I'm working on a Custom ROM that is going to be used for education in a pretty locked down setting. I don't want to allow bluetooth access on the devices, so I'm looking for a way to permanently disable bluetooth.
I was able to do this with wifi, by removing some *.ko module files, but need help doing the same for bluetooth.
Does anyone know what files I can remove to disable the bluetooth module?
Ok, I think I solved this. I added *.bak to the end of bluetooth.so and bluetoothhd.so. Also removed all bluetooth related apks, for good measure
Adding .bak to bluedroid.so caused problems booting, so avoid that one.
ok so i bought an att fuse and like everyone here mentioned about hang ups, weak signal, etc i thought i would just use my old external bluetooth gps unit.
so breifly here is the problem, it works fine when i use a single application like google maps. but when i try to put the information in the external gps app (start>settings>external gps) i have my problem.
under the hardware section, it states:
Specify the hardware port to which your GPS device is connected.
i do so click ok and nothing.. so i go back in to see whats wrong and the gps hardware port resets its self to "none". its as if the settings never save or reset them selves. i know on my old phone (tytn) this would be somthing i considered unusual (so i am kinda familar with the mobile) os.
i am not sure if there is somthing wrong with my handheld or if at&t has some kind of block?
anyway i tried to use the forum search and really didnt turn up any information so any help would be great i really like this phone.
thanks in advance to anyone that can help.
I've never had those settings stick on any of my WinMo phones.
You don't need to use that to use a BT GPS puck anyway, you set the COM port in the Bluetooth settings.
It won't let you make a selection from that drop-down because the GPS hardware does not function by exposing a COM port as with standard hardware, it exposes a GPS0: port, that is picked up by the GPS ID, and exposed to the system as COM4:..
Now because the GPSID has been replaced by HTC's version of it, it's designed to work only with their internal GPS. If you want support for an external GPS in the GPS ID, you need to cook the stock Windows Mobile driver back into the ROM..
That being said, you don't need the GPSID unless you plan to have multiple programs connecting to the GPS at once, so you should be able to squeek by..
thanks guys i knew i would get a respoce here. unfortunatly i was hoping for a easy solution to use external gps with multiple apps i see unfortunatly its not possible without alot of work.
at any rate i am still very hapy with the device i was debating on upgrading from the tytn amd so glad i did =)
Did you end up buying a OBD2 Wifi (not bluetooth) interface for your car, noticing android got some problems with ad-hoc connections and can't connect that easy, that you may have thought?
Well, if so, I'm at least not the only one
In my case I wanted to have a look at my engine stats etc. You might also be happy about checking the vin stored in the cars ecu with the one you got on paper, when buying a used car or else. Anyway I did not want those crappy bluetooth thing for some bucks. I wanted it to use wifi and also to be able to connect via usb to a laptop, if neccessary.
I got mine from eBay for about 80$. There is a bunch of these things avaible everywhere. I can't really tell you which one is better in which way. Most of them come out of china and are built pretty cheap, just like mine
BUT at least they work the way the should, once configured right.
IN GENERAL --> without any kind of workaround you shold keep in mind:
BT OBD2 is used for android devices. No Problem
WIFI OBD2 is usually used for iDevices, as they're not allowed to share BT with non-iDevices.
I didn't really make up my head about the second part, as I'm using android on every device I personally own.
Here's a tutorial on how I solved it anyway:
1. Buy yourself some OBD2 interface with wifi and the software you desire. Didn't test anything else but torque pro; no guarantee that other apps support these android-wifi-adhoc-obd-interface-workarounds
2. you need a rooted phone, in every possible case afaik.
3. Plug in your OBD interface and look, if you can see it in your wlan list.
In my case...I couldn't^^
If you see it jump to Number 4.4, if not, just keep on reading.
4. Getting my device, which is a HTC Sensation, with ARHD 6.6.7 - 4.0.3 ICS, connected to it required some effort:
4.1. I used a different wpa_Supplicant, to be able to see adhoc networks
I got this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1549065&highlight=adhoc also attached in the Thread. Full Credits go to the dev, although I don't know who it was exactly.
It's stored in system/bin; so you'll need a explorer (mount R/W) for your phone's file system. I always used the root explorer. Worked flawlessly everytime. (mount R/O afterwards).
4.3. Flash the attached file in recovery -> I did at least find the adhoc network after it. Remember that some wifi off, wifi on sometimes solves problemes with this. This was at least the case for me. Reboot.
4.4. Now that you can see the OBD interface in your wlan list, you propably tried to connect, didn't you?
For most of us, this won't work, that easy, as your OBD interface doesn't work as a DHCP router, so you're in the need of taking a static IP.
Therefore it always depends on which IP range your interface is networking. In the most cases this will be 192.168.0.X
Picture #1 is a screen of the config tool, that came with mine so I can modify these values. (What is not really neccessary, cause you're doing this with your phone.)
Picture #2 are my stats. You can edit yours by long pressing on your desired OBD device in your phones wifi list and pressing "edit network". After that, change to advanced configuration and choose static IP.
4.5. Save your preferences and try to connect. Again I think my wifi needed a reboot to work with the values set now. So just swith it off/on again.
5. You're done. More or less. Because this is just what made me able to connect but drop my connection to the OBD after trying to access it via torque. It did connect (as seen on adapter status in torque), but lose connection after some seconds. It just didn't really work for a longer period of time. There also used to be connecting errors with my home wifi.
5. After hours of testing and experimenting with this whole topic I came to the conclusion my home network didn't work anymore or rather my phone couldn't keep up the connection. What you have to do is switch back to your old wpa_supplicant. Don't worry, your OBD interface should be saved and is still accessable afterwards.
5.1. SWITCH WIFI OFF. Navigate to system/bin via root explorer or similiar. (mount R/W) locate the wpa_supplicate and delete/rename/remove it and put the original file back in it. (mount R/O afterwards). Reboot.
(Picture #3 shows how it looked on my device after switching back to the original file.)
5.2. You're finally done.
Remember not to forget that wrong permissions could lead to errors. Refer to my attached screenshot or your original file, if neccessary.
where you found the configuration tool??
I've got yesterday sw2. It is really cool, but sometimes i have problem with bluetooth. Sw2 seems to be connected with phone, but when i start some app, it is loading, but this app don't start. I must restart my watch and then everything works fine, but then when i don't use it for a while it didn't want start against. I am using nexus 5 with custom rom. Where can be a problem?
I am having the same problem. Also a nexus 5 with custom rom. Maybe this is a nexus issue?
Which kernel are you running on the phone.
I am using latest Droidkang rom with stock cm kernel.
Some times I will clear phone's RAM to temporarily resolve this problem.
Any ideas anyone? I have the same problem on stock 4.3 on HTC One Max. It drives me nuts ^^
Stock Nexus 5 has no such issue so I'd start with the kernel /ROM bluetooth compatability. Certain apps seem to lose their state occasionally I've noticed. They generally just need to be closed and reopened though. No reboot has been necessary.
Sent via telepathy
Difficulty with MediaTek devices
I have a Wiko Stairway, which is built on MediaTek platform. Pairing is difficult but possible. I don't know whose fault it is, MediaTek or Sony or both?
Still I find it awkard that I have to install 10MB of Sony software just to establish a faulty connection.
My workaround:
Pair the devices without installing the Smart Connect suite
Install Smart Connect and restart watch
Start Smart Connect and wait a while. It should now find the watch and prompt for installing the add-on
Turn bluetooth off and on on both devices
It should now work
Problem is that every now and then the connection is dropped and you may have to toggle bluetooth on either watch or phone or both. Even sometimes a restart is required.
A work around might be to see if force closing the app 'bluetooth share' temporary resolves the issue. If that's the case you could set up a tasker task to kill bluetooth share every 8 hours or so. You might need a plug-in to properly kill bluetooth share with tasker.
Hi guys.
Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question in, so if I have it wrong I apologize. So as the title suggests, I need help to get my Samsung Note 3 to passively connect to a HC-05 bluetooth module (tried putting a link to the product manual, but I don't have enough posts to do it yet. My apologies if you need to Google it).
My goal to to have the phone passively connect to the HC-05 in the same manner it would to devices such as bluetooth car kits, headsets and so forth, i.e. to automatically build a connection with the module whenever it is in range. It doesn't have to do anything other than simply connect. At a later stage I will work on sending commands to the module, but for today I just need to sort out this auto-connect problem.
I've tried setting the module to master mode and then binding the module to the BT address of the Note, with the hope the module would actively search for the note and connect to it whenever the note came within range. That approach however that didn't work, and I have again set the module back to slave mode and have been forced to use BlueTerm to build the connection. This has me now believing the connection must be built from the Note, and the module has to be the slave to it, as when I use BlueTerm it works flawlessly every time.
Surely somebody out there can point me in the right direction to accomplish my goal.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
So in the entire XDA brains trust, there's nobody with any idea how this can be done?
Still nobody has any ideas?
Still nothing? Really!???
A silly question but I've been struggling to work this out across a few ROMs (all AOSP/LOS base). I can get bluetooth on, broadcast presence, find devices & connect but the dialog to confirm the key pair never appears. This means the confirmation times out on the device I'm connecting to and so it effectively doesn't work.
Anyone have any ideas on the likely source of the dialog so I can root around the apks/services that might be playing up in more depth? I thought it would've been in either Bluetooth Share or Bluetooth Midi but they're both present & unrestricted in terms of permissions, privacy and so on.