Mods as the title says we've had 3 noobs in 2 days making multiple posts all over the place. Can you please enforce the rules to make it a bit easier for us to help people?
In the future please report the posts and one of the moderator's for the assigned forum will address the matter.
XDA Moderator
E.Cadro said:
In the future please report the posts and one of the moderator's for the assigned forum will address the matter.
XDA Moderator
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Lol would you believe all this time here and I never noticed the little report post button!?
Will do, Thanks!
I was bored decided to make these Avatar/Icon for Xda enjoy.
Nicely done!
Btw, when will you add more apps to the Cairo Marketplace? :O
CairoMarketplace will be updated soon been busy. in two days i will have more free paid apps on the app. stay tuned.
CairoMarketplace said:
CairoMarketplace will be updated soon been busy. in two days i will have more free paid apps on the app. stay tuned.
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My mistake Cairo. Apparently it is ok to advertise your marketplace. I am sorry for calling you a dirtbag, and I hope you prosper from the hard work of others.
lowandbehold said:
XDA does not support piracy...dirtbag.
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Apparently that avatar he posted is piracy... Please re-read the rules (the part about being respectful) .
I personally view this post as a Flaming (2.3), Personal Attack(2.4) with questionable language(2.1) that doesn't show any courtesy(2.5) to other members and shows that you obviously haven't read and aren't capable of following the rules of the forum (2.6). That's all the rules regarding conduct except nudity, who would you infract? If you have a problem with a post/thread report it rather than getting yourself into trouble. Consider this a friendly warning since the OP decided not to report your post.
Willis111 said:
Apparently that avatar he posted is piracy... Please re-read the rules (the part about being respectful) .
I personally view this post as a Flaming (2.3), Personal Attack(2.4) with questionable language(2.1) that doesn't show any courtesy(2.5) to other members and shows that you obviously haven't read and aren't capable of following the rules of the forum (2.6). That's all the rules regarding conduct except nudity, who would you infract? If you have a problem with a post/thread report it rather than getting yourself into trouble. Consider this a friendly warning since the OP decided not to report your post.
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Umm, I was talking about the app he is spamming about. He has another post in the general forum about it. CairoMarketplace is an applanet style app that offers paid apps for free. Is that not piracy?
And I have reported both of his posts and yet they still sit on our general forum.
lowandbehold said:
Umm, I was talking about the app he is spamming about. He has another post in the general forum about it. CairoMarketplace is an applanet style app that offers paid apps for free. Is that not piracy?
And I have reported both of his posts and yet they still sit on our general forum.
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Then report it to a mod, stalking him around the forums flamming all his other posts WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. I hope you can understand that.
Willis111 said:
Then report it to a mod, stalking him around the forums flamming all his other posts WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. I hope you can understand that.
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Umm, I did report it. And aren't you a mod? And I also reported his other thread.
lowandbehold said:
Umm, I did report it. And aren't you a mod? And I also reported his other thread.
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Exactly, you reported another thread and came over here to start a flame war in this one too? Guy posted an avatar for people, how is that warez or advertising, it says XDA on it not Cairo anything. Yes, I agree that CairoMarket is warez and it's been being discussed but that doesn't mean you should search the users name, post a snide response in every thread he ever created and report every thread he ever created regardless if it doesn't even violate the rules here on xda. Again, stalking users, creating drama, flame wars etc = no no. You reported it, report received, let the mods take care of it because all this childish behaviour will do is get you in trouble too. Please keep this in mind.
Willis111 said:
Exactly, you reported another thread and came over here to start a flame war in this one too? Guy posted an avatar for people, how is that warez or advertising, it says XDA on it not Cairo anything. Yes, I agree that CairoMarket is warez and it's been being discussed but that doesn't mean you should search the users name, post a snide response in every thread he ever created and report every thread he ever created regardless if it doesn't even violate the rules here on xda. Again, stalking users, creating drama, flame wars etc = no no. You reported it, report received, let the mods take care of it because all this childish behaviour will do is get you in trouble too. Please keep this in mind.
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Got it. I edited my dirtbag post. Not that it matters, but I was referring to post #3 of the thread.
lowandbehold said:
Got it. I edited my dirtbag post. Not that it matters, but I was referring to post #3 of the thread.
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Tyvm for your cooperation in this matter, again mods are and will be looking at this market place app as I totally agree it is warez. Just saying the proper channels are there for a reason.
Hi all, new to the HTC ONe S, and I am wondering what roms are available that are fully working?, I see a few here, but one of them you have to be a paid member to get...hmmmm.....and the others are incomplete, or have issues, I know everyone probably scrambling but was just curious on what roms are available?...TIA Dirtylarry
Hi to all
This is just to remind you this is for development only. As this device builds momentum, i suspect this section might become busy. So i post this to remind you of the rules of the development section.
Please do not start Question or request threads. These threads go in the general section. I will usually close these threads if posted here.
Do not ask for ETAs on Roms, it just clutters up the thread and annoys the developer.
Anything i condone as spam will be instantly deleted.
Please do not post thank you. That is what the thanks button is for.
If anybody feels a post should be a sticky, please PM me with the reasoning.
Please report any posts that are out of place, or contain questionable content. They will be dealt with quickly!
So basically please only post ROM Development, Hacks, Mods, Fixes and Tutorials in this section.
Thank you for your attention, if you have any further questions. Please feel free to PM me or one of the moderation team.
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read this!
Thread Closed
For the reasons highlighted above
I installed Zelly Cream ROM by Gagan and have issues to report. But i'm not able to post my issues in his ROM thread because im not 10 posts old.:crying::crying:
Im sad for not being able to get assistance from the developer for the issues im experiencing. I also have some nice +ve feedback for Gagan.
Its no point in preventing a user of a ROM, Kernel & ..... to post their views.i think
can someone guide or redirect me to the correct thread.
Please read this post by the Admins
Please Read: New members (those with fewer than 10 posts) are not permitted to post to development-related forums. The developer forums are intended for experienced users and developers to discuss ways to improve technical aspects related to ROMs and Software. While you may be an expert, we ask ALL users to avoid posting questions about using or installing ROMs and software in the Development Forums. To encourage this new Users can read but not post in these forums.
To ask Questions about developing your device, installing ROMs, software and themes you must go to the Q&A or General Forum.
Remember, your question has very likely been asked already, so please search before posting.
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
So better go to General/Q&A sections and just try helping out the fellow XDA members by helping them answer their queries, thus improving the number of posts.
techpick said:
Please read this post by the Admins
thanks techpick,
I have read this post by admins and understood the restriction.
But, wt I thought is, as a user of Zellycream ROM, I should be able to post by feedback, issues etc regardless of the number of post i posted in XDA. initially thot of sending a message to the developer bt reaslised it may spam his messagebox.
I understand that this rule is to stop noobs and unwanted flooding of dev threads...but there are many posts in different threads by noobs n inappropriate comments, just because they are morethan 10 posts old.
I felt somehow its unfair to stop the users to post their views about their experineces.
now i have to post some or the other threads just to be >10 posts member.
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sunny460 said:
techpick said:
Please read this post by the Admins
thanks techpick,
I have read this post by admins and understood the restriction.
But, wt I thought is, as a user of Zellycream ROM, I should be able to post by feedback, issues etc regardless of the number of post i posted in XDA. initially thot of sending a message to the developer bt reaslised it may spam his messagebox.
I understand that this rule is to stop noobs and unwanted flooding of dev threads...but there are many posts in different threads by noobs n inappropriate comments, just because they are morethan 10 posts old.
I felt somehow its unfair to stop the users to post their views about their experineces.
now i have to post some or the other threads just to be >10 posts member.
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The 10 post rule may seem unfair but it is set up to protect the best parts of xda...the development forums. It is really important that you try to make your first 10 posts count and not post 10 useless posts of spam. Here are a couple of guides: 10 post guide:
New Users guide:
I am going to close this thread, because typically these kinds of threads get trolled pretty heavily.
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Coming from an AT&T Galaxy S4 to a Nexus 5, does anyone have any rom/kernel suggestions for me before I get it? Which do you use?
nklenchik said:
Coming from an AT&T Galaxy S4 to a Nexus 5, does anyone have any rom/kernel suggestions for me before I get it? Which do you use?
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Nope. Use what you test that you like. We won't recommend what you like because we don't know you. What's best for you is not best for me. Thats why "best" or "recommend me" threads are against the rules.
Which phone are coming from?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
nemofbaby2010 said:
Which phone are coming from?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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The first 6 "words" of post 1 address this.
rootSU said:
The first 6 "words" of post 1 address this.
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Derp my bad I came from a s4 as well first thing I noticed was the screen so the kernel I use is Franco with stock because of the different color profiles which allows you to make your screen look close to a s4's amoled display
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------
And stock nexus 5 is already good, but before rooting read up and try to avoid toolkits
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Unlock bootloader. Install custom recovery. Root. Install Xposed + GravityBox. Done.
marleyfan61 said:
Unlock bootloader. Install custom recovery. Root. Install Xposed + GravityBox. Done.
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Yeah I was thinking about just doing that but I've had really good luck on CarbonROM on my S4
nklenchik said:
.... any suggestions for me before I get it?
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I would read this ....
Hello, and welcome to the forum,
Before you click the "New Thread" or "Post Reply" buttons, please take the time to read some rules/guidelines for posting in this forum:
1) Read and follow the Forum Rules:
Plain and simple. No further explanation needed
2) Post your message in the proper subforum (see above):
All questions, requests, and help & troubleshooting needs, go in the Q&A Help & Troubleshooting subforum, if one exists for your device, and any misplaced messages will be promptly moved to their respective location. Users that make it a habit of posting in the wrong forum will be addressed accordingly. If you're unsure of where your post or thread belongs, please read the Forum Rules again.
3) No off-topic discussion:
While some Moderation Teams may allow some off-topic discussion and the creation of off-topic threads, we do not. There is an entire General Off-Topic forum devoted to this type of discussion and there are enough threads already available to meet anyone's off-topic needs. All off-topic threads, and posts containing off-topic discussion, will be deleted promptly and without warning. If you're concerned with the amount of off-topic discussion and misplaced questions in the Development forums, please consider making a Q&A Thread for your ROM/Kernel/Project/etc.
4) No threads or posts asking for the best/most stable ROM/Kernel/Mod/whatever, or created for the purpose of comparing Phones/ROMs/Kernels/Mods/whatever:
These threads/posts will be deleted promptly and without warning. They have a history of causing problems due to trolls, and fanboys, along with various troublemakers, and therefore are no longer allowed. Regardless of that, there is really no way to judge whether or not a particular piece of work is better than another because it's all relative to begin with. If you want to know what piece of work is better for you, install something and try it out for a while. If you don't like it, try something else. Our Developers work hard to provide us their contributions, free of charge. Please show them the respect they deserve by trying something out and giving them your feedback.
5) Don't ask for an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival):
Asking for an ETA is the XDA equivalent of telling a Developer that the free work they do just isn't enough for you. It usually comes across as rude and/or demanding, and most developers will take offense to it. Even if a particular Developer doesn't mind being asked for an ETA, there are many that do, and there's a good possibility that it will incite arguments in the forum. In the end, it's just best to avoid doing it altogether. If you have no other choice but to ask for an ETA (i.e. the work you're doing absolutely depends on it), then please, do it through a private message and keep it out of the public forums.
6) Keep your signatures at a respectable size:
While members are given a great deal of freedom in creating personalized signatures, it is expected that this freedom is not abused. Abnormally large signatures are obnoxious to most users and they tend to be a major distraction from the topic at hand. If your signature is double the size of an average post or larger, expect be asked to change it. If you're not sure whether the size of your signature is within the respectable limits, feel free to contact a member of the Moderation Team that is assigned to this forum for clarification.
7) Be nice:
It's not that hard. If you can't say something nice to someone, don't say anything at all. If you feel the need to respond negatively to someone, please refer to #8.
8) Report all violations of the aforementioned rules/guidelines and DO NOT respond to them in the open forum:
If you happen to notice a rule violation, use the "Report Post" button in the upper right hand corner of the offending post, or send them a polite reminder through private message so they may resolve the problem on their own (for minor violations of course). Please do not respond to posts that are in violation of the rules in public. Regardless of the fact that it leaves more work for us to do when cleaning the forum, responding to them in public only compounds the issue and it puts you at risk of getting in trouble yourself. Moderators have much more effective ways of dealing with these situations than by arguing back and forth and disrupting the entire conversation, so please, let us handle it.
If there are any questions or concerns regarding this or any other matter, please feel free to contact a member of the Moderation Team that is assigned to this forum. You can find a list of the assigned Moderators at the top of each sub-forum page.
With that, here are a few great threads to help you get the most out of your experience here...please take advantage of them:
Get the most out of XDA!!
How to make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION or POLL
Why you get short/one word answers! (The Long Answer)
How to give constructive feedback to developers
How To Logcat
GPLv2 tips for developers
Getting a moderator's help
And as always...
Thank you, and have a great day!
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Why I can't write in a topic?
vitagliano said:
Why I can't write in a topic?
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Some subforums, mainly development ones, restrict posting to members with at least 10 posts. This is to cut down on spam and so new members can familiarize yourself with the forum rules and appropriate places to post, acronyms, jargon, etc. You are not, obviously, encouraged to spam to get to 10 posts. There are introduction threads, threads about what device everyone is using or wants, threads in the OT section where you can jabber about just about anything, etc. There are also "noob friendly ask-any-question" threads pinned in several sub sections where you can ask a specific question that you can't yet ask in development threads.
Welcome to XDA.
Thanks for explain
vitagliano said:
Thanks for explain
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You're welcome, and thanks for the thanks. 100!
@OP: You might want to also take a look at the XDA New User Guide - Getting Started on XDA thread.