red border around the full screen - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I did a ota update to 4.0.3 on the mz601.
In variouse situations i now get a blinking red border around the whole display/screen.
One of the locations it always hapens is in settings / battery.
Anyone else having this problem?
can it be fixed/swiched off ?


Screen Flicker/Static - faint wavy lines on lighter colored screens

Hi all
Recently started having this issue with my screen - haven't dropped it or anything either. On lighter colored backgrounds there are faint to pretty moderate horizontal lines flickering on the screen. The lines aren't colored or in one specific spot on the screen. It's hard to explain but it is similar to older projection tvs where there are those faint lines(static like) in the background.
I took a screenshot but it doesn't show the lines. I had been using Android Revolution HD 6.1 (great rom btw!!) and I've tried other roms since this began happening (thinking it was the rom) but to no avail. I'm currently running CM7.1.
Things I've tried:
changing roms
turning screen brightness up
turning on automatic brightness
turning down/off various animation settings
turning on light sensor filter in cm7 settings (helps a little)
If anyone can help it'd be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading!
I would try unrooting, installing ruu from HTC website and see if problem is still there. If it is then you will be back to stock and can claim your warranty. If problem is gone then just reroot. This is a problem I have not read anywhere though so it is probably a hardware malfunction and would need to be warrantied.
Not a bad idea! I'll give it a shot and share the results once complete.
Installed stock RUU - screen lines still present so probably a screen hardware issue. Going to take it into the store tomorrow and see what they can do

[Updated][Fixed] Brightness Control Displaying repeately

Okay, anyone with a TF101 have issues when attached to the keyboard that has the Brightness display repeatly popping up or the tablet just increasing brightness by itself?
I have the newest firmware (just release a couple of days ago) and have the same issue.
If you increase/decrease the brightness and the box you see in the middle of the screen which shows you brightness setting as you change it .. this is the box i'm talking about. It only appears with the keyboard attached and it shows up repeatedly (increasing the brightness or if at highest setting, just popping up) and stays for 1 to 2 secs then disappears again.
I've looked around, but I haven't seen anyone else with this issue and not sure if its just me (or maybe I don't have the proper search string to find it).
Edit: I sent the tablet in a while ago (forgot to update this thread) but they couldn't find anything wrong with it. After I got it back, it was still have this issue though now on both CM10 and TeamEOS it seems to be resolved somehow. Kinda strange.

[Q] Blotches on white background

Just noticed this issue this morning..after I tap or press on my display in the center upper prtion of my screen, I get grey blotches remaining... I baby this thing so I was wondering what could cause this issue.... I have sent my 700T in as RMA and hope that it can be fixed... see piks attached for further clarification.. and as you can see in one pik..the mode image after I changed the Performance mode remained static too..
So has anyone else seen this and if so what causes it..defect on screen???
Thank you

Horizontal green pixels

Hello, I've been having a lot of trouble finding a rom that would work perfectly but where many issues were resolved by switching back to KitKat, one issue still remains. There's a faint horizontal stripe of green pixels visible on dark backgrounds and is maybe 1-2 pixels thick. Sometimes if flashes, sometimes it goes away as soon as I touch the screen and most of the time it's not present at all. Also, it does not appear at the same position each time. I cannot find the source of that and I've disabled HW overlay to see if it helps but it does not. Any ideas what could the cause be? In the attachment you can see the stripe on the lower part of the screen.

Orange colored border flash on Pixel 2

Just started noticing randomly an orange coloured border flash on my Pixel 2 device.
Anyone else facing this issue?
Here are some screenshots :
This is caused by the strict mode setting under the developer options. It flashes a red border around the screen when anything does a long operation on the main thread.

