[REF] Installing Kindle Fire HD 7" 2nd-Bootloader + TWRP Complete Tutorial - 7" Kindle Fire HD Android Development

Disclaimer: By following this guide, you understand and accepts that I, and any developers mentioned in this guide, will NOT be held responsible in the event that your device stops functioning or dies. While I try my best to make everything as clear and concise as it can be, accidents will happen should you not follow everything like a hawk. Read the replies and make the best decision for yourself.
Installing Kindle Fire HD 7" 2nd-Bootloader + TWRP Complete Tutorial​
This tutorial DOES NOT work for the 2013 HD model, only for the 2012 model. Following the guide with the newer model WILL CAUSE your heart to race after doing so because you'll end up with red screens and/or bootloops. So please, don't do it.
I'm going to lead you through installing Hashcode's 2nd-Bootloader and TWRP in order to start flashing custom ROMs and make backups. First, let's go over the basics and why I'm doing this in the first place. I wrote this guide to be used on a Windows computer, but as long as you can do the same things on Mac/Linux, the whole guide applies. If there are any issues, please first refer to the troubleshooting portion at the end of the guide.
+Note: As of Amazon OS update 7.3.x+, there has been a lot of issues with rooting and flashing the 2nd-bootloader. Many users reported bootloops during the completion of the guide. Those with tablets running 7.3.0 or higher, please proceed with caution, and make sure you have a factory cable on hand if you wish to advance. I strongly recommend you make backups in Step 2. If you want guaranteed success, use this tool to revert back to 7.2.3 before using the guide. You will need to flash a brand-new 7.2.3 on top to revert, so you will lose everything if you don't backup your files first.
++Note: As of December 2013, Hashcode updated the freedom-boot.img to Amazon 7.4.6 so there should be no more bootloops or any other issues like that for those running 7.4.6 or lower, but to be safe, revert back regardless. If your tablet is running anything higher than 7.4.6, you will run into issues when completing the guide. Again, if you revert back to 7.2.3 like I pointed to above, then you will have no issues. If you didn't revert, always make sure your tablet is running the same or lower version than Hashcode's freedom-boot.img.
===== 1. Why do we need a 2nd bootloader? =====
The stock Amazon bootloader doesn't play nice with Android even though it has Android at its core. We can still use fastboot commands with it, but other than that, it's quite locked-down. In other words, normal exploits used to unlock the bootloader on other Android devices, for example, like the Nexus series by Google or the handsets by HTC don't apply here. In order to use the same features, like a custom ROM, custom kernel, custom recovery, we must bypass Amazon's software by installing a 2nd bootloader.
===== 2. Why are you posting a tutorial? =====
I'm doing this because the lack of a guide means that people like myself, who are not proficient developers, keep running into issues and some ended up bricking their devices. This means that they end up with a heavy paperweight, with no chance of fixing, other than hoping that they're lucky with a fastboot cable (not the one that came with the device) and find their way back to the beginning. I'm sick of seeing so many questions about the exact same issues so I thought, why not just make a guide everyone can follow and thus make the world a better place.
===== 3. Do I need any special equipment/knowledge? =====
You don't need any special equipment, provided that you follow this guide word-for-word and be careful. I recommend a factory cable, just in case, which can be found in various online dealers, like eBay. This is just in case you make a mistake and you brick the device. I successfully installed the 2nd-Bootloader + TWRP and flashed CM10.1 without a factory cable, within minutes. The key is make sure you don't miss anything, and if you're not sure, don't make any random guesses. As far as knowledge, yes, and no. Know what you're dealing with. Anything underneath the ROM has the chance to brick the device, so know what you're getting into.
===== 4. Can't I just use FireFireFire or another automatic tool to install the bootloader + TWRP? =====
Definitely not. This is the exact reason why there are so many threads in the Q&A section about bricked devices in the first place. Never use a tool that wasn't made for the version of your tablet. The Kindle Fire (1st gen), the Kindle Fire 2 (2nd gen), and the Kindle Fire HD 7" & 8.9" (3rd gen) are not the same devices, at all. Due to the way the bootloader behaves, flashing the files that are only compatible for the Kindle Fire 2 on a Kindle Fire HD 7" will definitely brick it. This is because the bootloader is so-named for a program that checks the booting process before the device actually boots, and if there are any bad sectors that don't match, the device won't boot.
How do you avoid this? By following guides like mine, and first knowing exactly what model you have. Yes, the Kindle Fire 2 and the Kindle Fire HD 7" look similar, and Amazon seriously have problems with their naming method, but a bit of research tells you that the Kindle Fire HD actually contains an HD resolution screen, 1280x800 for the 7" and 1920x1200 for the 8.9". Also, ONLY the Kindle Fire HD 7" and 8.9" models have a front-facing camera while the other models don't have one at all. If you want to be sophisticated about it, you can use working fastboot to identify the tablet.
+Note: if you know 100% that you have the right model, skip to Step 1 and begin the guide. This part is only for those with knowledge of fastboot and would like to confirm scientifically that they have the right model. You don't need to know how to use ADB or fastboot in order to successfullly complete the guide and install custom ROMs:
In CMD, type:
fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product
Hitting enter will return with <waiting for device>. If you connect your powered-off Kindle Fire HD 7" or 8.9" at this point, it will reboot into fastboot mode, and on CMD, it will return with "tate-xxx-xxx" for the 7" and "jem-xxx-xxx" for the 8.9". I cannot stress this enough, please know your stuff before you end up crying about how you made a simple mistake that cost you $200, or however many in other currencies, but I do know that universally, it's quite a lot of money.
===== 5. What is Android SDK, ADB, and Fastboot? =====
Android SDK is a package with the tools for an Android developer to modify devices and collect data to help them create builds and maintain a device. Included in the package is what we commonly use around here in the development world, called ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and Fastboot. ADB allows a computer to communicate with a device by means of a USB cable, allowing a developer to push and pull data between the two devices, and this is the way some root methods are discovered.
Fastboot is the term we use to refer to a diagnostic tool built into Android. This is because fastboot is the first thing a developer turns to when their device is bricked. Factory cables are designed to power the devices into fastboot, and that's all they're really good for. While ADB is for communication between two devices, pushing and pulling data, fastboot is all about writing data into the partitions on a device. We call this process "flashing".
Generally, ADB commands in command prompts start with "adb" (i.e. "adb reboot bootloader" which commands a typical Android device to boot into bootloader mode, another name for fastboot mode). ADB commands can only be used when both devices are fully booted up, and ADB debugging is selected on the Android device. After the device boots into fastboot, the device no longer recognizes ADB commands, only fastboot commands. Likewise, in fastboot mode, commands begin with "fastboot" (i.e. "fastboot oem unlock" which unlocks the bootloader on many Android devices). While in fastboot mode, the only safe way to exit is by typing "fastboot reboot" although the usual power button will be fine for most cases.
On the Kindle Fire HD 7" and 8.9", you will notice that the fastboot commands look something like this: "fastboot -i 0x1949 flash boot boot.img" ("flash" is the command to flash a file, "boot" is the partition to flash the file into, and "boot.img" is the image file containing the booting information). The reason why there's a "-i 0x1949" is simply because of the locked-down bootloader. After we install the 2nd-bootloader, this part commands the device to flash the files into the stock bootloader, because the 2nd-bootloader doesn't accept fastboot commands.
To install the Android SDK and be able to use ADB + fastboot, go to this link: Android SDK. After you hit download, just be patient, and you will need a video reference to help set up the package properly, so click here: Video on Installation of Android SDK. To check if it installed properly, once you're done with the video, open up a command prompt (for Windows, hold the Windows key + R, and type cmd, then hit Enter), and type either "adb" or "fastboot" and hit Enter. For both cases, you should get a block of text that tells you what each command does.
To check if your device can work with ADB, enable ADB on the device (may be called USB debugging), and connect it to the computer. If there are any drivers installing, let them finish. Then, on the command prompt, type "adb devices" and hit Enter. If your ADB drivers work, you should see a line of letters and characters. Same thing with fastboot. Always do this check before you start messing around to make sure your devices are receiving the commands.
===== 6. I bricked my Kindle! Help! =====
Calm down. You know you have a brick when the Kindle dies completely. It doesn't respond in anyway, even plugging in the USB won't do anything. It is also considered a brick if you have a red screen, which is commonly associated with trying to mod the system of Amazon OS 7.3.0 or higher without first flashing the Amazon OS 7.2.3 bootloader. Your only hope is to purchase a factory cable (not the same one that came with your device in the box) and go from there. To restore the device to factory settings and unbrick, go to this thread: KFHD System Restore Tool and follow the directions.
Alternatively, if you are reading this after you made a mistake and ended up with either scenarios above, and have made backups from Step 1 below, use the instructions from #7 to boot into fastboot using a regular USB cable, and restore with instructions found in Step 1. If you do have a factory cable, simply open up command prompt, plug in the cable to the device and the computer, and proceed with the second line of code in the last set of codes.
===== 7. How do I get into fastboot mode without a factory cable? =====
This relies on you having a working device (as long as it can boot at all, you're good). If you wish to enter fastboot mode to flash system images like new versions of TWRP or restore Amazon OS 7.2.3 if you've got freezing or bootloops, then you need a regular USB cable that came with the device, or any other mini-USB cable that fits the device and the computer. Again, you need to have Android SDK installed before you can use fastboot. Turn the device off, and leave it unplugged. Go to your computer, open command prompt, and type this:
fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product
Hit enter, and it should return with <waiting for device>. If it doesn't, your fastboot drivers aren't working. Install Android SDK and go from there. If it does, connect your turned-off Kindle to the computer. Two things will happen: one, the command prompt will show "Tate-xxx-xxx" (something there), and two, your Kindle should reboot into fastboot mode. To exit fastboot mode, after you finished flashing what you needed, type this:
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
If you can fully boot into the ROM, you can use ADB to boot into fastboot, but you must still use the same command above to reboot out of fastboot mode. Then make sure ADB is turned on through settings, connect the device to the computer using a regular USB cable, and type this:
adb shell su -c "reboot bootloader"
And that's all for the basics! Let's move on to the actual process.
Step 1: Rooting​
+Note: Some users reported not being able to root on 7.4.1, so go into Settings and check your software version. 7.2.3 is what you want to see. I provided two root methods in case one doesn't work. If both fails, please try the second one again, using a different mode.
Before you can do anything else, you need to root the device first. Rooting is the process of acquiring superuser (administrator) access on a Linux system, allowing you to modify just about anything with regards to software. It is generally very safe to do, provided you follow the correct guides and you use the correct tools, and if there are no tools, the knowledge to manually root the device. On many other Android devices, rooting also installs a custom recovery, but the Kindle Fire HD 7" is different. You must root first before you do any modifications.
Go to this thread: QEMU Root by sparkym3, and download the necessary attachments. Use any decompressing software to unzip the files, and install the Kindle Fire HD 7" ADB drivers (this may fail, no need to worry). Then jump to your device, go to Settings and turn on ADB, then plug it into your computer. At this time, your computer should report that the ADB Composite Interface has been installed. What this means is that your ADB drivers work. Go ahead and use that thread's instructions to root the device.
Alternatively, you can use this if the first method failed: Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry, same idea. Make sure your ADB drivers are working, and that ADB is turned on in Settings. Open the RunMe.bat file, choose option 1. Now it will ask for your Amazon account password to restore, go ahead and type in your password and proceed. After the device reboots, it will be sluggish, now run the first method again, and you'll be back to normal with root.
To check if you're rooted, when the device is on, go to the Amazon Appstore, install "ES File Manager" or any other root application, you want to see the window asking for superuser permissions. Once it installs, open it, go to settings, and turn on root browsing. If it asks for superuser permissions, you have root access, and you can move on to the next step. If the root programs say you have root, but you don't see the window asking for the permission, remember to go to the app listing, and tap on superuser to initialize the daemon, then try to check for root again.
1. Download the root tools from the two threads
2. Proceed to root by using the provided tools
3. Check if you successfully have root access using any root application
Step 2: Grabbing Files and Backing Up​
Once you're rooted successfully, you need to grab the files we'll need for the installation. Go to Hashcode's thread: Kindle Fire 2nd-bootloader + TWRP for the Kindle Fire HD 7. Download ONLY two files: the TWRP recovery image, and the freedom-boot image. That's all, and transfer both of those to the root of the sdcard, now you can move on to Step 3: Installation if you wish to skip backing up.
I will go through the steps to backup. Remember that it is not mandatory that you do this; should you follow the guide very closely, you do not require backing up whatsoever. This just serves as an extraneous step for those who feel comfortable working with ADB and would like to participate in modding the device, in which case these files would come in handy in case the device is bricked. Again, it is NOT mandatory.
Connect the device to the computer through a normal USB cable, turn on ADB through settings. Open up the command prompt (CMD) on your computer: hold down the Windows key, and press R. This will open up Run, type "cmd" and hit Enter. Now, enter the following lines of code one-by-one, wait for a line to finish before going to the next one.
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0boot0 of=/sdcard/boot0block.img"
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name/boot of=/sdcard/stock-boot.img"
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name/recovery of=/sdcard/stock-recovery.img"
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name/system of=/sdcard/stock-system.img"
mkdir C:\KFHD7Backup
adb pull /sdcard/stock-boot.img/ [C:\KFHD7Backup]
adb pull /sdcard/stock-recovery.img/ [C:\KFHD7Backup]
adb pull /sdcard/stock-system.img/ [C:\KFHD7Backup]
Now open up the Computer folder, and in the C: drive you will find a folder called "KFHD7Backup" with all of those files that you just pulled in there. Once you're at this stage, you have finished backing up. Take that folder and put it somewhere safe, on a USB drive, or an external flash drive.
If you need to flash these to restore the device in case you have bricked it, boot into fastboot mode (if you have the fastboot cable, plug it into the device and the computer, if you don't have a fastboot cable, look at #7 above). Place the folder and the files back to the C: drive before attempting to restore (if you know how to use the cd command, feel free to change the location of the files). Once you're in fastboot, start with the first line of code to command CMD to locate the backups folder, then proceed with the second, one-at-a-time:
cd C:/KFHD7Backup
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash boot stock-boot.img
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash recovery stock-recovery.img
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash system stock-system.img
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
+Note: Be patient, as some of the codes take a while due to the amount of data being transferred between the device and your computer. If nothing happens after you hit Enter on a line of code or it just hangs at nothing, close the command prompt, open it up again, and retry. It might seem scary, but if there are no codes being executed in the command prompt (you'll see data transfers with kB/s and such if there's communication), it's safe to unplug the cable or close the command prompt. Feel free to reboot your computer, then plug the cable in and try again.
Also, know that these files, when flashed through fastboot, will revert your device back to the state of when these backups were made, so once you have TWRP, these files are no longer important. The backups you make in TWRP will be just as useful, and can save you both time and patience. If, however, you want to revert to a completely stock Amazon OS software for warranty purposes, or to redo this process for any reason, they will come into play because these backups retain your apps and your settings. Otherwise, use the KFHD System Restore Tool to go completely stock.
After you have backed-up (optional), and you have the two needed files on the sdcard (TWRP image and freedom-boot image, ignore the Amazon OS and the stack override files), you can move on to step three.
1. Go to Hashcode's 2nd-bootloader thread
2. Download both the required files and move them to sdcard
3. Use ADB to make backups (optional)
4. Use fastboot to restore the images you backed up if there are issues
Step 3: Installation​
You might have noticed that Hashcode made a pretty extensive thread to help you flash the bootloader, but another coder has since developed an automatic app to do all the work for you: FireFlash. Go ahead and download the .apk file. Move that file to the sdcard, and on the device, install it using "ES File Manager" (tap on that file) or "Easy Installer" (after it finishes scanning, select it and install), both found on the Amazon Appstore. You will then find it in the applications listing, go ahead and open it.
The first thing you notice is that there are spots to plug in files for different partitions. This is where those files from Hashcode come into play. Plug the freedom-boot.img into the boot partition space, plug the TWRP recovery.img into the recovery partition, and make sure to hit "apply stack". If you are NOT on the 7.2.3 bootloader (you'll see red letters warning you), then hit the check box next to that to flash the 7.2.3 bootloader, otherwise you'll see a red screen after you reboot. If you don't see that warning, you're fine, move on.
Check that "disable recovery auto update" box, leave everything else alone, unplug the cable, and hit flash (the first option). You will see a progress window, and just hit OK. Then, turn off the device. Now, when you turn it on, this is the way to enter recovery every time: the moment you turn it on, you'll see the yellow Kindle title. Immediately hold down the Volume Up button (leftmost from the power button) before it turns blue, and once it does, count to three in your head and let go and you'll see the TWRP splash logo. Once you're in TWRP, you're done. Just hit reboot, and everything's finished. Now you can browse the 7" Development forum for custom ROMs.
If you want to save space, you can now go ahead and delete all the files we just used; you no longer have a need for any of them. Keep FireFlash, though, because in the future you might want to update TWRP, then leave everything blank, plug the update image into the recovery partition and hit flash. Only use Hashcode's TWRP builds as of now, because he specifically altered those builds to work on the Kindle Fire HD 7" and 8.9" so the official ones on the TWRP site won't work. If you flash those (especially the "blaze" codename), you will brick the device, so don't do it!
1. Download FireFlash and install on device using file manager or installer
2. Plug in the required files in the correct areas, and check the necessary checkboxes
3. Flash, and boot into TWRP to confirm successful installation of both 2nd-Bootloader and TWRP recovery
Step 4: Flashing Custom ROMs​
This is what you've been waiting for, the ability to load custom ROMs. You have a few choices at this point in time. This list contains (somewhat, if not) stable releases only:
1. Kinology by psych0phobia & JulianPaoloThiry (Amazon OS base + ICS modifications)
2. CyanogenMod 11 by Hashcode (AOSP, Android 4.4 KitKat)
3. ParanoidAndroid Port by jb2kred (AOKP, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean)
4. PAC-man by goldflame09 (AOKP, Hybrid of CM and PA, Android 4.3 Jelly Bean)
Once you have the .zip files for the ROMs with GApps (Google apps, like Play Store), place them on the sdcard, and turn off the device. Turn it on, hold Volume-Up before the logo turns blue, and enter TWRP. Once there, immediately do two things: make a backup, and after that, wipes: system, factory reset, cache, and Dalvik cache. After these two things are done, go ahead and flash the .zip file, and wait for it to finish. After it finishes, go ahead and again, wipe cache and Dalvik cache, then reboot. After you rebooted, wait 5 minutes, then reboot again, and you're all done!
Now, in case your custom ROM doesn't automatically include GApps, and you would know if you boot up and you don't see Play Store or Google Maps in the app drawer, follow this. Go to this link. You will notice a table, and on the left side, you see the CM version that corresponds to the Android version number. All the custom ROMs should use the row that corresponds to the Android version. For example, CM10.1 runs 4.2.2, CM10.2 runs 4.3, so click on the one that corresponds. If your ROM runs 4.2.2, use the 4.2.2 row, etc. After you finish downloading that .zip file, move it to the sdcard, and boot into TWRP. From there, if you want to be fancy, wipe cache and Dalvik cache before flashing, but you don't have to unless there are problems after you restart. If there are problems, like freezing on boot, or crashing, then boot back into TWRP and wipe the two cache partitions.
Generally, you only need to flash the file and you're done, but you can never be too safe. This also applies to ROMs: if you're moving from ROM to ROM, say Kinology to CM10.1, you MUST wipe EVERYTHING except the sdcard itself, and this includes the "Factory Reset" option. However, if you're moving from one update of a ROM to another, say a nightly of CM10.1 to a newer nightly of CM10.1, you can just simply flash the update over the old one, no wiping needed (this is called dirty-flashing). However, again, if you notice problems afterward, simply boot back in TWRP and wipe the two cache partitions. Remember to always make backups before you make changes to an otherwise stable build. If there are issues that you can't seem to resolve, you can always restore back to the previous build.
1. Download .zip for ROM + GApps and move to sdcard
2. Boot into TWRP, make backups, and wipe the necessary partitions
3. Flash ROM, and wipe cache + Dalvik cache, then reboot
4. Wait for 5 minutes after successful reboot, then reboot again
5. If there's no GApps for your ROM, use the link to download the proper version.
6. Move the file to sdcard, then boot into TWRP and flash.
7. Reboot, and if there are problems, reboot back into TWRP and wipe cache partitions.
1. Red screen upon reboot: You didn't check the checkbox in FireFlash to flash the Amazon OS 7.2.3 bootloader, causing the 7.3.x bootloader to crash, hence the red screen.
Solution: Plug it factory cable, then follow #6. If you made backups using ADB in Step 2, then flash those image files using the commands provided in Step 2.
2. Bootloop after reboot: Commonly associated with not following instructions in FireFlash like ignoring the stack override or just forgetting to check the box, or being on Amazon OS 7.3.x+.
Solution: Plug it factory cable, then follow #6. If you made backups using ADB in Step 2, then flash those image files using the commands provided in Step 2.
3. Device fails to boot at all: You flashed the wrong version of an image for another device to your device. This is common with users who use Kindle Fire Utility or FireFireFire which were made for the 1st & 2nd gen devices on a 3rd gen device (KFHD 7" & 8.9").
Solution: Plug it factory cable, then follow #6.
4. Fastboot doesn't detect device: All the commands hang at "waiting for device" in the terminal, even if ADB worked before.
Solution: Make sure Android SDK is installed by going into command prompt and type "adb" then hit Enter. You should see a block of text instructing you to use ADB commands. Find a Windows computer, because ADB & fastboot works best on a Linux system, therefore Macs and OS X will not yield proper results.
Go to the QEMU root thread, and pick up the drivers. Then hold Windows key + R, type "devmgmt.msc" and hit Enter. In Device Manager, if Kindle shows up as "Tate-PVT-08" then right click on that item, Update Driver Software, choose Browse, and select the option to pick from a list. Now navigate to the Kindle drivers you downloaded, and install. Now your fastboot should work.
5. Stuck at boot logo: Device boots after flashing with FireFlash and hangs at the splash screen.
Solution: Plug it factory cable, then follow #6.
6. Wiped /sdcard, can't reboot from recovery: You thought you had the ROM file on the sdcard, but you didn't, and wiped everything, so without a ROM image, you can't boot into system.
Solution: Put the ROM file where your ADB binary is (usually inside platform-tools folder in Android SDK directory) and rename it rom.zip. On the device, boot into TWRP, select Advanced, then ADB Sideload. Connect device to PC. From here, run "adb" and hit Enter to check for your binary version, if it's anything lower than, you need to update the binaries by re-installing the latest Android SDK. Once the device is in sideloading mode and is connected to the PC, type "adb sideload rom.zip" and hit Enter. Now you'll find the ROM on the sdcard, flash, and you're done.
Credits: Hashcode, fattire, and verygreen for the work on the bootloader, stanga72 for the app FireFlash, sparkym3 & Bin4ry for their rooting methods, onemeila for the restore tool, and myself for the creation of this guide.​

If your video can help guide and more for noobs,many thanks.

quan_1986 said:
If your video can help guide and more for noobs,many thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately, I don't have a spare KFHD7 to do a video on. I can't start over on mine because I have too many things on there and starting over would mean losing absolutely everything and I can't afford that.
I did try to be as clear as possible in the instructions above, so point out any mistakes or anything confusing you can find. The goal is to help the people out.

seokhun said:
Disclaimer: By following this guide, you understand and accepts that I, or any other developers mentioned in this guide, will NOT be held responsible in the event that your device stops functioning or dies. While I try my best to make everything as clear and concise as it can be, accidents will happen should you not follow everything like a hawk.
Installing Kindle Fire HD 7" 2nd-Bootloader + TWRP Complete Tutorial​
I'm going to lead you through installing Hashcode's 2nd-Bootloader and TWRP in order to start flashing custom ROMs and make backups. First, let's go over the basics and why I'm doing this in the first place.
===== 1. Why do we need a 2nd bootloader? =====
The stock Amazon bootloader doesn't play nice with Android even though it has Android at its core. We can still use fastboot commands with it, but other than that, it's quite locked-down. In other words, normal exploits used to unlock the bootloader on other Android devices, for example, like the Nexus series by Google or the handsets by HTC don't apply here. In order to use the same features, like a custom ROM, custom kernel, custom recovery, we must bypass Amazon's software by installing a 2nd bootloader.
===== 2. Why are you posting a tutorial? =====
I'm doing this because the lack of a guide means that people like myself, who are not proficient developers, keep running into issues and some ended up bricking their devices. This means that they end up with a heavy paperweight, with no chance of fixing, other than hoping that they're lucky with a fastboot cable (not the one that came with the device) and find their way back to the beginning. I'm sick of seeing so many questions about the exact same issues so I thought, why not just make a guide everyone can follow and thus make the world a better place.
===== 3. Do I need any special equipment/knowledge? =====
You don't need any special equipment, provided that you follow this guide word-for-word and be careful. I recommend a factory cable, just in case, which can be found in various online dealers, like eBay. This is just in case you make a mistake and you brick the device. I successfully installed the 2nd-Bootloader + TWRP and flashed CM10.1 without a factory cable, within minutes. The key is make sure you don't miss anything, and if you're not sure, don't make any random guesses. As far as knowledge, yes, and no. Know what you're dealing with. Anything underneath the ROM has the chance to brick the device, so know what you're getting into.
===== 4. Can't I just use FireFireFire or another automatic tool to install the bootloader + TWRP? =====
Definitely not. This is the exact reason why there are so many threads in the Q&A section about bricked devices in the first place. Never use a tool that wasn't made for the version of your tablet. The Kindle Fire (1st gen), the Kindle Fire 2 (2nd gen), and the Kindle Fire HD 7" & 8.9" (3rd gen) are not the same devices, at all. Due to the way the bootloader behaves, flashing the files that are only compatible for the Kindle Fire 2 on a Kindle Fire HD 7" will definitely brick it. This is because the bootloader is so-named for a program that checks the booting process before the device actually boots, and if there are any bad sectors that don't match, the device won't boot.
How do you avoid this? By following guides like mine, and first knowing exactly what model you have. Yes, the Kindle Fire 2 and the Kindle Fire HD look similar, and Amazon seriously have problems with their naming method, but a bit of research tells you that the Kindle Fire HD actually contains an HD resolution screen, 1280x800 for the 7" and 1920x1200 for the 8.9". Also, ONLY the Kindle Fire HD 7" and 8.9" models have a front-facing camera while the other models don't have one at all. If you want to be sophisticated about it, you can use working fastboot to identify the tablet.
In CMD, type: fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product. Hitting enter will return with <waiting for device>. If you connect your powered-off Kindle Fire HD 7" or 8.9" at this point, it will reboot into fastboot mode, and on CMD, it will return with "tate-xxx-xxx" for the 7" and "jem-xxx-xxx" for the 8.9". I cannot stress this enough, please know your stuff before you end up crying about how you made a simple mistake that cost you $200, or however many in other currencies, but I do know that universally, it's quite a lot of money.
===== 5. I bricked my Kindle! Help! =====
Calm down. You know you have a brick when the Kindle dies completely. It doesn't respond in anyway, even plugging in the USB won't do anything. Your only hope is to purchase a factory cable (not the same one that came with your device in the box) and go from there. To restore the device to factory settings and unbrick, there are two methods:
1. Go to this thread: KFHD System Restore Tool and follow the directions.
2. Download this file: Amazon OS 7.2.3. Once it finishes, place that file in the same folder as your fastboot.exe (this is found in the Android SDK folder, so if you haven't installed the Android SDK, do so) which should be the platform-tools folder. Rename the file to amazon723.bin for easier flashing (or rename it however you want, but use that name later on).
Now plug the device into the computer using the factory cable, and the device should reboot into fastboot mode (you'll see "fastboot" in orange on the device). From there, type this command and hit enter:
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash boot amazon723.bin
Now the OS will be flashed, and after it finishes, type:
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
After the reboot completes, you'll be back at the very start.
===== 6. How do I get into fastboot mode without a factory cable? =====
This relies on you having a working device (as long as it can boot at all, you're good). If you wish to enter fastboot mode to flash system images like new versions of TWRP or restore Amazon OS 7.2.3 if you've got freezing or bootloops, then you need a regular USB cable that came with the device, or any other mini-USB cable that fits the device and the computer. Turn the device off, and leave it unplugged. Go to your computer, open command prompt, and type this:
fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product
Hit enter, and it should return with <waiting for device>. If it doesn't, your fastboot drivers aren't working. Install Android SDK and go from there. If it does, connect your turned-off Kindle to the computer. Two things will happen: one, the command prompt will show "Tate-xxx-xxx" (something there), and two, your Kindle should reboot into fastboot mode. To exit fastboot mode, after you finished flashing what you needed, type this:
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
And that's all for the basics! Let's move on to the actual process.
Step 1: Rooting​
+Note: Some users reported not being able to root on 7.3.1, so go into Settings and check your software version. 7.2.3 is what you want to see. I provided two root methods in case one doesn't work.
Before you can do anything else, you need to root the device first. Rooting is the process of acquiring superuser (administrator) access on a Linux system, allowing you to modify just about anything with regards to software. It is generally very safe to do, provided you follow the correct guides and you use the correct tools, and if there are no tools, the knowledge to manually root the device. On many other Android devices, rooting also installs a custom recovery, but the Kindle Fire HD 7" is different. You must root first before you do any modifications.
Go to this thread: QEMU Root by sparkym3, and download the necessary attachments. Use any decompressing software to unzip the files, and install the Kindle Fire HD 7" ADB drivers (this may fail, no need to worry). Then jump to your device, go to Settings and turn on ADB, then plug it into your computer. At this time, your computer should report that the ADB Composite Interface has been installed. What this means is that your ADB drivers work. Go ahead and use that thread's instructions to root the device. Alternatively, you can use this if the first method failed: Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry, same idea.
To check if you're rooted, when the device is on, go to the Amazon Appstore, install "ES File Manager". Once it installs, open it, go to settings, and turn on root browsing. If it asks for superuser permissions, you have root access, and you can move on to the next step.
1. Download the root tools from the two threads
2. Proceed to root by using the provided tools
3. Check if you successfully have root access using any root application
Step 2: Grabbing Files and Backing Up​
Once you're rooted successfully, you need to grab the files we'll need for the installation. Go to Hashcode's thread: Kindle Fire 2nd-bootloader + TWRP for the Kindle Fire HD 7. If you have ADB installed (you should), then use the command prompt (CMD) to make backups just in case things go wrong. It's not required, but if you want to be safe, follow Hashcode's step 1 in that thread. Open CMD, connect the Kindle with ADB turned on, copy-paste the first line, hit enter, wait, then do the same thing for the remaining 4 lines of code. Otherwise, download all the files from step 2, except the stack.
Now, after you have backed-up (optional), and you have downloaded all the needed files (freedom-boot.img and TWRP recovery.img, you don't need the stack override file because that's provided in FireFlash, read Step 3), go ahead and transfer all of those to the root of the sdcard. Once that's done, you can move on to step three.
1. Go to Hashcode's 2nd-bootloader thread
2. Use ADB to make backups (optional)
3. Download the required files and move them to sdcard
Step 3: Installation​
You might have noticed that Hashcode made a pretty extensive thread to help you flash the bootloader, but another coder has since developed an automatic app to do all the work for you: FireFlash v1.1. Go ahead and download the .apk file. Move that file to the sdcard, and on the device, install it using "ES File Manager" (tap on that file) or "Easy Installer" (after it finishes scanning, select it and install), both found on the Amazon Appstore. You will then find it in the applications listing, go ahead and open it.
The first thing you notice is that there are spots to plug in files for different partitions. This is where those files from Hashcode come into play. Plug the freedom-boot.img into the boot partition space, plug the TWRP recovery.img into the recovery partition, and make sure to hit "apply stack". If you are NOT on the 7.2.3 bootloader (you'll see red letters warning you), then hit the check box next to that to flash the 7.2.3 bootloader, otherwise you'll see a red screen after you reboot. If you don't see that warning, you're fine, move on.
Leave that "disable recovery auto update" function checked, leave everything else alone and hit flash. You will see a progress window, and just hit OK. Then, you will either be automatically rebooted into TWRP, in which case skip to step 4, or you will do it manually: go ahead and turn off the device, you no longer need the computer. When you turn it on, here's how to do it: push the power button, and the instant you see the orange "Kindle" logo, hold down the volume-up button (leftmost from the power button) while the orange turns into blue, then you can let go. This will enter you into TWRP, and it will take a minute, so be patient.
Once you're in TWRP, you're done. Just hit reboot, and everything's finished. Now you can browse the 7" Development forum for custom ROMs.
1. Download FireFlash v1.1 and install on device using file manager or installer
2. Plug in the required files in the correct areas, and check the necessary checkboxes
3. Flash, and boot into TWRP to confirm successful installation of both 2nd-Bootloader and TWRP recovery
Step 4: Flashing Custom ROMs​
This is what you've been waiting for, the ability to load custom ROMs. You have a few choices at this point in time:
1. Kinology by psychophobia (Amazon OS 7.3.1 base + Android Ice Cream Sandwich modifications)
2. CyanogenMod 10.1 by Hashcode (AOSP with custom 1.5GHz kernel, Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2) *read below
3. ParanoidAndroid Port by -a- (CM10.1 base, AOKP, Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2)
4. CyanogenMod 10.1 Tablet UI by Jester6 (same properties as Hashcode's CM10.1 build, Tablet UI = just looks nicer with dual-pane)
5. ParanoidAndroid Port by jb2kred (same properties as -a-'s ParanoidAndroid build)
Once you have the .zip files for the ROMs with GApps (Google apps, like Play Store, found on goo.im, use the top row), place them on the sdcard, and turn off the device. Turn it on, hold Volume-Up before the logo turns blue, and enter TWRP. Once there, immediately do two things: make a backup, and after that, wipes: system, factory reset, cache, and Dalvik cache. After these two things are done, go ahead and flash the .zip file, and wait for it to finish. After it finishes, go ahead and again, wipe cache and Dalvik cache, then reboot. After you rebooted, wait 5 minutes, then reboot again, and you're all done!
+If you want to use CM10.1, be sure to also download the alternate 1.2GHz kernel, as myself and some others have experienced some freezing on the 1.5GHz kernel. Flashing the 05/08 alpha will automatically install the 1.5GHz kernel, and if it freezes on the boot animation, simply turn it off, turn it on, boot into TWRP, and flash the 1.2GHz kernel and reboot. Alternatively, this is where the backup you made comes in handy, in case you forgot to download the 1.2GHz.
1. Download .zip for ROM + GApps and move to sdcard
2. Boot into TWRP, make backups, and wipe the necessary partitions
3. Flash ROM, and wipe cache + Dalvik cache, then reboot
4. Wait for 5 minutes after successful reboot, then reboot again
Credits: Hashcode, fattire, and verygreen for the work on the bootloader, stanga72 for the app FireFlash v1.1, sparkym3 and Bin4ry for their rooting methods, and myself for the creation of this guide.​
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You have made my day... Thanks A LOT!!!!:victory:

vlavlix said:
You have made my day... Thanks A LOT!!!!:victory:
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I made the guide with people like you in mind. Thank you for trusting it

This post needs to be pinned!
Awesome work, Keep it up! :good:

One last question.
seokhun said:
Disclaimer: By following this guide, you understand and accepts that I, or any other developers mentioned in this guide, will NOT be held responsible in the event that your device stops functioning or dies. While I try my best to make everything as clear and concise as it can be, accidents will happen should you not follow everything like a hawk.
Installing Kindle Fire HD 7" 2nd-Bootloader + TWRP Complete Tutorial​
I'm going to lead you through installing Hashcode's 2nd-Bootloader and TWRP in order to start flashing custom ROMs and make backups. First, let's go over the basics and why I'm doing this in the first place.
===== 1. Why do we need a 2nd bootloader? =====
The stock Amazon bootloader doesn't play nice with Android even though it has Android at its core. We can still use fastboot commands with it, but other than that, it's quite locked-down. In other words, normal exploits used to unlock the bootloader on other Android devices, for example, like the Nexus series by Google or the handsets by HTC don't apply here. In order to use the same features, like a custom ROM, custom kernel, custom recovery, we must bypass Amazon's software by installing a 2nd bootloader.
===== 2. Why are you posting a tutorial? =====
I'm doing this because the lack of a guide means that people like myself, who are not proficient developers, keep running into issues and some ended up bricking their devices. This means that they end up with a heavy paperweight, with no chance of fixing, other than hoping that they're lucky with a fastboot cable (not the one that came with the device) and find their way back to the beginning. I'm sick of seeing so many questions about the exact same issues so I thought, why not just make a guide everyone can follow and thus make the world a better place.
===== 3. Do I need any special equipment/knowledge? =====
You don't need any special equipment, provided that you follow this guide word-for-word and be careful. I recommend a factory cable, just in case, which can be found in various online dealers, like eBay. This is just in case you make a mistake and you brick the device. I successfully installed the 2nd-Bootloader + TWRP and flashed CM10.1 without a factory cable, within minutes. The key is make sure you don't miss anything, and if you're not sure, don't make any random guesses. As far as knowledge, yes, and no. Know what you're dealing with. Anything underneath the ROM has the chance to brick the device, so know what you're getting into.
===== 4. Can't I just use FireFireFire or another automatic tool to install the bootloader + TWRP? =====
Definitely not. This is the exact reason why there are so many threads in the Q&A section about bricked devices in the first place. Never use a tool that wasn't made for the version of your tablet. The Kindle Fire (1st gen), the Kindle Fire 2 (2nd gen), and the Kindle Fire HD 7" & 8.9" (3rd gen) are not the same devices, at all. Due to the way the bootloader behaves, flashing the files that are only compatible for the Kindle Fire 2 on a Kindle Fire HD 7" will definitely brick it. This is because the bootloader is so-named for a program that checks the booting process before the device actually boots, and if there are any bad sectors that don't match, the device won't boot.
How do you avoid this? By following guides like mine, and first knowing exactly what model you have. Yes, the Kindle Fire 2 and the Kindle Fire HD look similar, and Amazon seriously have problems with their naming method, but a bit of research tells you that the Kindle Fire HD actually contains an HD resolution screen, 1280x800 for the 7" and 1920x1200 for the 8.9". Also, ONLY the Kindle Fire HD 7" and 8.9" models have a front-facing camera while the other models don't have one at all. If you want to be sophisticated about it, you can use working fastboot to identify the tablet.
In CMD, type: fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product. Hitting enter will return with <waiting for device>. If you connect your powered-off Kindle Fire HD 7" or 8.9" at this point, it will reboot into fastboot mode, and on CMD, it will return with "tate-xxx-xxx" for the 7" and "jem-xxx-xxx" for the 8.9". I cannot stress this enough, please know your stuff before you end up crying about how you made a simple mistake that cost you $200, or however many in other currencies, but I do know that universally, it's quite a lot of money.
===== 5. I bricked my Kindle! Help! =====
Calm down. You know you have a brick when the Kindle dies completely. It doesn't respond in anyway, even plugging in the USB won't do anything. Your only hope is to purchase a factory cable (not the same one that came with your device in the box) and go from there. To restore the device to factory settings and unbrick, there are two methods:
1. Go to this thread: KFHD System Restore Tool and follow the directions.
2. Download this file: Amazon OS 7.2.3. Once it finishes, place that file in the same folder as your fastboot.exe (this is found in the Android SDK folder, so if you haven't installed the Android SDK, do so) which should be the platform-tools folder. Rename the file to amazon723.bin for easier flashing (or rename it however you want, but use that name later on).
Now plug the device into the computer using the factory cable, and the device should reboot into fastboot mode (you'll see "fastboot" in orange on the device). From there, type this command and hit enter:
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash boot amazon723.bin
Now the OS will be flashed, and after it finishes, type:
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
After the reboot completes, you'll be back at the very start.
===== 6. How do I get into fastboot mode without a factory cable? =====
This relies on you having a working device (as long as it can boot at all, you're good). If you wish to enter fastboot mode to flash system images like new versions of TWRP or restore Amazon OS 7.2.3 if you've got freezing or bootloops, then you need a regular USB cable that came with the device, or any other mini-USB cable that fits the device and the computer. Turn the device off, and leave it unplugged. Go to your computer, open command prompt, and type this:
fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product
Hit enter, and it should return with <waiting for device>. If it doesn't, your fastboot drivers aren't working. Install Android SDK and go from there. If it does, connect your turned-off Kindle to the computer. Two things will happen: one, the command prompt will show "Tate-xxx-xxx" (something there), and two, your Kindle should reboot into fastboot mode. To exit fastboot mode, after you finished flashing what you needed, type this:
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
And that's all for the basics! Let's move on to the actual process.
Step 1: Rooting​
+Note: Some users reported not being able to root on 7.3.1, so go into Settings and check your software version. 7.2.3 is what you want to see. I provided two root methods in case one doesn't work.
Before you can do anything else, you need to root the device first. Rooting is the process of acquiring superuser (administrator) access on a Linux system, allowing you to modify just about anything with regards to software. It is generally very safe to do, provided you follow the correct guides and you use the correct tools, and if there are no tools, the knowledge to manually root the device. On many other Android devices, rooting also installs a custom recovery, but the Kindle Fire HD 7" is different. You must root first before you do any modifications.
Go to this thread: QEMU Root by sparkym3, and download the necessary attachments. Use any decompressing software to unzip the files, and install the Kindle Fire HD 7" ADB drivers (this may fail, no need to worry). Then jump to your device, go to Settings and turn on ADB, then plug it into your computer. At this time, your computer should report that the ADB Composite Interface has been installed. What this means is that your ADB drivers work. Go ahead and use that thread's instructions to root the device. Alternatively, you can use this if the first method failed: Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry, same idea.
To check if you're rooted, when the device is on, go to the Amazon Appstore, install "ES File Manager". Once it installs, open it, go to settings, and turn on root browsing. If it asks for superuser permissions, you have root access, and you can move on to the next step.
1. Download the root tools from the two threads
2. Proceed to root by using the provided tools
3. Check if you successfully have root access using any root application
Step 2: Grabbing Files and Backing Up​
Once you're rooted successfully, you need to grab the files we'll need for the installation. Go to Hashcode's thread: Kindle Fire 2nd-bootloader + TWRP for the Kindle Fire HD 7. If you have ADB installed (you should), then use the command prompt (CMD) to make backups just in case things go wrong. It's not required, but if you want to be safe, follow Hashcode's step 1 in that thread. Open CMD, connect the Kindle with ADB turned on, copy-paste the first line, hit enter, wait, then do the same thing for the remaining 4 lines of code. Otherwise, download all the files from step 2, except the stack.
Now, after you have backed-up (optional), and you have downloaded all the needed files (freedom-boot.img and TWRP recovery.img, you don't need the stack override file because that's provided in FireFlash, read Step 3), go ahead and transfer all of those to the root of the sdcard. Once that's done, you can move on to step three.
1. Go to Hashcode's 2nd-bootloader thread
2. Use ADB to make backups (optional)
3. Download the required files and move them to sdcard
Step 3: Installation​
You might have noticed that Hashcode made a pretty extensive thread to help you flash the bootloader, but another coder has since developed an automatic app to do all the work for you: FireFlash v1.1. Go ahead and download the .apk file. Move that file to the sdcard, and on the device, install it using "ES File Manager" (tap on that file) or "Easy Installer" (after it finishes scanning, select it and install), both found on the Amazon Appstore. You will then find it in the applications listing, go ahead and open it.
The first thing you notice is that there are spots to plug in files for different partitions. This is where those files from Hashcode come into play. Plug the freedom-boot.img into the boot partition space, plug the TWRP recovery.img into the recovery partition, and make sure to hit "apply stack". If you are NOT on the 7.2.3 bootloader (you'll see red letters warning you), then hit the check box next to that to flash the 7.2.3 bootloader, otherwise you'll see a red screen after you reboot. If you don't see that warning, you're fine, move on.
Leave that "disable recovery auto update" function checked, leave everything else alone and hit flash. You will see a progress window, and just hit OK. Then, you will either be automatically rebooted into TWRP, in which case skip to step 4, or you will do it manually: go ahead and turn off the device, you no longer need the computer. When you turn it on, here's how to do it: push the power button, and the instant you see the orange "Kindle" logo, hold down the volume-up button (leftmost from the power button) while the orange turns into blue, then you can let go. This will enter you into TWRP, and it will take a minute, so be patient.
Once you're in TWRP, you're done. Just hit reboot, and everything's finished. Now you can browse the 7" Development forum for custom ROMs.
1. Download FireFlash v1.1 and install on device using file manager or installer
2. Plug in the required files in the correct areas, and check the necessary checkboxes
3. Flash, and boot into TWRP to confirm successful installation of both 2nd-Bootloader and TWRP recovery
Step 4: Flashing Custom ROMs​
This is what you've been waiting for, the ability to load custom ROMs. You have a few choices at this point in time:
1. Kinology by psychophobia (Amazon OS 7.3.1 base + Android Ice Cream Sandwich modifications)
2. CyanogenMod 10.1 by Hashcode (AOSP with custom 1.5GHz kernel, Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2) *read below
3. ParanoidAndroid Port by -a- (CM10.1 base, AOKP, Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2)
4. CyanogenMod 10.1 Tablet UI by Jester6 (same properties as Hashcode's CM10.1 build, Tablet UI = just looks nicer with dual-pane)
5. ParanoidAndroid Port by jb2kred (same properties as -a-'s ParanoidAndroid build)
Once you have the .zip files for the ROMs with GApps (Google apps, like Play Store, found on goo.im, use the top row), place them on the sdcard, and turn off the device. Turn it on, hold Volume-Up before the logo turns blue, and enter TWRP. Once there, immediately do two things: make a backup, and after that, wipes: system, factory reset, cache, and Dalvik cache. After these two things are done, go ahead and flash the .zip file, and wait for it to finish. After it finishes, go ahead and again, wipe cache and Dalvik cache, then reboot. After you rebooted, wait 5 minutes, then reboot again, and you're all done!
+If you want to use CM10.1, be sure to also download the alternate 1.2GHz kernel, as myself and some others have experienced some freezing on the 1.5GHz kernel. Flashing the 05/08 alpha will automatically install the 1.5GHz kernel, and if it freezes on the boot animation, simply turn it off, turn it on, boot into TWRP, and flash the 1.2GHz kernel and reboot. Alternatively, this is where the backup you made comes in handy, in case you forgot to download the 1.2GHz.
1. Download .zip for ROM + GApps and move to sdcard
2. Boot into TWRP, make backups, and wipe the necessary partitions
3. Flash ROM, and wipe cache + Dalvik cache, then reboot
4. Wait for 5 minutes after successful reboot, then reboot again
Credits: Hashcode, fattire, and verygreen for the work on the bootloader, stanga72 for the app FireFlash v1.1, sparkym3 and Bin4ry for their rooting methods, and myself for the creation of this guide.​
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Once I've flashed the cm10.1 zip and installed the 1.2GHz kernel, how do i install the GAPPS? because I didn't install them meanwhile I was in TWRP..

vlavlix said:
Once I've flashed the cm10.1 zip and installed the 1.2GHz kernel, how do i install the GAPPS? because I didn't install them meanwhile I was in TWRP..
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Simply go to the goo.im page, and click on Gapps. Go back up to step 4, I've added an explanation.

Thanks for the guide, I have been away from this area of the community for awhile, and have gotten lost with what has happened. Spent hours, looking for what I had missed. Got everything working :good:

iMJets said:
Thanks for the guide, I have been away from this area of the community for awhile, and have gotten lost with what has happened. Spent hours, looking for what I had missed. Got everything working :good:
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You sure? If you installed a custom ROM, change your signature, haha. I'm glad it worked out fine!

Can someone just make then video how to I'm tire of amazon I want cm 10 I'm my kindle thanks
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Cheers mate, followed to a tee and now have my Kindle Fire HD 7" OC'ed to 1500MHz and jester's TabUI CM 10.1 ROM on. Sweetness....

esema1o said:
Can someone just make then video how to I'm tire of amazon I want cm 10 I'm my kindle thanks
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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I already went out of my way to create a super-extensive guide for you. If you need a video, go bother someone else to do it. My instructions are as clear and as simple as they could get.
Katalystik said:
Cheers mate, followed to a tee and now have my Kindle Fire HD 7" OC'ed to 1500MHz and jester's TabUI CM 10.1 ROM on. Sweetness....
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I'm glad! Enjoy the custom ROMs!

esema1o said:
Can someone just make then video how to I'm tire of amazon I want cm 10 I'm my kindle thanks
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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You actually need to read the tutorial. Its word for word, there's no video needed. If you are scared to do this don't do it. You will just mess up your device, which is more of a pain to fix. As always make sure you have a fastboot cable.

iMJets said:
You actually need to read the tutorial. Its word for word, there's no video needed. If you are scared to do this don't do it. You will just mess up your device, which is more of a pain to fix. As always make sure you have a fastboot cable.
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Yea I'm lil nerves well I'm not gone do it I all ready got me Google table nexus 7 so I'm just gone leave this table like this oh well thanks
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

maybe I'm being stupid but when I try this on my rooted kfhd7 and type fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product I get <waiting for device> then connect my device and nothing happens. tried this when device powered off as well. Any ideas?

rhodri11 said:
maybe I'm being stupid but when I try this on my rooted kfhd7 and type fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product I get <waiting for device> then connect my device and nothing happens. tried this when device powered off as well. Any ideas?
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You don't have fastboot drivers. Did you install Android SDK and configure it properly? By that I mean installing the package, downloading the required components using the installer, and adding the path to system.

seokhun said:
You don't have fastboot drivers. Did you install Android SDK and configure it properly? By that I mean installing the package, downloading the required components using the installer, and adding the path to system.
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Hmm strange one this. I have tried using fastboot on my windows and linux system with the KFHD off and the when connected they still don't go into fastboot. Been told I could probably get away with using root toolbox and rebooting into fastboot that way?
In the mean time I have just followed step 2, backup the images on the kindle, and now it says to use FireFlash v1.1. I am running 7.3.0. Is FireFlash v1.1 okay to use with my version or will I have to do it the manual way?

rhodri11 said:
Hmm strange one this. I have tried using fastboot on my windows and linux system with the KFHD off and the when connected they still don't go into fastboot. Been told I could probably get away with using root toolbox and rebooting into fastboot that way?
In the mean time I have just followed step 2, backup the images on the kindle, and now it says to use FireFlash v1.1. I am running 7.3.0. Is FireFlash v1.1 okay to use with my version or will I have to do it the manual way?
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As I previously said, you don't have working fastboot drivers. Go back to the guide, in #5, and install Android SDK. Then the commands will work.
You can use FireFlash, but if you see the red letters warning you to flash the 7.2.3 bootloader once you open up the app, CHECK THAT BOX. The rest of the guide applies.

seokhun said:
As I previously said, you don't have working fastboot drivers. Go back to the guide, in #5, and install Android SDK. Then the commands will work.
You can use FireFlash, but if you see the red letters warning you to flash the 7.2.3 bootloader once you open up the app, CHECK THAT BOX. The rest of the guide applies.
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I am able to communicate with the kindle through adb commands but fastboot still not working. Have installed AndroidSDK on my windows 7 machine, extracted it, run and and made sure the tools, platform tools, and usb drivers were installed, which they are. Fastboot does run.. it just hangs there "waiting for device"
Sorry but have I missed a crucial step?
Have also tried fastboot using Linux android bundle (again, adb devices shows the kindle, but nothing from fastboot) and then tried sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8, updated everything then apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot. Again, run adb devices and it shows up, but fastboot doesn't work.


Coby Kyros Internet Tablet MID7005-4G

HSN Launches Coby Kyros Internet Tablet 7" Android OS 2.1, 800MHz with 1080p HDMI review by me (note just click on the image to get to the review)
Coby Kyros Internet Tablet MID7005-4G Work-in-Progress Review by me
(note just click on the image to get to the review)
hi where did you buy this ive been looking for a while?
I got a 7105-4g at k-mart yesterday.
Hey, I have a Kyros MID 7005-4G too. Unfortunately, it's pretty screwed at the moment. I'm looking for a recovery image for the device. If anyone can get me a recovery image of one of these, I'd be very grateful. I've tried a recovery image MID 7015, but they don't seem to be similar enough to work. Anyone?
Edit: On second thought, the Framework.jar file from an MID 7005-4G would help too.
Yea, I just bought the MID7005 and it's cool. The resistant touchscreen is a little difficult at times. I really want googles market on it though. Id love to know how? Anyone?
clockworkmod/cyanogenmod/market on 7005
If you're interested in modding your 7005, I bought a used one on ebay. It was locked and the password lost by the previous owner when I got it, and it seems like it's been dropped because the charger is pretty intermittent. I don't think my battery is charging...
Anyway, if you want google market on it you will need to root your device and install a custom recovery.
What you will need:
SD card 1gb <
computer with the Android SDK (you need to use the ADB)
clockworkmod recovery for the X5A-G
Cyanogenmod 7 for X5A-G
GAPPS (Google Apps) flashable zip
***if you're very brave you can try using terminal emulator, but I don't recommend it. This tablet doesn't have a lot of power and crashing or freezing at any time during this process will almost definitely brick it. Just use the ADB and don't take the risk!***
I can confirm that both Clockworkmod Recovery and the Cyanogenmod 7 ROM for the X5A-G work on Kyros 7005.
1. install z4root and permanenty root. reboot
2. link removed at owner's request
you can get into the recovery by either holding home and power at bootup, or by enabling USB debugging on the tablet and then issuing the command
adb reboot recovery
Once you are in the recovery, select update from .zip file. This will trick your tablet into thinking it is preforming a firmware update, when in fact it is running a script that is backing up the recovery to your SD card.
3. download the x5a-g clockworkmod recovery .zip. Renaming it as 'update.zip' and attempting to flash using stock recovery does not work. You will have to do this manually, either via the adb or terminal emulator. I strongly suggest using the adb.
4. extract the clockwork mod recovery .zip file and find the recovery.img file. Copy recovery.img to the root of your sd card (in other words just drag and drop the recovery.img into the sd card)
5. obtain a root shell. If you don't know what that means you REALLY should not continue with this tutorial!!! open up a terminal/cmd prompt and start the adb.
adb shell
The prompt should now change to # indicating that you have gained root access. a prompt screen may show up on your tablet asking you to allow "unknown" root access. Click allow and proceed to the next step.
6. Flash the recovery.img from the root of your SD card
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recover.img
* I think this should go without saying, but you do have to insert the sd card into tablet and allowing android to mount it...
7. reboot into your new recovery
8. make a backup of your system. This is a precautionary measure to ensure that you will have at the very least a working system to boot back into. Reboot.
9. before you flash the cyanogenmod rom, you will have to do a factory reset and format /system from recovery. Once you've done this, you can proceed to flashing Cyanogenmod 7 rom. After the flash completes, reboot the tablet. Don't be alarmed or think that you've bricked your device. The first boot takes a LONG time. After you boot up for the first time you should be prompted to calibrate the screen. if the tablet doesn't automatically prompt you to calibrate the screen, fire the adb shell back up and enter the command
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.zeroxlab.util.tscal/.TSCalibration
** it has been my experience that after first calibration the screen will not operate properly until after a reboot. Don't be alarmed! Just reboot using the command
adb reboot
since you probably won't be able to get the tablet to do so from the screen/buttons.
10. Once you have booted back into your tablet which should take considerably less time than the first boot after flashing, you will now be looking at the Cyanogenmod 7 desktop for the first time! Now you need to gain access to the google market. reboot into recovery, which can easily be done now from the shutdown menu.
11. flash the gapps .zip file and reboot
12. Your tablet will go through the "New Phone Setup" process. you will be prompted to set up a bunch of things, but you can skip past a lot of it. once you get to the desktop, connect to your wifi, open the market and off you go!

[HOW-TO] Unlock Bootloader and Root Using Linux

Hey all. Had a few issues trying to unlock and root my own phone on my Linux box, so I decided to post what I learned in the process in case anyone else visiting the forums runs into the same problem.
First, a little background on me, since I'm fairly new here at the xda forums (let alone to the Photon Q).
My foray into the Android world started with the OG Droid. The moment I held that baby in my hands, I knew I wanted to be a part of the community the Android platform would spawn. With the OG and the Droid3, I didn't do much more than help others find certain settings options, or explain how to perform a specific task. However, I learned some of the basics of theming during the last few days I had my D3 before I (sadly) traded it in when I switched from Verizon to Sprint.
When I switched carriers, I picked up the Samsung Transform Ultra, and I've been a major contributor in that arena, particularly over at the phone-specific area of androidforums. I've learned a lot in the time I've had the device, especially with creating flashable zip files and theming. I now look forward to seeing what all I will learn while contributing to the Photon Q community.
Now, before we get into the actual instructions, the obligatory Disclaimer:
These instructions assume you are starting with a new phone (meaning it hasn't been unlocked or rooted yet), are relatively familiar with root, are using Linux on your machine, and are fairly comfortable navigating your way around both the phone and PC. As of this writing (5-18-2013), I am running Ubuntu Linux 13.04 on my system, and am basing my instructions on such a setup. Also, the Android SDK and the 'tools' and 'platform-tools' portions from the SDK must be installed and up-to-date.
With all that out of the way, let's get into the guide, shall we?
To ensure the best chance for success, make sure the following applies:
USB debugging is on and the MTP option in "USB computer connection" is selected. This ensures that 'adb' and 'fastboot' will recognize the phone.
Unless otherwise noted, the instructions below assume the phone is connected to your computer via USB, and said computer has its own internet connection independent of the phone.
Before we begin, make sure to have the SuperSU zip downloaded to the root of the SD card (phone or external card), and the preferred recovery image downloaded and moved to the same location that 'adb' and 'fastboot' are in ("/home/user/androidSDK/platform-tools", for example).
CAUTION: If any other Android devices are plugged into your computer in addition to your phone, the 'adb' and 'fastboot' commands will affect ALL devices connected at the time!
To make the guide a little easier to follow, commands that need to be typed will be marked like this. Text to look for will be formatted this way.
Part i: Required tools and downloads:
Depending on which recovery you want to use, I recommend using the SuperSU made available at that recovery's thread. In the event that a SuperSU zip isn't made available, download one from one of the other recovery's threads, then download the recovery img you prefer.
TWRP v2.5.0.0 - thread/SuperSU - here recovery img - here
CWM v6.0.1.0 - thread/SuperSU/recovery img - here
OpenRecovery v2.05 - thread/recovery img - here
PART A: Unlocking the Bootloader
1. Follow instructions #1-6 on the how-to found here.
Open a Terminal window and type lsusb, then look for a line with Motorola PCS; copy down the ID number to the left of Motorola PCS because we will need it shortly (it should look something like 12ab:cd34, though your numbers will be different).
Using Terminal, type sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules. "gedit" can be replaced with your preferred text editor if you don't want to use it or don't have it installed.
Enter your sudo password, and add this line to the file: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="12ab", ATTRS{idProduct}=="cd34", MODE="0666" GROUP="androiddev", SYMLINK+="android%n", changing "12ab" to match the left part of the ID number you copied down earlier, and "cd34" to the part to the right of the colon.
Save the changes made to the file, then close the text editor. Type sudo service udev restart to ensure both computer and phone recognize the changes that have recently been made (you may not need to re-enter your sudo password if you made the changes to "51-android.rules" quickly enough).
Now go back to the DroidLife (DL) How-To, and pick up at step #8. The only difference is that your Terminal window will look more like this:
(bootloader) 0123456789ABCDEF#0123456789ABCD
(bootloader) EF0123456789ABCDEF01234567#0123
(bootloader) 456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF012
(bootloader) 34567#0123456789ABCDEF012345678
(bootloader) 9ABCDEF
Helpful Hint: the first fourteen numbers on the first line are also your IMEI/MEID (0123456789ABCD in the example above), so if you need that, now's a good time to copy it down as well.
When entering the number in on Motorola's website, it's VERY IMPORTANT no white spaces are included in the number. Using the above example, the number should look like
[*]After following the rest of the DL guide, your phone will reboot normally.
PART B: Installing recovery and obtaining root:
Before beginning this part, make sure your phone's battery has at least 20% (or there-abouts) charge remaining, or 'fastboot' will refuse to flash the recovery.
Open Terminal (if it's not already), navigate to where 'adb' is installed, then type fastboot reboot-bootloader or adb reboot bootloader to get the phone to reboot into the bootloader.
Once the phone is in the bootloader, type fastboot flash recovery <your-recovery-filename-here>.img, replacing <your-recovery-filename-here> with the name of the recovery you would like to use. For example, if you wanted to use TWRP, the above command would look like: fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp- If the recovery installation was successful, you will get the following lines:
(bootloader) Variable not supported!
target reported max download size of 31457280 bytes
sending 'recovery' (7084 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.563s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 1.823s]
finished. total time: 2.386s
Note that the first line says "Variable not supported!". As long as "sending 'recovery'..." and "writing 'recovery'..." say "OKAY" beneath them, then this so-called error can be ignored in most cases.
While holding the Volume-up and Volume-down buttons, press the power button on the phone to reboot it and exit out of the bootloader.
When the options menu comes up, press the Volume-down button until "Recovery" is selected, then press the Volume-up button.
Once in recovery, make a backup of your phone, should you ever need to return to stock for any reason (such as an insurance exchange - since the first half of the guide voids the warranty ). Once that finishes, then flash the SuperSU.zip and reboot the phone.
If everything went well, there will be a super-user app in your app drawer, and root checkers will tell you that your device is rooted. Congratulations!
(Optional) After granting root access to a few apps that require it (such as Terminal Emulator when su is typed in, Titanium Backup or other app backup utilities, Root explorers, etc.), reboot the phone into recovery, and make a second backup of your now stock-rooted phone...mostly just for posterity, but also to keep from having to do it again in the future, should you ever choose to return to stock but want to keep root.
PART C: Wall of Glory
This guide would not be possible if not for the following people and their contributions:
Solust for his guide on the same process on a Windows machine.
arrrghhh for porting TWRP over for our phones, and his thread.
Skrilax_CZ for porting Open Recovery for our phones and his thread.
Shabbypenguin for porting CWM, his thread, and the SuperSU zips.
ChainsDD for the SuperSU app.
Motorola for the Photon Q!
Google for the Android mobile Operating System.
Droid Life for the guide on unlocking the Photon Q's bootloader.
If I've forgotten anyone or made any other mistakes, please PM me and I'll be sure to make the change.
Thanks for playing along! Hope others find this handy; I ended up having to figure most of this out the hard way. Either way, it's been a fun ride figuring out a new phone.

ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 (Z170C - P01Z) - Working Root Method

Forenote: Root has finally been achieved for us on the Asus Zenpad C 7.0! Special shoutout to @InvisiBot (source) and @b0joker (source). Not only that, but also to the Russian 4pda forum where the root process was brought up and discovered (source). All credit lies where it is due.
This topic is not me claiming to have made the root process, but only instead simplifying the process (hopefully) for all you guys to get root up and running on your ZenPad C 7.0. Let's do this!
I am not responsible for any screwed tablets, rekt skrubs, or anything that happens as a result of you following this guide. It worked for me on my Z170C, so there's no reason as to why it probably shouldn't work for you. This guide has been reported to also work with the Z170CG and Z370C tablets, in which case owners of these tablets can attempt this method but with caution. Beware, this method has not been tested by myself and prepare yourself for the event of a brick.
ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Root Prerequisites
ADB + Fastboot Drivers (can either use Google's, Intel's or ASUS')
Z170C Root img
Android SDK (and platform tools installed, can be installed through the SDK Manager)
Ensure that the ADB + Fastboot drivers are correctly installed by opening a new command prompt window, and typing the command "cd {this should be the directory to your Android-sdk/platform tools folder - the folder where adb.exe and fastboot.exe are located". Now, type "adb devices". If you see your device in the list with 'unauthorised', ensure that you check your tablet and allow ADB debugging to continue with your computer.
A full backup of everything that you would like to keep (because the device is unrooted, we cannot complete a Titanium Backup or likewise. Instead, ensure that all valuable photos, music, apps are backed up and are kept a note of to reinstall afterwards. We will have to be factory resetting the tablet in order to unlock the bootloader and boot from the root img.
(downloads are below in the attached files)
ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Root Process
Ensure that ADB Debugging is enabled on your device, and that a full backup of everything that you want to keep has been made.
Connect your Z170C to your computer with ADB Debugging checked, and ensure that the ADB drivers are installed and working as intended.
Download the Z170C root img, and store it on your desktop.
Open a new command prompt window, cd to your Platform tools folder (with adb.exe and fastboot.exe) and run adb devices to ensure that your device is connected.
Once connected successfully...
adb reboot fastboot
to reboot into fastboot.
Now you are successfully in fastboot, here's the tricky part. Follow the code as exactly given below:
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot oem unlock confirm
fastboot boot "C:\Users\{your PC user name here}\Desktop\root-z170c_cg.img"
IMPORTANT: The window will request that you follow the code "adb format userdata" and "adb format cache". DO NOT DO THIS. You will risk bricking your tablet (this was the mistake I took when I tried rooting this tablet for the first time, so it's no biggie). If you accidentally follow this and end up bricking your tablet, follow the guidance below.
Allow the tablet to boot up. Give it a few minutes, and you should be at the ASUS tablet setup screen again. Proceed with setting the device up.
Once set up, proceed to the Play Store and install SuperSU (maybe even 'Root Checker' for further confirmation that root is successfully installed on your device). Once SuperSU is installed, be sure to update the root binary when it first prompts you to. At the prompt screen, select 'Normal' installation rather than 'TWRP/CWM'.
When the binary has installed, reboot your device one final time. Welcome to your rooted Z170C!
I hope this brief tutorial helped you to gain root onto your ASUS ZenPad C 7.0. It is disappointing that you will have to go through all of this trouble in order to obtain root, but if you follow all of the steps exactly I can guarantee that it will work. And not forgetting, again, all credit stands to where it's due (check top of forum post).
In case of brick...
It happened to me, and it'll probably (not) happen to you. If by any chance you make a mistake and go wrong, fear not.
Firstly, leave fastboot by powering off the device.
Power back on the device, and when you reach the 'ASUS' boot up screen, hold the power + volume down buttons at the same time. Wait roughly 5 seconds.
At the 'recovery menu' screen, use the volume keys to select "Factory reset" and press the power button to select.
Wait a minute or two, and when the process has completed, use the volume keys to scroll back up to the top and reboot your device.
Once you are back inside the ASUS Setup, reboot your device and try again! This time, following the steps... Good luck.
Unbrick process not working for you? Download the stock firmware .zip here, and be sure to boot into recovery mode (power + volume down at boot) and flash the .zip. - I haven't tested this yet so I cannot confirm 100% that this method works, but it should. It could be either an update package or the full stock firmware, but one user has confirmed this method to be working.
UPDATE: A quick update for all you guys on what is currently happening.
v1.0.2 - Minor update, grammar corrections.
v.1.0.1 - Topic created. Will require cleaning up and simplifying sometime.
With latest updates on my device tried and it works thx for great job
great job AwesomeLewis24.
I complete all steps and the device Z170CG ( p01y) boot into normal mode without any root rights.
After repeating the method, device is hanging on asus boot screen and even factory reset not helped.
Fortunately i was able to flash stock rom and device turned on and now working normally again.
wish me luck, i'm going to try rooting again.
Asus p01z z170c tablet rooting access /custom recovery anyone?
AwesomeLewis24 said:
Forenote: Root has finally been achieved for us on the Asus Zenpad C 7.0! Special shoutout to @InvisiBot (source) and @b0joker (source). Not only that, but also to the Russian 4pda forum where the root process was brought up and discovered (source). All rightful credit can be paid to those.
This topic is not me claiming to have made the root process, but only instead simplifying the process (hopefully) for all y'all guys to get root up and running on your ZenPad C 7.0. Let's do this!
I am not responsible for any screwed tablets, rekt skrubs, or anything that happens as a result of you following this guide. It worked for me on my Z170C, so there's no reason as to why it probably shouldn't work for you.
ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Root Prerequisites
ADB + Fastboot Drivers (can either use Google's, Intel's or ASUS')
Z170C Root img
Android SDK (and platform tools installed, can be installed through the SDK Manager)
Ensure that the ADB + Fastboot drivers are correctly installed by opening a new command prompt window, and typing the command "cd {this should be the directory to your Android-sdk/platform tools folder - the folder where adb.exe and fastboot.exe are located". Now, type "adb devices". If you see your device in the list with 'unauthorised', ensure that you check your tablet and allow ADB debugging to continue with your computer.
A full backup of everything that you would like to keep (because the device is unrooted, we cannot complete a Titanium Backup or likewise. Instead, ensure that all valuable photos, music, apps are backed up and are kept a note of to reinstall afterwards. We will have to be factory resetting the tablet in order to unlock the bootloader and boot from the root img.
(downloads are below in the attached files)
ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Root Process
Ensure that ADB Debugging is enabled on your device, and that a full backup of everything that you want to keep has been made.
Connect your Z170C to your computer with ADB Debugging checked, and ensure that the ADB drivers are installed and working as intended.
Download the Z170C root img, and store it on your desktop.
Open a new command prompt window, cd to your Platform tools folder (with adb.exe and fastboot.exe) and run adb devices to ensure that your device is connected.
Once connected successfully...
adb reboot fastboot
to reboot into fastboot.
Now you are successfully in fastboot, here's the tricky part. Follow the code as exactly given below:
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot oem unlock confirm
fastboot boot "C:\Users\{your PC user name here}\Desktop\root-z170c_cg.img"
IMPORTANT: The window will request that you follow the code "adb format userdata" and "adb format cache". DO NOT DO THIS. You will risk bricking your tablet (this was the mistake I took when I tried rooting this tablet for the first time, so it's no biggie). If you accidentally follow this by accident and end up bricking your tablet, follow the guidance below.
Allow the tablet to boot up. Give it a few minutes, and you should be at the ASUS tablet setup screen again. Proceed with setting the device up.
Once set up, proceed to the Play Store and install SuperSU (maybe even 'Root Checker' for further confirmation that root is successfully installed on your device). Once SuperSU is installed, be sure to update the root binary when it first prompts you to. At the prompt screen, select 'Normal' installation rather than 'TWRP/CWM'.
When the binary has installed, reboot your device one final time. Welcome to your rooted Z170C!
I hope this brief tutorial helped you to gain root onto your ASUS ZenPad C 7.0. It is disappointing that you will have to go through all of this trouble in order to obtain root, but if you follow all of the steps exactly I can guarantee that it will work. And not forgetting, again, all credit stands to where it's due (check top of forum post).
In case of brick...
It happened to me, and it'll probably (not) happen to you. If by any chance you make a mistake and go wrong, fear not.
Firstly, leave fastboot by powering off the device.
Power back on the device, and when you reach the 'ASUS' boot up screen, hold the power + volume down buttons at the same time. Wait roughly 5 seconds.
At the 'recovery menu' screen, use the volume keys to select "Factory reset" and press the power button to select.
Wait a minute or two, and when the process has completed, use the volume keys to scroll back up to the top and reboot your device.
Once you are back inside the ASUS Setup, reboot your device and try again! This time, following the steps... Good luck.
v.1.0.1 - Topic created. Will require cleaning up and simplifying sometime.
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Click to collapse
Thanks for all your work and research. I must wait till I'm home and try this method out! Has anyone been working on a custom recovery for this!? Thanks again!
hayabusa_gsxr said:
great job AwesomeLewis24.
I complete all steps and the device Z170CG ( p01y) boot into normal mode without any root rights.
After repeating the method, device is hanging on asus boot screen and even factory reset not helped.
Fortunately i was able to flash stock rom and device turned on and now working normally again.
wish me luck, i'm going to try rooting again.
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Click to collapse
Good luck buddy! If you could, do you mind sharing where you got the stock ROM from? This could come in handy sometime...
Also, @totalppl so far there's nothing in terms of custom recoveries or the such for this device. Maybe I'll see if there's any chance of an available TWRP port I can port over from a fellow x86 asus device. Until then, this is as far as we have gotten in terms of dev support.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
AwesomeLewis24 said:
Good luck buddy! If you could, do you mind sharing where you got the stock ROM from? This could come in handy sometime...
Also, @totalppl so far there's nothing in terms of custom recoveries or the such for this device. Maybe I'll see if there's any chance of an available TWRP port I can port over from a fellow x86 asus device. Until then, this is as far as we have gotten in terms of dev support.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This (as it stands) is much appreciated.....
No need to hurry on the recovery front...
Root (for me at least) is the important bit....being able to use TiBu to get rid of the bloat.....that's my priority.....
Can confirm for me that the majority of the bloatware has been successfully removed and the tablet runs much cleaner now.
Thanks for the messages guys, but like I said credit is where it stands to the guys who found the root.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
Here is the stock rom.
rom flashed using the official rom(there are 2 roms 1GB and 2GB, i'm using 1GB version,don't know the difference) and boot from sdcard.
Thanks for the link, I've been searching on ends for stock ROMs for this tablet. It's been stressing me out! 4pda has been a good forum to us Zenpad users.
Other than that, maybe I'll link that in the top forum post, just in case worse comes to worse.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
hayabusa_gsxr said:
Here is the stock rom.
rom flashed using the official rom(there are 2 roms 1GB and 2GB, i'm using 1GB version,don't know the difference) and boot from sdcard.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just to confirm.....what is the exact process for flashing these firmwares?
Thank you very much, working 100% in my P01Y.
Please share if you know about custom roms for this tablet.
Having root is amazing, I created a bootloader already:
chrisupi007 said:
Having root is amazing, I created a bootloader already:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice work! Awesome to see how we are slowly but steadily finding out and developing more and more for this nimble tablet.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
Need a little help
AwesomeLewis24 said:
Forenote: Root has finally been achieved for us on the Asus Zenpad C 7.0! Special shoutout to @InvisiBot (source) and @b0joker (source). Not only that, but also to the Russian 4pda forum where the root process was brought up and discovered (source). All rightful credit can be paid to those.
This topic is not me claiming to have made the root process, but only instead simplifying the process (hopefully) for all y'all guys to get root up and running on your ZenPad C 7.0. Let's do this!
I am not responsible for any screwed tablets, rekt skrubs, or anything that happens as a result of you following this guide. It worked for me on my Z170C, so there's no reason as to why it probably shouldn't work for you.
ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Root Prerequisites
ADB + Fastboot Drivers (can either use Google's, Intel's or ASUS')
Z170C Root img
Android SDK (and platform tools installed, can be installed through the SDK Manager)
Ensure that the ADB + Fastboot drivers are correctly installed by opening a new command prompt window, and typing the command "cd {this should be the directory to your Android-sdk/platform tools folder - the folder where adb.exe and fastboot.exe are located". Now, type "adb devices". If you see your device in the list with 'unauthorised', ensure that you check your tablet and allow ADB debugging to continue with your computer.
A full backup of everything that you would like to keep (because the device is unrooted, we cannot complete a Titanium Backup or likewise. Instead, ensure that all valuable photos, music, apps are backed up and are kept a note of to reinstall afterwards. We will have to be factory resetting the tablet in order to unlock the bootloader and boot from the root img.
(downloads are below in the attached files)
ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Root Process
Ensure that ADB Debugging is enabled on your device, and that a full backup of everything that you want to keep has been made.
Connect your Z170C to your computer with ADB Debugging checked, and ensure that the ADB drivers are installed and working as intended.
Download the Z170C root img, and store it on your desktop.
Open a new command prompt window, cd to your Platform tools folder (with adb.exe and fastboot.exe) and run adb devices to ensure that your device is connected.
Once connected successfully...
adb reboot fastboot
to reboot into fastboot.
Now you are successfully in fastboot, here's the tricky part. Follow the code as exactly given below:
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot oem unlock confirm
fastboot boot "C:\Users\{your PC user name here}\Desktop\root-z170c_cg.img"
IMPORTANT: The window will request that you follow the code "adb format userdata" and "adb format cache". DO NOT DO THIS. You will risk bricking your tablet (this was the mistake I took when I tried rooting this tablet for the first time, so it's no biggie). If you accidentally follow this by accident and end up bricking your tablet, follow the guidance below.
Allow the tablet to boot up. Give it a few minutes, and you should be at the ASUS tablet setup screen again. Proceed with setting the device up.
Once set up, proceed to the Play Store and install SuperSU (maybe even 'Root Checker' for further confirmation that root is successfully installed on your device). Once SuperSU is installed, be sure to update the root binary when it first prompts you to. At the prompt screen, select 'Normal' installation rather than 'TWRP/CWM'.
When the binary has installed, reboot your device one final time. Welcome to your rooted Z170C!
I hope this brief tutorial helped you to gain root onto your ASUS ZenPad C 7.0. It is disappointing that you will have to go through all of this trouble in order to obtain root, but if you follow all of the steps exactly I can guarantee that it will work. And not forgetting, again, all credit stands to where it's due (check top of forum post).
In case of brick...
It happened to me, and it'll probably (not) happen to you. If by any chance you make a mistake and go wrong, fear not.
Firstly, leave fastboot by powering off the device.
Power back on the device, and when you reach the 'ASUS' boot up screen, hold the power + volume down buttons at the same time. Wait roughly 5 seconds.
At the 'recovery menu' screen, use the volume keys to select "Factory reset" and press the power button to select.
Wait a minute or two, and when the process has completed, use the volume keys to scroll back up to the top and reboot your device.
Once you are back inside the ASUS Setup, reboot your device and try again! This time, following the steps... Good luck.
Unbrick process not working for you? Download the stock firmware .zip here, and be sure to boot into recovery mode (power + volume down at boot) and flash the .zip. - I haven't tested this yet so I cannot confirm 100% that this method works, but it should. It could be either an update package or the full stock firmware, but one user has confirmed this method to be working.
v.1.0.1 - Topic created. Will require cleaning up and simplifying sometime.
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Okay, I am not sure what I am doing wrong, i can run the adb devices command and it shows that it is connected. After i run the adb reboot fastboot my p01z is at a green screen with the little android guy on it. Then I try to run the next command and it says waiting for device. What am I doing wrong? What info do I need to provide for some help? Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks
When you're in the green screen where it says "waiting for device", check your Device Manager (windows key + R, search for devmgmt.msc"). If you see your device with the yellow warning symbol next to it, it isn't correctly installed. Simply double click on it, and click browse to manually install the driver and click on either the Google / ASUS / Intel or any other compatible ADB driver and let it install. It should then be usable to and from your computer.
This happened with me and is quite frequent. For me however, the device kept connecting and disconnecting every 20 seconds so I had to be very quick at reinstalling the correct driver. After the driver was reinstalled for my tablet again in fastboot, I could continue on with the process.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
AwesomeLewis24 said:
When you're in the green screen where it says "waiting for device", check your Device Manager (windows key + R, search for devmgmt.msc"). If you see your device with the yellow warning symbol next to it, it isn't correctly installed. Simply double click on it, and click browse to manually install the driver and click on either the Google / ASUS / Intel or any other compatible ADB driver and let it install. It should then be usable to and from your computer.
This happened with me and is quite frequent. For me however, the device kept connecting and disconnecting every 20 seconds so I had to be very quick at reinstalling the correct driver. After the driver was reinstalled for my tablet again in fastboot, I could continue on with the process.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
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Okay I did end up getting my device rooted, how would I go about making a backup of my device? I saw something about titanium backup, and the next thing I want to do is remove the bloatware. Any help is appreciated!
That's great to hear! To make a backup of your device, yes definitely I'd recommend Titanium Backup. It's a pretty powerful tool for root users to make full backups of the system, media, specific apps, etc. I haven't actually used it much myself as usually I don't keep much important stuff on my device (photos and music I usually keep in the cloud now) but on the odd occasion that I have used it, its been very good. I have it installed on my Moto G for "emergency situations".
Also, to uninstall the bloatware you can indeed use Titanium Backup but I'm quite a fan of Link2SD. I prefer the material design interface and the easy visuals, but that's just me. In terms of uninstalling bloatware, they work pretty much the same so its your choice. I've been loyal to Link2SD for a while now.
As far as bloatware comes, uninstall (or even better, freeze) as much crap as you want. I haven't experienced any problems with it so far - (on my old Acer tablet that I got at Christmas, the first thing after root I did was uninstall the Amazon app store. It bricked my tablet and there was nothing like stock firmwares around, or any dev support, so I returned it and got this asus). However, stay cautious and of course don't mess around with any apps that seem to be tied in with the system in some way.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
AwesomeLewis24 said:
That's great to hear! To make a backup of your device, yes definitely I'd recommend Titanium Backup. It's a pretty powerful tool for root users to make full backups of the system, media, specific apps, etc. I haven't actually used it much myself as usually I don't keep much important stuff on my device (photos and music I usually keep in the cloud now) but on the odd occasion that I have used it, its been very good. I have it installed on my Moto G for "emergency situations".
Also, to uninstall the bloatware you can indeed use Titanium Backup but I'm quite a fan of Link2SD. I prefer the material design interface and the easy visuals, but that's just me. In terms of uninstalling bloatware, they work pretty much the same so its your choice. I've been loyal to Link2SD for a while now.
As far as bloatware comes, uninstall (or even better, freeze) as much crap as you want. I haven't experienced any problems with it so far - (on my old Acer tablet that I got at Christmas, the first thing after root I did was uninstall the Amazon app store. It bricked my tablet and there was nothing like stock firmwares around, or any dev support, so I returned it and got this asus). However, stay cautious and of course don't mess around with any apps that seem to be tied in with the system in some way.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk
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Last question I have for now. What apps would you recommend uninstalling/freezing? I don't use a lot of the asus apps that came with it. Could I get rid of the "Asus Demo" app and "Asus Support" apps?
I've uninstalled most of the preinstalled apps (non asus) but also I've uninstalled some of the asus cloud and "do it later sort of apps. I've frozen the asus keyboard, the ZenUI launcher, and the built in browser as well because I use alternative Google apps.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 LTE using Tapatalk

How to unroot, lock bootloader and go back to stock?

For background, I have Verizon pixel 2 and am using a Mac.
I went down a massive rabbit hole last night reading through these forums and all the posts and was able to unlock bootloader, flash the January OTA and then root by doing the modified boot file with magisk. (interestingly enough the booting into recovery gives me red ! Over a dead Android and I could not load the OTA that way, nor did the adb sideload OTA comand work either, I had to push the extracted walleye img and then the zip file as discussed in one of the steps in some other thread here)
So anywho, in the end I now have a phone that gives me 2 errors when it reboots, one for unlocked bootloader and another for root telling me something is wrong with my phone and i should contact the manufacturer (which I read on here is normal), but my biggest issue is that my ADT alarm app doesn't work anymore (even if i check it off for hide in magisk). I feel like the root is just not worth it for me and I want to revert to completely stock image, even if it resets my phone and I have to re back everything up all over again like did when i had to do the unlocking of the boot loader.
So -- What are the steps I should take?
1)uninstall magisk from magisk manager?
2)delete magisk manager?
The above will unroot me, correct?
3)Do I push the stock boot image file onto the phone?
4) do I have to repush the latest OTA walleye image and zip file onto the phone again?
5) do I then do the adb reboot and do the flashing lock command (same command i did to unlock the boot loader) to lock up the bootloader and reset to stock?
If someone could be as explicit as possible in correctiong or validating my steps above it would be much, much appreciated.
I don't want to do any more unnecessary steps in flashing things than is needed so if I have extra steps above (perhaps 4 is not needed?) Let me know.
Proceed with Caution
I am not an expert by any means, but can speak from personal experience. I was in the exact same situation as you. I followed the detailed steps to unlock the bootloader on my pixel 2, received similar issues, and the same prompt when the phone rebooted. All that to say proceed with caution.
My thoughts on questions 1 & 2: I personally wouldn't recommend you remove or delete magisk from the manager. When I did i had to reinstall it via twrp. My phone functioned fine, apart from the error at reboot.
My thoughts on questions 3 -5: When I followed the steps on XDA for your questions here I ended up bricking my Pixel 2 with locked bootloader from Verizon. Probably an error on my part, but wouldn't want someone else to go through the headache, hours of issues, and then an expensive paper weight.
My suggestion would be to:
1. Leave your phone as is and attempt to trouble shoot the app or apps you are having issue with
2. contact Google support on your phone and see if they would replace it
3. wait for an established method to unroot the pixel 2 here
Thankfully Google replaced my phone due to the error after rebooting, prior to me bricking it. I knew I had a replacement phone coming. So I attempted to go back to stock and that is when I messed it up.
Note sure this is exactly what you were looking for, but hope this helps you.
Dozens of posts with hundreds of pages on how to root but no advice on how to go back to stock cleanly?
iridium7777 said:
Dozens of posts with hundreds of pages on how to root but no advice on how to go back to stock cleanly?
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Your version is Verizon which is making things more complicated. Generally when the bootloader is unlocked, you just hit flash-all.bat and then relock the phone. Given that the Verizon I'm not sure.
So you are on stock ROM with all these apks loaded ? If you go to settings, then do a factory data reset, you'll reset the phone back to stock and completely wipe the phone and return it to stock, at that point you can go into bootloader mode and relock.
Again your bootloader is unlocked, so the flash-all is your best option. If you see the red exclamation point with the error android laying on his back, you press power and up volume and toggle that and it will bring in the stock recovery which you can sideload the OTA however it may fail since you have magisk.
I bought my phone stock last year and have not rooted it or modified it in anyway. Too many problems and it only gets harder and harder as Google releases a new phone.
@mikeprius -- thank you for replying. after reading more on here, it seems like that's the way to go -- flash-all script, seems like i don't really need to do 1&2 that i wrote above as the flash-all will wipe that out by itself.
at that point i should be running the latest stock 8.1 but with an unlocked bootloader (and according boot up message screen) and i should be able to re-do the fastbook unlocking command to lock the phone back up.
(and yes, after reading even more now -- and i tried this yesterday -- i completely missed the portion about PWR + Vol Up button, that's why i think i had that issue, but still, i was able to push the update by pushing img and then the zip through).
iridium7777 said:
@mikeprius -- thank you for replying. after reading more on here, it seems like that's the way to go -- flash-all script, seems like i don't really need to do 1&2 that i wrote above as the flash-all will wipe that out by itself.
at that point i should be running the latest stock 8.1 but with an unlocked bootloader (and according boot up message screen) and i should be able to re-do the fastbook unlocking command to lock the phone back up.
(and yes, after reading even more now -- and i tried this yesterday -- i completely missed the portion about PWR + Vol Up button, that's why i think i had that issue, but still, i was able to push the update by pushing img and then the zip through).
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If I were in your situation and the bootloader is unlocked, just use flash-all which has a wipe script then call it a day. I think trying to screw around even more is just a waste of time and I wouldn't even bother with the OTA, just erase and flash stock. You don't have to relock your bootloader if you don't want to, if you stay fully stock you may still be able to get OTA updates. I'm not sure if a bootloader locked is required someone can chime in as it has been awhile since I've done this, but over 1 yr ago, I just kept the bootloader unlocked, kept things stock and everything was good to go. Obviously there are security issues with an unlocked bootloader, but I'm sure you know this already
@mikeprius you keep saying reset/erase, do you suggest i re-set the phone and then flash the stock image?
i was just going to flash the stock image, i figured it already wipes the phone, and locking the bootloader would wipe it again, so what's the point of erasing all data prior?
Not to hijack this thread, but a question to add... I thought that there were kernels that would mask certain things to allow all of those apps to work, and get rid of the "problem with device" message.
Is that correct?
iridium7777 said:
@mikeprius you keep saying reset/erase, do you suggest i re-set the phone and then flash the stock image?
i was just going to flash the stock image, i figured it already wipes the phone, and locking the bootloader would wipe it again, so what's the point of erasing all data prior?
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Just flash the stock images. It will auto reset.
Again, don't mess with anything just flash stock images, then go from there.
Also flash the newest version of the stock images out there. The pixel 2 will error if you try to downgrade any version.
here are all the steps to UNROOT and LOCK the boot loader on your Pixel 2 on a Mac (windblows users simply ignore all the "./" references).
1) download the latest ADB tools from google
2) download the latest factory Walleye image
3) unzip files from 1&2 into a common directory
4) edit flash-all.sh file and add "./" infront of every instance of "fastboot" in the script [windows users ignore this step]
5)hook up your phone to your computer in debug and file transfer mode. check that "./adb devices" loads your devide
6)type " ./adb reboot bootloader"
7) check that your device is still connected by typing "./fastboot devices"
8) type "./flash-all.sh"
===the script will run and your phone will be restored to stock, and UNROOTED. upon boot up skip through all of the setup steps and get to the phone settings as fast as you can. enable developer option, enable debug mode, set phone to data transfer ====
9) check that your phone is connect to your computer by "./adb devices"
10) type "./adb reboot bootloader"
11) check your devices is still connected by "./fastboot devices"
12) type "./fastboot flashing lock"
===== this will re-wipe your device again, you'll see the circle of death, and this will LOCK your boot loader back up again======
side note, feel free to skip over the steps where you check that your phone is still connected to the computer (./fastboot devices) if you're less paranoid and comfortable.
iridium7777 said:
here are all the steps to UNROOT and LOCK the boot loader on your Pixel 2 on a Mac (windblows users simply ignore all the "./" references).
1) download the latest ADB tools from google
2) download the latest factory Walleye image
3) unzip files from 1&2 into a common directory
4) edit flash-all.sh file and add "./" infront of every instance of "fastboot" in the script [windows users ignore this step]
5)hook up your phone to your computer in debug and file transfer mode. check that "./adb devices" loads your devide
6)type " ./adb reboot bootloader"
7) check that your device is still connected by typing "./fastboot devices"
8) type "./flash-all.sh"
===the script will run and your phone will be restored to stock, and UNROOTED. upon boot up skip through all of the setup steps and get to the phone settings as fast as you can. enable developer option, enable debug mode, set phone to data transfer ====
9) check that your phone is connect to your computer by "./adb devices"
10) type "./adb reboot bootloader"
11) check your devices is still connected by "./fastboot devices"
12) type "./fastboot flashing lock"
===== this will re-wipe your device again, you'll see the circle of death, and this will LOCK your boot loader back up again======
side note, feel free to skip over the steps where you check that your phone is still connected to the computer (./fastboot devices) if you're less paranoid and comfortable.
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hey there. what is the command suppose to look like? every combination I try gives me an error:
first, I don't even enter the Fastboot command the same wayit given me an error:
Asads-MacBook:~ asad$ ./fastboot devices
-bash: ./fastboot: No such file or directory
so I try this: Asads-MacBook:~ asad$ fastboot devices
[serial #] fastboot
these are all the errors I get:
Asads-MacBook:~ asad$ cd /Users/asad/Desktop/walleye-opm1.171019.021
Asads-MacBook:walleye-opm1.171019.021 asad$ ./flash-all.sh
./flash-all.sh: line 21: fastboot./: No such file or directory
Asads-MacBook:walleye-opm1.171019.021 asad$ ./flash-all.sh
./flash-all.sh: line 21: ./fastboot: No such file or directory
Asads-MacBook:walleye-opm1.171019.021 asad$ ./flash-all.sh
fastboot: usage: unknown command ./flash
Asads-MacBook:walleye-opm1.171019.021 asad$ ./flash-all.sh
./flash-all.sh: line 21: fastboot./: No such file or directory
how is the command suppose to look that I can edit it the right way?
"fastboot: No such file or directory" means that you didn't do step 1, step 3 on the file you didn't download, and there should probably be a "cd /<whatever the 'common directory'>" is. (I just created a directory named adb. That's good enough for me to know what it's for.)
You have to download adb and fastboot (which come in the adb tools file), unzip them to whatever directory you're going to use for flashing the phone, and cd to that directory.
Then, since you're evidently on MacOS, each command has to have ./ in front of it (that says "the current directory"). Try all that, then see what happens.
Rukbat said:
"fastboot: No such file or directory" means that you didn't do step 1, step 3 on the file you didn't download, and there should probably be a "cd /<whatever the 'common directory'>" is. (I just created a directory named adb. That's good enough for me to know what it's for.)
You have to download adb and fastboot (which come in the adb tools file), unzip them to whatever directory you're going to use for flashing the phone, and cd to that directory.
Then, since you're evidently on MacOS, each command has to have ./ in front of it (that says "the current directory"). Try all that, then see what happens.
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yayy! that worked!
so i had adb and fastboot in a folder (platform-tools) and i had the factory image in its own seperate folder (walleye-files). i was making the cd; walleye folder and trying to flash-all.sh there.
so i had to put the files from the walleye folder into the platform-tools folder. Then I made platform-tools the cd. now when . i could now follow all the steps from 4-12 and got the pixel 2 the way it was OTB.
Great! I'm not a Mac expert (last time I used one was the 128K Mac in 1985), so I'm not sure how to export a path in MacOs, so I gave you the complicated way, but you got it done anyway. (If you ever find out how to add the platform-tools folder to your path, you can leave adb and fastboot in there and keep the ROMs [walleye] in their own folder, cd to it and adb and fastboot will still work.)

[GUIDE] [SUPPORT] How to root, optimize, and repair Xiaomi Redmi Go.

The One-for-All Guide to rooting, improving, and fixing various errors in Xiaomi Redmi Go!​Hello everyone! This thread that I made is for all people who wants to modify and gain full access, as well as to repair their Xiaomi Redmi Go devices the well-guided way, I've noticed that nobody has made an all-in-one guide for this phone so I decided to do it, this thread will keep on expanding depending on what I will discover about this phone, but for now, here is the thread, i expect that you have at least a little amount of knowledge when it comes to phones such as ADB and Developer Options.
What can we do with Xiaomi Redmi Go:
1. We can root it, and the best root manager for this phone is Magisk, SuperSU is also good, but if you're planning to use your phone for mobile banking, then Magisk is right for you. (Unfortunately this isn't true right now due to ctsProfile being hard to manipulate, Redmi Go supports hardware backed key attestation which means your device will definitely be not certified no matter what you do, so until we get a new method, don't root your phone if you want to use apps like Google Pay
2. TWRP is the current custom recovery available for this phone, it has flaws, but its currently the best out there, so its worth the shot to install it, the thread for it will guide you.
3. No custom kernels, people said that they have managed to install AOSP 9 and GSI on this device and made it boot up, but for me, it's better to wait for the official ROM update, after all, the device is still supported.
1. Xiaomi Redmi Go
2. An internet connection, a strong one is recommended if you want to download a ROM.
3. A computer with SDK Platform Tools ready to use, this is required, the link is here: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools
Don't forget to also get its driver! The link is also here: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/win-usb
The drivers are tricky to install but I will guide you on doing it in the easiest way possible, please continue on the thread.
4. SD card, your user data will be erased later, better back your files up, this is a warning.
5. Turning on "OEM unlocking" and USB Debugging in Developer Options, this is also really important!
Table of contents:
1. Unlocking the bootloader (and setting up ADB)
2. Rooting
3. Applying the custom recovery
4. Additional modifications
5. Stock ROM links
6. Bonus Section
WARNING: I am not responsible for anything that happens to your device as you follow my guide, do not blame me if you turned your device into a paperweight, made it explode, made it fly or whatever it may be, you chose to modify this phone and you should be accountable for it, you must know the consequences of what you're doing, try to point your finger at me because of what YOU did and I will laugh at you.
I am ready to assist though, so please feel free to ask some questions!
Let us begin, this will take several minutes, so please be patient and avoid rushing.
1. Unlocking the bootloader.
NOTE: This requires your computer to have SDK Platform Tools extracted to any location as long as its easy to access, and its really complicated to talk about it here, this step doesn't include the method where you request a code from Xiaomi, but I've provided a link for it.
A. First, get your phone up, and open the folder on where the SDK Platform Tools are placed, make sure that your in the directory where you see the .exe files of the SDK, now, hold Shift on the keyboard and click "Open Command Prompt here" and type "adb reboot bootloader", without quotes don't forget! This applies to all the steps that I will provide, don't forget to change the USB connection mode of your phone to PTP for it to be detected by ADB! (Only applies to Windows 8/8.1) Once your phone is asking for an authorization, check "Always allow this computer" then tap allow.
B. Once your device has been booted up into Fastboot or the bootloader, check first if your device is being detected, type "fastboot devices", if yes then proceed, if no, then stop here for now.
1B. If this happens then you may have to check your drivers and see if its installed correctly, once your device can be seen at "adb devices" it should also been seen in "fastboot devices" and when the phone is in adb sideload, if not then you have to reinstall ADB, get the proper drivers and do it again.
C. Now, type "fastboot oem unlock-go", the terminal will warn you that all of your user data will be removed, if you have them backed up then and go ahead and enter the command, if not, then just type "fastboot reboot" and start backing up your files, then do this again.
D. The phone will boot up and say "Erasing", to confirm that your phone has its bootloader unlocked, once it boots up again see if it says "Unlocked" on the bottom part of your screen, if there is then congratulations, it should be unlocked at this point.
1D. https://www.getdroidtips.com/unlock-bootloader-xiaomi-redmi-go/, this one particular link provides you on how to unlock the bootloader by entering a certain code, I believe this is a safer method but requires a bit of time, go here if you're interested.
NOTE: The phone supports the command "fastboot flashing unlock_critical" if you are going to unlock your phone with the normal command (fastboot oem unlock_go/fastboot flashing unlock), consider using this 2nd command too, what it does is that it allows you to also flash partitions you supposedly don't have access to, just be very careful not to flash any wrong file! It will be useful to make the "flash_all.bat" script work that you can find on the fastboot ROM for this device, more below!
Once your bootloader has been unlocked, you can now proceed to the other steps that I provided here, don't forget to enable USB Debugging on your Developer Options.
1.2 Setting up ADB
1. Grab your phone, unlock and open your Developer Options then enable "USB Debugging", then change your connection type to "PTP" if you are using Windows 8/8.1, I am not sure if this is required on 7, but it is not needed on Windows 10.
2. Go to this link: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools and download the .zip file, then extract it to a location that is easy to access, like your desktop.
3. Get the official Google drivers here: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/win-usb download the .zip file as well, and extract it too.
4. Go to the extracted folder of your SDK Platform Tools, and go to the directory where you can see various .exe files such as "adb.exe", now, hold the Shift key then click the Right mouse button, then click "Open command prompt here" If this doesn't work for you, open up CMD with admin rights, then type in cd *the location of your platform tools* say on mine, I will input cd C:\Users\James\Downloads\platform-tools_r31.0.3-windows\platform-tools then enter
5. Open your Device Manager by pressing Windows + R, put "devmgmt.msc" without any quotes then Enter, do not close the Device Manager until you're done with all the steps! And please be fast here too or else ADB will not work, now go to your extracted folder of the Google USB driver, and look for the file "android_winusb.inf", copy the location path of it as you will need the exact location path of the file later, in my case it was "C:\Users\Symphony\Desktop\latest_usb_driver_windows\usb_driver\android_winusb.inf".
4A. There are 3 main ADB devices that you have to install, Android ADB Interface, Android Bootloader Interface and Android Composite ADB Interface, so I will divide this into 3 sections, have your Device Manager, and the exact location of the .inf.
NOTE: Turn off the internet connection of your computer, why? Because, if you let Windows install the drivers for you, the drivers may be incorrect and will break things apart, as we will encounter several "Unknown devices" in the Device Manager and we have to update them with the extracted files from Google.
Android ADB Interface
1. Now, make sure that USB Debugging is enabled, now plug in your phone and let the drivers install WHILE your computer is offline, now go to your Device Manager after the driver installation and you should see that there is a driver named "Android" with an exclamation mark.
2. Select the "Android" driver with an exclamation mark, then click "Update device driver", click "Browse my computer for driver software" then click "Let me pick from the list of devices on my computer", click Next, then click "Have Disk", now, remember the location path you copied earlier? Now paste that path (like C:\Users\Symphony\Desktop\latest_usb_driver_windows\usb_driver\) to the white bar under "Copy manufacturers files from:", overwrite the A:\ with your copied path then Browse, select the "android_winusb.inf" and click OK, now, select the "Android ADB Interface", once the driver has been installed and the interface doesn't give errors such as "The device cannot start", then you're good to go.
NOTE: If you plug your phone and there is no "Android" device with exclamation mark, you can proceed to try and see if adb detects your device by typing "adb devices" in the command right now, it should be since this is what I experienced when setting up my device in Windows 10, this step usually applies only if you are using Windows 8/8.1
Android Bootloader Interface
1. To test, go to the command prompt you opened earlier, and type "adb devices", the device should now be detected at this point, when it does, type "adb reboot bootloader".
2. Now, make sure USB Debugging is enabled on the device before booting it into bootloader, now plug in your phone again and let the drivers install WHILE your computer is offline, Go to your Device Manager after the driver installation and you should see that there is a driver named "Android" with an exclamation mark.
3. Select the "Android" driver with an exclamation mark, then click "Update device driver", click "Browse my computer for driver software" then click "Let me pick from the list of devices on my computer", click Next, then click "Have Disk", now, remember the location path you copied earlier? Now paste that path (like C:\Users\Symphony\Desktop\latest_usb_driver_windows\usb_driver\) to the white bar under "Copy manufacturers files from:", overwrite the A:\ with your copied path then Browse, select the "android_winusb.inf" and click OK, now, select the "Android Bootloader Interface", once the driver has been installed and the interface doesn't give errors such as "The device cannot start", then you're good to go.
Android Composite ADB Interface
1. Before proceeding, type "fastboot devices", the device should now also be detected on fastboot, now, type "fastboot reboot", and afterwards, enable "USB Debugging" on the Developer Options, then go your command prompt, then type "adb reboot recovery".
2. Now, now plug in your phone again and let the drivers install WHILE your computer is offline, now go to your Device Manager after the driver installation and you should see that there is a driver named "Android" with an exclamation mark.
3. Select the "Android" driver with an exclamation mark, then click "Update device driver", click "Browse my computer for driver software" then click "Let me pick from the list of devices on my computer", click Next, then click "Have Disk", now, remember the location path you copied earlier? Now paste that path (like C:\Users\Symphony\Desktop\latest_usb_driver_windows\usb_driver\) to the white bar under "Copy manufacturers files from:", overwrite the A:\ with your copied path then Browse, select the "android_winusb.inf" and click OK, now, select the "Android Composite ADB Interface", once the driver has been installed and the interface doesn't give errors such as "The device cannot start", then you're good to go.
2. Applying the recovery/custom recovery
A. Open up your phone and ensure that USB Debugging has been enabled, now, open up your command prompt just like in Step 1 in Unlocking the Bootloader and type "adb reboot bootloader"
B. Next up, type "fastboot flash recovery path/to/recovery.img", substitute the path/to/ with the actual location of your recovery, and please make sure that the name of the image is "recovery.img"! Or else it will not overwrite/update the recovery, you can also put your recovery.img directly within the platform-tools folder so that all you have to type is "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" then press enter.
C. Once your done, reboot the phone and press Volume Up + Power at the same time, and the recovery will start. (You may want to do this else the recovery will be automatically removed and replaced with the stock one)
1C. For the stock recovery, once you press the combination, the phone will say "No command", at this point, hold your Power button and press Volume up one time to get into recovery.
https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/recovery-twrp-3-3-0-redmi-t3929282 here is the link of the TWRP recovery, I encourage you to follow the steps mentioned in the post properly.
WARNING: The fix I provided below is now pushed here for 1 certain reason, before you try to root your phone and do everything else, you must decrypt your internal storage first and it is quite easy, first you must get the decrypt.zip linked in this thread (if the .zip cannot be found, I still have a copy of it), go to TWRP and do "format data", not Wipe Data! How so? Once you reboot to TWRP, it will show you the "Wipe" button, tap that, then the "Format Data" button should show up, this will require you to type in "yes" so type it in, then once it is done formatting, go back to the main TWRP screen, tap "Reboot", then "Reboot to Recovery", afterwards you must go to "Install" then proceed to install the "decrypt.zip", after that you can now flash .zip files from your internal storage too, but beware that you must do this every time you update your device!
3. Rooting your phone
A. To get started, install TWRP for your phone first.
B. Get the .zip file of Magisk/SuperSU so you can install them, the links are https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445 and https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/supersu/stable-2016-09-01supersu-v2-78-release-t3452703
C. Reboot your phone to recovery or just plug it in, open the command prompt again just like in the previous step and put "adb reboot recovery" without quotes.
D. Tap "Install" on your TWRP recovery and select the respective installation .zip file of your chosen root management app, and wait for it to finish.
1D. The .zip for both SuperSU and Magisk can be installed through "adb sideload", if incase you don't have an SD card! It may also work with fastboot as well but I need someone to confirm this.
E. When it's done, wipe the cache first, then reboot.
1E. If the root management app didn't appear in your phone after boot, just install the APK of it in the Play Store and check if root has been applied, if not, repeat step C and D again.
BONUS: It may be useful also to grab EdXposed or LSposed for Magisk and the link is here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...or-of-xposed-oreo-pie-q-r-2020-07-19.4070199/ and here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...e-magisk-module-edxposed-alternative.4228973/, please choose only one! You will use the normal Xposed if you're using a different root management app such as SuperSU, the link is here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3034811
What this does is that if the app is an Xposed/EdXposed/LSposed framework module, any modifications it does to your phone will be based on memory only, it won't modify your phone directly which means your device will be clean, and if it incase the said modification bricks your phone, you can easily recover from it too!
BONUS 2: I also recommend getting the Busybox module from Magisk itself, it can easily be downloaded from the Magisk app, you will need this module if you want your root applications to work more efficiently and avoid errors, as most of them requires Busybox to work, don't use the Busybox installer apps on Play Store as they modify /system directly, only use it if you are using SuperSU.
4. Additional modifications
Once you've managed to root your phone and everything else, what I recommend you could do with your device is to get the following apps:
Titanium Backup - It has the ability to back up apps on your phone, and even its data! this app could do so much more than with what I just mentioned.
LSpeed - A root boosting app that has almost every root tweak packed into it, its really convenient to use! I do not recommend using Entropy tweaks as I heard it is a placebo.
Greenify - For me, this is the only legit battery saving app aside from LSpeed which also offers tons of battery saving features, it requires Xposed to have more options you have to buy it to gain full functionality
ROM Toolbox - This app pretty much contains everything a rooted user needs, such as a terminal and root-based file manager.
System app uninstaller (optional) - Just in case if you're planning to remove some bloatware (the list of it is below)
Root Browser - An alternative to ROM Toolbox, this root explorer is really popular and gets the job done without any interruptions.
Terminal emulator - This will allow you to enter various commands on your phone, like being able to reboot the phone without using any keys.
In order to make the phone as fluid as possible, just leave it with stock ROM installed, try to also use lite apps like Facebook Lite to reduce RAM and battery consumption.
Kernel Adiutor - Another great root application, it's like LSpeed but it doesn't automate tweaks, it instead allows you to modify most of it on your own, then it reapplies your tweaks every time your cellphone will boot up if you tap the "Apply on startup" switch. the link for the app is here: https://m.apkpure.com/kernel-adiutor-root/com.grarak.kerneladiutor
NOTE: Most of these apps can be found on the Play Store, and please don't install any more similar root boosting apps such as HEBF, scripts such as V6 Supercharger, or modifying files like build.prop, it is due to the fact that this will conflict with LSpeed, as LSpeed contains most of the tweaks that past scripts and apps provide, this will result in your phone slowing down a lot, Greenify will require Xposed Framework which is mentioned above on the Rooting section, the link to LSpeed is here https://github.com/Paget96/LSpeed, because the app has been removed from Play Store.
WARNING: The perf.zip https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/-t3935220 here, that was provided in Xiaomi Redmi Go forum section must be applied with extreme caution, you have to make a backup of your build.prop in /system, and build.prop + default.prop in /vendor for easy recovery, you can use ZipMe to easily make a backup for these files.
5. Stock ROM links
https://xiaomirom.com/en/rom/redmi-go-tiare-global-fastboot-recovery-rom/, this link so far provides all the ROMs (both recovery and fastboot) available for download on this phone, and they are actually light enough, so it will be easy to download them.
https://xiaomifirmwareupdater.com/archive/miui/tiare/ a new link I've found recently, this rom contains the .tgz format of the latest ROM for the Xiaomi Redmi Go, which could be used for fastboot and Mi Flash Tool, just search for the model and go for Global.
NOTE: Most of the ROMs for this phone provided on several sites, even on the actual Xiaomi website, has an invalid format of .zip, and doesn't contain a flashall script, as a result, Mi Flash Tool will never be able to use these ROMs, you could not also use adb sideload and fastboot for these ROMs, only the stock recovery of the phone could install the ROM, due to the links provided above finally giving the latest ROM versions for the phone, extracting the stock recovery is very easy now, you can do it yourself but if you need a link, tell me.
5A. Applying the stock ROM
This section will be divided into 2 sections, flashing the ROM through recovery, flashing the ROM through fastboot manually, or automatically with flash_all.bat
Stock recovery method.
A. Download the stock ROM with .zip format and put it into your SD Card.
B. Flash your recovery back to stock with the steps given above, boot into your stock recovery, then using your Power button and volume keys to navigate, select "Apply update from SD card".
C. Select the .zip file and wait for the update to finish.
D. The device will boot up automatically after, if not, just go back to the main menu of the recovery and select "Reboot system", enjoy!
Fastboot manual flashing method.
A. Ensure that you have prepared your device and computer for ADB, now grab the ROM given in this thread in .tgz format, and keep extracting the file until you see the files such as "flash-all.sh" after extraction, as you need to extract the .tgz ROM two times before you could use it properly.
B. Now go to the extracted folder of the stock ROM, go the "images" folder and copy the following image files: boot.img, system.img, recovery.img (make a backup of this file somewhere!), vendor.img, cache.img, userdata.img, persist.img, and splash.img.
C. Paste them to the extracted folder of your SDK Platform Tools where various .exe files are located such as "adb.exe", or in my case the location is "C:\Users\Symphony\Downloads\platform-tools_r29.0.4-windows\platform-tools".
D. Now open your command prompt on this directory, or Shift + Right click, then plug in your phone, now type "adb reboot bootloader" so your phone will go to bootloader, don't forget to enable "USB Debugging" and PTP connection mode before rebooting! (only applies to Windows 8/8.1, it may vary on Windows 7 but it is different on 10, no need for PTP connection mode, you can just turn on USB debugging and that's all)
E. Now, this is a little tricky, but try to follow me as much as you can, make sure first that you are detected with "fastboot devices", input the following commands that I will give so you can flash the ROM to your phone, now go to the command prompt and:
To flash the boot.img to your phone, put the command: "fastboot flash boot boot.img"
For the recovery, the command is: "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img"
For the system or main OS: "fastboot flash system system.img"
For cache: "fastboot flash cache cache.img"
For persist: "fastboot flash persist persist.img"
For the vendor or additional system files: "fastboot flash vendor vendor.img"
For data or apps: "fastboot flash userdata userdata.img"
For splash or probably boot animation: "fastboot flash splash splash.img"
D. After that, type "fastboot reboot", and enjoy!
Fastboot automatic flashing method (NEW!)
A. Extract the fastboot ROM 2 times as instructed, after getting the files, grab all the files and copy it to the directory of your platform tools where files such as "adb.exe" can be found, just copy all the files in there and that's all you have to do.
B. Open the "flash_all.bat" on Notepad and remove the following lines:
fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *tiare" || echo Missmatching image and device
fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *tiare" || exit /B 1
Afterwards, save the .bat file, that should be ready to use now
C. As instructed above, you must also do "fastboot flashing unlock_critical" after unlocking your bootloader the normal way, this will act as your 2nd unlock command, without this, the flash_all.bat will not work as it should be.
D. Boot up your phone in fastboot mode, open up your adb devices and make sure that your phone is seen in "fastboot devices", once it does, type in "flash_all.bat" without any quotes and execute it, the command will now automatically flash everything without you doing anything else, it will also automatically reboot after doing so.
Bonus section:
1. TWRP-compatible stock ROM
For this part, in order for you to generate a TWRP-flashable stock ROM is by basically making it yourself, you have to make sure that your patch is latest, and its pretty much a good idea to just tick everything in the backup selection except for the recovery, as well as the cache as you don't need those.
Once you have it, go ahead and keep it somewhere safe but easy to find, so if case that you need to use it, you could get it immediately, this is extremely useful so please just do it, as of now, I've confirmed that only the /data backup was usable, but please try to confirm if other partition backups are working for you.
Certain custom ROMs that can boot up in this device could be flashed through TWRP though, and the links of them are provided here in this thread.
2. GSI, AOSP 9 and custom ROMs
The link for AOSP is provided here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/redmi-aosp-9-t3922192
The link for GSI is right here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/general/tested-gsi-redmi-t3924705
These images/ROMs can be applied with TWRP, just make sure to follow the steps mentioned in these posts to avoid inconvenience, don't forget to take precautions too! I haven't tried them, but so far I believe that these are stable to use.
There are also custom ROMs released for the device but I am lazy to link all of them, they can easily be found by going here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/tags/xiaomi-redmi-go/
Please take note that I haven't tested these custom ROMs yet and I most likely never will, since the stock ROM for the device is already good enough, you can comment here and tell me what custom ROMs are stable so I can link them here for future reference.
3. Current status
My phone is still working, yes! and it's still staying strong, updated to 2.25 using the fastboot method and it is still fast, the only issue currently is that SafetyNet is a lot more secure than before, so it will be impossible to use stuff like Google Pay for now.
I usually decided to lay low and just stay with my LSpeed, Kernel Adiutor and Greenify, all I had to do is to tinker with these apps and my phone just reached into a whole new level! The performance improvement is nice, that I didn't need to use a custom ROM anymore.
4. How to install a OTA update after rooting your device
Due to the changes made by Google on SafetyNet, and the fact that this device will always require you to wipe the device every update, it is pretty much the same, it doesn't matter anymore if you are certified or not, you will still receive an OTA update even if your device is not certified as long as you are using the stock ROM, you only won't be able to install it, and if you want to install the OTA update you must install it by flashing the updated fastboot ROM, I have links for it above, you can try installing the OTA updates yourself through the settings but you will still have to do a factory reset anyway, you have to also unroot also and revert to stock recovery, else the installation will fail, and your device may slower afterwards.
5. Bloatware you can safely remove (NEW!)
So, like I said above, as much as how lightweight the device is, there are still bloatware that you can remove if you really want, but it's only 3 of them:
Mi Video
Mint Browser
Mi Music
The rest such as Mi Share and Mint Launcher are also bloatware, you can remove them but to me they are useful so I didn't, do not remove the "Cleaner" app, if it however says something like "com.CleanMaster", you can try removing it but take caution as your Play Store may be removed along with it too.
Credits to everyone who made the apps/tools that I mentioned here! such as @topjohnwu for the Magisk, and @YasiR Siddiqui for the TWRP, @Paget96 for the awesome LSpeed app, @rovo89 for the Xposed Framework and many more, you guys totally rock!
Hello and thank you for this tutorial. I'd like to ask. Do You know a way where I can unlock the bootloader without permissions or oem unlock? I have a soft-bricked device and for me, there is no way I can get into the OS and manually switch the Oem unlock setting. I've tried different softwares, different adb commands, different region firmwares, still no luck. I can't also get into the the download mode. I mean, yeah, I get the "no command" screen but after pressing power button + up volume button my phone restarts into the fastboot mode and there is no way I can normally boot. It's looping to fastboot mode over and over...
TheAngryGuitarist said:
Hello and thank you for this tutorial. I'd like to ask. Do You know a way where I can unlock the bootloader without permissions or oem unlock? I have a soft-bricked device and for me, there is no way I can get into the OS and manually switch the Oem unlock setting. I've tried different softwares, different adb commands, different region firmwares, still no luck. I can't also get into the the download mode. I mean, yeah, I get the "no command" screen but after pressing power button + up volume button my phone restarts into the fastboot mode and there is no way I can normally boot. It's looping to fastboot mode over and over...
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Can you please elaborate all of what you've done so far? I will also ask you a few questions.
1. Is your phone usable with the platform tools? I mean with adb and such.
2. Did you try going into recovery and flashing stock ROM through there?
3. Is your phone being detected by "fastboot devices"? The fastboot mode of Redmi Go is its download mode, and i've provided the link for the stock ROM that's usable thru fastboot mode, as well as on how to apply it.
My phone is usable with adb and such, the recovery mode was not working, only the fastboot. I've tried flashing stock rom with the flash tool but I had no success with a bricked soft and a locked bootloader. I've finally fixed it by going into the edl mode by test point method then I flashed the stock rom, and I've fixed my problem this way. I couldn't unlock the bootloader manually from adb or the unlocker tool, but I've did it in the edl way.
TheAngryGuitarist said:
Hello and thank you for this tutorial. I'd like to ask. Do You know a way where I can unlock the bootloader without permissions or oem unlock? I have a soft-bricked device and for me, there is no way I can get into the OS and manually switch the Oem unlock setting. I've tried different softwares, different adb commands, different region firmwares, still no luck. I can't also get into the the download mode. I mean, yeah, I get the "no command" screen but after pressing power button + up volume button my phone restarts into the fastboot mode and there is no way I can normally boot. It's looping to fastboot mode over and over...
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TheAngryGuitarist said:
My phone is usable with adb and such, the recovery mode was not working, only the fastboot. I've tried flashing stock rom with the flash tool but I had no success with a bricked soft and a locked bootloader. I've finally fixed it by going into the edl mode by test point method then I flashed the stock rom, and I've fixed my problem this way. I couldn't unlock the bootloader manually from adb or the unlocker tool, but I've did it in the edl way.
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Can you please elaborate the term "edl mode"?
Good job then, usually, before you modify the phone and start doing something crazy out of stock, your number one step is to really unlock the bootloader, and in order to make things more easier, you should allow your OEM to be unlocked through the developer options, after that you can now unlock the bootloader with fastboot.
_XblackshadowX_ said:
Can you please elaborate the term "edl mode"?
Good job then, usually, before you modify the phone and start doing something crazy out of stock, your number one step is to really unlock the bootloader, and in order to make things more easier, you should allow your OEM to be unlocked through the developer options, after that you can now unlock the bootloader with fastboot.
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Yes, it's the emergency download mode. You use it when there is nothing you can do about the soft of your device. It automatically unlock the bootloader and you can flash the stock rom. Well, my problem was another. I did not tried to flash roms or recoveries with a locked bl. My phone automatically rebooted into the fastboot mode and from there I was not able to start my phone normally. I've tried rebooting fastboot from adb, unlock bl from adb, no success. I had to dissamembly the phone and make a short-circuit to the test points while slowly pushing in the mtp cable with the battery disconnected. Once I saw the Qualcomm driver on device manager I was able to flash the stock rom. You can search if you want to, for the test pins of this device. Btw, thank for your advice, you are really helpful to the community! ?
TheAngryGuitarist said:
Yes, it's the emergency download mode. You use it when there is nothing you can do about the soft of your device. It automatically unlock the bootloader and you can flash the stock rom. Well, my problem was another. I did not tried to flash roms or recoveries with a locked bl. My phone automatically rebooted into the fastboot mode and from there I was not able to start my phone normally. I've tried rebooting fastboot from adb, unlock bl from adb, no success. I had to dissamembly the phone and make a short-circuit to the test points while slowly pushing in the mtp cable with the battery disconnected. Once I saw the Qualcomm driver on device manager I was able to flash the stock rom. You can search if you want to, for the test pins of this device. Btw, thank for your advice, you are really helpful to the community!
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Woah, you really had to open the phone before doing it, that's an interesting method!
That part where your phone booted into fastboot was kind of scary, any ideas why it booted into fastboot in the first place? It has to be reported if incase, seems like a dangerous bug.
_XblackshadowX_ said:
Woah, you really had to open the phone before doing it, that's an interesting method!
That part where your phone booted into fastboot was kind of scary, any ideas why it booted into fastboot in the first place? It has to be reported if incase, seems like a dangerous bug.
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I'm not really sure if a malware caused this issue or a failed system update over-night.
TheAngryGuitarist said:
I'm not really sure if a malware caused this issue or a failed system update over-night.
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I usually had failed system updates numerous times because when i install them, the phone has already been modified by a lot, and that's actually riskier.
That's why i recommend unrooting and putting back the stock recovery before updating first, still works on mine even with "Device is not certified" by Play Store.
The TWRP linked here is for Pie 9, I couldn't get it to boot on my phone, it shows vertical lines.
This is the older version for Oreo 8...
I formatted the phone from TWRP it so it was no longer encrypted.
Mounted the drive from TWRP and installed the "decrypt.zip" from the other TWRP...
I unlocked the bootloader successfully.
In the setting up ADB step, I don't clearly understand. When I connect my device to the pc, no drivers are installing. And there is no driver named "Android" with an exclamation mark. But my device is getting recognized in "portable devices >> redmi go". I'm very new with adb it would be a lot of help.
I've attached the screenshot of my device manager,
bhattinb said:
I unlocked the bootloader successfully.
In the setting up ADB step, I don't clearly understand. When I connect my device to the pc, no drivers are installing. And there is no driver named "Android" with an exclamation mark. But my device is getting recognized in "portable devices >> redmi go". I'm very new with adb it would be a lot of help.
I've attached the screenshot of my device manager,
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Did you try turning on USB Debugging on Developer Options? Did you try installing the USB drivers from Google?
_XblackshadowX_ said:
Did you try turning on USB Debugging on Developer Options? Did you try installing the USB drivers from Google?
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Yeah, I've done everything you told, I also turned the connection mode to PTP also. Somehow it just not showing that android with an exclamation mark.
after that, I even tried to use the 15-second ADB installer. after installing that I tried to flash recovery but that just didn't do anything. After using that flashing command, I had the same stock recovery.
I'm really thankful you took the time to answer my question.
Help!! My device stuck on screen saying your system has been destroyed. What I had done is locked the bootloader using command fastboot oem lock then this happened. Now i can boot device in stock recovery and bootloader too but when i am trying to unlock bootloader it says device is lock and also i am not able to flash anything. Plz help.
I am not able to flash TWRP on my redmi go
How to update the redmi go to the latest version without formatting/Factory Reset should I just follow Fastboot flashing method and if so which files should I just flash. Thank you
bhattinb said:
I unlocked the bootloader successfully.
In the setting up ADB step, I don't clearly understand. When I connect my device to the pc, no drivers are installing. And there is no driver named "Android" with an exclamation mark. But my device is getting recognized in "portable devices >> redmi go". I'm very new with adb it would be a lot of help.
I've attached the screenshot of my device manager,
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Hi! sorry for the late reply, if this is the case then it's fine, you can just connect the device, open up adb tools, type adb devices and ensure that your USB debugging is on, and the device will connect immediately, at that point all you need is the adb driver for Fastboot
akki_007 said:
Help!! My device stuck on screen saying your system has been destroyed. What I had done is locked the bootloader using command fastboot oem lock then this happened. Now i can boot device in stock recovery and bootloader too but when i am trying to unlock bootloader it says device is lock and also i am not able to flash anything. Plz help.
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oh no, but why lock your bootloader? you can try using a recovery ROM, you must have a spare SD Card within you, grab a recovery ROM, put it in your sd card then put it into the phone and use it on stock recovery, you should be able to apply it and boot back into the system, please update me
igpraan said:
I am not able to flash TWRP on my redmi go
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you must have unlocked bootloader if you want to do so.
niknah said:
The TWRP linked here is for Pie 9, I couldn't get it to boot on my phone, it shows vertical lines.
This is the older version for Oreo 8...
I formatted the phone from TWRP it so it was no longer encrypted.
Mounted the drive from TWRP and installed the "decrypt.zip" from the other TWRP...
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that's strange, the TWRP I linked isn't giving me any vertical lines

