Viper4 Android on HOXL - AT&T, Rogers HTC One X, Telstra One XL

I came across this thing in the general android development
Seems like a equalizer or sound enhancer like beatz, Awesome, etc. I knew Awesome beats and thingl ike that don't work on Sense rom because of Beat Audio but this one doesn't seems to need flashing (the installation seems to be completed with an .apk)
I just wanted to know if it's possible to install this on Sense rom (if anyone tried) regardless of Beats. I think it's safe, but i wanted to know before trying anything up.
BTW i asked this question to the DEV a while ago and he didn't answer me so i'm trying here on the HOXL forum

Chencox said:
I came across this thing in the general android development
Seems like a equalizer or sound enhancer like beatz, Awesome, etc. I knew Awesome beats and thingl ike that don't work on Sense rom because of Beat Audio but this one doesn't seems to need flashing (the installation seems to be completed with an .apk)
I just wanted to know if it's possible to install this on Sense rom (if anyone tried) regardless of Beats. I think it's safe, but i wanted to know before trying anything up.
BTW i asked this question to the DEV a while ago and he didn't answer me so i'm trying here on the HOXL forum
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Why not try yourself? Just be sure to nandroid beforehand, obviously. I have had luck in the past flashing audio mods on Sense ROMs, but ymmv.

I wanted to try it myself, but for now i'm on a AOSP rom. Was just kinda curious if someone did try it.
On AOSP it works great though. I'll give feedback if this works well asap on a Sense rom.


Best application for your camera

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you experts what the best application for an alternative camera that records video in 1080p
I use ARHD 4.1.3 with the Amaze camera. It's awesome, but keep in mind that it only works with Sense 3.5 and the stock Android 2.3.5 kernel. Others use the camera mod by ErosizeD or the MIUI camera. Try them all out and see which one you like best.
Yep, Amaze camera is the way to go!
The problem is that I do not think so CyanogenMod is compatible
CrazyAngel1990 said:
The problem is that I do not think so CyanogenMod is compatible
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Correct. As I said in my post above, the Amaze camera only works with Sense 3.5 ROMs and you have to use the stock Android 2.3.5 kernel. Most of the 3.5 ROMs come with a different kernel than stock, so download and flash the proper one after flashing the ROM. There are quite a few Sense 3.5 ROMs out there, so flash away and see what you like. Just remember to ALWAYS DO A BACKUP BEFORE YOU FLASH ANYTHING.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA Premium
Keep throwing suggestions out there guys. This guy wants something workable that will work on CM7. Let's stop talking about how great the Amaze camera is and how he should stick to Sense because of it, and give him a real suggestion.
Just tried out a bunch of the cameras off the market. Seems like I'm gonna be stuck on Sense for a while lol. Viginette, Camera 360 left an impression, the others were horrible.
Sent from my HTC Sensation
nrvnqsrxk said:
Keep throwing suggestions out there guys. This guy wants something workable that will work on CM7. Let's stop talking about how great the Amaze camera is and how he should stick to Sense because of it, and give him a real suggestion.
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First things first. Never once did I say anything even close to "he should stick to Sense because of the Amaze camera." Don't put words in my mouth. He seemed a bit confused about the fact that it only works with Sense, hence why I clarified further.
Second, I mentioned that both ErosizeD and MIUI have cameras if you would have read more carefully. MIUI camera works on CM7, and there is a version of ErosizeD's mod in the works for AOSP ROMs.
Last I checked, those are both "real suggestions."
Just because you don't use Sense, it doesn't mean that nobody does. While you may run CM7 exclusively, other people may be willing to try out different ROMs, including Sense ROMs. Personally, I'm a CyanogenMod guy. I have been since my G1. I'm simply trying out different ROMs and stuff until a stable build is released. The Amaze camera is fantastic. I would even say it's worth flashing a Sense 3.5 ROM to see for yourself.
To the OP: These 3 options are pretty much the only ones out there right now that I know of. If you want more information, search the forums and see what you can come up with.
I did not understand much, there's something that works on cyano
CrazyAngel1990 said:
I did not understand much, there's something that works on cyano
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im wonderinig the same thing is there an alternative app for video recorer which record at 1080 p
Didn't erosized release a camera mod that supposedly works with CM7?
Sent from my HTC Sensation

[only info ROM/no download] 24-10 TripNMiui 2.3.7 - TripNkernel

Hello Guys. lot of time passes from the my last visit to modaco forum. In fact there are few roms. But the there are two of these really interesting.
I wanna try it because there are some beautiful function like MOBILE BRAVIA ENGINE 4 (the same of xperia arc), xLOUD to improve speaker sound visible in this changelog
TripNRaVeR port for MSM8660 Pyramid touchscreens
- xLOUD 4.0.A.2.368
created by SEMC
TripNRaVeR port for MSM8660 soundchips
TripNDroid Audio Processing System
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it seems strange that in this forum I never seen something about these two roms.
I' talking about two roms because the firs is a MIUI and has beats, the second is based on CM//aosp and I dont think hs beat (unfortunately I need this tweaks)
Well, its not in this forums because he has stated he didn't want the ROMs to be posted here.
I just removed the link, so the thread is only to informed poeple. I dont undestand why developers dont want to share theirs rom. Is counterproductive.
I guess he has some issues with XDA. That's why he didn't want it to be posted here.
he was banned in this he don't share this rom on this form.
his rom is very cool..very smooth..
I only write about the roms. If moderator dont want, I'll happy to remove my thread, but still they dont contact me, I'll wait
Communication and Sharing
he said on modaco a while ago , that he has no problem if his stuff is on xda but
he has to work with someone from here to maintan the thread and so on ,maybe
the OP can talk to trip and a moderator from here and arrange something.
yeahhh, you have reason.
I would try a rom cyanogen very faster than others with beats, bravia engine xLOUD (spectacular) and fps limit at 80 fps
Trip didn't care about puuting thw rom on xda. He gave approval to tonyo to do it
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
i think this thread will be close...
we all know why..
ok, you can close the thread, but I don't understand.
I'm so sorry for this "war" between two of best android forums on network.
I know the problem, but we do not speak about the user nicknamed (is this word exist??) modaco, but another user.
I am not seeing the point of this thread we already know about the other Miui and aosp duhh
Trips ROM was great at first, but he doesn't develop consistently if that makes sense. Every release he completely re-does all kinds of big important parts to the ROM (drivers, etc...) and this results in broken stuff that used to be fixed lol. The audio is good (too loud actually), but everything else pales in comparison to the build.
Not meant to get into an argument or anything, just would like to pass on my point of view to others who might want to go flash his ROM for the first time. I've flashed every ROM and every kernel of his. IMO, the version on this site is leaps and bounds ahead...
That would make sense why trips on his 10th build and their are always problems with his rom. Miui released just 2 builds so far it is way better than trips 10 builds lol
he created a rom with 80 fps limitation and mobile bravia engine. this people must be thkanked maybe with a breer by paypal.
In these roms (miui and aosp) all work. but beats is missing. I never seen a rom cyanogen with beats. do you know if is possible to implement??
Scumbag XDA.
Wants the best roms, bans the best devs.
farfromovin said:
Trips ROM was great at first, but he doesn't develop consistently if that makes sense. Every release he completely re-does all kinds of big important parts to the ROM (drivers, etc...) and this results in broken stuff that used to be fixed lol. The audio is good (too loud actually), but everything else pales in comparison to the build.
Not meant to get into an argument or anything, just would like to pass on my point of view to others who might want to go flash his ROM for the first time. I've flashed every ROM and every kernel of his. IMO, the version on this site is leaps and bounds ahead...
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His builds are pretty good. Just had a problem with the recent one with start up reboots that's why I reverted back to aosp for now. Otherwise, best battery life, Camera is perfect, audio is perfect and performance and feautures is there. It's the perfect rom.
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
I recently checked out TripN's ROM after not having used it for a while. Found the latest one to cause bootloops, and after I sorted that out, it was more buggy than one of his older ROMs. Don't know why though.
I would use the build regularly if the camera was sorted. I don't even use my camera that often, but its good to know you have a semi decent camera and camcorder available on a sense Rom when you need it.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda premium
Can you tell me the bugs that are in Trips, that are not in and vice versa
No point in this as it is not development....
Thread closed.
PS: If the DEV wants he can open a new thread himself then contact me with any issues that he might have

Recommendations for ROM on Sensation

I've been using AndroidRevolution ever since I've bought the phone and I want to change over to something new.
Any suggestions? Having no sense doesn't bother me since I feel it chews a lot of memory on the phone.
Not sure what other roms are popular on the sensation
Johnny-Kun said:
I've been using AndroidRevolution ever since I've bought the phone and I want to change over to something new.
Any suggestions? Having no sense doesn't bother me since I feel it chews a lot of memory on the phone.
Not sure what other roms are popular on the sensation
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Look for a thread that starts with [ROM] ,then check the views and replies...
RC1 of the cyanogenmod 9 is just released for the sensation. If you don't want sense and ice cream sandwich I would reccomend to use that one
The Best ROM I ever tried is Aokp eye candy it lives up to its name! Its different. It has tons of customization you can do! It even has ROM control. You can set your cpu profiles and even adjust colors! It comes with the newest beats where you can set profiles for the sound too! Other roms come with beats but I was never able to set profiles or adjust it infact I never even saw anything to do with beats other than a splash screen. This ROM is really different. Looks different, behaves different, is different. only thing I didn't like was the keyboard so I switches it out with a swipe keyboard from playstore. I really like swipe. Problem solved. This ROM is beautiful down to the phone dialer, to incomming calls expect something different! I feel in love with Aokp the first time I used it. Everyone is different and thats why there are different Roms to
Fit different tastes so try a few out and see what you like. But give this a try for sure and see for yourself what im talking about. i do think its a wonderfully different beautifully custom Rom. But you need to try several out and find what's right for you! Best of luck. Its best to try many so you can expirence different things. They all are great, its a matter of personal taste. Happy flashing and do give aokp eye candy a try. Its truely amazing! It took me awhile before I tried it and I wish I found it sooner! Just updated last night to the newest version 2.6. All I can say is its awesome! Find the ROM that suits you. Again please try out several so you can see what's avaiable. Also its sense less! Aroma installer,and the customization is incredible you really have to try it! I think you will love it! I know I do!
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
Yet another thread which has resorted to comparing ROM's. how many times do you guys need to hear it from devs, DONT compare roms, it is rude and offensive to devs.
To the OP, the only advise I will give is this, the only way which you will find the best ROM for you is to try them yourself because whats best for someone else might not be best for you, so experiment and try out different ROM's and see which one you like best.

Which is the best current rom in your opinion?

I was tempted to sell off my one x and get a sg3, but I figured it's pointless since I am sure I will be getting one of the new nexus phones when they hit the market. (Hope Google doesn't drop the ball on these).
So since I am keeping this phone for awhile I am going to unlock the bootloader and put something better on it than stock sense.
I really like sense but I had to disable it because of the multitasking issue. Switched to nova launcher as well since none of the sense widgets worked after disabling the core components.
I am looking for a sense based rom with better multitasking, better battery life (mine isn't too bad right now), and the ability to remap the hot keys. I never use the recent button but I miss having a search button that isn't at different locations in every app.
What would be my best option?
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Well... CleanROM 4.0 SE is what you want. :good:
Not sure you're allowed to make these sorts of threads though.
Not sure why there would be a rule against asking a question in the question and answer forum about which rom suits my needs the best. If there was such a rule then I apologize for breaking it , but such a rule would be pretty dumb if you ask me.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
What's the best is purely subjective and and in the past such threads have erupted in flamewars so the Mods don't allow them.
As you can tell from my post though I have am not looking for the best rom, I am looking for the rom that best suits my needs.
Just asking what I the best is of course going to bring a "What I use is the best because I use it" responses. What I wanted to know is if there is a rom that best suited the needs I described. I am sure there are other roms that can do other things in didn't list better
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
I've tried them all. Personally, CleanRom DEV and King Cobra's have been my favorites. They've been very reliable for me. Although atm I'm stripping down CleanRom 4.0 [I wouldn't call it clean, personally] and removing EVERYTHING I don't need to see how low/minimal I can get the rom in size :] I know it may not sound like a difference to you, but I don't need widgets or half of every thing that comes with it or any other rom. I want the slim-lined ROM with only core components I need. I don't need the wallpapers or quite a few of the APKs that come with it. Also, I don't need my apps zipaligned everytime I reboot. I don't want it. I don't need it. When I boot my phone on, I want it ready to go ASAP. <Haven't noticed a difference with zip on/off anyways>.
So... When I'm done stripping away CleanRom 4.0 SE, And have done a full setup [Busybox, Root, SD Maid, SD Booster, Cache Mate, and The V6 Supercharger scripts, I'll give you a heads up if all my cleaning [of a clean rom ;D] is worth it. Maybe I'll upload it, But I'd get the dev's permission first.
PS, Tryout CM9. When its fully up and running I'm sure it will be great. My HTC Aria went from stock to CM9, and it was blazing fast.
Kindatired said:
As you can tell from my post though I have am not looking for the best rom, I am looking for the rom that best suits my needs.
Just asking what I the best is of course going to bring a "What I use is the best because I use it" responses. What I wanted to know is if there is a rom that best suited the needs I described. I am sure there are other roms that can do other things in didn't list better
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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But that's not what your subject says
If people just read the the thread title without actually reading my post and then start a flame war over it chances are they were going to find another thread to start one anyway. People like that don't come to a forum to learn or help, they come to a forum to stir up trouble because they have nothing better to do with their life and that's just sad.
We should all be able to discuss any subject in a mature manner without it turning into a childish argument.
Anyway, thank you for to the people that replied with answers. I appreciate it.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
CleanROM is a good "off-the-shelf" solution. It has bloatware removed, and some customization - including multitasking improvemets. And it still has Sense, which is nice for those who like it. Give it a try!
If you want to find a ROM that suits your needs the best way to go about it is to take the time to actually read the threads in development for each particular ROM.
TKTAB911 said:
I've tried them all. Personally, CleanRom DEV and King Cobra's have been my favorites. They've been very reliable for me. Although atm I'm stripping down CleanRom 4.0 [I wouldn't call it clean, personally] and removing EVERYTHING I don't need to see how low/minimal I can get the rom in size :] I know it may not sound like a difference to you, but I don't need widgets or half of every thing that comes with it or any other rom. I want the slim-lined ROM with only core components I need. I don't need the wallpapers or quite a few of the APKs that come with it. Also, I don't need my apps zipaligned everytime I reboot. I don't want it. I don't need it. When I boot my phone on, I want it ready to go ASAP. <Haven't noticed a difference with zip on/off anyways>.
So... When I'm done stripping away CleanRom 4.0 SE, And have done a full setup [Busybox, Root, SD Maid, SD Booster, Cache Mate, and The V6 Supercharger scripts, I'll give you a heads up if all my cleaning [of a clean rom ;D] is worth it. Maybe I'll upload it, But I'd get the dev's permission first.
PS, Tryout CM9. When its fully up and running I'm sure it will be great. My HTC Aria went from stock to CM9, and it was blazing fast.
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have you tried Rom Cleaner?
look at the HTC one X international dev section, i guess it will work the same way with the XL
Kindatired said:
If people just read the the thread title without actually reading my post and then start a flame war over it chances are they were going to find another thread to start one anyway.
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A better thread title would help, such as "Suggest a ROM for my needs" or even "What is your favorite ROM". There is no "best" ROM, and suggesting so is considered by many here (including myself) to be insulting to the devs that work so hard giving us these ROMs.
I go for stock because I'm for functionality and like having all of my hardware working
mcmb03 said:
I go for stock because I'm for functionality and like having all of my hardware working
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I don't think there's any hardware that's not working in CleanRom. I'm using CleanRom 4.0 LE and it's great.
QQNoob said:
I don't think there's any hardware that's not working in CleanRom. I'm using CleanRom 4.0 LE and it's great.
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Ditto, everything's working on CleanRom, and the dev even improved the phone by cleaning out the junk and improving multitasking. Highly recommended.
QQNoob said:
I don't think there's any hardware that's not working in CleanRom. I'm using CleanRom 4.0 LE and it's great.
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What he said. There's no reason to not use CleanROM as of right now if you like stock Sense.

[Q] Flashing ARHD troubles

I have been trying to flash ARHD 9.1 and 8.1 on my M8, but 9.1 hangs at the htc one splash screen (presumably because its for devices with more updated firmware) and 8.1 simply fails to load at all within twrp. Has anyone gotten it working? I am s-off, unlocked, and rooted, and running the newest updates.
anyone have any ideas? Or perhaps an alternative ROM that is also worth flashing on an M8?
I asked the ARHD developer (or rather, the thread in general) if they knew it worked on our M8s... Nobody knew. I err on the side of caution and assume it doesn't.
I'm still learning HTC but on my Galaxy S3 flashing other carriers' stuff was asking for a brick. I never attempted it. Flashing kernels was especially dangerous. There was a little bit of crossover, like with Verizon/US Cellular and some US Cellular/T-Mobile but I tried to steer clear of that, until the whole "Unified" thing came about. I hope it comes to us. Basically the installer has a trick where it figures out what variation your device is and applies the right files, and all ROMs become universal to all M8s... Not sure what the status on that is. My understanding was that Cyanogen was behind it, at least for the Samsungs.
Now, you want ARHD because you want Sense loaded with features, am I right? I use CleanROM because I want a light Sense ROM. I haven't tried it, but you might give Viper a shot. A lot of people like it. I'm tempted to try it myself just to see what the fuss is about... but honestly I like CleanROM.
Dark Reality said:
I asked the ARHD developer (or rather, the thread in general) if they knew it worked on our M8s... Nobody knew. I err on the side of caution and assume it doesn't.
I'm still learning HTC but on my Galaxy S3 flashing other carriers' stuff was asking for a brick. I never attempted it. Flashing kernels was especially dangerous. There was a little bit of crossover, like with Verizon/US Cellular and some US Cellular/T-Mobile but I tried to steer clear of that, until the whole "Unified" thing came about. I hope it comes to us. Basically the installer has a trick where it figures out what variation your device is and applies the right files, and all ROMs become universal to all M8s... Not sure what the status on that is. My understanding was that Cyanogen was behind it, at least for the Samsungs.
Now, you want ARHD because you want Sense loaded with features, am I right? I use CleanROM because I want a light Sense ROM. I haven't tried it, but you might give Viper a shot. A lot of people like it. I'm tempted to try it myself just to see what the fuss is about... but honestly I like CleanROM.
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Thanks for the response! That's really strange that it doesn't work, considering the ROM DOES ask you which carrier you're on, and Verizon is selectable, but I tried it and it doesn't work, for whatever reason, so I suppose it doesn't.
CleanROM sounds pretty nice, as I do want a very light ROM myself, however, I think I'll try viper first to see how it runs. I am looking for a ROM more for performance increase than customizability, however, I'm having fun testing everything out
Well they never responded so I don't know for sure it doesn't work... but I figure if they're not sure, I don't wanna be flashing it. Some who speak are not sure... wiser still are those who are not sure and don't speak.
For performance you may just want a third-party kernel. Those usually come with the kernel tuning app. So you can over or under clock, whatever you want. I don't mess with any of that stuff.
I ran 8.1 on my Verizon M8 for a bit...I had issues with group messaging and keeping a lock on GPS though. I think they've mentioned the version of twrp could cause issues.
I was running it for a day but battery drain and GPS issues had me back to clean. I did read through their thread and saw some people having issues with using a specific version of twrp.. honestly don't remember which one I didn't have an issue using on my device.
i m on 8.1 no issues.
I m s off, super cid , twerp.
The 8.1 works , the 9 and up can't get WiFi ,
Because the frameware is not compatible.
Until an ota from Verizon gets out .
faaunus said:
Thanks for the response! That's really strange that it doesn't work, considering the ROM DOES ask you which carrier you're on, and Verizon is selectable, but I tried it and it doesn't work, for whatever reason, so I suppose it doesn't.
CleanROM sounds pretty nice, as I do want a very light ROM myself, however, I think I'll try viper first to see how it runs. I am looking for a ROM more for performance increase than customizability, however, I'm having fun testing everything out
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I would recommend you take a look at this gpe ROM if you looking for a slim, fast ROM without all the customization...
This looks pretty cool, but I flashed cleanROM already and I'm pretty happy with it. I might check it out when I get bored though!
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Free mobile app
It's running perfectly for me, with the exception of GPS. However I do get 7 hours screen time often.

