[Ref] Reference Need for studying Android - Android General

hey XDA! was up..? hope all going fine here
just simple referenc needed
1. if someone ( ex : Me) wants to pursue his career in the field of android development..
what studies are needed for it for professnal development
i know some basic stuff which needed like JAVA coding most android stuff but not very specifically
i don't know if i m able to represent my question correctly


Where and How can I learn to develop roms/apps?

I hope I'm posting this in the right forums (I read the rules, but still).
Anyways, I'm wanting into get into Android development like doing applications or even hacking roms. I'm always reading at how awesome you guys are at developing stuff. Sadly, I don't have much experience. Majoring in Computer Engineering, but I can't wait for years.
So does anyone have any points on how to get started? Even if it takes me a year, I'm fine. I just want to get to know this stuff. Can I start with, say, Java? Thanks, and I apologize if this is the wrong board!
I would definitelly recommend first familiarizing yourself with Java and getting the language down and going to learn how to turn that knowledge into developing for Android from there. There are a lot of easy to find ways to learn Java right online from Youtube and articles people have written, however Android is a little harder to find help learning. Everyone seems to want you to pay them ridiculous amounts of money. And when you do find tutorials on it they will assume you have an advanced knowledge of working with the Java Development Kit and normally Eclipse as well.
Hi! But even if i learn "well" (not to mention basics) can i customize any rom as i wish or rather make some changes on? I've to get into java world beacuse my knowledges about are not necessary as android deserve...
Thanks in advance!
For app development, u hav to learn java and google APIs thoroughly.. u can learn from various development forums..
For Rom tweaking u need to learn linux scripts and other stuffs like directory tree n much more..

[Q] (Rom Cooking)Can someone point me to the right direction

HI i was wondering if any of the devs could point me in the right direction to learn , read, etc... about Rom cooking, im willing to learn but seriously i have no way on how to start i do know a couple of things but thats about it.
thanks for any info and Help.
I am not a ROM developer, but I have seen developer's responses to questions like this (as I'd like to dive into app development myself):
Things you will need to look into first include the java programming language (which is easy enough if you are familiar with another OOP language) and the Android SDK. While you can develop for Android in Windows it looks like most of the useful tools for ROM development are mainly available in linux, so you may also want to give linux a shot as well if you aren't familiar with linux and that style of developing.
Once you get a working SDK set up and have some java experience then you can move on to actually decompiling apps and ROMs and examining the code (using the tools that Raver mentioned in the post I linked to). The Android Developers site has great resources available for learning about nearly everything you will need to know Android-wise.

Learning Android

I have question regarding developing for android. I am new to all this, as in: the only programming I have EVER done was in BASICA (I wonder if anybody remembers that far back lmao). I currently have acquired the following: Java for Dummies, and Android Developement for Dummies. What additional reading would you developers recommend? My goals are to: Learn the terminology of Android, develop some basic apps, learn to make themes, and maybe someday learn to build my own ROM from source.....I've just started reading the JAVA book, so talk to me like I'm dumb lol. Any advice and pointers are welcome! Oh, and I am in the understanding that Android is Linux based....I have NEVER used Linux!

[Q] Want to learn Android Development

Hi All,
I have 4 yrs of experience in IT (Telecom/Networks/Desktop support etc.).
After changing many domains, I have finally figured out that I want learn something in which I can put my ideas and create things according to my vision so I have decided to learn programming and decided to go for Android development.
I have researched and found that I will have to learn somethings in Java before I go to Android so I found a course from CBT nuggets for Java. (cbtnuggets . com/it-training-videos/course/java-programming-for-developers).
Could some one tell me that what topics should I choose to learn for going on a path to learn Android development?
The reason why I asked this question is because I read somewhere that I don't have to learn complete Java (it was like "Don't bother learning things like servlets, Swing etc") but core language so I am not sure what topics should I pick and what I should drop. I literally cannot read books to learn anything so chose to learn in thru video tutorials.
Please help me.
I would start with figuring out the recent changes (Android L hype!), and how to work with the core UI at dev.android.com.
After that, more advanced tutorials can be found all over the web, including XDA.

I'm New To Java Programming & Droid App Development - Seeking Advice/Thoughts Please!

I'm New To Java Programming & Droid App Development - Seeking Advice/Thoughts Please!
So I was hoping to get the advice on a few things regarding android app development from those of you are app developers. I am just now learning Java, learning Android Studios/IntelliJIDEA and I have no teacher (I use Lynda.com, TeamTreeHouse, and other resources) so I'd like to get the opinions and thoughts of others who have already created an app, do so all the time, or are working on their first app. In general, I am looking to get some answers from those who already know what to do and have done it before. I want to be sure I am doing things the right way. Or at the very least I want to be doing things the best possible way I can. So my questions:
What IDE do you use? (Android Studios/IntelliJ IDEA, Unity, etc)
Did you learn Java before building your First App?
Did you learn XML before Building your first App?
Where did you learn about the languages and technologies required? (Lynda.com, TeamTreeHouse.com, NewBoston, etc)
Are there any resources you can recommend to me as a beginner who has not yet built his first app?
If there is a question you can think of that I did not ask that might help please let me know.
Thank you for answering these questions!
I really want to make sure that I approach this the right way and that if I am going to commit myself to it I do so in a way that works, is tried, tested, and true. I want to make quality applications and I want to know what I'm doing while doing it. = )
Anyway, answering any of these questions would be truly helpful and I would appreciate it very much. Thank you!

