Hey guys new to the s3 - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Hey guys I'm coming from a nexus so I have a simple question I've done a lot of looking around I'm running the latest unrooted 4.1.2 stock jellybean unrooted. Is there a simple one click wham bam root method? I'm using a verizon network. I kmow everyone knows how to do it I'm a noob with this phone so please be nice thanks a lot in advance-
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

This is the only way to root 4.1.2 as of now
No easy method so far seeing as no one has yet dumped a stock 4.1.2 image for the devs to work with (prob since devs aren't buying a new s3 this late in the game anymore)

Thanks guys
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Well it depends, compared to getting root on the droid x, HTC incredible, and the bionic, root on the gs3 is cake walk regardless of the method you use. Just be glad you don't have to make a Linux live CD.

Brand New S3
I'm in the same boat and and just got a new S3. I tried using the guide someone else posted and bricked my phone, luckily I was able to get it replaced. I was very meticulous and read the guide over and watched some videos before trying it myself. Maybe I screwed up somewhere but I'm afraid to try it again. I did find this thread with a method that seems pretty simple [HOWTO] [ROOT] [ODIN] No Tripping Flash Counter - Root + [TWRP] - Updated 03.14.2013 but I haven't posted on XDA enough to be able to clarify some of my questions on the forum. To me it sounds like I should just be able to use any of the images on that page, then use EZ-Unlocker and EZ-Recovery to unlock the bootloader then install CWM.
I don't want to hijack your thread but I thought you might be interested in this method. Assuming it is as simple as it sounds. Maybe someone can give us some insight?

Clyde Tacoma said:
I'm in the same boat and and just got a new S3. I tried using the guide someone else posted and bricked my phone, luckily I was able to get it replaced. I was very meticulous and read the guide over and watched some videos before trying it myself. Maybe I screwed up somewhere but I'm afraid to try it again. I did find this thread with a method that seems pretty simple [HOWTO] [ROOT] [ODIN] No Tripping Flash Counter - Root + [TWRP] - Updated 03.14.2013 but I haven't posted on XDA enough to be able to clarify some of my questions on the forum. To me it sounds like I should just be able to use any of the images on that page, then use EZ-Unlocker and EZ-Recovery to unlock the bootloader then install CWM.
I don't want to hijack your thread but I thought you might be interested in this method. Assuming it is as simple as it sounds. Maybe someone can give us some insight?
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here is "how to" just to root your new phone without unlocking and flashing bootloader etc...check post#6

This is what I did two weeks ago and it was a breeze. Running stock rooted. Did the wipe version.
Clyde Tacoma said:
I'm in the same boat and and just got a new S3. I tried using the guide someone else posted and bricked my phone, luckily I was able to get it replaced. I was very meticulous and read the guide over and watched some videos before trying it myself. Maybe I screwed up somewhere but I'm afraid to try it again. I did find this thread with a method that seems pretty simple [HOWTO] [ROOT] [ODIN] No Tripping Flash Counter - Root + [TWRP] - Updated 03.14.2013 but I haven't posted on XDA enough to be able to clarify some of my questions on the forum. To me it sounds like I should just be able to use any of the images on that page, then use EZ-Unlocker and EZ-Recovery to unlock the bootloader then install CWM.
I don't want to hijack your thread but I thought you might be interested in this method. Assuming it is as simple as it sounds. Maybe someone can give us some insight?
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Root question for Verizon Galaxy S3 I535

All I want to do is root my GS3, so I can have access over what apps phone home. I'm tired of all the bloatware and adds, so I think it's time to just bite the bullet and root. As of right now I don't want to flash any roms, I just want control over my phone. I guess regardless of if I stop at root or flash custom roms, then my warranty has been compromised, so I might as well just go all out???. I worry about the warranty. Every phone I've ever had I've had to warranty at least once or twice. I've read TONS of posts where Verizon doesn't check for root, they just care if you send the malfunctioning phone back. This has prompted me to root and enjoy my phone.
I'm coming from a Fascinate, which I rooted when it was on 2.2, but after the 2.3 update it was much more complicated, so I didn't persue it.
I understand Jelly Bean will be coming out soon, would you guys recommend rooting now or waiting until JB comes out?
I found this guide, which looks like I just need to follow sections 1 and 2:
I also found other guides, root with odin and root without odin, what's the difference, why 2 methods?
I honestly wouldn't hold your breath for jelly bean coming to verizon sgs3 soon. Verizon is absolutely terrible at releasing updates. The Galaxy Nexus doesn't even have JB yet!! I would just root now and go for it. You'll be able to flash a custom JB rom wayyyy before verizon ever gets the official JB out.
You should read the guide about posting in the proper forums
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Wrong forum bud. There are plenty of threads on this too... Ask in the q & a section.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Sorry, I mean to put it in the QA section.
Development is for developers to post threads!
Thread moved
vetteguy112233 said:
All I want to do is root my GS3, so I can have access over what apps phone home. I'm tired of all the bloatware and adds, so I think it's time to just bite the bullet and root. As of right now I don't want to flash any roms, I just want control over my phone. I guess regardless of if I stop at root or flash custom roms, then my warranty has been compromised, so I might as well just go all out???. I worry about the warranty. Every phone I've ever had I've had to warranty at least once or twice. I've read TONS of posts where Verizon doesn't check for root, they just care if you send the malfunctioning phone back. This has prompted me to root and enjoy my phone.
I'm coming from a Fascinate, which I rooted when it was on 2.2, but after the 2.3 update it was much more complicated, so I didn't persue it.
I understand Jelly Bean will be coming out soon, would you guys recommend rooting now or waiting until JB comes out?
I found this guide, which looks like I just need to follow sections 1 and 2:
I also found other guides, root with odin and root without odin, what's the difference, why 2 methods?
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The Odin method came first, right away when the phone was released. The without odin method is probably preferable, because you don't have to worry about putting custom software on your phone (the odin method uses a rooted image - the other uses an exploit in the software, I believe). In either case, you should be able to Odin back to stock unrooted if you ever needed to use your warranty. If you decide to root, you should probably stop any future updates from Verizon, as that can cause weird things to happen.
Hope this reply is helpful.
if you have a mac or linux follow section 1 of my guide...If your using windows then follow section 2. Really simple!!!!!!
you should root now, do it before VZW changes the phone or modifies the bootloader in such a way that you cant unlock it with the current method.
This is a good guide
Pick the method you are most comfortable with. Personally I don't like using tools that are just one click because I like to know what I am doing to the phone step by step but some people love the simplicity of one click or tool based rooting.
The vzw Sgt3 casual tool has stuck me gold. I do believe it's the best thing since sliced bread
Sent from my synergized SCH-I535
WOW that was easy, I don't know what I was so worried about. THANKS AGAIN EVERYBODY!

[Q] Just Got My SGS3

Okay i just got a galaxy s3 because i have practically been on the fascinate my whole life, Flashed the life out of it and to this day its 100%. I want to root, and flash roms to my s3, but i have came across many threads and such and i really cant afford to ruin this phone, its like 3 days old lol. I am used to Odin, but that was the fascinate... I am on 4.1.2 and the Baseband version is I535VRBMF1 (what my phone was shipped with). Someone help me asap! i am very eager to make this phone sweet! its been out for awhile now so i suppose someone will know how to do this.
..P.s i have found bootloader unlock files for other 4.1.2, but i was about to start odin and realized it wasnt the same. Please get back with me asap.
kirkwoodlucas said:
Okay i just got a galaxy s3 because i have practically been on the fascinate my whole life, Flashed the life out of it and to this day its 100%. I want to root, and flash roms to my s3, but i have came across many threads and such and i really cant afford to ruin this phone, its like 3 days old lol. I am used to Odin, but that was the fascinate... I am on 4.1.2 and the Baseband version is I535VRBMF1 (what my phone was shipped with). Someone help me asap! i am very eager to make this phone sweet! its been out for awhile now so i suppose someone will know how to do this.
..P.s i have found bootloader unlock files for other 4.1.2, but i was about to start odin and realized it wasnt the same. Please get back with me asap.
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Read all the sticky threads in the development section before you do anything. You'll answer all your questions and learn more stuff unique to this phone.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
BadUsername said:
Read all the sticky threads in the development section before you do anything. You'll answer all your questions and learn more stuff unique to this phone.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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i cant seem to find it or what im looking for.
kirkwoodlucas said:
i cant seem to find it or what im looking for.
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Read through imei backing up, casual root method, and how to root your galaxy s3 and more for generalized flashing methods. If you have any questions after reading through those feel free to ask.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Your best way to root and unlock the bootloader is the Casual method. It roots, unlocks and even installs a recovery like CWM or TWRP. However read up a bit. It's always good to get somewhat knowledgeable before barreling into something.
Make sure to read and understand the "Comprehensive IMEI/EFS Backup" section (on the link that BadUsername provided). I've never had an issue with this but I read sob storied all the time about people who didn't back up and had issues.

[Q] Root help needed. sch i545 kit kat 4.4.2

I bought a verizon galaxy s4 a few weeks ago and foolishly updated it. I now want to root it and i havent rooted anything in months but i wasnt to worried until i cant seem to find if you can root with version VRUFNK1. I found 1 thread where someone said they bricked there phone trying on this version. If it possible please let me know and what method to use.
you can actually root it safely only if you downgrade back to the VRUFNC5 bootloader , the use the vroot method.
eb6 said:
you can actually root it safely only if you downgrade back to the VRUFNC5 bootloader , the use the vroot method.
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Thanks thats exactly what i wanted to know!
eb6 said:
you can actually root it safely only if you downgrade back to the VRUFNC5 bootloader , the use the vroot method.
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I done some research and am very lost as to what to do. there are no clear instuructions on how to downgrade from vrufnk1 to vrufnc5 at all that I can find. can someone elaborate on this and give me a little more detailed instuctions and possibly links to the files ill need or websites where to find them. And is it possible to even downgrade without first being rooted? Sorry its been years since i have done this and it was way simpler on the kindle fire.
I have a buddy thats in the same boat, he's got a newer s4 and wants to rom it for his first time.
I am also in this predicament. I had a galaxy nexus that I would flash different roms to every week but I upgraded via Verizon to the S4 a few months ago -- bloatware is awful and is taking up over 7GB of my 16... Would love to get a jump on rooting, but I can't find anything on this build aside from this thread and another few posts that were also unanswered. Any help or direction would be great -- do y'all think there will have to be another way to root this build, or can downgrading be okay?
Same boat
I too am in the same boat, for some reason with i545vrufnk1, I can't root so want to downgrade the firmware to a firmware that allows me to root, tried all the various methods to root but for some reason I can't, think it might be the firmware or the knox software package.
I believe you could root with Towelroot.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Free mobile app
towel root won't work
I tried it with the latest official update and it won't work. I'm looking to root as well.
[How-To] Root I545VRUFNK1 4.4.2 (12-1-2014)
Look for this thread on xda search tab. It worked for me. Just follow closely.
I followed the downgrade instructions and got root back. Is it Verizon that makes it a pain in the ass? I don't know what I would do without this place and helpful people
chris1945 said:
[How-To] Root I545VRUFNK1 4.4.2 (12-1-2014)
Look for this thread on xda search tab. It worked for me. Just follow closely.
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i tried this guide verbatim, mine bootlooped and rebooted after i tried connecting to wifi every time.
had to go back to nk1 and its stable now. farkin verizon...

Is my Samsung S4 SGH I337 with 5.01 rootable?

My at&t phone was unlocked and rooted when I got it, but it was lacking the last 6 updates, including lollipop, so I unrooted it to bring it up to date (5.0.1). Now I want to root it again, but haven't found any viable way to do it so far.
I tried Framaroot Plus, but that was a bust, and I had to uninstall it or my phone would personally take me out!!
I have read about people going back to KitKat, and I'm beginning to think I may do that, providing I can find out how, or perhaps someone out there knows how to root this phone and can show me?? ~Thanks
Maury000 said:
My at&t phone was unlocked and rooted when I got it, but it was lacking the last 6 updates, including lollipop, so I unrooted it to bring it up to date (5.0.1). Now I want to root it again, but haven't found any viable way to do it so far.
I tried Framaroot Plus, but that was a bust, and I had to uninstall it or my phone would personally take me out!!
I have read about people going back to KitKat, and I'm beginning to think I may do that, providing I can find out how, or perhaps someone out there knows how to root this phone and can show me?? ~Thanks
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Go to GalaxyS4Root.com, Zedomax has the rooting methods for all the S4 models and all the builds they come with, if you don't see a method for yours then there probably isn't one.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Droidriven said:
Go to GalaxyS4Root.com, Zedomax has the rooting methods for all the S4 models and all the builds they come with, if you don't see a method for yours then there probably isn't one.
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Thanks for the reference. Zedomax shows many ways to root the S4 back from 2013 and 2014, but I couldn't find one that would root the SGH-i337 5.0.1. BTW, I suppose I should have mentioned that I have a MAC. I've posted my question on his website. Meanwhile, is there anyone else out there who might be able to help?
Maury000 said:
Thanks for the reference. Zedomax shows many ways to root the S4 back from 2013 and 2014, but I couldn't find one that would root the SGH-i337 5.0.1. BTW, I suppose I should have mentioned that I have a MAC. I've posted my question on his website. Meanwhile, is there anyone else out there who might be able to help?
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I've looked this up before for other members but I don't recall finding anything that will root the 5.0.1 build for your model. You can look into whether or not your device is safe to downgrade to older stock firmware(one that is root able) and then root.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Droidriven said:
I've looked this up before for other members but I don't recall finding anything that will root the 5.0.1 build for your model. You can look into whether or not your device is safe to downgrade to older stock firmware(one that is root able) and then root.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
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Thanks again. That settles it; I'll downgrade. The only thing is that I have no idea how to find out whether my device is safe to downgrade to older stock firmware that is root able, Can you point me in the right direction?
Maury000 said:
Thanks again. That settles it; I'll downgrade. The only thing is that I have no idea how to find out whether my device is safe to downgrade to older stock firmware that is root able, Can you point me in the right direction?
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You would need to go to the i337 forum here at XDA and ask other members that have your device, if anyone can tell you, you'll find it there.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Droidriven said:
You would need to go to the i337 forum here at XDA and ask other members that have your device, if anyone can tell you, you'll find it there.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
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Finding my way around on this website is usually laborious and confusing. I did find out about "J0din3" for mac, but that was a bust and a great waste of time, because it's too old and now it's undownloadable. So I tried the latest Wine Bottler; it works with el Capitan OSX (what I'm using on the mac) and was able to get Odin to work. However, it's not recognizing my phone, otherwise, I'd be done by now. Have you ever worked with Wine? Can you tell me how I can get the Odin to recognize my phone? Did I do something out of sequence?
And a separate question for xda-dev at large: Why doesn't xda-dev eliminate all the outdated, old, and useless information that rattles around here like satellite debris and gets a lot of people off on the wrong foot?!
Maury000 said:
Finding my way around on this website is usually laborious and confusing. I did find out about "J0din3" for mac, but that was a bust and a great waste of time, because it's too old and now it's undownloadable. So I tried the latest Wine Bottler; it works with el Capitan OSX (what I'm using on the mac) and was able to get Odin to work. However, it's not recognizing my phone, otherwise, I'd be done by now. Have you ever worked with Wine? Can you tell me how I can get the Odin to recognize my phone? Did I do something out of sequence?
And a separate question for xda-dev at large: Why doesn't xda-dev eliminate all the outdated, old, and useless information that rattles around here like satellite debris and gets a lot of people off on the wrong foot?!
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Sorry, I won't be of any help with Mac and my knowledge of linux is less than rudimentary, never used Wine, I use windows when windows apps are needed.
The old stuff still has useful info that still applies I guess, I've never checked XDA-Dev out, I'm not that deep in it yet. I'm working in other areas. Try posting your issues with getting recognized in this link:

I know it can be done on my GS3 SCH-I535

Hello everyone. This is my first post and I am quite new to the world of smartphone modding. Literally, I have only been learning about this for a few hours. In those few hours I have been able to root my SCH-I535 4.4.2, soft brick it and reflash the stock ROM using odin. So I learn fairly quick and can follow basic instructions. Anyways, thats my intro.
So here is my goal:
1) Update my GS3 SCH-I535 FROM 4.4.2 TO Marshmallow 6.0.x.
So here is what I think I know:
1) The SCH-I535 has a locked bootloader which cannot be unlocked and therefore recovery programs such as TWRP or Clockwork will not work which means I cannot install any ROMS via that method. Correct? This is how I bricked my phone using TWRP.
2) There is a recovery program called Safestrap which CAN be used to install ROMS but these ROMS have to be specifically written to work with Safestrap? Correct?
So here are my questions:
1) Can anybody point me to a tutorial or help me achieve my goal?
2) Where can I find these Safestrap specific ROMS? I have read there is a version of Cyanogen13 for Safestarp. Is this correct?
Thanks in advance.
Snoopy329 said:
Hello everyone. This is my first post and I am quite new to the world of smartphone modding. Literally, I have only been learning about this for a few hours. In those few hours I have been able to root my SCH-I535 4.4.2, soft brick it and reflash the stock ROM using odin. So I learn fairly quick and can follow basic instructions. Anyways, thats my intro.
So here is my goal:
1) Update my GS3 SCH-I535 FROM 4.4.2 TO Marshmallow 6.0.x.
So here is what I think I know:
1) The SCH-I535 has a locked bootloader which cannot be unlocked and therefore recovery programs such as TWRP or Clockwork will not work which means I cannot install any ROMS via that method. Correct? This is how I bricked my phone using TWRP.
2) There is a recovery program called Safestrap which CAN be used to install ROMS but these ROMS have to be specifically written to work with Safestrap? Correct?
So here are my questions:
1) Can anybody point me to a tutorial or help me achieve my goal?
2) Where can I find these Safestrap specific ROMS? I have read there is a version of Cyanogen13 for Safestarp. Is this correct?
Thanks in advance.
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Correct, your device will never be able to use custom recovery or custom CM/AOSP based ROMs, you're stuck with Safestrap Recovery, modified stock ROMs and Xposed framework if you want to use it in addition to a ROM for more customization.
The safestrap compatible ROMs are stock based and there are no 6.0+ or 5.0+ versions for Verizon S3 that I know of unless I'm missing something.
If you want Lollipop or Marshmallow you'll have to port a stock firmware from one of the other S3 variants or other Samsung devices with similar hardware that has 5.0+ or 6.0+ stock firmware available for it.
Porting is done to convert the firmware from the device it is made for to the device you want to use it on, you'll need a copy of Verizon stock firmware and a copy of the firmware you want to port, then you extract them both and switch the vital stuff from the Verizon firmware over to the firmware you want to port. It's probably too complicated for someone with just a few hours of experience though.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Not to mention there's also no 6.0 stock roms available on any S3 variant.
Additionally OP, it's more than being compatible with safestrap, the roms have to be compatible with the stock kernel because you are unable to change that.
Only way you can get a 6.0 rom is to compile your own AOSP rom, delete the AOSP kernel, and configure that rom to run off of the Samsung kernel. It would be a difficult task, but it has been done before. Nobody has done it yet for this device. And I wouldn't have the slightest idea where to find the information to do that.
Well thanks for the replies. I guess those videos I watched are fake or maybe I just didnt understand them properly. I guess my wife will have to be happy with kitkat..
Now I just need to figure out how to root my SG5 sm-900v. Can someone point me in the right direction? I tried using a guide I found here on XDA but just ended up softbricking my phone. I reflashed the stock though.
Snoopy329 said:
Well thanks for the replies. I guess those videos I watched are fake or maybe I just didnt understand them properly. I guess my wife will have to be happy with kitkat..
Now I just need to figure out how to root my SG5 sm-900v. Can someone point me in the right direction? I tried using a guide I found here on XDA but just ended up softbricking my phone. I reflashed the stock though.
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It depends on which stock firmware version the S5 has, typically it involves flashing a kernel then using Towelroot to root then install SuperSU then disable Knox then flash a second kernel as mentioned a few posts down in the thread linked below, it has two links you'll need to follow, a few posts below the post with the links mentions the order that you do it in.
But I think in your case your firmware might be too new and is probably locked down. It's another device that can only use Safestrap and stock based ROMs. That's pretty much what you'll get with any Verizon Samsung device these days, they're all locked from 4.3 and up, its possible to root but no true custom recovery or custom ROMs.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------
Snoopy329 said:
Well thanks for the replies. I guess those videos I watched are fake or maybe I just didnt understand them properly. I guess my wife will have to be happy with kitkat..
Now I just need to figure out how to root my SG5 sm-900v. Can someone point me in the right direction? I tried using a guide I found here on XDA but just ended up softbricking my phone. I reflashed the stock though.
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There is a thread linked below that is a discussion of a service provided by a company called MobileTechVideos .com to unlock bootloader for you or unbrick a locked device that has been bricked by flashing TWRP. I don't know if they still offer the service though. They may even do it for the S5, who knows.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Droidriven said:
It depends on which stock firmware version the S5 has, typically it involves flashing a kernel then using Towelroot to root then install SuperSU then disable Knox then flash a second kernel as mentioned a few posts down in the thread linked below, it has two links you'll need to follow, a few posts below the post with the links mentions the order that you do it in.
But I think in your case your firmware might be too new and is probably locked down. It's another device that can only use Safestrap and stock based ROMs. That's pretty much what you'll get with any Verizon Samsung device these days, they're all locked from 4.3 and up, its possible to root but no true custom recovery or custom ROMs.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------
There is a thread linked below that is a discussion of a service provided by a company called MobileTechVideos .com to unlock bootloader for you or unbrick a locked device that has been bricked by flashing TWRP. I don't know if they still offer the service though. They may even do it for the S5, who knows.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for that post. I checked the links and it requires me to downgrage to 4.4 which I don't want to do. I am on 5.0 and I just want to root it. At this point I dont want to install custom roms or modified stock roms. I'll keep checking for a tutorial for an S5 5.0 root. I tried one here on XDA but I softbricked so I had to reflash the stock.
Snoopy329 said:
Thanks for that post. I checked the links and it requires me to downgrage to 4.4 which I don't want to do. I am on 5.0 and I just want to root it. At this point I dont want to install custom roms or modified stock roms. I'll keep checking for a tutorial for an S5 5.0 root. I tried one here on XDA but I softbricked so I had to reflash the stock.
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There isn't a working root for Verizon S5 on 5.0+ that I know of, Samsungs usually require flashing TWRP or CF Auto root but those can't be flashed on locked bootloader devices, only results in softbrick/bootloop or bricked.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

