[Q] Sprint ETF a few weeks before end of contract - General Questions and Answers

I am going to call or livechat with Sprint at some point today, but would like user input on this before I do.
My contract with Sprint ends on 10/22. I had an individual plan, but switched to my brother's family plan about a year and a half ago.
Based on the ETF chart on Sprint's site, the minimum ETF for a smartphone is $100 with a month left on the contract. When I call to cancel (actually, I need to ask Tmobile to port my number over, and then I suppose I can cancel), it will be less than a month until the end of my contract. I'm going on vacation in a few weeks, and would like a new phone before I leave.
So with three weeks to go before the end of my contract, am I still subject to an ETF? Thanks for your help.


at&t plan cancelation question

i unfortunately had my fuze stolen and with no insurance and no upgrades available i will be forced pay over 350+ for a new fuze. I noticed there are several sites offering free fuzes or low priced fuzes with a new contract. I do not want a new contract and i was wondering would it be possible to sign up and get the fuze and then cancel the contract and keep the fuze. I know there is an early termination fee of $175 for at&t but that is still cheaper than $350..
Does anyone know if this will work?
i don't think it'd work out. the prices and termination fees were set up so you'd be the one taking all the hits. a few things u should keep in mind is that if u plan on canceling ur contract, ur phone # is lost as well. And $350 is what you'll pay when you get a new contract from AT&T, so you'll definitely be paying $175 + $375. Now some will say you can get a free from from online stores like amazon or letstalk, but the contracts you sign through those online retailers commits you to very expensive plans for a certain period of time (half a year I believe). and if you were to cancel that new line before contract ends, they will actually make you spit out the rest of money to pay full price for the phone.
This will not work for the reason that most of the time the contact fee is a mail in rebate. You would have to pay atleast the first 2 months before canceling.
dont know the technicalities of this, but maybe you could subscribe to a new number to get a new phoen for free then cancel that line a couple-few months in? My friend did that with big red a couple months ago to get a new phone.
I don't think that would work. You would have to stay pass the 30 trial period, then pay the early termination fee. So you'd be paying Activation charge, First months bill, phone (since mail in rebate, data plan required), plus early termination fee.
It would be best to bite the bullet and pay the 350+ or shop around to see if anyone is trying to get rid of theirs.
Good Luck!
and sorry to hear about your lost.
nhshah7 said:
dont know the technicalities of this, but maybe you could subscribe to a new number to get a new phoen for free then cancel that line a couple-few months in? My friend did that with big red a couple months ago to get a new phone.
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Also if your current contract is not yet expired you can put it on "vocation" play, which temporary suspends your phone from usage, but you pay only a few bucks a month. Just say that you leave the country for a few month
From the horses mouth
If you cancel your contract within the first 6 months you will owe the difference between the price you paid and the retail price, you will also be liable for the cancellation fee. It is in the dealers agreement as well as the terms and conditions.

Is there an outright buy price on VZ?

I see VZ's site has the TP2 for 400 and something for "month to month" plan option.
Now I imagine this would entail atleast signing for the first month. Is there a way to opt out of even the first month?
I plan on using this as a travel phone, as I spend most of my time traveling... so no need to lock into a US contract.
Sure there is EBay, but if the phone has problems (dead pixels, etc)... then it's a hassle to try and get fixed, rather than something bought through an authorized channel.
unless I'm mistaken, which I don't believe I am, that's the outright buy it price. month-to-month pretty much means just that, paying month-to-month, not under contract. $489 is hard to believe too, given that the TP1 is above the TP2 month-to-month price, but whatev.
Wonder if I should just get a "2 year plan" then cancel and eat the $175 as the cost of doing business.
$199 + $79 for first month minimum plan + $175 cancellation fee = $453.
twostep said:
unless I'm mistaken, which I don't believe I am, that's the outright buy it price. month-to-month pretty much means just that, paying month-to-month, not under contract. $489 is hard to believe too, given that the TP1 is above the TP2 month-to-month price, but whatev.
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You are correct. The full price of the TP2 is $489. That's how I bought mine. I am locked into a 2 year contract, but was sick and tired of my BB Storm so I went ahead and bought the TP2 full price. I have been waiting for this phone for a while so when I saw the price was under $500 I could not believe it. Not sure how it would go if you were to just buy it and have it on a month to month basis. Would they even allow that?
just buy the phone at the 2 year price and then pay the ETF. that is the cheapest way to go. i always buy my phones with out a contract. and no you wont have to pay the first month. if they give you any hassle about it then just tell verizon you will give the phone back under their worry free gurantee. 9 times out of 10 they will take your money!
The month to month is the buy it outright price....you'll have to go to a local store to actually get one w/o a VZW account (tell them it's for a gift). I just called and they added a line to my family plan and gave me the phone for $150 + tax, then cancelled the line and charged me $175 ETF so $325 total.
Thanks for the input. But I've been reading that they aren't available in the stores.
Or is that hogwash?
Finally decided to get this. Now I need some advice.
I can't find this on eBay. There are a lot of Sprint TP2s available but I prefer the Verizon one (cuz it's a looker)
My business partner in the Baltimore has had a Verizon connection for as far back as my memory goes. I'd like him to get this for me. Problem is he's pretty daft and a bit of a ***** when it comes to these things.
I need a step by step guide (literally like 1. Call Verizon, 2. Say hello you get the picture) as to how to go about ordering this from Verizon. I'd prefer if he could do it over the phone or the internet (He is registered on VZW website). Oh and lastly I don't want this to interfere with his line in anyway neither is he looking for a new line (unless we can get the phone and then immediately pay the ETF and cancel the connection.
Also can somebody re-confirm that the ETF is exactly 175.00 in Baltimore?
I like the idea of doing the ETF thing. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you pay full price for the Touch Pro 2 it will be $489.00 plus tax which will come out to a total of about $520.00. This is what I paid for it. And you don't get a mail-in rebate for the phone if you pay full price.
I could get it for a lot lower than that on eBay... once the stocks are back I mean.
Looking for something south of 450 though.

[Q] upgrade price for two year contract is the same for new customers?

i am looking to upgrade to the g2x soon. i noticed that while being logged out of tmobile, it would cost a new customer $149.99 with a new two year contract. when i logged in, the price is exactly the same for me being an existing customer. i was just wondering that when i'm eligible for my new upgrade, will the g2x be cheaper than $149.99? i thought that the prices for new customers were usually the same as prices for upgrade eligible customers so i'm just wondering if it will change in price for me
the price wont change, cuz in order for you to get the phone at 149, you would also have to sign a two year contract just like the new customer
better off going to amazonwireless and signing up through them, you might get the g2x for half the price on there, or even better, for free
you can even try letstalk.com
i'm fine with signing up for a new two year contract i'm just confused as to why i can get the g2x for the same exact price right now as i can get when i'm actually eligible to upgrade in a month. shouldn't there be at least some discount there for when my 22 month upgrade comes?

Verizon prorate monthly fee if contract terminated early?

I ported my two lines from VZW to TMo 10 days early before the monthly closing at Verizon. Will I owe an entire months payment, or will it be prorated? Im already payng decent $$ on ETF charges, and Im fine with that, I understand that. When I called them immediately after porting the numbers I specifically asked about this and they said it should be. Now I called them today about my final bill, which isnt out yet, and they are saying it will be a full months charges. This is one of the reasons I left Verizon in the first place, misinformation given to me at the time Im asking about something, only to have it changed later on.
full month. Thats what happened to me when I left verizon.
Ive since done some research and called VZW back, evidently you pay your bills forword, your paying next months bill this month. So while I wont get any credit for leaving in the middle of a month, all I will owe is the ETF. That about $110 less than I thought.

okay so question on tmo

I have tmo family plan I can add a line and a phone for 15 bucks - I can get the note 2 for 199 - the term fee is 200 so if I do that i get a note for 400 right?
Aww man I thought you were reporting that you found a deal.
I thought the term fee was 300 now?
I'm pretty sure the term fee is by the device you upgrade with, not the device currently on there. If that was the case then EVERYONE would put a dumbphone on their line before terminating it. You are either gonna have to pay out of pocket or just keep paying for the add a line. That's what I am doing with VZW, I added a line when my wife's upgrade was due before they started this nonsense with having to switch to their shared data or whatever so we both got to upgrade. Then put a dumb phone on the third line and it'll be $200 over the course of 2 years. Plus having the spare phone is nice in the case that one of the main lines breaks and you don't have a spare smartphone to temporarily activate on one of your main lines. We use our dumbphone as a "house phone" since we don't see the point of a land line. Just trying to throw ideas out there.
Oh and if you do have VZW having the third line allows you to "upgrade" it every 2 years and get a new device at subsidized prices and keep the unlimited data plan. You just switch the smartphone on the third line to one of the mains. Or switch to a carrier that isn't retarded...
I talked to rep under the guise I was buying for a family member and if they hated having a cell I would eat the cost of the phone and the 200 term fee and they said "that's correct" the only minus would be adding a line reset the time frame of all lines - so my two current lines that are close to 1 year would be reset and I would be waitng the two years from for all of them
glenroebuck said:
I talked to rep under the guise I was buying for a family member and if they hated having a cell I would eat the cost of the phone and the 200 term fee and they said "that's correct" the only minus would be adding a line reset the time frame of all lines - so my two current lines that are close to 1 year would be reset and I would be waitng the two years from for all of them
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That would just extend your actually plan contract, not all phone contracts. You would still be able to upgrade in a year if that is how long. But last I checked, plan stays the same for lines, except the added one.

