[Q] Browser Shift- or Alt-Click? - General Questions and Answers

Has anyone found a way, whether with a non-stock browser, an add-in or other trick (other than a hardware keyboard) to do a shift-click or alt-click in a browser session?
There are some web pages without their own apps, that depend on a shift-click and/or alt-click (example: Ironsudoku.com lets you enter "little numbers" in red or green color depending on whether alt or shift is pressed).
Proposed solutions:
a) Use volume rocker for shift and alt
b) Reserve a couple corners, perhaps in the window/tab title, to enable shift and alt
c) a menu option would 'turn on' shift or alt for the next click (awkward, but probably least chance of problems)

Hackers keyboard? It has Alt, Shift and Ctrl toggle keys.
Don't know if it supports alt+click, though. But it's free, so you could give it a try.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

Opens in New Tab
When I press ALT-SHIFT and Click it opens the link in a new Tab!:laugh:


Highlighting text using keyboard

I do a bit of text editing on my Palm and don't like having to take the stylus out of its silo when I'm using the keyboard, just to move text.
So how do I select text using the keyboard?
The Treo manual says:
Highlighting text
You can use the 5-way or the stylus to
highlight text on the screen:
• 5-way: Press and hold Shift ( or
) while pressing Right , Left ,
Up , or Down to extend the
highlight in that direction.
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I must be doing something wrong, but I can't get that to work.
The 5 way button moves you round a text (email, SMS etc) the same way your cursor keys do on your pc.
If you hold the shift key on your treo the 5 way button will highlight: > next character, < preceding character, v line below, ^ line above.
Multiple presses while still holding shift allow you to select large blocks of text easily.
If you hold the shift key on your treo the 5 way button will highlight
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Yes, that's what the manual says. My point is that it doesn't work. Not for me. Not on my device.
The Shift key works. Pressing it (either the left or right one) displays the "up arrow" icon. The 5-way button works - I can move the cursor. Pressing and holding the shift while using the 5-way button doesn't do anything (i.e. I just move the cursor around the text without selecting anything).
Just goes to prove - should have checked it, it doesn't do what the manual says at all - although it does work on my old treo 600. What a pain!
yes, i have been email to palm, and also call up to palm. they say it is a mistake from palm company, and will update the rom soon!! OMG!!! That`s Suck!!!

[Q] Browsers with directional keys?

Does anyone know of any browsers that either have the ability to "bind" keys, or have directional buttons?
What I need to do is mimic the left and right arrow keys found on a normal keyboard.
I know there are a few keyboard apps that have these, but the problem is the page I need to use this on doesnt have a text box so the keyboard 1. does not pop up, and 2. does not interpret the arrows correctly.
Basically the page Im trying to do this on is a flash based page where you press either the left or right arrow key to get your next assignment. There are no visual "next" and "back" buttons on the page, which is making this really hard!
I just tried this app, and set my search key to "dpad left" and it didnt work in the browser... Maybe its not possible, idk.
Can someone please help me?

Android keyboard shortcuts.

Return to Contents Page - doubleshot Developers Reference
Having recently discovered these myself, and seeing that others aren't aware of them, we need a list here.
The majority of these shortcuts require a hardware keyboard to function - and make having one that much more valuable beyond the other obvious benefits.
These will make your life a whole lot easier - no longer will you have to do things the hard way through the touch interface.
Let's start:
Holding the hardware menu button and pressing other characters does stuff.
First of all, you can find out menu shortcuts on your own. Hit menu once to open it, then hold it and it will show them on the menu options.
General Android:
In a text field:
Menu + X: Cut
Menu + C: Copy
Menu + V: Paste
Menu + A: Select All
Alt + Trackpad Up: Top of page
Alt + Trackpad Down: Bottom of page
Alt + Trackpad Left: Beginning of line
Alt + Trackpad Right: End of line
(when the keyboard is slid out, the trackpad orientation changes to be proper for the way you are holding it, so left really is left and so forth)
Holding shift and using the trackpad to scroll around highlights from where the cursor is when you start.
Spacebar works as page down in a document (or browser)
Shift + Spacebar works as page up in the same fashion.
On your home screen:
Menu + W: Select Wallpaper
Menu + P: Personalize Menu
Menu + N: Show Quicklaunch
Long press of the Search button brings up a menu of apps you have installed that can use it. The genius button replaced the search button on this device, so you will have to remap the key to use this functionality.
See this thread for remapping the genius to search:
If you do not have more then one app that uses this long-press search shortcut menu, it will default to the only one that can (google voice - or nothing if none are installed)
The ability to use this menu has to be programmed into the individual app itself - so it's a crapshoot if you can find any to do so. Soundhound is one, QR Droid Private 3 is another - and i'm sure you will find more.
Launch Apps
Search + A: (User Selectable)
All the way down to...
Search + Z: (User Selectable)
...are keys you can pick the apps that pressing the key combo launches.
Search + any letter from A to Z is user selectable in settings. Go to:
Settings -> Applications -> Quick Launch.
This will allow you to launch any app you set by using the hotkey combination assigned to it.
Individual apps may have their own shortcuts that override or change what the standard ones are depending on the app you are in.
They may change or ignore some of these shortcuts, so you may have to experiment on a per app basis.
Stock Apps:
Stock Browser App:
Menu + I: Zoom in
Menu + J: Back
Menu + K: Forward
Menu + A: Add bookmarks
Menu + B: Open bookmarks
Menu + T: Windows
Menu + Space: Home
Menu + F: Find on page
Menu + E: Select Text
Menu + G: Page info
Menu + S: Share Page
Menu + D: Downloads
Menu + H: History
Menu + R: Print
Menu + P: Settings
Stock Calendar App:
Menu + T: Today
Menu + S: Refresh
Menu + G: Go To
Menu + P: Settings
Google Gmail App:
Alt + Trackpad Up: Scroll To Top (In message)
Alt + Trackpad Down: Scroll To Bottom (In message)
Menu + S: Add Star (In message)
Menu + F: Forward (In message)
Menu + R: Reply (In message)
Menu + A: Reply-all (In message)
Menu + Y: Archive message (In message | Inbox)
Menu + U: Refresh (Inbox)
Menu + C: Compose (Inbox)
Enter | Press trackpad: Open Selected (Inbox)
Alt + Trackpad Up: Go To Top (Inbox)
Alt + Trackpad Down: Go To Bottom (Inbox)
Stock Quick Lookup App:
Google Search & YouTube:
Menu + J: Back
Menu + K: Forward
Wikipedia & Google Dictionary:
Menu + J: Back
Menu + K: Forward
Menu + L: Language
Google Maps:
Alt + Trackpad Up: Go To Top (In lists)
Alt + Trackpad Down: Go To Bottom (In lists)
Note: Menu + (whatever) shortcuts will NOT work with a soft keyboard, you must have the physical keys to press to make it happen. If a device does not have a hardware keyboard, you cannot use the menu shortcuts.
Dialer Codes
Dialer codes are a sequence of characters you enter in to the phone app on your device, just like you were dialing a number to call.
Dialer Codes:
*#06# - imei number
*#61# - Call forwarding status
##002# - Erase forwarding number
*43# - Activate call waiting
#43# - Deactivate call waiting
*#*#4636#*#* - Testing Menu
*#*#8255#*#* - Gtalk
( If anyone has found any others please share. Thanks! )
If anyone finds any post them below and i'll copy them up to the top.
Blue6IX said:
Having recently discovered these myself, and seeing that others aren't aware of them, we need a list here.
The majority of these shortcuts require a hardware keyboard to function - and make having one that much more valuable beyond the other obvious benefits.
These will make your life a whole lot easier - no longer will you have to do things the hard way through the touch interface.
Let's start:
Holding the hardware menu button and pressing other characters does stuff.
First of all, you can find out menu shortcuts on your own. Hit menu once to open it, then hold it and it will show them on the menu options.
In a text field:
Menu + X = cut
Menu + C = copy
Menu + V = paste
Menu + A = select all
Alt + trackpad up = top of page
Alt + trackpad down = bottom of page
Alt + trackpad left = beginning of line
Alt + trackpad right = end of line
(when the keyboard is slid out, the trackpad orientation changes to be proper for the way you are holding it, so left really is left and so forth)
Holding shift and using the trackpad to scroll around highlights from where the cursor is when you start.
Spacebar works as page down in a document (or browser)
Shift + Spacebar works as page up in the same fashion.
Long press of the Search button brings up a menu of apps you have installed that can use it. The genius button replaced the search button on this device, so you will have to remap the key to use this functionality.
See this thread for remapping the genius to search:
If you do not have more then one app that uses this long-press search shortcut menu, it will default to the only one that can (google voice - or nothing if none are installed)
The ability to use this menu has to be programmed into the individual app itself - so it's a crapshoot if you can find any to do so. Soundhound is one, QR Droid Private 3 is another - and i'm sure you will find more.
Also, pressing Search + (key) will open apps and whatnot - these shortcuts are configurable in settings.
Settings -> applications -> quick launch.
Search + (key) shortcuts are quick launch shortcuts.
Individual apps may have their own shortcuts that override or change what the standard ones are depending on the app you are in.
Gmail, the browser, jota text editor, and etcetera will change or ignore some of these shortcuts, so you may have to experiment on a per app basis.
I don't have the time on hand to post the whole list of shortcuts, i'm logging in from a terminal where i'm working today, but wanted to get this started.
I'll definitely add more later - but I encourage others to post here with shortcuts they know or discover.
Let's really get the most out of our device, and not using the keyboard shortcuts is ignoring one of the greatest benefits of a hardware keyboard.
Note: Menu + (whatever) shortcuts will NOT work with a soft keyboard, you must have the physical keys to press to make it happen. If a device does not have a hardware keyboard, you cannot use the menu shortcuts.
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So cool gonna play with this now
I rooted my mt4gs (unlock via htcdev which leaves S-ON, then CWM and SU) in order to kill off some bloatware and remap the genius button to search. I'm using the 1.63.531.2 710RD (stock) ROM.
Now that I have a search button, I'd really like to get access to the search+letter Quick Launch mappings like I had on my stock G2.
But Settings -> Applications has no submenu for Quick Launch (I guess they stripped it out because of the genius button). Quick Launch itself works, I believe, since search+g launches the Gmail app.
How can I enable the Quick Launch settings screen?
Or is there a flat file I can edit to enable all the search+[whatever] mappings that I like?
Beg pardon if this is addressed in another thread -- couldn't find.
Hi, T-Mobile G2 user here. These shortcuts are avaliable for all Android phones that run gingerbread and below. Unfortunately I've heard that they have been completely removed in Ice Cream Sandwich for some very odd reason. Additionally, in Gingerbread some of these shortcuts are broken.
In my case, I'm running 2.3 (CM 7.0.3) and I've noticed that the cut/copy/paste shortcuts have been completely made broken because of the new "text selection" system that they added in gingerbread.
Additionally, some of the shortcuts mentioned don't work for me. Shift Space for example doesn't scroll up in the browser for example.
I hope Google brings them back. This is one of the main reasons why I stick to Android phones that have a fully QWERTY keyboard.
Anyways here's a shortcut I recently discovered, at least on the G2.
In the browser, if you hold the menu button and tap on a link, the link gets open in a new tab (in the background for me). This is a really awesome feature in my opinion, though it only works in the keyboard menu button, and not the "portrait" menu button.
Thanks for the useful information!!
Change/Switch Language
Alt + Space ==> change the language of the keyboard (i.e. English <--> Hebrew).
(I tried Googling it with no success, so I guess this shortcut in less familiar, hence worth mentioning) :victory:

[Q] Are there arrow keys on the myTouch 4G Slide / HTC Doubleshot?

I'm thinking of moving to T-Mobile, and I've seen some pics of the myTouch 4G Slide / HTC Doubleshot. However, the qwerty keypad seems to be missing arrow keys... Is there any arrow keys (or equivalent) on the qwerty keypad? I do some manipulation on spreadsheets and arrow keys are important for me.
The middle sensor button replaces the arrow keys.
AndroAsc said:
I'm thinking of moving to T-Mobile, and I've seen some pics of the myTouch 4G Slide / HTC Doubleshot. However, the qwerty keypad seems to be missing arrow keys... Is there any arrow keys (or equivalent) on the qwerty keypad? I do some manipulation on spreadsheets and arrow keys are important for me.
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If you notice on the bottom of the phone in the center there is an optical trackpad. It takes the place of arrow keys, you can use it to position the cursor. It also moves the homescreen back and forth and with stock roms can be pressed to wake up or put to sleep (some other roms have managed to implement that, as well, but not all).
I have the Slide. Since you asked on XDA I assume you are a coder or an aspiring coder.
I'd like to share my thoughts on the optical trackpad. To me as one who uses vi in ConnectBot console, the trackpad is no replacement for the keypad. The difference is that the keypad has the typomatic function where you want to go way to the right, just press and hold the right button. Can't do that with the optical trackpad; you have to slide your finger to the right 80 times to go there. (I know the vi $ command does it, but that's a 2-key action instead of 1 key because there isn't a dedicated '2' key: alt+2).
I'd add that the optical trackpad does implement the ctrl function when pressing the optical trackpad button when used under ConnectBot.
l00g33k said:
I have the Slide. Since you asked on XDA I assume you are a coder or an aspiring coder.
I'd like to share my thoughts on the optical trackpad. To me as one who uses vi in ConnectBot console, the trackpad is no replacement for the keypad. The difference is that the keypad has the typomatic function where you want to go way to the right, just press and hold the right button. Can't do that with the optical trackpad; you have to slide your finger to the right 80 times to go there. (I know the vi $ command does it, but that's a 2-key action instead of 1 key because there isn't a dedicated '2' key: alt+2).
I'd add that the optical trackpad does implement the ctrl function when pressing the optical trackpad button when used under ConnectBot.
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I prefer using adb on computer instead of using a built in terminal
Riyal said:
I prefer using adb on computer instead of using a built in terminal
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To be quite honest, i'd rather do everything I would do in adb through the terminal directly on the device if possible.
Especially anymore with the times few and very far between (at least at the moment) that I have access to a real computer, terminal capability has become more of a necessity then a preference.
About the arrow keys:
If you root then you can replace the keylayout file to add them, the pictures on the physical keys won't match up is all.
My first modified keylayout changed home to up, menu to down, back to left and genius to right arrow keys on the slide out keyboard - leaving those same keys in-tact for functionality on the face of the device.
When you slide out the keyboard, those four keys have the same function as the four keys at the bottom of the screen on the face of the device - seemed to me like they were begging for the change.
Aside from that, though, as nifty as the optical trackpad button is, and how incredibly useful it can be at times, it remains a poor substitute for actual arrow keys themselves.
Seriously considering getting a mytouch 4G slide, but the lack of arrow keys is the current deal breaker.
Can the trackpad be used efficiently to replace arrow keys? I do a lot of spreadsheet manipulation, and was wondering if it's going to work as well as arrow keys. It seems to be immensely irritating whenever I enter data into a cell, I need to move my fingers away from the QWERTY keyboard to the trackpad in order to move to the next cell, and then move my fingers back to the QWERTY board again...
Other posts here commented on key remapping, do the remapped keys alleviate the problem somewhat?
I think yes it's possible to remap some of it's keys into arrow keys.
It's possible to create new combination keys like pressing the www/.com + the letter O key would make up for the up arrow key. Some of the people here know how to mess with the keyconfigs so it's really good asking help with them. I just brought up the idea that it's possible but haven't really invested time looking into it but yeah I'mm 100% sure it's possible.

[Q] Changing menu button function

Ive been using Slimbean on my Sgs for months, and there I can configure the menu button action.
Im using short press to have contextual menu, long press to switch between apps.
On the tf300t with Inheritance (and other roms as well, i guess), the menu button acts as a recent apps switcher.
Is there a way to chose its function as well ?
That's actually a recent apps switcher button. Samsung chose not to follow googles design protocols and altered the way the buttons work from stock. There's supposed to be a three dot button somewhere in every app to act as a menu button, and when app developers don't do this, this ui adds one to the Nav bar temporarily.
Short answer, no, I don't believe it can be changed. And frankly for good reason.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app

