[Q] automatic Display sleep dosent work - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i'm a new Nexus 5 owner and running root and OmniRom on it.
But now i got the Problem that my display wont go to sleep.
The 15 oder 30 seconds in the Menu dosent work, the display will never go to sleep/standby.
Are there any known apps/bugs or could be a Hardware Problem?
So i testet with a new wipe and Stock-OmniRom and there it works, so it must be an App or Option how to find the bad app?
Thank you

I don't understand quite well
Did you try with OmniRom again and it worked?

[email protected] said:
I don't understand quite well
Did you try with OmniRom again and it worked?
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I installed it again over recovery and bootet with nothing configured. Works
But with Backup doenst work

Steakschen said:
i'm a new Nexus 5 owner and running root and OmniRom on it.
But now i got the Problem that my display wont go to sleep.
The 15 oder 30 seconds in the Menu dosent work, the display will never go to sleep/standby.
Are there any known apps/bugs or could be a Hardware Problem?
So i testet with a new wipe and Stock-OmniRom and there it works, so it must be an App or Option how to find the bad app?
Thank you
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This happens to me on the stock rom as well, I'm not sure which app is causing it, it happens on the N7 as well for me. For some reason, I always believed it to be Twitter. Turning the phone off and on again fixes it though, for the most part.
I would see when it happens next, and then Force close one app at a time until you find the culprit. Time consuming i know...


Multi Touch Bug

I am having a major issue with multi touch, and it happened on stock so I don't think it's the rom I'm running (CleanRom Dev).
If I let go of my second touch, the screen loses the first touch location. So, if I am playing Minecraft or Shadowgun, I'll use one touch to move forward, that works, then I'll use one touch to move the screen, that works, but as soon as I let go of that second touch, I stop moving; even though the first touch is still being held on the screen. This happens in any game I play, even with the HTC Gestures off.
I saw a couple other people were having issues with multi touch, but I'm wondering if this is a problem with the kernel or the device. I saw that h8rift mentioned that the kernel's multi touch is a hacky implementation.
Any information is appreciated,
Hmm, appears to have gone away after powering off then back on after turning off HTC Gestures.
Issue keeps coming back a few minutes after rebooting.
thebest said:
Hmm, appears to have gone away after powering off then back on after turning off HTC Gestures.
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Yeah, same here. It took me forever to figure out that it was HTC gestures that was the culprit
Sent from my HTC One X
Same thing happening to me! Been trying all day to figure out why Gameboid was acting weird. Just tried Minecraft and something is definitely up. This wasn't a problem on CleanRom 4.1. Since flashing 4.5 I've been having this issue. Strange that you've had it since stock...
edit: already said
ThisWasATriumph said:
Same thing happening to me! Been trying all day to figure out why Gameboid was acting weird. Just tried Minecraft and something is definitely up. This wasn't a problem on CleanRom 4.1. Since flashing 4.5 I've been having this issue. Strange that you've had it since stock...
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Hmmm, maybe this should be under CleanRom development then. I may not have had it on stock, I thought I did, but I wasn't on stock for very long
thats the same issue that we were having in AOSP ROMs which is weird since Clean ROM isn't AOSP based.
We fixed it in kernel source though.
rohan32 said:
thats the same issue that we were having in AOSP ROMs which is weird since Clean ROM isn't AOSP based.
We fixed it in kernel source though.
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Good to know, I was just worried that my phone was jacked up D: lol
Do any of you guys use WidgetLocker? WL is known to cause issues with multitouch; I use WL, and my workaround is to simply disable it, turn my screen off and on, and reunlock with the stock launcher and multitouch works in games again. Then I turn it back on when I'm done.
I use Holo Locker does that cause issues?
samlingx said:
Do any of you guys use WidgetLocker? WL is known to cause issues with multitouch; I use WL, and my workaround is to simply disable it, turn my screen off and on, and reunlock with the stock launcher and multitouch works in games again. Then I turn it back on when I'm done.
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Wow, that was the problem. Disabling Holo Locker, then turning the screen off and on resolved the problem. Weird....
samlingx said:
Do any of you guys use WidgetLocker? WL is known to cause issues with multitouch; I use WL, and my workaround is to simply disable it, turn my screen off and on, and reunlock with the stock launcher and multitouch works in games again. Then I turn it back on when I'm done.
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You're a genius! Holo Locker was causing the issue. Thanks so much.
Yeah I had that problem too, it was being caused by HTC Gestures. I just turned it off because I didn't ever see myself using them.
now me too..but..
Hi, i am having the same problem that described in here but with a twist,
i noticed on my HOX on "HTC gestures" check button, it behaves the opposite from what it actually ticked.
I factory reset the device, the problem solved although the "HTC gestures" check button still behaves the opposite, after a while (hour or so) the problem with the touches repeats. i test it with the Multitouch Test app. (the only app installed).
I haven't rooted or changed the rom on the device only updated it with the official updates. last update on November, 4.1.1 , but it was great since so i don't know what triggered this.
please help...
david244 said:
Hi, i am having the same problem that described in here but with a twist,
i noticed on my HOX on "HTC gestures" check button, it behaves the opposite from what it actually ticked.
I factory reset the device, the problem solved although the "HTC gestures" check button still behaves the opposite, after a while (hour or so) the problem with the touches repeats. i test it with the Multitouch Test app. (the only app installed).
I haven't rooted or changed the rom on the device only updated it with the official updates. last update on November, 4.1.1 , but it was great since so i don't know what triggered this.
please help...
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GOT IT. :silly::silly::silly:. (after alot of factory resets)
The trigger of the bug is If you select:
Personolize -> Lock screen style -> No lock screen
Try it.
you want to uncheck HTC Gestures. it is used for another purpose not what you think it is only used for when your phone is connected to tv.

[Bug] Screen doesn't turn off

Hey. In latest nightly versions I noticed that screen doesn't turn off automatically after specific time. Even if "15 seconds" is set it's still permanently on. I even clobbered my homemade build to make sure that nothing is wrong on my side.
Of course issue persists after full wipe and I'm talking about automatic turn off because if you hit power button then everything works fine.
Did anybody notice it as well? i9300 here.
JustArchi said:
Hey. In latest nightly versions I noticed that screen doesn't turn off automatically after specific time. Even if "15 seconds" is set it's still permanently on. I even clobbered my homemade build to make sure that nothing is wrong on my side.
Of course issue persists after full wipe and I'm talking about automatic turn off because if you hit power button then everything works fine.
Did anybody notice it as well? i9300 here.
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Hmm, I'll check this again. No problems here last I checked... This is with the device unplugged?
Entropy512 said:
Hmm, I'll check this again. No problems here last I checked... This is with the device unplugged?
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Yes it is.
I built clobbered build from source and also I make my best to blame everything else before I blame the base . However this time really device doesn't turn off automatically, both after first boot and after value set. Everything else works great.
I'll try to find a root of this issue. However screen off should work as long as rom works, am I right?
Consider this report as closed. Suddenly build compiled ~15 minutes ago started working properly .
Thanks for your time Entropy.
It's a bit odd - I DID have an issue this morning where I couldn't even turn off the device with the power button for 20-30 seconds after boot.
The issue disappeared, never to return...

[Q] Selecting wifi causes settings to crash on oneplus one

On my oneplus one, whenever wifi is enabled and I select it, settings crashes. If wifi is not turned on, however, and I select wifi, it does not crash. Then, when I turn on wifi, it crashes. This is quite annoying because I cannot connect to any new networks. If the problem persists, I'm going to have to attempt to return my oneplus on, which would be sad because I really like it.
Here is a video which better explains my problem.
Any suggestions are welcomed!!
EDIT: I cannot post the link as I have not made ten posts. As soon as I have I will edit it in.
gibsoni said:
On my oneplus one, whenever wifi is enabled and I select it, settings crashes. If wifi is not turned on, however, and I select wifi, it does not crash. Then, when I turn on wifi, it crashes. This is quite annoying because I cannot connect to any new networks. If the problem persists, I'm going to have to attempt to return my oneplus on, which would be sad because I really like it.
Here is a video which better explains my problem.
Any suggestions are welcomed!!
EDIT: I cannot post the link as I have not made ten posts. As soon as I have I will edit it in.
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Factory reset or reflash the ROM?
soralz said:
Factory reset or reflash the ROM?
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Thats going to be my last resort, but I was hoping for a less pain in the ass fix.
Are you using a theme? Switch back to stock theme and give it a try again.
zephiK said:
Are you using a theme? Switch back to stock theme and give it a try again.
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Yup, that seemed to solve the problem. Thanks man, I'm surprised I didn't think of that myself. I've only been on cyanogenmod for a few days, so still getting used to it. Thanks again for the help!
gibsoni said:
Yup, that seemed to solve the problem. Thanks man, I'm surprised I didn't think of that myself. I've only been on cyanogenmod for a few days, so still getting used to it. Thanks again for the help!
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Try other CM themes its crashing due to the following reasons
- Your CM Theme hasn't been updated and is causing problems with the theme manger
- Your CM theme is updated and the theme manger that is used on stock CM 11S is conflicting.

[Help Required] Android System ( System_server) drain battery issue (5.1.1)

I know I am not the first one to post about this issue. I have searched, not only on xda, but some other websites. I just cannot find a solution. I am running 5.1.1 non rooted Stock ROM. I have tried everything. Enabled and Disabled a lot of settings. Nothing seems to work. 20% for that Android System is just too much. It started a week ago. Today I have Installed "Quick System Info PRO" and it shows that some "System_Server" is eating battery due to a high usage of RAM and Proccesor. See attachments please.
I am thinkg about updating my OPO, but I am not sure if this will help.
Did you find a solution? Do you know how to fix this? Please share your knowledge with me.
I used to plug and charge my OPO once every day and a half. But now I have to live with my charger inside my pockets because I am charging my phone every 10 hours.
There are any other apps? Also, try with android 6.0, might fix something.
Hi @srsdani.
Thank you for your reply. No. There are not any other apps eating battery. Mostly because I am at work, I use Whatsapp.
I should also mention that the phone gets super hot for no reason, like when you are playing a game after a long time. (Due to the intesive CPU usage).
leokook said:
Hi @srsdani.
Thank you for your reply. No. There are not any other apps eating battery. Mostly because I am at work, I use Whatsapp.
I should also mention that the phone gets super hot for no reason, like when you are playing a game after a long time. (Due to the intesive CPU usage).
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there can be couple of problem responsible causing this .if i would be you , i would deep wipe my every os related partition and flash a new maybe unofficial cm 12s /any non crazy rom properly and see the results
You use at work wifi or mobile data?
Off topic :
Privacy guard shows phone is awake while charging phone(location service) is waking up only while charging.. Anysolution?
1.i have disabled screen awake in dev options
2.i am using original charger
3.i am on latest cos13
4.while charging screen is completely off & no background apps running (greenifyd)
Even wakelock Detector also shows phone awake.. How to disable??
srsdani said:
You use at work wifi or mobile data?
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I use WiFi, mostly.
#sychrome# said:
there can be couple of problem responsible causing this .if i would be you , i would deep wipe my every os related partition and flash a new maybe unofficial cm 12s /any non crazy rom properly and see the results
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I'm thinking is OS-related. But by doing some search you will find a lot of people with same issue. Even non-OPO users. I'm gonna give it a try anyway.! Thank you for your reply.
leokook said:
I'm thinking is OS-related. But by doing some search you will find a lot of people with same issue. Even non-OPO users. I'm gonna give it a try anyway.! Thank you for your reply.
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try better battery stats and correct firmware and recovery , if possible do everything in fastboot inc flashing
So, yeah, I got the most expected update, installed and worked great... Until some issues showed up, like lockscreen freeze, and now the "you can't see you WiFi power consumption" issue. I'm mad, I know WiFi was taking a huge piece of my battery ( tried some suggestions) but now a bug report appeared, and this is what I face today
Before it was like this
What should I do now? A clean install ?
Sent from my A0001 using XDA-Developers mobile app
leokook said:
So, yeah, I got the most expected update, installed and worked great... Until some issues showed up, like lockscreen freeze, and now the "you can't see you WiFi power consumption" issue. I'm mad, I know WiFi was taking a huge piece of my battery ( tried some suggestions) but now a bug report appeared, and this is what I face today View attachment 3741929
Before it was like this View attachment 3741930
What should I do now? A clean install ?
Sent from my A0001 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Don t fast reboot
Shutdown your device and power on
Reboot enable system drain
Disable from security settings google administrator
Cyanogen device manager does the same
Also cyanogen statistic are not used any more to lollipop
Do not use greenify apps from version to version update has opposite results
If you want better battery use apps that will disable sensors and locationwhen device sleep

Problem with audio breaking when playing something in background and lock, any help?

I have an issue with my Mate8, I really don't know if this is in all phones or just in mine....
It's when a song or a video is playing, and when the power button is pressed to lock the phone, the audio breaks for like half a second, but if you press the button again to unlock, it do it again, and everytime you press the lock button.... it kinda annoys me a lot.
The rare is that this only happens when the audio is coming from the speakers; when i have anything plugged in (headphones or whatever) it dissapear, and with bluetooth headphones dissapears too.
It happens with all apps, spotify, native app, soundcloud, vlc, poweramp...etc
Thanks a lot!!
Best regards, ElĂ­as.
Eliassdalgaard said:
...when the power button is pressed to lock the phone, the audio breaks for like half a second, but if you press the button again to unlock, it do it again...
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I did have this problem previously after flashing a pre-rooted rom of version B320, but it went away after I flashed the stock rom back.
Since you haven't mentioned anything about custom roms and/or rooting, I'm going to assume you're on a stock rom at the moment, in which case I'd suggest a factory reset (backup data 1st of course)
If you're running a customized rom I'd suggest discussing it in whichever thread you got that rom from as the issue may be specific to that rom
MuPp3t33r said:
I did have this problem previously after flashing a pre-rooted rom of version B320, but it went away after I flashed the stock rom back.
Since you haven't mentioned anything about custom roms and/or rooting, I'm going to assume you're on a stock rom at the moment, in which case I'd suggest a factory reset (backup data 1st of course)
If you're running a customized rom I'd suggest discussing it in whichever thread you got that rom from as the issue may be specific to that rom
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Yes, i'm on stock right now, i'm really amazed by this phone, and i didn't think that was normal, gonna try that!
Thanks a lot!
Eliassdalgaard said:
Yes, i'm on stock right now, i'm really amazed by this phone, and i didn't think that was normal, gonna try that!
Thanks a lot!
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No problem, please leave feedback after if it worked or not, may just help someone else down the line...
I'm on B320 and this happens to me too! Please come back and tell us if it disappeared after a factory reset because I might do one as well.
MuPp3t33r said:
No problem, please leave feedback after if it worked or not, may just help someone else down the line...
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Skytop said:
I'm on B320 and this happens to me too! Please come back and tell us if it disappeared after a factory reset because I might do one as well.
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It worked!!! it was very annoying! now it's gone, just a factory reset. :good:
I did a factory reset and it worked fine! but now the problem is back again..... but in a different way, the first time it happened when the lock/unlock button was hitten, but now, is when the home button & recent apps button, is now even more annoying and when i lock/unlock doesn't have the problem.... it's like the problem traslade to the home/recent apps buttons........ what can i do??
Eliassdalgaard said:
...it's like the problem traslade to the home/recent apps buttons........ what can i do??
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I'm wondering if that might be a CPU usage issue, try go to settings - advanced - battery manager - power plan, and set it to performance mode to see if the problem still occurs
MuPp3t33r said:
I'm wondering if that might be a CPU usage issue, try go to settings - advanced - battery manager - power plan, and set it to performance mode to see if the problem still occurs
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Just did that, same... what more can I do? it's so rare that this phone could run everything so fast and that happens...
MuPp3t33r said:
I'm wondering if that might be a CPU usage issue, try go to settings - advanced - battery manager - power plan, and set it to performance mode to see if the problem still occurs
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Anything else I can do?? thanks a lot!!
It appears to be some setting in Nova launcher that caused this, i have to install/uninstall a lot to get into this, but 100% sure is some setting in nova, just did a clean reset of the phone and everything superb! reinstalled nova but this time, trying not to modify a lot like before and it's working perfectly.

