Home Soft button not working - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just got my phone and it was working out of the box... since rooting the phone the soft button for the home screen have stopped working.
It lights up when pressed but does not do anything... google now does not appear when dragged upwards.
Fixed it by running the setup wizard again... please see instructions below if you have this issue.
To run the setup wizard from ADB again,
Type the following command within ADB: adb shell am start -n com.google.android.setupwizard/.SetupWizardTestActivity
Follow the prompts and it should be good too go.


[au KDDI Sharp IS03] - General Info/Temporary Root/Dump

Looking for anyone who can help progress things further for this phone. No, I'm not a developer, but I'm learning what I can. Your advice and suggestions are most welcome.
Here's a quick run-down of the phone (as of 10/20/2011) :
Full Spec Sheet
Model No. - IS03
Android Version - 2.2.1 (Froyo)
Baseband/Build Number - 01.01.05 (.06 is available but it breaks the temp root)
Bootloader/Fastboot/Recovery modes are all inaccessible
Short history of root attempts by Build Number (click here)
Open Source files from the Sharp Developer website - (click here)
Root - Temporary ONLY (click here or scroll below)
Unlock nand
Dumps - system / recovery
What am I missing from this checklist?
Temporary Rooting Guide (ISuhax306)
Thanks to cielavenir, goroh_kun, and love_marijuana for the work they've been putting in. This method works if your IS03 is on 2.2.1, with Baseband/Build at 01.01.05. If your Baseband/Build is at 01.01.06 or higher, THIS WILL NOT WORK.
You will need ISuhax306.7z, which is attached in this post.
Do this at your own risk. We are not responsible for any adverse effects that you may cause by attempting these methods.
### This is based on the idea that SuperOneClick is useful to make is03break stable. Thank you reporters. ###
1. prepare (on PC)
adb push data_local /data/local/
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/is03break
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/psneuter
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/busybox
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/lcd_density
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/market.sh
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/autoexec.sh
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/exploit.sh
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/finalize.sh
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/pu
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/pu.sh
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/prepare_busybox.sh
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/reboot
adb shell /data/local/prepare_busybox.sh
adb shell rm /data/local/prepare_busybox.sh
adb shell mkdir /data/local/tmp
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp
2. prepare su (on PC)
adb push su/30efgh/su /data/local
adb install ISuhax306.apk
adb push su/23efgh/su /data/local
adb install ISuhax2363.apk
3. exploit (on IS03)
$ /data/local/exploit.sh
---alternatively, on PC---
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/sh
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh
adb shell /data/local/psneuter
adb shell /data/local/psneuter
adb shell /data/local/is03break
4. finalize (on IS03)
$ /data/local/tmp/sh
# /data/local/finalize.sh
---alternatively, on PC---
adb shell
$ /data/local/tmp/sh
# cat /data/local/local.prop > /data/local.prop
5. reboot
6. utilize root
adb shell rm /data/local/psneuter
adb shell rm /data/local/is03break
adb shell rm /data/local/exploit.sh
adb shell rm /data/local/finalize.sh
adb shell
$ au
# cd /data
# ln -s local root
# chmod 777 local #sed requires directory write permission to change lcd_density.
* ISTweak - toggle /sbin/su http://marijuana.ddo.jp/is01/index.php?moddir=downloads&action=single&lid=19&cid=3
* jackpal.androidterm - Terminal
* revised busybox with wget: http://www.mediafire.com/?495qvu33lj6l8 see busybox.7z (use /data/local/prepare_busyboxciel.sh)
You are not alone!
I got my IS03 the first day it was out. Only got it, because it was the best Android phone on au so far. Even though the IS06 will be better. But I needed a contract as soon as possible. Kind of nice phone, but lots of things i don't like. Like the launcher (try ADW.Launcher - can be found in the android market - for home, is a lot faster and looking nicer).
I would love to root this IS03 device to get wifi tether so I can use my Nexus One with Gingerbread soon .
I have been in Android for a long time. Started with the ADP1, Nexus One and now IS03. As well I am working as an Android App Developer for tonchidot (creators of SekaiCamera). So I know my way around Android. But I am not sure how to root the IS03 or even how to try. And a little afraid of ruining my phone . Nexus One is a little different. because i don't depend on it. But I need the IS03 for calling. And can not use my Nexus One on au . If I could I would. That is why i need wifi tether as soon as possible .
Any recommendations on Rooting? Let me know and I will try!
Have you tried the regular rooting tools, just for kicks?
such as z4root and try both perm and temp root...
If you don't mind me borrowing some of your time to work out things, I could try out a few things with rooting, pm me your information(skype/gtalk/msn/aim/etc )
pboos said:
You are not alone!
I got my IS03 the first day it was out. Only got it, because it was the best Android phone on au so far. Even though the IS06 will be better. But I needed a contract as soon as possible. Kind of nice phone, but lots of things i don't like. Like the launcher (try ADW.Launcher - can be found in the android market - for home, is a lot faster and looking nicer).
I would love to root this IS03 device to get wifi tether so I can use my Nexus One with Gingerbread soon .
I have been in Android for a long time. Started with the ADP1, Nexus One and now IS03. As well I am working as an Android App Developer for tonchidot (creators of SekaiCamera). So I know my way around Android. But I am not sure how to root the IS03 or even how to try. And a little afraid of ruining my phone . Nexus One is a little different. because i don't depend on it. But I need the IS03 for calling. And can not use my Nexus One on au . If I could I would. That is why i need wifi tether as soon as possible .
Any recommendations on Rooting? Let me know and I will try!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you for your response! I recognize you from twitter when I tried to google up information regarding the IS03. I'm trying ADW right now after you suggested it. I was using Launcher Pro, it was all right; however, ADW seems to be a little smoother.
I'm really scared to try to attempt any rooting procedure with my phone too. I do have a backup phone but I'd hate to brick my new purchase so I definitely need to do my research.
That's cool that you work with tonchidot, I've used Sekai Camera a couple times to test it out, but there really isn't too much activity around me other than a lot of landmarks.
Anyways, if I come up with any information I'll let you know on this thread.
razor950 said:
Have you tried the regular rooting tools, just for kicks?
such as z4root and try both perm and temp root...
If you don't mind me borrowing some of your time to work out things, I could try out a few things with rooting, pm me your information(skype/gtalk/msn/aim/etc )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I haven't tried any regular rooting tools just yet. I'm still just getting used to using it. As I find out more, especially in terms of bricking, booting into recovery, etc, I'll probably try some rooting tools.
Thanks for your response too, I will PM you with my information shortly.
just trying to boot into recovery mode...
I was trying to see if I could boot the phone into recovery mode in the first place, all my attempts have failed so far.
There's the power button, volume up and volume down buttons, and the camera button. Hidden from view (need to take off the back cover) is the reset button.
On a sidenote, I timed the startup process just for kicks:
~2 seconds - "Android au with Google" logo appears
~30 s - IS03 animation appears
~40 s - screen brightens slightly
~43 s - Monochromatic menu lights up, IS03 animation is still playing
~50 s - "Reading au card..." message replaces IS03 animation
~53 s - Home screen with Unlock pattern appears
Anyways, back to this recovery mode business: I tried a method that a couple of other websites suggested which was a combination of Vup and CAM being pressed while being powered on. That didn't work, so I tried all sorts of combinations:
Hold POWER throughout startup
Hold Vup only X
Hold Vdown only X
Hold CAM only X
Hold Vup and CAM X
Hold Vdown and CAM X
Hold ALL X
Power on and release power button but
Hold Vup only X
Hold Vdown only X
Hold CAM only X
Hold Vup and CAM X
Hold Vdown and CAM X
Hold ALL X
During Startup
Hold CAM, press HOME X
Hold Vup and CAM, press HOME X
At this point, I tried messing around with the reset button. All the reset button does is restart the phone while powered on. Nothing happens if the reset button is pressed while the phone is off. I still tried various combinations anyways but nothing worked.
After perusing some of the other threads, perhaps my phone has this recovery option disabled (likely), doesn't have such a mode (erm, unlikely?), or I just haven't found the right combination yet (also likely).
It's too bad this phone is only in Japan in the moment. I better brush up on my Japanese...
Tested some Android codes via this page
The only code that seems to work is *#*#4636#*#* which brings up general information that is otherwise easily accessible in the normal menus in this phone.
z4root attempt
I've just successfully used z4root's temporary root feature to root the phone. <---- I jumped the gun when I ran z4root for the first time and it said it was successful, oops.
Now what? I don't want to try the permanent root solution yet, especially if I don't know how to get my phone into recovery mode yet.
At the moment:
1. z4root temporary root 'works' (USB debugging needs to be checked)
2. Superuser icon is in the drawer
3. BusyBox is not installed as z4root says it will do
4. Downloaded Titanium Backup, program doesn't work (asks to verify rom root and installation of BusyBox)
5. Installing BusyBox from Titanium Backup doesn't seem to work
6. Installed BusyBox installer from the Market, that works
7. Running the newly installed BusyBox installer, it tells me that I don't have root
Regarding step 7: I'm guessing that BusyBox failed to install during the z4root process even though z4root 'worked', plus trying to install via Titanium Backup didn't work as well. At this point, looks like the temporary root solution is a false positive pending further testing.
Universal Androot time.
That was quick. Attempting to install Superuser for Android 2.0-2.2 (or even 1.5-1.6) didn't work. Here's what I get:
*Rooting your device, please wait...
Generating exploit .. [OK]
Generating su .. [OK]
Generating Superuser.apk .. [OK]
Generating root script .. [OK]
*after about 10 seconds, changes to Installing toolkit ..
After roughly 20 seconds, I get this message:
Failed ! No ~~~ Fu goo ~~~
It looks like the process fails somewhere during the toolkit installation.
ADB issues
Did it really take this long just to resolve all the ADB issues? All I wanted to do was take a simple screenshot of my phone
When I plugged my phone into my computer, all of the drivers EXCEPT the ADB installed just fine.
1. Install Android SDK and JRE SDK, Eclipse is optional since I'm not really a developer (link)
2. Install PDAnet for Android (link)
3. Ensure that your ADB files are in the correct folder (at least for the ddms.bat stuff...) (link)
So...I can take some screenshots now...yippee.
Trying SuperOneClick
Decided to give this program a chance too since I tried the other ones, and I was finally able to get the ADB driver to work.
First Method
1. Restarted the phone
2. USB Debugging is CHECKED
3. Plugged phone into the netbook
4. Started SuperOneClick, clicked Root
5. SuperOneClick will start looping after running RATC and trying to restart the ADB server. Left it like this for 5 minutes.
6a. IF I uncheck USB debugging while it says "Waiting for device" with the USB connection sound indicating a detected device, USB disconnection sound will play and program will wait. If I check USB DEBUGGING again then the program will resume looping
6b. IF I uncheck USB debugging at any time during the loop when the USB disconnection sound has already played (so before the starting up sound can play), the program will be unable to resume looping and just freeze despite shutting off any processes related to this procedure. At this point I need to restart both my netbook and my phone
7. Letting SOC loop for about 10 minutes will result in the program saying NOT RESPONDING and would then need a fresh restart
Killing ADB Server...
Starting ADB Server...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device...
Pushing rageagainstthecage...
21 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.249s)
chmod rageagainstthecage...
Running rageagainstthecage...
Killing ADB Server...
Starting ADB Server...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device...
Running rageagainstthecage...
Second Method
1. Leave USB DEBUGGING unchecked
2. Plug phone in, start SOC, click Root
3. When SOC says "Waiting for device", check USB DEBUGGING
4. RATC should start
5. When SOC says "Starting ADB server", uncheck USB DEB, check USB DEB, uncheck USB DEB again before the "Waiting for device" message appears again
I usually can't get this timing right due to some lag on my phone. I got it right a couple of times and after about a minute, SOC will have the NOT RESPONDING indicator on again. At this point, I can check USB DEB and the program might start on a loop again, or I need to restart...again.
With either of the two methods, if I go into my Task Manager on my netbook and kill one of the two ADB.exe (usually the one with the lower memory value) processes, then the program will say FAILED, like so:
Killing ADB Server...
Starting ADB Server...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device...
Running rageagainstthecage...
Third Method
1. Power off phone, restart netbook
2. Start SOC, click Root
3. When "Waiting for device" message appears, connect phone to netbook
4a. If USB DEB was checked before turning off the phone, SOC will do the looping thing again when the phone is finished turning on
4b. If USB DEB was unchecked before turning off the phone, nothing happens when the phone comes back online
== tl;dr ==
It looks like it's getting stuck at the RATC process and loops from there until it freezes. Range of problems may include: bad USB cables, bad USB ports, and/or this IS03 is one tough SOB.
z4root permanent root option
Just tried the permanent option with z4root.
Similar process that the temporary process did except the phone rebooted. After the reboot, everything seemed to be working as normal.
BusyBox, Titanium Backup, and Wireless Tether all say I am not rooted, though.
So much for that.
Safe Mode
My efforts to boot the phone into recovery mode have led me into Safe Mode instead.
No big deal.
I still haven't found a surefire way to get into Safe Mode except to keep mashing the Volume Up and Camera buttons while pressing the monochromatic buttons when they finally light up just before the home screen appears.
Universal Androot 1.6.2 beta 5, Recovery Mode
Interesting thing about this version is that it adds a Soft Root as well as logging to the SDCARD.
1. Uninstalled Universal Androot 1.6.1 (stable)
2. Installed Universal Androot 1.6.2 beta 5 from the SDCARD using App Install
3. Tried all options, including the option not to install Superuser
RESULT: Failed! No ~~~ Fu Goo ~~~
Would you look at that? I can put my phone into recovery mode through adb commands...huh.
I have a IS03 from au as well, so I appreciate your efforts in this. So far the phone will do, but I do find it strange that I can't use Skype over wifi, instead of 3g...
lundman said:
I have a IS03 from au as well, so I appreciate your efforts in this. So far the phone will do, but I do find it strange that I can't use Skype over wifi, instead of 3g...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for your comments. I feel I'm not really doing much except for poking around to see what kind of reaction I get from the IS03.
If I stumble on something worthwhile, it'll be posted here.
As far as your Skype problem is concerned, when you use Skype, it switches from your WiFi connection to 3g? I believe I can use Skype with my WiFi, but I'll have to pay closer attention to that.
Bootloader and Recovery reboot via ADB
Let's see what happens if I try to reboot my phone via ADB in either recovery or bootloader mode.
According to this site, if I'm not mistaken, I anticipate seeing some menu options pop up when I get into either recovery or bootloader mode.
Rebooting into Recovery Mode
1. Unmount SDCARD
2. USB DEBUG is checked
3. Plug the phone into the netbook
4. Windows+R 'cmd' to bring up the prompt
5. get to android-sdk-windows/tools directory
6. adb devices to ensure that the device is listed
7. adb reboot recovery to restart the phone into recovery
Phone reboots and shows a white triangle with a yellow exclamation mark with the green droid icon in front of it. What happens when I do some button combinations? Let's see...
VolDN + VolUP + CAM = FAIL
Randomly pressing all buttons = FAIL
I can't access any menu here...
Rebooting into Bootloader Mode
Same steps as before, except
7. adb reboot-bootloader to restart the phone into bootloader
The phone restarts and the Android AU with Google logo appears...and it seems to be stuck at this part. Button presses do nothing, no menu or text.
With either method, I have to take out the battery.
Mistaken, I am.
ADB Driver
It seems this is the only place I've seen for english speaking IS03 help. I saw that you were able to install the ADB drivers. Are you using a Japanese version of windows?
I was able to get the USB drivers from Sharp's site, but no luck in getting them to work...
I'm using Win 7 64bit, but it seems I can't get the ADB interface to be recognized.
Anyhow, any help would greatly appreciated.
adb reboot recovery
starts recovery.. but do not get the menu (no matter which buttons i press)
adb reboot bootloader => hangs in booting? or is that the bootloader?
fastboot devices => no devices.. well. it was worth a try
IS03 ADB Drivers
Well, strangely enough, the IS03 drivers wouldn't install for me, but these would:
(forum wouldn't let me post the link...)
When I have my phone plugged in and I have an emulator running, I get this:
List of devices attached
SSHEV080667 device
emulator-5554 device
I'm assuming the SSHEV device is my IS03, and the other is obvious...
I haven't gotten to much farther than this, but I thought I'd share...The drivers specific for the IS03 Win 7 64bit at this address:
...they didn't work for me. When trying to install the drivers, they weren't recognized.
I'll post more when I get a bit farther...

ADB Shell screws up, what is going on??

So basicly im trying to follow a tutorial to get my screen working in ubuntu touch, which involves using adb shell, nano to modify a file.
the little tutorial goes like this:
thecosmicfrog said:
Sure thing. Boot up your device, then plug in a USB cable. Open a terminal and run "adb devices". Make sure that a device shows up. If not, unplug and plug in again. I find that it never works the first time for me.
Next, run "adb shell". This will connect you to your phone and open a shell session on it. Open the /etc/rc.local file in a text editor using the following command:
"nano /etc/rc.local"
Scroll down to the bottom using your keyboard's arrow keys and on the line before "exit 0", insert the following:
./system/bin/sensorservice &
Save and exit the file using Ctrl+X then reboot your phone by running the command "reboot".
This should fix the black screen problems.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
well when im in adb shell, and type nano /etc/rc.local my adb (or cmd window) screws up completely (see attachement)
what is going on and how do i fix it?
this isn't normal i think!

[Completed] [Q] Unable to run logcat on reboot anymore

Hello, I'm trying to get logcat to run on reboot.
Previously everything works properly.
I run adb -d logcat > logfile.txt , and then reboot my tablet, and when the tablet finished loading OS, I press Ctrl+C to end the adb logcat.
But then suddenly it stopped working. When I reboot the tablet, immediately adb logcat ended and exit.
I've tried kill-server, reboot pc, switch usb port, uninstall adb composite driver. Not sure what else to do.
Any idea how to solve this issue?
Hi there,
There is several threads where you can ask for help from the experts like:
[UNIVERSAL][LOGCAT]How to get & read a logcat/ Troubleshoot your own issues!
or [TOOL]Logcat Tool
Have a nice day

[ROOT] Coolad Modena 2 / Sky 2 (E502)

Recently, I successfully ported TWRP from Coolpad Note 3 Lite to Modena 2. After testing, everything works fine, on both devices. Since this device has locked bootloader, we need to bypass this by enabling fastmmi mode and factory mode to enable temporary root access and make initial backup and flashing. So, let´s get started.
Remember to read this post carefully. I am not resposible for any damage to your device. If you brick your device while flashing the TWRP you can *almost* always recover it using SP Flash Tool and YGDP Tool
IF YOU ACCIDENTALY BRICK YOUR DEVICE AND YOU WANT TO FLASH IT VIA SPFT, DO NOT FORMAT THE DEVICE IN SPFT!!! If you´ll format partitions in TWRP, that´s fine, but don´t do FORMAT ALL + DOWNLOAD or FIRMWARE UPGRADE! This will brick your device, like mine This tutorial will not (hopefully) brick it, but just in case something goes wrong, now you know what not to do.
Preparing the environment on your computer
Download ADB and Fastboot from this link
Open it
Install it system-wide
Also, install the drivers
GNU/Linux (Ubuntu / Debian based distros)
Open terminal
Type "sudo apt install adb fastboot libusb-dev" without the quotes (")
Other things, that are required
Since the file size of the recovery exceeds the maximum 8MB of allowed upload size, you can download it from DataFileHost.
Preparing the device
First, you need to remeber that this could render your device unbootable and will void warranty.
Enable developer options
Go to Settings -> About phone
Tap the build number 7 times
Go back
Go to Developer options
Make sure OEM unlocking and USB Debugging is enabled
Enabling factory mode
Open dialer app
Dial *#9527*#
Click on "DM"
You will be prompted to insert RD personnel password. Enter: 54321
Click cancel button
DM button should change colour to RED
Exit the app by clicking home button
Installing and setting up openrp app
Open terminal / command prompt
adb start-server
adb devices
Now, click on your phone allow debugging and make sure to tick the radiobutton to remember / always trust this computer
adb install
Press spacebar after the install word and drag and drop the downloaded openrp.apk file to terminal
Hit enter
After it´s done, type:
adb shell monkey -p com.yulong.openrp -v 500
Now, the fun part. ROOTING the device
But before that, BACKUP
Now, keep your phone plugged in, and do a normal reboot by pressing and holding the power button and clicking reboot
When it vibrates, press and hold the Volume down key (Vol-)
You will see these lines on the screen:
=>[Factory mode]
=>VolumeDown key is pressed
=>[fastmmi mode]
After that, you´ll see the LED turns green and "Up Down" text on the screen
Now, back to your computer, type in the command prompt
adb devices
You should see XXXXXXXXXXXXXX device listed (where XXXX... is the serial number)
Type in the command prompt:
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11230000.msdc0/by-name/recovery of=/storage/self/primary/stock_recovery.img
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11230000.msdc0/by-name/boot of=/storage/self/primary/stock_bootimg.img
Flashing the TWRP Image
Type in the command prompt:
adb push (drag and drop the recovery image file here, like you did with the openrp.apk file) /storage/self/primary/
adb reboot
Press and hold VolumeDown key (Vol-) to boot to fastmmi mode
adb shell dd if=/storage/self/primary/recovery_twrp_e502.img of=/dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11230000.msdc0/by-name/recovery
adb reboot
Press and hold the VolumeUp key (Vol+) to boot into recovery. If you see white screen with "Recovery" text in it, congrats. Everything is working. If not, try again.
Flashing the SuperSU package
Download the zip from SuperSU website
Copy the zip over to the device, with TWRP running
In TWRP, click install, click the zip and confirm the installation.
Factory reset is not required, but you should at least wipe the cache
If this post was useful for you, hit the thanks button
Hi i have a problem here. at the part to drag and drop the openrp file. When i have downloaded the file a drag it and drop it after the install word. The problem is that if I want to drop it there it will do nothing, nothing there shows or anything. Please respond.
I guess you can type the path to the installation file instead of dragging.
Very helpful thread, my coolpad Modena 2 (E502) is now rooted.
Don't forget to disable the factory mode once everything is done, or you won't be able to access the storage to usb anymore.
helo, can i get help, when i try to install openrp on abd and fastboot, it printed this message "Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE]"
can anyone help me on that step, so i can root my e502
TCRakt said:
Very helpful thread, my coolpad Modena 2 (E502) is now rooted.
Don't forget to disable the factory mode once everything is done, or you won't be able to access the storage to usb anymore.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how to disable the factory mode ?? :crying:
Firefa23 said:
how to disable the factory mode ?? :crying:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If I recall correctly (I don't have the phone anymore, just touched it once to root it at the time), you basically undo the "Enabling factory mode" step.
I think if you dial the number, you'll be back in the menu where you have the option to disable the factory mode.
Factory mode should be disabled when 'DM' is green.
Good luck
very good
Need Custom rom please
nougat / pie
Hello, could you resend the twrp recovery file for this phone again?. old links not work!.
(sorry for my bad english)

[Closed] Stuck in login-loop, trying to install com.android.settings via ADB

On a Nokia G10 I have been using ADB to uninstall unwanted apps to make the phone child-safe, without root being required. I followed steps here using the command:
.\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 <package_name>
and can reinstall any app using:
.\adb shell pm install-existing <package_name>
This has been very successful and I have been able to uninstall and reinstall many apps as needed. The final step I took was uninstalling the settings app (com.android.settings) to prevent the user from just enabling the play store and downloading everything again. Whenever I needed to update/change anything, I would connect via ADB and reinstall the settings app and do what I needed to do.
This has been working well for months, no problems, a very elegant and airtight solution.
Today I restarted the phone and it got stuck in a loop at the lock screen. Not a boot loop.
It turns on, and loads the lock screen up, then there's about half a second before it freezes, the lock screen crashes (goes black for a second) and the reloads the lock screen.
During that half second I can interact with the screen normally (e.g. swipe down the notifications/settings menu at the top, or open the power options menu) but then it crashes and reloads the lock screen.
I need to reinstall com.android.settings . I know this will fix the loop because I encountered this error while setting up the system earlier. However, I was already connected via ADB at that time and could just run the command to reinstall the settings app. This stopped it crashing, it loaded normally and I could login immediately.
But now I cannot connect via ADB for some reason. Running these commands gives the following errors:
.\adb shell pm install-existing com.android.settings adb.exe: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.
.\adb devices
List of devices attached
PT996******************* unauthorized
I have tried the following with no success:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
2) Starting in safe mode gives the same problem
3) Ideas listed here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23081263/adb-android-device-unauthorized/25546300#25546300
I don't get a new prompt to allow access.
4) Trying to start in FASTBOOT mode... I'm not sure I'm doing it right. Holding down the power and -vol key the screen displays "FASTBOOT mode..." but does not progress to a menu screen.
What I need:
A way to install com.android.settings, or, a way to get ADB access.
Any suggestions welcome
Some progress trying FASTBOOT:
Using this guide: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/how-to-enter-recovery-mode-on-nokia-g10-g20.4353903/
I have been able to boot into recovery mode.
Does anyone know how I can use the option "Apply update from ADB" to issue ADB commands like this?
.\adb shell pm install-existing com.android.settings
According to this thread: https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/94126/adb-shell-in-recovery-mode-errorclosed
adb shell is inaccessible with stock recovery.
Using FASTBOOT in the Windows powershell terminal, can I issue any similar command to install an existing package?
or, can I use adb sideload to reinstall com.android.settings?
as adb is unauthorized you simply have no adb access anymore. if you are using the same PC then RSA key is lost (otherwise check the previously known working PC and copy .android directory to current PC)
fastboot is unrelated to adb and of no use at all.

