My friends phone when he is making a call sometime can't make the extensions work. As in call a # then press ext#. It freezes. He can hang up and get out to the main screen just can't make the extension #on dialpad after he started the call. Anyone else has this and if so how can it be fixed? Thanks
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Ok so if I go to settings>call settings>other settings/phone settings, it says default mesg etc. What exactly is that for and how does it work?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
I'm pretty sure it's designed to send a caller a txt and reject their call. I just made a few test calls from another phone to mine with the screen locked/off and unlocked/on and I do not see the option. Perhaps it's another missing feature or it needs to be enabled somewhere?
EDIT: Apparently it's supposed to be automatic. See this thread as well:
I just tried and no text was sent.
Maybe it's for while you are on a call already? I don't know how to make it work either. Sucks that they put things on the phone that have to be unlocked ie screen shots , this feature ...
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
Just an update, if I hit the menu button during an incoming call the option to send a message appears. I wasn't able to edit it. I'm on htclays superlite so I don't know what effect that has on the functionality of this feature.
Sent from my Htcclay's SuperLite 4G using xda premium
I wanted to know if anyone has found a way to get get our phone to tell you who you call most when you go to place a call.
Thanks for any information.
I believe if you select the "favorite" tab at the top of your dialer it will display the amount of times you made contact with the numbers in your call log
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
Just saw a commercial where some girls where using s-voice and an incoming call came in and she said reject and it rejected it.
Can anyone duplicate that ?
I know the Samsung press release says it can do it but my s3 on at&t won't.
Did you set up a wake up command to reject calls? I'd try that to see if it works.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
its actually just a voice command feature for apps, s-voice doesn't have to be open for this to work. Go to settings -> language and input -> voice cmd for apps -> turn them on. If you open this setting you will also have options on what voice command you want to to work (incoming calls, alarm, camera, and music)
I've found the commands to be flaky as hell. Still haven't gotten the answer/reject to work and I pretty much have to yell at the phone to get the others to work.
I actually like the voice set up. I use it for the camera and I can say things like shoot cheese and smile.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Got it thanks guys
Hey i found a problem currently I'm using cataclysm ROM with Franco kernel..
that is sometimes i wont be able to pick the incoming call also if i dial a number then i cant see the contact image instead its just like no call is going on ..if i press return to call in progress via phone app..then, it just minimizes.. the only way to make things work again is a reboot.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
Im having some problem with the sometimes take too much time for search...and sometimes just doesn't...
Any solutioms?
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
I am having the same problem and it doesn't even show the call notification pop up when the phone is ringing which makes it hard to pick up the call itself. It lags till it finishes ringing completely.