Screen Flicker/Static - faint wavy lines on lighter colored screens - HTC Inspire 4G

Hi all
Recently started having this issue with my screen - haven't dropped it or anything either. On lighter colored backgrounds there are faint to pretty moderate horizontal lines flickering on the screen. The lines aren't colored or in one specific spot on the screen. It's hard to explain but it is similar to older projection tvs where there are those faint lines(static like) in the background.
I took a screenshot but it doesn't show the lines. I had been using Android Revolution HD 6.1 (great rom btw!!) and I've tried other roms since this began happening (thinking it was the rom) but to no avail. I'm currently running CM7.1.
Things I've tried:
changing roms
turning screen brightness up
turning on automatic brightness
turning down/off various animation settings
turning on light sensor filter in cm7 settings (helps a little)
If anyone can help it'd be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading!

I would try unrooting, installing ruu from HTC website and see if problem is still there. If it is then you will be back to stock and can claim your warranty. If problem is gone then just reroot. This is a problem I have not read anywhere though so it is probably a hardware malfunction and would need to be warrantied.

Not a bad idea! I'll give it a shot and share the results once complete.

Installed stock RUU - screen lines still present so probably a screen hardware issue. Going to take it into the store tomorrow and see what they can do


[FIX] Burn INs/Dead Pixels/Other Display Glitches FIX

Hello everyone,
I saw multiple threads already opened for the burn in issue (which I also have from time to time) and I wanted to share my solution with you. It is a simple video, which is changing the three main colors (RGB) very fast. Played for 5-10 minutes on a loop will erease any glitches on your screen (softkeys burned into the screen which is the most commen problem).
Here is the link in youtube:
Here is the mp4 file to upload directly on your device:
To the Moderators: I searched over the forum for a solution and did not find it, I hope I am not overlaping with another old thread, just wanted to help.
I don't mean to thread-crap
after having discussed this issue with HTC themselves they have said its a hardware based issue
whilst its true running a slide show/video full screen displaying solid blocks of colour are likely to erase screen burn-in, the issue will still persist, the underlying cause is a faulty screen panel which must be replaced
Could you upload it somewhere? I could use it, i have a stuck pixel. It's blue on a black background, it should fix it.
I once fixed a big bright spot on a LCD TV with one of these RGB movies.
Hi duke_stix, I agree with you that it could be a faulty display panel, but however I didn't find anyone had it replaced due to that issue. And I know it is a temporary solution, but at least there is a solution
AndyJ91, download link available, hope it helps.

[Q] Flickering noticed on gray backgrounds? After ICS update

I seem to have noticed flickering on the screen specially on gray-ish backgrounds. I can see lines moving up in gray backgrounds as in the settings page.
As far as I can tell it was not present while I had HC since I only noticed it after I updated to ICS. I have never rooted the tablet and it is running on stock ROM.
Does anyone else seem to have this issue? Or is it a hardware problem?
I noticed some rare flickering (once or twice a day) after updating to ICS, stock and non-rooted. But I wouldn't say it's consistent, nor tie it to a specific colors or actions.
Iif you could post an exact method of how to reproduce the problem, I might get a better judgement.
I seem to notice it quite clearly when the background is of a dark gray shade (like the one found in the settings page) in a low light room.
I just opened up SketchBook and painted the screen with dark gray (R66 B66 G66) and noticed the same flickering implying that it is not app dependent.
I've tried two dark gray fullscreen images, with auto brightness on and off, yet no flickering occurred.
Attached backgrounds for reference.
Yep i've noticed too... meaning that my TF101 is having the same issue :/
Nevertheless, I believe it is a software issue, probably related to ICS hardware acceleration thingy.

[HELP] Very annoying screen flickering problem

Hi guys, I'll try to describe this problem as best I can. I've tried to take a video of this but it doesn't quite work.
Basically about 80% of the screen occasionally starts flickering. It could be a screen refresh issue or a backlight issue or something physically wrong with the screen. The top 20% is absolutely fine!
I've tried flashing different ROMs, Kernels, Radios, used different governors, set force GPU render and set Disable HW overlays.
None of these things work, whilst some appear to fix the problem its over ever temporary. Sometimes increasing the brightness fixes it but not every time.
The flicker has a slight yellowish colour to it too.
I've disassembled the phone and checked the screen connector ribbon etc and all seemed fine.
Has anyone heard or experienced this themselves? Please help!!!
My last option is to do a factory reset and start all over again. Or buy a new screen for £35...
Can no one help meh???

Horizontal green pixels

Hello, I've been having a lot of trouble finding a rom that would work perfectly but where many issues were resolved by switching back to KitKat, one issue still remains. There's a faint horizontal stripe of green pixels visible on dark backgrounds and is maybe 1-2 pixels thick. Sometimes if flashes, sometimes it goes away as soon as I touch the screen and most of the time it's not present at all. Also, it does not appear at the same position each time. I cannot find the source of that and I've disabled HW overlay to see if it helps but it does not. Any ideas what could the cause be? In the attachment you can see the stripe on the lower part of the screen.

HTC ONE M7 Display Fault

I've searched but can't find my problem anywhere so I'm hoping someone can help.
The phone was my daughters and had a cracked screen, the phone still functioned and had no other faults.
I've fitted a complete shell including screen and everything was fine for a couple of days then the problem started. When I have a brightly coloured background the titles under the screen icons distorts, the brighter colour the more the screen distorts and shimmers. If I change to a dark coloured or B&W background everything stabilises again. It might be a coincidence but about the same time as the fault started the phone did and update to 5.0.2 from 4.x.x. The rest of the phone works ok unless a bright colourful image is on screen. I've tried all the obvious suggested tests, reducing brightness etc but nothing makes a difference. Any help is much appreciated.
I've tried to attach a photo but it crashes safari on my iPad.
When looking at the HTC wallpapers the problem is worse if I scroll down the choices it is worse on the centre and right images which I think are rain and grass, 2nd row from last/bottom, the dandelion is ok though. Would this be the screen itself, software or hardware?
I really like this phone but will probably have to go back to using my old iPhone if this is android.

