LED - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm new to the nexus line and want to take full advantage of the beautiful LED I now have. Can someone point me in the direction of a quality app. I tried LITE FLOW (I think that was what it was called) didn't work, oh and by the way I'm rooted on cataclysm stockish ROM. Any help would be great.
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Light Flow should be working okay now, it's gotten some updates recently. The dev is active on XDA so you could give it another try and if it doesn't work still, try asking for help. Other than that, the only alternative I know of is LEDBlinker Notifications.

Light Flow is by far the best. It can take some getting used to and can be overwhelming at first with all the options, but once you get used to it it's amazing!

-Cupper- said:
Light Flow is by far the best. It can take some getting used to and can be overwhelming at first with all the options, but once you get used to it it's amazing!
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That's how I felt. There are options galore with that application.
All I'm looking for is something very simple. Make gmail red, hangouts green, bbm blue, etc. That's it.

wifesabitch said:
That's how I felt. There are options galore with that application.
All I'm looking for is something very simple. Make gmail red, hangouts green, bbm blue, etc. That's it.
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should work perfect for that, Liteflow has worked flawlessly since the first N5 update for me. I've got missed calls on red, primary email blue, hangouts green, calender white and they all work exactly as intended.

I'm using light manager and it do work fine for simple task...make a try
Inviato dal mio Nexus 5 utilizzando Tapatalk

Thanks for the help guys.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


[Theme]Meshdroid 1.0 [CM 5.0.8 Test3][wip] 7/4/10

I make themes for fun... I love my android phones and customization is the main reason I enjoy them so much. Normally, I would never consider taking a donation but recently hard times have befallen my family and I. I will spare you my sob story, but you guys should know that I am the proud father of a three month old baby boy!
If you can like this theme then please donate to my family... we are very close to losing it all.
If you want to buy my baby some formula or toys you can donate here
Here's where we're at:
Download Link For CM 5.0.8 test3
Meshdroid 1.0
Wallpapers and Icons
For Orange Notifications, Download .xml (delete .zip extension first, put on sdcard root) file attached to post and load by "Import Colors from XML" in settings/spare parts
Love the start...would gladly donate.
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Imagiohio said:
Love the start...would gladly donate.
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
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What color should i make the accents? I was going with yellow, but I'm not sure that that many people would like it. Multiple colors can be made but a little direction would be great to start off with
I think I would like an orange color to go with the gray.
opengeo said:
I think I would like an orange color to go with the gray.
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Stock Orange or something brighter? or darker? can you post something to give me an indication of what you might like?
Use this link to generate the color please:
I will hook you up either way. Get a link set up. I have used numerous other things from you..
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
bblanski said:
I will hook you up either way. Get a link set up. I have used numerous other things from you..
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
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Thank you... added signature to my profile.
Get that kid some stuff.. good luck. I like the beginning of this theme..
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
maybe i'm just a minimalist, but i prefer to have neutral colors. blacks, greys, whites, maybe some subtle dark/light browns.
seanhassars said:
maybe i'm just a minimalist, but i prefer to have neutral colors. blacks, greys, whites, maybe some subtle dark/light browns.
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Pm me with any ideas you might have... I can accommodate many different styles and tastes
bblanski said:
Get that kid some stuff.. good luck. I like the beginning of this theme..
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
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Some progress being made. Thank you for donation!
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
This looks awesome I'm down for sure
Sent using my Droid Incredible
OK... so for the people that want this theme... what rom are you running?
CyanogenMod is what I'm theming on because it's what I prefer and what most of you will be using in times to come, but I can get this up and running on sense as well. The status text on CM is also easily changed via spare parts
Keep in mind that status bar text is not editable on any rom that is not de-odexed so your text will be white rather than orange.
Anyone feel like testing? theme run's great but feedback is always nice
Beta released for CM 5.0.8 test 3. Please let me know how you guys like it. I'm taking a break for tonight and will work more tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'll edit progress bars to be orange and finish up the framework. After that I'll jump into apps.
You guys want orange icons too?
Currently running rooted stock sense with your red theme. I'm steering clear of CM until it's ready for prime time.
same here im still on stock sense but running your red theme, keep up the good work johnny
Imagiohio said:
Currently running rooted stock sense with your red theme. I'm steering clear of CM until it's ready for prime time.
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worm- said:
same here im still on stock sense but running your red theme, keep up the good work johnny
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Did you guys wanna give it a whirl on stock sense? The clock text color is gonna be white
i think you need to see about getting some of these up on Rom Manager, i think all you have to do is talk to koush
worm- said:
i think you need to see about getting some of these up on Rom Manager, i think all you have to do is talk to koush
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I gotta find hosting space and make the javascript file...
This theme is almost done, 1.0 is released! Just need to do some touch ups on the framework then theme a few apps.
Give it a try and let me know if its to you liking.

Closed down

Gone out of business!!
MODS made by other members on here...​
Mod made by Socrguru - T9 Dialer Mod (confirmed working on Evervolv p7 but might work for other ICS roms)
Inverted ICS Apps I've Found All Over XDA...
(I've tested all these apps on all three ICS roms we have for the EVO and they work flawlessly)​
Inverted Calendar
Inverted Calculator, Market and Contacts
Inverted MMS
Inverted Gmail
ICS/Inverted XDA App
Inverted Dropbox App
Inverted Google Voice
Also, thanks to scottspa74 for searching up and down the web....he found these too!!
All CREDIT goes to Travp624 with StyGian studios for taking the time get these ICS inverted!!
(it includes the majority of the ones above but has a few that I didn't have like gtalk and google music)
Sweet. I see you added some extra mods for Drews builds.
sent from my ice cream evo
Look awesome.
Sent from my RamenizedEvo on Cricket.
Sweet...great job man
Wow, thanks a lot! You just saved me 10 bucks on a bottle of aspirin.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Awesome! Thanks for posting (and making) these.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I didn't think I'd like having the on-screen buttons, but tried it anyway. Turns out I really like them and never use the regular ones now. Also a good substitute since the hard buttons never light up anymore.
Looks really awesome!!! Can't wait to try it. Many Thanks for the great job you guys did.
The on screen buttons, battery mod, landscape lock screen for Evervolv p7 doesn't seem to have the landscape portion working? Thanks for posting these, they're great!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Looks good man, Thanks for the contribution.
teh roxxorz said:
Looks good man, Thanks for the contribution.
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No problem man, just trying to do my part in keeping the EVO alive..haha
Man what you guys do is nothing short of amazing! Much thanks for all the hard work and countless hours (i cant even imagine) that you guys put into development.
Not only does this display immense talent, but the knowledge is incredible. Personally, what you devs/themers do cannot be given enough thanks.
I dont know what kind of background you all have, but I am sure I am not the only one here that is extremely jealous...lol, and would give my left nut to have the time, patience and know how to put something like this together.
Like some others here my Evo is close to 2 years old, but with continued development like this I really dont even feel my Evo is old or outdated. I feel for the Apple crowd...lol.
GOD i hope teams such as yourselves come to the Asus Transformer Prime side and show what it can do. Like HTC I cant wait for Asus to give us the key to unlock the boatloader.
Thanks so much guys. It may take awhile for this dumb a$$ to figure out how to download and install this properly, but I plan on loving every minute that I search and find answers until I finally get it correct.
Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to beat the crap out of my brain this weekend, and avoid the "honey-do list" around the house.
Sent from my TF201 Transformer Prime using Tapatalk
you guys are amazing. your work is much more appreciated it....
mazdarider23 said:
Thanks for letting me know about this! I fixed it and tested it on my part so it should work for everyone else!
Evervolv P7 On-Screen Buttons with Battery Mod and Landscape Lockscreen
Here's a couple of screenshots just in case any doubt....haha
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Thanks, worked great!
I've been working a bit on a mod to add the T9 dialer to Evervolv - would that be something worthwhile to anybody?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Socrguru said:
Thanks, worked great!
I've been working a bit on a mod to add the T9 dialer to Evervolv - would that be something worthwhile to anybody?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Go ahead and do it!! I'm sure someone would like it!! They might not like the idea of it but once they try it, they might love it.....kind of like on-screen buttons!! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! I'm pretty good at editing XML files and reading logcats in case you're getting a FC somewhere!!
Socrguru said:
Thanks, worked great!
I've been working a bit on a mod to add the T9 dialer to Evervolv - would that be something worthwhile to anybody?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I can't tell you how much I'd appreciate that. I just installed a contacts apk that does that, but instead of the gorgeous blue gradient behind dialer, its flat black....ugly. would LOVE if you could figure it out.
I also installed the mod cuz it made contacts apk black instead of bright white, but damn, if someone knew how to make contacts NOT bright white, AND have dialer have t9 function....be forever indebted.
Thanks much. Please proceed. and post
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
scottspa74 said:
I can't tell you how much I'd appreciate that. I just installed a contacts apk that does that, but instead of the gorgeous blue gradient behind dialer, its flat black....ugly. would LOVE if you could figure it out.
I also installed the mod cuz it made contacts apk black instead of bright white, but damn, if someone knew how to make contacts NOT bright white, AND have dialer have t9 function....be forever indebted.
Thanks much. Please proceed. and post
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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Really all I did was swap the apk's, similar to what you did I think. I'm gonna put it in flashable zip format (hopefully tomorrow) to make it easy. Mine has the blue gradient on the dialer, but not sure what I did different from you...
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Here's a bit of a mod to add T9 dialer to Evervolv. I honestly can't remember where I got the files from myself, but they're originally from CM9's source (if I find where I got them I'll edit this to thank them).
Add T9 Dialer to Evervolv
Remove T9 Dialer from Evervolv
I tested these on my phone (Evervolv p7) and they work fine. They'd probably work on Deck's or JTG's ICS roms as well, but I haven't tried it myself.
---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ----------
scottspa74 said:
I can't tell you how much I'd appreciate that. I just installed a contacts apk that does that, but instead of the gorgeous blue gradient behind dialer, its flat black....ugly. would LOVE if you could figure it out.
I also installed the mod cuz it made contacts apk black instead of bright white, but damn, if someone knew how to make contacts NOT bright white, AND have dialer have t9 function....be forever indebted.
Thanks much. Please proceed. and post
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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My mod has the blue gradient behind the dialer (at least it does for me) but still has the bright white contacts. I think I could figure out how to change that, but I won't have the time to play with it for another few weeks . I'm pretty sure you'd just have to modify the Contacts.apk...?

More Stock SMS themes

Love to see some creative people give us more color options for the stock messaging app. Just sayin......
rfarrah said:
Love to see some creative people give us more color options for the stock messaging app. Just sayin......
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Would be nice but we have to work with what we have for now.
I wish I would be able to transform completely the look of the sms app to look somewhat like the clean design present on htc sense. I hate lg UI it really looks terrible, cartoonesk **** and huge font. Lg design is so 90s, I seriously hate it badly! I
For font, two finger pinch
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[email protected] said:
For font, two finger pinch
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
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Good find! But the minimum size is still way too big!
rfarrah said:
Love to see some creative people give us more color options for the stock messaging app. Just sayin......
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I have used HandcentSMS for a couple years now. They have a lot of add on things for it, from color, to seasonal themes. All sorts of things you can do with it. And it is Free.
hd-renegade said:
I have used HandcentSMS for a couple years now. They have a lot of add on things for it, from color, to seasonal themes. All sorts of things you can do with it. And it is Free.
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Yeah, I've used Handcent on every android device I've had, going way back to my HTC Incredible. I may go back again, but I'm kind of enjoying the Stock experience on my G2.
To be honest, I never even tried the stock sms app. I just kept using handcentsms.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk HD
Textra has been working great also, much quicker opening /closing the app also. Fwiw
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

awesome mms apk

Just wanted to share this link. This MMS app works perfectly on my moto x and gives you total control with all color options.
It's a lot like 8sms but with a hex editor. Anyway, I'm super thankful to the folks that made it and even though it's on the nexus 5
theme page it works fine on my rooted moto x. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2536197
Thanks for sharing. It works great on my Moto X Dev.Ed. too.
Just tested on Verizon Moto X and everything seems to work perfectly, even with the motorola connect extension, which seemed to have issues with other messenger replacements.
Nice Find. Work perfectly on my Verizon DE Moto X.
Thanks. I'm permanently using this now. A dark themed bubble
Sent from my XT1053 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
badjedi said:
Nice Find. Work perfectly on my Verizon DE Moto X.
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Off topic, but nice avatar lol.:good:
I installed this apk and did everything through root explorer but every time I try to change the back ground image it says it stopped working. Any clues on this and how to fix it and did I do something wrong?
Sent from my XT1060 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
Never mind, work great.
Sent from my XT1060 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
Just found out that xvoiceplus doesn't work with this
Sent from my XT1053 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
This is a great MMS apk and I love the customizations it provides but it sends really crappy pictures. Any way of fixing this in settings?
Sent from my XT1060 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
Bill Idol said:
This is a great MMS apk and I love the customizations it provides but it sends really crappy pictures. Any way of fixing this in settings?
Sent from my XT1060 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
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Not that I know of. Picture quality seems to me, linked and about the same as just using the regular camera app. The X's camera has taught me patiences... just standing there waiting for it to get the focus just right. If I shoot too quick I tend to get less than quality shots. All in all I have huge amount of disparity between one shot to the next. Maybe someone else knows.
Pwnicorn said:
Not that I know of. Picture quality seems to me, linked and about the same as just using the regular camera app. The X's camera has taught me patiences... just standing there waiting for it to get the focus just right. If I shoot too quick I tend to get less than quality shots. All in all I have huge amount of disparity between one shot to the next. Maybe someone else knows.
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Thanks. I went back to the stock MMS and it seems picture messages are fine. The shots I take are clear but when you send them through the customized MMS apk it's all blurred out and looks very, very unreadable.
Sent from my XT1060 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2

Any advise on black.

I'm looking for an app or something that will give me a black theme, icons, most importantly when I open an app (like CNN, PlayStore, etc.) It will have a black background with white text.
I tried using the inversion setting but is then trows off my already black wallpaper to looking white and stuff. I have vision issue which is why I am looking for this.
I am running stock but am rooted. I was Running the carbon rom for this but got tired of installing nightlies for hammerhead. I'm just going to wait until they have a production version.
Thanks in advance,
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Just curious, but is the reason for wanting black everything to try and conserve battery life? Because as far as I know that only works for AMOLED displays.
PsychDrummer said:
Just curious, but is the reason for wanting black everything to try and conserve battery life? Because as far as I know that only works for AMOLED displays.
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"I have vision issue"
That's what he said so no its not battery life
To your problem:
Install a Rom with inverted ui like mahdi or slimkat and flash the slim gapps. The alomst everything is a nice dark black
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Oops sorry, I somehow missed that part. My fault.
agonzalez1010 said:
I'm looking for an app or something that will give me a black theme, icons, most importantly when I open an app (like CNN, PlayStore, etc.) It will have a black background with white text.
I tried using the inversion setting but is then trows off my already black wallpaper to looking white and stuff. I have vision issue which is why I am looking for this.
I am running stock but am rooted. I was Running the carbon rom for this but got tired of installing nightlies for hammerhead. I'm just going to wait until they have a production version.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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Search black icons in the store, heres one recommendation https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.threekzerothree.softinsetroundicons.black
Use slimROM, a lot of people have this thing for black and holo blue and that is what slim uses, and you can enable darkslim or whatever. I think they have a milestone so you can load that and it will be stable. http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/orig-development/rom-slimkat-hammerhead-t2511512
Go for Mahdi ROM and flash Slim GAPS with it.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
agonzalez1010 said:
I'm looking for an app or something that will give me a black theme, icons, most importantly when I open an app (like CNN, PlayStore, etc.) It will have a black background with white text.
I tried using the inversion setting but is then trows off my already black wallpaper to looking white and stuff. I have vision issue which is why I am looking for this.
I am running stock but am rooted. I was Running the carbon rom for this but got tired of installing nightlies for hammerhead. I'm just going to wait until they have a production version.
Thanks in advance,
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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Check out team black out. They have flashable zips for tons of apps even for Google now. That way you can keep stock Rom and the okay Google functionality and have blacked out apps. That's what I have, and it's awesome.
Can you link me to the black team?
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agonzalez1010 said:
Can you link me to the black team?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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Lokke9191 said:
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Thank you. I will get going on this ROM.
I've heard doing this is permanent, and that you can't go back?
Haha Ha
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Here's some icons "shady"
From my mobile telephony device.
howard bamber said:
Here's some icons "shady"
From my mobile telephony device.
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What is that icon pack? I searched shady, but it's not showing up.
Yes it's in uk store, in that name. I'll dig out a Web address when I've got a minute if you like
From my mobile telephony device.
howard bamber said:
Yes it's in uk store, in that name. I'll dig out a Web address when I've got a minute if you like
From my mobile telephony device.
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Nope, that was enough to get it to show up without being burried by 50 trillion shady things lol
BTW if you want a standard rom in black and white with no blue! Try "Elixr" good stock and fully black and white, when you add icons
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
agonzalez1010 said:
I'm looking for an app or something that will give me a black theme, icons, most importantly when I open an app (like CNN, PlayStore, etc.) It will have a black background with white text.
I tried using the inversion setting but is then trows off my already black wallpaper to looking white and stuff. I have vision issue which is why I am looking for this.
I am running stock but am rooted. I was Running the carbon rom for this but got tired of installing nightlies for hammerhead. I'm just going to wait until they have a production version.
Thanks in advance,
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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You already have the Team Blacked Out link so here is a more obscure theming app. This app allows you to override the colors on most Web pages. It works with both browsers and apps that display html pages within the app itself (eg. Flipboard). I use it on both my Nexus 5&10. Read how it works and how to install here:
[HOW-TO] Blacked out theme effect for Web pages (needs root)
A theme able alternative to YouTube which has some additional features is called Viral. Find it on the play store. That app allows no end of UI Color theming.
You can also use the XPosed framework and two modules (Gravity Box and HKTheme Manager) to implement dark themes including Color finer tuning nav and status bars. Here is a dark theme on the playstore which works with HKTheme Manager.
Good luck
I like to thank everyone for their suggestions. Based on all the information everyone contributed to this thread I was able to customize my phone to work with the dark themes. Again this was requested because of some vision issues I have and despite one individual who decided to rant off without reading why I requested this, everyone else's suggestions help me set up my phone to work perfectly. Thank you all again.
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