Why does it take so long to connect to lte? - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When I reboot my phone I have an lte connection within a few seconds. When I set my phone to 2g though and then enable lte it takes multiple minutes to connect, why is that?

It honestly depends on the LTE towers near you're area

That's what I mean: it doesn't. I didn't even move yet the time to connect differs by more than a minute between rebooting and switching from 2g to 4g.

Try setting the APN "Bearer" to LTE. This sped it up for me.


'Bands' tab and Advanced config questions

I've searched the forums for an answer to this and I've found partial answers. I'm hoping I can get a response that will work for me.
Firstly, in the 'Bands' tab, I'm looking for some clarification on the options available. Under 'network type' there is 'Auto', 'GSM', and 'WCDMA'. Auto, I understand. GSM I'm assuming means GSM network (T-Mo, AT&T and not CDMA). WCDMA, according to Wikipedia, is basically the network that allows 3G speeds over GSM networks.
Now, when I set the network to GSM, I get an EDGE icon in place of the 3G. When I set it to WCDMA, I get 3G, as well I should.
First question: If I set the network to WCDMA, will it force my Fuze to ONLY connect to 3G? Where I live, I'm finding it hard to find a 3G dead zone to test without traveling 30 miles...
Second question: Does forcing 3G only improve battery life? I read in one post there are separate radios for 3G and EDGE/GPRS (which makes sense as to how you're able to talk and use the data connection simultaneously) and by forcing one, the phone doesn't constantly scan for the other.
My third question has to deal with having my device automatically disconnect the data connection after it finishes its business. I read in several posts that 'Advanced Config' has an option to set the data timeout, but I've read through the menus several times and have seen no such option. Are there multiple versions of advanced config floating around? Barring that, could someone just tell me what registry entry to add/edit to set the timeout? I read in yet another post that the phone automatically disconnects after 30 minutes, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as I tested mine and we're going on over an hour with no connection drop. (No email is being checked and weather is disabled. Prior to me starting this particular data connection, the phone had been connectionless for almost 16 hours.)
AdvancedConfig/Menu/More settings/Connections.
There is also that option in DiamondTweak.
WCDMA means 3G only, which means that your phone isn't searching for GSM signal. I haven't noticed battery improvement when forcing 3G, although that would be logical.

[Q] National roaming and slow switching back to home network

I am with a carrier (U) that supports 3g in limited areas, outside the coverage, I will be switched to another carrier (C), but only with EDGE connectivity.
I am living in the 3g coverage area, but somehow the car park is not covered, so everytime I go to my office car park, it switches to C, and when I am back in the ground floor and up, I noticed that sometimes its very slow in switching back to the carrier U.
I have called U up and they asked me to use the "Select Network Automatically" settings, but that doesn't seems to help much as sometimes even after 30 minutes it didn't switch back, until I go into the network settings.
I have noticed this too.
I an on Sprint. If my phone switches to 1x cdma (slow), it may not switch back to 3G if I am actively using data. I have to uncheck and recheck "data enabled" to bump it back. It seems to switch back ok if data is idle.
hmm, wonder if I could do something with tasker about this.

[Q] Setting network mode priority?

I noticed under "Network Mode" that you have four options: LTE, 3G, 1x, Global. Is there any other way to set a priority list (I was able to do this on my S3 with 4.3)? For example, my S3 would have the option "LTE/CDMA/EvDO". If there's LTE use it, if not use 3G or else use 1x. As it works now, when I'm at home I have to manually change it to "3G" so it will connect to my Airave, then "LTE" when I'm on the road.
Is there anyway to prioritize a list of network modes to use so that if LTE is unavailable it will go right to 3G?

[Q] Cyanogenmod 11 Mobile Data Connecting

I recently bought a Moto G US GSM Unlocked and a Straight Talk Unlimited plan. I put Cyanogenmod 11 on the phone before installing the sim card, then installed the sim card and set everything up. I had to use the AT&T card for my area.
The problem I'm having is connecting to mobile data (HSDPA and HSDPA Plus). When I turn the phone on it takes several minutes for it to get a data connection. I have full bars (or some bars, depending on where I am) but no H or H+ icon, no internet connection. The same thing happens after turning off WiFi, it takes some time to get the data connection. Then after it does get the connection it cycles between H and H+ randomly.
I have researched the APN settings I should be using, and found a great thread on androidcentral with a bunch of people trying different settings. The settings I am using now let me send and receive texts and mms, and use internet. But it still takes a long time to connect when the phone first starts or I turn off WiFi.
Is this normal? If not, what could be causing this? It's frustrating because I plan on using WiFI almost exclusively while at home and turning if off when I leave. I don't really want to wait several minutes after leaving for the phone to get it's internet connection back.

Trouble connecting to LTE after being on WiFi

T-mobile S7 edge.
This doesn't always happens, but it happens often enough that it's beginning to get frustrating. When I'm connected to WiFi for long periods of time (at work/home), then leave to an area that has full LTE coverage, the s7 edge will not connect. I get the signal bars, they're usually always full, but no '4G LTE' logo. If I open any app/browser, it claims it's not connected to the interwebz. If I put it into airplane mode, then come back out, it'll grab full 4G LTE again and work fine.
Not sure if I have some settings screwed up or if i'm overlooking something... or maybe it's just a bug.
WiFi calling enabled, set to prefer WiFi networks.
Smart Network Switch disabled.
Aggressive WiFi/cell handover disabled.
Wifi roaming scans disabled.
Keep mobile data turned on enabled.
Mobile networks set to auto connect.
Location set to use GPS, WiFi and mobile.
WiFi scanning enabled.

