[Q] GT-N8013 - Wifi suddenly slow - Galaxy Note 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

A couple of months ago the wifi speed on my GT-N8013 dropped to ~200KB/s. There were no changes to my wifi network not to the device as far as I am aware. I do not recall how fast the connection was prior to the drop, but it was acceptable for wifi and fast enough to stream HD movies off my NAS.
My device has never been rooted or anything, so its running stock ROM.
I left everything alone for a week or so hoping whatever conditions causing the slowness would pass, but the slowness persisited. Factory reset didn't change anything either. I messed with so many settings on my router as well (different channels, different modes, other settings DD-WRT gives you that I don't understand) to no avail. Slowness occurs when connected to other routers as well and doesn't seem to affect other devices (roommates phone and laptop had no slowness).
The wierd thing is that my phone (T-Mobile Galaxy SII, T989) started doing the same thing a while back; used to stream my HD movies to my phone until wifi speeds dropped to ~200KB/s. At first I just wrote it off as my phone being old and having had too many ROMs and radios flashed, but then the same thing happened to my much newer, unrooted, stock tablet.
Has anyone ever seen or heard of anything like this. or have any ideas on what could be causing it or how to fix it?
Thanks for any help!

Do you have a limitation of space at your provider (flatrate?) and it is actually setted down to "3g" speed?
Perhaps something is wrong with your provider? What shows the monthly receipts?
Maybe you have installed to much apps with internet connection. Perhaps they try to synchronize them with the server every second?
What shows the diagramm of using network in the settings window of your tablet?
(Sorry for my hobbling english)

Dr.Sahnebacke said:
Do you have a limitation of space at your provider (flatrate?) and it is actually setted down to "3g" speed?
Perhaps something is wrong with your provider? What shows the monthly receipts?
Maybe you have installed to much apps with internet connection. Perhaps they try to synchronize them with the server every second?
What shows the diagramm of using network in the settings window of your tablet?
(Sorry for my hobbling english)
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Thanks for the reply!
This is using wifi, not any mobile internet connection. Also, most of what I'm doing involves copying and streaming files over my LAN, so my internet speeds are irrelevant.
As far as apps using background data, there shouldn't be enough of those after a factory reset to have such an effect. Also, I wouldn't think they'd have such a consistant effect (almost always around 200KB/s).

other members in lan?
entith said:
Thanks for the reply!
This is using wifi, not any mobile internet connection. Also, most of what I'm doing involves copying and streaming files over my LAN, so my internet speeds are irrelevant.
As far as apps using background data, there shouldn't be enough of those after a factory reset to have such an effect. Also, I wouldn't think they'd have such a consistant effect (almost always around 200KB/s).
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Perhaps other members in your Wlan eat your bytes? You could try to change the channel in the wlan-modem. Control it with the app "Wifi analyzer". It gives a good overview.
Trojans? Half mounted cables?


Att Fuse Problem

Hello Everyone,
I just received a ATT fuse and for the life of me I cannot seem to get the WIFI to work. I've had the tilt and the 8125 previously and I tried duplicating settings to no avail.
Are there known issues with the WIFI on this phone?
I can connect to my WEP enabled wireless router, but opera and IE fails to connect and just keeps giving me errors. This is what I have read and what I have tried:
Setting to "work" instead of "Internet"
I've tried the cab files posted in another thread to disable ATT proxy
I'm a little lost in what to check. I did follow everything I've read here that came up in "WIFI" search. I have not unlocked the phone nor flash a rom.
Could someone lend a hand?
Sign up for the att media program...its on the attwireless site
This is a bit drastic, but an easy potential fix is to flash another ROM (after flashing Hard-SPL of course). AT&T often adds a bunch of unnecessary crap to their ROMs, which may interfere with normal functions. You could always flash the AT&T ROM back if you'd like.
Hi Animexi80,
I already have a data plan. The problem isn't with Media net, it is with the phone's built in WIFI.
Really, that drastic of a step.. Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
TweedyPepper said:
Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
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Honestly, I never even gave the AT&T ROM a chance, so I was unaware of Wi-Fi issues. Pretty much any ROM should work. If you flash a Fuze-specific ROM, you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy. If you flash a generic Touch Pro ROM, you'll likely need to run a CAB that fixes the keyboard layout.
Ok, I suppose I will give it a go.
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running. It would help rule things out it it doesn't correct the problem.
you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy.
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What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
TweedyPepper said:
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running.
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I'm running an older PROven ROM, version 1.03. I'll be upgrading soon, probably to NATF's ROM. My radio ROM is, but (1) the radio ROM doesn't control Wi-Fi, so it's moot, and (2) it has not had very good battery life, so I'll downgrade back to tonight.
rlsmith999 said:
What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
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It's a proxy setting, separate from the normal one under Connections, that is hidden. It's used to make things such as Cingular, er, Cellular Video work.
rlsmith999 said:
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
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This is a bit off-topic, but FYI, anything below WPA/WPA2 cannot be considered secure. WEP can be cracked in minutes, hidden SSIDs don't make APs invisible, and MAC filtering is useless (except with WPA/WPA2) as anyone sniffing traffic can see client MAC addresses in the clear.
I have found that sometimes when I have both a "data connection" and a "wi-fi" connection that they phone seems to not lock on the wi-fi but tries to use a weak data connection so try turning off the data connection and see if that fixes the problem. Also give a soft reset a try as well.
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very annoying...no one else is having wi-fi issues?
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't reported back sooner. I wound up loading a different rom on the phone and away went the problem.
jank0023, I have no idea. I would flash the phone back to stock and return it for another if all else fails. In all my searching, here and elsewhere, there ahve been a handful of wifi problems I came across. It doesn't seem like that common of a problem afaik.
jank0023 said:
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very annoying...no one else is having wi-fi issues?
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If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
gravesy56 said:
If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
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Thanks guys for the suggestions...I don't think its related to my network setup as I have about 4 other devices able to obtain signals with no problems using DHCP.
Issues don't seem to be as severe on some of the most recent ROMs I've used but still not perfect.

Auto switching between wifi networks

The walls in our house are either too thick or my wireless hub is too thin, so I have to have two of them. The trouble is, I tell WM6 to connect and it connects to the last one I chose even if the signal strength is very poor and the other hub signal strength is very strong. I can change manually, but that is a pain. Generally, I struggle with poor connections for ages until I realise why. Is there any way to make WM6 automatically switch to a network (one which is already authorised) if the signal strength is much better than the existing one? It seems to do it automatically if the last network is unreachable, but not otherwise.
alexmay said:
The walls in our house are either too thick or my wireless hub is too thin, so I have to have two of them. The trouble is, I tell WM6 to connect and it connects to the last one I chose even if the signal strength is very poor and the other hub signal strength is very strong. I can change manually, but that is a pain. Generally, I struggle with poor connections for ages until I realise why. Is there any way to make WM6 automatically switch to a network (one which is already authorised) if the signal strength is much better than the existing one? It seems to do it automatically if the last network is unreachable, but not otherwise.
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i'm trying best wifi apps from google play right now. it's quite good
What is WM6, please?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------
In this message, "NETWORK = WIFI", not cell.
Before responding, you may want to go and look at a program called "NetSetMan" for the PC (Windows), to reference what I mean here.
NetSetMan runs all the time and auto-switches to an available network. It has 6 tabs that you can customize (it is not limited to 6 networks though).
Tab 1 = Home Network. You set up your own network here. Mine's Static, so it's handy.
Tab 2 = Generic, Free, Open DHCP networks.
Tabs 3-6 = Any networks that you visit however often, that are passworded, DHCP or Static.
You can set these tabs up for anything you want. That's how I use them on my laptop. You can even set up the printers on the various networks if you want. It's a really cool app!
The point here though is, that I want an auto-connect app that will just do it (hence, "auto") and I do't have to worry about it. I can either preconfigure, or configure at the time, but either way, "remember" networks and have the ability to auto-connect to any standard, open network. But I don't want it to ever switch to another network, while I am connected to one of my "remembered" closed (passworded) networks. People seem to complain a lot about apps switching to a weaker network or something and in my opinion, an app like this should never switch when you're on a preset network, unless it goes down and another "remembered", or open network is available.
Does anyone know of a decent auto-switching network app out there? Even if it doesn't work exactly as I described. I can start writing to the developer and see if he/she/they will do something to make it better. Most are pretty good about it.
ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity TF700T 10.1" Tab. 64GB, WiFi
nVidia Tegra3 Quad Core CPU/12 Core GPU, ICS 4.0.3, Rooted
i guest the best wifi apps didn't have the more advanced option like the way you want it.
it just switching back and forth based on the saved wifi networks which has the best wifi signal out there.
the minimum default signal is set to 4 out of 10, then if one of your saved wifi networks has signal above the current using,
it will switch to the one with the highest signal.
I use WEFI Connect from the Play Store. I believe it does what you're looking for.
Unknown apps.
alexmay said:
The walls in our house are either too thick or my wireless hub is too thin, so I have to have two of them. The trouble is, I tell WM6 to connect and it connects to the last one I chose even if the signal strength is very poor and the other hub signal strength is very strong. I can change manually, but that is a pain. Generally, I struggle with poor connections for ages until I realise why. Is there any way to make WM6 automatically switch to a network (one which is already authorised) if the signal strength is much better than the existing one? It seems to do it automatically if the last network is unreachable, but not otherwise.
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I have been looking for the same type of app without success. finally just put a wi-fi signal booster on router.
AlanVG said:
I use WEFI Connect from the Play Store. I believe it does what you're looking for.
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I tried that one. I must have missed something in it. Is there a setting that you noticed?
Btw, I asked a question out of curiousity, but even though people are talking about it, no one seems to know what "WM6" is. I just noticed it's in the context of network connection apps. Do you know what it is by chance???
Zeuszoos said:
I tried that one. I must have missed something in it. Is there a setting that you noticed?
Btw, I asked a question out of curiousity, but even though people are talking about it, no one seems to know what "WM6" is. I just noticed it's in the context of network connection apps. Do you know what it is by chance???
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Did you noticed this thread has 3 years? WM6 means Windows Mobile 6, btw.
Sent from my LT26i with Tapatalk 2

[Q] Sudden massive data use

I recently used Windowbreak, and set up internet sharing on my Samsung Omnia 7, following the instructions here. It all seemed to work fine, but I've now had messages from my network (Orange UK) saying that I've gone way over my monthly data allowance. My allowance is 750MB, and I never usually use more than about 400. This month I went over 750 in the first two days!
Orange won't send me a full breakdown, but they did say that the phone is using huge amounts of data at apparently random times in the middle of the night. Not only was I not using it, but it was connected to my home wifi at the time, so shouldn't have been using any 3G data at all! I have only used internet sharing a couple of times, and it's always turned off when I'm not using it.
I'm on 7.10.7740.16. Can anyone help me? Sorry if this has been posted before, I've searched, but only found people with the opposite problem (i.e. no data at all, instead of too much!)
I'm no expert with this stuff, just following instructionhs really, so I'd be really grateful for any help.
Did you change any other settings when you used Windowbreak? Have you installed any apps that use frequently-updating Live Tiles? Do you have the user feedback option enabled? When you say the phone is on WiFi, is it actually plugged in? If not, it will turn off the WiFi when the screen is locked in order to conserve battery.
There have been some spikes of data usage in the past, but they were generally tracked down (having an auto-updating Yahoo mail account was a data hog for a few months, for example Some kind of breakdown would help, but You can always just try turning off as many data-using features (Find My Phone, email sync, Live and Facebook messaging, Live Tiles, etc.) as you can find. Then, re-enable them one or two at a time and try to find the culprit. Some people here in the US get by on 200MB or less of data limit (I have no idea how; I can use several times that in a day) so it should be possible.
Thanks for the reply. No, I don't think I changed anything at the same time as setting up Windowbreak and internet sharing, I just followed the instructions for each one. I haven't got any new apps either that would explain the sudden spike in data.
My phone is always plugged in overnight, so I don't understand why it didn't use wifi instead of 3G for whatever it was doing. It might be that it had always used that much data, but it had previously done it through wifi so I hadn't seen it.
The annoying thing is that Orange won't give me a breakdown of what data I'm using until after the end of the billing month, so I can't get real time information to show me what's working and what isn't. Is there any way to monitor data use, or to see which apps are using what?
Sadly, that's not currently possible. You could just turn off the cellular data connection (in Settings) at night, but that's awkward and you'd need to remember to re-enable it.

TF300T Tethering Hell: USB, WiFi, Take your pick...

Hey guys If I am in the wrong place, please let me know. I got my TF300T just a little while ago and am now trying to use it as a my main computer. That requires me to able to connect to the net on it. It works just fine when I am connected to a regular WiFi network. However, I have no Internet connection at home except for my Sprint Motorola Photon Q, which I had been using tethered over USB to my PC to get the PC online. That worked fine. But this past month, I lost my job and needed to sell the PC, so all I have left is the TF300T. I was sure it'd work fine since I got BT tethering to work fine in the past with that phone. However, I was just experimenting at that point. Now, I see it's a little more ... complicated:
I set my Photon Q to act as a WiFi hotspot using PDANet+ a.k.a. FoxFi. Creating a WiFi hotspot, I can see it on the TF300T. Whether I enter the right PSK2 key or don't use encryption at all, connecting is impossible. It will "Authenticate...." after a minute or so and then try to get an IP via DHCP. Then it will "work" a long time and then drop the connection and try again. This is with the phone an inch away. I found it had a lot of trouble just getting an IP, so I tried setting it up with a static IP. I found out that PDAnet+ seems to default to and the gateway is presumably I tried some other things like .100 without luck. It WILL connect but the WiFi strength indicator in the bar stays gray. It shows up and down arrows as though there's activity, and Excellent strength, but won't actually work in any apps, incl. the default Android browser. Also tried pinging the host phone using the terminal only to get Destination Host Unreachable errors.
I then tried Bluetooth tethering. It will connect and works at a decent rate. But, the only programs that work are web browsers! IM clients, Skype, Google Play, Maps, Gmail, nothing else can connect. Android is convinced I am not online at all, yet I can browse web pages at full speed, which I am doing right now. IIRC PdaNet uses some bizarro proxy setup but they tell you on their site to "configure the proxy settings" and give you none of the details like IP or port! How useful. So, this does me little good. It's horribly crippled.
I tried numerous other WiFi tether apps, most of which hard crash the Photon Q so it reboots entirely the moment it turns on the hotspot. Barnacle and one of the WiFi tether apps (1-click? I've tried so many I can barely remember...) will launch, I can see it on the TF300T, but when I try to connect it says "ANDROIDTETHER or whatever the SSID is, Saved". No matter how many times you choose Connect or Forget, then Connect again, nothing. Gets stuck at "Saved."
I'd try connecting the phone via USB via the TF300T dock but I have searched heavily and cannot find any way to do it. Do I have any options at all?
Thank you for any info.
I'm tethering Internet from my SGS 1 with 4.2.2 rom with no problem at all. I think you have problem with wifi settings.
Try to set both phone and tab wifi to correct region. If you have phone set to USA and tab to Europe it won't work. You'll find it under Wireless-advanced if you have customised roms, for stock I don't know how to set it. Haven't have stock roms for ages.
About proxy, basic proxy settings in Android works only for browser, so you will need something like proxydroid on your client. I'm using it and for me it is working. For settings, check your phone settings-mobile networks-access points and copy them from there, or call your ISP and ask them for settings.
Hope this helps.
WiFi tether for root users. Is the best thing ever. If you aren't rooted. Root your phone. Also, is there a cm ROM available for your phone? If so, switch. Then use it's default tethering. Your phone is definitely the culprit here.
Sent from my SGH-T999
"So I put my phone into airplane mode and threw it... worst transformer ever. -.-" -My friend
Unfortunately no CM ROM exists for that phone. It is rooted. I tried wifi tether for root-- played with all the settings.... it will turn on and the SSID shows up on the TF300T .. but if you try to connect it just says "Saved." Even though it also says Signal quality is "Excellent"...
I don't get it at all.
Epicenter714 said:
Unfortunately no CM ROM exists for that phone. It is rooted. I tried wifi tether for root-- played with all the settings.... it will turn on and the SSID shows up on the TF300T .. but if you try to connect it just says "Saved." Even though it also says Signal quality is "Excellent"...
I don't get it at all.
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Try different profiles. I tried my EVO LTE last night for 2 hrs. Tried all generic settings. I ended up switching it to sg3 profile same chipset as mine. Worked fine after that.
Sent from magical jelly bean.
Epicenter714 said:
Unfortunately no CM ROM exists for that phone. It is rooted. I tried wifi tether for root-- played with all the settings.... it will turn on and the SSID shows up on the TF300T .. but if you try to connect it just says "Saved." Even though it also says Signal quality is "Excellent"...
I don't get it at all.
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kaos420 said:
Try different profiles. I tried my EVO LTE last night for 2 hrs. Tried all generic settings. I ended up switching it to sg3 profile same chipset as mine. Worked fine after that.
Sent from magical jelly bean.
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Yep exactly what kaos said. I had that issue with my HD2 doing exactly what you said. Would "save" but never connect. I ended up using something like the nexus profile or something.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
elesbb said:
Yep exactly what kaos said. I had that issue with my HD2 doing exactly what you said. Would "save" but never connect. I ended up using something like the nexus profile or something.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
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Great suggestions guys! I seem to be making some progress. I can now "connect" and get an IP, but the "wifi signal" bar thingy in the lower-right stays gray, not blue like it usually is when on working WiFi, and apps still cannot get to the net, which I assume is what the gray means (network connection but no internet connection). I will have to go down the list and try every possible configuation, I suppose. Yikes! I'll keep at it...
Thank you!
Epicenter714 said:
Great suggestions guys! I seem to be making some progress. I can now "connect" and get an IP, but the "wifi signal" bar thingy in the lower-right stays gray, not blue like it usually is when on working WiFi, and apps still cannot get to the net, which I assume is what the gray means (network connection but no internet connection). I will have to go down the list and try every possible configuation, I suppose. Yikes! I'll keep at it...
Thank you!
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Nice. Now you need to connect to proxy.
stenc55 said:
Nice. Now you need to connect to proxy.
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This may sound dumb, but how do I do that? I guess I need to set it globally in Android and not per-app because most apps don't let you set one. Thanks!
Epicenter714 said:
This may sound dumb, but how do I do that? I guess I need to set it globally in Android and not per-app because most apps don't let you set one. Thanks!
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Im using ProxyDroid. But you need to have rom with root and iptables enabled. Official CM10.1 doesn't have it, unofficial from Surdu_petru does.

[Q] Wi-Fi takes a while to connect to servers, but is normal everywhere else (w/video

Anyone interested in a challenge?
This is more of a question to those people who have knowledge on Wi-Fi router configurations, but I am really hoping maybe somebody has experienced this and found a solution.
Probably the reason why I haven't found a "solution" (in quotes since my Wi-Fi is not really broken) is because I don't know how to word this correctly so that a Google search can be successful so I'll try to explain myself as best as I can.
Here is my problem:
My home's Wi-Fi seems to be having this issue where it takes a while to connect to servers (or at least, that's what I think is going on)
Once it establishes a connection to a server, it seems to run fine there on out.
For example:
Please check this video out: Video
This is a game called "Shadowgun Deadzone", a multi-player game. When I'm on Wi-Fi, notice how it gets stuck on "Authentication in progress" for more than a minute?
Later on in the video, I close it, turn off my Wi-Fi and re-open the game and it only takes SECONDS to get to the same screen with my carrier's network.
No, my internet is not slow. Web-page browsing and watching videos is as expected from a 10 mbps internet speed and also playing the game mentioned runs excellent once I get it to connect, only on things like this game is where it takes a while to establish an "initial" connection to the servers
What do I mean with "things like this"? Well, WhatsApp is something that to my knowledge also connects to a server to send images and media, right?
Check this second video out: Second Video
This example is a little bit less clear, but it also seems that connecting to the "server" takes twice as long than if I do it with my carrier's network.
So here's what I know:
1. It's not device specific. This happens with any cellphone using things like what I mentioned above.
2. Not the device's fault either since I play this exact game on my aunt's house and it connects fast as expected
3. Router firewall is deactivated.
4. I've also got a Nintendo 3DS, doesn't take as long to connect to Nintendo Network and play online
5. I've tried labeling my cellphone as "game console" (same as my 3DS) on the router settings, but it doesn't help, it changes nothing
6. This "problem" doesn't exist on web browsing, downloading stuff, Youtube, and a few minor things
I know the fastest solution probably is to get a new router, which I will do in due time, but I'm really hoping to skip that step if I can. This is really bugging me and rather than avoiding this by buying a new router I want to learn what is a possible cause and fix it. I'm pretty sure learning how to deal with this could be helpful in the future.
Is it specific to WiFi?
This feels like a DNS issue. Some devices initial connection working fine and others not could be a DNS caching issue.
Clear the cache of all devices then try to connect to a site one at a time and time them. If they are all around the same speed after clearing the cache then it's probably a DNS thing.
I wonder if a cell phone gets a domain resolved on mobile, caches it, then use the cache when on wifi instead of making a new query. Just a shot in the dark
krisclarkdev said:
Is it specific to WiFi?
This feels like a DNS issue. Some devices initial connection working fine and others not could be a DNS caching issue.
Clear the cache of all devices then try to connect to a site one at a time and time them. If they are all around the same speed after clearing the cache then it's probably a DNS thing.
I wonder if a cell phone gets a domain resolved on mobile, caches it, then use the cache when on wifi instead of making a new query. Just a shot in the dark
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I will certainly give this a try.
Yes, it's Wi-Fi exclusive. Only at my home's Wi-Fi, because I've played this game at other places via Wi-Fi and I don't have this problem so what you suggest might not work. I'm almost certain there must be something wrong with this Wi-Fi router, some configuration getting in the way.
Download something like FCC Speed Test that shows more than up and down, specifically things like dropped packets. Run it three times on the same device at both locations and compare. Have you checked the routers logs for anything out of the ordinary?
krisclarkdev said:
Download something like FCC Speed Test that shows more than up and down, specifically things like dropped packets. Run it three times on the same device at both locations and compare. Have you checked the routers logs for anything out of the ordinary?
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For some reason this app "FCC Speed Test" is showing as incompatible with all my devices, I really hope it doesn't need some kind of special Wi-Fi chip that makes this app work. The "newest" device I have is a Note 3. Went ahead and downloaded the apk file.
I'll get that done today and post the results to see if you can see the problem more clearly.
I am really not a person that knows much about networking and technical details. I just know the VERY basic things.
Things like how to change my router password, view who is using my Wi-Fi signal and block them via a Mac address. The VERY basic stuff. So I wouldn't be able to detect anything unusual in the router logs
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate you taking your time to respond to this. I will probably have these results in a few hours since I'm at work (I will also test this at my work's Wi-Fi as I also don't have a problem here. Not that I play this game at work but I've given it a test and it doesn't have the same problem as my home's Wi-Fi)
Thanks again
krisclarkdev said:
Download something like FCC Speed Test that shows more than up and down, specifically things like dropped packets. Run it three times on the same device at both locations and compare. Have you checked the routers logs for anything out of the ordinary?
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Unfortunately both places (my house and my aunt's house) stats look exactly the same. Both places dropped packets once. I ran it once at my work place and is the lowest you'll see in the attached screenshots.
I can't find a solution. I am close to giving up
Thanks for your help and your time

