[Q] need help please. note 2 from verizon - General Questions and Answers

Hey there everybody. I saw some posts on here like my issue. I have a note 2 from Verizon. Its got a bad ESN from non payment. I'd like to use it either on straight talk or att go phone. I have no idea were to start. I know I need a custom ROM. But don't know where to get or how to get started. Do i need to root it or what do I do. Thank u in advance......

klassified0915 said:
Hey there everybody. I saw some posts on here like my issue. I have a note 2 from Verizon. Its got a bad ESN from non payment. I'd like to use it either on straight talk or att go phone. I have no idea were to start. I know I need a custom ROM. But don't know where to get or how to get started. Do i need to root it or what do I do. Thank u in advance......
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first for installing a new custom rom you need to root your phone first
go to this link for rooting your phone
then for installing a new custom rom goto this link for installing custom rom
IMPORTANT:--flash a CWM having latest version
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any problem reply
<<<<< hit THANKS if i helped you

Thanks for the info. Is there a specific ROM Inneed to choose for straight talk and once I root it what are the steps i need to make on making work for straight talk

Thanks for the info. Is there a specific ROM Inneed to choose for straight talk and once I root it what are the steps i need to make on making work for straight talk


[Q] Sgh-t959/ galaxy s 4g

Hi i currently bought the SGH-T959W form mobilicity and I m wondering if anyone can help me with gaining the stock rom from it and also for installing coustom rom and stuff? I had tried rooted it with T959v instructions and it worked but right now i just getting it bak from Service centre so i m it will have the brand new phone.
victor536angle said:
Hi i currently bought the SGH-T959W form mobilicity and I m wondering if anyone can help me with gaining the stock rom from it and also for installing coustom rom and stuff? I had tried rooted it with T959v instructions and it worked but right now i just getting it bak from Service centre so i m it will have the brand new phone.
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the next day or two I will have a "W" package available. don't do anything till then.
getochkn said:
the next day or two I will have a "W" package available. don't do anything till then.
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Hi Getochkn,
I have the same issues as Victor.
Please let us know how to get the thing working back.
kamalakarm said:
Hi Getochkn,
I have the same issues as Victor.
Please let us know how to get the thing working back.
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Thanks lumin30
Both of you, bug Mobilicity for a stock image to restore your phone. lol. Wind won't give me one but maybe Mobilicity will.
I can get it to about 90% stock right now and I'm sure I'll get it almost there. The problem is this. To dump the stock phone, we need it rooted to gain access but the only way to get root on 2.3.6 with the latest patches, is to flash a rooted kernel, which is great but then prevents us from dumping the stock kernel. It's a catch 22. Need a hacked kernel to dump the kernel but flashing the hacked kernel erases the stock kernel. lol.
The package linked by lumin30 will get you rooted, and all the options from there are explained.
I will check with mobilicity and see what i can do to get the files from there. I really doubt if they would do it for us.
Meanwhile i am trying to get the files from someone who has a official unlocked phone purchased which is carrier free.
He hasn't tampered with it yet.
let me see what he can do for us.

[Q] Hey guys, Rom with or without radio/modem?

Hello everyone, its my first post here! but the reason why i say i need information quickly is that my phone service runs out today on my other phone. Anyways i have a sprint note ii. I need to flash it to a verizon rom. i have been using this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2086394
I have followed the instructions, but it says i need to specifically get a rom without modem/radio flashed with it. I just need someone to helpe specify the difference between a rom that flashes it or no. Will the rom specify? i have looked around and i see some that say modem and some that dont. I just dont know enough about the roms to risk bricking my phone. Thanks a lot guys

[Q] Unroot and factory Verizon rom??

Hi all and TIA for any help.
I might need to have best buy fix/warranty my phone but they wont touch it since its rooted.
Sooo how can I easily Unroot it and go to an official Verizon rom?
also if I do so and they fix my current phone will I be able to do the one click root again and put new roms on it when I get it back or if they give me a whole new phone??
any help and links to what I need will be much appreciated.
grifting said:
Hi all and TIA for any help.
I might need to have best buy fix/warranty my phone but they wont touch it since its rooted.
Sooo how can I easily Unroot it and go to an official Verizon rom?
also if I do so and they fix my current phone will I be able to do the one click root again and put new roms on it when I get it back or if they give me a whole new phone??
any help and links to what I need will be much appreciated.
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Wow. You didn't search very hard for an answer did you? The thread you need is pinned at the top of this very Q & A section in which you posted this thread.

i535 baseband help

Hi i bought a verizone sch i535 galaxy s3 with android 4.4.2 i switched over to straight talk and cdma 4g doesnt work from what i could find out online it has to do with frequency someone on another forum said they installed a custom rom and switched the baseband to i535vrbmf1 and has working 4g with straight talk. So can someone help me install the i535vrbmf1 baseband i found a guide to root if i have to. any help is appreciated
madprophesser said:
Hi i bought a verizone sch i535 galaxy s3 with android 4.4.2 i switched over to straight talk and cdma 4g doesnt work from what i could find out online it has to do with frequency someone on another forum said they installed a custom rom and switched the baseband to i535vrbmf1 and has working 4g with straight talk. So can someone help me install the i535vrbmf1 baseband i found a guide to root if i have to. any help is appreciated
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Your on a locked bootloader. You can't revert back to another baseband, your on NE1 and stuck on it
From my S3 on Wicked 4.3
I read on here you could send your phone out and pay $50 to have the bl unlocked have you ever heard of that if so do you know if its a scam cause im willing to do that
madprophesser said:
I read on here you could send your phone out and pay $50 to have the bl unlocked have you ever heard of that if so do you know if its a scam cause im willing to do that
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Its legit. It's called JTAG from mobiletechvideos. It takes a couple weeks however, heres the link
From my S3 on Wicked 4.3
ok ty so once I send it and get it back is there something I should do to make sure it doesn't auto update
madprophesser said:
ok ty so once I send it and get it back is there something I should do to make sure it doesn't auto update
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Root it, are you planning on installing a custom rom? If so then you won't have to worry about it auto updating but if not remove two files. Fwupgrade.apk and sdm.apk
From my S3 on Wicked 4.3
ShapesBlue said:
Root it, are you planning on installing a custom rom? If so then you won't have to worry about it auto updating but if not remove two files. Fwupgrade.apk and sdm.apk
From my S3 on Wicked 4.3
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Yes i will probably do a custom rom i havnt looked into them but im thinking it might help towards getting 4g with straight talk. Do you happen to know if they will need the phone active to do the jtag or if i can transfer my number to have a phone while its out
madprophesser said:
Yes i will probably do a custom rom i havnt looked into them but im thinking it might help towards getting 4g with straight talk. Do you happen to know if they will need the phone active to do the jtag or if i can transfer my number to have a phone while its out
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I doubt the phone will need to be active to perform the jtag service, I don't see why you can't transfer your number to another phone. I've done it in the past and it was quite easy
Ok thanks again im gonna send my phone out fri and found a guide to root it once i get it back. can you or anyone recommend a good custom rom with a guide to install and ive been having trouble with finding a i535vrbmf1 baseband download and how to install that also i wont need for about 2 3 weeks and will continue to look around myself
madprophesser said:
Ok thanks again im gonna send my phone out fri and found a guide to root it once i get it back. can you or anyone recommend a good custom rom with a guide to install and ive been having trouble with finding a i535vrbmf1 baseband download and how to install that also i wont need for about 2 3 weeks and will continue to look around myself
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I only have ML1 myself. I can certainly look for it
So far I found MB1, I'll keep looking
From my S3 on Wicked 4.3

[BOUNTY] Donate to get someone to port T-Mobile (D801) Lollipop ROM for D800

Earlier, the awesome Novembre5 had ported a T-Mobile 4.4.2 ROM for D800 users. This is awesome because we get to use WiFi Calling on our D800's even if we are on T-Mobile SIM's.
Now T-Mobile and AT&T finally have Android 5.0 Lollipop Builds out. We would greatly appreciate if someone could port this ROM over for us. I reached out to Novembre5 again, but he hadn't responded.
To that extent, lets put a bounty on it and see how badly people really want the Port.
I am willing to put $10 to whoever is able to port it for us.
If others are interested, do reply to this thread and I'll keep updating the list.
1) aatifsumar: $10
2) wtang: $10
Total so far: $20
I think work should be done to decouple the ROM from the wifi-calling feature. I don't want to have to leave CloudyStock 2.7.
also, if you're serious, start an escrow service
I also use my D800 on T-Mobile. I'd love to be running official Lollipop with WiFi calling working! Count me in for $10.
Seems like a cool idea. However is not WiFi calling available for T-mobile costumers only, due to you need to register with T-mobile?
Crumplet said:
Seems like a cool idea. However is not WiFi calling available for T-mobile costumers only, due to you need to register with T-mobile?
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Yes, the ported ROM would be used by T-Mobile customers. Would not offer any advantages over the regular AT&T ROM for non T-Mo users.
thor1k said:
I think work should be done to decouple the ROM from the wifi-calling feature. I don't want to have to leave CloudyStock 2.7.
also, if you're serious, start an escrow service
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I agree, that would be awesome, and also a lot more complex. Could you give me details of escrow services that could easily be used for such types of transactions? Thanks.
aatifsumar said:
I agree, that would be awesome, and also a lot more complex. Could you give me details of escrow services that could easily be used for such types of transactions? Thanks.
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I wonder if indiegogo could function for this, though that would probably start from the developer side, and we need to start from the bait side. IE, people commit, their money enters escrow, and is only released from the pot when the requirements are met. The pot grows until a developer comes along and get tempted.
aatifsumar said:
Yes, the ported ROM would be used by T-Mobile customers. Would not offer any advantages over the regular AT&T ROM for non T-Mo users.
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I don't get it... Why post on At&t lg g2 thread if we At&t users can use T-mobile WiFi calling?
Why not post this in this forums http://forum.xda-developers.com/tmobile-g2/development
Crumplet said:
I don't get it... Why post on At&t lg g2 thread if we At&t users can use T-mobile WiFi calling?
Why not post this in this forums http://forum.xda-developers.com/tmobile-g2/development
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Because it for use on the att g2.
Getting an unlocked att g2 and using it on t-mobile is an option for people,
Also with the port of the t-mobile rom, we would be able to use t-mobiles wifi callibg which is only available on their stock lg rom.
We definity need this to happen. Been using the kitkat tmobile rom port for a while and i love the wifi calling
finally was able to update my att lg g2(d800) to tmobile lollipop
Hi all,
Am happy to share info that am now on lollipop tmobile rom on my AT&T lg g2 phone. Now Am Able to mmake wifi calls.....
Thanks to this post
Modified bootstack to work on attphones. Rest all same steps
Modified bootstack here --> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8i9O5CJGmWATGlMeU5OWWRUYkk/edit?usp=docslist_api
Assuming u r on kitkat tmobile rom rooted and able to get to recovery
2) download bootstack from google drive, rom from above link and super su.
3) reboot to recovery, then install bootstack
4) wipe phone as mentioned in link
5) install stock tmobile rom
6) install super su
7) reboot and enjoy the lollipo rom
8) install recovery usinf autorec from google play.. Use d801 version
Warning: am not expert but a user like everyone like u. Have aaited so long and finally decided to try and worked for me.
My phone is working 100%. No issues as of now. Only issue is i need to setup my phone all again which takes some time for me.
Please leave comments or questions. Will try to respond.
Fyi, only change did is bootstack is updated to have d800 modem instead of d801. Rest all same from the link provided.
Thanks all.
attached some screenshots
Attached some screenshots
veshwar said:
Hi all,
Am happy to share info that am now on lollipop tmobile rom on my AT&T lg g2 phone. Now Am Able to mmake wifi calls.....
Thanks to this post
Modified bootstack to work on attphones. Rest all same steps
Modified bootstack here --> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8i9O5CJGmWATGlMeU5OWWRUYkk/edit?usp=docslist_api
Assuming u r on kitkat tmobile rom rooted and able to get to recovery
2) download bootstack from google drive, rom from above link and super su.
3) reboot to recovery, then install bootstack
4) wipe phone as mentioned in link
5) install stock tmobile rom
6) install super su
7) reboot and enjoy the lollipo rom
8) install recovery usinf autorec from google play.. Use d801 version
Warning: am not expert but a user like everyone like u. Have aaited so long and finally decided to try and worked for me.
My phone is working 100%. No issues as of now. Only issue is i need to setup my phone all again which takes some time for me.
Please leave comments or questions. Will try to respond.
Fyi, only change did is bootstack is updated to have d800 modem instead of d801. Rest all same from the link provided.
Thanks all.
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Where did the file download? Can't find it in my downloads folder.
RuKuS4Life said:
Where did the file download? Can't find it in my downloads folder.
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Did not get you... used chrome and it shows in download folder for me.
For anyone who can't see this file, try downloading here.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ieddmnyd595cn12/D801-30B-BOOTSTACK -Tweaked for d800-ATT.zip?dl=0
I can't verify that it works, nor that its safe. I just downloaded it from the previous post and re-uploaded it.
thanks for reuploading
urushiol said:
For anyone who can't see this file, try downloading here.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ieddmnyd595cn12/D801-30B-BOOTSTACK -Tweaked for d800-ATT.zip?dl=0
I can't verify that it works, nor that its safe. I just downloaded it from the previous post and re-uploaded it.
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Thanks urushiol. For reuploading...
If anyone tried, please reply here so that others can try based on user experience... upgrade their att lg g2 to tmobile lollipop and enjoy wifi calling with tmobile/metropcs.
veshwar said:
Hi all,
Am happy to share info that am now on lollipop tmobile rom on my AT&T lg g2 phone. Now Am Able to mmake wifi calls.....
Thanks to this post
Modified bootstack to work on attphones. Rest all same steps
Modified bootstack here --> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8i9O5CJGmWATGlMeU5OWWRUYkk/edit?usp=docslist_api
Assuming u r on kitkat tmobile rom rooted and able to get to recovery
2) download bootstack from google drive, rom from above link and super su.
3) reboot to recovery, then install bootstack
4) wipe phone as mentioned in link
5) install stock tmobile rom
6) install super su
7) reboot and enjoy the lollipo rom
8) install recovery usinf autorec from google play.. Use d801 version
Warning: am not expert but a user like everyone like u. Have aaited so long and finally decided to try and worked for me.
My phone is working 100%. No issues as of now. Only issue is i need to setup my phone all again which takes some time for me.
Please leave comments or questions. Will try to respond.
Fyi, only change did is bootstack is updated to have d800 modem instead of d801. Rest all same from the link provided.
Thanks all.
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I'm confused. If all you did was switch the D800 modem for the D801 modem, and everything else is the same, then that means you're running your D800 with a D801 kernel? I assume the T-Mobile flashable Lollipop ROM in the link contains a D801 Lollipop kernel. I thought you can't run a kernel from another variant G2 on the AT&T G2. Can somebody clarify?
wtang said:
I'm confused. If all you did was switch the D800 modem for the D801 modem, and everything else is the same, then that means you're running your D800 with a D801 kernel? I assume the T-Mobile flashable Lollipop ROM in the link contains a D801 Lollipop kernel. I thought you can't run a kernel from another variant G2 on the AT&T G2. Can somebody clarify?
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If u check Novembre5 post kitkat version, he mentioned that all he did was to add att modem rest all are of tmobile.
D801 kernet on d800 working without any issues... I had some minor glitches on camera once but mostly it is smooth..
veshwar said:
If u check Novembre5 post kitkat version, he mentioned that all he did was to add att modem rest all are of tmobile.
D801 kernet on d800 working without any issues... I had some minor glitches on camera once but mostly it is smooth..
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Thanks for your reply. And thanks for figuring this out and sharing with the rest of us. I may try this when I get home tonight.
One question though. The AT&T D800 has an extra noise cancellation microphone on the back above the camera that the T-Mobile D801 doesn't have. I wonder if using the D801 kernel and ROM means that extra mic no longer works. Either way, it's not a big deal.
wtang said:
Thanks for your reply. And thanks for figuring this out and sharing with the rest of us. I may try this when I get home tonight.
One question though. The AT&T D800 has an extra noise cancellation microphone on the back above the camera that the T-Mobile D801 doesn't have. I wonder if using the D801 kernel and ROM means that extra mic no longer works. Either way, it's not a big deal.
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I dont know about that.. I guess last time with kitkat i used custom kernel. May be once on lollipop we can flash custom kernel.

