[Q] CyanogenMod and encryption (phone switches off after entering password) - Moto G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I installed a few of the latest CyanogenMod 11 nightlys and tried to encrypt the phone. There is no error message. The problem that I have is after I enter the decryption password when the phone starts up, a green android robot appears for a second before the phone switches off.
Has anyone else had this problem, or know how to resolve it? I am using CWM and am rooted.

I can confirm this behavior. On my XT1034 using Cyanogenmod 11.0 M5 I experienced the same results as Dark Darth. I used TWRP for the test. This bug is not listed in the "known issues" page for the ROM: "Known_Issues_page_for_falcon"
Here are some others who have had the same problem: "88973-moto-g-cm11-encryption-failed"
(Sorry, I can't post outside links. Just do a search for the quoted terms above to get the pages I'm referencing.)
How are bug reports filed? Is dhacker29 aware of this issue?
As far as I know there is no way to get encryption working on Cyanogenmod on the Moto G at the moment.

I already filed a bug for this with CyanogenMod devs: CYAN-4532. Please consider voting for this issue so it gets more visible - just google the Bug ID.
The bug report got assigned to dhacker29, so I guess he should already know about it.


[Q] [Help] Autorotate and wifi issues

Hi there.
I have an issue with auto-rotation and wifi.
I'm running an Asus tf 101, currently running CM. Technical details at the end of the post.
My issue is that autorotate is no longer working on CM, which led me to try upgrading to the latest CM, but when I tried a clean install (wiped cache, wiped data, wiped davlik) neither the autorotate nor the wifi worked.
Restoring my previous backup worked, and I returned to the situation which had wifi working, but no autorotate.
My poor searching skills found issues with the latest ROMs and autorotate, but I couldn't find any mention of autorotate which failed.
I suspect that with my messing about with ROMs & Kernels I might have messed things up, potentially corrupting the Kernel that I've been using.
[UPDATE] to eliminate sensor failure I installed a sensor app which indicates that the tf101 is successfully getting the orientation information.
[Q] Where is the best place to go to learn how Kernels & ROMs interact that I might learn how to fix whatever my mistake was?
[Q] Has anyone else encountered this? Does it sound like something fixable?
If I am in the wrong place, I would love a nudge in the direction of the appropriate forum.
Thank you.
Android Version: 4/1/2
Kernel version 2/6/39/4-kat-gae9f1bb
[email protected] #56
Sun Nov 11 19:08:06 CET 2012
CyanogenMod Version
I can sort you out with a build date and number as well if it would be useful.
It's pretty hard to troubleshoot. I had the same problem so I moved away from CM10 and went with Team EOS' 4.2.1 (see my sig).
But from what I could gather through months of playing around, this sort of stuff happens when you upgrade from another version and "something goes wrong". It doesn't mean that your new updated rom won't work, but you may get unexpected results. How did you do your rom install process, and from which rom/version?
You could install a logcat or manually tail -f the log files then trigger the autorotate with an app, then see what happens in the logs then report back. Otherwise all I can suggest is to get your post count to 10 and post in that rom's thread to get further help.
Lethe6 said:
It's pretty hard to troubleshoot. I had the same problem so I moved away from CM10 and went with Team EOS' 4.2.1 (see my sig).
But from what I could gather through months of playing around, this sort of stuff happens when you upgrade from another version and "something goes wrong". It doesn't mean that your new updated rom won't work, but you may get unexpected results. How did you do your rom install process, and from which rom/version?
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Was the problem fixed when you went to Team EOS?
I have been messing with the ROM, and at one point while downgrading to 9.1 the screen was stuck on the loading image for more than two hours, so I turned off and restored from backup, that might well have done something.
I'll look around for a logcat to install....
Thank you very much.
You can also try this:
- Turn off the device completely
- adb logcat (see this for more details)
- Boot the device
You'll get all the logs printed in adb so you can check for errors. Yes the problem was solved with Team EOS' rom. I get perfect wifi signal and auto-rotate works nicely, my only "problem" is that if it goes to sleep it doesn't detect the dock SD card until I reboot, but I can live with that!
Edit: Dock SD card issue fixed with Preview B128.
In the end I also moved to Team EOS, there are a few little quirks, but nothing I can't live without at this stage. Also my video playback has become significanly better.
Thank you for your help!
maybe software auto rotation can fix your problem
search on playstore....

FreedomPop Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE xt897c, want help with Cyanogenmod

Hi xdadevelopers,
I ordered a Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE (xt897c) phone from FreedomPop for $25 and 28 days later it has arrived. My experience with FreedomPop has been decidedly mixed. Lots of hassle from customer service combined with a product that is sometimes very useful and always cheap. (Unless you use over 2GB of data per month) The phone itself seems very adequate for an excellent price. I would like your assistance in putting Cyanogenmod or another appropriate ROM on it.
Here's where I am,
The phone appears to have been rooted out of the box according to "Root Checker Basic" from Google Play
I installed "Superuser" from Google Play and that seems to work correctly
Busybox seems to be present already according to "Online Nandroid" from Google Play
I have created a TWRP Backup using Online Nandroid without modifying the recovery
The phone currently has Android 4.1.2
Where I want to be
I want to install a custom recovery, preferably one I can make backups from
I want to update to a more recent version of Android such as the stable one found here DUCK RULES cyanogenmod bot org /?device=xt897c or another version where everything just works
Notes. I have ADB and Fastboot installed from "Android Studio". I have an appropriate USB cable. I do not have a microsdhc card right now. It appears "Sandisk 64GB Extreme Micro SD (SDXC) Card + Adapter 60MB/s Class 10 U3 UHS-1" at DUCK RULES amazon bot com /gp/product/B00N98QLRQ is a good choice for a good price. I have this on order and should have it within the week.
I understand this phone has a locked bootloader. The "Messaging" app from FreedomPop available in Google Play seems to control messaging and the phone dialer. I went to the official Motorola Bootloader unlock page DUCK RULES motorola-global-portal bot custhelp bot com /cc/cas/sso/redirect/standalone%2Fbootloader%2Funlock-your-device-b I booted into recover with Power and volume up and volume down held, selected fastboot, connected to the computer , ran fastboot, as described, got the code, put the code in the webpage as described, and got a blank page. This happened 2x, with no emails form Motorola. I tried a third time 6 hours later, and it loaded a page with more instructions and I had the bootloader unlock code in my email instantly (There were no preceding messages, they didn't go to spam or somewhere else). I have installed TWRP Manager by Jmz software from Google Play. The standard reboot method doesn't work I changed the settings to "Reboot using an alternate method". I attempted to the TWRP recovery with the "Install TWRP". One must select their device and the closest thing to mine was "Motorola Photon 4G" codename "sunfire". This didn't appear to be it exactly but there wasn't a better choice. The next line down says "custom recovery not installed or detected". Then I selected the recovery version to install "" "openrecovery-twrp- appeared the most recent, then I attempted to "Install Recovery" The phone downloaded the image, and said "Ensure the partition listed below is the correct one for your device..." "/dev/block/mmcblk0p10" how do I know if that's correct or not? I said yes to the question and went ahead, the phone rebooted to an Android on it's side with a yellow triangular sign with an exclamation point above it. Thirty seconds later the phone rebooted normally and everything worked no custom recovery was flashed.
Also thanks to the xdadevelopers community for your past and future efforts. I threw in my lot with Android when the neXus One launched after watching the keynote, buying it full price and paying extra for next day air shipping. I stayed stock despite the cool stuff being done by the development community until Google fell behind in updates. Then I started with CM6 and later went to CM7. That was wonderful software, thanks everyone who was involved in that. Unfortunately way late in the life of my phone I was homeless and got robbed for it. I got a used HTC HD7 Windows Phone for free from a friend. It was great for movies and music with a great screen and touch sensor but it was very early in the life of the new Windows Phone and there wasn't a lot of quality software being developed. That, and it just wasn't Android, and I longed for freedom. The integrated Web browser IE 9 variant sucked, and T-mobile denied me the final Windows Phone 7 update. The phone has gotten less and less useful as time went by though it always sucked for web browsing. This fall I got a One Plus One, it made a wonderful Wifi phablet, but when I tried to use it as a phone I found the radio was severely deficient in range, possibly due to defective manufacture as it got better range in colder weather. I had to initiate a chargeback with my credit card company to get support to talk to me and then ultimately get a refund. That's how I got where I am now and this is the first time I've needed to register for an account here. Thanks again xdadevelopers.
What is the best way to proceed? Semi detailed logical instructions please, as while I am intelligent and not a noob, I have been out of the game since CM7
.. ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
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Holy wall of text. This seems to be the crux:
Aslan_ said:
I have installed TWRP Manager by Jmz software from Google Play. The standard reboot method doesn't work I changed the settings to "Reboot using an alternate method". I attempted to the TWRP recovery with the "Install TWRP". One must select their device and the closest thing to mine was "Motorola Photon 4G" codename "sunfire". This didn't appear to be it exactly but there wasn't a better choice. The next line down says "custom recovery not installed or detected". Then I selected the recovery version to install "" "openrecovery-twrp- appeared the most recent, then I attempted to "Install Recovery" The phone downloaded the image, and said "Ensure the partition listed below is the correct one for your device..." "/dev/block/mmcblk0p10" how do I know if that's correct or not? I said yes to the question and went ahead, the phone rebooted to an Android on it's side with a yellow triangular sign with an exclamation point above it. Thirty seconds later the phone rebooted normally and everything worked no custom recovery was flashed.
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Why would you flash something that is OBVIOUSLY not for your device!? I sincerely hope it did nothing because you could do some permanent damage to your device by flashing stuff that's not made for it.
Did you bother looking for any recovery threads? Say my TWRP thread?
I recommend in that thread, which is fine for CM11. If you want CM12, grab in that thread.
Flash it per my directions using fastboot in my TWRP thread.
Got it thanks, now which rom?
Thank you very much arrrghhh. First off I sucessfully flashed TWRP I did see the "[recovery] TWRP" thread, but it was from 2012 and it's 2015 now, plus it was 25 pages. Now I do see that the initial post was last edited 23rd July 2014, so that's better, but that's still over six months ago, so I'd have asked the question anyway having seen that. Several things to note, GooManager has been retired since the new cdn for goo.im was implemented, so that should be removed from the post. I like apps, they make me feel like there's less risk in my actions, though after some poking around I see it's probably the opposite. People are doing so much more low level stuff in apps compared to CM7 it's amazing.
arrrghhh said:
I recommend in that thread, which is fine for CM11. If you want CM12, grab in that thread.
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It would be nice to see that info in the thread. that the newer version is recommended for CM12 and where to get it, that would show you're on top of the latest changes not to mention make the thread even more useful. Perhaps include the reason for stopping at, the SELinux split. Seeing a new version that works always makes me want to get the newer version, but in this case there's a good reason not too.
I'm always hated vague it's broken posts that don't adequately describe the problem, the hardware used and the environment, so I head in the opposite direction with mine.
Next question is which rom should I choose? I want something stable and secure with everything or just about everything working. I like Cyanogen Mod, but I'm open to other things. As new as I can get, but stable. I thought I needed something from download bod cyanogenmod bot org /?device=xt897c , but now looking around it looks like I might be able to use other sources like download bot cyanogenmod bot org /?device=xt897 I'm not sure though. Again I have the Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE which is CDMA, from FreedomPop running on the Sprint Network.
.. ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
.. `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`)
.. (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'
.. _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
.. (il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'
Aslan_ said:
Thank you very much arrrghhh. First off I sucessfully flashed TWRP I did see the "[recovery] TWRP" thread, but it was from 2012 and it's 2015 now, plus it was 25 pages. Now I do see that the initial post was last edited 23rd July 2014, so that's better, but that's still over six months ago, so I'd have asked the question anyway having seen that. Several things to note, GooManager has been retired since the new cdn for goo.im was implemented, so that should be removed from the post.
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I no longer use this as my primary device, so my threads are basically stagnant. fastboot always works, where apps come and go... I'll try to find some time to adjust the post.
Aslan_ said:
It would be nice to see that info in the thread. that the newer version is recommended for CM12 and where to get it, that would show you're on top of the latest changes not to mention make the thread even more useful. Perhaps include the reason for stopping at, the SELinux split. Seeing a new version that works always makes me want to get the newer version, but in this case there's a good reason not too.
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Reason for stopping at was they implemented MTP in 2.8.x, and I could never get it working right for both Win & Lin. I spose my bar was too high and I should've just released it, but I hate releasing half working stuff. It was a new feature that didn't work right.
Again, this is no longer my primary device so I'm not working on it very much at all. I have to pry the thing from my roommate's hands to even play with it, I haven't flashed CM12 yet (because it's no longer my device really).
I'd like to update the official TWRP, but in the meantime the CM maintainer has taken care of updating it so F2FS can be utilized.
Aslan_ said:
Next question is which rom should I choose? I want something stable and secure with everything or just about everything working. I like Cyanogen Mod, but I'm open to other things. As new as I can get, but stable. I thought I needed something from download bod cyanogenmod bot org /?device=xt897c , but now looking around it looks like I might be able to use other sources like download bot cyanogenmod bot org /?device=xt897 I'm not sure though. Again I have the Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE which is CDMA, from FreedomPop running on the Sprint Network.
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Well obviously some of that does go down to choice - if you want CM, it is a little confusing. The device started out in CM10 as its own device, xt897 for GSM xt897c for CDMA. Then in CM11 they merged the devices into moto_msm8960. Of course they had to split again when the new bootloaders were released for the other moto_msm8960's (Razr HD, Atrix HD, etc) and moto_msm8960_jbbl was kind of a stopgap device at the end of CM11. Again, reading is your friend here although I realize all of that history is hard to glean. At least read the OP of the CM thread:
kabaldan said:
Please note:
In CM12, the Motorola 2012 msm8960 device line has been de-unified again, so moto_msm8960/moto_msm8960_jbbl builds are dead from now on.
Please check the xt897 device link for new Photon Q builds.
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Good luck. The device is now semi-unified (GSM & CDMA), as xt897.
Aslan_ said:
[*]I have created a TWRP Backup using Online Nandroid without modifying the recovery
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Would you mind terribly to share this? My device shipped with a Sprint branded ROM and I'd like a proper backup.
I flashed CM 12.1 and lost data (3g/LTE) connection
I tried to flash FreedomPOP APN fix but it did not help
Anyone knows how to fix this?
How do I update PRL/Profile on CM 12.1?
turbozapekanka said:
I flashed CM 12.1 and lost data (3g/LTE) connection
I tried to flash FreedomPOP APN fix but it did not help
Anyone knows how to fix this?
How do I update PRL/Profile on CM 12.1?
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You don't update PRL/Profile in CM, you do that on the stock ROM. Make sure EVERYTHING works on stock before flashing CM.
I found another APN fix and it worked.
So the result of the update PRL/Profile is stored somewhere in the phone and does not get lost when I flash a new ROM, is that correct?
The only way to update PRL/Profile is to flash back to stock, do update, reflash back to custom, right?
turbozapekanka said:
I found another APN fix and it worked.
So the result of the update PRL/Profile is stored somewhere in the phone and does not get lost when I flash a new ROM, is that correct?
The only way to update PRL/Profile is to flash back to stock, do update, reflash back to custom, right?
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turbozapekanka said:
I found another APN fix and it worked.
So the result of the update PRL/Profile is stored somewhere in the phone and does not get lost when I flash a new ROM, is that correct?
The only way to update PRL/Profile is to flash back to stock, do update, reflash back to custom, right?
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Can you share this "another APN fix"?
already shared here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=60153295&postcount=18
Anyone still have issues? I was running a June Nightly and it was working somewhat. It would randomly lose connection and I would have to flash the APN.zip. It happened again a few days ago and I decided to go up to 722 Nightly and now I haven't been able to connect. When I go to APNs the list is empty and even if I manually add one it does not seem to stick. The APN zip doesn't help either. The phone is connected but shows an exclamation mark next to the signal and I have no data.
Sort of solved my own problem
Flashed back to stock Spring using RSD lite and a modified XML that didn't flash the system.img since it kept giving me errors. Found a stock TWRP dump on the forums and flashed that. Updated PRL and Profile, reflahsed back to CM11 Snapshot and flashed the 2015 FreedomPOP APN fix. Working for 1 day now.

Moto G will not stay turned off

Hi guys
I have CM11 installed, the problem I have is when is power off the Moto G, it automatically restarts. I want to be able to keep it off to charge quicker.
Any ideas?
bigmaz said:
Hi guys
I have CM11 installed, the problem I have is when is power off the Moto G, it automatically restarts. I want to be able to keep it off to charge quicker.
Any ideas?
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Which CM11 build are you using? i built one my self with latest sources and i got the same problem, it's probably due to a specific commit we've probably already identified, (i tried to fix it wit the help of Alberto97 and i failed, more or less, is that i tried to use Lollipop kernel on CM11 to avoid the screen flickering, i got a black screen instead of the automatically restart because of the updated kernel), anyway i just dropped it, the only reason i've tried to get a fully working CM11 was a bug with Motorola update 5.X (yes, stock ROM has that bug too and we get RIL binaries/libraries from it) and my provider only (H3G ITA), when making a call, it doesn't show the number that i called in the recent calls, but it shows "private number" instead.
I've recently received a good offer by a different provider, so i don't longer need to back to KitKat.
Here is the build info. Thanks


1. Encryption is broken
KERNEL SOURCE: https://github.com/omnirom/android_kernel_sony_msm8952/tree/android-7.1
No one is responsible for any damage done to your device but YOU. You've been warned.
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM][XC][N][7.1][WEEKLY]OmniROM, ROM for the Sony Xperia X Compact
Source Code: https://github.com/omnirom
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2017-03-06
Last Updated 2017-06-11
New WEEKLY build released. This build contains rootless theme support through substratum (downloadable from the playstore)
The issues posted in op are still present?
yes they are, those issues mainly relate to sonyxperiadev project, which is the base of the bring-up of Xperia X Compact on omni.
The issues need to be resolved there, then they will also be resolved for omni
oshmoun said:
1. Incall speaker volume is not controllable
2. Slight incall echo on receiving side
3. Double tap to wake doesn't work
KERNEL SOURCE: https://github.com/omnirom/android_kernel_sony_msm/tree/android-7.1
No one is responsible for any damage done to your device but YOU. You've been warned.
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM][XC][N][7.1][WEEKLY]OmniROM, ROM for the Sony Xperia X Compact
Source Code: https://github.com/omnirom
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2017-03-06
Last Updated 2017-03-06
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screenshot Please
eymentuna said:
screenshot Please
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Ok i will add some screenshots when possible, but please don't quote the first post next time
Flashed your rom yesterday. I got the same problem as with the aosp rom, my x compact frequently loses mobile network connection. Today I had no connection for several hours. Had to reboot 4 times to gain network connection. Though I don't know if the restarts fixed it. Plus I often only have hspa or 3g connection, this is strange. This doesn't happen on 7.0 or earlier ROMs.
Micka84 said:
Flashed your rom yesterday. I got the same problem as with the aosp rom, my x compact frequently loses mobile network connection. Today I had no connection for several hours. Had to reboot 4 times to gain network connection. Though I don't know if the restarts fixed it. Plus I often only have hspa or 3g connection, this is strange. This doesn't happen on 7.0 or earlier ROMs.
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Maybe you have your APN settings setup incorrectly?
Other than that, this rom does not replace the modem partition so that should be the same as on stock. Not sure where your issue would come from if not from APN
Thank you I will take a look at the apn settings (didn't ever change anything there though)
flashed your ROM but i find that the two big cores frequently turned off which is causing lags
it might be something wrong with the interactive governor I guess
jeremy.wang said:
flashed your ROM but i find that the two big cores frequently turned off which is causing lags
it might be something wrong with the interactive governor I guess
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That doesn't seem wrong. The big cores will only go online if they're needed. They stay offline most of the time. That still shouldn't cause stuttering though.
Just checked here and big cores go online on high cpu loads as expected.
Is F2FS supported? I didn't see it listed anywhere and the changelog link in the op just loads the Omni homepage.
TadMSTR said:
Is F2FS supported? I didn't see it listed anywhere and the changelog link in the op just loads the Omni homepage.
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F2fs is not supported, because fstab is explicitly requiring ext4 partitions.
oshmoun said:
F2fs is not supported, because fstab is explicitly requiring ext4 partitions.
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Is F2FS something you could add without too much difficulty? I use it with some Nexus 7 2012 and Asus TF201 tablets and it appears to make a difference. Not sure how noticeable it would be on the XC though. I completely understand if adding F2FS support is not something you want to focus your time on.
Thanks for your work on this rom. I get my XC in the mail tomorrow and I'll be loading Omni pretty soon after.
TadMSTR said:
Is F2FS something you could add without too much difficulty? I use it with some Nexus 7 2012 and Asus TF201 tablets and it appears to make a difference. Not sure how noticeable it would be on the XC though. I completely understand if adding F2FS support is not something you want to focus your time on.
Thanks for your work on this rom. I get my XC in the mail tomorrow and I'll be loading Omni pretty soon after.
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Honestly i haven't checked if it's feasible or not. Main issue is that this is my daily driver so i can't experiment with it to such levels.
I'd suggest you setup your device on omni, then maybe i can upload a custom build with f2fs support for you to build. Assuming f2fs is possible on XC of course, which is something I'll check soon
Got Omni loaded and was trying out encryption. It kept boot looping. On one of the loops I briefly saw the Omni logo. All the other times just the Sony boot screen, the LED would light blue/purple then turn red as the phone restarted. I know setting up encryption will cause several reboots but this didn't seem to be working correctly. Does Omni on the XC support encryption currently?
TadMSTR said:
Got Omni loaded and was trying out encryption. It kept boot looping. On one of the loops I briefly saw the Omni logo. All the other times just the Sony boot screen, the LED would light blue/purple then turn red as the phone restarted. I know setting up encryption will cause several reboots but this didn't seem to be working correctly. Does Omni on the XC support encryption currently?
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Hmmm, haven't tested encryption.
Can you try booting to twrp to see if that at least works? That way we know the issue does not lie in the kernel
oshmoun said:
Hmmm, haven't tested encryption.
Can you try booting to twrp to see if that at least works? That way we know the issue does not lie in the kernel
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Yea twrp works. Had to go into recovery to restore my backup. It appears the encryption process did start as the first restore had the boot loops. It was only after I formatted the data partition that the restore worked and I could boot back into Omni without issue. I do have Magisk installed for systemless root so not sure if that is part of the problem. The next time I try I'll remove Magisk first.
Update: Did some searching and it looks like Magisk might be the cause. Some people have reported that encrypting the device before putting Magisk on works.
Update 2: Did a clean install of Omni after formatting all partitions. Still getting the boot loops so Magisk wasn't the cause. Some boots only have the Sony logo. Other timers the Omni logo does appear but then it restarts.
TadMSTR said:
Yea twrp works. Had to go into recovery to restore my backup. It appears the encryption process did start as the first restore had the boot loops. It was only after I formatted the data partition that the restore worked and I could boot back into Omni without issue. I do have Magisk installed for systemless root so not sure if that is part of the problem. The next time I try I'll remove Magisk first.
Update: Did some searching and it looks like Magisk might be the cause. Some people have reported that encrypting the device before putting Magisk on works.
Update 2: Did a clean install of Omni after formatting all partitions. Still getting the boot loops so Magisk wasn't the cause. Some boots only have the Sony logo. Other timers the Omni logo does appear but then it restarts.
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Please do the following:
1. Boot up device after trying to encrypt
2. After device crashes at start and reboots, directly boot up twrp with volume buttons
3. Using adb, get all files under/sys/fs/pstore and upload
I hope they was understandable, and thanks for investing time in this

[SOLVED]Problems with LineageOS 16 - Charging, configuration and gmail

I have just installed LineageOS 16 on my phone after I thought it crashed.
Waas the volumebutton that got stuck. Had LineageOS 15.1 before.
Now to the things I need help with
1. When I used version 15.1 I had to use a custom kernel to even be able to charge the phone when it's on.
it's the same problem here. Is there any custom kernel for version 16? [Seems to be SOLVED]
2. Preparing setup wont finish after installing gapps. Just says: "Preparing for setup... You can finish seeting up your a0001 soon. [SOLVED]
3. Gmail wont sync so I cant see my messages. [SOLVED]
I hope someone can help me with this three problems.
Sorry if it has been asked before.
Problem two and three did I solve by reinstalling LineageOS and using opengapps instead of mindthegapps.
But I do still need help with the charging problem.
It seems that the charching problem got solved after the latest nightly build update.
I hope it stays that way.
So everything seems to have been solved.

