Discontinued?????? - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok so the navy exchange is being retarded. Still thinks i have the transfprmer on order but i just got a email saying its discontinued any one else here of see that. Ill post the link when i get to work im driving to it now.
Dear Exchange Patron,
This email is in regards to your order for (X672H - TRNSFRMR TABLT DK BRN EEEPAD)
that you recently placed with us. Our supplier has informed us that the item has been discontinued. A full refund will be processed for this item. Please allow 3-5 business days for credit posting. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact customer service by phone at 1-800-527-2345 or via chat at www.shopmyexchange.com . Email replies must include your order number and contact information in order to receive a prompt response.
Sheila Easter
Sr. Customer Service Tech
Marketing-Exchange Catalog /Online Store
Army & Air Force Exchange Service
Phone: 1-800-527-2345 Fax 1-214-465-2197
[email protected]
Visit our online store! www.shopmyexchange.com
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Maybe because the TF101G is coming out. (3g model) (it's on their support site now)
or... tf102? Transformer 2 but most likely just a buggy system message.. But I doubt transformer 2 lol, icecream hasn't even been released on the "Nexus Prime".

hmmm i edited my OP to show what i got. i orded the 32GB 2 weeks before it came out.

the way etailers are undercutting the price, I would imagine the TF101 is past the curve in its lifecycle.

I doubt it's discontinued, the transformer sells very well. So I don't see why asus stops selling it. My guess is Exchange can't provide you with the device for some reasons, but said it's discontinued.

Newegg has it (or did two days ago) bundled with the dock for $50 off the full price. unless you're getting a better price through the exchange, just order it from the Egg.

Better not be
I just got me and my girl transformers for our birthdays and she got us the docks, and unless the 3g version is free its not for me I have enough wireless dollars going out.

Might just mean that they have discontinued carrying it especially in light of all the maneuvering (Multiple orders/ cancellations) that went on after initial release

It wouldnt make sense to discontinue such a popular product

This just worries me more about buying this, now :/. I was very interested in purchasing the Transformer but if something better is going to come out really soon then I won't bother.
It's so frustrating that I've come in at the time the current TF101 is becoming out of date. That's my own fault for not being current enough, I guess. Should the people who've wondered about buying (such as myself) hold off for a little while longer, perhaps?

There's always something better coming soon. And a Transformer is a good buy.

This doesn't mean anything, because their supplier is not necessarily Asus. Most probably some other 3rd party wholesaler and they must have discontinued selling it. That doesn't man the product is discontinued.

Just keep in mind that even if a product sells extremely well, if it's a low margin product like a tablet where a seller is only making a little profit to begin with, it doesn't take a lot of returns/swaps before it becomes an item a seller doesn't want to sell. How many posts have you seen here where people had returned a transformer 2, 3 or even 4 times to get a perfect unit? Although low margins/price don't mean that a consumer shouldn't expect a good unit, as someone who works for a consumer electronics retailer I can assure you that if any product bcomes a liability in terms of cost we stop selling it. Obviously although we pride ourselves on customer service we are ultimately in the business to make a profit, so regardless of how popular a unit is it has to pay its own way. This is especially true for a company selling on the internet, since the Walmart idea of having loss leaders doesn't work - people go to your site and buy what they need, they don't often add other higher margin items.

lathanub said:
This just worries me more about buying this, now :/. I was very interested in purchasing the Transformer but if something better is going to come out really soon then I won't bother.
It's so frustrating that I've come in at the time the current TF101 is becoming out of date. That's my own fault for not being current enough, I guess. Should the people who've wondered about buying (such as myself) hold off for a little while longer, perhaps?
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There will always be something better. The Quad Core tablets are suppose to be arriving this fall I thought, so if you hold out until then that could be good. I got my Tablet back in June and am very happy with it.
Hell I am never satisfied though. I got a new Laptop (Sager) in May, Tablet (Transformer) in June, and now I want to build a new Desktop (custom build). If I do the desktop my wife is going to kill me!


Notion Ink Adam - my 2 cents

If you are considering a pre-order, I would read this first: http://www.androidpolice.com/2010/1...e-return-policy-are-arousing-suspicion-anger/
I am a web systems admin, and deal with security from an Operations standpoint. With that in mind, I have been watching this over and I am VERY wary of this company. Imo, I would avoid the pre-order and wait until release.
A few things are red flags to me:
- They mentioned that the FCC request is well hidden. Why would they do that? Why the mystery?
- There are ZERO videos of this thing, other than the original prototype from months ago.
- The pics we've seen seem to be photoshopped. Granted, other companies do this but where are the real pics?
- Why hasn't a newer prototype been given to Engadget yet, for review? Again, what are they hiding?
- I have heard that, with the initial pre-order screen, there was no SSL and your SSN was required. Why in the WORLD would they need my SSN?
- $50 shipping. Huh????
- This is not Apple or MS, this is a start-up company. There's no history here.
- I heard that your credit card is being charged, with the pre-order. That is a major red flag. A legit company would put a hold on your CC, but not actually charge you until it is shipped. A recent example of this is what happened with the Archos 101 pre-orders from J&R and Tigerdirect.
I'm not going to go as far as to say that this is a scam, but it sounds very suspicious to me. Again, my 2 cents on the matter. It's a shame because I was considering this device, myself.
I agree completely! I too was considering this device as a preorder option... but I think I can wait now.... I kinda feel like they are just trying to raise the money necessary to START full production.... which is a big NO NO in my book!
VEGAn-TAB Developer
Did you see the Liliputing article from about a hour ago:
Well said Roe. I think everyone was considering pre-ordering this thing, but I was expecting a couple videos and plenty of pictures. We got none of that. Therefore, no dice. The mickey mouse ordering system w/ tons of problems being reported and so many questions left unanswered made it easy for me to decide not to preorder one. Anyone who preorders one of these is naive and dumb if you ask me.
roebeet said:
If you are considering a pre-order, I would read this first: http://www.androidpolice.com/2010/1...e-return-policy-are-arousing-suspicion-anger/
I am a web systems admin, and deal with security from an Operations standpoint. With that in mind, I have been watching this over and I am VERY wary of this company. Imo, I would avoid the pre-order and wait until release.
A few things are red flags to me:
- They mentioned that the FCC request is well hidden. Why would they do that? Why the mystery?
- There are ZERO videos of this thing, other than the original prototype from months ago.
- The pics we've seen seem to be photoshopped. Granted, other companies do this but where are the real pics?
- Why hasn't a newer prototype been given to Engadget yet, for review? Again, what are they hiding?
- I have heard that, with the initial pre-order screen, there was no SSL and your SSN was required. Why in the WORLD would they need my SSN?
- $50 shipping. Huh????
- This is not Apple or MS, this is a start-up company. There's no history here.
- I heard that your credit card is being charged, with the pre-order. That is a major red flag. A legit company would put a hold on your CC, but not actually charge you until it is shipped. A recent example of this is what happened with the Archos 101 pre-orders from J&R and Tigerdirect.
I'm not going to go as far as to say that this is a scam, but it sounds very suspicious to me. Again, my 2 cents on the matter. It's a shame because I was considering this device, myself.
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This is the BIGGEST warning to me, and I pointed it out in another thread as soon as I saw that. To me, this means that they have no money left, and need the pre-order payments right now to fund manufacturing and the company...
Butch1326 said:
Did you see the Liliputing article from about a hour ago:
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I'm reading up on their replies, right now - a lot of it sounds like bull, to me. Yes, it's also possible that this is growing pains for a start-up, but the bottom line is that I just don't trust this enough to give them my money, yet.
- The shipping rates. They could have raised the price $25, and then dropped the shipping to $25. My feeling on this is that shipping is not refundable - that means that if you return the item they keep the shipping and make some money off you. This is same thing that eBay sellers do, and it's not a good way for me to trust them. The device is only a few pounds, it's not a heavy device and $50 is excessive.
- No Mastercard payments. They had more than 6 months to fix this, it's Internet commerce 101, as well as SSL. Not having these scares the carp out of me, as a consumer. I have no faith that my credit card info is safe with them, and that is not a good thing.
- No pics of the device. That takes about 10 minutes to fix. Take pics, upload to blog, done. Same with a video -- why the delay? Again, very suspicious here.
The "mystery" factor works for a company like Apple, as they are an established company who has a history. This company is a start-up - as far as we know, this device doesn't exist and the CEO is about to take all your money and disappear.
Here's NI's reply:
I'm with you. I was on board to pick one up, in addition to my Gtab. I had my CC out and even stayed up waiting for that first 3am preorder. Then details started leaking out and I came to my senses. You are assuming a company will come through because we're used to dealing with large corporations. These assumptions are wrong in this case since this is an uproven company, with unproven people, in another country (legality), with a product that they refuse to show.
My guess is that this is a company run by young enthusiastic engineers getting railroaded hard by the people financing them. However, I'm not going to put my money out their first. The last straw was their sneaky method of jacking the price of the top version, the one I wanted, by 20%. First they increased the base price $50 and then changed free shipping to $50, ending up with a $500 to $600 price.
I hear you Roebeet. I was one of the so called family and got the link and it was a disaster from the onset. Thank God I couldn't get to the purchase page because the server kept crashing and the 12pm PST thing.
What saved me from ordering the adam is that I had to go to work. I was already running late. When I got off work it said they were sold out. WTF! How can something that is not in production be sold out?? If it does exist, I'll wait until it is in a real store.
I am now confident it is still vaporware. I feel for those that bought it without actually seeing a demo video or real pictures. I just hope they didn't get scammed.
Yeah, liliputing echoed my thoughts. I really don't think NotionInk is being deceitful. For those that follow the blog you know they genuinely care about making a great device and I have little doubt Adam exist.
In my mind there is no question the device will be great. The real problem isn't about developing a great device, its about introducing, manufacturing, distributing and supporting your first ever product. That in itself is a huge undertaking if you just planned to sell to one region let alone the world.
I wish them the best of luck and hope this thing does take off. I kind of just wish for their sake they would have started off a little less ambitious.
[My guess is some models 'sold out' because pre-sales numbers where tied to their initial parts inventory and the number of tablets they can produce in a month. That imo is a good thing.]
Too much money to commit for a product with nothing but vapor to show so far. The company appears to be very naive or this is a sham. Hope for the former, none the less.
I am happy with the G and the way I use the device, the viewing angles are fine and the device has 8gb more space and not sourced from India with a VERY dubious January ship date. Gtablet is $150 more for the good display
Some stuff going on does not add up, so if naive or something else, neither is good.
This launch could make the Gtablet seem iPad-like, in comparison
I was about to order mine last night but I couldn't pull the trigger. Too many red flags. The $50 shipping and asking for SSN was what finally made me come to my senses. If this tablet is really awesome why they didn't send demos to any tech blogs ?
For now I'm very happy with my G-Tablet. Thank you roebeet for your hard work.
You know, I kind of think that they might actually have a product and they might have had enough mfged already for the pre-order guys, but ran out of money doing those and hence need to charge new orders immediately.
I thought that they had pictures of an actual unit, that red one in one of the Nov/maybe early Dec blog posts? Still kind of disconcerting that they have no videos and no more better pix of the thing...
Well, since I decided to skip this one anyways since I kept the gTab, I can afford to wait and see what happens, hope that they ship something close to what they claim, and then see if they survive to do a Tegra 3 tablet, which IF they do better in pricing and get me a 7" form factor, I MIGHT spring for...
Maybe just wishful thinking but I guess we'll see when they start shipping, after all remember open pandora? I think they finally started shipping more than prototype versions earlier this year, when they were SUPPOSED to have started shipping over 2y ago! OP is kind of a joke now at the price it's listed at, and what it is...
Took my WPDN back to BBB today. They didn't even open the box, just printed out a form for me to sign and handed over the cash and a receipt showing my return.
After that I wandered over the B&N almost next store and took a look at the Nook Color... was SORELY tempted to just buy one, but decided to wait and see a bit. Nice 7" form factor, nice screen, light(!), and fairly speedy for only being a8 @ 800MHz and 2.1! Woman at the counter claims that they're planning OS upgrades and flash support when I asked her about it. Browser still had problems with the many more button on /. then again so did the WPDN & GT. On the gTab it loads them almost as quickly as my nb... still thinking about NC...
As much as I'd like to think they are just being naive and made some mistakes in the SSL / Mastercard / SSN area, I don't believe that's the case. And for one reason only - no photos and no videos of the product since earlier this year. That is very suspicious.
This is not rocket science - all they need to do is upload a few real photos and a quick video of the device in someone's hands, to allay fears. It's been 24 hours now and that has not happened (yet). If they stop being so darn mysterious and show us that there's really a product out there, then I won't be so cautious.
But, I still wouldn't pre-order it if they charge me before shipping. This is like meeting a stranger on the street, giving them $450 on the honor system that they will come back in 2 months to your house to give you your product. At least we have Visa protection but you might still have a deductible.
Not disagreeing with anyone here, but the whole SSN thing was the credit card companies verifying your identity. That has nothing to do with notion ink, i order internationally all the time and whenever you do so the banks require verification a lot of the time. Also, it doesn't ask for your entire SSN, just the last 4 digits.
I ordered one, nervously. We'll see what happens.
LeftysRule22 said:
Not disagreeing with anyone here, but the whole SSN thing was the credit card companies verifying your identity. That has nothing to do with notion ink, i order internationally all the time and whenever you do so the banks require verification a lot of the time. Also, it doesn't ask for your entire SSN, just the last 4 digits.
I ordered one, nervously. We'll see what happens.
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If it was the last four digits, that's not the same thing - agreed. I heard it was the whole thing, but I didn't see this myself.
I actually hope that I'm wrong and that these devices are shipped in January and are just as good as we all hope they are. But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
roebeet said:
If it was the last four digits, that's not the same thing - agreed. I heard it was the whole thing, but I didn't see this myself.
I actually hope that I'm wrong and that these devices are shipped in January and are just as good as we all hope they are. But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
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No company should or by law use your SSN to identify you!
This is looking fishery than ever, sadly...
roebeet said:
But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
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This is what made me most nervous, it's true. I was kinda hoping it wouldn't charge immediately. Dec 18th will hopefully alleviate some concern.
Well, maybe when it eventually comes out, if the firmware is as awesome as Notion Ink says it is, it can be ported over to other devices? I'm sure it would make a pretty awesome Android tablet with their supposed custom interface and apps.
I've been waiting on the Adam for the past year because of its Qi-Pixel display, but the lack of videos/photos and important information kept me from pulling the trigger. For some reason they refuse to release specifics such as whether the damn thing will support the Android market. That's B.S. If you want people to give you $550+ for something, you need to tell them what they're getting in return.
The reason they're not showing pictures on their site probably has to do with US law which would hold them accountable if they shipped a device that didn't match the photo. That may be the same reason why they're not discussing some of the specs. Who the hell knows.
I'm going back to Sears tomorrow to see if I can get the price difference between the $379 I paid and the $349 sale. Hell, if Sears is cool to me I'll probably just pick up a 2nd G-Tab and forget about Notion Ink.
I would've preordered it if I hadn't bought the G tab which I didn't return due to the awesome 'trio' we have here, working all day & night to make this tab better and better.
I think those Notion Ink guys are facing some problems due to their inexperience and lack of support.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b1 using Tapatalk

Wow...Sears has joined staples!

Sears has run out of tablets at the location near my house.
I asked when they wil get more and this was his response
"Due to high return rates, I dont think we will be receiving any more."
But we was not totaly sure.
So now what? I just snagged one off amazon incase they get pulled there too. I'm getting a bit mad.
EDIT: I went back there on my way home and spoke to the manager. He told me that the employee was mis-informed. And now I feel Like a jerk cuase I might have gotten that guy in trouble. Oh well.
Picked up one yesterday at Office Depot. They even matched the Sear's sale price of $379. Immediately loaded VEGAn - with the new ROM this device ROCKS!
Not true... Many stores in my area have them and the ones that dont have dates for restock - 15 - 25 days on average...
I just called CS (for the second time today) and SEARS / Office Depot have not pulled the device, at least not yet. And allegedly an update is still planned for tomorrow. Allegedly.
My local Staples has definitely pulled it, even the floor model. They are all being sent back.
Engadget has an article about this... I'd love to know what the defect is/was...
Though if i could guess its the fact that it says it has adobe flash support right on the box and as we all know thats not true.
I called my Staples as well - it sounds like it's firmware related (as I expected). Not the crappy UI as much as things like the boot loops and FC's. Yes, it happens on stock, too.
And keep in mind that, with stock, users don't have XDA or clockworkmod to help them. I can't see how VS Customer Service can fix those issues since there's no way to wipe user data or redo the SD partitions.
Hopefully not the nivida problem again. I got burned by it 2 years ago (my HP laptop)...
roebeet said:
I called my Staples as well - it sounds like it's firmware related (as I expected). Not the crappy UI as much as things like the boot loops and FC's. Yes, it happens on stock, too.
And keep in mind that, with stock, users don't have XDA or clockworkmod to help them. I can't see how VS Customer Service can fix those issues since there's no way to wipe user data or redo the SD partitions.
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Maybe, VS should include a XDA developer link in the custumer support site or the gtablet package.
Engadget HATES the G Tablet
The Engadget guys are becoming [email protected]#$ing pu$$ies, I agree for a normal user this tablet will be a BIG disappointment - GREAT JOB VIEWSONIC for screwing up!, but for advance users this is a decent tablet. It is just embarrassing to see both Samsung and Viewsonic screw up like this by going early to market with bad design decisions (7 inch tablets SUCK!!)
I am eager to see what the "manufacturing defect" Staples has uncovered!
Well this really sucks. I was very worried this was going to happen, once these retailers dump the product, I'm afraid that VS will dump it too. Therefore, all of us that still have the tablet and actually like it will be left without any type of support or updates from VS.
I will assume we will be OK with the development that goes on here, but it would be nice to have VS supply us with stuff. I guess we can use the stuff from the Vega and Z-pad. Any thoughts on that aspect?
rayden25 said:
Well this really sucks. I was very worried this was going to happen, once these retailers dump the product, I'm afraid that VS will dump it too. Therefore, all of us that still have the tablet and actually like it will be left without any type of support or updates from VS.
I will assume we will be OK with the development that goes on here, but it would be nice to have VS supply us with stuff. I guess we can use the stuff from the Vega and Z-pad. Any thoughts on that aspect?
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I've ben concerned about this for weeks, now. Staples pulling it is bad enough, but if SEARS And Office Depot do the same then I will be very worried. And i think there's a possibility that it could happen. In 3 months, we could completely lose any support from VS.
But, as you said, zPad will hopefully be alive and well as well as the Vega. They have superior UI's and if they continue supporting it into 2.3 then we will be in pretty good shape. I would say that the possibility that VS will deploy a 2.3 firmware is low. But, again, maybe they will surprise me.
Ouch. Just saw this pop up on my newsfeed. As ViewSonic, what do you do now with all your early adopters? Do you offer to take back the units which were sold now that you are prematurely removing support and updates? Do you just write all those people off who bought your unit in November and are beyond their return window? Offer a trade-in allowance towards its successor?
Talk2Rider said:
Ouch. Just saw this pop up on my newsfeed. As ViewSonic, what do you do now with all your early adopters? Do you offer to take back the units which were sold now that you are prematurely removing support and updates? Do you just write all those people off who bought your unit in November and are beyond their return window? Offer a trade-in allowance towards its successor?
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**** outa luck
I don't know if you all remember, but the (Ipad) some problems when it came out also.
The difference seems to be the way that Apple vs. VS are reacting (dead silence for the latter), and how much leverage they have w/the resellers.
Just strange...
Had to leave a comment on that crunchgear article. I believe the author is an apple fanboy with his statement "the first of the garbage tablets"...
Personally, this is part of the reason I paid for one of those accidental warranty extensions. Sears said that within two years I just need to call in and they'll send me the purchase price of the tablet (minus the warranty). So in a couple years regardless of what VS does, I still can get my money back. Basically a $50 lease for two years...
bousquet said:
Personally, this is part of the reason I paid for one of those accidental warranty extensions. Sears said that within two years I just need to call in and they'll send me the purchase price of the tablet (minus the warranty). So in a couple years regardless of what VS does, I still can get my money back. Basically a $50 lease for two years...
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Off topic:
LOL... Jeremy Clarkson is my hero. That poor excuse for Top Gear USA sucks hard!
Viewsonic would have already killed/delayed the device if one hand knew what the other was doing. We are a very small percent of the Gtablets that are either sitting in a warehouse or in Christmas wrapping right now. The REAL fun kicks in on the 26th
I already posted and communicated to Viewsonic how they can manage damage control and PERHAPS turn this around. If they do not, Viewsonic's NA sales and operations planning meeting in the next few months will be "bloody". Tap UI dev will be dead to the business world and so probably will the marketing product management "team" for this device- IF they do not take proactive steps.
That said, if they dump most of the liability to the OEM and their proxy, VS may minimize their loss and simply shut shop on the product. Catch here will be their credibility in the tablet market will be destroyed.
bousquet said:
Personally, this is part of the reason I paid for one of those accidental warranty extensions. Sears said that within two years I just need to call in and they'll send me the purchase price of the tablet (minus the warranty). So in a couple years regardless of what VS does, I still can get my money back. Basically a $50 lease for two years...
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Glad I did the same. I have a way out if I need it. I think zPAD and VEGA will go on and that will be more than good enough for the life expectancy of this gadget anyway... Long live Roebeet...!

My Zpad Story (work in progress)

I thought I'd post my story so far in acquiring my zpad and update it as I go along.
And see if anyone else is interested in it.
January 2011
I wanted a tablet pc as soon as I saw my friend's Ipad, but thought that they would be too expensive, so I just put it out of my mind. Then while looking for a netbook for my wife, a friend of mine said he could get pc's at great prices from china. We agreed to get her a netbook through him and he told me he could also organise other cool tech like tablets, etc.
(We get ripped off really badly here in south africa, everyone is greedy here and they put up huge mark ups on tech. e.g. galaxy tab is R8000 here which is $1117 at the current exchange rate. Instead of the $650 that it currently is on amazon.com. Which is ridiculous!!!)
He is starting up an importing business from China to South Africa(where I live), I would be his first customer.
He showed me a few tablets, which either were underpowered or had a 3 hour max battery life or both. Eventually he showed me the Malata tablets, the windows one and the one that they later called the Zpad. The windows one sucked so I was interested in the Zpad. Specs looked good and the more I looked into it online the more I was keen. But it was still a lot of money.
I found out mid January that I had gotten funding for university this year, so I decided to get the Zpad. The order hadn't gone through yet for the netbook so I added the tablet (and other tech that we've wanted for a while, eg. 1GB external HDD & logitech G9x mouse, malata dock..) and paid and waited.
1st Feb 2011
Package finally arrived. When he saw the box my friend phoned me straight away in alarm. The box was tiny, way to small to house a netbook and a tablet and all the other stuff.
When he opened it, there were a few 1GB and 2GB USB drives in the box.
He phoned around frantically trying to find out if he had been ripped off by his chinese supplier or not, as he had never bought from the guy before.
Eventually the guy replied, it was 20:00h in china, he says that the guy who dropped the packages off must have switched them around by mistake. He said he couldn't get hold of DHL to find out if the other guy had got the package already, or even to find out who the other guy was, as it was late there.
So now after waiting 3 weeks or so for my tablet I sit and wait, to find out where my tablet and my wife's netbook and everything else is. Are they with the would be flash drives owner? Will he give them back? Will the Chinese guy still send us new ones if the other guy doesn't give them back to him? Very stressed out.
2nd February 2011
Heard back from the supplier in China and from what I could understand (His English is a little broken, but can't blame the guy, I can't speak a worn of Mandarin) he says that they have had this problem in the past and how it works is they use a 3rd pary company to take their packages to DHL and then DHL send it, so the 3rd party guys must have made the mistake. This happened before and they stopped using that company as a result, but now it has happened again.
He says it shouldn't be to difficult to get hold of the stuff and get it sent to us, but it will take a while.
I really hope so. I'm still worried that some guy is playing on my Zpad or have taken the factory screen cover off (which I was planning to keep on, if it came with one), or even worse has sold it...
So no concrete progress, but things are looking up.
3rd February 2011
It's Chinese newyear now. So I wasn't expecting much progress today, and didn't get any. But the Chinese supplier told us he hasn't gotten the status of the parcel yet, but we should hold on to the wrong parcel we received and he will chase them up and try to get them exchanged.
4th February 2011
The supplier said that DHL are contacting the person who received our parcel and he will let us know the outcome.
18th March 2011
So, we still haven't heard from DHL, and our chinese contact hasn't contacted us since my last post. He is also no longer on the trading sites like alibaba, etc. So we think we have been swindled.
My friend here is going over to china in a few months, so he will probably see if he can find this guys, using private investigators and press charges against him (and maybe a fist or two).
My friend did take responsibility though, saying that it was his fault and he should have tested out his contact first.
He has found a more reliable contact and is waiting for a sale to go through, and then will try order it again, out of his pocket.
But I don't know if I still want the Zpad, with shipping, 3G and GPS, the tablet cost about R6500 here, which converted is about $900. Which is really expensive, but the cheapest I can get it at. I can get the Gtablet for R4313 ($600), buying through a local online business who buy from amazon.
But I don't know, there are many new tablets coming out now, so there is no longer the benefit of getting the only tegra 2 tablet, and getting use out of it before the big boys arrive. So I think I might as well look around, now that the Zpad is no longer on it's way.
I'm thinking about getting the Xoom WIFI instead when it comes out. My dad is going to Italy soon, and hopefully it will have released in Europe by then, so he can pick one up for me at a comparable price to the US $600. When it finally gets here it will be ridiculously expensive, I estimate the same price that I paid for the Zpad,($900). So if the Xoom is anything less than 650 Euros, Then I have saved money, buying a better tablet.
Then when my friend has managed to make some money back, he can refund me, rather than ordering me another one, and I will have money left over for accessories.
So, right now it is just a wait to see when the Xoom Wifi comes out in Europe, how much it will be, and if it releases before my dad gets there; sometime in May.
Yep, more waiting, but I'm happy to wait again, I feel I am getting a better deal now, and I feel more in control.
Update March 20th:
I have placed my order to get the Xoom Wifi with a local company, they will get it from the US as soon as it releases, so it will ship on the 28th/29th and I should get it in at most a week from then.
Update April 3rd:
My Xoom came yesterday, and WOW!!! It is amazing, it is an awesome resolution screen, great viewing angles, incredibly responsive, amazing battery life, has honeycomb.
The Zpad not coming was a blessing in disguise. I will still try get my money back for the Zpad from my friend to cover the cost of the Xoom, though.
Really , Really glad that I didn't get a Zpad in hindsight. I know that's a bit cheeky to say in the Gtab forum, but after waiting this long, I would want it to be perfect, and well neither tablet is perfect, but the Xoom is a lot closer.
So, this will be one of my last posts on the Gtab forum, I'll be living in the Xoom on from now.
Thanks so much for reading my story everyone.
I will update if this thread is still around and I get my money back from my friend, but otherwise that's it.
wow, that really sucks.
I hope all works out and the Chinese supplier fixes his mistake and sends you your order.
Thats really bad. I think it's at the same level as my story at ebay... Sad.
Seems getting a zPad is just not as easy as we thought.
Ya, it is sad. But I'm optimistic. It might be a DHL mistake too, in which case they will have to fork out of it doesn't sort its self out.
Good luck getting it sorted out. I had ordered a low end DSLR Camera for my daughter for Christmas. It made it to within 15 miles of my house and then vanished at the FEDEX facility. By that point, everywhere was sold out of low end DSLR Camera, the original seller, Wal-Mart, was of no help other than sorry and refund my payment and I was left scrambling and finally had to fork over much more $$$ in order to not disappoint on Christmas morning.
The fact that you ended up with a package gives me hope. Perhaps it was just an address switch-a-roo and the other party will confess especially if he/she is contacted. The tough part is the start of the Chinese New Years which will bugger up all shipping from there for a month. Best of luck. The waiting is the hardest part.
anjenaire said:
Good luck getting it sorted out. I had ordered a low end DSLR Camera for my daughter for Christmas. It made it to within 15 miles of my house and then vanished at the FEDEX facility. By that point, everywhere was sold out of low end DSLR Camera, the original seller, Wal-Mart, was of no help other than sorry and refund my payment and I was left scrambling and finally had to fork over much more $$$ in order to not disappoint on Christmas morning.
The fact that you ended up with a package gives me hope. Perhaps it was just an address switch-a-roo and the other party will confess especially if he/she is contacted. The tough part is the start of the Chinese New Years which will bugger up all shipping from there for a month. Best of luck. The waiting is the hardest part.
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It's common for a lot of packages to go "missing" around Christmas time from UPS/FedEx and other carriers. I have had a few friends who have worked for FedEx and the stories they would tell convinced me to never order anything around Christmas time for delivery. At least you were able to get your money back
That's what I am hoping too. To track down whoever was supposed to get the one we got and ask them what they got instead, because they have to sign for it, so there will be a record of them receiving something... So we just have to find out if it was our stuff or not. Either way I'm sure they will be forced to return it...
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Thanks for the moral support.
Did the Chinese supplier give your friend a tracking number? Does it match the DHL package you received? If it doesn't, then DHL is the one who messed up.
I hope everything turns out ok for you. I hate to hear stories like these. But I'm also an optimistic guy and I also give people the benefit of the doubt.
xmr405o said:
Did the Chinese supplier give your friend a tracking number? Does it match the DHL package you received?
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Ya he did give us the tracking number and we tracked it all the way from hongkong to my friends doorstep. The mix up may have been when the agents fetched the package from him.
Have updated the original post with the latest news.
Have updated the original post with the latest news.
Updated again:
18 March 2011
If you are paying with Paypal or Credit card, get it refunded by them ...
y2k-inc said:
If you are paying with Paypal or Credit card, get it refunded by them ...
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We transfered to him in china.
And we can't get hold of him to ask for refund.
From all accounts the Xoom is a better tablet.
I have a ZPad and am extremly happy with it and the community work on it (pershot et al).
If I was I am buying to day it would be a Xoom and in a months time perhaps an asus based perhaps 6moths after that what ever Malata has or who every has the fastest at the time.
One thing that seems to stand out about the ZPad is that as Malata seem to manufactuer for others and the ZPad is almost their andriod reference platform*, there is an openess that one may not get from Motorola.
*from Dmesg "Machine:NVIDA Harmony Development System"
Very few HW things in the IT industry stay the best for long, even more so with emerging product lines just look at how netbooks evolved from low end devices to dual core atoms and 6hrsplus batt life in less than 6 months.
That is how I feel too.
The xoom is currently the best, and that's what I'm paying for. It isn't as open as Zpad, but it works without as much tweaking (micro SD and Host USB aside). And to be honest, that's what I really want, something stable that Just works.
I have placed my order to get the Xoom Wifi with a local company, they will get it from the US as soon as it releases, so it will ship on the 28th/29th and I should get it in at most a week from then.
Very Excited!!!
Will keep you posted. Hopefully this is where the Drama will end.
I have update the OP(original post) with the conclusion to my story.
I'm still a few hundred dollars worth out of pocket but over the moon about the outcome regardless.

Asus selling Tf and dock as a bundle - I want my $50 back!

I got this at Staples.ca, Asus now bundles the Tf and dock in one box, and sell it $50 cheaper ($499 for 16GB with dock). This is regular price, not a promotion. I am pissed!!
Asus - Is this how you reward your loyal early adopter customers? I feel that we (those that bought the dock and Tf together earlier) should get a $50 refund!!!
I don't agree that you should receive a $50 refund because, as you said, you chose to be an early adopter thereby wanting a device and its accompanying accessories right off the bat and you pay a premium for that. Unfortunately we weren't able to see the future and this bundle.
That said I still think you should contact Asus and ask them to send you a refund check, the worst they can do is say no. Let them know you have receipts/invoices to prove the cost of your device.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I'd like $50 back too! Buy me a microsd card..
No, $50 is not worth my time to be put on hold talking to CSRs. My point is, it shows the kind of company Asus is.
When Apple decided to give out free iPhone cases, first thing they made sure was announcing how you can get a refund if you bought one already.
I shouldn't even have to ask for my $50. I will return the favor to Asus by never buy any of their products, because the post-sale happiness of their customers is obviously not important.
By the way, I won't be surprised if they never fix the battery drain of the dock either. if it's anything like the way they pump out netbooks, they'll probably discontine the current Tf in 2 months (for Tf2 or something).
ikeny said:
No, $50 is not worth my time to be put on hold talking to CSRs. My point is, it shows the kind of company Asus is.
When Apple decided to give out free iPhone cases, first thing they made sure was announcing how you can get a refund if you bought one already.
I shouldn't even have to ask for my $50. I will return the favor to Asus by never buy any of their products, because the post-sale happiness of their customers is obviously not important.
By the way, I won't be surprised if they never fix the battery drain of the dock either. if it's anything like the way they pump out netbooks, they'll probably discontine the current Tf in 2 months (for Tf2 or something).
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wow negative nancy.
You seem to want everything handed to you. That's not how companies work you know. Apple did so only because they're apple and can afford it, not to mention not doing so would seriously jeopardize their name. More of an exception to the rule. Battery drain is not nearly as serious as the Iphone Grip-o-death.
bighuta said:
wow negative nancy.
You seem to want everything handed to you. That's not how companies work you know. Apple did so only because they're apple and can afford it, not to mention not doing so would seriously jeopardize their name. More of an exception to the rul y e. Battery drain is not nearly as serious as the Iphone Grip-o-death.
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This is exactly my point. Apple is Apple, and Asus is..., well just Asus. That's why my future money (and many other people's) goes to one and not the other.
Yes, my post was negative. Didn't I already said I was pissed! I just bought the damn thing 16 days ago.
Early adopters always pay dearly. It's the cost of first bragging rights. Remember all those suckers who paid $5000 for a 40-inch plasma TV?
ikeny said:
This is exactly my point. Apple is Apple, and Asus is..., well just Asus. That's why my future money (and many other people's) goes to one and not the other.
Yes, my post was negative. Didn't I already said I was pissed! I just bought the damn thing 16 days ago.
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Dont let the door hit you on the way out.
ikeny said:
No, $50 is not worth my time to be put on hold talking to CSRs. My point is, it shows the kind of company Asus is.
When Apple decided to give out free iPhone cases, first thing they made sure was announcing how you can get a refund if you bought one already.
I shouldn't even have to ask for my $50. I will return the favor to Asus by never buy any of their products, because the post-sale happiness of their customers is obviously not important.
By the way, I won't be surprised if they never fix the battery drain of the dock either. if it's anything like the way they pump out netbooks, they'll probably discontine the current Tf in 2 months (for Tf2 or something).
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Wow, this has nothing to do with anything. Apple avoided a huge issue with it's antenna problem. There's no such thing with the TF.
My dock works just fine. Someone is drinking the kool-aide.
shaensgen said:
Dont let the door hit you on the way out.
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I wish it was that simple, just walk out the door. I am still stuck with this Tf which will only remind me everyday how I got ripped off.
By the way, you are so orginial. Welcome to the forum. Asus sucks, but this forum rocks!
ikeny said:
I wish it was that simple, just walk out the door. I am still stuck with this Tf which will only remind me everyday how I got ripped off.
By the way, you are so orginial. Welcome to the forum. Asus sucks, but this forum rocks!
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Well, you can ask for this thread to be closed now.
Wow, you really think the asus marketing machine is really going to give you $50 back? Do we have any proof that you bought both items at the same time?
You saw the prices at the time and chose to pay them. /thread
Yes, there is something called a receipt, and it lists the items, date and price that you paid for.
No, I don't expect anything from Asus anymore.
Sure, mod can close this thread, enough ranting from me now.
(By the way, if you don't like this thread, by not replying, it will quickly drift the 2nd page, 3rd, 4th, and you'll never see iy agin)
ikeny said:
I wish it was that simple, just walk out the door. I am still stuck with this Tf which will only remind me everyday how I got ripped off.
By the way, you are so orginial. Welcome to the forum. Asus sucks, but this forum rocks!
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Not nu this is my second account. Asus is great and getting better. You said your future money was going to Apple so, by all means.
I really look to Acer and Asus to be inovative leaders in a mobile interactive computing world to come. Enjoy your "new" notifications bar.
Yeah, the other posters are right.
There are many issues on which to pick a bone with Asus, this is not one of them. You saw the prices and you got the items early.
It's a known fact that early adopting will cost you. Everything becomes cheaper. Blu-Ray drives were $300.00 when they first came out. Half a year ago I saw an ad for a Samsung CD/DVD/Blu-Ray combo drive for $50.00.
Go Buy Your iPad, please.
ikeny said:
I wish it was that simple, just walk out the door. I am still stuck with this Tf which will only remind me everyday how I got ripped off.
By the way, you are so orginial. Welcome to the forum. Asus sucks, but this forum rocks!
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You got ripped off because you "lost" $50? Wow.
Please go to Apple, I heard they're looking for some more zombies...er...."owners".
In regards to Apple offering a free case;
1) it was to resolve a glaring issue in that the phone partially lost it's capabilities of being a phone by dropping calls with the Antenna issue. Although the transformer has had it's own issues they have been dealt with in the same manner as Apple and many other large electronics manufactures and that it is to resolve the issues in house and release newer and newer batches that have the kinks worked out.
2) Those cases probably probably cost Apple, maybe, a few bucks to make. The loss wasn't that great and, although offered to the entire customer base, not every iPhone owner claimed one. So the out of pocket expense, although admittedly large, wasn't so much that Apple couldn't afford to resolve it. If Asus refunded $50 to every TF owner they would be losing money big time as the TF is already barely sold above cost because they figured the dock would bring the money.
Finally, please close this thread. The information is irrelevant and does nothing to add to the TF general forum. And this is going off-topic way to fast.
I'm not pissed by this. I was surprised when I was shopping for the damn Transformer as I could not find a bundle. But, I love them dearly and was a good $550.
I would like to own the dock, but will never buy it for more than $99, based on the bundle's price. Like others said, the bundle wasn't available when I snagged the TF either.
If everyone refrains from buying one for any more than $99, maybe we'll see a price drop sooner than later.
I have had a few asus devices. All have been stellar, only problem was my refurbished EEE 901 came with bad charger and battery. Called asus to replacement, I had to complain to get shipping waived, but got a brand new battery and charger in less than a week. I have to say that refurbished 901 is still in use today 2 years later and may have been the best $169 I ever spent.
All that said, I am disappointed in the TF. There I said it. For me the problem with the dock battery drain plus poor BMS making it so you can't leave it plugged in.
If I can't leave it at my desk plugged how can you call it a "dock"
I have to charge dock and tablet separately, and then leave them so until I want/need the keyboard or sacrifice 4-5% hr drain while off or in sleep. BTW I sent email to asus complaining about dock battery draining 2 weeks ago and have not received a response....
Edit:For $399 Tablet is way solid. But yeah the dock has issues....clearly not worth >$50 in my mind yet
You guys do realize that you only paid $400 for a device that Asus could have easily charged you 500 600 or even 700 for...
Stop *****ing and get a grip already.
If you're not happy go buy xoom, galaxy or apple product. no body is forcing you to buy or keep your tf.
The more you come here and cry the more you just show how incompetent you are. Take control of your life and fix the things you don't like or deal with them. Don't come to the internet and cry like a bunch of 4 year olds.
Dis bundle has been out in other parts of world the uk and singpore been had these
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

3 reasons why everyone should purchase the infinity from best buy....

I just wanted to share my experience with purchasing the infinity pad from best buy. Below are 3 reasons why you should A) go through best buy and purchase your new infinity or B) return your tablet, if possible, to the store you purchased it from and purchase it again through best buy...
1) As many of you know i along with many others was able to purchase the pad from best buy for a 347.49 due to online price matching. Acquiring a tablet of this calibre for that price alone is probably reason enough.
2) Next reason is their 30 day return policy. Alot of us have had minor QC issues with the infinity. Best buy allows you to return the tablet as many times as you want within 30 days until you get one that is "perfect". This is much easier then doing an rma or online exchange. I dont know about you, but i would get frustrated having to mail back my tab, receive a new one, find out it also has a defect and do the return all over again. With best buy its extremely convenient with most stores allowing you to open the tab in the store to check if its to your liking.
3) [MOST IMPORTANT] Insurance policy! By purchasing their insurance for $99.00, you get complete accident and in store replacement for a year. However that's not the best part. Remember best buy typically removes older products from their shelves and store inventory to make room for newer products from the same manufacturer. We all know asus will eventually come out with a newer tablet within the next year, which means instead of replacing our infinities with another tf700, they will replace it instead with the newer tablet from asus. Once you get the new one, just buy the 1 year insurance and the cycle continues!
I honestly cant see any reason why to not go through them from now on... Not only will you get the same price as the online retailers, but also once you get the insurance you've basically paid for the next version of your tablet.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
I purchased the Transformer Prime from them.
7 months later I returned it in for full credit refund honoring the 1 year manufacture warranty due to defects of the Wifi/GPS.
Got a Infinity out of that. :cyclops:
no need for that $99 store warranty, etc.
the_game_master said:
I purchased the Transformer Prime from them.
7 months later I returned it in for full credit refund honoring the 1 year manufacture warranty due to defects of the Wifi/GPS.
Got a Infinity out of that. :cyclops:
no need for that $99 store warranty, etc.
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Nice! Problem is that there arent any real manufacture defects on the infinity. At least nothing made public by asus. So it would be really hard to honor that now. You would have to make a real case to best buy in order try that on the infinity. By doing the 1 year you wouldnt have to worry. Just say you have a "defect" and your good to go.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
pierrekid said:
Nice! Problem is that there arent any real manufacture defects on the infinity. At least nothing made public by asus. So it would be really hard to honor that now. You would have to make a real case to best buy in order try that on the infinity. By doing the 1 year you wouldnt have to worry. Just say you have a "defect" and your good to go.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
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Think it mat be a bit early to say that. There are certainly i/o issues which is most likely a hardware defect. How about all the screen separation issues?
I agree about buying at Best Buy. I buy most larger electronic device there. I had them return 2 Prime's and a dock with little more than an email and phone call. I pre ordered one and ordered the second for my son Christmas eve. I did not have their extended warranty.
I use SquareTrade warranties for electronics They are about 1/2 the cost and their service is excellent. I got 2 years plus accidental damage for 87 after a 30% discount. A much better deal than BB IMHO.
Yup,as long as asus doesnt admit on any defect there is a slim chance of getting a free upgrade and the infinity has to be discontinued like the prime. For insrance its cheaper to buy it at squaretrade 2yrs with adh and using a 30% discount its only $69.99
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda premium
Mike02z said:
Think it mat be a bit early to say that. There are certainly i/o issues which is most likely a hardware defect. How about all the screen separation issues?
I agree about buying at Best Buy. I buy most larger electronic device there. I had them return 2 Prime's and a dock with little more than an email and phone call. I pre ordered one and ordered the second for my son Christmas eve. I did not have their extended warranty.
I use SquareTrade warranties for electronics They are about 1/2 the cost and their service is excellent. I got 2 years plus accidental damage for 87 after a 30% discount. A much better deal than BB IMHO.
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The problem with squaretrade to me is convenience. With best buy, although it might be more expensive, you can literally walk in and out with a new tablet without having to wait. Also, with squaretrade you would never be able to get a newer version of the product you ordered. They would either send you a refurbished model, or prorate the amount of what it would cost to buy the product currently. So if you buy an infinity and 2 years later try to use your warranty, they will either send you a refurb or give you the prorated amount to purchase that tablet at a local vendor.
The purpose of buying the insurance from best buy is to eventually purchase the newer version of the tablet. If you don't want to get the newer version then squaretrade is a great deal. I for one want to be able to get the tfXXX when ever it arrives. Or at least have the option of using my warranty for that purpose.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
are you sure it works like that ? so for example iphone 3 owners buy the warrenty and the next year they can get an iphone 4 then the 4s and now the 5 ? hm. should look into this more . also asus is going to focus on their windows hybrids for a while now before going back to making an android tab. the fine line between tab and dock and full OS + keyboard is getting cut soon thats what worries me that i bought into a "phase of technology" and soon its gonna be all about touchscreen detachable laptops
pierrekid said:
The purpose of buying the insurance from best buy is to eventually purchase the newer version of the tablet. If you don't want to get the newer version then squaretrade is a great deal. I for one want to be able to get the tfXXX when ever it arrives. Or at least have the option of using my warranty for that purpose.
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I doubt that will happen. Look at the prime, its shelf life was about 7-8months because of the defect in design which Asus has openly mentioned. So far Asus hasnt openly admitted on anything wrong with the infinity and it may look that after your year is up the shelf life will probably be longer than your warranty. So your option to upgrade will probably be not available if there are infinities to order, look at the TF101 its still available for sale at best buy. All you can do is keep your fingers cross and Asus can admit a defect on the inifinity and not last a full year on the shelf. But Best buy is a good place for quick exchanges and return window.. thats where i got my note 10.1 and I have 60 days to play with it, well maybe 40+ days now.. if I ever wanna go back to the infinity or incase a better tablet gets released before my 60 days.
Crizthakidd said:
are you sure it works like that ? so for example iphone 3 owners buy the warrenty and the next year they can get an iphone 4 then the 4s and now the 5 ? hm. should look into this more . also asus is going to focus on their windows hybrids for a while now before going back to making an android tab. the fine line between tab and dock and full OS + keyboard is getting cut soon thats what worries me that i bought into a "phase of technology" and soon its gonna be all about touchscreen detachable laptops
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Exactly, as long as best buy has discontinued selling that iphone 3 then you get the comparable product. As for buying into a phase, i highly doubt it. Asus has a massive deal with google, so i highly doubt they will be "refocusing" on windows products this early, especially with android outpacing nearly everyone. Asus will be making android tabs and phones for years to come.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
junrider said:
I doubt that will happen. Look at the prime, its shelf life was about 7-8months because of the defect in design which Asus has openly mentioned. So far Asus hasnt openly admitted on anything wrong with the infinity and it may look that after your year is up the shelf life will probably be longer than your warranty. So your option to upgrade will probably be not available if there are infinities to order, look at the TF101 its still available for sale at best buy. All you can do is keep your fingers cross and Asus can admit a defect on the inifinity and not last a full year on the shelf.
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Actually all the best buys in my area have discontinued both the prime and tf101. Best buy stocks the budget and premium tabs for each company. Since the tf300 is considered to be the "budget" tablet, there was no need to keep the tf101 or prime with the infinity. Also it doesnt matter if asus admits a defect. If you get the best buy insurance and say your tab is broken, they have to replace it with a comparable product. If the infinity is no longer sold ( which it wont be a year from now in BEST BUY) then they will replace it with the next asus transformer tablet available.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
pierrekid said:
Also it doesnt matter if asus admits a defect. If you get the best buy insurance and say your tab is broken, they have to replace it with a comparable product. If the infinity is no longer sold ( which it wont be a year from now in BEST BUY) then they will replace it with the next asus transformer tablet available.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
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Have you ever heard of something called fraud or, at the very least, being dishonest?? I'm sorry, but claiming there is a defect (when there really isn't one) just to "get the newer model" a year or two later is simply not right and probably considered fraud. This is the one of the reasons that Best Buy will be going out of business soon - because of acts like this. Enjoy "cheating" the system while you can because like I said, it's acts like this that will put Best Buy out of business.
Besides, I find it very hard to believe that you can just walk in a year later and simply say that the tablet is defective and they will just gladly hand you a brand new model. The TF201 was a very unique circumstance where the manufacturer basically admitted that the product was faulty. Even if it were not considered fraud (which I believe it is), I think that they would at least want to see the defect before handing you a brand new model.
I was trying so hard not to even enter this conversation, but encouraging others to commit fraud with you is simply not right and I highly doubt that it would work anyway. Like I said, the TF201 was a very unique case that most likely won't happen again.
C'mon people, let's not turn into being thieves here... If you enjoy being able to go to the local Best Buy to buy products, then don't abuse the system for personal gain - it will just hurt everyone in the long run.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
Can someone post the link where they got it for that price for best buy to match cause ill grab 1
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
jtrosky said:
Have you ever heard of something called fraud or, at the very least, being dishonest?? I'm sorry, but claiming there is a defect (when there really isn't one) just to "get the newer model" a year or two later is simply not right and probably considered fraud. This is the one of the reasons that Best Buy will be going out of business soon - because of acts like this. Enjoy "cheating" the system while you can because like I said, it's acts like this that will put Best Buy out of business.
Besides, I find it very hard to believe that you can just walk in a year later and simply say that the tablet is defective and they will just gladly hand you a brand new model. The TF201 was a very unique circumstance where the manufacturer basically admitted that the product was faulty. Even if it were not considered fraud (which I believe it is), I think that they would at least want to see the defect before handing you a brand new model.
I was trying so hard not to even enter this conversation, but encouraging others to commit fraud with you is simply not right and I highly doubt that it would work anyway. Like I said, the TF201 was a very unique case that most likely won't happen again.
C'mon people, let's not turn into being thieves here... If you enjoy being able to go to the local Best Buy to buy products, then don't abuse the system for personal gain - it will just hurt everyone in the long run.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
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Lol well im sorry if you feel "morally" wrong about doing something like this but honestly i really dont care. I'm here to show that you can get a great deal from best buy. Also it was one of the managers that told me about the deal since im a frequent customer. Once you return the tablet, they will end up reselling it since they will find it is not "defected" ( say you are having power fluctuations with the battery, its something they cant test in the store and have to take your word on it since you already purchased insurance from them) and make a profit on it. On top of that, you are paying the $99 for the insurance. SO its not an actual complete loss for the company.
Best buy wont be going out of business because of people like me, they will be going out of business because they are amazons show room and people are slowly moving towards online retailers to purchase products for cheaper prices. At least with me they are getting something out of it. If you dont like this Jtrosky, then simply ignore the thread and move along. To everyone else who cant afford the latest and greatest from asus every year, I think this is great deal!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
mightymike889 said:
Can someone post the link where they got it for that price for best buy to match cause ill grab 1
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
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Here you go! Go to post 34 for details. This is where i got the idea from.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
pierrekid said:
I just wanted to share my experience with purchasing the infinity pad from best buy. Below are 3 reasons why you should A) go through best buy and purchase your new infinity or B) return your tablet, if possible, to the store you purchased it from and purchase it again through best buy...
1) As many of you know i along with many others was able to purchase the pad from best buy for a 347.49 due to online price matching. Acquiring a tablet of this calibre for that price alone is probably reason enough.
2) Next reason is their 30 day return policy. Alot of us have had minor QC issues with the infinity. Best buy allows you to return the tablet as many times as you want within 30 days until you get one that is "perfect". This is much easier then doing an rma or online exchange. I dont know about you, but i would get frustrated having to mail back my tab, receive a new one, find out it also has a defect and do the return all over again. With best buy its extremely convenient with most stores allowing you to open the tab in the store to check if its to your liking.
3) [MOST IMPORTANT] Insurance policy! By purchasing their insurance for $99.00, you get complete accident and in store replacement for a year. However that's not the best part. Remember best buy typically removes older products from their shelves and store inventory to make room for newer products from the same manufacturer. We all know asus will eventually come out with a newer tablet within the next year, which means instead of replacing our infinities with another tf700, they will replace it instead with the newer tablet from asus. Once you get the new one, just buy the 1 year insurance and the cycle continues!
I honestly cant see any reason why to not go through them from now on... Not only will you get the same price as the online retailers, but also once you get the insurance you've basically paid for the next version of your tablet.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
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Nice deal bro! Im def gonna grab that insurance now. I was thinking about getting it before but dropping 100 on something i might not use had me rethinking. Thanks!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------
jtrosky said:
Have you ever heard of something called fraud or, at the very least, being dishonest?? I'm sorry, but claiming there is a defect (when there really isn't one) just to "get the newer model" a year or two later is simply not right and probably considered fraud. This is the one of the reasons that Best Buy will be going out of business soon - because of acts like this. Enjoy "cheating" the system while you can because like I said, it's acts like this that will put Best Buy out of business.
Besides, I find it very hard to believe that you can just walk in a year later and simply say that the tablet is defective and they will just gladly hand you a brand new model. The TF201 was a very unique circumstance where the manufacturer basically admitted that the product was faulty. Even if it were not considered fraud (which I believe it is), I think that they would at least want to see the defect before handing you a brand new model.
I was trying so hard not to even enter this conversation, but encouraging others to commit fraud with you is simply not right and I highly doubt that it would work anyway. Like I said, the TF201 was a very unique case that most likely won't happen again.
C'mon people, let's not turn into being thieves here... If you enjoy being able to go to the local Best Buy to buy products, then don't abuse the system for personal gain - it will just hurt everyone in the long run.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
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Honestly who cares? If you feel so strongly about this, then simply dont do it 0_o. Just because you feel bad doesn't mean everyone else does. I think its a great deal imho. Great find OP.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
pierrekid said:
1) As many of you know i along with many others was able to purchase the pad from best buy for a 347.49 due to online price matching. Acquiring a tablet of this calibre for that price alone is probably reason enough.
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Where did you find it for 347.49? I can't find one for less than 499. I just got my Infinity by returning my Prime to Best Buy for an exchange. Is the price match only for online purchases?
pierrekid said:
Here you go! Go to post 34 for details. This is where i got the idea from.
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Those are links for two sites sitting on servers in Russia in post 34.
Absolutely no real details about purchases, contacting, ordering and 2.99 shipping (yeah right.)
Did anyone actually read the return\exchange policy on Best Buys website?
The policy reads they won't match competing on-line prices.
They will match local competing prices from another store within 25 miles.
Best Buy will probably let a few get away with a relaxed policy for a while.
Then after things pick up for them they'll tighten up like Fry's and Amazon have done.
A lot of retailers offer 1-2-3 year no questions asked warranties for $$$.
Those are designed to suck money from your pocket out of fear.
I don't think hordes of tablet buyers are going to gain anything here.
IMO it's you against corporate retail...there's only one winner there.
...flame on...
psymont said:
Where did you find it for 347.49? I can't find one for less than 499. I just got my Infinity by returning my Prime to Best Buy for an exchange. Is the price match only for online purchases?
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Look in the post above for details on how to get the price match. Also i brought the add in (on my phone) to best buy and they did a price match.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
Thats OK said:
Those are links for two sites sitting on servers in Russia in post 34.
Absolutely no real details about purchases, contacting, ordering and 2.99 shipping (yeah right.)
Did anyone actually read the return\exchange policy on Best Buys website?
The policy reads they won't match competing on-line prices.
They will match local competing prices from another store within 25 miles.
Best Buy will probably let a few get away with a relaxed policy for a while.
Then after things pick up for them they'll tighten up like Fry's and Amazon have done.
A lot of retailers offer 1-2-3 year no questions asked warranties for $$$.
Those are designed to suck money from your pocket out of fear.
I don't think hordes of tablet buyers are going to gain anything here.
IMO it's you against corporate retail...there's only one winner there.
...flame on...
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Ok you are seriously really late. Myself along with plenty of others have done the price match. If you continue reading on the post the guy even posted his receipt as proof. If you need more proof ( and judging from your flame first attitude you probably will) i will post a copy of my receipt as well. Doesn't matter what their policy says, that's what they priced match.
Also they definitely changed that rule because every best buy in my area will price match amazon and online retailers.
Also your last paragraph.... what are you even saying lol?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
pierrekid said:
Ok you are seriously really late. Myself along with plenty of others have done the price match. If you continue reading on the post the guy even posted his receipt as proof. If you need more proof ( and judging from your flame first attitude you probably will) i will post a copy of my receipt as well. Doesn't matter what their policy says, that's what at they priced match.
Also they definitely changed that rule because every best buy in my area will price match amazon and online retailers.
Also your last paragraph.... what are you even saying lol?
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I have also read countless posts where Best Buy would *not* price match an on-line store - just because it a few managers let it slip buy doesn't change the fact that the policy is very clear about this - ask the folks that were denied....
And on the "lie" to Best Buy in order to cheat them - the problem is that it affects *everyone* when you do such childish things. People like you are the exact reason why places like Office Depot won't even let you return open electronics *at all* - you can only exchange items for the exact same item, period. So, again, you are hurting *everyone* when you do this crap.
If you want to do it fine, but don't go encouraging others to do it - that's my point - I'm sure I could report this thread and get it closed for that very reason - you are encouraging others to do illegal things. I'm not the "reporting" type though, so I'd rather let everyone know why this is a problem and why they shouldn't do it. If you can't afford to support your "electronic habit" that doesn't give you the right to purposely cheat retail stores, regardless of who told you to do it.
It's wrong and quite frankly, it's illegal - period. Nothing is free in life - like I said, you are just hurting every other consumer (as well as Best Buy) when you do this crap.
Carry on...
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