Does anyone know if cm11 bigpart will have the m7 theme chooser merged or added?
hi, can i have a changelog for RC3 linaro, what doesn't work on this rom and it work good with sony smartwatch?
Is it possible that someone can make this dream possible for me?, running Mahdi Rom with AK Kernel!
Not possible CM11s lockscreen has certain dependencies that AOSP Roms are missing. Mahdi already explained that CM11S lock screen is not going to be ported over.
How to get the new Cyanogen Theme Store to work on cm12.1? It offers per app theming because of that I want it but I don't want to install Cyanogen OS. Is there any way to get it to work on CM12.1?
On which recent nightly update of CM 12.1 were the new ART changes taken into effect.?
Any help will be appreciated
I present new theme for CM-based ROM's. I use this theme on my Mi4i with 6.0.1 UNOFFICIAL CyanogenMod 13 [2016-01-30] from @fire855.