[Q] SOT <<< Awake Time - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I flashed a new ROM a few days ago (had Cataclysm before, now I'm on Mahdi ROM) and now I'm experiencing much more wakelocks than before, despite of using the same kernel (Franco test34) and the same router (with same settings).
All I read about the wlan_rx_wake wakelock was modifying router settings or changing anything responsible for connecting the phone to the network. But I didn't do anything like that on Cataclysm ROM and didn't have as much wakelocks as I do have now.. any advice what to do?
Thanks in advance for any replies
P.S.: Everything else on my phone is set up the same as before, regarding ART, bionic patch, vomer-settings and so on..

Try a static IP address. Just because a ROM didn't need the settings, doesn't mean another ROM doesn't

Thank you.. I will try that and report back

Also, make sure that "Scanning always available" is not ticked in Wi-Fi advanced settings.

That's deactivated.. one of the first things I've done after flashing the new ROM
Wi-Fi was connected all the time anyway.. so this can't be the problem.
After setting a static IP I still face many wakelocks concerning "wlan_rx_wake".. maybe I'll turn Wi-Fi off as long as I'm not using it, will be the easiest way to deal with it.
Thanks for your replies


[Q] Wi-fi Sleeping Problems

I'm running the Onecosmic RC3 rom (SGS)now. I always have my wifi on. But when I don't use my phone for like ten minutes, the wifi turns grey in the notification area.
I saw that some people are having the same problem, but since I'm a new member, I'm not allowed to react within the forum of the RC3.1 forum.
My wifi 'sleep' setting is set to never, I've wiped all data before, but it doesn't solve the problem.
Can anyone help me, it's very anoying, because i can't get any mails or other messages when I haven't turn my phone off for 10 minutes. Only turning wifi off and on seems to give me a connection again.
with kind regards
Try this app:
Make it aquire a PARTIAL WAKE LOCK and see if that fixes your problem.
It will prevent the cpu from going into a deep sleep and disconnecting the wifi.
Thank u , i try this,
I'll report back
btw. doesn't this drain battery ?
Everything "drains" battery.
You can either have wifi and additional battery drain or no wifi and no additional drain.
Okay I'm back.
I'd have replied earlier, but there was an outage, and for some reason I happy about that.
Because of the fact that found out that it doesn't solve my problem enteirly. When I'm at home than yeah it does. But the moment I go to another location with wifi ( e.g. work or school ) it goes gray again. ( fyi i never turn down my wifi, and i'm not intent to do so )
Well then obviously you didnt setup the connection correctly to work with the other wifi?
Password?IP?Mac adress allowed?
I did set them up good... how I know i'm sure ? If I switch wifi off and on again, I have a proper connexion
Are you using some kind of app like wifi static to switch between dynamic IP on one wifi and static one on the other?
no no no, nothing like that. When i was on a stock rom ( 2.3.3 ) I never had this problem. That's why my first suggestion was the rom. But I can't post in the rc3.1 forum , and when others with the same problem ask things, they don't get a respons.
btw I'm in my battery status overview, and the app ( wake lock ) usses 55%, is that okay ?
the android-operating system is only like 6-7%, where this was higher before.
oh, and thanks for your time helping me
The app prevents the cpu from sleeping (as that is what a wakelock does), thus the device never fully sleeps and uses battery.
As the app has aquired the wakelock, android shows it as the cause.
Nothing wrong there.
I used the app for a couple of days now and it doesnt resolve the problem
more suggestions ?

[Q] Wifi Connection Problems on every custom ROM

Hey Guys, i have connection problems on Dirty Unicorns and PA, didn't try other ones. On Stock everything works fine.
When i try to connect to my Wifi, it always gets stuck on authenticating.. and nothing happens, but on stock rom i can connect to my Wifi. The problem occurs just on my home Wifi, other networks have no problems. I already searched the web but i haven't found anything useful, and the configuration of my router is okay. Tried different passwords, securities, tried without password.. but had no luck. In the past it helped to set the wifi country code to Germany but also this doesn't work.
Hope you can help me!
Use a static IP setting. AOSP for this phone still has issues resolving security protocalls.
post #7 helps.
Thanks, everthing working now! Could have had this idea before creating this post
bukithd said:
Use a static IP setting. AOSP for this phone still has issues resolving security protocalls.
post #7 helps.
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Yes, static IP fixes the loop, but in my own experience when screen is off you loose the connection and it take some seconds to re-connect after you turn on the screen.
The problem is on CM kernel and as other ROM (like PA) uses it you'll have problem on them too. It only happens on some networks though.
It started since interviglium updated the prima driver (almost 2 months ago), but as he doesn't have the bug on his networks he can't debug and fix it.
I decided to build PA but with Gummy kernel which is more stable and doesn't have this bug.
If you want taste it look at my signature.
I will give it a try :good:

[Q] Removing saved wifi networks

I have an N5 on 4.4.4, stock rom, franco kernel, xposed installed. just so you have a baseline.
I have this one major problem with it that I've been trying to sort out for... a long time, and nothing seems to work.
I can't make it forget wifi networks.
At all.
I longpress, click forget network, and then a minute later, it will reconnect to it again.
I have 4 different wifi networks this happens with now, which is massively annoying.
I've tried everything suggested by google, such as removing them when they're not in range, etc, and nothing works.
Does anyone know of maybe some config file i can manually wipe them from, or some app that will let me be rid of this blight?
thanks in advance
file you're asking - /data/misc/wifi/wpa_suplicant.conf - (that's in lollipop, but don't think it will different in KK )

Dropping WiFi during deep sleep, "net_scheduler" wakelock

My phone seems to be dropping the WiFi signal overnight. I noticed this because right after waking it up in the morning, the emails are getting synced.
There is also a high wakelock time for "net_scheduler", which I suspect has something to do with it.
I had no such problems running lollipop.
Any ideas how I could solve this?
I am using android 6 stock rooted with elementalx kernel.
Lownita said:
My phone seems to be dropping the WiFi signal overnight. I noticed this because right after waking it up in the morning, the emails are getting synced.
There is also a high wakelock time for "net_scheduler", which I suspect has something to do with it.
I had no such problems running lollipop.
Any ideas how I could solve this?
I am using android 6 stock rooted with elementalx kernel.
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I'm having this issue as well.
I had it with stock kernel and stock 6.0 as well as EX kernel and 6.0 cataclysm rom.
Did you ever isolate the issue? I'm spending too much time on this.. If I can't figure it out, I'm going to have to get a new phone since this sometimes happens at work, where I don't get calendar reminders for meetings and miss work emails.
Lownita said:
My phone seems to be dropping the WiFi signal overnight. I noticed this because right after waking it up in the morning, the emails are getting synced.
There is also a high wakelock time for "net_scheduler", which I suspect has something to do with it.
I had no such problems running lollipop.
Any ideas how I could solve this?
I am using android 6 stock rooted with elementalx kernel.
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That sounds like a Doze issue. You can configure certain apps to ignore it. The wifi dropping issue can be router/firmware related. For instance, on my RT-N66u, that would happen all the time with Tomato, but never with stock/Merlin firmware.
Aerowinder said:
That sounds like a Doze issue. You can configure certain apps to ignore it. The wifi dropping issue can be router/firmware related. For instance, on my RT-N66u, that would happen all the time with Tomato, but never with stock/Merlin firmware.
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I've configured every app to not be battery optimized prior without success. I also have an RT-N66U with Merlin, but this issue also happens at work. Also tried manually settings the frequency (which sucks because I use 5 at home and 2.4 at work.. so back and fourth)
I've noticed it will not automatically reconnect to a WLAN while the device's screen is off and locked after leaving it's proximity. For example, at work we have Cisco WAPs everywhere broadcasting the same SSID with the same settings. If I leave range of one, I do not reconnect to another unless I unlock my phone. Same goes with leaving my house, it will not reconnect when I get home unless I unlock my phone.
Issues here are very similar to mine. code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=190667&q=bluetooth&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars
I'm going to try some AOSP roms here soon.
I appreciate your input, this issue seems to have been going on for some for a while with google fixing it.
I'm going to have to buy a new phone since I use this for work and need to get emails in real time. I'm afraid to get a Nexus 5x and get the same issue or other wifi problems.

OPO connects to WiFi, but no internet?

Hi all, thanks in advance for your help and comments.
I am running the latest cyanogen mod 13.0 snapshot. I just flashed it maybe 5 days ago and things seemed to be working just great. Today, I came home and when my phone connected to my WiFi network it said "Connected, No Internet." I tried connecting to another WiFi network that I have used, and got the same message. I know that the internet does work on the network because this laptop works, and other android devices I have are working too. I've tried disconnecting, reconnecting, rebooting, changing some settings. So far nothing has worked. Additionally, when I switch to LTE, it works sometimes, but stalls out quite a bit. Earlier today I was using LTE throughout the day with no problems. I'm pretty perplexed by this problem. Does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong? Thanks.
Did you clean flashed cm13 snapshot?
It could be an issue with the Wi-Fi channel frequencies; Try this fix, from Advanced WiFi settings make sure you have "Auto" selected under "Wi-Fi frequency band". Also, try creating a hotspot from your Laptop using your connection and see if the issue still persists. (For creating a hotspot you may use applications such as mhotspot etc.
Hope this helps.
Yeah it was a clean flash.
Thanks for the suggestions. I did switch between the 2 GHz, 5 GHz, and Auto options under the band settings. Never made a difference. I ended up clean flashing PA last night because I was getting so frustrated. WiFi works again, but the PA rom doesn't really have a lot of customization options. I'll have to try something else tonight I guess.
The weird thing about the WiFi issue was that it worked just fine for probably 4 days on the CM snapshot. I honestly don't know what could have changed. I didn't make any big changes to the ROM or anything.
Hmmm...i have the same problem about a week ago but i found out it got nothing to do with the rom but got a thing to do with the theme i used...it seems like the theme i use before doesn't work properly which prevent my wifi to work....i switched my theme and suddenly the wifi is working again....i'm not sure if this can help you but if you do use 3rd parties themes then i suggest you switched to default theme and try your wifi connection...

