Hi all,
I've seen a post about merge 2 WhatsApp DB, i've made all he say, but when i put it in my phone, when i scroll up a conversation it goes automatically back to main menu of what's app.
Have you an idea ?
i delete the 1 -1 1 -1 line in DB (the DB i don't keep)
i've been modified all the unique number for ID when i merge 2 DB
i can restore it.
I see a part of conversation, but when i scroll i go back to whatsapp main menu.
thank you.
Post merge DB: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28899881&postcount=239
I want to add a number from Call History to one of my existing contacts (i.e, add to home telephone of an existing contact)
However, when hold and tap number in Call History, it open a new contact instead of letting us choose an existing contact
Any program that can let us do that
My device is O2 XDA IIi
There isn't any way around this, though maybe there will be in WM2005 or through a third party program.
It's something that annoys me, too. The way round it is to get it up as a New contact, then copy the number and cancel saving the contact, go to the correct contact and add it that way.
Bit long winded, but other than writing it down by hand or remembering it I don't think there's any other way.
Hey Guys..
Simple trick....
Tap and hold the number in the call history
Then select option "Send Text Message"
Then copy/cut that Number and paste in the contacts
Then cancel the message
I hope, this sounds OK
Hi all,
I have a Samsung i600 WM6. I have about 300 contacts stored. When I start typing on my keyboard, it should show all corresponding and possible contacts and made calls. Example, when i type a "J" all contacts starting with J and all numbers starting with 6 ( as the key J and 6 are the same) should appear. When I follow with an "o", all contacts starting with "Jo" shoudl show. I thought this used to work, but suddenly I do not see all contact with a "Jo" but only some..
When I first go to contact and start typig, all corresponding contacts show. It just doesn't work in the dialer.
Anyone has any idea what might cause it? a corrupt index on the "contacts and calls" db? and if so where is that index located and can that be fixed?
I have encountered the same "loading screen" problem when restoring sms from the old builds to the current new hero builds using Backup for Root Users. This is what I did to solve it:
the logcat reveals this missing table field "index_on_sim", thus using a sqlite editor, I compared the old mmssms.db and the new mmssms.db files. The missing field in under the sms table so all one need is to ADD the new field "index_on_sim" with type INTEGER. Upon careful observation, this field is used with value "-1" for incoming sms, not for outgoing ones.
Thus, I used the following sql commands:
1. to check for the correct index_on_sim rows with non-empty service_center info
=> SELECT sms.index_on_sim FROM sms WHERE service_center IS NOT NULL
2. to modify the above index_on_sim rows with '-1'
=> UPDATE sms SET index_on_sim = '-1' WHERE service_center IS NOT NULL
okay once done, verify that the rows are updated correctly and save the db.
push the edited mmssms.db to the Backup for Root Users folder or directly into /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases.
That's it! Your old sms will appear in the new hero build.
Attached is the sqlite program. ( To be used in linux/ubuntu )
Anyone knows how to automate the above process with a script??
nice. i'll have to try this. thanks!
It worked great! Thanks again!
Not sure why but I can't mark any of my new recieved text messages as read and the text messages that I sent have an icon to the right of it (notification? information? something).
I'm having the same problem also after editing the mmssms.db file
This is what worked for me i got it from a post on another forum here is a link to the original post: http://android.modaco.com/content-p...-2-versions-based-on-the-new-update/page/800/
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db
(Press Control-D)
Hi There,
I am new to android and am writing a simple App that I hope will take the date from 3 text fields and a Date picker and save them to a DB then when a nother button is clicked it will open a new view and show me all the records in the table. all the items I have read talk about creating a new project and creating the table by code but I have already created the App and the DB using SQLite Browser.
Is there a straight forward way to save these fields from an on click handler?
Hi all,
Is there a way to display the company name (from the field in the address book) during an incomming call, along with the first and last name of the caller ?
There is an app called 'Call Informer' for Android which can display contact information when the phone rings, I'm looking for a way to do the same on Windows Phone devices !
Thanks in advance.
I think OS is too 'locked down' to allow in WP. Nice feature if it was possible!
Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
I have saved many names like this: First Lastname (Company). Workaround I know but gets the job done.
Loco5150 said:
I have saved many names like this: First Lastname (Company). Workaround I know but gets the job done.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And you could that quite easily by exporting your contacts in a csv file, then in excel just add a column to the left of LastName and add some funtion like =A1&" ("&F1&")", where A is the column with all the lastname and F is hypothetically the column with all the companies names.
Then you could expand the function with some IFs to check if the cell under Company is empty or not.
Then Copy and Paste over the new column al the values, Paste as Values (V), delete the old LastName column, save as a csv, import again in your account, et voila.
(remember to delete all the contacts before importing this new csv file)