Hey, I installed omega rom v5 but the turn off all sounds wodget wasnt there so i backupd all things with titaniumbackup, wiped the device completely, flashed the rom by following the instructions ans restored my files with titanium backup.. With no success im asking you for help, how can I get it back?
Hi everyone, first post here. Looked around and haven't found an answer to this yet. Phone is EVO 4G
Have flashed this rom multiple times and the rom itself functions well with little to no lag. The problems arise if I do anything in recovery. Tried flashing a kernel (goldenmonkey) and wound up with endless force closes. Did a nandroid restore to a state just before I had flashed the kernel and the force closes continued. Shouldn't the restore have returned everything to the previous state with the stock kernel as that was what I had installed with the rom? That's what always happens with the other rom I have saved on my SD card.
Just a few minutes ago, I reflashed the kingedshooter rom, installed apps, etc. Was planning on trying another kernel, but forgot to put the zip on my SD card. Anyway, I did a nandroid backup (with everything working fine) and as soon as I rebooted the phone, I could not access the settings and the power control widget I had loaded on one of my home screens was gone. I couldn't make phone calls, and would get a force close if I tried to access any settings. Tried to restore to my most recent backup where once again everything was working perfectly and am still having the issues I just described. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks.
Anyone that reads this, please disregard the above. Made a nandroid after installing a theme and kept trying to go back to that. Thanks.
I know there are a lot of questions about this on XDA, but no one seems to give a straight answer on how to fix this or even prevent it.
I flashed kh2 deodexed today via CWM, everything went fine.. I installed titanium backup to restore my apps, which I did, they worked fine until I rebooted the phone. Then the apps dissapeared, and the home screen shortcuts display the SD card icon and they won't open "Application is not installed on your phone".
Then, I did a wipe to data and cache partitions, but this time I restored apps only (without data) one by one, as I needed. Not as a batch, as I did last time, and was working ok. Though, I thought I'd try the ICBINB kh2 ROM, so I flashed it fine. Restored apps through titanium backup, this time one by one, mostly apps only (some of them w/ data) and was working fine, but suddenly the apps dissapeared again.
I'm about to wipe the phone to fix this... but, is there a way to prevent this from happening again?
Is restoring data from titanium causing this?
Well there has been many direct answers on this topic. Factory reset. restore from cwm, not TB.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
hey, didn't know that. **presses thanks button**
I just restored apps via cwm, fixed permissions and it's working. It even got my settings back.. wtf. I was living under a rock all this time.
But is it completely safe? I guess that for GB builds, doing backups and restoring this way may be harmless, but probably not the same story if coming from a froyo rom.
Anyway, thanks a lot.
yea, what i did was flash both 2.2.1 and 2.3+ fresh. then backup each and whatever rom you go to, flash the corresponding backup.
I'm about to install Android Revolution HD™ 3.x XE but my question is I'd like to back up my phone and apps with titanium backup and restore my phone after installing the ROM
Now I know I need to use superwipe but buy restoring everything after am I defeating the purpose of using superwipe?
I dont want to be restoring old files I may not need or could cause problems
Thanks In advance
Although I don't have a firm answer to your question, I would advise you against doing a full restore (system data and everything). I've had numerous problems such as my lock screen PIN code changing after a reboot (preventing me from logging into the phone).
I backed up using Titanium then used superwipe, after I had flashed the rom and restarted the phone all my apps automatically reinstalled. I am a noob so I am not sure how or why this would have happened. I would add that everything went very smoothly for me and the phone is running very well, absolutely no problems and I am very new to this rooting game. This website and the developers that are on it are both fantastic, a big well done to all concerned.
I just flashed arhd and restored "all apps with data" with titanium backup. everything seems to be running smoothly
Thanks for the replys, I'll probably Flash the new ROM at the weekend
jag233 said:
I backed up using Titanium then used superwipe, after I had flashed the rom and restarted the phone all my apps automatically reinstalled. I am a noob so I am not sure how or why this would have happened. I would add that everything went very smoothly for me and the phone is running very well, absolutely no problems and I am very new to this rooting game. This website and the developers that are on it are both fantastic, a big well done to all concerned.
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Mine did the same thing. They reinstalled (most of them anyway) because google kept a record of what I had loaded from the market. The only thing is because they were reinstalled automatically the market doesn't give me the option of removing them. Is yours the same?
On a side note a while ago when I first used LeeDroids rom I used titanium backup to reinstall my apps and data. When picked my phone up the next morning (it was plugged in all night) it was red hot where something was loading the cpu up. I reinstalled the whole thing a couple more times before I realised it was either an app or the process or reinstalling them on a different rom with Titanium that was causing the load. Now I use mybackup pro and just keep my data and install the apps separately.
Ian_79a said:
I'm about to install Android Revolution HD™ 3.x XE but my question is I'd like to back up my phone and apps with titanium backup and restore my phone after installing the ROM
Now I know I need to use superwipe but buy restoring everything after am I defeating the purpose of using superwipe?
I dont want to be restoring old files I may not need or could cause problems
Thanks In advance
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Just dont restore your system data as it may cause problem, only back up and restore user Apps...
Contact and SMS can be easily backed up via People and Message options.
stevendph said:
Just dont restore your system data as it may cause problem, only back up and restore user Apps...
Contact and SMS can be easily backed up via People and Message options.
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I just used superwipe after a Ti Backup and installed ARHD and now can't restore anything on my s3
Ok long story short I flashed back to stock rom. Then the market wasn't working(I kept getting errors) went into setting and restored my phone(Note, it said it will NOT delete pictures or music) and lost all my photos, music, titanium backup backups..everything. I'm now trying to go back to MIUI and I can't boot into the Red CWM. I have rom manager, installed clockworkmod and it won't reboot into red. Only blue(3e?). Can anyone please help me. Thank you.
Edit: Nevermind. The whole system wipe which it did by itself also deleted my modded 3e recovery. Got it working. Thanks no one lol
FauxAffliction said:
Ok long story short I flashed back to stock rom. Then the market wasn't working(I kept getting errors) went into setting and restored my phone(Note, it said it will NOT delete pictures or music) and lost all my photos, music, titanium backup backups..everything. I'm now trying to go back to MIUI and I can't boot into the Red CWM. I have rom manager, installed clockworkmod and it won't reboot into red. Only blue(3e?). Can anyone please help me. Thank you.
Edit: Nevermind. The whole system wipe which it did by itself also deleted my modded 3e recovery. Got it working. Thanks no one lol
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To answer your question. That you allready answered if in fact you want miui blue is the right recovery just a heads up lol
Holy MIUI Batman!
Well,this query is slightly old because later I did a stock restore through Odin ..
But still ,
I wanted to restore my nandroid backup .. I was in CWM and selected to restore my last nandroid backup ,, It completed with an error which I don't remember now ..
When I selected REBOOT SYSTEM NOW , it just simply turned off and turned on with usual SAMSUNG logo,and stuck there for a couple of minutes ,, At first I thought it was due to first time restore ,but after waiting for more than 10 minutes,it was still on SAMSUNG logo
I removed the battery and inserted it back,,but still the same thing ....
I don't know what went wrong
So the query is : Do I have to clear anything like dalvik cache etc before doing a restore like I did before flashing a new ROM ???
It's my first post on this site,and would be glad if got a complete answer,,bcz I want to flash some roms again and don't want to resort to Odin to go back to stock as I want everything to be as it was before flashing.
might I ask what ROM you are using now ? in my experience, I think if you want to keep everything the same as it was (setup, password..ect) before flashing a new ROM then don't flash any new ROM because it might cause force close and such ...
a google account will help you remember the app you have previously
Helium will help you backing up data from the app
Apex launcher has the option of backup your previous settings
Well, I am not worried about my data or anything ,coz I had already made a backup of pics,videos etc
The actual question is :
What might have caused the phenomenon???!!!! Do I need to clear dalvik cache or anything before restoring nandroid ??
well it doesn't hurt clear BEFORE and AFTER flashing/restore - so I do that every time
Still haven't got the answer ...