Help with new Texco Moto G - Moto G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

OK I just bought on contract a 16GB Moto G. Very happy so far. It downloaded the new 4.4.2 Kitkat. Can't see any difference.
It is locked to Tesco.
My question is, what steps do I now take to get root access and install CWM?
Do I need to unlock the phone first?
Any advantages in using one of the new Mods?
Any other advice welcome. I just know how to follow instructions...:fingers-crossed:

keveen said:
OK I just bought on contract a 16GB Moto G. Very happy so far. It downloaded the new 4.4.2 Kitkat. Can't see any difference.
It is locked to Tesco.
My question is, what steps do I now take to get root access and install CWM?
Do I need to unlock the phone first?
Any advantages in using one of the new Mods?
Any other advice welcome. I just know how to follow instructions...:fingers-crossed:
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Already answered hundreds of times in other threads. Do some reading.

Use search. But do it in the following steps. Unlock the boot loader, then install a custom recovery, then root.
Sent from my XT1032 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

can we get our Mods to move this to the proper forum? (and also clean up some of the non development posts on this page)

Moved Here as this does not belong in the Dev Sections. Thanks.

Unlocking guide -
To root and get CWM -
** just follow from Now, if you want root, **
Don't forget to thank those who made the guides.

If you ask these questions which are already answered dozens of times i recommend you to read more first before you do anything. Otherwise your next question will be how "to make a phone out ouf my brick?".

OK. Sorry. I get you guys. I just thought maybe the Tesco version might need some different approaches. Actually it is quite hard to find a simple list of "things to do" with your phone, tablet whatever or simple steps you need to follow. Of course the details are more complex. I wasn't sure if I needed to unlock the phone or could do rooting on a locked phone. Maybe each device forum category should have a simple sticky just like that for us non-techies who just follow the instructions without really understanding what is going on.
Also I was half asleep and I see there is actually an excellent introduction. Deaf, dumb and blind...


[Q] Bootloader Unlocking

I am planning on flashing a custom ROM on my friends Atrix 2 (At&T variant) and i know i need an unlocked bootloader to do that but i can't find a perfect solution to this online, can anyone help me on how to unlock the bootloader on this device?
Thanks inadvance.
masantula said:
I am planning on flashing a custom ROM on my friends Atrix 2 (At&T variant) and i know i need an unlocked bootloader to do that but i can't find a perfect solution to this online, can anyone help me on how to unlock the bootloader on this device?
Thanks inadvance.
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There is no bootloader unlock for this phone that's why you can't find it. All the information you need to get started flashing is in the development section. Most, if not all, ROMs have detailed instructions in the op of each thread. Basically you need root, a recovery app called Boot Menu Manager (or BMM for short) that is more like a boot hijack, the ROM zip you want to flash and some info on flashing an FXZ in case you get into trouble. Be sure to read the thread detailing how to use BMM successfully and follow the directions in the ROM thread as to which system(s) the ROM can be flashed on (you can multiboot up to 5 different ROMs with BMM). Be safe through reading/researching, have fun, and welcome to the community! :thumbup:
If I had a dollar for every time I said that, I'd be making money in a very weird way.
No.. We cant unlock bootloader.. Thats how we roll..XD.. But I think its a general.. Atrix 2 stuck with locked bootloader.. in development section.. Theres too many thread on custom Rom and how to install it.. Good luck..
Sent from my ME865 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thanks guys, i was unsure about going about with the Atrix and you have directed me in the right direction

[Q] Root without Sunshine?

All the guides on rooting need Sunshine, and I don't have $25. I'm wanting to root my Verizon M8 so I can use Xprivacy and perhaps give custom ROMs a go. They took Firewater down, so I can't attempt to use that. I'm up to date on my firmware, so I may have screwed myself there, but I didn't plan on rooting at the time. Please help.
From my understanding, this is considerably more complicated than rooting a RAZR. With that I just ran RAZR Blade and presto. With this it's saying I need to root, use S-Off to unlock boot loader for custom ROMs, and flash a ROM. Please help clear it up for me. I'm pretty confused.
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my suggestion is to buy a rooted m8, have fun =]
Rushing said:
==>Where do I post my thread/issue/question?==> Link Here
This is a very important decision and decides not only whether you achieve the goal you intend with your thread/post, but also whether it might be regarded off-topic/not allowed and therefore be removed. So here is a list to help you decide where to put your thread (or maybe to not post it at all).General section
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Everything prohibited by above linked forum rules.
"Whis is the best rom for this device", "Is this rom better than that" (always subjective, prone to fanboy wars)
Device comparison threads "Which is better: iphone or this phone" (see above) In regards to best ROM threads and device comparison threads, we will be allowing these kinds of discussions from now on. As always, the forum rules apply so that means no trolling/arguing etc. will be accepted.
"What was your last phone/will be your next phone" (Off-Topic to this phone, post that in OT-Forum)
"Hello"/"Goodbye"/"Merry Christmas,Easter,Hannukkah, whatever" (Obviously OT, just imagine every user posts that)
"I'll never buy HTC again", "Why HTC/Samsung/whoever sucks" and all other "hate"-threads (Tell that those guys, not us)
"Help!", "How do I...", "Why..." and all other Questions (belong in Q&A)
Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting
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All device/rom/kernel/mods/themes related questions and the corresponding answers
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see General section
my suggestion is to buy a rooted m8, have fun =]
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Do rooted M8s cost less than $25? Please read my original post and try again.
JimLucTKirkard said:
Do rooted M8s cost less than $25? Please read my original post and try again.
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Please read the mod post and try again, Wrong section. To answer your question, no. Pony up the $25, those devs work hard to achieve root.
JimLucTKirkard said:
All the guides on rooting need Sunshine, and I don't have $25. I'm wanting to root my Verizon M8 so I can use Xprivacy and perhaps give custom ROMs a go. They took Firewater down, so I can't attempt to use that. I'm up to date on my firmware, so I may have screwed myself there, but I didn't plan on rooting at the time. Please help.
From my understanding, this is considerably more complicated than rooting a RAZR. With that I just ran RAZR Blade and presto. With this it's saying I need to root, use S-Off to unlock boot loader for custom ROMs, and flash a ROM. Please help clear it up for me. I'm pretty confused.
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The only way to install a custom rom would be to utilize sunshine. JCase and Beaups are the creators of sunshine. Their tool costs $25 if you want to use it. Fortunately, installing custom roms is not a necessity so you do not have to fork $25 unless you want custom roms.
richii0207 said:
The only way to install a custom rom would be to utilize sunshine. JCase and Beaups are the creators of sunshine. Their tool costs $25 if you want to use it. Fortunately, installing custom roms is not a necessity so you do not have to fork $25 unless you want custom roms.
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I don't need custom ROMs at the moment. Maybe in the future I can afford it and I'll just hold off on upgrading to Lollipop until I just flash it already modded from here.
I mainly want things like Xprivacy and Reaver. What do I need to root it just to the point where I can do that without enabling the custom ROMs?
JimLucTKirkard said:
I don't need custom ROMs at the moment. Maybe in the future I can afford it and I'll just hold off on upgrading to Lollipop until I just flash it already modded from here.
I mainly want things like Xprivacy and Reaver. What do I need to root it just to the point where I can do that without enabling the custom ROMs?
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You can't. Not at this point in the game.
dottat said:
You can't. Not at this point in the game.
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Someone said try Rumrunner for S-Off or HTCDev. If I use Rumrunner, how would I get root with S-Off or would that be possible?
JimLucTKirkard said:
Someone said try Rumrunner for S-Off or HTCDev. If I use Rumrunner, how would I get root with S-Off or would that be possible?
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Sorry man....unless you are on really old firmware rumrunner is no go. You can't downgrade either without s-off. I dont believe it ever worked on the m8 TO BE honest either v
Htc dev is blocked for vzw.
If you are on vzw and on 4.4.2 or newer don't waste your time. There's nothing out there but a huge waste of time.
dottat said:
Sorry man....unless you are on really old firmware rumrunner is no go. You can't downgrade either without s-off. I dont believe it ever worked on the m8 TO BE honest either v
Htc dev is blocked for vzw.
If you are on vzw and on 4.4.2 or newer don't waste your time. There's nothing out there but a huge waste of time.
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Crap. I guess I'll just get Sunshine when I can afford it. I'll hold off on upgrading to Lollipop when it comes out to ensure there are no issues with that as well.
Thanks for your help.
Waiting Anxiously
Got new VZW M8 with 4.4.4. Sunshine is no joy. After fooling around for a week with Weaksauce2 and SS, I do have TempRoot, Superuser (no updated binaries), and BusyBox. Titanium backup works so that's a plus but Xposed will not load. WiFi tether works so the phone is so-so other than the unwritable SD card issue with 4.4.4.
BIG QUESTION is what can I do to assure this does not update while I am not looking?
I'm on 4.4.2 paypal dosen't work in my country :crying:
too bad there's no way to unlockbootloader and s-off
schneid said:
Got new VZW M8 with 4.4.4. Sunshine is no joy. After fooling around for a week with Weaksauce2 and SS, I do have TempRoot, Superuser (no updated binaries), and BusyBox. Titanium backup works so that's a plus but Xposed will not load. WiFi tether works so the phone is so-so other than the unwritable SD card issue with 4.4.4.
BIG QUESTION is what can I do to assure this does not update while I am not looking?
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How didn't it work? I had m8 and 4.4.4 with sunshine and it worked flawlessly.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Free mobile app
Alton (Halo 2) said:
How didn't it work? I had m8 and 4.4.4 with sunshine and it worked flawlessly.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Free mobile app
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Beats me. I ran it as soon as I got the phone before I put a SIM in and before it was activated. Tried with Weaksauce2 too. I understand that some VZW M8 with 4.4.4 won't take it so I'm waiting for 3.0.
When did you do your M8? i got mine 2/6.
schneid said:
Beats me. I ran it as soon as I got the phone before I put a SIM in and before it was activated. Tried with Weaksauce2 too. I understand that some VZW M8 with 4.4.4 won't take it so I'm waiting for 3.0.
When did you do your M8? i got mine 2/6.
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I got mine 2/13 and after trying literally everything in the book to root it and had no avail I went to sunshine and rooted it the same day. So 2/13
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Free mobile app
Alton (Halo 2) said:
I got mine 2/13 and after trying literally everything in the book to root it and had no avail I went to sunshine and rooted it the same day. So 2/13
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Free mobile app
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Go figure?
schneid said:
Go figure?
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It works for some 4.4.4, others it doesn't. It's the luck of the draw.
I lucked out being able to use sunshine without flaws. After thinking about it, $25 ain't bad, considering all that you get for it.
Las post on this thread was too long ago.
I want to root, not to be s-off, just root to fix the thetering wifi and install my titanium backup app. It woul be nice to be an s-off to flas a custom recovery and flash custom roms but for now I just need to root my phone but I dont know how. Sunshine ask me for a Root, and when I search to root all post says that I need Sunshine so, I dont know what to do, tried with weaksouce and it freezes and dont work. What can I do?
I'm on Android : 5.0.1
OS 4.17.605.5
eassplus said:
Las post on this thread was too long ago.
I want to root, not to be s-off, just root to fix the thetering wifi and install my titanium backup app. It woul be nice to be an s-off to flas a custom recovery and flash custom roms but for now I just need to root my phone but I dont know how. Sunshine ask me for a Root, and when I search to root all post says that I need Sunshine so, I dont know what to do, tried with weaksouce and it freezes and dont work. What can I do?
I'm on Android : 5.0.1
OS 4.17.605.5
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Try KingRoot.

How to root MotoG3 (with all of its variants!)

I'm new to the Motorola/Android universe and coming from a Samsung Phone, I was able to root all of my galaxies (there were 3 of them) by using Odin and custom root process made by some amazing xda devs.
I've got my MotoG3 today (XT1543 2/16GB variant) and I'd like to know how can I successfully root it!
So, let's broaden the question to all of MotoG3's variants so new users like myself can relate too!
Q: How to root the MotoG3?
Thanks in advance!!
Read this thread:
@alfick3: I did read it ! Sorry if I didn't get the information right...
So, in order to root the phone you have to flash TWRP?
pcardosobr said:
@alfick3: I did read it ! Sorry if I didn't get the information right...
So, in order to root the phone you have to flash TWRP?
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I don't have the phone yet (still using my XT1034 1st Gen G), but you can try any of the 1click root methods. I don't know if anyone has yet. Personally, though, I'd rather have the custom recovery then root.
pcardosobr said:
I'm new to the Motorola/Android universe and coming from a Samsung Phone, I was able to root all of my galaxies (there were 3 of them) by using Odin and custom root process made by some amazing xda devs.
I've got my MotoG3 today (XT1543 2/16GB variant) and I'd like to know how can I successfully root it!
So, let's broaden the question to all of MotoG3's variants so new users like can relate too!
Q: Hot to root the MotoG3?
Thanks in advance!!
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Read (Google) one of the thousands of threads on how to root any older moto g, it will be the same as long as you have a custom recovery that's compatible with 3rd gen.
So, as a friendly user pointed out on the TWRP thread, I believe this method should work on all of Moto G3 variants:
davidstelephone said:
After unlocking the bootloader & installing TWRP as described in the main thread, when you go to reboot, the recovery points out that you're not rooted and asks if you'd like it done. Neat & simple.
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Also, bear in mind that your warranty is void as soon as you enter the codes on Motorola's website in order to unlock the bootloader.
Any mod available to close this topic?
Check this Thread How to Install custom Recovery and Root Moto G 3rd gen Very helpfull
Himalaya saxena said:
Check this Thread How to Install custom Recovery and Root Moto G 3rd gen Very helpfull
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Thanks for the sharing, very noob friendly tutorial :good:


Are all of the One A9s ordered direct from HTC able to be BL unlocked right from HTC or is there still a process outside of that? Does it wipe the device?
Hoping to get the device and quickly root to maybe use apps like greenify to get some tolerable battery life. All the reviews say battery is terrible.
Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
You unlock the boot loader via and s-off with sunshine, read the thread about it. Good luck it is not that hard to do, and the 25$ to s-off is well spent money.
You're able to use htc dev program to unlock the bootloader. If you got yours directly from htc and if it's the developer edition then the bootloader comes unlocked with no warranty void. Unlocking the bootloader through htc dev does in fact wipe your device. Once I obtained the device from att I unlocked the bootloader, flashed twrp and installed the latest supersu beta for systemless root. Afterwards I booted up, installed sunshine and purchased s-off. After I gained s-off I converted to the developer edition by changing my cid to BS_US001 (dev edition) and flashing the corresponding firmware. As of now there are flashable zips from @Captain_Throwback that are prerooted. If you're looking to use greenify or amplify than I'd recommend the deodexed version as that makes it more stable for the xposed framework.
Wait you have to pay to get root?
Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Not for root. For S-Off.
Don't you need s-off for root?
Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
It seems like you can read , and all your questions are covered in multiple threads already, thre are FAQ sections to. Just try to find them before starting another thread about it.
jaypeg123 said:
It seems like you can read , and all your questions are covered in multiple threads already, thre are FAQ sections to. Just try to find them before starting another thread about it.
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The purpose of forums is to collaborate and help. Every single phone manufacturer does things differently and every forum is setup differently. I checked the top threads in general and QA and didn't see my answers.
Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
I am sorry if I offended you, but this is not a chat app , and the rooting thread is one of the first an biggest in here, the info in a forum like this are intended to be used, and we can't shout out a question in a new thread the second it pops up in our head. Then we will never find anything around here, I often go back and read up on things so that I am sure of things, this xda forum has so much knowledge saved and there must be some kind of structure to get it to work. Try look up how many members we have, you will be surprised..

Please advise on unlocking bootloader on LG V20 H910

Hi all,
I have found this simple guide to unlock the bootloader on LG V20 H910 have someone tried it then installed lineage OS 17.1 after please ? :
Thanks a lot for your replies.
Sofiene.Saidi said:
Hi all,
I have found this simple guide to unlock the bootloader on LG V20 H910 have someone tried it then installed lineage OS 17.1 after please ? :
Thanks a lot for your replies.
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That guide is bs
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
cnjax said:
That guide is bs
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
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Can you tell me how please ? This video from 2016 confirm it too :
Yes it was a BS since no bootloader mode in this device so please dirty santa is the unique way ? Please notice I am on oreo so if you have a link to a complete guide please do not hesitate
Sofiene.Saidi said:
Yes it was a BS since no bootloader mode in this device so please dirty santa is the unique way ? Please notice I am on oreo so if you have a link to a complete guide please do not hesitate
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This is not the right place to ask for help with this... Check out the "guide" section... And ask questions In " Questions & Answers" section.
I think this is best method:
Others use h915 kdz.
Please refrain from posting on this thread again. It will make me regret helping.
Don't forget to thank people who help you in the thread with thanks button. Specially if the guide they made helps a ton. Note this will get rid of at&t software. I think there is way too restore it still but I have not checked for a while.
this is helpful
Sent from my SM-N9600 using Tapatalk
Is there any current way to unlock the bootloader on the LG V20 H910 with AT&T's latest firmware release? AT&T has locked diown the bootloader, and with LG no longer in the cell phone game, they aren't able to provide the OEM bootloader unlock code as well. A few people have also mentioned that the Dirty Santa no longer works on these devices. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
grmoro said:
Is there any current way to unlock the bootloader on the LG V20 H910 with AT&T's latest firmware release?
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At least did you try to follow the instructions available? According to this post from October-2022 it worked on H910 AT&T.
dextructor said:
At least did you try to follow the instructions available? According to this post from October-2022 it worked on H910 AT&T.
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Yes. I tried it and its useless. Struggling to find a bootloader unlock process that actually works for the H910.
grmoro said:
Yes. I tried it and its useless. Struggling to find a bootloader unlock process that actually works for the H910.
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You are looking for help, because you don't know how to solve it. So we as a community need a little bit of cooperation from everyone to be able to understand if it's a limitation/roadblock of the method, or if you are doing something wrong for whatever reason.
So posting: "don't work", "it's useless" and anything like that not only don't help but discouraging others who read this threads. Tell the problem/error that you encounter.
I found another user who said that he flashed dirtysanta directly and once have TWRP he worked around it the downgrade flashing necessary.
As last resort you can swap the motherboard for one that is vulnerable for the exploit.
But if you wanna some one-click "I don't wanna have trouble" solution, I'm sorry that I can't provide that.
dextructor said:
You are looking for help, because you don't know how to solve it. So we as a community need a little bit of cooperation from everyone to be able to understand if it's a limitation/roadblock of the method, or if you are doing something wrong for whatever reason.
So posting: "don't work", "it's useless" and anything like that not only don't help but discouraging others who read this threads. Tell the problem/error that you encounter.
I found another user who said that he flashed dirtysanta directly and once have TWRP he worked around it the downgrade flashing necessary.
As last resort you can swap the motherboard for one that is vulnerable for the exploit.
But if you wanna some one-click "I don't wanna have trouble" solution, I'm sorry that I can't provide that.
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I have a clients device that needs to be updated, hence the search to unlock the bootloader and then update the device. The posts I come across, even new ones seem to be reposts of others work from before LG shut down their bootloader unlocking service, so ehen you follow their steps they don't work at various steps. I've been updating devices as far back as Android 1.5 and for some devices its a struggle to update them at all. Replacing the pcb isn't an option right now as the customer won't pay for it. Hence I scour various websites and forums for solutions as other post their success/failure in doing the same on this device. Too often I find people posting about updating their devices, only to find that they either already had their bootloader unlocked before LG shutdown their service to do so, or they just don;t reply to a PM about their process, hence they're fake posts, or old posts from years prior being reposted for no valid purpose. The amount of tim I spend to update peoples devices and test custom ROMs is actually fruitless in terms of money paid, but more for me to keep devices out of the landfills whenever possible. Every time I mod a device I make and keep notes, as well as the files used, stored on one of my NAS as I know I'll be doing it again in the future, including properly and fully testing custom roms to determine if they're actually working properly, or exactly what their issue(s) is(are), and I keep finding a plethora of bugs and issues with too many custom ROMs being pumped out before proper testing. I routinely turn down some device update requests when update steps are convoluted, fractured or even requirements are no longer valid. I'll keep looking around and trying various methods as I come across them. Thx.
No problems, I feel for you because I like to keep people using devices that otherwise would be discarded without real needs.
grmoro said:
I'll keep looking around and trying various methods as I come across them. Thx.
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Did you try this other method?

