Home Screen Wallpaper forcing black Nav bars - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Switching from the default wallpaper, to a image of the same resolution set as wall paper forces the Nav bars to become black.
Tried using apps to force full screen wallpapers but to no avail, a reboot fixes the issue for about 10 seconds then reverts back,
This occurs when using the gallery app to set wallpaper and the photos app


HDWall + Animated Weather Problem

Hi all, I've installed a wallpaper using HDWall and now whenever I turn on my phone and it shows the rainy animation (wiping water off the screen) it shows it on a black background that covers my wallpaper until it has faded.
The top and bottom bars are transparent, so I can still see my wallpaper at the edges.
On the weather page itself the animation does not create a black screen behind it, it just wipes my actual wallpaper.
Does anyone have any ideas how I might resolve this or make it work like the weather page?
I have the same problem.
using stock rom 1.66.

[Q] Settings for default clock behavior ?

Running TeamEOS ICS stingray nightlies. If docked, the clock app appears, then after a few minutes it switches into "screensaver" mode. the clock still appears but the background goes dark and the clock begins to move around the screen at pre-set intervals. I also noticed a single click dims the screen, a tap-and-hold changes the font and color of the clock. Question is: Is there any way to change the settings or default behavior of the clock app? or disable the "screensaver" mode all together?

Changing background colour and removing top status bar

I have a rooted Nexus 7 2013. Is there a way I can permanently remove the top status bar? Also, when the device starts up, I launch an application but for a split second I get a full white screen before application loads. At first I thought it was my wallpaper but I've set a full black background wallpaper. So I am thinking is there a way to set background colour to black too? I want to prevent that bright white background that displays for a split second while an application is starting.

After Noga, any clock icon on home screen freezes sometime

I an using a weather widget ( tried many ), and the big clock in any widget of them, sometime freezes, when the phons is asleep. Sometime even it remains asleep ( different from the small clock in the status line) for some many seconds.
This happens only after upgrading to B560 .
Is there a solution for this ? I have tried amny weather apps, either using the drawer style home screen or the Nova launcher.

grey lines at top of the screen with pure black wallpaper

So recently i started to notice that in my home screen (touchwiz or other launchers) at the top of the screen there is some grey lines it is best visible if i use a black wallpaper and set the brightness to the maximum. This doesn't show anywhere except on the home screen. I tried other wallpapers, and if i look at it in the gallery or turn on ultra power saving mode there is no grey lines.(my device is galaxy s6)
Does anyone know what it is? Or how to fix it?
(i hope you guys can understand me sry for my english)
So, if you switch to your pictures and images gallery, the lines disappear?
Did you drop your device on the floor or did it incurred any damages lately?
blazexhun said:
So recently i started to notice that in my home screen (touchwiz or other launchers) at the top of the screen there is some grey lines it is best visible if i use a black wallpaper and set the brightness to the maximum. This doesn't show anywhere except on the home screen. I tried other wallpapers, and if i look at it in the gallery or turn on ultra power saving mode there is no grey lines.(my device is galaxy s6)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's a common issue. It's stupid Touchwiz/Samsung system which creates a small overlay at the top of Homescreens (any launchers) & lockscreens. In gallery etc, it's perfectly black since no overlay.
I don't think there is a fix. U can use a slightly greyish instead of full black wallpaper. It's not a big problem though
Oh i understand. Thank you for help. I was thought my phone has a problem.
Sometimes the grey lines can appear in Samsung mobiles if you use a bad launcher or a theme which is not compatible with the phone. You can try updating to a new version and see if fixes the problem, or use a light gray wallpaper as already suggested. Another couple of things to try... take a screenshot of your phone and test it on your laptop to see if the lines are still there. If not then it could be a problem with the screen itself. It's also worth restarting your phone in Safe Mode as this mode only runs with pre-installed apps. If you don't see the lines then an app could be your culprit

