TW 4.3 tethering [WIP] - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Hello all, I have the 4.3 TW OTA on my phone... regretably. Silly mistake on my end, I do not know why I took the update but I did. Anyhow, like many you who did, the best we can do now is saferoot ( This thread is mostly about the hotspot feature. I've tried several methods to bypass red's hotspot service (free the way it was meant to be). All attempts have failed. I'm not really sure what I'm doing anymore but I did something earlier and i was able to disable the the notification for a bit and use the hotspot for roughly 5-10 minutes then it kicked me off again. Has anyone else had any success? What are your methods and what should we be looking into?
EDIT #1:Something interesting to look at.
EDIT #2: There is an app on the market that enables to tether using bluetooth functionality.

Any luck? I'm in the same boat as you, as I'm sure are many others.

Can you look in your system and see if you have a folder named priv app? If so see if there is a apk named VZWentitlement blahh bla bla. If so I may be able to port the exploit I use over.

I didn't see that folder in system or an apk with that name
---------- Post added at 11:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------
I suspect there may be setting in systems settings that can be modded using sqlite but i'm not sure which one

Topsnake said:
Can you look in your system and see if you have a folder named priv app? If so see if there is a apk named VZWentitlement blahh bla bla. If so I may be able to port the exploit I use over.
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I'll check it when i get home, I'll update this post when I do so.

Fix to wifi
I found a fix!!!!!!!!
Wifi Tether Router by Fabio Grasso. Please note you have to be rooted for it to work. Method 3, everything else default.

Medicstud007 said:
I found a fix!!!!!!!!
Wifi Tether Router by Fabio Grasso. Please note you have to be rooted for it to work. Method 3, everything else default.
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Hoping this means the FoxFi devs can get this figured out for us too.

this is very good, does anyone know what this app does differently? In particular it requires a root but that would mean there is something we can bypass ourselves to deal with verizon putting a block on our hotspot. I can't find where they would have hidden such a 'feature.'
Kudos to Medicstud007 for finding this. How do you find apps in relation to their upload date or last update date?

waterbottels said:
this is very good, does anyone know what this app does differently? In particular it requires a root but that would mean there is something we can bypass ourselves to deal with verizon putting a block on our hotspot. I can't find where they would have hidden such a 'feature.'
Kudos to Medicstud007 for finding this. How do you find apps in relation to their upload date or last update date?
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Didn't the FCC rule against Verizon where they couldn't block the use of a mobile device that has a hot spot and tethering function.

Superflydroid said:
Didn't the FCC rule against Verizon where they couldn't block the use of a mobile device that has a hot spot and tethering function.
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This doesn't apply to unlimited data plans, only to tiered data plans.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

The rooted method doesn't use the native tethering app which is why there is no subscription check.

Make foxfi work! (requires root)
Medicstud007 said:
I found a fix!!!!!!!!
Wifi Tether Router by Fabio Grasso. Please note you have to be rooted for it to work. Method 3, everything else default.
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I'll take it one step further, after installing and running Wifi Tether Router (may or may not need the paid version, which I have), restart the phone and run Foxfi - guess what! WORKS NOW! :laugh: did not before. I am rooted via saferoot method after installing 4.3 OTA.

Thought I would give everyone a heads up. I have not yet rooted my s3 on 4.3, but I got foxfi to work. I simply uninstalled the app, then reinstalled it. Reinstalled the credentials popup foxfi requires and turned on. Foxfi has not updated, I'm not sure why it works, but I'll take it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

wildbill1986 said:
Thought I would give everyone a heads up. I have not yet rooted my s3 on 4.3, but I got foxfi to work. I simply uninstalled the app, then reinstalled it. Reinstalled the credentials popup foxfi requires and turned on. Foxfi has not updated, I'm not sure why it works, but I'll take it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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Just tried that and it is working for me too. Have restarted it about 15 times and twice have gotten the subscription check but on next attempt it works just fine.

Foxfi is working for me too. I also get the subscription check but it goes right through.
Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk 4

Foxfi is awesome. I didn't even have to reinstall. Although it for some reason forced me to create a lockscreen pin, it seems to work.
I still want to root, but I can at least wait till a verified, safe root is available.
VZW needs to just stop the bull****, this never ends up working for them. I pay a ****load of money to them, I should be allowed to use my data the way I want.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

My foxfi also works too but it made me set up a lockscreen pin which I do not want to use. I never had one before and it worked fine. If anyone figures a way to make foxfi work without a lockscreen code that would be awesome.

There are instructions on how to remove the lockscreen on app description in play store. After you set it, incorrectly draw your pattern until you have to log in using Google and you don't have reset it i think.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

Thank you I got it to work. First I tried doing a Pin and it would not give me the option to reset even after 10 incorrect tries. So I changed it to a pattern and after 5 tries it let me reset. Then when it got to the screen where I had to pick either pin, pattern, or password I selected Pattern (because Swipe was greyed out) and then cancelled it without putting in a pattern and that worked.

I got a support email from the developer and followed the simple instructions and voila my overpriced plan has a legitimate reason to keep again and less than a week to fix I call that top notch service.
Sent from my GS3 using Tapatalk HD


how to enable Mobile hotspot / AP feature on ICS leak aka disable the entitlement chk

On the ICS leak, it still has the entitlement check for hotspot feature
Normally, you would freeze or delete the tethering manager apk in titanium, or use MYSQLite app to disable the entitlement check in the settings apk...but neither of those things are present in the ICS leak
Anybody know how to do this?
You got me excited for a moment. It looked like a how to guide.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
iandr0idos said:
You got me excited for a moment. It looked like a how to guide.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
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lol, yes it sort of does. Sorry.
This should be easy, probably just a change in the filename for the manager apk
I tried freezing the wifi sharing manager and the TetheringProvision, but it either crashed the settings apk or didnt have an effect.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
I got the hotspot working by installing the 14 Toggle Quick Panel mod and then enabling/disabling using the Wifi Hotspot toggle. Flashed the zip here in CWM.
whitesox311 said:
On the ICS leak, it still has the entitlement check for hotspot feature
Normally, you would freeze or delete the tethering manager apk in titanium, or use MYSQLite app to disable the entitlement check in the settings apk...but neither of those things are present in the ICS leak
Anybody know how to do this?
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There is still an apk present in the /system/app folder called tetheringmanager.apk, saw it when I was deodexing, maybe it just has a new name.
Nevermind, freezing it doesn't help the situation.
promiseofcake said:
There is still an apk present in the /system/app folder called tetheringmanager.apk, saw it when I was deodexing, maybe it just has a new name.
Nevermind, freezing it doesn't help the situation.
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Hrm, strange....usually titanium picks up on this kind of thing.
I'm going to try the 14 panel someone suggested.
It seems to me that where before it used tetheringmanager.apk to check for the lack of provision if it was NOT available, something in the framework is now saying its not available unless tethering manager says so.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
mobile hotspot worked for me
In the UltraCfg app i tried setting it to Tethering Always ON. It asked for a restart for the change to take effect, but it locked up my phone. After pulling the battery and starting up the phone i tried to turn on the mobile hotspot. While it was trying to verify the tethering plan the blue hot spot symbol came on, so i just hit cancel. I was able to connect a device with no problems. USB tethering worked the same way, just cancel when it tried to do its verification. I'm currently tethering right now.
andgo23 said:
In the UltraCfg app i tried setting it to Tethering Always ON. It asked for a restart for the change to take effect, but it locked up my phone. After pulling the battery and starting up the phone i tried to turn on the mobile hotspot. While it was trying to verify the tethering plan the blue hot spot symbol came on, so i just hit cancel. I was able to connect a device with no problems. USB tethering worked the same way, just cancel when it tried to do its verification. I'm currently tethering right now.
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No need to hit cancel. Just hit home. This absolutely works. I got wifi tethering for root users working too, but I like working with stock features.
Follow this guide, bottom of page 3. Even though UltraCfg already appears to have set tethering always on, you need to set it again. Reboot.

[Q] ICS 4.0.4 AT&T Tether question

Hey guys quick question. I reformatted to the 4.0.4 over KIES today on my Skyrocket on AT&T. It runs well. Rooted it, installed SU. Great awesome. Got titanium backup working, installed it. Got TBpatcher on, granted access. Got Titanium Pro for free. Bam working.
Tried to freeze the tethering app, (Tethering Provision) it froze it, but when I go to open the wifi tethering app it freezes up and quits. Am I the only one?
1) Is that the correct app to freeze?
Also, I installed Foxfi? It seems to run, haven't tested connectivity yet.
Still curious about the freezing app thing. Thoughts?
Dellman87 said:
Hey guys quick question. I reformatted to the 4.0.4 over KIES today on my Skyrocket on AT&T. It runs well. Rooted it, installed SU. Great awesome. Got titanium backup working, installed it. Got TBpatcher on, granted access. Got Titanium Pro for free. Bam working.
Tried to freeze the tethering app, (Tethering Provision) it froze it, but when I go to open the wifi tethering app it freezes up and quits. Am I the only one?
1) Is that the correct app to freeze?
Also, I installed Foxfi? It seems to run, haven't tested connectivity yet.
Still curious about the freezing app thing. Thoughts?
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I just use Wifi Tether for Root Users available in the Market. You won't be able to tether like that without something like UltraCfg, and maybe some other tweaks.
I installed this: and don't have any other apps fot tethering. I run wigget adn press tether on wigget and working great ... BTW i did not freez anything exept some att and samsung apps.
Lucidmike said:
I just use Wifi Tether for Root Users available in the Market. You won't be able to tether like that without something like UltraCfg, and maybe some other tweaks.
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Wait, I think Im confused. I can't run FoxFi or any tethering app without UltraCfg? Or just that app you linked?
Dellman87 said:
Wait, I think Im confused. I can't run FoxFi or any tethering app without UltraCfg? Or just that app you linked?
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That's just an app he linked. You don't "need" Ultracfg, but some time down the line you may just want to get it. FoxFi should be all you need to get you tethering.
Power Toggles works...
norbarb said:
I installed this: and don't have any other apps fot tethering. I run wigget adn press tether on wigget and working great ... BTW i did not freez anything exept some att and samsung apps.
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This is a few months late, but I can confirm that my Note i717 on ICS 4.0.4, "Power Toggles" does indeed works. I go into the normal "wireless > more... > tethering and hotspot > portable WiFi hotspot" to set up the hotspot, and use Power Toggles to turn it on and off. Similar to what I used to do with Quick Settings on an LG Optimus.
might as well delete the bloatware u dont want instead of keeping them frozen that long.
I use the SVTP wifi tethering app works great.
r u rooted? im pretty sure u have to be rooted to enable tethering....even if foxfi says it doesnt need it.
---------- Post added at 10:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------
also at&t can block your ability to tether even if u have all the stuff. they threatened to permanently disable mine if i didnt switch to a data plan that included tethering... just sayin that may be a possiblilty if you have tethered a lot in the past

Photon Q 4G LTE, USB/WiFi Tether, Anyone?

So the unlocking of the boot loader was simple with Motorola's instructions on their website. Now all I need to figure out how to do is fix the USB tethering so it simply works...
Anyone know how to do this yet? I know there are programs that you can install/use but I don't want to use those.
Not sure if it has the option to do that out of box or not but if it does and its not working, I remember someone saying it is picky with what USB cable you use.
Or by programs you mean not installing programs on the PC? and not by apps?
I know it doesn't out of the box. Just trying to find a fix for it.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
It is hard to say as it varies per phone, try going to google play and searching for usb tether and try a few. If none work, in WORST case you can make a Proxy on your phone and then route your internet through the proxy on your browser. Though any reason why Wifi/Bluetooth is not an option?
Tried some of the apps on the market, none are working. PdaNet won't even install. Usb is preferred, wifi or bluetooth would be fine for now. How do you setup the proxy? Ive never done that on a phone yet.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
wolfie359 said:
Tried some of the apps on the market, none are working. PdaNet won't even install. Usb is preferred, wifi or bluetooth would be fine for now. How do you setup the proxy? Ive never done that on a phone yet.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
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If wifi/bluetooth is an option try FoxFi. If that doesn't work,ill instruct you how to do the proxy thing.
Tried FoxFi and it says its not supported by my carrier (sprint) so it doesnt let me install. Same thing with pdanet
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
wolfie359 said:
Tried FoxFi and it says its not supported by my carrier (sprint) so it doesnt let me install. Same thing with pdanet
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you mean doesn't let you install from sprint market? or doesn't work when you open it? you can download the apk directly on the developers site or download it on Amazon appstore.
App market doesn't allow the download. I'm going to try to find the apk for pdanet, i do have the license for the full version of that. All that i have been able to download just haven't worked. Ill let ya know what i can figure out.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
App market doesn't allow the download. I'm going to try to find the apk for pdanet, i do have the license for the full version of that. All that i have been able to download just haven't worked. Ill let ya know what i can figure out.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
Okay... i got PDA Net working. Had to download the apk elsewhere other than the market where its not allowed. That allows usb, bt, and wifi. I guess this will work for now until some devs get some fixes out for the new photon Can't be driving around the country without internet for my laptop...
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
This is why I just use Amazon Appstore, no silly carrier locking. And it keeps the locked apps updated.
> I'm going to try to find the apk for pdanet,
> ... I'll let ya know what i can figure out.
Any results yet? I'll buy this phone or not depending on whether PdaNet can work.
BTW how is its reception in low signal areas,
and does its GPS work reasonably well?
I'm looking to replace a 2yo Samsung Epic 4g whose
GPS dies within 10min, it often loses Sprint carrier
but can tether
benreaves said:
> I'm going to try to find the apk for pdanet,
> ... I'll let ya know what i can figure out.
Any results yet? I'll buy this phone or not depending on whether PdaNet can work.
BTW how is its reception in low signal areas,
and does its GPS work reasonably well?
I'm looking to replace a 2yo Samsung Epic 4g whose
GPS dies within 10min, it often loses Sprint carrier
but can tether
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I just went from my Epic 4G... The Photon Q has a lot better signal strength than the Epic. PdaNet is working great. I downloaded it from here: I selected rapid gator, it comes as and contains the apk for the phone, and both 32 & 64 bit versions of the computer app needed.
You will need to buy a license for it to be able to visit https sites. Here is their site:
The GPS seems to be working great. I've had no issues with it yet so far. Always seems to be accurate, and fast at getting the original location. I'm hoping that soon enough I won't have to use PdaNet to tether anymore now that motorola released the kernal source. That makes it a lot easier for our devs to get new roms and fixes out for it
after rooting with shabby's cwm, I tried Wi-Fi tether, but I couldn't connect to the hotspot. I opened an issue with the Google project
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4g Touch using Forum Runner
My USB tethering works right out of the box. I just hooked it up to my PC, let the included Motorola software install the relevant drivers and turned on the option in the settings. Bam, had my desktop online. It takes it a few moments to connect and sometimes you have to play with the setting or unplug it/plug it back in etc. before it works. I sometimes get a message that my plan may not support tethering, but that always goes away if I just poke at the setting a couple more times. Patience seems to be the key. Sometimes it takes a little while for the network to be identified by Win7-64, which is what I am using.
I'll try WiFi hotspot later and see if my bridge can connect to it ...
Infrastructure Wifi Tether
I have found that with my Photon Q, after I unlocked it and rooted, I downloaded the newest "Wifi Tether For Root Users" off the Play Store and out of the box it ad-hoc....I have found that if you go into the settings of Wifi Tether and hit "Change Device-Profile" and choose "Generic ICS/JB (wlan0)" then choose "Change Setup-Method" and hit "Netd (master)" then setup the Wifi Tether to your liking it will work without a problem on infrastructure.
zrmxp95 said:
I have found that with my Photon Q, after I unlocked it and rooted, I downloaded the newest "Wifi Tether For Room Users" off the Play Store and out of the box it ad-hoc....I have found that if you go into the settings of Wifi Tether and hit "Change Device-Profile" and choose "Generic ICS/JB (wlan0)" then choose "Change Setup-Method" and hit "Netd (master)" then setup the Wifi Tether to your liking it will work without a problem on infrastructure.
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This worked perfectly for me. For convenience, the link to the correct app is:
nightwkr said:
This worked perfectly for me. For convenience, the link to the correct app is:
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Thanks for the link! Got it up and working and was able to verify that I can connect to work and run apps from Citrix while talking on the phone, SVDO for the win! Now I'm ready for the next time I lose cable at home and I need to work.
Installed the Wifi Tether and installed using zrmxp95's directions. I can connect to the network with my ipad, however the phone only only recieves about 4kb of data and then the webpage never loads. I can hit refresh on the ipad, and it will load another 4kb and do the same thing.

Tethering broken (Sprint)

Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Good to see you over here. Are you rooted yet? Cuz i think Sprint is blocking tethering unless you pay for it
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
Their really cracking down
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
My tethering works although I had to hack it
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
toreyjh said:
Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
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I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
phishfi said:
I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/ file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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ralphkaz said:
I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/ file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
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Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
AGiLiT said:
Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
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Thanks, appreciate the help. My issue is different however - the phone seems to start the tethering and I can connect to it through my tablet - but no data seems to flow... can't even run a speedtest on the tablet or load any webpage...
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
Letitride said:
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
ralphkaz said:
While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
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Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
Letitride said:
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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Thanks. The APN settings options are not there on a Sprint phone; drove me crazy trying to duplicate the the posts of the T-Mobile trailblazers until I saw a screenshot and figured that out. :laugh:
adio01 said:
Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
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yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
ralphkaz said:
yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
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Yes; see my post here .
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
orthonovum said:
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
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Hmm, wonder what happened with my config then. I'm in the same boat - stock rooted only. maybe i will try removing the new line in settings.db are re-adding... Right now I can launch hotspot and connect to it from tablet/laptop but no data flows thru the pipe....
I lost my tether after the 4.4.2 update as well. I have a Sprint Nexus 5. My laptop and tablet were able to connect to the hotspot, but no data was coming across.
I looked at the settings.db file and could still see the "tether_dun_required" entry was definitely there. So I decided to replace the settings.db file with a copy I had from before the 4.4.2 update. Rebooted the phone, and magically, tether started working again.
I was curious though to see if I put the post-4.4.2 update settings.db file back, then would I lose my tether? So, once again, I replaced the settings.db file with the post-4.4.2 version, rebooted the phone, and magically, tether still was working! WTF!
The only thing interesting that I noticed during all of this is that every time I replaced the settings.db file on the phone, the corresponding settings.db-journal file would disappear. I don't know much about SQLite, but I wonder if the journal file had some transaction state with the "tether_dun_required" hack removed or not committed.
Anyway, hope this helps.

And one more hotspot bypass, tested on Nougat, no MSL needed

Ok, quick and dirty yet once again.
This method is not so quick but it works and will keep through OTA updates. I don't know who originally came up with this but this is where i found it so my credit goes to @Sczar for his post
OK, here we go. First go here and root your phone( you can unroot when you're done):
 @godpowerrr is always around to help.
Once rooted open up a root file explorer and navigate to /efs/imei/ and open the file "mps_code.dat " with a text editor.
Change the SPR to spr (lowercase) and save the file. Once that file is changed simply use odin to flash the stock firmware, preferably with home_csc to avoid losing your apps and settings.
Once you're booted back up you should be able to use the ##3282# dialer code and select view, then APN Settings. At that point you should be able to simply tap on the APN and add the dun to default,mms line. don't forget to click save after you edit each APN you add it to. At this point you have some different features but you lost your wifi calling and gained video calling. You're free to keep it this way if you like. if you want wifi calling and the normal setup continue on with the next few steps.
Once you double check the changes took, simply re-root and change the file contents back to uppercase. After you save the file re-flash stock firmware with home_csc. This will restore wifi calling and anything else that was missing. At this point you're now on stock non-rooted with your tethering APNs. If you wish to remain stock with tethering stop here, you're all set.
From here you can either do your OTA or root, either way this will keep through the root or OTA.
Special thanks to @Sczar ,
I would try this but i have hotspot on my Sprint plan :/. But I trust your words because you've helped me a lot and taught me things i didnt even know. I'm sure it will help others.
godpowerrr said:
I would try this but i have hotspot on my Sprint plan :/. But I trust your words because you've helped me a lot and taught me things i didnt even know. I'm sure it will help others.
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You're so sweet...
Thanks for stopping by, you're always welcome here.....
Sent from Uranus, the only planet with a ring on the inside
izzibew26 said:
You're so sweet...
Thanks for stopping by, you're always welcome here.....
Sent from Uranus, the only planet with a ring on the inside
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Lol stop it.. so quick question.. since Sprint zone is disabled and I were do to this tutorial, how is it possible to check if no data is actually being applied?
godpowerrr said:
Lol stop it.. so quick question.. since Sprint zone is disabled and I were do to this tutorial, how is it possible to check if no data is actually being applied?
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It sounds like you're asking how to check without sprintzone if your data is showing up on the hotspot data of your plan or just normal data use. if that's what you're asking i assume you could check that online in your account details or call sprint and ask. I've never had the hotspot on my plan so i'm not really familiar with how it all works. If that is what you were asking i'd be interested in knowing as well.
izzibew26 said:
It sounds like you're asking how to check without sprintzone if your data is showing up on the hotspot data of your plan or just normal data use. if that's what you're asking i assume you could check that online in your account details or call sprint and ask. I've never had the hotspot on my plan so i'm not really familiar with how it all works. If that is what you were asking i'd be interested in knowing as well.
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Ehh sort of. I guess what im asking is does your fix cancel out using mobile data which ends up charging if exceeded. And if it does, how do you verify or how are you verifying atm? Simply asking because ive tried some hotspot bypass' before and it was using my mobile data. Unsure hows this works, thx
godpowerrr said:
Ehh sort of. I guess what im asking is does your fix cancel out using mobile data which ends up charging if exceeded. And if it does, how do you verify or how are you verifying atm? Simply asking because ive tried some hotspot bypass' before and it was using my mobile data. Unsure hows this works, thx
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My best guess would be that it doesn't affect the hotspot plans data usage based solely on the dun method being used to bypass Tmo hotspot limit. I would like to see a verified answer from someone that actually has a hotspot plan. [emoji6]
Sent from Uranus, the only planet with a ring on the inside
izzibew26 said:
Ok, quick and dirty yet once again.
This method is not so quick but it works and will keep through OTA updates. I don't know who originally came up with this but this is where i found it so my credit goes to @Sczar for his post
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Let's say you're already rooted and plan to stay that way, do you think it possible to change this file (SPR to spr)>reboot>change APNs>change file back? Or is the flashing to a stock Rom needed after the change?
jmckeejr said:
Let's say you're already rooted and plan to stay that way, do you think it possible to change this file (SPR to spr)>reboot>change APNs>change file back? Or is the flashing to a stock Rom needed after the change?
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I think it may be possible with another carrier but I think our packages that we disable keep this from seeing the change after a reboot. I haven't gotten any response about another carrier so I have no idea how it works for them. The flashing seems to be what triggers the system to see the change. If you use the home_csc when you flash you don't have to re-disable packages, re-install apps, or set your phone back up. Honestly I don't have the time to check package by package, with a reboot after each one, but I would encourage anyone with the time and patience to give it a try. Worst case Ontario you'll have to re-flash stock anyway. The original method doesn't usually take more than 10 minutes and lasts through updates.

