Install VNC on phone with broken screen (remote view borked phone) - Other Tools & General Discussion

Ok please try not to hate on this hacker i just waisted 2 hours of my life on this so i wanted to share...
I have a MB860 runninig Nuetrinov3.02 (Android 2.3.4 or 2.4.3) -Sorry lol i forget
This type of stratagy can potentially be extrapolated to pretty much any device.... Basically you need root & adb, or the equivilant. You need a means of accessing a Command Line Interface. Then you need to route graphical data.
+First download the APK file. ( ) +Push the APK file to your device. ( adb push LOCATION-OF-DOWNLOADED-APK-ON-YOUR-PC )
+Connect to your android (I used ADB over wifi)
+Install the APK. ( pm install LOCATION-OF-APK-ON-YOUR-ANDROID )
+Run the apk file (am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.onaips.vnc/org.onaips.vnc.MainActivity ) IF YOU DONT RUN THIS THE BINARY FOR THE CLI ISNT CREATED?
+Change permissions of the binary ( chmod +x /data/data/org.onaips.vnc/files/androidvncserver )
+Run the binary ( /data/data/org.onaips.vnc/files/androidvncserver )
+(optional step): Forward the connection. ( adb forward tcp:5801 tcp:5901 & adb forward tcp:5801 tcp:5901 )
+Download a VNC viewer on your PC or other device.
+connect to localhost:5901
This might be slow because it goes through your router. you can also use the USB line directly but the above worked for me when I was in America and my phone in China so i feel its better lol.

Oh and if this is in the wrong spot just move it, I found that I honestly lose ALOT of time finding the right place to post things....
EDIT: Ok before i leave I want to really say thank you to onaips for incorperating a CLI into his DroidVNC program. was the only one i found that had a completely functional CLI enviroment. People like you keep the future blind very happy


EXTRA NOOB Friendly Guides

This thread is just going to be EXTRA NOOB friendly versions of other guides. Its also going to be like an index where all/most of the guides will be. Please ask you questions on original threads .
you can skip down to the Second Post Which is my First Guide about Downloading and Installing the SDK so you can use ADB.
I decided to make this guide because I too am a noob (not as much as i was before) and i know how frustrating it is when you dont understand something. even though xda make complicated things seem easy sometimes its not easy enough and im not saying its anyones fault thats why there are so many helpful members on the forum, i know i asked my fair share of questions
I will be gearing these guides to Windows XP. For many reasons, one i dont have a Mac, two Vista sucks , three not many have Windows 7 and i think its going to suck too , four I have ubuntu linux and it takes some knowledge to really know how to use it so you shouldnt be an EXTRA NOOB. Also Please use firefox because it saves files to desktop and easy to find and follow my instructions.
Downloading and Installing the SDK
This is my First Guide so bear with me
Downloading and Installing the SDK v1
First step is rooting you G1
Original Post:
Follow Koush's post it is pretty self explanatory PM if you need a MORE detailed version.
- download and install Winzip or Winrar
- go here and download the latest SDK:
- when download finishes right-click on the file and click "extract here"
- an new folder should come up rename it to: SDK
- open the folder; you should see a folder inside named tools and - some other stuff that dont matter right now
- open the tools folder, you should see two files named adb.exe and AdbWinApi.dll copy and paste those files to your system32 folder (go to my computer->local disk->windows->system32)
Next downloading and installing Drivers and getting adb to work
-Turn on "USB Debugging" on your device.
- Press Home-> press menu->select settings-> select Applications -> go down to Development then enable USB debugging
- dont plug phone in yet, if plugged unplug.
-go here and download the adb drivers now right-click and extract here
NOW plug in your phone
- the Found New Hardware Wizard will come up
- select No, not this time and click Next.
- Select Install from a list or specified location and click Next.
- Select Search for the best driver in these locations
- now find the folder: android_usb_windows and look in side and select android_usb.inf
Now we will check if everything works
- on your computer press start then go to run... and type in cmd
- first type in adb to make sure you got it working, you should see: Android Debug Bridgeversion 1.0.20
-now type adb devices, you should see something like this:
List of devices attached
HT844G****** device
The Hard Part is over.
Apps on sdcard (Magic 4.5 also)
For those with the new 4.5 rom u need to install busybox
Download this file to the root of your sdcard
then do folowinf commands from terminal emmulator or adb shell:
mkdir /data/busybox
cat /sdcard/busybox > /data/busybox/busybox
chmod 4755 /data/busybox/busybox
cd /data/busybox
./busybox --install
export PATH=/data/busybox:$PATH
then skip to STEP 2 of this post
Some people wanted a more simple Guide to installing apps on their sdcard
Original Post
First thing first go here and download and install Paragon Partiton Magic its a 90day trial chances are you'll only need to use it once.
- conect your phone to computer via USB and mount it.
- and programs that may be using the phone: adb, windows explorer, mediaplayer etc
- open it up Paragon and click on create a partition, then click next
- you should see something like:
Basic Hard Disk 2 (HTC Android Phone USB Device)
- click on it and hit next
- move the slider to set how big you want you new partition to - be move left to make it smaller and right to make it bigger
I set mines to 1gb, some set theres to 2gb it also depends on how big you sdcard is if you have the 1gb that came with the phone i wouldn't advise doing this because of size and because their transfer rate are slower and could cause lag. 500mb is more than enough room it all depends on you i had 90 apps and only used 42mb.
- anyways when you select the size hit next
- in partition type select Linux Ext2 leave everything else the - way it was
- now select yes and hit next, the process should start
- it may tell you that you computer needs to restart hit yes and - let it restart
- when the computer boots up before getting to the logon screen paragon will finish partitioning.
now go here:
download and unzip, rename the folder it extracts to to: mod
now cut and paste the folder: mod that contains the two files to the root of your hard drive (my computer->local disk and paste them there)
if you tried this mod before and was unsuccessful make sure you wipe before you try again, you mountd and init files can be corupted, i would advice a wipe and then reinstallation of JF 1.4.1
- connect you phone to your computer if its not already, go to comand prompt (start->run... type cmd) copy and paste everything after $ into command prompt
$ adb devices
- make sure that you see you device connected
$ mkdir /backup
$ adb pull /system/etc/mountd.conf /backup
$ adb pull /system/init.rc /backup
- you just backed up those two files to a folder named backup thats on the root of your harddrive check and make sure they are there.
$ adb remount
$ adb shell mkdir /system/sd
$ adb shell ls /system
- make sure that you see sd in the list of things that come up
$ adb push /mod/mountd.conf /system/etc/mountd.conf
$ adb push /mod/init.rc /system/init.rc
$ adb shell reboot
$ adb remount
$ adb shell
STEP 2 htc magic users start here
$ busybox df -h
- make sure you see a line ending in /system/sd
$ busybox cp -a /data/app /system/sd
$ rm -r /data/app
$ ln -s /system/sd/app /data/app
$ busybox cp -a /data/app-private /system/sd/app-private
$ rm -r /data/app-private
$ ln -s /system/sd/app-private /data/app-private
if you want to move data
$ busybox cp -a /data/data /system/sd/data
rm -r /data/data
$ ln -s /system/sd/data /data/data
$ adb shell reboot
now you are finished, there are undu instructions on the original post also a way to copy yout /data/data/ (folder where caches and other stuff are saved) to sdcard i advice not if you dont have a class 5 or 6 card or artleast class 4
hope this helps
actually i really appreciate someone made this guide. this was the only guide that actually worked for me i appreciated it. now i finally have 58 mb internal storage to play with thanks a lot.
Do you have any plans on creating an extra noob guide for installing cupcake? Thanks again for all the help. Carguy1973.
Thank you, sometimes it's nice to get just the details too I am very happy to have apps on SD card in 4.5 thanks to ur help.
I have a question about the busybox install..... it worked fine for me, but the busybox PATH is broken after re-boot. After much searching I found this page here but I could not tell if it was solved as the thread sort of petered out after.
The solution was to pull intit.rc and edit it by adding this with no indent
export PATH /system/bin:/data/busybox:$PATH
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after pushing back the edited init.rc to Android with adb I rebooted but my busybox PATH is still broken and I have to go into an adb shell and re-input "export PATH=/data/busybox:$PATH" every time the device is rebooted just to make busybox work, do you know a solution to this. Thanks again
I noticed on haykuro's twitter page that the update he is going to post later today will include busybox.
haitiankid4lyf said:
three not many have Windows 7 and i think its going to suck too ,
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Windows 7 in based on the windoes vista source but eddited, its 10 times better than Xp Just to let you know
But this thread is a good idea
how do u do all of this on vista??
g1junky said:
how do u do all of this on vista??
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Vista and xp are basicly the same to do if its based around CMD (Comand prompt for the noobs) So.. Dont worrie, Just follow it the same, Most guides for xp work on vista unless it states it needs an xp specific thing that vista wont let you do.. Dont worrie im on windows 7, Almost everything that works on vista works on xp and vice versa when it comes to CMD
Why don't you add this to the wiki?
Mast3rmatt said:
Why don't you add this to the wiki?
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Because, The Wikkis old and outdated maybe? I dont think anyone has updated it in a while
I use both Linux and Windows 7 for accessing the phone and they work equally as well for most tasks.
For windows 7 just install the Vista USB Driver (if it is 64 bit, download the Vista 64 bit USB Driver) and either add adb and fastboot to your Windows path... OR you can put the files in Windows/system32.
ben29pickett said:
Because, The Wikkis old and outdated maybe? I dont think anyone has updated it in a while
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That Might be a idea. Sure its outdated, why doesn't everyone want to build it. Make it strong so that many of the ''noobs'' will stop asking the same question.
pixel-painter said:
I use both Linux and Windows 7 for accessing the phone and they work equally as well for most tasks.
For windows 7 just install the Vista USB Driver (if it is 64 bit, download the Vista 64 bit USB Driver) and either add adb and fastboot to your Windows path... OR you can put the files in Windows/system32.
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I was gonna say this, But obviously some one beat me to my seccond post
Yeh, What this dude said, Altho i have noticed, Sometimes it does tend to uninstall the driver, If it stops workin reinstall the driver in device manager
Lol at the 5 people who said stop waisting space.. I think the threads a good idea
Mast3rmatt said:
That Might be a idea. Sure its outdated, why doesn't everyone want to build it. Make it strong so that many of the ''noobs'' will stop asking the same question.
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Maybe a fair point? But i dont belive noobs know what a wikki is let alone even bother to read one, They just want a .exe program like the ziphone program
ben29pickett said:
Maybe a fair point? But i dont belive noobs know what a wikki is let alone even bother to read one, They just want a .exe program like the ziphone program
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Well, If you haven't seen what wiki is has is becoming then your in for a ride. I was hoping if we can make it sorta like the shadows on Its really easy to use and has all the information ever needed.(Also Keeps the forums less clutter with TUTs everywhere.
ben29pickett said:
I was gonna say this, But obviously some one beat me to my seccond post
Yeh, What this dude said, Altho i have noticed, Sometimes it does tend to uninstall the driver, If it stops workin reinstall the driver in device manager
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Thanks another kind of related thing.... in Vista and Windows 7 you have to disable Digital Driver Signing. To do this you can hit F8 when you boot into Windows and select it from the Advanced Boot Menu.
The USB Driver will NOT install otherwise, and will NOT work after it is installed unless you do this.

[HOWTO] Guide to running ADB under Fedora 11 (and equivalent distros)

Ok, I have fedora 11 installed on most of my computers, since i love this distro to death. My big thing was trying to get adb to work. This is my guide to get it to work, for now.
First things first. Navigate to /etc/udev/rules.d as root. Create a rules file called 50-android.rules (touch 50-android.rules). NOTE: You are better off looking at the contents and picking a rules number set other than what is listed. Sometimes udev is picky. For the newbies, so if any rules start with '50', then change the number by one or two, like 51 or 52. Paste this into the file:
Make sure you use ATTRS, not ATTR or SYSFS, since this is a newer updated udev system.
After that, run udevadm control --reload-rules to reload your rules files. Now just run ./adb devices as root to make sure it recognized your HTC dream. I am working on this fix right now so you don't need to be root, keep patient. Now you can adb shell into your device either as root OR normal user, just as long as you start the server as root. This is a permissions problem, and hopefully I can fix this and/or find a fix soon.
I wrote this because i searched high and low through google, and only found a few good parts as far as a fix. Hopefully this helps a few people out there.
Just wondering if this has helped anyone. If not, delete this thread or do whatever with it....
I have adb on my eeepc 900 with f11 I believe this method works too as well. although it says it has been tested with ubuntu, it works pretty well with f11.
Installing The Android SDK
First you will need to download the Android SDK pack .zip archive, once downloaded find a suitable installation location on your machine and extract the zipped files.
Please note: This installation location will be referred to as $SDK_ROOT from now on through this tutorial
Alternatively you can add /tools to your root path which will prevent the need to specify the full path to the tools directory along with enabling you to run Android Debug Bridge (adb) along with other command line tools.
To add /tools:
1. Edit the ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc files looking for a line that sets the PATH variable.
2. Add the full path location to your $SDK_ROOT/tools location for the PATH variable.
3. If no PATH line exists you can add the line by typing the following:
4. export PATH=${PATH}:<path to your $SDK_ROOT/tools>
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It helped me, since the creation of the file my OpenSuSE 11.0 recognizes the phone perfectly
Thanks a lot for your hint.
thanks it helped me. ill be looking forward to getting it to work without root
just use sudo instead
Just a heads up for user's using Ubuntu 9.10, this isn't needed. I connected my G1 to it and ran ADB with no adjustments to udev or anything else.
Pretty much it works out of the box.
Here is my version
download the .tgz file from googlecode
sudo tar -xzvf android-sdk_r3-linux.tgz
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sudo gedit ~/.bash_profile
heres my bash_profile
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH=$PATH:/android-sdk-linux/tools
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connect android g1 device via usb to pc
open a terminal
adb devices
if you cant get a device try it with superuser.
Don't you think that this is all just a little bit excessive?
To make it work in F11, just do this;
Download SDK, extract.
To use, type:
Another option is to edit the /etc/profile and add
PATH=$PATH:/<Path to android-sdk>/tools
This option will allow any user to use the adb tools when logged in or if you
su -
into another user
I wrote a short guide as well for Windows and Ubuntu. Might help others.
Unfortunately, as anyone with a passing acquaintence with ADB knows, the scrolling issue can be a killer. I swear the other day I pressed "up" twice and it composed "rm /sdcard/rootfs.img /sdcard/system.ext2" and executed it. We run Android on our SD's btw.. Was not cool. Instead, I use ADB via telnet and it works beautifully. Here's how:
adb shell telnetd &
adb forward tcp:9999 tcp:23
Now type this: "telnet localhost 9999"
Enter "root" and hit enter
Finally update PATH: "export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin"
Okay, so 4 lines to enter and you have a "regular, sane" shell connection to the phone and you can actually scroll through history and text without it jumbling the text and executing random code. Enjoy.
lbcoder said:
Don't you think that this is all just a little bit excessive?
To make it work in F11, just do this;
Download SDK, extract.
To use, type:
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that works too as well but i would rather open up a terminal and type
sudo adb devices
sensimila said:
that works too as well but i would rather open up a terminal and type
sudo adb devices
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WHY would you want to make it *MORE COMPLICATED*??
There is NO NEED for root.
/path/to/adb ...
This is kind of funny... i wrote this because i had trouble with it, so i am just sharing my fix...
In case this is interesting to someone:
The fix mentioned in the first post has to be applied to open SuSE x86 and x64 edition to make the G1 work. The external device works without it, but not the adb device.
Thanks again!
Just wanted to come and post that this does work with OpenSUSE 11.2 x86. Did this hoping to get adb to work with my LG Ally and it does. Thanks!
(Still) works for me on 64bit SUSE 11.4.
Before adding this file, I could not access my device with adb, received permissions errors.
Added this file, and I can shell into my device.
Permissions on adb itself was not the problem, it was access to the device when udev found it.
[edit]Actually used the lines from[/edit]

Android gingerbread 2.3.1 on Nokia N900 step by step installation guide

A step-by-step Android installation guide for Nokia N900 Users
Things you will Need:
1: Your nokia n900
2: Any Micro SD card (i used a 2GB)
For this installation you need to Enable all repositories from App Manager (you need to input those information manually and be precise):
The configuration below is for N900 up to firmware PR 1.1.1:
Application manager --> Application catalogs --> New
Catalog name:
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free
The configuration below is for N900 for firmware PR 1.2:
Application manager --> Application catalogs --> New
Catalog name:
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle-1.2
Components: free non-free
The configuration below is for N900 for firmware PR 1.3:
Application manager --> Application catalogs --> New
Catalog name:
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle-1.3
Components: free non-free
Second step :Install rootsh from app manager or from this site :
Third step we will use X-terminal (here get your fingers ready )
basic commands used : root( to give root access) ls (list files in a folder or directory) mkdir (create directory) rmdir (removes directory this command is specially used if you Used any NITDroid before and created AND directory in the root of the phone) Ok lets get started Type in X-terminal :
apt-get update (to download packages needed make sure you are connected to internet )
apt-get install nitdroid-installer
y (if its asks again)
After this you have to download two files on your PC:
1st file :
2nd file:
Once you downloaded those files make sure you copy them to the root phone memory ( once you connect it to the pc tap the mass storage mode and just copy them to the phone memory for example lets say its H: just open H: and copy it there)or for other users they can copy it anywhere as long as they put the path correctly
After you have successfully copied the files open the x-terminal and typeNOTE:be precise and take care for space)
cd /home/user/MyDocs (cd(space)/home/user/MyDocs)
bzip2 -d gingerbread.tar.bz2 (bzip2(space)-d(space)gingerbread.tar.bz2) WAIT
cd /home (cd(space)/home)
mkdir /and (mkdir(space)/and)
cd / (cd(space)/)
mount /home /and (mount(space)/home(space)/and)
cd /and (cd(space/and)
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread.tar (tar(space)xvf(space)/home.......or the path you put the file in
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb (write this one like this as it here with all spaces / _ . -
Now You have to install two more updates to Patch some Bugs in the OS.
First Is Codec Update:
second VOIP update :
copy both files in directory like the before 2 files
After downloading both the files Again open X-terminal and type
mount /home /and
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d gingerbread_update1.tar.bz2
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread_update2.tar
Make sure you install the updates correctly.
After the updates are installed you are done Installing Android Gingerbread On your Nokia n900 . just slide open your keyboard and reboot your phone. you will get a Dual Boot Option screen Select Nitdroid And Unleash the Gingerbread Power.
For more visit Nitdroids official wiki
Wow, i've been waiting for a step by step post. And some of the posts i read said it needs a minimum 4GB SD card. Will all the features work, i mean calls and internet with 3G with other basic phone features ? This is for my wife and all she does is to go to FB, calls and text Is the Market working ?
Thanks again for the lovely tip
zeus09 Thanks for reply .....for me calls sometimes work sometimes not i need to fix it, camera also is not working, otherwise everything is working fine but you can try it and see it wont brick your device i will work on 2.3.3 to fix those minor bugs here....try it and tell me whats wrong so i can develop it more
Oh yeah, I'm gonna have the phone charged fully now. Gonna give it a shot tomorrow morning. Wish me good luck man . Hope I will not brick it ha ha
hey man go for it dont worry ! and if you need anything tell me here ill help you
I just want to know if someone could help me..
I found a problem on my n900 at ''apt-get update'' it said 99%(working) but then it said fail after a while it said some packages would be ignored, or the old ones would be used instead
apt-get install nitdroid-installer
It then said nitdroid couldnt be found
If someone could help it would be great..tnx
I found the problem tnx but the airplane mode is always on..
Just a? . Would this work for any nokia. Um say e7? Irs the same nokianess?
Sent from my Defy. Using XDA App.
I can't install the updates....
I can't install the updates. I receive the message: "Can't open input file gingerbread_update1.tar.bz2: No such file or directory."
I tried several times and always the same error. I put the 2 files in the root as i did with the first 2 files.
Please help!!!!
deviljf it worked for you ? just fine? is there any kind of deley ? but in both ways its nice to have android on n900 the concept is awesome even with some minor bugs ,,thanks for trying it man
metal_n must specify the directory and the path well other wise it wont work ....but now if you reboot your phone and open the keyboard and choose nitroid you can boot it ... if you face the same problem... tell me ill try to help you but its matter of pathing only man and thanks for trying it
gplock ... no it wont work mate... sorry cuz nokia e7 is based on Symbian^3
^ damn nokia. Fingers crossed they go android n not windows. Good job man thanks for sharing
Sent from my Defy. Using XDA App.
First of all thanks a lot for the easy steps you have provided,
On the other hand we have two issues:
1. This version as many as other versions does not support the Mic, or the cam plus other features on the droid system
2. For the users that are trying to follow the steps you will face one issue, make sure to add the following:
mount /home /and
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d gingerbread_update1.tar.bz2
----------------->bzip2 -d gingerbread_update2.tar.bz2
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread_update2.tar
Hope to hear from u when you get the full version
Hey, jut installed it on my n900 and it's pretty good... A few things don't work right, but it's pretty impressive - I think it's faster than my old g1 already!
Points of interest:
Wifi seems to work but very slowly...
No 3G but I can't seem to add an APN in the network settings...
I made a call but I don't think the speaker was working...
Marketplace is acting weird but probably because of slow connection
Anyway it's awesome that it's working at all - great job mate!
Rick glad you like it thanks mate for trying it
silver386.....ill try my best thanks for replay
i cant install the nitdroid-installer
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package multiboot
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also when i type apt-get update its says.
failed to fetch repisitory devil
failed to fetch moff mozilla
some index files failed to download.. they have been ignore or use the old ones used insteal
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i solve the previous problem
now the last one when i install the nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb
files list file for package '; contains empty filename
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how to solve?
I managed to get an APN added - it was me being dense but no 3G. Been doing a bit of reading and it appears that the 3G radio is not fully working with android at the moment...
Do you think that is going to be possible to have android able to make calls properly or is this just going to be a fun hacking experiment.
Either way is fine - it's the journey I enjoy with these things not necessarily the destination...
Thanks again for your efforts

Linux Working on Android

(I'm reposting this under a different title so web searches will bring it up)
I can get Ubuntu 11.04, 11.10 & Debian 6 to mount repeatedly in all sorts of ui updatable configurations using this information:
It's a friggin Christmas Miracle! Can't tell you how much time I've wasted working this out, and it all boils down to the sh and run scripts.
So, without further ado, here goes.
!!Make sure you're rooted!!
!!The quotes just tell you what to type. Don't type them!!
Download one of the three builds on the website listed above (or build your own, it should work fine). Extract it from tar.bz2, they should all extract to a linux file, this includes the necessary scripts. Put it on the sd-card on your phone.
Download the new scripts that (Nerd) listed found here:
And extract them. You'll have another file that says linux. Open it, take the three files inside (, root-scripts & scripts) and paste them in the linux folder you moved to your sd-card. They will overwrite the ones currently there. These scripts work for sgs4g, the originals did not.
Install the latest BusyBox in both xbin and .bin if it's not already installed (must be rooted), Latest is 1.19.3. Make sure Outside Sources and USB debugging are both enabled in your settings menu. Open your Superuser App and update binaries.
Download a terminal client, like Better Terminal Emulator or Android Terminal Emulator. I use the first. The terminal needs to run the commands as root, especially the linux vnc command as it didn't want to work for me no matter if I started by typing su. Better Terminal Emulator has a check box to always start in root.
Open up your terminal emulator and type su if you are not rooted there. Then change directory to the linux file on the sd-card. run the sh file there.
Like this:
"cd /sdcard/linux"
If it works, the resulting dialog in terminal won't throw up any problems.
Get back to / on sd by typing in terminal:
"cd /"
You should then have a: / # prompt, which means you are still rooted.
Which should result in a: [email protected]:/#
This means Linux is running. Congratulations. It should continue to run unless you shut down your phone.
Download a VNC client, like Android VNC Viewer (free) or Remote VNC Pro, which I use. Add a new entry in it, with the following settings:
Host: localhost
Port: 5901
Password: cheesecake
Color: 24-bit
Name: Linux
When that's done save if you can or back out if you can't, and go back to your terminal emulator.
It should still say: [email protected]:/#
If it doesn't, fine, if it does, just go back to root prompt by typing:
Which should get you: / #. Then type:
"linux vnc"
Which should run itself and mount the chroot environment. It should tell you your new 'X' desktop is localhost:1, and have a: / # prompt again.
It might also ask you for a password, if so then put whatever password you'll remember in that's longer than 6 characters and verify it. This only happens once.
Go back to your VNC client and if you entered a password in step 8. then edit your listing to your password instead of cheesecake, if not then don't.
Click on the Linux link and BAM! (shameless Emerilism), you're at your Linux desktop which should be running a iceWM desktop interface, which is fast. The LXDE desktop is nicer and if you want that then go into you're terminal and get into the linux shell by typing:
And then switch to LXDE by typing:
"apt-get autoremove icewm- lxde+"
Which will run through the removal/ installation, and verify you want to download the <400mb files. Type:
And give it time to finish. When finished, just go back to your VNC client and hit Linux again, and you will have a nice looking functional desktop, with a cpu load graph on the bottom. I tried using Gnome desktop and Unity 2d, but both of these would install and not fully run with all options. They are heavier and slower, but cool non-the-less. Let me know if anyone has luck with these on Android.
You only have to type "linux vnc" once in terminal to start linux every time you boot your phone. Otherwise, just open your VNC client and click on Linux to use it. Easy!
You will want to update and upgrade your linux after install, do so by typing in terminal:
"apt-get update"
"apt-get upgrade"
Also, you might run across a problem if you try to add-apt-repository, that's because that python command is not present. To use it, enable by typing:
"apt-get install python-software-properties"
Also of note, the downloadable linux builds are sized to about 2.15gig on your sd, which is big enough for most. There is a way to resize them which I tried but it gave me trouble in loading. I will try again and see if I can get it to work.
Here's the link from Dangermouse:
Thanks to Nerd65536 for the info, write-up and files. He fixed my problem.
You might want to put quote or code tags around all the commands to make them easier to see and read, but good guide! I'll try it out soon since I haven't gotten any linux build to run on my phone in a good while.
Thanks for the post!
I wrote the post noob-style to make it easy for beginners to follow, as I've had to search and test forever to find information that works.
Let me know if you have any problems, I'd be happy to assist. Don't expect you'll have any issues with your knowledge of the os. It works pretty well on the Android system, fun to use.
wasn't this posted ages ago?
No, it's a bleed over from a question post I made under Q&A a week or so ago. I threaded this because I had such a hard time finding a thread with working steps for the Galaxy S under google search. There's not that much new from this post by Nerd65536 (which took me forever to find and was the only one that worked). Other than that, just a few of my own thoughts and hints on the process.
krylon360 said:
wasn't this posted ages ago?
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meant to quote not thanks, but anyways, to answer.
There has been a few times this has been posted, but its been many months and this seems like the first the issues have been sorted.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using Tapatalk
Ok, a little more use of Linux builds on my phone and I'm starting to understand why it does or does not work.
Certain kernel builds seem to work well, others not at all. Most of the kernel's I've tried have been problematic, and trying to install the .sh file will fail.
When you install your new kernel (or on your existing one) you need to open your Superuser app which should be there if your phone is rooted. There is a button to update binaries, and they need to be updated. Some builds don't seem to let this work easily and give failure notifications.
Make sure Outside Sources is enabled and USB debugging is too, both are in the settings menu.
Use BusyBox installer to install in both the .bin and .xbin directories, this will not cause any conflicts (or hasn't yet . If this gives you an error, and it will if Superuser did, then either usb debugging has not been selected or the kernel is not playing nice.
Ok, so this kernel by RaverX3X will work for linux, I'm on it now:
(Thanks for this)
Oh yeah, and Back|Track5 Linux is working too
Fixing the packet injection for the Broadcom now.
sconsylman said:
Oh yeah, and Back|Track5 Linux is working too
Fixing the packet injection for the Broadcom now.
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. Keep us posted on that. Should be pretty handy.
Wait. why do we need LInux to run on our phone?
Can someone explain?
Android doesn't come with most of what this has:
I know, but why do we need it?
Enlighten me
airfluip1 said:
Wait. why do we need LInux to run on our phone?
Can someone explain?
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I've seen this comment on every single thread online regarding Linux on Android. It's a joke right?

[question] adb / ubuntu shell scripting

so before i start i apologize if im just being lazy but if i have posted this somehow "wrong" or whatever i probally messed up but hey!
ok. to whom it may have answers,
first of all. i realize what i am asking is a "easySBF" but i would like to learn and write my own shell script that will do these steps.
(since this is just for me, my "required files" will be located for sure. and some of the script i got, its just some i dont)
1) adb shell ln -s /data/local.prop /data/preinstall_md5/magic.md5
2) i suppose this would require a "pause?" or whatever until it was ready to throw the next command at it?
3) sbf a custom preinstall image (sbf -r --preinstall dx.img 621.sbf)
4) have it wait for the boot after the flash is done? then reboot the phone one more time?
5) then if possible i want it to "adb shell" and check for a root prompt (# not $) ?
6) if it returns "#" (root) it would then go onto installing superuser files? if its "$" (not root) have it (if possible a countdown timer of like 10 seconds?) ask if i want to try again with another reboot or something. the timer would automatically send it into a reboot | return to #5
7) from here i have to send 6 more adb shell/push commands (dont know if i need to allow a "pause" or something between the commands to insure a working command?"
then if all goes well it would say something lame of course but ya.
i hope i am asking this in a readable way, if ive confused you (probally) then blame my upbringing or lack of concern for the english language
but if you can help then uhm. good looking out and either post it or pm me (makes it easier actually for me but anything is better than nuttin)
thank you in advance
"i die alot"

