck!
andyysk said:
Hi all,
Im in a desperate and urgent need of help.
My Mrs pixel 7 pro is stuck in a boot loop that restarts 5 seconds after the google writing appears when starting. I wasn't home when it happened but she doesnt really make sure her phone has some battery before turning it on, as soon as she sees 2% she starts it, so im guessing maybe she bricked it while the phone was trying to apply an update when turning it on as she said that the external battery didnt have any juice left inside.
I know i can wipe the phone from recovery mode and make it into a factory reset phone. The issue here is we have over 6000 photos and videos of our son in that phone that she hasnt copied to the external hard drive i gave her for months due to her not liking that her little laptop is slow.
I tried recovery mode Reboot, i tried going into safe mode (no luck as it will go straight into fastboot mode). She doesnt care about a lot of things and obviously she never unlocked the developer setting or bootloader so device state is also locked.
I am begging you, anything any info or advice on how i can get those pictures out of the phone. Is there any way i can flash the stock firmware just to make the phone start and copy them after?
Any possibility or chance or retrieval?
I am willing to pay anyone that can guide me in the right direction as there are over 6 months worth of photos and memories.
Thanks in advance and may the luck be on my side.
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As @acuicultor said;
Here's Googles official OTA updates and instructions etc.
From what i've read briefly and as far as i can gather (still running a stock pixel 7 pro - for the first phone in god knows how long, so i'm not well read on this device but...) if you can sideload the latest OTA update via sideload then you should in theory be able to save the data and boot again. But if you flash full firmware then your device will be wiped in the process (if that's even possible with a locked bootloader).
Very best of luck
EDIT: hmm thinking about it, you won't have enabled USB debugging in dev options, hang on, i'll reboot direct to recovery to see if i can get the device recognised without USB debugging enabled. Sorry to be vague (hopefully someone more experienced with this device will chime in with more advice), like i say, i'm not rooted, flashed with custom rom - nothing, just plain old stock so i've not read up much on proceedures for this device. Bare with me!!
Had another thought, do you or have you been using Google photos to view your images on the device. If so, did you enable backup photos online when you first set the app up? If so, they could be backed up automatically...
Edit: my bad..
Try this link
If that fails just Google 'Google photos sign in'
Just tried from recovery to run some adb cmd's, no joy without enabling debugging 1st
There may be hope... If your photos aren't backed online already from above link...
1. From power off state (make sure the device is charged before apply any ota update) Press vol down and power together. As soon as it boots to google logo, let go of vol down, then power. That will put you in fastboot mode where you use the vol up/down to navigate to Recovery mode and power button to select.
2. Then when you have the screen that says 'no command', press power button and CLICK vol up (releasing vol up straight away but keeping power pressed). That'll take you a blue menu at top of screen.
3. Use vol buttons to navigate to 'apply update from adb'. I have checked using 'adb devices' and 'adb reboot sideload' cmd's on PC and the device is now recognised...
Will write further instructions shortly. (no guarantees this will work tho without losing data...or even if it'll work at all - i suspect the OTA update with just fail to transfer)
OR there is another option, using the same instructions above (1) in fastboot mode use the volume buttons to navigate the menu, power button to select Rescue mode. Then contact your service center for support who will advise/offer support - hopefully, which may end up having to send the device in and still offers no guarantee of preserved data
reg66 said:
@acuicultor said;
Here's Googles official OTA updates and instructions etc.
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Following the link it's all explained there:
- no USB-Debugging needed
- booting recovery by key combo
- no loss of any data when using the OTA files
Also turning on USB-Debugging in developer options is not necessary for the recovery. It's enabled by default and moreover the recovery doesn't consider any system settings like disabled/enabled USB-Debugging.
WoKoschekk said:
Following the link it's all explained there:
- no USB-Debugging needed
- booting recovery by key combo
- no loss of any data when using the OTA files
Also turning on USB-Debugging in developer options is not necessary for the recovery. It's enabled by default and moreover the recovery doesn't consider any system settings like disabled/enabled USB-Debugging.
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Ahh cool. I obviously didn't read much of it! Dunno what's happened to the chap, maybe his wife has killed him lol
reg66 said:
Ahh cool. I obviously didn't read much of it! Dunno what's happened to the chap, maybe his wife has killed him lol
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yes, maybe...
FYI: Stock recovery only uses a minimal adbd with a very limited set of commands. That's why some known ADB commands won't work.