Black Friday sale? - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anyone think the Nexus 5 will be going on sale for black friday/cyber monday? I will have the money to get it by then and it would be awesome.

Damian2013 said:
Anyone think the Nexus 5 will be going on sale for black friday/cyber monday? I will have the money to get it by then and it would be awesome.
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i don't think it'll happen from Google. If it happen, it will be through either T-mobile or Sprint.

And then it'll be just the same price as google play store I assume?

IMO, answer is no. Wishful thinking, however - can't fault you or anyone hoping for one - not when there is a worldwide interest for this hot cake and a 4+ week of waiting time for orders to ship out.
Besides, LG's production facility is already ramped up to maximum capacity to meet demands - as it is "Made in Korea"
I could see Google/LG doing a deal for the Bumper Case along with the N5 - maybe Play Store credit in lieu of discounting it. But, it is a big IF. Economics of basic supply & demand here ...


Notion Ink Adam - my 2 cents

If you are considering a pre-order, I would read this first:
I am a web systems admin, and deal with security from an Operations standpoint. With that in mind, I have been watching this over and I am VERY wary of this company. Imo, I would avoid the pre-order and wait until release.
A few things are red flags to me:
- They mentioned that the FCC request is well hidden. Why would they do that? Why the mystery?
- There are ZERO videos of this thing, other than the original prototype from months ago.
- The pics we've seen seem to be photoshopped. Granted, other companies do this but where are the real pics?
- Why hasn't a newer prototype been given to Engadget yet, for review? Again, what are they hiding?
- I have heard that, with the initial pre-order screen, there was no SSL and your SSN was required. Why in the WORLD would they need my SSN?
- $50 shipping. Huh????
- This is not Apple or MS, this is a start-up company. There's no history here.
- I heard that your credit card is being charged, with the pre-order. That is a major red flag. A legit company would put a hold on your CC, but not actually charge you until it is shipped. A recent example of this is what happened with the Archos 101 pre-orders from J&R and Tigerdirect.
I'm not going to go as far as to say that this is a scam, but it sounds very suspicious to me. Again, my 2 cents on the matter. It's a shame because I was considering this device, myself.
I agree completely! I too was considering this device as a preorder option... but I think I can wait now.... I kinda feel like they are just trying to raise the money necessary to START full production.... which is a big NO NO in my book!
VEGAn-TAB Developer
Did you see the Liliputing article from about a hour ago:
Well said Roe. I think everyone was considering pre-ordering this thing, but I was expecting a couple videos and plenty of pictures. We got none of that. Therefore, no dice. The mickey mouse ordering system w/ tons of problems being reported and so many questions left unanswered made it easy for me to decide not to preorder one. Anyone who preorders one of these is naive and dumb if you ask me.
roebeet said:
If you are considering a pre-order, I would read this first:
I am a web systems admin, and deal with security from an Operations standpoint. With that in mind, I have been watching this over and I am VERY wary of this company. Imo, I would avoid the pre-order and wait until release.
A few things are red flags to me:
- They mentioned that the FCC request is well hidden. Why would they do that? Why the mystery?
- There are ZERO videos of this thing, other than the original prototype from months ago.
- The pics we've seen seem to be photoshopped. Granted, other companies do this but where are the real pics?
- Why hasn't a newer prototype been given to Engadget yet, for review? Again, what are they hiding?
- I have heard that, with the initial pre-order screen, there was no SSL and your SSN was required. Why in the WORLD would they need my SSN?
- $50 shipping. Huh????
- This is not Apple or MS, this is a start-up company. There's no history here.
- I heard that your credit card is being charged, with the pre-order. That is a major red flag. A legit company would put a hold on your CC, but not actually charge you until it is shipped. A recent example of this is what happened with the Archos 101 pre-orders from J&R and Tigerdirect.
I'm not going to go as far as to say that this is a scam, but it sounds very suspicious to me. Again, my 2 cents on the matter. It's a shame because I was considering this device, myself.
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This is the BIGGEST warning to me, and I pointed it out in another thread as soon as I saw that. To me, this means that they have no money left, and need the pre-order payments right now to fund manufacturing and the company...
Butch1326 said:
Did you see the Liliputing article from about a hour ago:
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I'm reading up on their replies, right now - a lot of it sounds like bull, to me. Yes, it's also possible that this is growing pains for a start-up, but the bottom line is that I just don't trust this enough to give them my money, yet.
- The shipping rates. They could have raised the price $25, and then dropped the shipping to $25. My feeling on this is that shipping is not refundable - that means that if you return the item they keep the shipping and make some money off you. This is same thing that eBay sellers do, and it's not a good way for me to trust them. The device is only a few pounds, it's not a heavy device and $50 is excessive.
- No Mastercard payments. They had more than 6 months to fix this, it's Internet commerce 101, as well as SSL. Not having these scares the carp out of me, as a consumer. I have no faith that my credit card info is safe with them, and that is not a good thing.
- No pics of the device. That takes about 10 minutes to fix. Take pics, upload to blog, done. Same with a video -- why the delay? Again, very suspicious here.
The "mystery" factor works for a company like Apple, as they are an established company who has a history. This company is a start-up - as far as we know, this device doesn't exist and the CEO is about to take all your money and disappear.
Here's NI's reply:
I'm with you. I was on board to pick one up, in addition to my Gtab. I had my CC out and even stayed up waiting for that first 3am preorder. Then details started leaking out and I came to my senses. You are assuming a company will come through because we're used to dealing with large corporations. These assumptions are wrong in this case since this is an uproven company, with unproven people, in another country (legality), with a product that they refuse to show.
My guess is that this is a company run by young enthusiastic engineers getting railroaded hard by the people financing them. However, I'm not going to put my money out their first. The last straw was their sneaky method of jacking the price of the top version, the one I wanted, by 20%. First they increased the base price $50 and then changed free shipping to $50, ending up with a $500 to $600 price.
I hear you Roebeet. I was one of the so called family and got the link and it was a disaster from the onset. Thank God I couldn't get to the purchase page because the server kept crashing and the 12pm PST thing.
What saved me from ordering the adam is that I had to go to work. I was already running late. When I got off work it said they were sold out. WTF! How can something that is not in production be sold out?? If it does exist, I'll wait until it is in a real store.
I am now confident it is still vaporware. I feel for those that bought it without actually seeing a demo video or real pictures. I just hope they didn't get scammed.
Yeah, liliputing echoed my thoughts. I really don't think NotionInk is being deceitful. For those that follow the blog you know they genuinely care about making a great device and I have little doubt Adam exist.
In my mind there is no question the device will be great. The real problem isn't about developing a great device, its about introducing, manufacturing, distributing and supporting your first ever product. That in itself is a huge undertaking if you just planned to sell to one region let alone the world.
I wish them the best of luck and hope this thing does take off. I kind of just wish for their sake they would have started off a little less ambitious.
[My guess is some models 'sold out' because pre-sales numbers where tied to their initial parts inventory and the number of tablets they can produce in a month. That imo is a good thing.]
Too much money to commit for a product with nothing but vapor to show so far. The company appears to be very naive or this is a sham. Hope for the former, none the less.
I am happy with the G and the way I use the device, the viewing angles are fine and the device has 8gb more space and not sourced from India with a VERY dubious January ship date. Gtablet is $150 more for the good display
Some stuff going on does not add up, so if naive or something else, neither is good.
This launch could make the Gtablet seem iPad-like, in comparison
I was about to order mine last night but I couldn't pull the trigger. Too many red flags. The $50 shipping and asking for SSN was what finally made me come to my senses. If this tablet is really awesome why they didn't send demos to any tech blogs ?
For now I'm very happy with my G-Tablet. Thank you roebeet for your hard work.
You know, I kind of think that they might actually have a product and they might have had enough mfged already for the pre-order guys, but ran out of money doing those and hence need to charge new orders immediately.
I thought that they had pictures of an actual unit, that red one in one of the Nov/maybe early Dec blog posts? Still kind of disconcerting that they have no videos and no more better pix of the thing...
Well, since I decided to skip this one anyways since I kept the gTab, I can afford to wait and see what happens, hope that they ship something close to what they claim, and then see if they survive to do a Tegra 3 tablet, which IF they do better in pricing and get me a 7" form factor, I MIGHT spring for...
Maybe just wishful thinking but I guess we'll see when they start shipping, after all remember open pandora? I think they finally started shipping more than prototype versions earlier this year, when they were SUPPOSED to have started shipping over 2y ago! OP is kind of a joke now at the price it's listed at, and what it is...
Took my WPDN back to BBB today. They didn't even open the box, just printed out a form for me to sign and handed over the cash and a receipt showing my return.
After that I wandered over the B&N almost next store and took a look at the Nook Color... was SORELY tempted to just buy one, but decided to wait and see a bit. Nice 7" form factor, nice screen, light(!), and fairly speedy for only being a8 @ 800MHz and 2.1! Woman at the counter claims that they're planning OS upgrades and flash support when I asked her about it. Browser still had problems with the many more button on /. then again so did the WPDN & GT. On the gTab it loads them almost as quickly as my nb... still thinking about NC...
As much as I'd like to think they are just being naive and made some mistakes in the SSL / Mastercard / SSN area, I don't believe that's the case. And for one reason only - no photos and no videos of the product since earlier this year. That is very suspicious.
This is not rocket science - all they need to do is upload a few real photos and a quick video of the device in someone's hands, to allay fears. It's been 24 hours now and that has not happened (yet). If they stop being so darn mysterious and show us that there's really a product out there, then I won't be so cautious.
But, I still wouldn't pre-order it if they charge me before shipping. This is like meeting a stranger on the street, giving them $450 on the honor system that they will come back in 2 months to your house to give you your product. At least we have Visa protection but you might still have a deductible.
Not disagreeing with anyone here, but the whole SSN thing was the credit card companies verifying your identity. That has nothing to do with notion ink, i order internationally all the time and whenever you do so the banks require verification a lot of the time. Also, it doesn't ask for your entire SSN, just the last 4 digits.
I ordered one, nervously. We'll see what happens.
LeftysRule22 said:
Not disagreeing with anyone here, but the whole SSN thing was the credit card companies verifying your identity. That has nothing to do with notion ink, i order internationally all the time and whenever you do so the banks require verification a lot of the time. Also, it doesn't ask for your entire SSN, just the last 4 digits.
I ordered one, nervously. We'll see what happens.
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If it was the last four digits, that's not the same thing - agreed. I heard it was the whole thing, but I didn't see this myself.
I actually hope that I'm wrong and that these devices are shipped in January and are just as good as we all hope they are. But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
roebeet said:
If it was the last four digits, that's not the same thing - agreed. I heard it was the whole thing, but I didn't see this myself.
I actually hope that I'm wrong and that these devices are shipped in January and are just as good as we all hope they are. But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
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No company should or by law use your SSN to identify you!
This is looking fishery than ever, sadly...
roebeet said:
But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
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This is what made me most nervous, it's true. I was kinda hoping it wouldn't charge immediately. Dec 18th will hopefully alleviate some concern.
Well, maybe when it eventually comes out, if the firmware is as awesome as Notion Ink says it is, it can be ported over to other devices? I'm sure it would make a pretty awesome Android tablet with their supposed custom interface and apps.
I've been waiting on the Adam for the past year because of its Qi-Pixel display, but the lack of videos/photos and important information kept me from pulling the trigger. For some reason they refuse to release specifics such as whether the damn thing will support the Android market. That's B.S. If you want people to give you $550+ for something, you need to tell them what they're getting in return.
The reason they're not showing pictures on their site probably has to do with US law which would hold them accountable if they shipped a device that didn't match the photo. That may be the same reason why they're not discussing some of the specs. Who the hell knows.
I'm going back to Sears tomorrow to see if I can get the price difference between the $379 I paid and the $349 sale. Hell, if Sears is cool to me I'll probably just pick up a 2nd G-Tab and forget about Notion Ink.
I would've preordered it if I hadn't bought the G tab which I didn't return due to the awesome 'trio' we have here, working all day & night to make this tab better and better.
I think those Notion Ink guys are facing some problems due to their inexperience and lack of support.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b1 using Tapatalk

[Q] No Nexus S for me

[Mods - i hope this is the right forum to post this..sorry if it isn't]
That's it folks ... I guess there is no gingerbread+nexus S love coming my way :'(
I've been dying to get this phone since the day it released... ESPECIALLY because it's such great value for money ..
BUT - I'm in Dubai ...and it wud cost me a total of about $700+ to get this mean boy shipped safely to me
[$530+$5 case + $45 sales tax + ~$120 shipping]
Does ANYBODY know a better way to get it here?
I don't want to buy it off ebay or somewhere else, because I want someone i trust to 'test' the device for problems (and exchange it if needed) before shipping it here...
Help anyone?
[and please don't beat me up for asking!]
They are cheaper here in canada
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
They'll be in Italy soon, closer than America, plus the Italian version will have 720p and a Super LCD.
Interesting ....
I have an iPhone 3g now ..and it's nearly dead [literally]
i see it choke every few minutes ... so I'm slowly preparing to put it back in its original packaging and bury it somewhere..
I can keep waiting till a European one comes about .. but from the articles I've read, i think the reduced shipping cost wud be offset by a higher up-front (529 Euros) price
Till then i'll keep praying my iPhone survives...
@the_ahmadzais: I was under the impression that it hasn't been released anywhere BUT US and UK till now? I couldn't find any google hits that talked of a Canada release, but i probably am wrong..
still there a subtantial diff in prices?
it's mainly the shipping cost that is killing me ... 120$ !! [that + taxes count for 25% of the total bill to get it here!
*ouch* ]
It's been my observation that it's common practice for sellers to overcharge for shipping. Basic one-week shipping to Dubai from the United States via USPS is about half that. Of course, if you want to use a specific carrier (UPS, FedEx, et cetera) or add extra services, it costs more. But honestly, most of that stuff is just a way for the parcel service to squeeze more money out of you. I've been selling and buying online for years, and I've yet to have a package lost or grossly mishandled. If anything's been broken in transit, it was because the seller did a crappy job packaging it. Also, state sales taxes vary. Here in Oregon, there is no sales tax. So the break even point for buying and shipping a Nexus S for me would be roughly $590. Even in states with the highest sales taxes, that only goes up by about $50. So if you're buying from the U.S.- unless you're insisting either on super express shipping (less than a week) or some form of package insurance which would add to the cost- I would consider anything above $650 at most to be pure seller profit.
This non-availability is an android bug imho
abhilashraj said:
[Mods - i hope this is the right forum to post this..sorry if it isn't]
That's it folks ... I guess there is no gingerbread+nexus S love coming my way :'(
Does ANYBODY know a better way to get it here?
[and please don't beat me up for asking!]
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This wouldn't be no problem if the gingerbread reference phone was available as developer phone. Obviously google refuses to notice that there are android developers outside the USA.
This issue already has been reported as a bug. Star it. ;-)
Ya basically the ups shipping is expensive and the phone is 500 at some local stores Asian dealers. Its coming to all Canadian providers on March.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Abilash, I understand the feeling ... frustration. I was in the same boat as you ... think you even commented about it.
I got a friend to buy it (am in Kuwait). Initially I thought I'd make the payment through paypal and get it shipped to him. On trying to complete the process, paypal through up a message saying that my paypal location does not allow shipping to the desired location (US - CA) and therefore payment cannot be completed :-s whatever that meant.
Anyway, my friend ran a quick check ... nothing detailed (checked for bad screen issues, loose volume controls and back button problem), but it back in the box and shipped it to an Aramex mailbox address in New York. Cost him $16.90 including insurance.
The item has yet to reach the address, but one its there, I understand Aramex will automatically ship it to the Kuwait address of the holder of that box. Again, I understand that the shipment cost to Kuwait should be about KD.5 or 6 (about $18/-) plus a possible customs tax of KD.3 or 4 (about $13/-).
You could either find some friend that has this box already or may prefer to apply for a box if you intend to do a lot of purchase from the US.
zachthemaster said:
They'll be in Italy soon, closer than America, plus the Italian version will have 720p and a Super LCD.
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Where has this been confirmed? If a new version comes out with 720p I'm gonna be an unhappy customer.
mr mystery said:
Where has this been confirmed? If a new version comes out with 720p I'm gonna be an unhappy customer.
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Super Clear LCD has been confirmed, but 720p was just a mistake: some idiot thought that 720x480 is 720p, and if only one person says it, it goes around the internet in no time.
There is a possibility that 720p video recording will come to the Nexus S in the future. Some say it can be done with an update...
Finally getting somewhere with the shipping issue
Really nice to see people offering their two cents..
thank you!
@zorak - the massive addition causing the price to jump beyond the $650 mark is only the shipping cost @120 ... I am using fedex's/ups' online estimate tools to approximate shipping cost... I understand that the estimates wud be off by a bit vs. the actual cost... but I doubt it would be a a $50 drop ...probably a $10 drop ..
i will ask my friend to check if they have other/slower delivery options costing lesser though (the online estimate only shows 'speedy' trnfrs...
@Paparasee: opening that aramex box idea was something i DID NOT know of!
even after adding the initial setup fee of $35 to the $16.90 (shipping to new york) and $31 (shipping to Kuwait) ..the total cost STILL works out to be cheaper than the 120 that fedex and UPS are asking for
how has your experience been so far with the Aramex box? i.e. my packages/the phone wouldn't be lost in transit yea?
on another note-- my brother and I have been putting off amazon purchases SOLELY because of shipping costs .. I didn't know such a thing existed !
the_ahmadzais said:
They are cheaper here in canada
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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shipping from Canada to Dubai will be equally as expensive than shipping it from USA
besides the Canadian version of the SNS is not out until March
zachthemaster said:
They'll be in Italy soon, closer than America, plus the Italian version will have 720p and a Super LCD.
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i'll not choose a SLCD it's not comparable to SAMOLED
i've played with the SLCD from the next HTC phones, and they are not lively, it lacks the vivid display of the SAMOLED
so if the buyer wants a SAMOLED display, it'll need to purchase the America version, UK version is also SAMOLED
if they don't mind the low quality of the SLCD then they can buy the Euro version with SLCD
abhilashraj said:
the massive addition causing the price to jump beyond the $650 mark is only the shipping cost @120 ... I am using fedex's/ups' online estimate tools to approximate shipping cost... I understand that the estimates wud be off by a bit vs. the actual cost... but I doubt it would be a a $50 drop ...probably a $10 drop ..
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The only reason to use UPS or FedEx is if the postal service in either the sending or receiving country is corrupt or dysfunctional. Shipping via the postal service will get your package to its destination in only a few more days and for literally half or less the cost. UPS and FedEx are ripoffs.
abhilashraj said:
@Paparasee: opening that aramex box idea was something i DID NOT know of!
even after adding the initial setup fee of $35 to the $16.90 (shipping to new york) and $31 (shipping to Kuwait) ..the total cost STILL works out to be cheaper than the 120 that fedex and UPS are asking for
how has your experience been so far with the Aramex box? i.e. my packages/the phone wouldn't be lost in transit yea?
on another note-- my brother and I have been putting off amazon purchases SOLELY because of shipping costs .. I didn't know such a thing existed !
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Experience ... well, can't tell you yet cause the package will probably reach my friends box today or tomorrow (saved $35 since my friend has one already ). But, my friend has been using his box for ages ... no problems, no lost stuff. As soon as the "stuff" hits your box, you'll get an email notifying you of movement in your box. From then on, you have a tracking number to follow up on.
Forgot to add ... it was distortedloop that advised me to "buy the extra insurance coverage" when opting to use the US postal service for shipping to NY. ... thanks again distortedloop
Paparasee said:
Experience ... well, can't tell you yet cause the package will probably reach my friends box today or tomorrow (saved $35 since my friend has one already ). But, my friend has been using his box for ages ... no problems, no lost stuff. As soon as the "stuff" hits your box, you'll get an email notifying you of movement in your box. From then on, you have a tracking number to follow up on.
Forgot to add ... it was distortedloop that advised me to "buy the extra insurance coverage" when opting to use the US postal service for shipping to NY. ... thanks again distortedloop
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Gotcha! Cud u check ur XDA inbox once you get the phone?
I have asked a couple of questions on the Aramex service, that u'd be able to answer once you have their bill
and again . THANK YOU!
Androyed said:
Super Clear LCD has been confirmed, but 720p was just a mistake: some idiot thought that 720x480 is 720p, and if only one person says it, it goes around the internet in no time.
There is a possibility that 720p video recording will come to the Nexus S in the future. Some say it can be done with an update...
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I thought the Nexus S hardware had a bottleneck in the memory bus that prevented full frame rate 720p recording; at least that was the chatter last month around here.
Paparasee said:
Experience ... well, can't tell you yet cause the package will probably reach my friends box today or tomorrow (saved $35 since my friend has one already ). But, my friend has been using his box for ages ... no problems, no lost stuff. As soon as the "stuff" hits your box, you'll get an email notifying you of movement in your box. From then on, you have a tracking number to follow up on.
Forgot to add ... it was distortedloop that advised me to "buy the extra insurance coverage" when opting to use the US postal service for shipping to NY. ... thanks again distortedloop
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@Paparasee -- any info on your fone yet?
@abhilashraj ... YEAH!!! I finally got it. My friend dozed of and forgot about the package. He finally brought it to me by about 8.30 or 9pm.
About your queries ...
a) Aramex did not add a separate box nor add anything to the box packed by friend. They just sealed it with their tape.
b) The phone was in its box and that was put into a little bigger box by the Best Buy guys when they shipped it ... I presume that all that ordered it online got it that way cause I saw a video of an unboxing of the NS and that had a similar external box.
c) Not sure about the others, but my friend said that he did put a couple of bubble packs into the box so that there would be no play area for the NS box. This did not add any weight.
d) My friend paid USD.16.90 to ship it from CA to NY (where all Aramex boxes are.
e) Aramex picks up and ships to the final destination only twice a week and hence the delay to get here.
f) Not sure who decided on the weight (whether it was re-weighed or not), but BestBuy had indicated a weight of 1.2lbs when they shipped it to my friend. He probably used the same figure when he shipped it to NY.
g) Aramex used the same figure when they shipped it to Kuwait.
h) Per the Aramex calculator, I was to be charged KD.5.80 for the 1.2Lbs. They charged me 6.800. According to the guy that delivered, if the weight was 1.1Lbs, the charge would only have been KD.4.25/-. That again is their calculator rate plus 1/-.
Yes, its a big relief to have it delivered at that rate ... pretty cheap I would say. The biggest relief though is that I got it
Now for figuring out what is what on my 1st android. Will get used to it and play around in the market with free stuff before I start rooting and the like.
In the meantime, I would require a good office editor and will open a separate thread requesting user opinions!
Cheers & Good luck with your phone.
distortedloop said:
I thought the Nexus S hardware had a bottleneck in the memory bus that prevented full frame rate 720p recording; at least that was the chatter last month around here.
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Read the entire thread
When the Nexus S was first being reviewed, some places said it had 720p as well. It's reviewers not knowing what they are talking about. The version going to Italy has the same camera.
What about Aramex?
ps : arabic letters not yet connected in 2.3


Ok so the navy exchange is being retarded. Still thinks i have the transfprmer on order but i just got a email saying its discontinued any one else here of see that. Ill post the link when i get to work im driving to it now.
Dear Exchange Patron,
This email is in regards to your order for (X672H - TRNSFRMR TABLT DK BRN EEEPAD)
that you recently placed with us. Our supplier has informed us that the item has been discontinued. A full refund will be processed for this item. Please allow 3-5 business days for credit posting. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact customer service by phone at 1-800-527-2345 or via chat at . Email replies must include your order number and contact information in order to receive a prompt response.
Sheila Easter
Sr. Customer Service Tech
Marketing-Exchange Catalog /Online Store
Army & Air Force Exchange Service
Phone: 1-800-527-2345 Fax 1-214-465-2197
[email protected]
Visit our online store!
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Maybe because the TF101G is coming out. (3g model) (it's on their support site now)
or... tf102? Transformer 2 but most likely just a buggy system message.. But I doubt transformer 2 lol, icecream hasn't even been released on the "Nexus Prime".
hmmm i edited my OP to show what i got. i orded the 32GB 2 weeks before it came out.
the way etailers are undercutting the price, I would imagine the TF101 is past the curve in its lifecycle.
I doubt it's discontinued, the transformer sells very well. So I don't see why asus stops selling it. My guess is Exchange can't provide you with the device for some reasons, but said it's discontinued.
Newegg has it (or did two days ago) bundled with the dock for $50 off the full price. unless you're getting a better price through the exchange, just order it from the Egg.
Better not be
I just got me and my girl transformers for our birthdays and she got us the docks, and unless the 3g version is free its not for me I have enough wireless dollars going out.
Might just mean that they have discontinued carrying it especially in light of all the maneuvering (Multiple orders/ cancellations) that went on after initial release
It wouldnt make sense to discontinue such a popular product
This just worries me more about buying this, now :/. I was very interested in purchasing the Transformer but if something better is going to come out really soon then I won't bother.
It's so frustrating that I've come in at the time the current TF101 is becoming out of date. That's my own fault for not being current enough, I guess. Should the people who've wondered about buying (such as myself) hold off for a little while longer, perhaps?
There's always something better coming soon. And a Transformer is a good buy.
This doesn't mean anything, because their supplier is not necessarily Asus. Most probably some other 3rd party wholesaler and they must have discontinued selling it. That doesn't man the product is discontinued.
Just keep in mind that even if a product sells extremely well, if it's a low margin product like a tablet where a seller is only making a little profit to begin with, it doesn't take a lot of returns/swaps before it becomes an item a seller doesn't want to sell. How many posts have you seen here where people had returned a transformer 2, 3 or even 4 times to get a perfect unit? Although low margins/price don't mean that a consumer shouldn't expect a good unit, as someone who works for a consumer electronics retailer I can assure you that if any product bcomes a liability in terms of cost we stop selling it. Obviously although we pride ourselves on customer service we are ultimately in the business to make a profit, so regardless of how popular a unit is it has to pay its own way. This is especially true for a company selling on the internet, since the Walmart idea of having loss leaders doesn't work - people go to your site and buy what they need, they don't often add other higher margin items.
lathanub said:
This just worries me more about buying this, now :/. I was very interested in purchasing the Transformer but if something better is going to come out really soon then I won't bother.
It's so frustrating that I've come in at the time the current TF101 is becoming out of date. That's my own fault for not being current enough, I guess. Should the people who've wondered about buying (such as myself) hold off for a little while longer, perhaps?
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There will always be something better. The Quad Core tablets are suppose to be arriving this fall I thought, so if you hold out until then that could be good. I got my Tablet back in June and am very happy with it.
Hell I am never satisfied though. I got a new Laptop (Sager) in May, Tablet (Transformer) in June, and now I want to build a new Desktop (custom build). If I do the desktop my wife is going to kill me!

LG Nexus 4 listed for Pre order on Carphone Warehouse

LG Nexus 4 had been listed on UKs retailer site Carphone Warehouse for GBP 389.95 without contract and with contract for 31 pounds per month. Which they have removed now.. May be they were testing the page..
All specs matched the specs as rumored.. few things i noticed were there is no radio, no LTE, battery details were mentioned as to be confirmed.
389 pounds comes to around 630 USD. worth it? I dont think so..
more details here.. not sure whether i shud be posting links
bullzhigh said:
LG Nexus 4 had been listed on UKs retailer site Carphone Warehouse for GBP 389.95 without contract and with contract for 31 pounds per month. Which they have removed now.. May be they were testing the page..
All specs matched the specs as rumored.. few things i noticed were there is no radio, no LTE, battery details were mentioned as to be confirmed.
389 pounds comes to around 630 USD. worth it? I dont think so..
more details here.. not sure whether i shud be posting links
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Saw that too, fun But don't worry about the price. They just charge what they can get away with, what people are prepared to pay, which I think depends on the number rather than the value. The current GNex that costs $350, which is about €270, actually costs €350 - €400 in the shops in Europe. Because that number is a price that people are prepared to pay. In the U.S. it won't be $600, I'd say closer to $400. I don't know, because I haven't done any real analysis, but I think that Google aren't really interested in making any money from the Nexus devices, I mean there's no way they make much of a profit on the Nexus 7 with those specs, but more in making money from the advertising all the Android owners are exposed to, and the data collected.
picture used is the same one floating around yesterday which was known to be a fake.
Look at the time in the center and running apps in the left top corner...
SEVEN40iL said:
picture used is the same one floating around yesterday which was known to be a fake.
Look at the time in the center and running apps in the left top corner...
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ya right.. looks like they put a mock up of the page..
ppog said:
Saw that too, fun But don't worry about the price. They just charge what they can get away with, what people are prepared to pay, which I think depends on the number rather than the value. The current GNex that costs $350, which is about €270, actually costs €350 - €400 in the shops in Europe. Because that number is a price that people are prepared to pay. In the U.S. it won't be $600, I'd say closer to $400. I don't know, because I haven't done any real analysis, but I think that Google aren't really interested in making any money from the Nexus devices, I mean there's no way they make much of a profit on the Nexus 7 with those specs, but more in making money from the advertising all the Android owners are exposed to, and the data collected.
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I shudnt have compared it with the UK price. Cuz the Gnex even now sells for a lot more than the US price..
I dont think even Carphone guys got the detailed specs from LG.. I assume they just pulled some numbers from the rumors and posted it.. Actual specs might change along with some changes in the design.. But i wonder hw cud they bullishly announce the delivery date too even before the product has launched. got some balls i must say..
bullzhigh said:
I shudnt have compared it with the UK price. Cuz the Gnex even now sells for a lot more than the US price..
I dont think even Carphone guys got the detailed specs from LG.. I assume they just pulled some numbers from the rumors and posted it.. Actual specs might change along with some changes in the design.. But i wonder hw cud they bullishly announce the delivery date too even before the product has launched. got some balls i must say..
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it could be that the Carphone guys are in on the publicity machine. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that another 1 of the rumors a few weeks ago came from them too, a leaked stock manifest I think

[UK] Carphone Warehouse pre-orders

Hi all
Anyone pre-ordered from CW yet?
what did you get and when do you think it will be shipped
Cannot remember if last year they were OK or not at shipping them ahead of others
Also are there some freebies with these orders?
I tried to pre-order....THREE times. First time, 2 hours later got an email back saying they could not proceed and had cancelled the order (no epxlanation). Second time got an email back an hour later saying they had cancelled it again, due to an "information mismatch". Rang them up to find out what the hell they were playing at, got through to sales who couldnt tell me why they had cancelled it so they passed me on to the "web team", who couldnt tell me anything at all, and passed me on to customer services.....who cut me off. I tried one final time to order it, this time got a reply an hour later again saying that it had been cancelled again, due to me failing a credit check, and telling me to check with the network I had selected......I had not selected any network since I was buying the handset only, there was no requirement for any kind of credit check, and if they HAD done a credit check then it would have come back as perfect. At this point I went to John Lewis website instead and ordered it fine first time. I will lose the crappy £99 speaker that was gonna go straight on ebay anyway, but it'll be worth it not to have to deal with the CPW muppets ever again.
I wasn't sure who to go with as I wanted to make sure delivery was on 20th since I will be at home that day and I figured CPW would have the most stock plus the free speaker. But then they will probably also have the most orders. John Lewis isn't a place people would normally think of buying a mobile from (I was surprised to even see it listed!) so I'm hoping they have enough stock and reliable enough delivery to get it to me on time. My order confirmation shows the delivery date, the CPW confirmation only said "current" delivery date which didn't sound very definite to me!
Ordered instore at CPW inside Curry's Bolton today. Black S8 (SimFree). Took 10 mins, collect from store on the 20th & get a free Samsung speaker
Same. Ordered instore in Market Harborough CPW for delivery to store on 20th. The free Samsung speaker looks rather nice and is waterproof to match the phone. I'll be using that in my bathroom. They had both S8 models to play with - full working units, not dummies. Very nice indeed! Went for the S8 - it's plenty big enough!
scgf said:
Same. Ordered instore in Market Harborough CPW for delivery to store on 20th. The free Samsung speaker looks rather nice and is waterproof to match the phone. I'll be using that in my bathroom. They had both S8 models to play with - full working units, not dummies. Very nice indeed! Went for the S8 - it's plenty big enough!
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Scary how much smaller it is than my 6P and how little bezel there is! Still almost went for the plus tho...
Ordered mine on Launch 10 mins after the Live Announcement ended from CPW in Currys in York. Got a Black S8 + Free Wireless Speaker and a free £50 Currys/PCWorld Gift Card to use within 6 months. Delivery to store on 20th April.
comicbookguy72 said:
Scary how much smaller it is than my 6P and how little bezel there is! Still almost went for the plus tho...
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Indeed. I was amazed at how the plus just doesn't look huge as I imagined it would. I wasn't actually intending to order - I bought a Google Pixel a week ago but was very disappointed as the lens flare I got in several photos over the weekend. CPW accepted the return and I paid the extra for the S8. Now having to use my old Nexus 5 for a couple of weeks.
scgf said:
Indeed. I was amazed at how the plus just doesn't look huge as I imagined it would. I wasn't actually intending to order - I bought a Google Pixel a week ago but was very disappointed as the lens flare I got in several photos over the weekend. CPW accepted the return and I paid the extra for the S8. Now having to use my old Nexus 5 for a couple of weeks.
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Good to know the returns policy works. Just hope rooting is possible and the custom rom scene is good enough on the S8. (had Nexus devices since the GNex & really going to miss crack flashing).....
I had a Galaxy S7 before the Pixel. I didn't do any custom roms or anything, but did flash firmware on a couple of occasions. TouchWiz (or whatever they call it now) is not an issue any more - I put Nova Launcher on it and to me it looks just like stock Android. The photos I took on the S7 pleased me more than those I took on the Pixel, so I have high hopes for the tweaked camera algorithms on the S8.
scgf said:
I had a Galaxy S7 before the Pixel. I didn't do any custom roms or anything, but did flash firmware on a couple of occasions. TouchWiz (or whatever they call it now) is not an issue any more - I put Nova Launcher on it and to me it looks just like stock Android. The photos I took on the S7 pleased me more than those I took on the Pixel, so I have high hopes for the tweaked camera algorithms on the S8.
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It's actually not the same sensor either ,it's the same specs but a new one that no other phone uses. I'm sure it will be better in many scenarios with the improved processing and new features and will probably knock the Pixel from 1st place on dxomark. I can't wait to do some testing once I get it.
I can't wait for the 20th and my new phone! I pre-ordered it from CPW on Saturday.
ewokuk said:
I tried to pre-order....THREE times. First time, 2 hours later got an email back saying they could not proceed and had cancelled the order (no epxlanation). Second time got an email back an hour later saying they had cancelled it again, due to an "information mismatch". Rang them up to find out what the hell they were playing at, got through to sales who couldnt tell me why they had cancelled it so they passed me on to the "web team", who couldnt tell me anything at all, and passed me on to customer services.....who cut me off. I tried one final time to order it, this time got a reply an hour later again saying that it had been cancelled again, due to me failing a credit check, and telling me to check with the network I had selected......I had not selected any network since I was buying the handset only, there was no requirement for any kind of credit check, and if they HAD done a credit check then it would have come back as perfect. At this point I went to John Lewis website instead and ordered it fine first time. I will lose the crappy £99 speaker that was gonna go straight on ebay anyway, but it'll be worth it not to have to deal with the CPW muppets ever again.
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I've had this from Carphone Warehouse several times in the past. I can almost guarantee that if I order anything online from them the payment will be rejected and I will have to contact them, then my bank to get it sorted. I don't know what they do, but I never have issues like this with any other company. When I check my credit reference no search is visible from them and, as you say, there is no reason to refer to a credit reference to buy a phone SIM free!
ewokuk said:
I tried to pre-order....THREE times. First time, 2 hours later got an email back saying they could not proceed and had cancelled the order (no epxlanation). Second time got an email back an hour later saying they had cancelled it again, due to an "information mismatch". Rang them up to find out what the hell they were playing at, got through to sales who couldnt tell me why they had cancelled it so they passed me on to the "web team", who couldnt tell me anything at all, and passed me on to customer services.....who cut me off. I tried one final time to order it, this time got a reply an hour later again saying that it had been cancelled again, due to me failing a credit check, and telling me to check with the network I had selected......I had not selected any network since I was buying the handset only, there was no requirement for any kind of credit check, and if they HAD done a credit check then it would have come back as perfect. At this point I went to John Lewis website instead and ordered it fine first time. I will lose the crappy £99 speaker that was gonna go straight on ebay anyway, but it'll be worth it not to have to deal with the CPW muppets ever again.
I wasn't sure who to go with as I wanted to make sure delivery was on 20th since I will be at home that day and I figured CPW would have the most stock plus the free speaker. But then they will probably also have the most orders. John Lewis isn't a place people would normally think of buying a mobile from (I was surprised to even see it listed!) so I'm hoping they have enough stock and reliable enough delivery to get it to me on time. My order confirmation shows the delivery date, the CPW confirmation only said "current" delivery date which didn't sound very definite to me!
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On the Samsung website (btw - how come you didnt ordered it form there?) when i placed my initial order (which was cancelled by some idiot CS guy) it was saying deliver from 19th - but when i tried to order again yesterday - it was saying deliver by 28th April !?>! - in the end their stupid webpage didnt work so i gave up and gone with CW who say delivered by 21st ....i went for collect in store since i am never in one place to wait for the courier
scgf said:
I've had this from Carphone Warehouse several times in the past. I can almost guarantee that if I order anything online from them the payment will be rejected and I will have to contact them, then my bank to get it sorted. I don't know what they do, but I never have issues like this with any other company. When I check my credit reference no search is visible from them and, as you say, there is no reason to refer to a credit reference to buy a phone SIM free!
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I had the same issue - got an email later saying card didnt go thru - had to call bank and them to sort it out - annoying - but still better than the crap samsung website service
tim2london said:
On the Samsung website (btw - how come you didnt ordered it form there?) when i placed my initial order (which was cancelled by some idiot CS guy) it was saying deliver from 19th - but when i tried to order again yesterday - it was saying deliver by 28th April !?>! - in the end their stupid webpage didnt work so i gave up and gone with CW who say delivered by 21st ....i went for collect in store since i am never in one place to wait for the courier
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I didnt order from Samsung because when I went there to check on Sat, it was saying deliver by 28th and didn't even mention getting it earlier via pre-order so I assume they had already sold out of the pre-order ones. I think years ago when I was going to pre-order something from Samsung it turned out that they didn't have enough stock to fill it, and other places like CPW did, so I ended up having to cancel it and get it elsewhere to avoid delays. You would think Samsung themselves would have the most stock but that wasn't the case back then so i haven't ordered direct from them since.
CPW are clearly too incompetent to get their own website to work properly, and too incompetent to be able to deal with it when it doesn't work, so hopefully John Lewis can deliver instead.
ewokuk said:
I didnt order from Samsung because when I went there to check on Sat, it was saying deliver by 28th and didn't even mention getting it earlier via pre-order so I assume they had already sold out of the pre-order ones. I think years ago when I was going to pre-order something from Samsung it turned out that they didn't have enough stock to fill it, and other places like CPW did, so I ended up having to cancel it and get it elsewhere to avoid delays. You would think Samsung themselves would have the most stock but that wasn't the case back then so i haven't ordered direct from them since.
CPW are clearly too incompetent to get their own website to work properly, and too incompetent to be able to deal with it when it doesn't work, so hopefully John Lewis can deliver instead.
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On JL website - they only have S8+?
I like you guys LOVE the phone and want to upgrade. 2 things have stopped me, 1 = is what the battery life is going to be like, 2 = and most importantly is because UK is getting screwed again with crap deals, US are getting memory or VR etc and silver colors etc, UK are not getting anything other then maybe insurance or £50 speaker which not all of us want.
Slowly tempted to wait for better deals but look forward to your reviews, Enjoy your new slick phones!!
FoneFreak786 said:
I like you guys LOVE the phone and want to upgrade. 2 things have stopped me, 1 = is what the battery life is going to be like, 2 = and most importantly is because UK is getting screwed again with crap deals, US are getting memory or VR etc and silver colors etc, UK are not getting anything other then maybe insurance or £50 speaker which not all of us want.
Slowly tempted to wait for better deals but look forward to your reviews, Enjoy your new slick phones!!
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Depends what you want. I'd much rather have the speaker than a VR headset or a memory card!
I'm not sure the UK is getting screwed - the S8 launches here at the same time as the States. There are many countries that don't see phone releases until much later after launch. We generally get them pretty quickly.
tim2london said:
On JL website - they only have S8+?
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I thought they had both but I have ordered the + anyway.
---------- Post added at 13:18 ---------- Previous post was at 13:17 ----------
FoneFreak786 said:
I like you guys LOVE the phone and want to upgrade. 2 things have stopped me, 1 = is what the battery life is going to be like, 2 = and most importantly is because UK is getting screwed again with crap deals, US are getting memory or VR etc and silver colors etc, UK are not getting anything other then maybe insurance or £50 speaker which not all of us want.
Slowly tempted to wait for better deals but look forward to your reviews, Enjoy your new slick phones!!
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Yup battery life worries me too but I have not found another device that I would be willing to go for and my S5 is getting on a bit so I need to upgrade.
UK being screwed is nothing new. We get screwed on price and screwed on deals for just about everything. Now they are using brexit as an excuse to stick the prices up on everything when we were already paying far more than the exchange rate says we should have been paying in the first place! They have all just spotted an opportunity to increase their profits by a big chunk and hide it as being brexit. And Samsung themselves can keep whacking up prices all over the world because they dont really have any serious competition at the top end, otherwise they wouldn't be able to.
XxSPARC0xX said:
Ordered mine on Launch 10 mins after the Live Announcement ended from CPW in Currys in York. Got a Black S8 + Free Wireless Speaker and a free £50 Currys/PCWorld Gift Card to use within 6 months. Delivery to store on 20th April.
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arrgh how did u managed to get extra 50 quid on top xd i just preordered s8 plus and free speaker... for delivery on the 20th

