[Q] Mount for file copying? - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How can I mount the N5 on USB so I can see all of the directories in order to copy some files directly from my PC to specific locations. When mounted on my PC, I only see the choices of mounting it as a "media device" or "camera device", so all I get is a small subset of the directories.


can you robocopy off of a mounted mobile device

i have been trying to figure this out for a while now. when i plug my phone in through active sync i can freely browse the folders via windows explorer. but i was wondering is it possible to use robocopy to move files to and from the mounted device. and if so how would i format the source\destination string when the device doesent have a drive letter

[Q] Install certificates on Xoom 3.1?

Ok I have tried searching for an answer with this but have not been successful.
Now that 3.1 supports individual proxy settings for WiFi connections I would like to use my works WiFi network. As such I need to install root and personal certificates. I have these in *.cer format for the root CA certificates and *.pfx for the personal certificate.
I have enabled the credential storage by setting a password and tried "Installing from storage". No matter where I put the files (internal storage, SD card or USB thumb drive connected via a working OTG cable) the Xoom says "No certificates found in USB storage".
Am I missing something? Can someone give me some advice?
rename the .cer to .crt
Reexport the .pfx as .p12
copy to /sdcard/
import using locations and security
Is "copy to /sdcard" making a new directory called "/sdcard" or actually copying to /mnt/external1 ?
I've tried using the SD card (in various directories and .pdx, .p12 & .pem extensions, with no joy)
I'll update this.
Putting the certs on INTERNAL storage, rather than /mnt/external1, worked - the security menu picked them up from there with no bother.

[Q] Changing the folder that mounts on MTP

Hello so here is the thing
On the Asus TF700 the Externeal SDCard
Mounts Exactly on this folder
That can be changed
on the vold.fstab file
So I can make it mount on
But when I connect it to the computer it only see the internal memory cus MTP mode it's only programmed to see the SDCard on Removable folder and not on Storage
So I would like to know if someone can help me telling how to change the folder that MTP mounts on the computer
I really hope I make it clear my explanation

Dosbox Turbo Help

I just installed Dosbox Turbo and it sees my Transformer TF700 internal storage as /sdcard/
I knew that was normal, but can't figure out how to mount my dock's sdcard.
I tried
"mount d /removable/sd" and got "Directory /removable/sd doesn't exist."
I also tried every other path I could think of. Does anybody have any insight that could help me?
I might just copy the game folders onto internal storage, but it bugs me that I can't get this reading the card.
By the way, I'm running stock JB 4.1.1, not rooted, not unlocked.
AnakiMana said:
can't figure out how to mount my dock's sdcard.
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Click to collapse
The tablet should mount it itself, and show an SD card icon at the bottom of your screen, if it is recognized.
What is the format of the card (FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, etc)? Using an unsupported format or unformatted card is usually the reason for it not to be recognized and mounted.
Total Commander shows all SD cards (and USB drives) at the top of it's main browse screen, including their path.
My MicroSD card is mounted as /Removable/MicroSD. Please note that Linux, thus Android is case sensitive. Meaning that upper and lowercase letters are not treated the same as in Windows for example. So /removable/sd is not the same as /Removable/SD.
If you are using Android Terminal Emulator, use the tab key to activate the auto complete feature. Type /R, then press tab and it will complete it if there is only one match (in this case /Removable/). When there is more than one match, it will show you a list of matches. This way it is easier to not make a typo when using long paths.
Thanks for your reply.
The card was always visible from File Manager (Asus app), I just hadn't been able to use the mount command successfully in Dosbox.
I got it working by using proper capitalization, as you suggested! Thanks!
The answer, for anyone else with this issue, is: /Removable/SD
So, the command from Dosbox is "mount d /Removable/SD", to make the sdcard your D:\ drive.

[Q] Mounting the SD card as a removal drive?

Is there a way to mount the SD as a removable drive? When I attach the USB cord I get two options, connect as media device or camera, neither of which I want. I would like to be able to view the SD card through a windows explorer window and be able to move files in and out as I want.
FYI, I am unlocked, rooted and using Google Nexus ADB interface (Clockwork Mod driver version
What you want is not possible. Just like the nexus 4. The sdcard is a fused ext4 partition.
So even if you was to modify the system enough to mount it, you wouldn't be able to access the filesystem because windows cannot read an ext partition.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
SykesAT said:
Is there a way to mount the SD as a removable drive? When I attach the USB cord I get two options, connect as media device or camera, neither of which I want. I would like to be able to view the SD card through a windows explorer window and be able to move files in and out as I want.
FYI, I am unlocked, rooted and using Google Nexus ADB interface (Clockwork Mod driver version
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Click to collapse
Yep, the issue is the Android proper driver.
To make this work, you need to do the following (choose media device on the phone, fyi):
1) Plug the phone into the computer.
2) Open "Device Manger" and locate the phone.
3) Right-click and choose "Update Drivers Software"
4) Choose "Browse my computer..."
5) Choose "Let me pick..."
6) Select the 2nd option "USB composite device" and confirm, closing all windows.
7) Unplug the phone from the computer and reconnect it.
This will give you the "internal storage" as drive you can interact with. It does not give you access to root, though. You also likely need to reverse these steps if you need to have working ADB/Fastboot access at some future point.

