Best Rom for Global Mode - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Hey guys i was wondering if someone could help me for getting a rom that works right outta the box with global mode. I tried liquid smooth and Slim Beans, but i cant switch to GSM mode or Add apn's...i am using Synergy right now, but i dont even get a whole day on one charge.. so i was wondering if anyone know of any Rom that can automatically find the APN, or at least we can add them. and also allows to use GSM Mode

I am in cairo egypt right now. When I got here I was running pacman rom. I did not get a signal. I was able to eventually get a signal by going into the phone hidden menu thru the app pimp my rom (same menu the app phone info used to go to) and switch my radio to gsm auto (prl). But this seemed a little spotty at times. While here I wanted to try MOAR rom, which is touchwiz based. I figured if I cannot activate that I can just restore my nandroid backup in twrp and be fine. However after installing MOAR and waiting about 90 seconds, my Verizon S3 activated fine. So in my recent experience I guess the easiest wayI can say to get Global mode working is any rom based off stock, or stock rom itself.
Edit - Forgot to mention that I did not change the sim card and I am connected to Vodafone. However this means any calls texts or data I use while here incur very expensive charges with verizon, so I am using wifi and my Google voice number with talkatone to not have to worry about this.
Sent from my SCH-I535

sfetaz said:
I am in cairo egypt right now. When I got here I was running pacman rom. I did not get a signal. I was able to eventually get a signal by going into the phone hidden menu thru the app pimp my rom (same menu the app phone info used to go to) and switch my radio to gsm auto (prl). But this seemed a little spotty at times. While here I wanted to try MOAR rom, which is touchwiz based. I figured if I cannot activate that I can just restore my nandroid backup in twrp and be fine. However after installing MOAR and waiting about 90 seconds, my Verizon S3 activated fine. So in my recent experience I guess the easiest wayI can say to get Global mode working is any rom based off stock, or stock rom itself.
Edit - Forgot to mention that I did not change the sim card and I am connected to Vodafone. However this means any calls texts or data I use while here incur very expensive charges with verizon, so I am using wifi and my Google voice number with talkatone to not have to worry about this.
Sent from my SCH-I535
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Awesome, will Give Moar a try. Did you install APN manager pro btw or did it let you add an APN.?
Thanks for the answer btw

djteotancolis said:
Awesome, will Give Moar a try. Did you install APN manager pro btw or did it let you add an APN.?
Thanks for the answer btw
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I did not use any apn software to get it to work on either rom. Also I do not believe it needs to be MOAR rom, any touchwiz based verizon rom should work, including synergy, beans or cleanrom. With the 4.1 jellybean update for verizon S3 i think the global mode was added by default, as it is a choice under settings->wireless and networks-> more settings, mobile networks, network mode


[Q] MIUI without data?

Hey everyone
i'm pretty new to the whole nexus s scene, as i've had this device for about a week now. I've rooted my phone successfully and i'm running MIUI's latest ROM..1.8.5 i believe. Now for the problem..
For some odd reason I'm unable to connect to my 3G network at all (yes, data is enabled in the settings, and set to 3g prefered/2g/only 3g..still nothing). Usually there'd be that green "3G" on top bar of my screen, but it doesn't show up. Now i rely on wifi to go online, which isnt a problem...but it feels like my money's being cheated if i dont use my data in occasional situations. I've tried flashing it again and again, but no results. I've flashed my phone to the Oxygen ROM, and the little 3G icon appeared, indicating that data is enabled (i forgot to actually check if it worked LOL). I haven't found anyone else experiencing this problem with MIUI, but i've found threads on them having some sort of difficulty with their data. If anyone could help me out, or direct me to a thread that has a possible solution, i would really appreciate it ~ thank you in advance.
Also, I'm on Fido.....if that helps.
I'm on the latest miui and I don't have that issue try toggling the airline mode to see if it will kick it in. If not really download the Tom and do a clean install see if that works.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
hey, i've tried toggling the airline and it doesn't help. also, what do you mean by "the Tom"?
What happens when you try to connect with just 3G (what type of error do you receive)? Miui's stock 3G icon is white
Also, I think the other gentleman meant to spell ROM
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
RawrBell said:
hey, i've tried toggling the airline and it doesn't help. also, what do you mean by "the Tom"?
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He meant rom, auto correct changes the word rom, I think you need to wipe and reflash the rom.
hey, i've just tried reflashing the rom...and still no 3g ): !
also, when i enable data, and set it to 3g..there's no error. there's simply no "3g" icon on the top, and i can't connect.
Did u try manually inputting your apn? Sometimes providers don't push the settings to you
what exactly would i put in for my apn? sorry, total noob here :/
Go to menu>settings>system>mobile network setting>access point names. Do u have an entry there? You should. If not, you need to check with your network provider for the settings.
i've just tried putting in the APN settings (copied the stuff from the APN settings when 3g works on the oxygen ROM). is there anything else i havent filled in and should? still doesnt work
Not really. Create it, fill it, save it, choose it and restart. Should work, it always did for me
How's the battery life on that rom
Seems ok to me. 3g uses alot of juice since the service is crappy in my country. Otherwise, best rom I tried
dang :/ still nothing... i've noticed something though. when im on my oxygen rom and search for networks..the option "Fido" pops up. when im on MIUI, the option "Rogers Wierless" pops up in the place of "Fido" .___." that may have something to do with it...
Same problem here on desire s.
When I try to change the apn setting I get a force close.
Cheers, Cor


Was wondering if anyone has experience using this to control their LTE. I assume by doing this there should be no long term issues switching between the settings?
I too would like to be able to toggle my LTE when I don't need it but remain on a TW stock ROM.
I've never tried this app but I doubt it works. "Phone info" app does work but it's annoying to use as there are a lot of steps. Works on ics tw and jb tw.
Cleanrom 5.0
foocankill said:
I've never tried this app but I doubt it works. "Phone info" app does work but it's annoying to use as there are a lot of steps. Works on ics tw and jb tw.
Cleanrom 5.0
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Unless Samsung changed Android's stock advanced radio info, then it should work fine. All it does is invoke what a dialer code does (*#*#4636#*#*). It doesn't work for all phones (manufacturers like to disable dialer code access).
foocankill said:
I've never tried this app but I doubt it works. "Phone info" app does work but it's annoying to use as there are a lot of steps. Works on ics tw and jb tw.
Cleanrom 5.0
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That and the constant dialogue box popping up asking if you want to switch to global.
3 g is s more battery on my phone. You will laugh but it seems so. I would stay away from phone info unless you like Odin when you want to use 4g again. In my case the only time turning off 4g made a difference was in a fringe area. It is not a bionic or nexus. It has integrated 4g soc.
If on a ics rom you can use phone info that will take u to the menu someone already mentioned. Then click device info and check "cdma (auto prl)" to put the phone in 3g. To put it back into 4g goto "lte/cdma/evdo" from the same drop down menu.
If you are on a jellybean leak you use phone info to put the phone in 3g the same way. If you try and switch back to 4g with phone info nothing will happen. To get back into 4g you goto system settings-more settings-mobile networks-network mode and select cdma/lte/evdo.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

Disable or toggle 4G?

Some areas with spotty 4G are problematic for me, and I'd like to just force 3G. I've searched but can't find a reliable method that works (apparently an old version of a phone info app worked, but not the current version). I'm running the latest CleanRom btw.
Settings <More... <Mobile Networks <Network Mode <Uncheck LTE/CDMA/EvDo and check off CDMA/EvDo auto
cas239 said:
Settings <More... <Mobile Networks <Network Mode <Uncheck LTE/CDMA/EvDo and check off CDMA/EvDo auto
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That option is not there for me. I have global, lte/cdma, gsm/umts.
I haven't been on clean ROM or a touch wiz ROM in a while, but as I remember they have the option for toggles in the drop down status bar. Toggling 4g/lte will also disable 4g and only search for a 3g signal
Quick panel settings in Cleanrom doesn't seem to have an option to add a 4g toggle. I have power toggles, which has that option, but the toggle doesn't actually seem to work...
netter123 said:
Some areas with spotty 4G are problematic for me, and I'd like to just force 3G. I've searched but can't find a reliable method that works (apparently an old version of a phone info app worked, but not the current version). I'm running the latest CleanRom btw.
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I use an app called Phone Info by [email protected] Unfortunately it's no longer available on the Play Store but luckily someone posted the APK for it here:
I can confirm it works with stock rom and I'm currently on CM10.1 and it works with that as well. Once in the app go to Phone information then scroll down to Set Preferred Network Type and change it to CDMA auto. If you want 4G again just switch it back to LTE/CDMA auto.
Hope this works for you.
azndy said:
I use an app called Phone Info by [email protected] Unfortunately it's no longer available on the Play Store but luckily someone posted the APK for it here:
I can confirm it works with stock rom and I'm currently on CM10.1 and it works with that as well. Once in the app go to Phone information then scroll down to Set Preferred Network Type and change it to CDMA auto. If you want 4G again just switch it back to LTE/CDMA auto.
Hope this works for you.
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Did u even read what u quoted?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Well the new version of phone info is made by a different developer. The original version my [email protected] that is since removed from the app store works. If the apk that was posted doesn't work I can rip the apk off my phone when I get home tonight.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
azndy said:
I use an app called Phone Info by [email protected] Unfortunately it's no longer available on the Play Store but luckily someone posted the APK for it here:
I can confirm it works with stock rom and I'm currently on CM10.1 and it works with that as well. Once in the app go to Phone information then scroll down to Set Preferred Network Type and change it to CDMA auto. If you want 4G again just switch it back to LTE/CDMA auto.
Hope this works for you.
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Thanks for the link to the old version of the app - looks like this is what I needed.
Okay, so after using the phone info app to turn off 4g, I haven't been able to get back 4g. I've tried turning it back on through the regular phone settings (rather than using the app, which is known not to work). Even in lte mode, 4g never returns. I also wiped cache and re flashed rpm/modem, but still stuck on 3g. Any ideas short of reverting to stock?
I'm having the same issue. I was able to use Phone info when running stock, but that's clearly not an option any more. Has anyone had success with any other apps? I used the RPM and modem suggested with CleanRom 6, not sure if that has anything to do with it. Flashed the RPM, then modem, then ROM.
Has any one tried to enable the hidden menu that has radio options?
This was in the gn2 forum but seems to work on the gs3.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Toggle options, including what cas239 said, are for AOSP roms like Clockwork Mod, Pacman, and AOSPA. Touchwiz roms do not have this option directly, only with Phone Info App. Although it seems only the older version has this option.

Will paypal $25 usd for stable jellybean cm 10, 10.1, and 11 roms (not kitkat)

KitKat Sucks. My battery life is just magically drained all day. And the updates killed my texts.
You may want to remove your email addresses and phone number from this post.
I'll see what I can dig up I spose. Either way, check your wakelocks.
Edit - I found a really old build of an unofficial cm10.1...xt897c. From April 29 2013. Not sure you want it, I'm not really sure what it is. I'll keep poking to see if I can find something official...
Edit 2 - cm11 is kitkat, just FYI
Edit 3 - checked my roomie's phone (he uses the Q now) and I only seem to have a couple of sideload's which I doubt are what you want... and a TWRP backup of stock jb.
I doubt you'll want this upload I have of some random 10.1, I seriously doubt it's "stable" by any stretch of the word. cm11 runs fairly well IMHO, but you seem to be completely against it... maybe someone else will have and old zip of cm kicking around.
Edit 4 - found some gold for you. Will be better I'm sure than the random build I have on my dropbox. No need to donate me any money, I'm just trying to help.
I guess that either an app causes wakelocks or the media scanner is going crazy (that's why I use XPosed + a module to modify its behavour).
For the latter it should be enough to remove all kind of media from the phone and the sdcard. After done that, insert the sdcard to the PQ.
The media scanner will be running in the background. If you want to reboot, do it before or right after you insert the sdcard. While the media scanner is running you should not reboot (just let it alone for a few hours).
I'm not quiet sure but if I remember correct, the media scanner starts a full scan after the sdcard has been inserted. It possible that it does the same after a reboot...
PS: Don't forget that any kind of repeated crashes or app-misfunctions cause a log entry. This can let to a wakelock like behavour.
To avoid this, don't use badly programmed apps.
I wanted to like KitKat. I feel that I have given it plenty of opportunity. But I dont even use my phone for an hour or two and then i have like 1/4 - 1/3 battery gone. And I'm buying brand new sealed MPQs from ebay so its not a battery wear issue.
There were some CM JB roms where the battery wouldnt move all day if you didnt touch the phone. 5 hours later, 99%. Never happens anymore.
I just feel like the JB roms were optimized for the phone and KK roms are an afterthought with no active development. When my texting was killed in an update, that was the last straw.
I love this phone cuz its the last great slider. I REFUSE TO ASSIMILATE. I also use the phone for actual work almost constantly. Emails, spreadsheets, forms, etc. I demand a keyboard for this work. It is definitely worth $25 to me to have a stable rom for the future of this phone. If the market doesnt provide a new slider phone I can still see myself with this phone in 5 years. So I am really trying to prepare for the future with nailing down some good stable roms for this phone that I can stick with for longevity.
I will try the rom(s) in your last link and if it pans out I'll send you some beer money. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond and dig around your files.
I know what you mean. I used to rock cm10.2 on my PQ and the battery would last like forever. I'm talking about 3-4 days with 6-7 hours of screen time. If I didn't touch the phone much it would last a week.
Sooner or later I updated to kitkat and at some point lost the backup. I wasn't satisfied with kitkats battery life so I tried to get back. But even after flashing some of the recent cm10.2 roms of that time my battery life would never get as good as the particular version I had.
Sent from my XT897 with Tapatalk 4
Kabaldan or skrillex or someone had their own build concurrent with the official builds and i think his had some good tweaks, that is the hardest one to find.
arrrghhh said:
Edit 4 - found some gold for you. Will be better I'm sure than the random build I have on my dropbox. No need to donate me any money, I'm just trying to help.
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I downloaded CM 10.1.3 stable and I have no mobile data. I went with a CM11 nightly from the same list and still had no mobile data.
I believe its because I switched to ting, these builds default to an old sprint LTE or something. In any event, the phone status says "Mobile Network State 'Disconnected'" in both apps.
I am thinking about restoring my stock ting image and then flashing over it without wiping the data to see if this resolves the issue. If not, what was that secret code to get into the radio menu to activate/deactivate different radios and bands and stuff?
matt2k12 said:
I downloaded CM 10.1.3 stable and I have no mobile data. I went with a CM11 nightly from the same list and still had no mobile data.
I believe its because I switched to ting, these builds default to an old sprint LTE or something. In any event, the phone status says "Mobile Network State 'Disconnected'" in both apps.
I am thinking about restoring my stock ting image and then flashing over it without wiping the data to see if this resolves the issue. If not, what was that secret code to get into the radio menu to activate/deactivate different radios and bands and stuff?
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My roomie is on Ting, and I just flashed the latest CM11 snapshot and mobile data hooked up no problem IIRC... I can doublecheck his exact settings tonight.
Did you check the APN settings? Did you check which network 'mode' is chosen?
CM 10.2 2013 Feb 5 nightly boot looped on the dirty flash.... grrrr...... knew this wasnt going to be easy.
matt2k12 said:
CM 10.2 2013 Feb 5 nightly boot looped on the dirty flash.... grrrr...... knew this wasnt going to be easy.
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You can't dirty flash between ROM's... At least it's highly advised against.
arrrghhh said:
My roomie is on Ting, and I just flashed the latest CM11 snapshot and mobile data hooked up no problem IIRC... I can doublecheck his exact settings tonight.
Did you check the APN settings? Did you check which network 'mode' is chosen?
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How do I check the APN settings?
OK I changed network mode to CDMA + LTE/EVDO and I at least have 3g for now. It may even be 4g masquerading as 3g, I remember there was an icon glitch....
But how do I get to APN settings and the secret code for the programming menu? Or is that functionality gone in CM?
matt2k12 said:
How do I check the APN settings?
OK I changed network mode to CDMA + LTE/EVDO and I at least have 3g for now. It may even be 4g masquerading as 3g, I remember there was an icon glitch....
But how do I get to APN settings and the secret code for the programming menu? Or is that functionality gone in CM?
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UPDATE - As I pushed reply I glanced at my phone and the 4g icon is now present. Yay!
Will post updates as I test out the app
EDIT - spoke a little too soon - 4g timed out, sent and received a little data, but still not functional.
The PRL is the same on my stock ting which is updated and has 4g and full service, and on these other builds (54022)
What is not the same is my "mobile network type". On CM it just says "LTE" but on stock Ting it says "LTE:13" and again, "network state = disconnected"
Ok, here is a rundown of my current situation -
In an effort to verify that mobile data is working on any of my CM roms I went with the latest CM 11 nightly for jbbl.
I have no data in the latest CM11 nightly, and I also have no text messaging (send button greyed out / disabled), which is the reason I decided to start this adventure for old roms in the first place, when my texting went out on the 1/3/2015 nightly.
I need to figure out how to get to that hidden radio menu and see if that can help me, if anyone has the dialer code to get to that menu on CM it would be greatly appreciated. But it might not even be accessible on CM.
The only thing I can think of now is flashing the stock FZX and starting over..... not very excite.
matt2k12 said:
Ok, here is a rundown of my current situation -
In an effort to verify that mobile data is working on any of my CM roms I went with the latest CM 11 nightly for jbbl.
I have no data in the latest CM11 nightly, and I also have no text messaging (send button greyed out / disabled), which is the reason I decided to start this adventure for old roms in the first place, when my texting went out on the 1/3/2015 nightly.
I need to figure out how to get to that hidden radio menu and see if that can help me, if anyone has the dialer code to get to that menu on CM it would be greatly appreciated. But it might not even be accessible on CM.
The only thing I can think of now is flashing the stock FZX and starting over..... not very excite.
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Most of the dialer codes won't work in CM. You need to sort out any programming in stock, then move to CM.
If your data worked on stock before moving to CM, then there's something awry with your CM configuration I suppose.
From your last post, data works just not LTE? What APN is configured? PRL is a preferred roaming list, shouldn't have anything to do with regular service. Only applies when you are roaming.....
arrrghhh said:
Most of the dialer codes won't work in CM. You need to sort out any programming in stock, then move to CM.
If your data worked on stock before moving to CM, then there's something awry with your CM configuration I suppose.
From your last post, data works just not LTE? What APN is configured? PRL is a preferred roaming list, shouldn't have anything to do with regular service. Only applies when you are roaming.....
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I dont know how to get to APN settings on the different builds. Only one of them actually had "Access Point Names" in the mobile networks menu. If you can tell me how, I can get you this information.
On CM10.1.3 "Stable" from your link I get a 3G icon and mobile data (not sure if 4g, probably not) Mobile Network Type states - CDMA / EvDo rev A:6
(I seem to remember browser crashing, which it is, and Chrome becoming my internet app, with this build)
On CM 10.2 20131205 I get no data service, no data icon, and mobile network type is "LTE" and state is "disconnected".
On the latest CM11 nightly I am on "Mobile Network Type - LTE" "Mobile Network State - Disconnected" obviously no data
I do have phone service on all the builds. But no 4g and spotty 3g only on CM10.1.3 stable
I noticed when the latest nightly booted up that I had debugging mode already activated. IS there any chance that I had debugging mode activated during one of my flashes and that is the root of all my problems with this?
matt2k12 said:
I dont know how to get to APN settings on the different builds. Only one of them actually had "Access Point Names" in the mobile networks menu. If you can tell me how, I can get you this information.
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Access Point Name == APN, should be in the mobile networks menu like you stated. Maybe since you're on old CDMA builds it's not available, try on CM11.
matt2k12 said:
On CM10.1.3 "Stable" from your link I get a 3G icon and mobile data (not sure if 4g, probably not) Mobile Network Type states - CDMA / EvDo rev A:6
(I seem to remember browser crashing, which it is, and Chrome becoming my internet app, with this build)
On CM 10.2 20131205 I get no data service, no data icon, and mobile network type is "LTE" and state is "disconnected".
On the latest CM11 nightly I am on "Mobile Network Type - LTE" "Mobile Network State - Disconnected" obviously no data
I do have phone service on all the builds. But no 4g and spotty 3g only on CM10.1.3 stable
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Again, if LTE works fine on stock then you probably just have some bad settings on CM...
matt2k12 said:
I noticed when the latest nightly booted up that I had debugging mode already activated. IS there any chance that I had debugging mode activated during one of my flashes and that is the root of all my problems with this?
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Are you clean flashing every time you jump around? Each time you are basically jumping to a completely different version of CM, so make sure you are completely clean flashing (IE wipe all of the partitions (except external SD) including system and internal SD before trying another CM.
arrrghhh said:
Access Point Name == APN, should be in the mobile networks menu like you stated. Maybe since you're on old CDMA builds it's not available, try on CM11.
Again, if LTE works fine on stock then you probably just have some bad settings on CM...
Are you clean flashing every time you jump around? Each time you are basically jumping to a completely different version of CM, so make sure you are completely clean flashing (IE wipe all of the partitions (except external SD) including system and internal SD before trying another CM.
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I'm using open recovery and wiping data/factory reset, davlik, and cache every time
Hey Scott, you mind giving one of those old builds a whirl for me? Just for science's sake.
Update - I wiped the whole phone with RSD lite - same issues................................. jumped straight into the latest nightly - no data, AND no text messaging - mobile network state = disconnected
I have 2 MPQs, one on stock rom and one I am trying to get on CM - the one on stock rom always says Mobile Network Type = LTE:13. That is from Ting. The Mobile Network Type once I flash CM always just says "LTE" - obviously not the same. Does it matter that my base rom is 4.1.2?
Final Update - I downloaded the CM10.2 snapshot from the link you downloaded. At first I had no data. Then I switched to EVDO only and I had 3g. Then I went to the tile menu and I added LTE to the tile menu. LTE was off by default on the tile menu. I re-enabled LTE and then went to mobile networks and switched to CDMA +LTE/EVDO and miraculously, 4g appeared! I followed these steps on previous builds but it never did anything for me. So I dont know if it was the snapshot version or just messing with the settings over and over but I wish I had that 12 hours of my life back.
Its working now and I am going to let everyone know how it does. I appreciate your help as always Scott!
If you didnt remember, now you do.... I am THE KING of wasting forum space.

Getting G900P with Non-Stock ROM onto the Sprint Network?

I just got a Sprint S5 last week, which came out of the box with some KitKat variant, and automatically updated itself to 6.0.1 almost immediately, and updated itself again this week. I got root on the last 6.0.1 ROM using CF-AutoRoot, and used the tool again with my current ROM, and everything looks peachy. I can install (and keep) any recovery (PhilZ, TWRP, CM13), and I have successfully flashed several CM ROMs, but I hit a wall when it comes time to do anything not WiFi. I think I want CM13, but I'd settle for an AOSP-based ROM without the Sprint/Samsung shovelware. I've been reading threads until my eyes cross about APNs, PRLs, and cross-flashing between stock and non-stock ROMs, and I'm still lost. Is there a SIMPLE, step-by-step thread for me to put this on the Voice, CDMA, and LTE networks?
Hardware Version G900P.04 (with or without custom recoveries)
Software Version G900PVPU3CPE1 (Rooted)
SPRINT Network in the US (post-paid customer)
I got this spiteful little Samsung phone because I thought it would be easy, and it looks like that was a mistake...
When you flash back to stock, rooted, do you have cellular voice/data service?
After installing custom ROMs:
Did you try updating the PRL by going into Settings--> System Update --> Update PRL?
Can you into Settings --> More Networks --> Mobile Networks --> Network Mode and select LTE/CDMA?
I used to install custom ROMs on my old LG phone but I haven't bothered on my GS5 because:
Stock, rooted Android 6.0.1 is really good.
With root, I can use Titanium Backup (or similar apps) to remove Sprint/Samsung bloatware.
Installing the Xposed framework along with a few Xposed modules, especially the XtouchWiz module, has brought my phone the functionality that I used to seek from custom ROMs. I'm perfectly happy and couldn't ask for more.
Custom ROMs are often buggy.
RazzMcTazz said:
When you flash back to stock, rooted, do you have cellular voice/data service?
After installing custom ROMs:
Did you try updating the PRL by going into Settings--> System Update --> Update PRL?
Can you into Settings --> More Networks --> Mobile Networks --> Network Mode and select LTE/CDMA?
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Thanks, Razz! I was actually confusing two problems. Once I realized that installing the Google Dialer came with its own headaches, and how to fix them, my phone works. With CM13 (Nightly), using the "Stock" GApps package, as the .ZIP warning says, you have to flip a bit to keep the phone from rebooting, so I did. I didn't do anything else special at all, but my phone does Voice, SMS, and LTE just fine; I haven't had a situation to test CDMA yet. My problem is still that the menus you mentioned don't exist in the CM13 G900P Nightlies. I don't know what I'm going to do if my PRL goes out of date, but it's all fine for right now.
I like custom ROMs, especially CM13, because I feel that I'm closer to stock with about the same level of work as what you described with Ti Backup and whatnot. My storage footprint is about half*, and my battery drain at idle is 2/3rds or less**. I'll just have to live with the bugs and the missing features for now. I hope the G900P crew has great success going forward and gets CM13 to Stable soon. I'm open to suggestions of more mature ROMs, but I like the way CM13 works, and I won't go back to a Samsung ROM.
* With GApps Stock and all of my apps, I'm using just over 4GB of my internal storage, opposed to almost 9GB.
** With a stock ROM, my overnight battery drain was 1-1.5% per hour; now it's about .7% per hour.
jonrpennington said:
* With GApps Stock and all of my apps, I'm using just over 4GB of my internal storage, opposed to almost 9GB.
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I'm surprised that there's much difference. If I ever run out of space I'll have to look into switching.
jonrpennington said:
** With a stock ROM, my overnight battery drain was 1-1.5% per hour; now it's about .7% per hour.
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That's strange. With stock 6.0.1, overnight, I only lose about 1% in 7 hours. But that's in a WiFi house with a decent cell signal. I have enabled the automatic power saving mode and the doze mode (both of which can be found under Settings --> Battery).
RazzMcTazz said:
I'm surprised that there's much difference. If I ever run out of space I'll have to look into switching.
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Actually, I was wrong about the space. The system image, GApps, and my installed apps are 2.7GB, which I think is a little bigger than the stock Sprint 6.0.1 image by itself (no apps, no settings, no accounts).
That's strange. With stock 6.0.1, overnight, I only lose about 1% in 7 hours. But that's in a WiFi house with a decent cell signal. I have enabled the automatic power saving mode and the doze mode (both of which can be found under Settings --> Battery).
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I had Samsung's Power Saver running. I think it has something to do with Pocket Casts, but I'm not sure. All I know is that it's a lot less now.
Just flash these two zips in recovery flash sprint new fix first

