Photo app with contours - General Questions and Answers

Looking for an app like this htt ps:// om/store/apps/details?id=pl.pawelbialecki.a365photoapp. In particular, I am referring to the imposition of the screen the contour or outline of the earlier image. (The contours are displayed only during shooting). Alternatively, it may be displayed when shooting earlier (transparent) image.
Original post, if you can, please translate better than me
Szukam aplikacji, takich jak ta. W szczególności mam na myśli narzucanie na ekran własnego konturu, lub konturu podstawie wcześniejszego obrazu. (kontury mają się wyświetlać wyłącznie w trakcie robienia zdjęcia). Ewentualnie może być w trakcie robienia zdjęcia wyświetlane wcześniejsze (półprzezroczyste) zdjęcie.

He needs camera app with ability to display other/previous photo ("above" on screen as semi-transparent or contours) when shooting/focusing camera.
Kind like this:


BenQ e72 and TouchFLO2D

Interfaccia TouchFlo2D "Manila" su BenQ e72 (Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone)
TouchFlo2D interface on BenQ e72 (Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
needed files here:
i'm seen that manila works over several smartphone with standard wm os, theni have tried to install on my new benq e72...
-installare tutto sul telefono
-install everything on the device memory
-installare TouchFlo 2D All-QW
-install TouchFlo 2D All-QW
-installare Diamond Clock (nel caso che si voglia l'orologio in stile diamond invece che analagico)
-install Diamond Clock (if you would like the "diamond" style clock instead of the analg one
-riavviato il telofono copiate nella cartella /Windows i files
riavviate nuovamente
dopo qualche secondo che il device si è riavviato l'interfaccia si caricherà da sola
-restart the device and copy in /Windows these files
soft reset
after some seconds since the boot the interface TouchFLO autoruns
25Mb Memoria Telefono (128Mb ROM) dopo aver installato tutto ne restano circa 7MB
64Mb RAM
25Mb Free Memory (128 ROM) after the procedure remain 7Mb ca.
64Mb RAM
-15Mb di memoria richiesti
-required 15MB of free memory
-possibile incompatibilità della lingua (non verificato)
-possible incompatibility of the lenguages (not verified)
a-HTC Album è in cinese, si risolve copiando il file mui allegato
a-HTC Album is in chinese, fix it copying the .mui file
b-comm manager in cinese si risolve installando un qualsiasi "htc comm" e disinstallandolo, questo dovrebbe ripristinare il comm manager di default
b-comm manager in chinese (to fix install a "htc comm" then uninstall it, this could get you to the default one)
c-se non si copia il file xml per il meteo le città disponibili saranno quelle cinesi
c-to fix the weather panel copy the 0409 xml file for cities
-barra nera nella parte inferiore dello schermo
-black bar under the screen
-irregolarità nell'assegnazione dei comandi attribuiti alle softkeys
-errors in the link of the sofkeys
-premendo il tasto HOME si torna all'interfaccia normale ma dopo breve manila si ripristina in automatico (non so se considerarlo un bug, dopo tutto se la si vede come una funzione timer ha la sua utilità)
-pushing HOME key you get the Default Homescreen, but touchflo autoreload itself after some seconds
-impossibilità di digitare numeri con la tastiera senza prima accedere al modulo telefonico (si risolve premendo la cornetta verde oppure il softkey dedicato, che però rimanda a cprog.exe invece che cdial.exe)
-you cannot digit numbers on homescreen, to digit press green key or enter the telephone module (default phone points to cprog.exe instead of cdial.exe)
-assenza di GoogleMaps (da installare a parte)
-GoogleMaps is missing
-assenza di un cursore
-cursor is missing
a-una volta iniziato a scrivere nella barra di GoogleMaps "ci si blocca" si risolve premendo la cornetta verde e poi la rossa
a-errors in the tipebar of location panel
b-impossibilità di cliccare i pulsanti in varie schermate (nuovo messaggio, video ecc ecc...)
b-you cannot push some buttons i.e. video, new message etc.
-pannello ora/allarme non cliccabile
-you cannot click on the clock/alarm panel
-pannello internet assegnato di default a opera
-internet panel points to opera
-link youtube assegnato a CorePlayer
-youtube link points to CorePlayer
-assenza di HTC Audio Booster
-HTC Audio Booster is missing
-pannello settings
-errors on settings panel
a-sounds assente
a-sounds is missing
b-wallpaper imposta lo sfondo per la schermata normale non per manila
b-wallpaper set the default homescreen wallpaper not the touchflow wallpaper
c-collegamento All Settings assente
c-all settings link is missing
d-menu Bluetooth devices e Wireless Network non funzionante
d-menu Bluetooth devices end wireless network is missing
-launcher permette di scegliere solo i .lnk ai programmi resenti in /Windows/Start Menu e sottocartelle
-you can only select programs in launcher panel if they are linked in /Windows/Start Menu and subdirectories
-installare M2DC per personalizzazioni e migliorie varie
-install M2DC to customize and fix
-per il tema rosso sostituire la cartella Manilla2D dentro /Windows con quella allegata
-to get the red theme copy the Manilla2d folder to your device in /Windows, overwrite everything
-copiare i file nella cartella allegata extra files per modificare le immagini di sistema
-to modify system screens copy the file in the extra files folder
a-info.gif,ques.gif,volume.gif,yell.gif modificano i messaggi dialog
b-ms_mobile.gif modifica l'header nella schermata di composizione
c-CallAlert.png,cprogback.png,incoming_bg.png modificano le schermate di chiamata in uscita e in entrata
d-ms_splash modifica lo splash di windows mobile
-non sono responsabile se piantate, bloccate, danneggiate il vostro device
-i am NOT RESPONSABLE if you brick or damage your device
-ho riportato quello che per diverse volte ho fatto sul mio device (BenQ E72 con WM6Standard/Smartphone) ma non è detto che funzioni su altri (provate prima con un emulatore)
- i have reported the procedure i used on my smartphone, it isn't absolutly perfect and could doesn't work on others
-se decidete di installare il tutto tenete conto che potreste prepararvi a numerosi hard reset
-prepare yourself to several hardresets if you like to try this touchflo
-questa interfaccia non è indirizzata a questo tipo di device
-touchflo2d IS NOT PORPUSED for smartphone
-la lista dei bug come vedete è parecchio lunga
-the bugs list (as you see) is very very long
-excuse me for my english
Usando M2DC (Manila 2D customizer) potrete
Use M2DC to
-scegliere un'immagine che in parte copre la barra nera inferiore (l'immagine calza al cento della schermata ma i lati non li copre)
-select personal image (home rec section) it coul cover the bottom black bar
-reimpostare le softkeys del pannello Home
-reassign the softkeys on home pane
-scegliere quali tab vedere e quali no
-select the panels to show
-reimpostare il collegamento ad interner (per impostare iexplorer.exe)
-reassign the link to the browser
-scegliere il numero di caselle per il launcher
-select number of program incons in launcher panel
-ShadowMike (install file, install procedure)
-IOICN.COM.CN crew (install file)
-twolf (Themes)
-bombzhome (Red Theme)
-mpenguin1 (M2DC)
-all the people from,,
-my brother (test)
-my smartphone
-every god around here
i have the same smartphone, do you have another mod or aplications for this mobile?
no, sorry.
tf2d is cool but really heavy...
but for apps you could look on google, or here in other forum, it runs almost all the apps for htc s710
the only i have some troube are SRS WOW and WM5Torage
but, have you an european version or the taiwanese one? if it is TW could you dump all for the homescreen with flash, facade and bottom bar?
A lil translation in order
nice post, ll try
-install everything on your phone
-install everything on the device memory
-install TouchFlo 2D All-QW
-install TouchFlo 2D All-QW
Diamond-Clock install (if you want the watch style diamond instead analagico)
Clock-install Diamond (if you would like the "diamond" style clock analgesia instead of the one
-restarting telofono copied to / Windows files
restart again
after a few seconds that the device has restarted the interface will load alone
-restart the device and copy to / Windows these files
soft reset
after some seconds since the boot the TouchFLO interface Autoruns
Phone Memory 25Mb (128Mb ROM) after they are installed all around 7MB
64Mb RAM
Free 25Mb Memory (ROM 128) after the procedure remain 7Mb approx.
64Mb RAM
-15Mb of memory required
-required 15MB of free memory
-possible incompatibility of the language (not verified)
-possible incompatibility of the lenguages (not verified)
a-HTC Album is in Chinese, is resolved by copying the mui file attachment
a-HTC Album is in chinese, fix it copying the. mui file
b-comm manager in China is resolved by installing any "htc comm and uninstalling, this should restore the default comm manager
b-chinese comm manager (to install a fix "htc comm" then uninstall it, this could get you to the default one)
c-if you do not copy the xml file for the weather towns available will be those Chinese
c-to fix the weather panel copy the xml file for 0409 cities
-black bar at the bottom of the screen
-black bar under the screen
-irregularities in the command attributed to softkeys
-errors in the link of the sofkeys
-pressing the HOME button to return to the normal but after a short manila restores automatically (I do not know whether to consider it a bug, after all, if it sees as a timer function has its usefulness)
HOME-pushing key you get the Default Homescreen, but touchflo autoreload itself after some seconds
-impossible to enter numbers with the keyboard without telephone access module (can be solved by pressing the green handset or the dedicated softkey, but leads to cprog.exe instead cdial.exe)
-you can not digit numbers on homescreen, to press digit green key or enter the telephone module (default points to cprog.exe phone instead of cdial.exe)
GoogleMaps-no (to be installed separately)
GoogleMaps is-missing
-lack of a cursor
-cursor is missing
a-once started to write in the bar GoogleMaps "hangs there" can be solved by pressing the green handset and then the red
a-tipebar errors in the location of the panel
b-impossible to click the buttons in various screens (new message, video etc etc ...)
b-you can not push some buttons i.e. video, etc new message.
panel-time / alarm is not clickable
-you can not click on the clock / alarm panel
Internet-panel assigned by default to work
-internet panel points to work
youtube-link assigned to CorePlayer
youtube-link points to CorePlayer
-no HTC Audio Booster
-HTC Audio Booster is missing
-panel settings
errors on-panel settings
a-sounds absent
a-sounds is missing
b-set wallpaper background for the screen is not normal for manila
b-wallpaper set the default wallpaper not the homescreen wallpaper touchflow
c-All Settings link absent
c-all settings link is missing
d-menu Bluetooth devices and Wireless Network Not Working
d-end menu Bluetooth devices wireless network is missing
-launcher allows you to choose only. lnk resent programs in / Windows / Start Menu and subfolders
-you can only select programs in the launcher panel if they are linked to / Windows / Start Menu and subdirectories
M2DC-install customizations and improvements to various
M2DC-install to fix and customize
to-red change the theme folder inside Manilla2D / Windows with the attached
-to get the red theme Manilla2d copy the folder to your device in / Windows, overwrite everything
-copy the files in the folder attached extra files to change the images of system
-screens to modify system files copy the extra files in the folder
a-info.gif, ques.gif, volume.gif, yell.gif change messages dialog
b-ms_mobile.gif change the header in the screen composition
c-CallAlert.png, cprogback.png, incoming_bg.png amend the screens called outgoing and incoming
d-ms_splash change the windows mobile splash
-are not liable if planted, blocked, damaged your device
-i am NOT RESPONSABLE if you brick or damage your device
-I reported that several times that I did on my device (BenQ E72 with WM6Standard/Smartphone) but will not necessarily work with others (first try with an emulator)
- I have reported the procedure i used on my smartphone, it is not perfect and could absolutly does not work on others
-if you decide to install everything that you could hold prepare numerous hard reset
-prepare yourself to several hardresets if you like to try this touchflo
-this interface is not addressed in this type of device
-touchflo2d IS NOT PORPUSED for smartphone
the list of bugs as you can see is quite long
the bugs-list (as you see) is very very long
-excuse me for my english
Using M2DC (Manila 2D CUSTOMIZER) can
Use M2DC to
-choose a picture that partly covers the black bar below (the image fits the screen entirely, but the sides do not cover)
-select personal image (home rec section) it coul cover the bottom black bar
-reset panel softkeys Home
-reassign the softkeys on home bread
tab-choose what to see and what not
-select the panels to show
-reset the connection to internet (to set IEXPLORER.EXE)
-reassign the link to the browser
-choose the number of boxes for the launcher
-select number of inconsistent program launcher in panel
-ShadowMike (install file, install procedure)
IOICN.COM.CN-crew (install file)
-bombzhome (Red Theme)
-mpenguin1 (M2DC)
-all the people from,,
-my brother (test)
-my smartphone
-every god around here
> swap
thank you for the translation
i have noticed how bad i am in english lenguage... sorry to all the people reading
How kompatible.......
Only This BenQ???
Manila 2d customizer doesnt work on smartphone! I want to disable the HTC audio manager. How can i do that without using manila 2d customizer
You can actually disable the tab through xml file. It saves up some ram usage. Making it usable on my Benq e72...
This program i work for my ROM WinMoB 6.1 For I600.
Help??? I can't install this programs and TouchFlo 2D All-QW into my BenQ E72 device, it says "Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions". Why is that? Is there anyone can help me, please? Please?
app unlock your benq
i like this, but is there away i can change it to landscape?
znial said:
app unlock your benq
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How can i unlock app my BenQ E72? Is there anyone know, please?
BenQ E72 Unlock App
brewhoxs said:
How can i unlock app my BenQ E72? Is there anyone know, please?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nevermind, it takes too long to response! I'm already have it for my own self!
Here if somebody need it in the future!
i'm not at the pc, sorry...
but ty for the unlockers
It's alright Bro but thanks anyway!
Tried this Touchflo2d... unfortunately, the DPI change makes the signal strength (and all the icons on the top) appear to be black/white boxes... as in, they cannot be displayed with the smaller (or higher, depending on your definition) DPI.
I tried running Touchflo2d WITHOUT the DPI change, and the top part works fine, but the bottom part (where all the icons to select the page are) all appear scrambled together.
So unfortunately, while I would REALLY LOVE if this worked, it doesn't work properly at all.
And as people have mentioned, it has lots of bugs... the biggest being, for example, under the Settings tab, you cannot select "All Settings" using the left key...
Hopefully someone knows how to touch this up into a workable Touchflod2d... our BenQ E72s really deserve this!
Is this working on 320x240 like Samsung GT-C6625 Valencia? Please help!

g1 symbols

can we add symbols to the g1 like how the sidekick has the music notes and stars etc
What are you talking about?
like this but with stars
≧√‰π℃½/*+#$% ̄(){}〈〉< >={{{|}}}
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q RS T U V WX Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q rs t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0μ κ λ ν ξ ο α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι ρ τ υ φ χ ψ ω π σァ ア ィ イ ゥ ウ ェ エ ォ オ カ ガ ギ ギ ク グ ケ ゲ
コ ゴ サ ザ シ ジ ス ズ セ ゼ ソ ゾ タ ダ チ ヂ ッ ツ#12485; テ デ ト ド ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ ハ バ パ ヒ ビ ピ フ ブプ ヘ ベ ペ ホ ボ ポ マ ミ ム メ モ ャ ヤ ュ ユ ョ ヨ
ラ リ ル レ ロ ヮ ワ ヰ ヱ ヲ ン ヴ ヵ ヶ ・ ー ヽ ヾぁ あ ぃ い ぅ う ぇ ぇ ぉ ぐ け げ こ ご さ ざ し じす だ ち ぢ ぢ つ づ て で と ど ば ぱ ひ び ぴ ふ ぶぷ へ べ む め め ゃ や ゅ ゅ ょ よ ら ゐ ゑ を ん俳 俵 俶 俸 俺 俾 倅 倆 倉 倏 們 倦 倨 倩 倪 倫 倬 倭假 偈 偉 偏 偐 偕 偖 做 停 係 俳 俵 俶 俸 俺 俾 倅 倆倉 倏 們 倒 倔 倖 候 倚 借 倡 倣 値 倥 倦 倨 倩 倪 倫倬 倭 假 偈 偉 偏 偐 偕 偖 做 停 係 俳 俵 俶 俸 俺 俾倅 倆 倉 倏 們 倒 倔 倖 候 倚 借 倡 倣 値 倥 倦 倨 倩倪 倫 倬 倭 假 偈 偉 偏 偐 偕 偖 做 停 係 俳 俵 俶 俸俺 俾 倅 倆 倉 倏 們 倒 倔 倖 候 倚 借 倡 倣 値 倥 倦倨 倩 倪 倫 倬 倭 假 偈 偉 偏 偐 偕 偖 做 停 係
25A0 ■ Black Square
25A1 □ White Square
25B2 ▲ Black  Triangle
25B3 △ White  Triangle
25BC ▼ Black  Triangle
25BD ▽ White  Triangle
25C6 ◆ Black Diamond
25C7 ◇ White Diamond
25CB ○ White Circle
25CE ◎ Bullseye
25CF ● Black Circle
25EF ◯ Large Circle
2605 ★ Black Star
2606 ☆ White Star
2640 ♀ Female Sign
2642 ♂ Male Sign
266A ♪ Eighth Note
266D ♭ Music Flat Sign
266F ♯ Music Sharp Sign
they're unicode symbols, i haven't looked into android unicode support yet. this is in the wrong forum, also.

[Q] can somebody post dimension of viewable screen

I got the Dimension of device from ASUS website - and know the screen size is 10.1" across diagonals. But I'd like to know the actual length and width of the Viewable screen to see what kindof documents I can get on the screen
Can somebody with a ruler handy be kind enough to post the " L x W " dimensions of Viewable display.
21.6cm x 13.6cm

[Q] Custom frame camera app

I need a camera app, that can apply custom frames on the photo. I mean, it can read a partially transparent png, and put it on the screen whil i compose the picture, so i can see the result before take the photo.
I'm in hurry!
Thank you!

[Q] Zoomed photos messed up

I need some assistance -
When I take a photo with either the stock HTC / Google 4.2.2 camera or the fixed zoe camera (from Magio), any zoomed picture shows up all messed up, with pieces of the framed photo scrambled, as well as green rectangular areas on the screen.
Any ideas?

