[Q] Has anyone actually used encryption in JellyBean or higher? - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ever since I started using custom ROMs over a year ago, I've had problems getting the builtin Android dm_crypt (full disk encryption) working on JellyBean and up. Usually what would happen is that it would say it's going to reboot, then do nothing (just sit at the Android logo it shows), and rebooting manually also doesn't start the process. I even exchanged the tablet and the problem continues.
So before I delve into the source code, I thought I'd ask if anyone was actually successful in internal sdcard encryption on JB and up.
I was also thinking of trying to encrypt in rooted ICS and then upgrading while in Android.


Coby Kyros MID8127

Hi guys,
I just bought a new Coby Kyros MID8127 tablet (A8, Android 2.3) for my friend.
Now, I want to flash a custom ROM with JB on it, but I just did not find any ROM, CWM or tutorial for that here at XDA (or elsewhere).
Is it possible, that there is no custom ROM for that tablet to have?
Thank you in advance.
I have the same tablet and I bought a custom ROM from the people at KTZ, however, I could not install this ROM successfully, in order to install it I had to take the tablet to factory reset state and then delete a bunch of system applications to make room for the new ROM because the ROM does not allow you to install it from a formatted system partition (it's more like an upgrade). But when I finally installed the ROM it wuold not boot a second time; what that means is that, after installation the ROM boots normally but if I reboot it gets caught in a loop where I just see a blue disk spinning and it doesn't do anything else and the only way to get it out of that loop is to connect the USB cable and boot to recovery via adb and restore the backup that i did before flashing the new ROM. I tried to get help from the guy who makes these ROMs but he wasn't very helpful. I followed all his instructions and always got the same result.
I managed to install manually most of the components of this ROM through a long process of trial and error and left out the components that make the tablet misbehave and now I have a hybrid on my tablet which works pretty well with the exception of the wifi. The wifi works but at times is painfully slow.
I tried other ROMs from Android Tablet forums (check here). There is an ICS Rom there (or more than one, I don't remember) and also a JB ROM for the 8127 but I could not make them work on my tablet. The ICS ROM installed fine and runs very fast but it keeps freezing so I uninstalled. The Jelly Bean did not install properly and it was very hard to get the tablet to a working state after it bricked.
That was a while ago and I haven't checked lately if there is something else out there.
leunam12 said:
I have the same tablet and I bought a custom ROM from the people at KTZ, however, I could not install this ROM successfully, in order to install it I had to take the tablet to factory reset state and then delete a bunch of system applications to make room for the new ROM because the ROM does not allow you to install it from a formatted system partition (it's more like an upgrade). But when I finally installed the ROM it wuold not boot a second time; what that means is that, after installation the ROM boots normally but if I reboot it gets caught in a loop where I just see a blue disk spinning and it doesn't do anything else and the only way to get it out of that loop is to connect the USB cable and boot to recovery via adb and restore the backup that i did before flashing the new ROM. I tried to get help from the guy who makes these ROMs but he wasn't very helpful. I followed all his instructions and always got the same result.
I managed to install manually most of the components of this ROM through a long process of trial and error and left out the components that make the tablet misbehave and now I have a hybrid on my tablet which works pretty well with the exception of the wifi. The wifi works but at times is painfully slow.
I tried other ROMs from Android Tablet forums (check here). There is an ICS Rom there (or more than one, I don't remember) and also a JB ROM for the 8127 but I could not make them work on my tablet. The ICS ROM installed fine and runs very fast but it keeps freezing so I uninstalled. The Jelly Bean did not install properly and it was very hard to get the tablet to a working state after it bricked.
That was a while ago and I haven't checked lately if there is something else out there.
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Hey Guys,
Just found this link. Maybe you can try it out and tell me if it works for you.
jpapadami said:
Hey Guys,
Just found this link. Maybe you can try it out and tell me if it works for you.
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Sorry, I gave that tablet back and cannot test it anymore. I rather recommend to buy an Ainol Novo 7 Crystal. It is cheaper, better and ****ing fast with a nice custom ROM support like CM 10, CM 10.1, Paranoid 3.0, Crystal-Fuse, ...
Btw, KTZ sucks totally.

[Q] Encryption on Doubleshot with CM9?

Good afternoon,
I'm setting up Nine (Exchange ActiveSync) on my HTC Doubleshot, and part of the policy my work has is that the device must be encrypted. So I plug the phone into my charger, enter my password and start the process. I get the Android encryption logo but nothing else. It's been like that for three hours now.
I checked online, and there would have been a progress bar (or a reboot) by now. Is it safe to say that I can reboot my device without any ill effects (that I won't be interrupting any processes)?
I am using official Cyanogenmod 9 nightly (20130929). I'm thinking I'd get better luck with CM 9.1 (since its most stable I can think of - but do;t know if that will work either). One step at a time, but any other suggestions for CM9 ROMS if 9.1 official fails as well?
Thanks in advance.
joel.maxuel said:
Good afternoon,
I am using official Cyanogenmod 9 nightly (20130929). I'm thinking I'd get better luck with CM 9.1 (since its most stable I can think of - but do;t know if that will work either). One step at a time, but any other suggestions for CM9 ROMS if 9.1 official fails as well?
Thanks in advance.
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I rebooted anyways, no issues. I put CM 9.1 back on, and started the encryption process. Same logo, no progress bar nor reboot.
So now I am looking to other ROM's that will do this trick. Do I have to be on stock (or close to it like MikTouch) to accomplish encryption? If so, how complicated would putting CM back on be?
joel.maxuel said:
I rebooted anyways, no issues. I put CM 9.1 back on, and started the encryption process. Same logo, no progress bar nor reboot.
So now I am looking to other ROM's that will do this trick. Do I have to be on stock (or close to it like MikTouch) to accomplish encryption? If so, how complicated would putting CM back on be?
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I did a little more research...
Looks like MikTouch can encrypt the phone:
Mind you, I cannot be stuck with Gingerbread (company policy, and nor do I want to), so I would put CM9 back on afterwards. To do this, I would need TWRP Recovery (preferably installed before I go to MikTouch so I know it works) instead of CWM (to get over the SD card and encryption issue):
If the encryption fails, or is not what what I want in the end, can I just do a factory reset in HBOOT? If so, what will I be left with... stock or MikTouch?
Does this sound like a reasonable process? Am I missing anything?
Side note: I have to be very careful with the process, as I use the same SD card as my previous Doubleshot (looks to be same radio and HBOOT version), and I left RUU on the card by mistake. I found that HBOOT scooped it up once, but called the file corrupt, so it looks like I am unable to go back to true stock with this phone.
Thanks for any pointers.
Solved! (Sorta)
Okay, so I learned a few things.
MikTouch does not have whole phone encryption as an option in security settings. I looked things up, and neither would stock. The encryption possibility is there, but only if ActiveSync invokes it.
Wait a tick ... I have ActiveSync under accounts now! So I tried this, and was able to connect (looks like a minimum OS version of 3.0 wasn't a hard requirement) without encrypting (worst I had to do was set a PIN). So not what I was expecting. I did some digging online, to see if ActiveSync is available for CyanogenMod, and there were posts about it being used in later versions.
Since I don't remember it being in my CM9.1 build, I thought I'd try 10.1 since it was already on my SD card. ActiveSync wasn't there, but Corporate was. So I tried that. After some issues with certificates, I managed to get it to work. I now have work emails and calendar items on my phone! Finally!
So the encryption part is still a mystery, but since I got my primary goal accomplished, I'm not too bothered to figure the rest out.

[Q] Is TWRP 2.7 backwards-compatible with JB ROMS?

I'm new to ROMs with the Motorola Photon Q, but I have prior experience doing this with other Android devices. I'm also a longtime Linux guy, so "adb" and "adb shell" are both comfortable environments for me.
A few weeks ago my stock JB Photon Q reached a state where it would only reach the yellow "Sprint" screen during the boot process, and hang there. I fiddled a bit with the bootloader, but didn't get very far, and ordered a replacement used Photon Q. Unfortunately my newer phone came with ICS, and I when I attempt the builtin operating system JB update I encounter a message "Unfortunately, Motorola Services has stopped", followed by an indefinite "Checking for available update.* Please wait ..." So I've unlocked both phones, and began fiddling, while using the newer (ICS) one as my active phone for making phone calls, etc.
Fortunately on my older phone (the one that had the yellow screen) I've now been able to install the TWRP Recovery, and I installed the September 26th version of the MoKee KitKat ROM, i.e. MK44.4-moto_msm8960_jbbl-140926-RELEASE.zip. In principle I'd rather use a blessed CyanogenMod version, but am concerned about some of the recent Wifi (and to a lesser extent, Bluetooth) problems that I've read about.
Overall, my primary goals are a stable environment and being able to store Amazon Prime DRM'd files on my SD card, symlink them from the primary storage, and be able to play them using the Amazon Music app. Thanks in advance for your recommendations regarding stable ROMs.
[ on my MoKee KitKat phone, the Amazon app is crashing on most of the DRM'd files that I downloaded from the Amazon Music app, even though I haven't moved them to the SD card or done anything tricky like that ]
My question now is: if I install the same TWRP recovery on my newer phone, will I then be able to install the stock JB image? I've researched to see whether TWRP 2.7 is backwards-compatible with JB ROMs, but haven't found the answer. It would be nice to use the same Recovery when trying out different ROMs, including both JB and KitKat.
Thanks ...
Yes, TWRP should be able to handle any appropriately formed .zip. Regardless of Android version.

[Q] Been running CM-11 since february, can't load any new roms from 4.3

So I started having trouble with the Cyanogen I'd been running and decided to move on to a new rom since there are a lot more options available now. I'm running the t-mobile version moto g and am rooted and using CWM and all that jazz, but it seems like I can't get any roms to run on my phone, the only one I got working was the pac rom (ended up doing a recovery back to february from stock 4.3 with root access) I did a clean install with it, and each time it would start having issues of the buttons disappearing and jumping the screen size around (kind of like it was switching in and out of immersive mode every half a second) I tried it 3 times and made sure the settings for full screen were off and it would still start randomly doing that after about 15 minutes or so. On one of my factory resets (the only way I could get out of this jumping screen) I tried updating to 4.4 and ofcourse that failed, then I tried moving on to another rom cyanhacker and cyanogen 11 with aerokernal and both of these said they couldn't install over a corrupted something or another.
So basically what do I need to do? Am I going to have to go back to stock and then update to 4.4.4 and then re-root and a new image and all that jazz or is there any easier way of getting pac-rom on my phone from 4.3?
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

[Q] Advice Needed - Life after a BRICKED TF300TL

Dear fellow TF300 users,
This tablet of mine was holding onto STOCK rom until I couldn't take its lagginess and poor loading of images even when using my company email. So I decided to take on the route to ROOT, UNLOCK, Install new custom ROMs...
My tablet AsusTF300TL has been successfully UNLOCKED, Root and even installed a new ROM (KatKISS 4.4.4) . Its recovery was TEAMWIN - TWRP. The tablet even had its encryption data (due to my company email policy.)
Even with all this, it still behaved very sloppy, laggy. I really cherish this piece of IT equipment. Untill I downloaded the recent OUTLOOK Preview App and the app asked me to perform encryption again. This went hay wired as the encryption wasn't succesful and I had to enter into recovery mode. Best of all, I backup my ROM only in my SD Card but in recovery mode, it couldnt restore successfully. I can't copy the backup file from SD card to Storage.
So I took some advise from the forum here to unbrick my tablet. It was successful, and I tried it again with Outlook Preview app. This time I was on stock ROM and still encrypton had issues. Interrupted halfway, going into TWRP recovery... and use the same UNBRICK method all over again.
I believe now, my tablet is on Stock rom, and nor ROOTed and I reckon I will need to reinstall back TWRP recovery. Definitely, for sure it is UNLOCKED as I tend to restart the tablet and I do see a short liner, tablet is unlocked..
But with stock rom installed, after being UNbricked, the tablet still behaves very poorly, laggy .
Tried to check on storage details, it is newly formatted, barely 5% of space being used. RAM used always tend to be hovevrying about 65% to 70% usage.
I wish to find out if there's anything else to improve this situation, should I try out new custom ROMs? Further to that, this tablet has been with me for almost 4 yrs, and its ON OFF button has been very insensitiev... it requires a harder force.
Very troubled...

