Is the SW2 on its way to retirement? - Sony Smartwatch

I've had a Sony sw2 for a couple of months now. I'm very happy with the device, it's a nice build, good size and has some cracking features not avalible on other smartwatch offerings.
Naturally as with any platform the hardware and it's possible features are one thing but ongoing software development is crucial.
I recently contacted Runtastic regarding the lack of basic functionality in their app (closes after timeout so has to be relaunched every time you want to view progress and doesn't use low power functionality). Unfortunately their response was to say that new functionality (or in my opinion basic necessary functionality) would require a complete rewrite and so at this time they have no plans to update their app for Sony support. They also mentioned that the issue is the multiple smartwatch platforms which they believe will be sorted by Android wear, a platform they are throwing themselves at.
Given Runtastic was flagship app for the device on launch my concern is that this spells out a pathway for many apps as support moves toward android wear. In reality Sony need to either commit to the new platform (android wear) and do something to comfort it's present watch owners or push for developers to truly accept their platform as viable and beneficial. If they can't even do this with partner apps like Runtastic, what does that mean for our watches future?
Ps sorry for the long message just interested in the thoughts of others!
Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk

Don't buy runtastic. The sw2 does a good deal more than Android wear, but unfortunately Sony doesn't invest in the marketing for it. Not too many people have even heard of it, so devs don't want to focus on it. Best case scenario is that Android wear improves more in the future. The smartwatch industry is just in Flux right now. Be happy you got to appreciate the sw2 while everyone else was forced to talk into their watch (which requires a constant Internet connection as well).

The SW2 is sat in a wheelchair with a blanket over its straps, in the corner of the dayroom in 'We care so you don't have to' retirement home.
ben.cordy said:
I've had a Sony sw2 for a couple of months now. I'm very happy with the device, it's a nice build, good size and has some cracking features not avalible on other smartwatch offerings.
Naturally as with any platform the hardware and it's possible features are one thing but ongoing software development is crucial.
I recently contacted Runtastic regarding the lack of basic functionality in their app (closes after timeout so has to be relaunched every time you want to view progress and doesn't use low power functionality). Unfortunately their response was to say that new functionality (or in my opinion basic necessary functionality) would require a complete rewrite and so at this time they have no plans to update their app for Sony support. They also mentioned that the issue is the multiple smartwatch platforms which they believe will be sorted by Android wear, a platform they are throwing themselves at.
Given Runtastic was flagship app for the device on launch my concern is that this spells out a pathway for many apps as support moves toward android wear. In reality Sony need to either commit to the new platform (android wear) and do something to comfort it's present watch owners or push for developers to truly accept their platform as viable and beneficial. If they can't even do this with partner apps like Runtastic, what does that mean for our watches future?
Ps sorry for the long message just interested in the thoughts of others!
Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk
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Runtastic doesn't need a complete re-write. That's bull. The app just needs a small line of code added. Runtastic was made when the Sony SDK did not allow low-power mode. Runtastic just never bothered to update their SW2 app after launching it.
Add some money to my bounty and someone with some know-how might take the time to figure out how to add the code for a mod.
how to add lowpower mode to an SW2 extension


[Q] Google Wave App

I just wanted to know if anyone has developed a solid app for Google wave. I use Google wave allot, but there aren't any good ones in the market place.
If someone can give me a good app for Google wave (with notifications, and updates, like the Facebook app) that would be awesome.
If no one made one yet, this is an opportunity, I need a good Google wave app so bad that I would be willing to pay for it, and I am probably not the only one.
I just wanted to know if anyone has developed a solid app for Google wave. I use Google wave allot, but there aren't any good ones in the market place.
If someone can give me a good app for Google wave (with notifications, and updates, like the Facebook app) that would be awesome.
If no one made one yet, this is an opportunity, I need a good Google wave app so bad that I would be willing to pay for it, and I am probably not the only one.
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You probably are actually, google wave is very unpopular. I doubt you'll find one if i'm honest !
Good luck anyways!
edit: go to in your mobile browser, should be a mobile version? Not sure if that's any help though.
Wave Lives!
I think Wave is popular amongst certain developers (the kind that were let in early) but i'm not sure what it's future is now that Google has announced it's closure towards the end of the year.
On the one hand the whole wave-server is free to download and install on our own machines, but on the other hand, Google hasn't (and probably won't) release much of their native client. The "textual" client that was released was so basic as to not catch on for "syndication", or "federating" as it was called. I got as far as setting it all up on a VPS hosting, but wasn't up to the task of coding my own client, at least, not at the time. (thou i would've joined such a group if had found one, which i didn't)
I still see a future for Wave, or a derivative thereof, but the original Wave client would be hard to replicate if Google choose not to release it. Until we hear what Google intends to do with that "popular" client, it's really anyone's guess.
For myself, i was gearing up to code an Android client for Wave using Adobe Air once they (Adobe) have finalized the feature-set (it's still in pre-release for month or two). I would still like to do this, but getting it to the quality of the current Wave client would be large undertaking. Would prolly have to settle for something that looks and works a bit differently. (ie. more suiting Android screens for example)
As for a central server to run it on (since Google are pulling the plug) it would need to be either another central server, or at least partially shoe-horned to run on Google's App Engine, which i have also done some prep work for. (passing waves thru as a web interface, storing of waves in big-table, etc)
Along with character-by-character communication, and having compatibility with existing robots and gadgets (protocols, and everything) it's quite an involved project. Most likely a team effort, which is what Wave is actually designed for after all. ;O)
The only tricky part is getting paid to even attempt it. So even thou there's definitely some latent demand for Wave to continue, method of sponsorship is what really needs to be sorted out first. See my previous post (here on XDA) about "donation bidding" for example of what is really needed.
This is the one i meant... "Developer Bidding"
Ok, thanks guys.
I have used the mobile version but it just plainly sucks. Since I go to college, I do a lot of group projects and its easier through google wave because your group can comment attach, post, etc..., and your entire group can see and discuss. If google is pulling the plug, is there any alternative I can use for what I am doing?
Again thanks for the help.
A popular one before Wave came along was Etherpad ( but as Wave was gearing up for public release Google bought the company, shut down Etherpad, and got the Etherpad team to help the Wave team improve Wave's usability.
Initially there was a public backlash, since the two services looked and worked quite differently, and many people preferred Etherpad's simplicity. Perhaps because of the growing backlash, Etherpad was then quickly released as open-source (see such that it can be downloaded and setup on your own server.
When Google announced Wave is closing, several sites promptly listed some alternatives.
Also worth noting that although Google are closing Wave, they are now planning to integrate some of the Wave's technology (whatever that means) into existing products. Think of; google mail, google buzz, google talk, and google voice, all becoming something "more collaborative" and generally more social.
Personally, i liked Wave the most (robots, gadgets, etc) so hoping to catch the timing between Air for Android releasing, and Wave closing, since my background is mainly Actionscript/Javascript, and have already coded a partial client.
Happy hunting thou!

Essay about Android

Taking a speech class and had a chance to write about the Android platform. Figured I'd share here. Enjoy and comment as you will.
I wish to start off by saying welcome to the future. A bold proclamation yes, but with such experiments and ongoing research by numerous scientists today, technological breakthroughs are vast and epic. One of the many platforms so to speak that is having phenomenal breakthroughs is in the mobile systems department. Here lays a couple companies with R&D plans that carter towards certain parties promising slick user interfaces, application channels, and a complete web experience. Couple that with feature rich phones that allow one to text, call, global positioning (GPS), and well, you have a product to sell. Google has done just that. Taking bits and pieces of everything one could ever ask for, and merging it all into its mobile operating system titled Android. Represented by a green round-headed robot figure, Android is passing its two year anniversary, and has surpassed other prominent mobile architectures like Apple’s iPhone software. But what exactly is Android? Why would one desire to chuck away their limited iPhone, or stray away from the Blackberry Enterprise lineup? One word: Open source. Couple that with the experience (the art of customizing your device), and the synchronization aspects of the device for virtually any account you have on the net, and you have a total package.
Having a total package within arm’s reach, and inside your pocket is quite a powerful tool. With Google’s Android platform, there is never a point where you can say No. Any and every idea can and could be coded into the device if you have the means to do so. Open source is the ticket. Asking yourself what this means is actually a very simple question. Open source is the definition of computer code that is freely available to anyone who wishes to find it. Google has opened up the software to all who have a spirit to create and provide applications (Apps) and programs to others. Hackers, coders, and all techy guros have created a plethora of net-libraries ranging from support groups, forums and websites to further help noobies in the process. Sounds like a lot, but in reality, the experience is quite easy going. Competitors like Apple and Blackberry have limited their system to developers by safekeeping some of its computer code. This limits creativity, as it puts restrictions and limitations as to what exactly what one can create. Add to the fact that companies like Apple also screen apps to a much higher caliber, halting smaller apps without much bang in the beginning to be choked to death. It seems as if anything is available for pleasure with Android though. If it doesn’t exist, pop into a forum and jot down a reply on a thread. If that’s not enough, I’m sure you have one friend that has already found solutions in the “Green-Guy”. There is always someone there who has the tools necessary to create it, or rather has already created it in the first place.
From forums and coders who have the know-how and tools to create a mind-blowing experience, the customization factor of Android is truly one of its largest selling points. To be quite honest, each and every android device could be considered a work of art. It’s all in how the user desires it for themselves…how deep the user wants to venture; how deep goes their rabbit? From changing backgrounds and wallpapers, to adding widgets to your home screen, the android spectrum allows one to make the phone their own, morph it into how they see fitting. But how is this different from other products? Surely other phones allow their users to alter what they see on screen. Yet I assert, the android experience is different. Almost, if not every aspect of android is customizable. Icons can be altered, the font can be changed, dates, times, anything can be tweaked. Sites like XDA, AndroidSpin, and AndroidandMe provide great reviews, heads up, and forums to browse through numerous applications, both beta and final. The options are endless, and it’s open in the air to anyone who desires a bit of change. Many new phones come preinstalled with newer software, as you might here Froyo, Éclair or Gingerbread tossed around. These are simply codenames for newer versions of software from Google. If your carrier doesn’t support the newer software, chances are a coder has already made it available for you. Convenience without a price attached!
Free in price is seemingly synonymous with freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to enjoy. Freedom to experience. Freedom from a stationary computer. Android is a thriving system that allows you to constantly stay on the up and up. Synchronization appears a mystery as your Facebook, Twitter, email, and numerous other accounts are integrated into the system via apps or at stock. With live widgets that monitor in real time your accounts, any and all social networks, social feeds, and business/personal accounts are updated instantly. No more carrying around a tiring laptop, or waiting to login the networks at any given campus. 3G speeds and now 4G on some carriers are making mobile devices the in crowd, as speeds are comparable to standard net speeds. As many people day are on the up and up, or rather, out and about, a mobile system that constantly allows access to ones desired feeds is grand. Couple that with ability to alter documents on the fly, listen to your favorite music (via Pandora, or from the Phones Internal Memory…think iPod), you have a complete package. It’s not just a Media Device, a Business Device, a Cell Phone, as it truly lives up to the name of Smart Phone.
For me the choice was easy. I thrive off customization, the ability to make my phone a tad different, even faster, or more efficient then what the original company did for me. But as Android ages, everything looks bright and promising. To proclaim dark clouds linger would be insanity. From its initial creation of being open-sourced, to customizing features and its ability to be versatile, Android has shattered the mobile systems realm. As it races to the top, Android allows users to update on the go, with synchronization from virtually every social feed. When people ask me about phones and what should be right for them, there is no question for me. It’s never been a question about what Android can’t do, but what Android does.
<- Laughing Out Loud.
It's full of grammar faux pas, by the way.
Still very well written *only read first paragraph* but I was impressed, not bad Also maybe a bit many commas...
BTW, shouldve been posted in the off topic section
Nice Speech. I Enjoyed reading it.
Sent from Conical. 07

Charles Hudson's Six Android Development Challenges (and how to tackle them)

Hey all,
We went to the Yetizen "Android-i-fied" event and learned a ton about building games on Android, but if you happened to miss it, then we did a quick write up of what we learned. We put it below because we hoped that it would help you guys
Now, on to the event!
Charles Hudson kicked off the talk with some choice words:
Charles Hudson was not shy about his experiences building on the Android platform with his game studio, Bionic Panda Games. There was little sugar-coating of the six major challenges that Android developers face, especially when compared to iOS. He did have great suggestions for tackling each one, which we wanted to pass on to you. His six tips are below:
1. Fragmentation
Problem: Unlike the iPhone, there are many types of Android devices, which leads to OS fragmentation, varying screen size and resolutions, and types of hardware. This means that the user experience can vastly differ from user to user. Also, developers can drown themselves in work trying to make their game compatible with everything.
Solution: Charles suggests that you test your game on multiple devices to make sure the user experience can consistent across a sea of devices. He said that he bought old, “well loved” Android phones from resellers to cheaply test his game on each type of hardware. As for OS, if you need to draw a line in the sand and not supporting older OS versions to provide a consistent experience, then do so. According to Ngmoco, which spoke later in the evening, 94% of Android gamers are on 2.1 or above, so you won’t miss many customers by cutting out the troublesome 1.6 and 1.7 versions.
2. Development & Testing
Problem: Because it is so easy to launch new applications and versions on Android - you are essentially just one button away from pushing new versions - developers can sometimes get trigger happy. This can overwhelm users and stop them from updating your game.
Solution: Android users typically don’t update their apps as often as iOS users, so Charles recommended a minimum period of one week between app updates, excepting urgent bug fixes of course. And as we mentioned before, you should test your game on each major type of phone and supported OS version before an update goes live. This can prevent unforseen hiccups and help you avoid those urgent bug fixes.
3. Metrics
Problem: Developers are typically flying totally blind when it comes to the way that users are interacting with their app, especially on Android.
Solution: Look into integrating with an analytics platform that fits your budget. Google Analytics is free, but can be a trickier integration as it isn’t built for mobile. If you are looking for an easier and more mobile-friendly solution, there are mobile game analytics platforms that may be worth the cost such as Flurry and Localytics.
4. Platform Wars
Problem: 23% of all smartphone customers are on iOS devices, and conventional wisdom states that iOS users are more likely to pay for apps and complete in-app purchases than their Android counterparts.
Solution: To paraphrase Charles Hudson, “it is better to build a great game on one platform instead of a mediocre game on two platforms.” Each platform has different capabilities, so focus your resources in building an awesome game on one platform before you worry about iOS. Bionic Panda is an Android only game studio, so Charles clearly practices what he preaches.
5. Distribution & Discovery
Problem: Discoverability on Android depends less on category ranking compared to iOS, and getting Featured on the Android Market is just as difficult as it is on the Apple App Store. Also, Android does not have a united social graph like Facebook or Apple’s Game Center, so it is hard to lean on viral mechanics to acquire users.
Solution: There tends to be higher search activity on Android (as Charles pointed out, “it is Google product”), so make sure your app description is accurate and hits all of the important keywords that users would use to search for a game like yours. Also, he could not stress enough the importance of having a well-designed app icon that draws users in. This icon and your app title are often all the user sees before making his decision to download, so use that space wisely! Also, fortunately for Android developers, Android still allows incentivized installs, so jump on the ad networks such as Tapjoy and Admob to help capture your seed group of users. Assuming you’ve made a compelling app, once you get the seed group of users you should be off and running.
6. Monetization
Problem: It is conventional wisdom that iOS games typically generate more revenue when compared to Android games. Part of the story behind this is that in-app purchases on iOS is much easier than the severely fragmented Android payments.
Solution: Count on an eventual consolidation of payment methods on Android, and Google Payments is a good default because they will always be around. The key with monetization is to provide compelling reasons for users to buy in, and then they will find ways to do so, regardless of the difficulty.

[APP] FlowReader - Save this awesome RSS reader

This is a long shot, but I since the demise of Google Reader (which this app supported) the developer has decided to no longer continue the development of this app. A tragedy; I think we as a community should try and sway him to continue it instead, adding new back ends, both Feedly and TOR (TheOldReader) support would be great. I would love to continue using this app, as it is probably the best RSS reader I have encountered on Android. It is my hope that we can either convince him to continue the project or allow someone else to (any volunteers ?).
Flow Reader gives you an easy way to be on par with your RSS/Google Reader feeds on the go. It was built to provide a minimalist and seamless experience for offline browsing, while delivering additional features not found in similar apps.
Some of the main features include:
- A sleek and fast user interface;
- Offline item content and state caching;
- Multiple simultaneous downloads for fast content synchronization;
- Content filters that automatically mark as read the items you're not interested in;
- Sort items by state (latest/unread/starred) or author;
- Smart algorithms that remove ads and other undesirable content from items;
- No ads.
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The Developer posted this statement in the most recent app update:
As you sure know by now, Google has discontinued the Reader service, so this app is no longer functional.
Although I am very happy with the (unexpected) success of this app, I've decided to no longer update Flow Reader. This is due to several reasons: a) I built this app "for fun" and to my very specific RSS reading needs. Although I very happy to see that a lot of other people enjoyed it, I was in no way ready for attention it received (due to multiple technical and logistic reasons); b)This app was essentially just a prototype turned into a final product. The Code is very messy right now and it's becoming harder and harder to make any further changes, let alone any major ones (like background updates). c) The app is *very* tied to Google Reader backend, which means that giving proper support to another service would require a very significant amount of effort.
I am very thankful to all my users (especially the ones who donated and gave feedback!), but I hope you can understand the reasons behind this decision - continuing to work on this app would require a major rewrite and too much time trying to (once again) and make the pieces all fit with "spit and glue".
If you are interested in any future app I might develop, you can be notified about it by sending me an e-mail using the button below. You will know beforehand of any project I might be working on (and maybe even receive an alpha/beta version of it?).
Thank you again - and hopefully this won't be the end
The Developer
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Those who have used the app please voice your support to continue the project as I have emailed the developer the link to this thread.
(Flow Reader dev here)
Right, here's what's going on:
Personally, I'm not very happy with any of the current readers on the Play Store, so the idea of building the next iteration of Flow Reader is one that I really enjoy. Unfortunately, I simply don't have the time that I would need to keep developing it any further. I now have a full time job and not much patience to keep working on the app on my spare time.
The thing is, I have several unique ideas that I believe would greatly improve the experience of Flow Reader. Actually, some of these already graduated from just ideas, as some prototyping is already done and working. I also think there is a decent amount of money that could be made from them, so I'm not very willing to just leave them out in the open.
The fact is, though, it is very unlikely that I'll ever finish this new version of the app that I'm building. I can see two options right now:
OPTION 1 - The cooperation route:
- I will pair with another developer (or a small group of developers). Bear in mind that the code is reasonably complex, so i'd rather work with someone that feels confortable around code.
- The code of Flow Reader will remain closed, but shared with the people that want to be part of this project;
- I will take care of the things that I believe to be my greatest strength: UIX and prototyping. But I will always be open to suggestions on these areas.
- The profit of the app will be split 25% (for me) and 75% (for the other developer(s)).
OPTION 2 - The free route:
- I open up the code of Flow Reader under the condition that it will forever remain open-source and free (under an attribution, no derivatives and no commercial use licence).
- I will no longer will have any direct input or cooperation on the app.
Also, I honestly think it would be better to start the app from scratch. The code is a complete mess right now so trying to build more features upon it would just be less efficient. Still, some techniques and code used in Flow Reader could be reused to save some time.
I have been a user of Flow Reader for some time and was really sad when it stopped working and that the dev stated that there was no longer going to be updates to continue after the demise of Google Reader.
That said, I totally agree that it should be continued into the post-Google Reader era of RSS news. I originally created a post on Reddit in which I stated that for the continuality of Flow one idea would be to open source the code on a git site to allow others to progress his work further.
Understandably this poses the risk of Flow Reader loosing it's (work)Flow. All that time and effort the dev put in to creating a stunning, and above all easily functional, UIX could well be lost. On the other hand the simplicity of this RSS reader coupled with its parallel article downloading feature would live on and enrich many an Android RSS fans.
So here I am on XDA, stating my opinions for the two options presented.
For the Closed Sourced Approach:
The idea of sharing the workload will mean that whoever is chosen to work on Flow Reader will most likely have a great deal of knowledge to input in to this project. It also means that the UIX will not change without considerable thought first. This I applaud.
The fact that the developer says that the proceeds of the app will be divvied up indicates to a paid app, further indicating to (hopefully) a group of developers with the incentive to push great work "out the door".
For the Open Sourced Approach:
The hands of many a developer could make this app into something even better than it already is....
...or it could ruin it with out the guidance of the one who had the vision in the beginning.
Usually in the open source community when there is a bug and/or a missing feature, if someone with the appropriate know how can fix it, it shall be done.
A question, then, to WildMoves. Would those who have donated need to pay again once it arrives back on the play store? That is if you are going to make it a paid for only app?
Either way, with the way that Flow Reader handles feeds I honestly have never, and believe never shall, discover one better. To which I would like to say that no matter which direction the dev goes, I will support and give as much feedback as I can.
Again, great work mate and keep on coding,
Skinna a.k.a Skinnx86
Skinna said:
I originally created a post on Reddit in which I stated that for the continuality of Flow one idea would be to open source the code on a git site to allow others to progress his work further.
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Yes, when I posted my answer I was still trying to develop the next iteration of Flow Reader. I built a prototype to test several ideas before I came to the realization that I couldn't build the full app the way I wanted to in a feasible amount of time and still... well... live. :\ So I am now receptive to offset most of the workload to a developer or group of developers (hence the 25/75 profit split).
Skinna said:
A question, then, to WildMoves. Would those who have donated need to pay again once it arrives back on the play store? That is if you are going to make it a paid for only app?
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I have the email addresses of everyone who donated, so I could probably create a mailing list to deliver full versions of the (paid) app outside the Play Store. Assuming that I would have the approval from the other developers, it would be a good sign of gratitude to those who donated, IMO.
Reasonable Thoughts
Well a man has to live. To spend your free time developing and building something you would expect some payback of some sort. But thank you for remembering us early adaptors. I know I for one will be thankful, I can but imagine others will be too.
As much as I was appreciative of the beta's being sent to us, but in case you did not hear, Facebook updated some peoples app out side of the play store. Now Google have banned out-of-market beta testing. I believe that sending an apk to install initially will work and should update through the play store correctly.

Samsung Gear S2 App Development

I'm new to the Tizen world of development. From what I've been hearing, Tizen is so difficult to program for that it veers of your average app developers. Although I'm not one to turn my back on a challenge, it's hard to get some developers to take a serious & practical look at the realm of possibilities of currently unique tech like this.
There are massive notes & flow charts of practical applications for the Samsung GS2 I've created. To have something like the rotating bezel & touchscreen w/two buttons ON YOUR WRIST is device from heaven. Specially if one makes tethered remote access apps between the GS2 & corresponding cellular phone and/or tablet to control and manipulate other devices the GS2 may not be able to directly connect to. The possibilities are phenomenal.
What do developers think about the time and effort in producing a solid app foundation for Tizen's GS2 market? Even if it means massive collaborations and the drops of egos that us developers have from time to time, the payoff may open doors to greater engineering feats. I love to be on the front lines of progression, paving the way for progressive engineering and inspiring engineers to step out & ACT on their version of visions for tomorrow.
The Tizen SDK is buggy and difficult to get all components installed and playing nicely and Tizen is a little harder to code for than Android. I'm still learning the UI code and overall application structure, but slowly getting there.
I do wish more developers would see the potential market and code for it as I see a whole plethora of possibilities, but very few developers. I'm aiming to get my first app complete and to the Gear store in a month or so. I'll gladly share my experiences here for other potential developers, so they don't make the same mistakes or can learn from my experience.
Oobly said:
The Tizen SDK is buggy and difficult to get all components installed and playing nicely and Tizen is a little harder to code for than Android. I'm still learning the UI code and overall application structure, but slowly getting there.
I do wish more developers would see the potential market and code for it as I see a whole plethora of possibilities, but very few developers. I'm aiming to get my first app complete and to the Gear store in a month or so. I'll gladly share my experiences here for other potential developers, so they don't make the same mistakes or can learn from my experience.
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I am interested In learning more about it personally, I am bookish but I'm motivated and I'll do everything I can to learn what's necessary
GOIGIG said:
I am interested In learning more about it personally, I am bookish but I'm motivated and I'll do everything I can to learn what's necessary
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The main thing is to first install the latest Java JDK, not just the JRE, but the full JDK and make sure the environment variables are set correctly. Then install the Tizen SDK and run the update manager. You need to install the certificate and wearable extensions from "Extras", the emulator from "Tizen Tools" and also the relevant tools from the "Wearable 2.3.1" group. Then you can start the IDE (a version of Eclipse) and select a simple example (choose ), try to compile it and run it with the emulator. You need to start the emulator and make sure it's in the "connected devices" area before running the app.
Be aware that the emulator uses a lot of processing power and can run slowly.
There are a number of different types of app you can build for the S2, native or web with different UI components / frameworks.
A good starting point:
If you want to test your app on your actual S2, this is a great guide:
If you generate an author certificate, you can use the same one for the GearWatchDesigner, but that app has different Java requirements (32-bit JRE only required).
Focus motion
Oobly said:
The Tizen SDK is buggy and difficult to get all components installed and playing nicely and Tizen is a little harder to code for than Android. I'm still learning the UI code and overall application structure, but slowly getting there.
I do wish more developers would see the potential market and code for it as I see a whole plethora of possibilities, but very few developers. I'm aiming to get my first app complete and to the Gear store in a month or so. I'll gladly share my experiences here for other potential developers, so they don't make the same mistakes or can learn from my experience.
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hi, there is a free sdk from a company called focus motion , which allows auto recognize the movements made with the smart watch .
Someone would be able to make a test app for samsung gear s2 ?
i don't think so
codenameclass5 said:
I'm new to the Tizen world of development. From what I've been hearing, Tizen is so difficult to program for that it veers of your average app developers. Although I'm not one to turn my back on a challenge, it's hard to get some developers to take a serious & practical look at the realm of possibilities of currently unique tech like this.
There are massive notes & flow charts of practical applications for the Samsung GS2 I've created. To have something like the rotating bezel & touchscreen w/two buttons ON YOUR WRIST is device from heaven. Specially if one makes tethered remote access apps between the GS2 & corresponding cellular phone and/or tablet to control and manipulate other devices the GS2 may not be able to directly connect to. The possibilities are phenomenal.
What do developers think about the time and effort in producing a solid app foundation for Tizen's GS2 market? Even if it means massive collaborations and the drops of egos that us developers have from time to time, the payoff may open doors to greater engineering feats. I love to be on the front lines of progression, paving the way for progressive engineering and inspiring engineers to step out & ACT on their version of visions for tomorrow.
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i don't think so! tizen very easy to dev
Some help
Hey guys,
I'm actually currently building an Android app to work with the Gear S2 based on the Integrated App model.
But I'm having some issues, as soon as I build my APK and deploy it in debug mode on the mobile phone, the OS immediately says there is no Samsung Gear app and uninstalls the APK.
Does anyone know how to get passed this?

